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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Dec 1929, p. 18

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Li'd "tfiwudflwdwâ€"t‘Wu'ung-m‘m; tui."iFii'iiriiWihei-.oee"""-"". -a-t-naMn.'t_, "fttt'tgi2'g'd"fn'fgti t' ~*-~, _ _ "iiiGGaiu--u-tteree. . Manhunt-III. i"'iriiiGaau.bia-i--ee-yf Humanoid“ iiri"iiTii'3TEaai.-_-o-"t't'"t".lo-trttet “not! “bull-hum: . - mum-tutu“ 'i"i"G'-iirciiiai-at_-eth"-+elau-a-e9_ I“ ins-y. "iiiirii-.rum-tt-ett-"'ah_ mum-gunman.» ”lath-yarn”. manna-mm "aiariaUaito-tt-tttthttr-u-elauua--- mhmamummu '!iet?eyttt5e,r1tttln-e.-e-tpoe WWhvm.mdypm-nlb. "iiUiiiLarutaiiaimrait-tefeeePye?tf arc-Io- "eet_te' and» th. punt. via tho School Aug-dam EiGiiiiiuuisatsU-titi.eortumttr.".y"htte1tt't ii7.'TiGrG-auut-eruteredeu"?tt1ter1't i7tsiTaraastittst-heanu-euurth-tioeehete 'iairGiiiG-ttir-rtetaitye.-.he1ortttiet til pupils with the:- militia». emphuixin‘ the import-m to than- - - .‘ n __._, -AAA_4I-___ -_.- .L-I - - '_.-- - _..._...,,,_ - - - uln- "vrreHht an necessity of - ant-names. rather tin tho canal-or: and of iL This intonation would mutually he and“ but to the parent: and this bang conditions. . V ‘3. w. Burnett, M0. Mr. Join Burnett. the Torn-hip Sheep Valli-m. owing to inability to attend to the dutiea, resigned from 'htt_ofrue., lump-l War”. suppliu "T"'""""""""""'"'"'"""""' Gustav Brahma, lamb killed -.....t..-.......-..... Allan Good, - and “tanker of Hall ............ In” Caukud. refund dog tax .--."-i-'". Herb. loll-11,, refund dog tax ........t.................... - Iurtin, herd inspector fem, .-.....;....- John Burnett, sheer vain-tor ....-..t...m....w...........' Bank of Hound. on Hill contract ...........q.t......' a. W. Burnett, School Attention“ Omar .t........' w - lav-:1- GUrL' "siuaG and Elton Weber, that the following ac- counts be paid and that the new grunt his order. for an aim: Bowman a Mn, on emution contract o..............................." 10.00 Roma & Martin, on contact =""'"" Juob 1tuau3e, tax eoNetor.....................................-......-..... Am Ely, pay sheet Amo- Eby. all” ..... J. A. Shin. clerical service: ..6...-....t new HVuNAL TO BE - IN SEPTEMBER NEXT a". Finlay lathe-on. valor of a. Ptmt United Church at Wnurloo ,unouwod menu! that tho new Total (Carried) m......................'.....................-..........-"' Iovod by Wale, Hewlett. and Chan. Schuett. that the thanks of this Council be tendered to the Reeve, Clerk, Treasurer and Road Super- intendent for the "ieient and courteous: manner in which they have discharged their retrpeetimr dutie-carziid. ___ After the and hid replies to the vote of thinks. brief “an.“ In the other Bond Ilenben followed and Ctettltepe P YOU no going any to spend Christmas with ""ttumutheraretsumtotahertotieeofretr lam. You'li feel up much better If it is of the mind. otsrientherttoodanmkmrnmemt when for their qttdtttr. Rem are some "and“. “I“! Let Your Choice Bo uggage Gifts ”Ila“ REV. FINLAY “THEM". tsreturenrt.es"h-"r-r't- "WMIWouan-ollb Sincerely nun. hymnu tor tho United church ot Canada will he may for the owning or the and. contomnco or the Uni- ted (march to be hold in London next Soyumhor. “"' a]. LIQUOR um row Ion no? I -------.-H qeqtqgartBrt"atte06t0et1"N' m and Qure3t8 hr hm" hummus-m Inn-diva. mmanmIma-u m-q--------. 