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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 Dec 1929, p. 6

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I "mkar-rtommitrim-outmt " 'trAN'TltMhAM_oNRel6MNtmttK<tMEtdtN" 2.3m. It. on In. ttsit While; EYE“; all Chane. Wanner, Harry Nelson tl "rt0ttAtttr1r. In. our]. Walker ot Detroit, lick. h -dinq porno time with In ulnar. In. curl" liner. ”any... um! 01m. Rnechtel " 317.1% In. Morris Bhutto and in. Harvey Shape spent Sunday 'rtttt “Hand Mm. Simeon Cressman. In. Dorothy bids}? FiaTtiGiiis' and Min. Inga-9t atom spent hilly 'titlrNelda and Reta Baer. me noun when" with Mr. and Mm. Clan-e0 unlock“! and Mm E. Geig- Ltet't:dtietP.et1 93d Joe Knechtel. She lllo had 21 ttrtmdehndren and two (mt. grandchildren. Her end an peacefully on November 25th. 1m. nylon-la Mr. And In. Charles Miller wish to the" their friends amt neighbors [or am kindness during their be- nun-om. Mr. M Ottethien of Detroit, Item. I: "and!“ a time with his ”to hon. Kiss Lilllan Rowley and Harry Conklln of can were Sunday visit- om at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kenyon. Died:-. Mrs. Elisabeth Heals tor- meriy of Whrion, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. (13min Miller of Enchant. He wt" aged " years. It. married David Beam and lived in Whnon moat of her married life. at "an Mo she came to spend a ttttge with her daughter. Mrs. C. Mil- tar. 8b. was the mother of six chil- drgn ot Viagra tyro predeceased her. n- on Friday evening at eight o'clock. Entries will oe closed and the schedule drawn. Indications at the present time Are that “to groups will be formed, with Beaverdale. Branchton. Breslau. Lexington. Doom Little's Corner's and Blair. using the Preston Arena tor their games and Roodvllle, Rosevllle and New Dun. dee playing in the Ayr rink. Peruvian mm!!!” WWW!) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gnome: Tor- onto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. A. R. Good. " Miss Bra Hatter spent Sunday with Mr. and ‘Mrs. Harvey Radke in Kitchener. In. Dr. Grasett has returned to her home In Toronto after visiting with her son 1'rafte,l'ititlag,': Mr. and Mm. Elllo t Grasett, Mea- dow Crock Puma. h “It Vac-lad by In. WW5! ttm Sunday afternoon . are of “an akin completely detnteor- d th. buo "and on Saturday In. Devin-y. Bear Breshu. Me. ' a - "tom. has been in, Ch Hospital at London for and maths. In. Deviney and] -mh- I_A - 'r-o.-.'-.. I... 'nn- In. Devin-y. Bear Breshu. Me. . I - "tom. has been in, Ch Hospital at London for M maths. In. Deviney and] “In left on sand" for Lon- ... I Pun-LII. ( . In... Ir-in. nnnl Oran Gimhel. Mitra Jean Dickson at Gall spent the weekend at her home here. Claude Scherer of Bratttrord spent the wrttsbead with friends in the village. Vonloon Dinner Vernon Debrusk entertained a number of friends to a Venison Din- ner at his home on Saturday any lung. An enjoyable time was spent hr all. -atr. and Mrs. Ion Snider and family of Preston were guests of Mr. and MP!, Melvll} Bast on Sunday. In Irvin. and Oren Gimbel, u M Abram Bauman visited '%ft"l Winter Pair last Tuesday. Edith Slant: called on tMm.d. in the village teat Wednes- '1???” Schiedel and Mr. Edward Juan "tended the annual conven- tion ttf flue 1ttd_epersdeett Telephone The hydro electric power commir don men are busily engaged in mov- Inc the poles at the station corner. Al our: "summer has been in- stalled owing to' the (act that nearly "or! 110139 In the village is now and with Hydro Power. chi-lama Ch." 7 An attempt is being made to have a Christmas tree at Blair for the meat children of South Waterloo. " nnartetNg permit. " is understood I Band will help Santa usher in the Ddbrunk. Mrs. Norman Summer ot Waterloo visited at the home ot Mr. and Mm. Melvin Baer. Miss Evelyn Kenyon spent' Monday with friends in Gan. . ttiiili. ai- gtreatGiGi' visited Mrs, Int:- dnur, In. o. Burkholder, oat_tbtutrknr., . .. "iii-ii-hart-der was the guest Ite I}: Martin, Kitchener Road, on hGadiitiG at Toronto last wiek, 7 no'sécond' meeting of the South Waterloo Rural hockey league will be held at the home of Lorne Johan- - 'iip.Giid 'Mm. Thomas Marshall and Rar Marshall of Roseville were Sun, day visitors at the home ot Mrs. "are ptr' any Hoikey Gaul}: Meat and III-Io In...