Charla In“. The death took place on Tuesday at Station] of Charles Ruthie," (my of Blendurd township. in his "th you. He Wu born in New “tubing. Seven "hrs ago he re- tired from his farm and at the time of his death was living in St. Marsh. lie in urvived by three was: John, R. R. 3, " Inn's, and Frederick and Harry of Blennhnrd township; two brothers, John of New Ham- burg and Herman of Wellesley, and tive listen, Mrs. Elizabeth Schmehl, Wellesley; Mrs. L. Wettlaufer. Lia- bon; Mrs. B. Eaibileitseh, Kitchener. and Philipim and Emma of Lisbon. 'K.-w. GREENsnlnTs A quiet wedding took place at st.) Peter's Lutheran Church, Kitchener, on Monday when Miss Helen I. Stroh of Erbsville, daughter of Mr. Harvey Stroh and the late Mrs. Stroll of Erbsville, was wedded to Gustave R. Dargel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dargel of Kitchener. The young people were attended by the bride's sister, Miss Véra Stroh, and by the bridegroom's brother, Mr. Fred Dal-gel. The clergyman was Rev. Dr. H. A. Sperling. The bride was gowned in pale yellow georgette and wedding veil and carried a bouquet of roses. They will reside in Kitchener. The Kitchener-Waterloo Green- shirts registered their second shut- out victory of the season at Kitchen- er Friday night Wm: the Camp Bots den avhtors as their victims, by a score of 4 to 0. Yourvludw ,mi-t-ee' "rr-tseat.- Hol’ to hrUbten your home Cinnamon-1m, For... POI-Poll". Pal-n Ind Roco- eonpri-o our olefin. for this wool. " bum-I.- uoedod by your car. You will Ind thin to n- lhbh u out mrmtattiort And thorn uylnc I good word for them. It. Dollar Bill India that to In the but friend " the .muow. that "or hung out a we. in. V. min lot-l tic-i... for all -ioas. and (Idivcr "nil-on. A. Bond Flarist Phone 563 - 678 Wnterloo Harry Marks Tire Hewitt! I“ 'tue " I. M 47†'Am Flowers “IAN â€KIN “a“.‘anlv-Yo. (It... “on†days. WEDDINGS 'aLANk FLVERS. " - Stroll . J'taath%'dri',tu'Qn= - ''S,gtrlPawtt Ir1iiitiéyhfiiLieEiitiiejefl ttiatltrgMt. al- wal. In. Rani-Imamâ€: on “in. Dull. it rut ttswat-tttru-dst-tyt-d. whorl-hum“ Mr.rtn1_bwt3ta_r. Loam " â€we!†$.11. any“? my†mach-Inn who!†with tho Comm-am ac. Co:- a Tom [is up In ‘muvy-uuurhmhMm _oeaitatstuanearaamutruni_ . - 1'l'l'l'%t/fu'TdtT.raG'l'm 'tt..tttt-t. -1 III . immUWme “all†all-twat. It. t',Ph2ug.thrgtt/tc"a8tlif 'ttmBtmN"tBtNtWN,, 01:80-me u. rugs-u. PM AWA1 FATHER AND BON BANQUET HELD FRIDAY pal speaker at the father and am: banquet held at the parish ball‘ of St. Mur- Lutheran church on M day awn. A aplendid Impala! pro - war givea. The tent to the father- waa propoeed by Harry I. sing and responded to by ex Mayor W. D. Brill. The tout to the ladies 'a'aa proposed by Harvey Ziegler. Several bumoroua selections were given by B. Helmpel. and a - read by Garturtd Raymond. Selec- tion were also given by Elmer Geiseter, violinist. and Fred Bank. A sin; eon: followed with John Ethan: as accompanist. John Lani-an acted as clam. An enjoyable bridge party was held recently under the amnion: ot the Waterloo Tennis Club. Thirty live rabies ot bridge were set under the eonrenoratritt ot Mia: Lonnie Conrad. The'prln winners were Mrs. N. A. lick and Mr. Ed. Ox)". high score and Mm. A. McIntyre and Fred Mancini.