'tot-toe-tg-ttgc gamma-unmaauu -aetete-t.8Hargttmt.th. “autumn-rum I ”noun-mu , . tgml$ll.$tlMt' a-thav-aM'" ”My...“ At NOAH STROH. Clark. v...............n.. .....8 10.00‘ a... 200.00‘ r.... 230.001 _.... 16.1% _.... 20.00 r.... 11.00 '.... 30.00 ..... 2.00 _.... 2.00 '.... _ 1.00 _.... 28.00 _.... 2200.00 F.... 60.00 ..... 50.00 ..... 215.62 ..... 27.00 '.... 50.00 Pac', mot “high-u! m 'ht2't,'N"2gTt 'tmrh" mummy!“- navel-lune. mum“ Thoma-I...- munmwgmm “.mmmwmuvu cal-thunk. It met no loll u mantle-tubular: 'ttr-t-a.o.ere3.3.rrr-t, “in; who ”who! loutw.udmbuunt bra. -tttrmaadap-1 mummm. Ho INnttn.d nobody of tho Ion-t Pttrqqt youth aguratartrteatua nun-nowad- Curl-t of "atttt (to. Kim and - fro- anloo KrNmgNrrR-WA'rWa00 AIRPORT COMMISSION . ‘ REPORTS PROGRESS The Kitchener-Waterloo Airport Commission through in chairmen. Mr. Schneider at the recent meeting ot the Kitchenet- city council re- ferred to the “one“ made during the you. After nil upon-en ind about 8160. The city of Kitchener attttaedttod $2500 of which 82300 was expended. The bush on the term we: sold tor 81500 and the crops tor 8200. Wetee- loo pelt] u no share about “on. The first ll! month- the ground- " the airport he“ been levelled and other Imminent: made. Since the an of not the road ludinx to the airport ha been blocked to motorists. Instruction- am given during the winter to than desiring to~iurn dirtntt is than in eon-Monk]. trattht on an Md. it I. bond the proper Anchorman will - it on: to mm, PLEADS GUILTY 0F THEFT CHARGE: SENTENCE SUSPENDED After pleading guilty to the theft of n 8250 radio set from the Robin Hood service station. Charle- Knapp, aged " years. we: given mother chance and placed on per. ole for two yenre by Magistrate Weir. The {other guzrnnteed his good behaviour and ottered to take him to hie fem nenr Hamilton. The 1young men we: also ordered to) merry a girl who in on expectant mother and for whole condition he in responsible. a. must not drink liquor and was instructed to my in every night. The court (In the young Inn . seven lecture and informed him he was fortunate to - I term in the peniuntiury. :oloomopnuux FAMILV I OUT or THUR IUIIOVI 1 0001' FAIull 01o rm! 0m. huh. mm Mum-Mp m; was ttned no and out: in polio. can may for alum a ‘8. new all": a gun oqt at their Inn-m. no one In I). an: ofihshttretoH1atdtatM.ettqert - no nonh- ot a. no no mun u: - with no m an of «as at Nrt-rt" Ali-h. m was hen-u to fool the. I. Md mound and.” lull-Ina: III-Inc D. m at " out“ PLAINTIFF LOUIS ACTION Iron THRIOHING ACCIDENT A county court jury recently ro- tuned to cunt demos or out. to John Allen of Zephyr. who entered on action mind. J. Thompson Scott. township owner or e threshing outfit for Muriel rooolvod two you: ego. The phlntill claimed that on the any ttd tho accident. “on” uhod him to mint In tho tiring o! the casino. while tho outfit wee being moved from on (em to eno- thor. " in ellogod that the dotondnnt med. too short e turn in ottemptiu to you through I up in e (coon. end that tho wooden eat oollenlod. crushing Alla min-t the 8qqder ot the -tor. The mini! Bgtstaigk. od e broken log. Tho Jury found that thoro we: no ovldonce of negligence on tho port of Tho-noon. iiriGiiki7iiakmuar" - a. I - at “I N u!!!‘!“."