“ Ah. but. the feet In M. CI in. um. Latest District tttGi/il'"?,,,;:-),-:-,,;:)'::'.-",;" t. .94 ly.»Jogeph Fret? 3nd Grippe MIRNK pmno mm with ttdir' BLAIR Mr. attd In. c. Drum [My m ot Icy-mo, Wet., In which; Ltt"yryeof_thtttrtrree'-ii, It. III In. null M. W)". and in. Goo. G. Glu- and Mrs Ab. Levin vial!“ a a” It Kit. chant. Mr. M. L Weber HIIM on tut. umy her “It". In. and“. who u.muuoxaw.lhmm, :(ncholcr, "lath. from u than“ at. . Mr. H. Gunman of Brunch who ha: been relieving at the loul C. N. R. cation for I few dam has mum- ed to " home. Minn Hlloemrd ’Bnuenburg of Kit. chem-r spent the weekend with her mother ttt lllmln. Mr. Roy Walk“ spent a (on Bars “In. hope In Nanci-ton. Mim, Lucy Stump! of Kitghéier visited over the weekend with he! panama, Mr. and)”; Casper Stumpt. Mrs. Wm. Mon-r ;lnlteah'er drummer. Mm; Mae Maser " Toron- to tor a few days. The Misses Laura Allemng and Hertha Maser were visitors to Kit- C hryevyl Saturday. Mr. Robinson of Kitchener spent the wtNNomt with {Honda in Elmira. Mr. Art. Gardner Hailed his fam. ily at St. Thomas over the week-end. Mr. Reg. Kimm- otitiiGouGGit' the Week-End at an home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Weber. Mr. Henry Brunch ot Tohnto. " sited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hr., [hunch Sr., over the week-end Mrs. Vlctor Lee in visiting tor several weeks with her parents at Toronto. Mr. Wm. Dyer of Toronto spent the week-end with Elmira friends. Mrs. K. H. lick of at the home ot Mr, Kirgche} recently. l On Sunday morning and evening a mission festive was held in the St. Jamc‘s Luthe an Church. tn the mor- ning it was in German while in the ‘nvoning it was in the English lang- nag-a Rev. E. Tuerkheim of Zurich. mndumed both services, while Rev. L Kailrtteiseh, the'pastor amalskd. At Gait Presbyterian Church-r - Muster Jack Spies, son of arr. and Mrs. Sam Spies, Floradaie was one of the fortunate lath: who left on Saturday for Chicago where he will attend the World‘s largest Congress. Master Spies earned this trip last June when he received the high“! aggregate score at the Junior F'ar. mer"s Judging Contest held in Kit- chener. This trip for the winners was sponsored by the J. M. Schnei- der and sons, the Dumam the Sil- verwoods Ltd.. and the Waterloo Trust and Savings. all of Kitchener. Personals Mrs. Norman Amlinger Vialted friends, at Kitchener on Saturday. Mrs. E. H. lick of Butralo vhlted at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Miss Lena Lewis was ttottmted to her home for a few days suffering from a painfully Bore foot. Mr. Wm. Rudow, of Frank Rudow and sin has been confined to his home Sutter' from a severe cold. Grimes Quartet" Heard over Radio Radio tans who tuned in son the C.K.C.R.. Waterloo Radio Sta- tion on Friday evening from 8 to 9 o'clork were treated ttr-art enjoy- able program sponsored by the Grimes Radio Quartette ot Elmira, when many of the town's interesting features were lauded. The Grimes Radio Quartette consisting of Messrs. Oscar Weichel. Harry Weichel. Nor- man Rnppel and Percy Ruppel rem dered many pleasing numbers. “were. Osmr Weichel. Norman Rap. pel and Percy Ruppel sang several solos. while Mr. Harry Weichel and Henry lieimbecker played several piano duets; Brr. Carl