“ second high score. The consolation prize- went to Mrs. Rogers and John Ferguson. GIVEN SIX MONTHS SENTENCE A Waterloo lad, Ernie M11htr aged 17 years was found guilty ot that! of a motor car. his second otrenem and sentenced try magistrate Weir to the Ontario Reformat)†tor nix months. - Miller 1 week ago took Fred Dick- son's car and went tor a joy ride. He was given suapended sentence Mid a week later repeated the of- renee this time using Wilfred Cook's car. Rev. J. o. Watts, ot Kingston. tots merly of Waterloo was the principal speaker at the Grand Valley District Young Men’s Conference stsslon hold " Kitchener on Saturday and Sunday. His subject was "How to make the Most of Life." On Sunday delegates trom Stratford, Guelph. Brantford md other points attended service tn St. Andrew's church. where an ad- dress was given hy Rev. Mr. Watts. MARRIED AT DETROIT The marriage took place " Bowl.. ing Green, Ohio, November 2, of Alice Eleanor Reid, daughter of Mr. Alfred Reid and late Mrs. Reid of Detroit, to Oscar William Berdux of Detroit, son of Mrs. Peter Berdux, Albert Street, Waterloo. '"t't.'tgltt2'tte riLiitLeLeaiiiiti-Liiiuir. oe.a-.. 'ra-a-it-q-kai' " Miss E. -HAWKE, PRESIDENT At the annual meeting of me A. Y. P. A. ot tho church ot the Holy Bat iour held recently. Mina Eleanor Hawke was elected president. Fred Handy vice president, Dorothy Bring- loe treasurer and Floyd Freeman see relary. Arthur Bannock n. the {the} Bauer -At Waterloo, November M1 to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Bauer, 186 South King ~St.. qedaughterr. Knapp-At K.w Hospital, December Ist, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knapp, 80 Simeon 'street, Kitchener, a daughter. "hmidt---At Kitchener. Nov. 30th. to Mr. and Mm. Carl Schmidt. . daughter. Eett.r---At 'Kitchener, Nov. 87, to Mr. and Mrs. Ollver Zeller, I daughtcr. Gamphen--rAt St. Mary'a Human. Nov. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell. a non. rMorhur-At the K...W. ‘HOIplt-l, I Nov. 2tlto Mr. 1nd In. Leonard Merkley, Waterloo, I daughter. Kmrtr-At Detroit, Nov. IT, to Mr. and Mm. Olen Kuntz, I Ion. You" - At St. Mary'- Hospital, Nov. 20, to Mr. and In. hunk Young, I son (ltlllhorn). Eu.ur-At the K-W 1hrrspitat, Nov. 20, to Mr. and In. Ernest Ziegler, daugheer. MeNattr-- At St. M1175 Holplul. Nov. 26, to Mr. and In. C. a. llcN-lly, R. R. I, West Montrose, a non. . " ADDRESS BY REV J. WATTS ENJOY BRIDGE PARTY Ciro-Ho. IIHO‘IRIICI‘VO vaudHIc-IQH- orhqr-h-hrh-heq. main-Iv“... Mada-Will â€the“ unit-halo. hunk-aid...â€- "i-.--. Christmas Gift Problems (“I a? . mung-um Nll,4 In. Rug-muggy}! in? aiil Fai, aTiGaG- gitugirt who} at thdl.rkG CHM It W i) f ' _ , and B kl: t magma“... .5... tl tFadioittiew hm. pp"... an}! iiairiiGFFirtf Eif but“: . if It." -iGrifu-R at? WA." TtiFit.6: Victor at home; Ind two mint‘ children; duo two hrothere, M" don Rent of Did-bury. Atta., and Gideon Reid of Kitchener. The funeral will he held on Friday after.. noon. December 6th, " 1.80 o'clock from her late residence to the M. B. C. Church It New Dundee, and thence to Blenheim cemetery fot burial. The bereaved "milrhare "iiGTrapuiti, Hf iii? mini (new. For-ct Rodin-t M The funeral of the late Mr. Johnl Schultz of Waterloo, a former reci- dent of this community, was held in: the United Brethren Church on Wednesday afternoon. December tth. Interment took place in the New Dundee Union Cemetery. At the U. B. Clinch. A specie! TO mine will by) given in the bnttWrtr"l/t'lh,,' Church ‘by the members of the W.I.A. next ‘Sundny evening, December 8th. ‘Everyone welcome. Born - To Mr. and Its. Own] Coleman, on December 2nd, a non. Baking Sale. The New Dundee Women's Insti- tute will hold a baking sale on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 7th, from chree to six o'eiock. in the Band Hall. The proceeds will be used to- ward: the furnishing of the teach- ers' room in the New Dundee Sehooi. .