!"""" hm" Thou of you who are versed in ancient Greek lytholoxy. or who have read John Kenrick Benp’ moat amusing book, “The Home-Boat on the Styx” will recall that it was the custom of the Soul of e de- ceased celebrity of this world to so- journ for a time upon a boat on the River Styx before the aforesaid Son] palaed onward to take up its red- denee among the Shadca of the Un- der-World. The River Styx. you will remember, was the river which di- vided the Earth from the Under- World, and according to Bte' book the Spirit: of the decimal mortals Ind built a Botme-Bo.t in which to enjoy their Journey. It is quits natural to suppose that departed celebrities celebrate Christmas just as we Mortals do; so let us suppose that the following is an mount of a Christmas festival among the tghadetss- CHRISTMAS ON THE STYX After the Christmas dinner it was the custom of tin House-host's distinguished cm to numb]. be fore the large open BreNpee. On this Mauls: evening it was de- cided tlint eneh not-bl. durum present should (no. the occasion by reading some origins! composition of his or her own. Queen Elisabeth had, by common :onsent, been appointed Chairhd; for the evening. Rising in " her splendour, she announced: "William 3Ukespeam will give us I reading.", Amid the typhus which followed. Francis Bum, who vu somewhat jealous, took the opportunity to whisper to King Charles thes First, “I believe the Old Girl In: I crush " “What did you lay?" asked Kin; Chalet, "1 can’t hear very well without my hood. Oliver Cromwell promised to send my head down to me for Christmas, but the Expro- companies are no slow now-ado”. "Witt you two kindly be quict while Wilhim recites his verso?" snapped Queen Elizabeth. who had overhaul and resented Bncon'a re- mark. That [muting Cough Shukeupqan “one and nftqr clearing his throat, commenced in I dmmntie tone: 'uquum-gm -tutt-amud'Mgtetted' -tethittttteetrm-t “Now is the mason of the cool. shortage--" Bacon turned to Adam, who was sated near him, Ind whispered nud- ihly, " wrote thin." giving Adam I nudge in the side with hi. elbow. During this inhmption Sink.- spun continual hi. meitatr-. "Now In the noon of the cod- Ihomgc made festive by dub Christin-l Day, And one. ouch you in e-ed Pro- hibiuon in dun reel-OI of our and. 10mm. Now an ode mm adorned with holly will. Ind chandelier! with bot-din of human; ( New In our potty New {No "in artful." mapped Adam, "That in my lore ddo. I've had one of my tut. nmoved." - -- _ (Hm in - at in“) “a kit you may " a P-u-rea." Auk-quad“. “Mwhh-oh-a VIII-up...“th Piaaz's Lunches Annual-1m Yammr5BtbndPkasatgm'r umumu-u.m youmtabouhotgily. Ewan-auntie» 30-h Clu- llmlly 10: on. PM 'un. ........ ' for I: Wobh-ioncnldoliyu. "ts'tte-tts. for favour harp," nnnouneed Her Identy. - Britain." ior Scrooge from the any: ween no on which Sir Philip Sidney nroee. “I hope." aid King Henry the will I ‘squeesing, m-ehiu. - “Sir Welter beg- to be excused," Eighth, "that In Hurray won’t. ins. covetoue. old ' to when laid Sir Philip, “He rent his beet be the Mar, or King Henry will Christmu meant nothing not. an eloek to the Twin.City Cleaner- end went to propoee to her." idid the "rentrtifth " "I! on. it ha not yet been returned. I Mar the picture Ind been en- month, until the time when he Amt "What happened to it?" Her joyed the Royal Chairlndy en- began to feel sympathy 101mm llilielt! "saa'otrM, inquired. nuanced that Robert Browning crippled boy. Tiny Tim, and to fed _ “Just n few mud spots. Your would recite. Browning n’roee arid kindly disposed townrdn hie - lejesty." aid Sir Philip. _ st-rt,- ed poorly paid clerk. Bob Cum _ "I taut that they were not ee- "Oh, to be in England The nowhere aw quired when Sir Welter kid his Now, with Chrintmu hare, crew melted into teen In W ‘elonk down on the mad for me to For whoever lives in England "to?! concluded With- -- -- __ Assam SATIN no .......................... PM" ROASTED rum)“ ............ I in. ".l PATTI. - """t'"' "I taut that they were not - "Oh, to be in England (mind when Sit Wdur kid his Now, with Chrintmu hare, cloak down on the mad for me to For whoever lives in England cro- ch- street upon." aid the Final, It Christmas, out: you. cross the street upon." said the Finds, st Christmas, - year, I "A Merry Christmas. Bob," sell mien. nThe holly wreath on the window-98am. " merrier Christmas. " “Yes," replied Sir Philip. “but he frame, . in“! fellow. than I have aNsrs 10' does not blame Your Majesty. lie And the stocan pinned by the!” many I' in?! 1'TI rake ”in blames layer Dietrich for not hav- tim.aide, Bnmet Pele and ends-wont to In!» your in; the streets cleaned oftener. IWbile hearts unite 'neeth tu'etrertimr family." “Don't let the programme he mistletoe I “Scrooge was better than lib stopped for a few mud-pies on Sif‘ln England - - new!" .word. He did it all end tnthtitet, Walter’s cloak," - said Dr. J. El Amid the applause which followed more; and to Tiny The 50 W I Johnson, “Fire shad!" 'its Queen announced that the'second father. And it was always "Tee-Res," snickered Boswell, "I entertainment of the evening would 'said of Scrooge that he knew how must write that down before I for- be concluded’ by a reading by to keep Christmas well. if any use at" ' {Charles Dickens from his but, alive possessed the knowledge; Us, "th%mee, parrot!" roared Eliss- Imown Chrlstmas story. tht Christ. that be seid of as all, and all of u. both. “Julius Caesar will now pro. mss Carol. ‘ _ And so. as Tiny Tim observed. God sent a new moving-picture prodne- In interesting end animated atgie Bless Us, Every 'Ons. "sh, "on... SPECIAL lulu. 146 King SL3. - 1928 Chevrolet In with a tune upon tho tion of ttin latest 1927 Pontiac Coupe 1927 Nash North Queen Gar Market a; Queen M. North - Near King M. PLAN z's Emu-inc themwe hauls-tack ."..hxrkntthetrrHees,.._qatt, youwlllbeunnuduthe high iwtatraettieeprthqr-bqr with your family gm money. At no other the of the yen are used 'gtltu'e2tg'1',Tccttt whtagnnd Manama-tun- Itythhglmyonl Pricekbwhutqnlltyhhlghu e 1,reNe2',itgft,ettl'dt I,'nrh'll'l',llt'hrl condition. t2ftt,,t,',tg,Mat,t'irgg't aluminum: My. IJEBIiiin-b- _ hurled nightly. fully ftsr in; like adv-um! our low hull- pries- m. in today Small Down Payments you. Dov-I pay... only "0......" 1929 Ford Roadster l...- IRIS "animus-u 00'".th WATERIDO cm W! IUI- “n“...-..--.........‘..... - - cm CANDID I. m ............ In - WY'S P. K. GUM q........... " a... C I. .0 "ut MATE WITH PM .... 0.; " SALT” PEANUT' - - ”in. _ S-nll Salt-d Pal-I- Large and Poo-uh ...... campaign inDickcmbmnwmhm A iotScroogefromthedny-Mh Win-1W.“ vary "Ut Hindu (out vial him-Ii. m A. Md l927_Cl_1rysler 73" it: 1927 Olds. Coupe 1926 Ford D- “It; a " $595.00 8120.00 .'iiii,7a E3: 1eatg

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