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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Dec 1929, p. 15

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'rr,,:' “Co'- I“. W'- E?” uwmmuu. (b. uuuubuabbnum '- -tut.eteastmruaseseq-ttt- cumin-eunuch." . “Mic-Immatu- “Mailman-daun- "t came into tidy up after the ttoe tor had gone." aha explained. "and T cuppa” I forgot to turn the hect- intt " min before I left" . " don't remember it," she said quietly. " put back everything of that sort in the medicine cupboeni. What did It contain?" As she spoke she crossed the room and opened an oak cupboard on the side wall, re- vealing quite " array ot bottles and medial accessories collected by old Pytton in the course ot his recent ill- $333333!”aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamiag fi To That Friend Far Away - - in: g The Most Acchbze of 'lit, tr Gifts for $2. 00 3 An Inspiration came to him. He must not forgot. he told himself. that however‘ pathetic this young woman might appear. she was one ot the tint suspected persons on the list. "What game to took tor?' he and. keeping his eye on bar we. "was 1 "tatt slu- vial with 1 glass stop per. Did you see It on the table when you were clearing up?" A perfectly reasonable explan- ttom eogtrtrmed " Ben-nerd not ob served tor the tint time by the con- dltlon of the room Itself. which had been not straight to the that detail; every chen- in its place. and the able by the bed cloned ot all the paraphernalia ot bottles. slang: and been that had been left there wlth- In tench ot the old man‘s hand. "It contained." Bernard said. "a tuner powerful drug," and he made "You. 1 'tngmt up to look for some- thing." 'Bemrd replied. "By the way. do you happen to know who turned on the heating again? You no, the funeral our: an piece be- [on Thursday. and It's important to loop on; mom a. cold es possible." Her (knee traveled from his tee to the radium: with ' slightly be: wildered air. and thou. 'Wm - I did," the uld. , attnettmtr annual - mu and and I0... 86 In “or naval hmmcuhermhhcondud ”a. lethal now or all authority in: will; had (tun but. a. was mutual to Mn " a timid and mu- l’Il ttou. at charming {calamity Mammalian!" min with an unto-Ion that betrayed ' hint ot “new. "d hard some one moving about In hero . . J' she mannered. Betta-Met-that nreatth4teru. -ftttrq min. no tttmt-dnt" They are without doubt the best bread and cake knife on the market, and they cost you nothing. Just send in your subscription, new or renewal, to "The Chronicle," Waterloo, for one full year in advance, and we will be pleased to present you with one of these handsome knives FREE. The Instrument of , 15-4-53: GGT,'%%"i"rpr'",' s “5" 'di) 2psul"h, , LS, . 'ipdl 'll 1lllfif tii? vi I Ill iilil rdf "st 50m woos w - MAGGIl$ M\R "s mm OF MT BANK m AN m mucus)” HAW YEAH.» m «can "° Tre "0.09! so' 311.0...“ - '1tl1tm1tm1tm1tytmm1ttltgtmltmltgtgtmtm1tti For the time being It would be as bus“ in any case to he sure ot her whereabouts. he had renected. If she returned to the hospital in dis- _ "I put all the medicine and bottle: of every kind in here." she explained calmly. “I've thrown nothing "my. Perhaps you'd like to look tor your- self?" ‘She stood aside a: Barnard ctw", over to the cupboard. There WI" no least hint ot the coquetle left In her this evening. and whlle no nude a perfunctory search among the array of bottle. and vials on the upper eke)! ot the cupboard. she seated her- self on a chairman the door, letting Bernard did some very rapid think- lng before he answered