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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 Dec 1929, p. 4

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_ 'rt-Sak-USU-o-s-uterus-s-Ns.." -'Ruueh.s".uu'-tor-'t---ho-oqtr--a-" slows . comma . owns 7: ttortrtaaoturtt,norr1-tmiit'oNAmrchrrmotmmmrmsmrar. The can of the play“Hello Papa", yhich was recently presented at St. Louis Hall, Waterloo, ’was enter- tained ata dinner at the Elite Cafe, Kitchener, on Wednesday night. Miss Maudé O’Donnell. tyatertained at u dellghttul bridge and tea at her boys, Jehn_tstretrt, Waterloo. Ins. A. E. Miser JrLGiiot, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. C Tweed, Willow street. Waterloo. Phone 284 . WATERLOO F. STEELE In. W. D. Euler And Mrs. w. Max Euler entertained at a delightful At Home It the Granite Club on Thurs- day afternoon. The hostesses receiv- ed their guests. numbering over two hundred. and Mrs. W. J. MoU and In. A. B. Pollock invited to the maroon. Mm. W. P. Clement and Mrs. J. C. D. Forsyth poured tea for the tint hour ‘and Mrs. S. C. Tweed and Mrs. Berna! Jones poured tonne second hour. The tearoom assistants included Mrs. Waiter Nixon of Bram- tord, Mrs. Walter Hartung, Mrs. Marry Wilton, Miss Bernice MacCaI- lull). Mrs. Prank Ellis and Miss Lil-i lion Breithaupt. i " w. an not "rrio. you n pron-l. we would lik- to a": you in tho “in". our choice government in- .mud - appeal to the uool cutting hue- and our prompt delivcry unit. gives eta-plot. Juli-faction. Seven! machines were initiated u the regular meeting ot Patrick Chapter Order of The Eastern Star Int not. he choir accompanied by In: Jones, can; during the itti, ultory ceremony and another tea- !ure ot the event In the present» don of new mum to the otrieem. A all; song In enjoyed while the pre- senution was made. The matron. In. B. Ziegler presided and at the conclusion ot the Program dainty re freshman were served. no friends or Miss Ethel Boyer. who has been I patient in St. Mary's hospital for the put month. in con- tinuum: at her home ot her brother. Mr. Wilfred Boyer In Kitchener, ser. all In. W. lax We! of Irit- - and to Mir new home In “to. on Monday. In. Ind Manna, Willow at, “who I: In Wumunt. Gum. 'tstung but ulnar, In. M. Lionel: m to attend the wedding at her Ilka. I!“ Ethel “each on Dec. 11. In. Archie Locmrt. of Kitchen, at I. ”0min: I In dan' holiday In Mr. and Mrs. Prod Altman an!» tainqd a number ot triends at their home. Friday night, In honor ot their recent undue. Mr. Joupn helm at Detroit visited at In home In Kitchener tor a few at: A m sic-31b: at tho ham; trt he: .30.. In. A. . [Amman IWdWW,Ir.m WMeta.atrdqtsnr.lBraseatnndBb. -6otW-aasdWi1gtiettKtrt - Ion! mum: Coll-n. Mm. muwmuauln. wan: wtm.at.otT-to. . " King Street West , KITCRENEB ...lhl.u-Iludhh ur.uu In dt"Siits"eFr'u1Fsty,'iiih1l'i%?st m ' 'o-tlt/Wert,','.,',"'.' yaLt.f"hfttt'. ",it,,'l . 193 iriirriiii a ‘wmnummu “mlwu'uorloo -.rtq..qb%hete.amdgEr.g. tgiiiiriefurimus denim CLASSES $4.50 and up Saves You Money " in the molt convenient lath-on method ill round. It’s a Mistake to Miss Wingfelder’s Meat Market CASH AND CARRY Taking a Look at Our Used Oars North Qsttaeen Car Market as Queen .North - Near KhrSt. - Novembor "96-a' yur I'D P, Weather, mostly fine, name "tow. ing. some eoM--6 below zero on the 28th. Sprendid sleighlng on the nth. Papers report snow storms in some parts of the U. sums. thIngIon was snowMund. The Lutheran, of the diluent churches are combating the birth of Martln Lumber which took place on November 10th. 1988. no how": Tie Unmd' sate. 