- Ponmln. - - Mr. Charles Weber and daug'gner Blanche 1nd Mr. McFayden of ut- falo, N.Y. spent a few days of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Weber. Mr. and Mrs. George Hilborn of Wilwnville and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hilbom of Paris visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilhorn on Wednesday of last week. â€Diana: "Eitner Poth and Lincoln Casual motored to Hamilton Inst Thyyadtw.. -- _ .. - - . trr." Dave Litwiller momma ti, Tolgnto PP. Suturing. _ -- "ier-."iirid Mrs. David H. Snyder visited at the home of Mr. Wesley Beyer at Mtuys.yeiy.t on Supdax. .' The Misses Edna and Mary Schiedel and Mr. Moses Groir of Petersburg visited with Mr. and Mry, Edgar -Hymrtya_n 9n_8ur§lay. _ Mr. and Mrs. brod Rueirer and daughters Helen and Ruth and Mr. and Mrs. Chyton Weber of Wnter- loo visited with Mr. and Hrs. Simon Wttysrohsandyv. _ __‘ _ Mrs. Mary Lisarn of Kitchener went Thursdax of Inst week with Mr. and Mrs. . Hitborn.' Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Saltzberry and son Russel of Rosebank visited with Mr. 3nd Mrs. Soloman Bowman on_Sundttr., - L. . . . . Mr. and-Hrs. Lorne Zinken visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Zinken at gauging on _S_unday. _ __ Mrs. Wietaet of Elmira is spend- ing a few days of this week " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mutton Howling. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Einwnchter spent Sunday at Kitchener. In. August Killer of Ayr is irnding tom. (in. with Mr. and , rs. linen Weber. Rev. I. M. Blunts all lam. Alisa Betta Meme; spent the whs_k-enCat Tyroytgz _ A _ mg. ion. Hallman of cm visited at the hdme of Mr. and Mn. Omar Bnitier tttat. Etidaru. _ -. . _ day. Ga' iGTu; uaTiiiiGAn it%FirGT tended the funeral of the late Mr. Henry Martin at Fiend-1e on Ion- 7 hr. and Mrs. E. B. 1-1.1!an Ipent , tew dgyl of km. week ttrorrytto, Mr. Jimes Unmet of Rosebud: visited with Mr. and In. Albert Eggfdee _onAytdar. _ _ _ atrs. A. Hilbom' spent the week- end " Kitchener. Mr. and In. Ab. Seine! and - of thwood amt Sunny " nag hangs ot If. We nigh-m. Mr. and In. Md. Peach and Mr. amt In. J. J. Cnckneil of Kitchener were visitor. at J. L. “Mama on Sunday. Joseph and Ambrou mFmtmra- called on Month here In: took. Mr. and Mm. Walter Hodg- and than!" of Stnlford “a Mr. Ind Mn C. Chow.- of linen.“ - . dny at Mr. acorn Gunter". "way. In. Wm. Wilford I. ettrtthMtd to he? had with I alight attach of pneu- monh An only recovery In tho um of her my kinds. 7 _ The W. M. B. hold molt Noam" naming a the home of In. Thou. Din-tum In! Wednesday will u good “not ttr-tte, A very any lunch was and by m host... at no clan of tho and“. Mr. on. â€maximum of Dunno I: main; son. an " It in. The “in! eArtgttt- autumn- nmu will ho hetd In a. School "on. on My ".IIII M m. "in It. om- who In: boa ".t0arber.fWrth.ltgttArsoartdt. In! your- mac In In rm»- l"t rock. tet at, a 8-35." ganja: S""'"'" can syn-mo- um. 9ettqtgqIt. in In: 'iii" mint-coon. “'th OROMILL PM AWAY Juhrtli.AUGt tt afiiriaa " â€Chain. Alwyn IA-s, WJE - Pfefl, iiiTilurirt' if. in mid: MIII at {canal-ts ,reddtna much - by It. Jam! - of mm on]. softly mom a. no. tho Mill. on“ a. win! a no as or In an». Ree. R. ll. Johnson. - ot Mitrhal United Church ’0!de the col-om. 1140 We was becoming), attUd In a gown ctr nun bees tun-pu- iii-iii AEK, m '9". on: vulva â€Inland will [was of an M0 any!