with a scarce- ly trerxxotattto: "No, no. You’ve gut-I fared quite enough, I'll make that an right." I her hands tall In her lap and droop- ing ton-wan) from the waist In an " tllude that suggested great weari- mass. Bernard'l examination of the shell lasted long enough to give the per- formance on air ot Tsriaimilitudts. He was too late. It she had had any- thing to do with the atthir, an. would have concealed the thing he was looking tor. If she were Innocent. and in!) found it, she would have told him. l But that m mum than Bernard ‘ n..- prepcred to Bo as yet. "Oh, tech- aieatir, You!" 1101:”. "it "a pob sonous enough In large dues, I an» pose, to Justify tho nod label that was on it." "N6, it'a certainly not here. My brother's mistake probably," be an- nounced at the and ot I. couple ot minutes, adding In a more kindly voice, “You look tired." She did not reply to that. “I sup- pose Doctor 'Stopford is going to re- port me at tho hospital?” she said. their "A very sun [Inc with A than atom)» at! a rod 1350!." Bernard an. imitating with " that and .hludb the “proximate Biaq ttd mo uncle tn caution“ Her hands mud to move small: :he bottles u aha replied in a low voice: "A ted that? Do you men that " contained _ . . poison.'" l “Wu-humano- tt-t'-tatrteqttHetnd - Minn-town with ll- ‘mmummu-uuu ‘lmhhmmmu‘ Korma-twain.- who mind a. mu od no am in It will and. no mummnhptoxm " hr may”. still tun-hm”: All. vial ha had "sertbqd, do all can: “I don't mom: 'totie.inatt, sn6rqma'taro.anrthtmgott- One of These Knives? H1": oust" To 3 won LOCK AN' Crumb Wouldn’t You Like 'suAnc'v-co'mn 1 MS AN rm I Jun/0‘ ““556? "Weil, now. let me use. air," Peters and. "t don't think none or the maids had gone tannin then, but I'll ask cook." "AmkMra. Elna?" “She was with Miss Caroline. air. in the down-stairs linen-room the beat part ot the afternoon." "Ah, well. thanks. Peters. You might just ask the cook, it you will. about the other maids. You can tell her why I want to know." I On an other hand. hot conduct and app-hum were not entirdy im rxtcoateilnttle with than of a why potion who had had than to prepare hem". and who, moreover. In It!!! unaware that my cum. had he: suspected. That tut tact certainly hudlenpped him In home up, but In other: tt gave him a distinct ad- 7&1!th over the professional detec- the named in a cue In which att the persona Interrontod were fully aware of the purpose ot the questions put to them. In tho» circumstanc- es the innocent were more apt to blunder than annuity. Amt now for old Peter: and a rope- tmOn of that Ila about Pen-turn theory at I. sudden noise or imp- tion in " tttttera room a explain- lag the proximate cause of " death. Old Peters, when summoned tol the Interview with his mater In than smokinproom. tempted the lie with- ' out the least susplclon. ( "Might have tmen about three o'clock, you say sir?" he repeated. "My brother think: Bo," Bernard replied. "No, sir. she was helping Mlss Car- oline and Mrs. Ellis. They was going over an the downstairs linen, sort- lng it out and so on. I was backward and forward myself on three or tour occasions. on the question ot table» cloths and napkins, in between clun- Ing my silver." A maNer or form only, Bernard thought to himself. when Peters had gone to make his inquiry. This parti- '.t.HtuBnRoigt' ”Ida-Ito...- “Mint-clonal. “huh-uh. «an» we» an 'ff,'tht4r,'.'ht hrgtlgUt Mia-ii I'?""..""-"'--?