Ruppel render- ed several comet solos; Mr. Hilbert tWrichel gave comic recitations. The personal of this broadcasting groupe ’i; iuterrtsting to know, is one tam- ‘Zly. The Weichel boys are sons of Mr. John S. Weichel and the late Hrs. Weichel, who before marriage was a Miss Ruppel; The Koppel 11-05": are suns ot Mr. and Mrs. John _ H, Rumwl with the exception ot Carl. who is a son of Mr. and Mm. Oscar tunnel; Mrs. Henry Heimbecker, hours marriage. was a Miss \Velchel ‘und is an aunt to the men named on the program. Mr. Garl’Ruppel re Ct-Illly organized a Glee Club among the High School students and under his able leadership this organization is Irrogreexadug very rapidly and at some very early date, will give a. good amount or itself. At St. Jame: Lutheran church ( Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap have leased the apartment in the Mrs. Huehner- gnrd home on King street south. Left on Ter to Chicago .: Hill- Nit on a gre, walk on Thur-day light hut“ - left leg: She vu having the but of . nexghbor " Gm Hill: when m slipped on the icy fdt and (all. Medical aid Wu summon and In. Snider was removed to the K-W. Hospital where the bum" vu Bee Mr. Gordon Dunlop ot Toronto, who purchased the gents furnishing business trent J. A. Schroeder. has taken possession. er, Mrs. Andrew Ziegler; GM Tid- ings Secretary. Mrs. J. Johnston: Welcome and Woman Secretary. Mrs. s. L. Upthegrovo. Mn. A, Moses an a an: on Mission" work in Japan. Chief Raid: on the Am»: A Services aflhe Gale Presbyterian Church an Sunday evening were votsdttv:tytt by Rev. A, Thompson of Olkville. Has Taken Possession of State That Chief Reich is on the alert . .___.__________ . for any emergency during the wee hours was evidenced on Wednesday I HAV8VILLI I night. when while making his rounds . --r----"----" . he spied light-s burning in the rear Died In Michigan or the Central Garage. He entered The and news- wu received here the garage and investigating found Monday morning ot the death ttt a smouldering tire in one ot the are. Mm. Niek Gasetto, daughter ot Mr. caused by a mechanic leaving In tnd Mre. Joseph Brennemn who electric light lie burning on the floor raised away on Sunday noon. Dec. 1 of the car. The chief quickly re~ it her home in Pigeon. Mich. titer moved the lamp and exttturuishedV very short Illness. Mr. Brennan”: the tire. and family left here on Tuesday Mr. Wm. Rudow, of Frank Rndow morning to attend the funeral which and sin has been confined to his is to be held on Wednesday. Mr. home suttering from a severe cold. he Mrs. Bannemcrllmlnd - in” t e sympa y of community in ar,l,tlett, 8eyti'.'.te'I ttt,? ee their and 'bereavement. (Continued ttom PI“ " can»: HILL. mum-nu n u ELMIRA , Manon of Gm nomhmmunl ry‘wlkyl No.M. Inga. to: an -th.oe ”it?“ - " Mtgr.qq an: m “I.“ m 'n'ttrfu%llit s... f I In. hum than at mum mm m - with nor-om “amino. , Mr.DMtemigeoeNNt-tt. g u q-uq-oun “an. The R‘v. Roller-Inn ol Tnvinocl Md chm at to Evangelistic at vie. on Friday - with I good “mane. In no “I“ chm. . The new“ onurulnmm (“on by the nil-Mon Circle of the Bank! church was '01] attended “a n good nu: m mum on “and” on tttttg. In ancient timee when I king came to vb". one of the citim in " domain a herald we: aent before him to announce " coming so that the rye] cltlxens could premre tor his Meptlon. Thus eieo when Christ was about to begin his work of re. dempiion John, the Baptist you sent before him to prep": the people and even now we have euch e set ion ot preparation which the cele- hratlon of His coming " Christin-I which we cell Advent. The hernia who announces Hie coming to as is the Gospel. The cry od this henld "Thy King Cométh” was the theme oi the sermon in! Guilty evening. On Tuesday evening the Bore Club met tor its monthly each] meeting. After