“ I Mutual ot amnion. She WIS attended by It: Halon new who was armed In my. black antirt of a doorman. no groom was supported by Anna Von. Ann tho ceremony negation Ind eotterat0stiotus over the party guests all down to a prepared dinner. Tho color uterine of an decon- lions throughout the home In. pink and white. The heâ€! young couple left for a honeymoon trip to Galt and Belem points the bride "evening in dark brown velvet with hat and coat to match. Many beautu’ul manila attested to the popuhrlty of the you: made. They Irlll reads on the groom's farm near Rosanna. Puma-I0 Mr. Elvin Friedman ot Dane“ re turned after spending a week at " home here. Mes-3m James, Short and Frank McCordle attended the tuners] ot Mrs. Jim McCardle at St. Marys on Tuesday. Mr. Frank H. Schummer spent a few days In Stratford last week. Mr. Joe Hayes spent a few days at the Winter Fair In Toronto last Husk. 'Mr. and MRS. Ed. Bach and Bon Frederick of Detroit spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kerley. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Karlsy of Brighton spent a few darts last ivtser3r with Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Karley. The nine day old infant ot Mrs. Rd. Schleuter ot Knchener died Saturday and was buried last Sunday In the Lutheran cemetery at Lin: Mr. Clarence Koebel ot Preston ripen! Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Koehel. Miss Mary Lose] of Kitchener is spending a few days at her home here. We are sorry to report that Mr. Albert Gibbons is on the sick list. ' Esteemed Resident Dead Mrs. Catherine Kummer, wife of Henry Kummer died at her home near Linwood, .Nov. 20 In her 55th year. The deceased who was for- merly of Erbsvllle was In her usual health until two days before her death. when she experienced a slight cold. Therd survive. her hudbnnd. two daughters, Alice and Hazel at home, one brother, Henry Koch ot Lfabon and two amen. Mrs. H. Steins of Waterloo, Mrs. R. Runner. Moosejaw. Sank. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon art30 o'clock trom the Lippert and Hunter funeral home. Kltchener. Interment was made at Mount Hope cemetery. Rev. Aw -vrAdiyqte, H. Bperllng ot St. Peter‘s Lutheran Church Ind charge of the servlco. The pail hearers were. Cliven Rich- ber; Wm. Koch; Elmer ‘Kummer: Edward ‘Kummer: John Itiehber; sud Julius Kummor. Friends were present from Stratford, Bearmrrtiht. Tavistock and Hampstead. interesting Meeting -. - The December Meeting ot the Women's Institute was held on Mon- day, Dec. 2nd at the home ot Mr. Wm. Carnoettan. The meeting open- nd by singing um opening Ode. " members were present. Roll call was answered with "Favorite Candy Re- clpm." it was decided to give the usual Christmas treat to the school vhildren. A geographical contest was then hold 1nd Mm. Foster won the prize. Quantum drainer was an- swered h In. One Beggs. Macs ing closed with the national an m after which a my lunch was 3,211. Mt. George "nefnor um all“! [mine eheited In Kitchener lat week. Mr. Nelson Snyder and daughtu' Eva of Kitchener spent last Satur- day with the tormer% parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Snyder. A 3 -iirr. "iihiiiGt" vrrUiniurhtor Pur. ence. and son Calvin visited Sand y In Glenn)!" with Mrs. M. Porter. Mug Katie Martin about Sun y with her sister. Mlu Annie Mttrti . Mn. Henry Frey Visited Sat!" y with her ulster. Hrs. Annual Mir s. A large number of peoplo Attend: the Auction Sale of Mrs. Tom HI] am on Pttdtty 'tftttrttoott. Mn Hil 1rd Inland. moving to Kitchener the near tutu". - Mm. John Petemon of St. Cloned" "I a new! visitor hero w h Mandi. â€rum". Irvine Helium] of Mittru loo and Mr. Gordon Mc‘nvlsh were recent human: vllltou in Militant. Mr. Rune! Hum. teacher of R d Hill School amt the voohnd it " homo In It. Mar". Mr. and In. Anon tranche! . and the httor'u Mount. Mr. [in t on “and" who I. I â€New. In Mtg? 1Tyenatufr!tum"r. _ "ii. CM?!