-', .Bet - ”WW“, " meno- who. I. M “that 2'IS.i'rtt t't,",fdrffidtMTs' iirilrajFtiraGiGu'"iiTi"i"isT% an unh- m tt tr a and and: out a. 1e"1'r.fCltyfttrytiiy, no“, ii. that poison. " to th-tsettle-na/tttt od a Ttttttttt - not!» MIMI. “comma? "PM,“ u. dh'rd'i'U"lt damn" Inferno. to to an“ tron pinto-ll; and "aothertrtg It. w that. tthe Inltht "r"" " I with; cm: at a. “nun; nub-t. ot he: ducts. and in. put you to an In! cud-at autumn in than and! cum Into it I: my ot, 'tttgre a.','.",,',", "fg,'.'fe,'g: making “and. tor h" WI“ ' ”than" truth. nu- tho “of: o! ot the durum him work aeoorrotiattd by the»! On the other hand, but conduct 'tlt21'g'2%ITu"a/tt Ttgt,'t ud appuranco were not "may tri book " a oetom I rxscorutiuttle with than of I can" IPI u tell u to thet I'm. hr "Anna might possibly have gone upstairs?" _________ ._ -'e"er.. - - 'tl-el'.-..- -l t-h.Ft-a-"a..ia- ',iieiiieii'JiiiitiFi - mm "p l “munlfiwmhhbhfl f'l,1."'tiMftrffa'."fp.r -' - I an-t.-.ttaoL-trieSrtat.itretPft.t 1Bydtitttrtliiv.i" at: y P.ehe9rpPr..tr-.+-ttAeii#qtrteuAFi6"." h . m m w Tat nt' " 'lt,'ai “WWW” w. i'rdrdt."ttat2trtt2tffg "m“ uni-u C l and Jd at, 'd'illt."tt,uU 'h'dt.ru'u'"a1,i'g,te'.ht annual-n: I‘m up ', L" . .0 _ "I. g“. l f,,'ltr ""'t'"ydafl'l'lSl1'g"l't.ea','utPar't'tt ”new ' -)','ltlTlr'llt/uu'r't'lT8u=ll'tutNrl mud-'m "W'OHIRMW‘OI-Mummmmmmanmmmm “.435“... fee."'"'"f"rtt"ate,tieiiiiji.iitu' . _toth|tp_ugt 'rtrirttter-dth-hmtolc-G'G"i"i"'a' __ - -_..u-_. Almanac-numb .araarhrar-tdmratt.atatr6 mmuvaumuny-m- “mm-thanking“ mk:y 66633? 6.? H.”- r a“ g'cival was wro believe that n - T 3 sleep, iatt't it? "Much more paused a mom: a dent desire to s. “Hardly likely , the family, I s No, hardly ll tit himself once M 2 the poulhllitl was little mom night, union 1 3 Val a hint of h “I think not, w then continued 3 "Br the war, a my father even 3 what provislm . a you?" "No, air. In it Peters said. “Well. you I 2 Bernard told h tlt no need tor y1 w union you via ” formed mo um 1lt ot the general will, and new e a put down for I y. 3 and pounds I , 2 “indeed. air! It bled slightly I very “expect ll t'm vary (at. h ill I had mount " use. if I my “It I. very gel I've got a bit ' indeed." I (Yo , " “Twentlelh Century Love Postal" 'compiled by Caroline Milk Hill (Willett, Clark & Colby, Chicago) is i very attractive volume of choice gems. neglected with tine discrimin- tlon. In this age of Jun. that tinttat pt all human emotions. love, in mono- what obscured, and asserted by many to be entirety discarded. Hm ‘ That the reading ot history can be mode In Mable an fiction and equally enjoyable and ot more con- sequences h proven by “Sud of Liberty" try M. dele Cinnamon (Bobb- Merrill Co., Indianapolis) Here in one volume in tho entire story ot American calculation. with his long drama at naive and union» "ion. plantations and policiee, plot. and rebellions, lollies and alumna. Every American in lntereued in the ‘story of the colonization of thin great country ot liberty, end will find here an easy and aatoratrhr war of obtain- ing a thorouth urtdsrartmndtrtq of these stirring days. cular seen! was uncommonly cold: new that the principle ind been ell- minated. Presently it mUttt be at canary.» Lamas any other evldonce. to press that luveuixltlon more closely. but he would follow the more likely trail ttrat. Jordan and Nuree Ripley were his best ounces so tar. But he mast keep clear head. he must not let his desire to fittd a criminal outside the members of ht own hmily divert him from consider- lng the evldence with the imperial”! ‘0! a lawyer. "Indeed. air!" The old Inn tram- bled slightly at what wu evidently very unexpected no". "I'm cute I'm very grateful. Mr, very mum. I had mum to (in up work in any