enjoying I number ot - lunch en served hr the unwritten of ~Muiere Jack Cornell. Clare Pu! end How-rd Gutter. Rename! tor the Children‘l Chrietmu Service were begun but “Vedas-day liter school. The pron-em which viii he presented in e dilldren'. Vesper aer- rice. “Glory to Oodiin the Highest." The monthly fimmune meeting of the Young People‘. Society In held on Hominy evening at ' o’clock. mu Edith Ill-lie train! the topic. Mr. and 'Mrs. Chr. W. Klpter ot Lancaster, N. Y., are spending a few week with relatives and "lends in this neighborhood. Bt. Peter'n Church Nova Means. V. Hesse, John Brenna man and Solomon Reihtimr were " sunrn at the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto on Tue-day. 01M: nephew. Mr. Emory Ruthie. For some time he conducted the St. Mary's Flour Mill and also tarmed for many years in Blanshard town- ship. He retired about seven years ago and made his home In St. Mary's. His wife predeceased him bat he leaves three sons. John, Frederick and Harry all near St. Marys, besides three trrothera, John W. Rumig and Louis Rulhig. New Hamburg and ilernmn Ruthlg of Lislwu and five sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Schmehi. Wellesiey; Mrs. H. Kath. Helsch. Kitchener: and Mrs. L. wmtlauter and Philiplnn and Emma of Lisbon. The luneral was held on Thursday afternoon. Quite a num- ber of local relating were in attend‘ ante. Per-tonal: Mrs. Laschlnger visited at the homo ot her daughter. Mrs. McIntyre near Haysville last week. mtg-entire Meum' -. _ .. The Decesxler meeting of the Women's In (me was held in the Library Hall on Tuesday December the 3rd at 8 o'clock. Roll call recipe For cake fillings and icing; Rev. Daib addressed the meeting on a Christmas Tonlc and Miss Pearl Mairims gave a, paper on "Current Events." There was also n contest for all members for the best home made cookies. Miss ids 'Snyder of Kitchener re- urned home after spending several lays with Miss Emma and Sylvia iron on Saturday. Miss Marie Zillhx of Elmira was l visitor in town on Saturday. Mbes Clara Graft is spending a. tew veeks in St. Marys: the guest ol'llr. and Mrs. Richardson. Br. V, loin: m "96 my With“. a. th. IV, Norton Sch-id! " . Jr. W. m - " ' b- mermW.Al-1I9th 41. __."" Br. m, Win“. Sch-m "ro, Abner Shun: 40. than Both 80. Jr. m. Dom Want 40% fer. tt, Reuben Wm» 50% Ward *8. 8r. 1, can: Schmidt. Dela" Roth. Sr. Primer, In” Roth, Hila- Snyder, can All. _ . Miss Ida McNhyru! Brantford wat, 1 guest of friends in town last week. Mr. T. G. Brown returned home from Toronto on Saturday the: spending the past week with friends in Toronto. Mr. Harold Wheatley ot Brant. mord spent last Friday with his aunt Miss M. Calkm. Mrs. Thus. Callanan of Platmvllle is staying with her atsttrr-itriatr, Miss Maggie Callahan who is CNNF fined. to the house through Illness. Nr..attd Mrs. Harry Brnder and laughter Marie and Mr. and Mrs. Charla; Hartieih and Mr. David Roth mended the Royal Winter Fair at Poronto last Friday. -ii'e aria sorry to report that Mm. Hannah Kerr ia confined to her bed through Illness. - W -_- 351555") Kinny Roth, Dania] No. on roll. 21. (Continued from has " NEW HAHIURG fighter. W. A. L. Luke. All lovers of the Bible will be de- lfhted with the nuw edition of ' he Bible in Art" b Eutelle M. Elurll (I. C. Page Cyo., Baton). The Bible and Art In “Input-bk; she Bible from the ettrtieit than ha been the fountain when the world's greatest uni-m drew their otspiratleins In. Burn present: 3 tmphie review of Biblic-l Art and he text (he: much vain-Me In- formation to national; tourist. and he gent-I render. Tsar. are some my bountiful 'tMn mutation- m sepia. corks " world's great- at n: tnuum. by geniuses whose work has "ood the tut of many "ataxia; 2.Ntr,t in can " 'ae" am: a n a trpUd yurplo nut