†hula-r that a “w (up bu to“ will Mr. To. mp. Mr. and In. Utopian 84:th All! Mr. and In. he! Noll.- at motor“ to Tomato on may want no a†with with... V Mr. "out Bring!" I. - oaiuaa hum" - in“ witii -' III“. Mr. “and “than I. 51 'sf-ttAtt-Wt Bet" IIMK WINDOW. HAWKIIVILLI Wenvanowmnn A quiet wedding was solemnizad at tho parsonage of the United Church in Wilkie Sank. on Thursday Nov. 21, when Mary Valetta second daugh- ter of Mr. and Mm. Levi Bowman “as united in marriage to Mr. Wes- I‘ry Weaver ot Senlnc Sash. Rev. l. G. McGookln officiated. The bride 1nd groom have taken up their resi- dence on the groom's farm. at Sumac. Personal. urrioau Schultz ol‘Wnterloo ,pettt a few darespeittt tytends heron Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bowman and daughters. Mr. and Mm. Levi Ging- rich and daughters spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Martin at Wallenmeln. We no aorr'y to report that Mm Alvin Sham: is in. We wish her a speedy recovery. _ . Io King St. S. l ,ixltt* vmlm Tun. Me In?“ _ Pihs. 29c maul: :19"? 18c mun WM |nmsrns~§3~a~ BU-GG" HI“. t"'yt _...- - 27c Mee... _ 59c Eiiiir.., H 476 Yr., FF .r.. Sh: '.tltvt'rftt PrfrF .V 57c PLO RADALI The minute the children see our driver cor'he to the door their faces light up with that smile of true friotdshidt because he is bringing them Which means, satisfied aAbetifes,- real good for their bodies, which rardUcts in their bright rosy faces. Let them drink frieetty, [Itch-nor Dairy "SAFE MILK†2 IU. 87c 'ff Flaw WATERLOO I Mrs. Cham Bergman _ returned home after spending the past few 'weeks with Mr. and Mrs,. Victor ' Sloan at Kitchener. I Mrs. George Schimbein from Comer toga is spending several weeks with ', Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Snyder. f Miss Susannah Martin returned to 'her home in Elmira after spending {some time with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. 1 Bowman. Miss Emmellne Lichty from near Conestoga is spending two weeks with her parents. Mr. and “Mrs. Noah Litrttty. Mr. and Mm. George Mattuach and l, Arthur Wellwood. aged " "aw, Gladys visited with relatives in St. caretaker of Istington Public School “can" Saturday. evgning. land volunteer Fire Chief of the vil- Mrs. Isaac Liehtr and daughter, . . Norene returned to her home after lnse. w" almost inatantlr killed " 3:33;: ge, (It; 'er,',." near 881-] Tuesday when he was crushed under Miss Susannah iiaGiru, visited on} a fire "Y'.'" while he and M. com- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. hmell pany of xxx man were responding Bowman near Drayton. I to a grass tire. Mrs. Isaac Lichly and daughter Norene returned to her home after visiting with her parents near Mtn, dethurg tor a few weeks. ooil'O F BAKING POWDER I“. "e. CHEESE Friends . ___"",,-,' At N _ . _ Once " BB" I The death occurred on Saturday led to i morning ot Mr. Henry Martltt, at the ending home ot his brother. Mr. E11 mull: D. M. Aw, Elmira. The late Mr. Martin m ‘well known In this vieinlty t-tne ttear , resided here tor a num'bor ot you". weeks 3-1119 funeral which - held on Mow Mruth , day “lemon was largely attended. 3&3; 19' Mrs. Schumann nad In. J. B. Snyder spent a by with Mr. tad EM“. Norm King. recently. I Mr. Frank Russia (tom Toronto 'spent the weekend with his parent- have. CAKE CANDIIS S'."" "tOc STRING "MS 12c, 20c, 33c museums 8|th- iiiui, yuan-vault 23ct085c “Mb t2e, 23c "it,t'."Ul .29: 43c 10c 37c 15c