once. it I my any .0. Mr. Bound. this I. very generous. Von menu. I've got a bit of monqgved. Bu: Indeed." Peter's report a. few minutes Inter further cotttirmed the unlikellhood ot any ot the sorditrarr domestic nut! being implicated. “Cooks says. sir," he announced. "that she doit believe’any ot the maids could hare gone In) to their own rooms before about halt put three. There were so many people in the house and' she ,raishortaand. ed, because Bridget and her ulster had to so down the village directly after lunch on account ot their mother being iii." . "Much more pleasant, air." Peter: paused a moment hetero. with an ovi- dont desire to be helpful, he “In: "Hardly likely to have been one ot the family, I suppose. air?" "No, sir. he - niche of It." Peters and. “Well. you my like to know," Bernard told him, "that more will be no need tor you to work any more unleu you wish to. Mr. Bonnet tn- torlnod me 'tnottoeu1iy this evening ot the gallon] purport of my “the“ will. and mentioned that you won put down for an annuity of two hun- dred pound- . you." No, hardir likely. Bernard assured himself once more. but he must he. the mummy. Ila-awhile. more was little more that he could do to. night, unless It were to (he Bret- val a. hint of " plan of campaign. "I think not. Peters," he said, end then continued In I friendly voice: "By the war, I don't know when" my father ever gave you my idea of what provlslon he Ind mdo for you?" Thanks very much, Peters," Ber. nard replied. "I any any that I'm to- lieved In a way to 11nd that Mr. Pet- cinl was wrong. More platinum to believe that my “that died In his sleep, itut't it?" " (To be conthuod) EITHER: Go's iiiEd Tiaa. li': 53.25; History has few 'igttrtttr that oom- mand the same interest and atten- }tion as "Peter The Great." In the ,new biography. "Peter The Great" ‘by Georges Onderd (Peyson & Clarke Ltd., New York) this (amen. monarch is plctured intimately and, ‘rully and a wealth or new material has been added that is ot the great- mt importance in understanding this many sided character. “Peter" (lid1 Leverything on a glganUc scale; tn Ibis real tor Russia's weilere he ex. ‘pended much or that prodigious ‘energy which seemed to he bound-t Hess. Cruelty undreemed ot in civil- 'izad countries were not infrequent in his reign. may leaving an inde- lible mark on Russian history. For all that "Peter the Great" was really a great ruler In a troubled land. and [this splendid story at his We and itimes should enjoy a wide circula- "ion. “IAN! Nelson" by C. B. Forest.“ (Babb: Merrill Co.. hammb) in a biography oe distinction. Not only does it concern the lilo of on. of Britain's heroes. but it gives a deer readable history ot English and European and“ of his times. Lord Nelson is inseparehly associated _with many British naval victories. wattle; which strengthened Eur land's poaltion as mistress of the Sea. which she has kept to this day. His knowledge recognised as bola: super-human and his remarkable strategy was responsible for victor lee that loomed impossible to stun-J Mr. Forester adheres strictly to the absolute truth. ‘He tracea his early boyhood, " early and Ilnwlllin‘r days on the eeee. " - onecesmI "intensely personal the reader gets rm intimate View ot this celebrated Admiral; his faults as well as Tir. FG are chronicled. Written in a titorous and vivid style "Iarrdl ‘Nelson" is one of the most important itriotmtphims ot the season and Cana- ldlans will and much in it to interest them. "The Hands ot Orlec." by Iberia Renard ue. P. Dana: Co., New York) is “other