cloth coconut! In al um! gold, and Inh- a gift that n ”sand-M I life-am. "The Harlot): Home and Other "oems" is! Oscar Wilde IE. P. Du!» ,on Co., ew York) contain: a care~ 'ully studied selection of Wilde’s inest poems. Wilde was a genial ,f rare ability and his contributions ,0 the world'. choicest literature were numerous and of great variety. Students of modern art and all oven o fthe nmuual in literature. will treasure this beautiful volume, which pream- Wilde at his beat. ‘_w‘v,r, _V_ "e--""-'-"" _ lbw-Wendi. ‘duthMhm. . Canadians from Coast to Coast will be delighted with Ralph Con- tor's offering from Canadian Book Week. "The Runner" (Doubleday. Doran & Gundy, Toronto). Like nost of its predecessors, the. new love] breathes of the great open 'paces, vast forests and life in the urimitive and at its best. "The Run- is!" is a romance of the early Nia- tara Peninsula, durin the war of 1812, and in the brilliant pageant ippear many famous characters: Jearbom, Perry, Chief Tecumseh, WiMeld Scot, and others. This ,tirring period wns really the be- tinning of the great Dominion of Janada and a ttetion by Ralph iiiriiiirif, matter pen can be depend- Immmusm mil-Maw. “WARM” 1uurt',%t.'lgar1tut. “avail-Wale!» - Mr. Immune-m III A took-old an: m hi. It. Al". “inborn am has n in. hunting on. to.“ his new! a in the m H. has - a goodly umber at com- an: a! jack r-um- this notion. On local-n. of tho no." not tan, North and South and: loading from the will“. no may tor auto 2d upon to give a “tunic -pTair-e " the times. One of Connor's beat productions. Number on roll-40. Average attend. ance 38.8. "Visit India With Me" by Dhan Gopal Mukerji (E. P. Dutton Co., New York) is on all counts the tin- ;st book on travel in India Cl pro- lucod. Mr. Mukerji is a rilliant .vriter and in creating this imagin- iry journey through his beloved na- cive land, he gives his readers an opportunity to accompany him on a most enjoyable toyr. India is a land ,f contrasts; nowhere else is there he same splendour and squalor, education and ignorance, the pic- .nresque and ugly. The reader will cmioy the combination of a marvel.. .ous trip through India with a fee Iuctor who points out everything: .vorthwhile in beautiful, faultless‘ Snglish. Mr. and Mrs. David Schneider, New Dundee, were visitors " the hogs oLMr. W. gage)! on fiyntiar. The Wordeng ifLUGaT, 335;; held a quilting at the home of Mrs. Nosean.ya.stir ""! Wed!tesday, lounnmuuholoyorm “mammal!“ Mr. Jack Grog from mutant: spent Slum}, you with trunk. - It. Prod - “inhaler ”out last Friday "can: In Kitchener. First, Chirle Dietrich. Anna Wag- ner. Helen’ Dietrich. Rosetta Meir- owski, Kenneth Herner, Dorothy Kienanpel, Stanley Nowak, Clara stealer. Mrs. M. Leis, who underwent an mention at the St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, is doing as well as can as expected. She will be able to cairn P, her.heme ytortlr. -- Jr. m, Gordon Dietrich. Chyton Ouch. 'M-neua Wagner. Mule Ennis. Carmel Snooper, Jerome Diet- rich. The Mannheim, School Concert .vill be held on the evening of Dec. 20th. Come and hear the program giv_e_n br, the children. jay in Kitchener; SCHOOL REPORT The (allowing " the report of s. B. No. ho, William. (Josephsburg) tor he month or November: Sr. VI. Theron Kine}. Jr. IV, Priscilla. Roth, Loretta Ouch. Laura Wager. Sr. m, Anna Dietrich, Harold Diet- rich. Br. ll. Linus "Stuns. Rita Ellen. lemma Melrowski, Wilfred Dietrich. Marguerite Nanak, saris Strum. Alex. Strata‘s Rim Districh, John Wagner. Personals Jr, ll Catherine Stellar. Matilda Straws, Loretta Rumig, Erma Ever- Ott. Primer. Caroline Nowak, Larsen Dietrich. Gerhard Btraua,, Joseph Magnet, Helen Klenappel. Gordon Sterner. Catherine Olionlck. LITERARY NOTES Mrs. 393532511123; spent Tues- Teacher. Helen: Mallory. EfiE-E‘! A Christmas Gift .7. AGATHA MANNHIIH "The Ends of the Earth" Advent- lure Series have made I notable nd.. dition to their list with “The Itedl Brand" by Charles Alden Seltzer (Doubleday, Donn l Gundy, To- ronto). The scenes are laid in New and outdoor Bporta, tents, magic,' The moat Li,f."ti read European "u1d. thousands of. Otters. I‘EICh author of today, aurice Dekobra. article has appropriate illustrations is swiftly gaining this game emin- 1yttieh help to make .tlte. text more enee in America. His new book Interesting. A Nendid..itftn for the "Serenade to the Hangman" (pay. Christmas or birthday liat. son & Clarke, New York) is already ------ a sensation, and it will take many "The Man Who Pretended" by editions to satisfy the demand. Just, W. B. Maxwell (Doubleday, Donn time the hero is a fastidious Egyp- and Gundy, Toronto) is an unusual tian, Ibrahim Bear, and the opening novel of decided merits. Oswald chaptedf finds him in the death cell itaike, the hero, has a Belf-ereated awaiting execution at early dawn. dual personality, which throughouttA sudden change: he is whisked bis entire life causes him miaerraway in a private yacht. and is made‘ and trouble. At heart he is callous to promise suicide within a year. and a coward; outwardly he is This brilliant writer knows how to exactly the reverse. Apparently create life in cold print, and hiss noble, brave and chivalroua he millions of admirers will find here a carries the world by storm with his story of love and revenge that is braver; and kindliness, and he suc- fully as good as “Madonna of the coeds nancially and socially beyond Sleeping Cars”. his.triNeyt dreams. After a tragic ---.- accident he is ready and anxious to "Plantation Stories of Old Louisi- 9nd the long “mettle. but even this arm" by Andrews Wilkinson (L. c. is de?i.ed him;_he B made to pretend Page Co., Boston) is a new edition he wishes to live, and succeeds even of * great favorite. Primarily writ- in.thyt, The plot. " unions and ten for the children’. hour, it holds gripping. written In Unveils but such great interest and charm. that vein. _ it a. mm is lavas-“n "in. .u mam-i "The Boy Mechanic Library". "Recreation in Mathematica" by faP'tTPor, Mechanics Press, Chicago) H. E. Licks (D. Van Nostrandt Co., is t e one set of books the boys New York) is a splendid book to never tire of. The four volumes while away the idle hours, or to r?- have 4000 separate articles that fer to when a mental stimulant u can be made by any ordinary boy desired. Young students will find with n few tools. Imagine what fun much to interest and amuse them. the boy can have with even one of and find many useful things as well. these books; it will keep him happy There are problems in arithmetic, and busy for years. he subjecta algebra. geometry and others. Moat are innumerable, including 22li't of them are of practical use. but try, electrical devices, automo ile, there are many twists and tricks radio, boats, plumbing, tricks and that will appeal to the puzzle Bend. puzzles, skis, all kinds of indoor. -.---- and outdoor Bporta, tents, “NEW. The moat widel§ read European and thousands of. Otters. I‘Eldl author of today, aurice Dekobra. anycle has appropriate illustrations is swiftly gaining this same emin- 1yttieh help to make .tlte. text more enee in America. His new book Interesting. A aplendidjtem for the "Serenade to the Hangman" (pay. Christmas or birthday liat. son & Clarke. New York) is already conducted there. "Broadway Inter- Mexico in the early days when the lude'" is probably as near the mark gun owed the destinies of the as it can possibly be; the suave and answers, law-abiding and lawless. crafty director who will squelch e gun-fanning dri ter and his pal talen if his personal desires are not at into