taming good my. tery yen by the keen French wrlter. It took the prlee tor Novem- ber on the Button mystery lint. which none I: lrretntl‘blo evidence of Its genuine qualities. Ont-c was one or 'tart4Nfn [must pinkie. who we. about to heme MI head. for one milllou from. A miirqtod wreck cruehee Me bend- to e pulp: a when” that shook the nation TM. trade Accident had peculiar to so": on this "tttmrrarrtetttat telnet. and the mange atorr that follow- in the render ot "Consequenoel" by Julia Ellsworth Ford (E. P. button. New York). There really are still people who live a normal lie with its attendant up: and downs, who hue homes and children and my taxes; than no still writer: who found a Not with real character: one that only the most ford]. Inu- yimuon can Macs. A mm story that In delightfully diluent in " entlro an“). The teaching ot literature In the school. has man-lb stained m- position " would hold; the "am no. at a proper Ionization In this respect cannot in ODPW too much. To meet tho need. ". Whal- er 00.. of Chlmo in" Mount out a not of "Maury Mom with mammalian.” by W. H. Whack. who really belong to the story. "Consequences" is so delightinlly dithrrqnt to the mode sex move! that my Ll'llUl1'tTk,T,,, teed- ere will nuke the mistake of ignor- ing it. and thus this. one of the finest work: in yours. The dope queetion in the nut. (end the West) is the central theme; '1 problem that is likely to throw the Eat and West into e violent world war at I no dhunt future. In. Ford presents a vivid and dratnntte Me. ture. full of manning. with no senti- mental Maurie, one that will are ate I. tremendous stir. A book not to be mused. T story at tho Btble--itq 01th and early history don {Moan tho an to the meant day. than tho mm. in in ttraetieatty our: homo. Th story k haunting ma Instruct!" 1nd should and an Mound rho. beside tho Book null In "or: hon. when Christina culture is chart-ha. "kiF .7517. 323331. WM" irik JOHN "will! . Gunman») 13‘ tutti-m: c. Lacuna l Cot 1. a - rotttmqtotuBtbtegq.derqmg, ”is: with- to know "mm mm In t?lrsow ohm' a. 3mm: book of aaTrqW'iiWii"'aiiiE Mt gm... yoggngF win: but. _tho ilraGGUGiG, TiTiriurii w”- iiaia TiiriaiTi TLTL- - IDIOI‘M m at '" OM J...h‘.r , m" mun mm - . "n. any]. Tim-n m 0"...me There y} dglighjful awakening " 313%) h . In! a”? 1'raru'eunr2. t. St FL MWN' . "The Silent Reading Hour Series Hwneoler Publishing 00.. Chicago) has been brought out tn a new tr ‘brary adieu. After six year. of service this wonderful eet of book. We the most pewter in marine. And ‘in its new are" in more attractive than ever. Three number. comprise “he set: new: an. Adventure 19mm. and True Storiee. Edited by (G. "r. Bum“ and W. TI. Wheeler, ‘only highest We stories were w Heated. designed to educete and entertain. There in . (rent may G subjects. and: as birds. animals. holideyl. trips, etc. lndi-peueible (or ‘school work. and very detrtratrht mr “he home with children; they are maternally bound and attractive- Ir. illnntnted in colon by Lucille laden. on obscure young Greek trying to [at a. footing thh the publieliing world. Genius u not any: recognised in so chart a time. but fortunately this has um an execution, and after the phenomeml success ot his work lln Wilde’n “Salome". Vase-3' tune spread. and the world ant heck to enjoy him. Vnrionn other "new”: Collared and now comes his own book. "Contempo" (E. P. Button Co., New York). a numbn- undertak- ing, one that will "veep Almeria. "Contemno" in a series ot annual representation ot modern, restles- Amerlca. Most of the modern in- vention: are