the centre of a sure-enough satisfied, the playwright whose in- {order war- West of the Rio terpretatior1s are throttled and the Grande-and many are the thrillng actresses whose virtue' is always in adventures and dangers they undet- jeopardy. There is a fine love story go. A brave woman enters into the of two innocents, the two hard plot and how her lover helps her boiled old-timers provide the amuse- escape the blood-lusting killers ment, and the "Gavn'r" is the pivot. makes snappy reading. "The Red A story of surpassing interest and Brand" is I real old-time Westerner, not easily forgotten. twith s killing on every page. AtRNNmm0Ns-alu'NNmtteh"-1daatia-dtdgifttoseasd to "Mfume". "qr'tt--ttirtether-xmrtdhrrarta, i'The Chronicle,” We‘erloo, toi. one full year" in advance, and we will be pleased to ment you with one of these handsome knives FREE. They are without doubt the best bread and cake knife on the market, and they cost you nothing. Ily salad in _royr_PuyrtrtptiPu, new of tenewal, P Our SPECIAL Offer A Guaranteed Investment Receipt would make an ideal gift for any member of the family. For this purpose, we will be pleased to issue receipts in amounts of $50.00 and up- wards. that lasts, 'pncuuiuy V’éxtiiEL‘77Toiarrii; "this quaint negro dialect, he hi! many wonderful stories of mind and bird "Plantation Stories of Old Louisi- arm" by Andrews Wilkinson (L. C. Page Co., Heston) is I new edition of . great favorite. Primarily writ- ten for the children’s hour, it holds such great interest and charm, that it in now a favorite with all mem- bers of the household. "Old Jason" is a character that can hail only from the South. the fenuine Sunny South of. the real pn_nt_ation, new Your One of These Knives? Wouldn’t You Like Subscription Today. The E. P. button Co. of New York have nothing in their new offering that will appeal more than the "Story of Mr. Punch" by Octave Feuillet. "Punch and Judy",shows have delighter millions of children and this facinatinf story of the real Mr. Punch wil captivate the yougsters at sight. Born miracul- ously with al this faculties and two humps, he had a merry life of clowning. and his hilarious action! and witty aayin provide humor of the hi heat onfesr. The edition is t','lL'a,"/is, gotbeh up, with clever illustrations by Berta and Elmer Hader. A book that will delight any young boy 'or girl. A reliable Anritreptie--Mirtard't' Liniment. life. It is a splendid book of histor- ieat value of great charm and in- wrest. "The Sunday at Home" (Upper Canada Tract Society, Toronto) is an Annual of outstanding merits In these days of questionable N- tion and beading matter in general, it is extremely diffieatt to ttnd literature that will hold the young tale',': attention. Purely religious oo s are usually too dry, so it is a distinct pleasure to meet a volume like "Sunday at Home." It contains an immense variety of articles of general interest, edifying and of great educational value. A valuable book for the home that will bring pleasure throughout the, year. For sale at all bookstores. "The Big Shot" by Frank Packard (The Crime Club: Doubleday. Donn a Gundy. Toronto) is an inside story of the 1929 model of the gangster and his associates. Mr. ackard spent many weeks in the underworld, gained the confidence of its inhabitants, and is thus able to give an authentic view of their nefarious trade. Gunmen, hidackers. con men, thieves, murderers-they jostle each other as the story pro- trretu9eB, and theer are. enough thrill: to satisfy the most exacting. There aur a dramatic love story; the man was a eonfirmed efiminal and giori- fled in it, the girl was exactly the oprosite. "The Big Shot" is vivid, fult of life and action, and thor- oughly enjoyable.

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