touched. the m. dopnunent stores. skyscnpem one Melly, advertising and my onion. "-Oonwmpo" is beautifully produced. worthy of e book that will be mi. ed, but all will agree that tt in ex- tremely clever. _ to eighth radar. While my of the no Weber Chambers. “(St W., old Dvorltee that delighted the he! Kitachener. Phone "" generation 'lh 'JI..' tif,"g, my a: “were: ; y en“: . - --------- ell-able being Included. Tho rank DR. w. J. 8011mm, Death. " is s most comprehensive 'ssritto, on King St. R., next to Poet Glee. that teacher. will Bad ot nee! eulo- Kitchener, Out. tattee In their work and pupil. 2e readily. war with each Anne! " material. The book. no superbly MONEY To [DAN gotten IU) via: 11M inn-undone --"-------------- and u A very 10' Nice. FIRST IOBTGAGES on an. nasd ‘noumlu tor the abolition of - F, and was the (and- of a. In. ‘aoa My. Mr. Lynch in the author pt "BM Tweed", and hero " in done an": noublo work. The whole story is thoroughly mm. _artd latch-d1 mm“. L The meteoric ot Martin VIII Bum ‘II one ot the outstanding (amn- at aiiiaai, history. and tho malts Fii m- labours menu bang may» by "an Americans "A: Epoch and up Fc. {any rats Bum and Hh Tuna” by Duh Tilda Lynch ‘(Hmec 1.1mm. New York) a one Mm than Mon-gym" of I" can! - It I: more but New Tar. It is a comm-ta history of tho important period of Amalia-unho- making, and - yr. Lucif- bru- lee, is pining In pupal-rut] and mlulneu from any to dar, now he give. this superb anthology ot poems ‘thnt and their voices in one tro. ‘mondonn crescendo 1hr soda-justice and the ultimate triumph of the true ,splrit of brotherhood. The ”locum: ‘includa mm masterpiece. and old _rra'orittt' by It"' world‘a poets. and But you n rud- botto? if"; Gr, Piuy. ottot pt W: “New mot-yams man-x __ 73:15:25?» “Poems ot Justice” (Wilklt. cart & 1trlltrr_ctetro) ts, up highly attractor! outcome ot the happy thought ot Thomas Curtu Club Two years ago be In mm (Neville of >"Quoublo Poem" a nun from the noble - they espouse. mm A magnificent can» non ot "no. that will have “do apps-L l? 1933' ttyht. any»: from Haul“: cr, HAGEY» Dom-t. no... W.dLWItMMIt. . C. A. BOENM INSURANCE AGENCIES um» Din-in Acne». Phe-rr. all 101 uni-nul- miner-ll Cur-am. WHICH" . . m MMWWM c. A. noun: mom " N..nmno,uuu¢.o-L ‘mmuLl-ITID -------, '. . gh-a. niiowur, Ra..um. - . '5'”- mummymrmo. DR. w. J. scmmrr. Dentist, on C King St. l, next to Post Ola. . KIWI-er, Ont. FIRST IORTGAGES on city and farm property. Keaton“. iam- est. Fire Insurance, Economics! and North Waterloo PM Mutual, It the brat premium- in the thy. G. P. lav/chef, Age., 170 Queen St. N., Phone 1167'. Kitchener. a. DR. G. R. HARPER, 1)ch Ole. In Oddlellovn Block. " King I; South. Wuurloo. Phone “9. DK8.M.BcEBuDeaui.t,ogtteat. Bank of lent-val Bldg" Water. loo. Phone tra. Lute-hum www.mu WoWMIg_¢.!gq MtteserLtaatumtYtmrar ad" (Sign 'varai." Brin- i- you In“... “I In" it toy-ind amd ' and, fur uni _ RENEW " King St. K. - Wat Good- Gia' W" i; ”binding Boob Bibi-I, In” and Web Add um: ml u'you hm “but! bv.havtr.tRryitr. hm tiitit ititfit _ CtMR0PRACTort 050. M Willi-u St.. Wanda. Tenqhon of Pine, Singing. and Mn. Private" and ch- in- urmcuon. Studio- " sud St. Phone 117111, Kitchen“. n a... igi?“"is~ an ”MOM-hm 183K! SLY! Kim. - Th"liritlt n. a. n. all, awry, Multicha'numnd Non. Eirtet_iteheaser. “in All. I. I.- Illu In L. Boon. Etc... . Worm thate-tNet-St.. nous-uni. Emu-ISM.“ atSTEruSt.W..Wuu.uo Maid-m m1. ammo: Par but tn " non or. anh while drivingmt mat: Induced. p nu lulu lgncgd. 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