'Pro'udenul election w“ held’on the am. Theo. dore Roosevelt was bladed. The Dominion-a Election on the 3rd. tht Lulrferr Gov't. was nulhlnod. Mr. Jon. E. Sean-uni and Mr. Bl. P. Clement run in North Waterloo, Mr. Se:_gum__w_on _-by 30' majgrlty. Marcel 50e. Rose Beauty Shoppe, over Kitchener Furniture Store, Waterloo. Phone 1038.], Waterloo. 49..1 ' -. V. "W“, .....5 "we“ mun-cu". I Rev. Harold Martin and Mrs. Mar- tin of Buffalo, NN., were the tl'r'f,t,", of the former's ttndparenta, r. and Mrs. George Martin. Mr .and Mrs. Lewis Cline, of 78 years. have returned to Kite ener after a delightful motor trig and visit among relatives in the nited States. While in East Vernon High- Way they PtP! welcome guests of Mrs. Mary Erb. They also visited their niece in St. Clair Shem; Mn, Cline's sister, whom he had not men for over twenty-five years; Mn] Cline’s brother and his wife in Al- gonnc. I Miss Beatrice Geischler and Messrs. Stewart and Louis Geisch- ler of Syracuse, N.Y., formerly of Kitchener, have left for their home after being guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. JJ. Weber,. .rtyyr Itreet, Kindly)”. _ _ «w - m“. _____._ I id Dr. W. L. Hilliard and Mrs. Hil- “In", In W"".""'!?' J's nrndumm Hard, Albert St, Waterloo, motored yy John Pet Danieti w“ tin to Woodstock recently on a visit to bridegroom a attendant and Mr. Ed the; daugguter, Mrs. Entcla‘inson. aHun-d Clam, usher. During the sign- Inn na.';nn ,ni... - -_ . - _ Mrs. C. Schmidt, East Ellen St., Kitchener, has returned to her home from a three weeks' visit with relu- ties irLDttrojt 3nd Fling, Alicia; - The social evening in connection with the 50th anniversaré festivities of the Ladies' Aid of ion Evan- gelical Church was held Thursday night and was attended bhnenrly 300 guests. A birthday on e Bur- rounded by 50 candles had the {have of honor on a central table. so- cial. hour, was_ enjpyed trar-ell. -- ‘ Many friends of Mr. Matthew! Daub will be sorry to learn that he' is seriously ill at the home of his daughter, 123 Waterloo street, Kit- ehener. MLand Mrs. A. Walton! of De- troit visited at the home of Mr. and ME; Jos. Befges at Waterloo. I Mrs. C. C. Hahn was the hostess ‘at a delightful tea at her home re- Cia; when she entertained in honor of her daughter, Miss Dorothy Hahn, whose marriage to Mr. Vil- helm Fruergaurd-Petersen took iree November 28th. Mrs. Gordon Mothers! of Waterloo assisted the hostess. I Mum Webster and Guam Schulle of Detroit attended} the Inn- eral ot their father, an Inn Mr. John Schulxe at Waterloo. t Mr. and Mm. Edmund H. lick uni dauxhter Donnie were - over the week-end at the home ot - mother. Mm. O’Donnell. John St., Waterloo. They were Accompanied on their return try Ilsa land O‘Don- nell who will he a no“ tor some time. loogk which took plum on Entity. , Inn. Roy a. an: of Watorloo in a guest this teak at wanton. ot Mr. And In. Edmund H. an of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Snyder and son, Mr. Stewart Snyder, left on Friday on a four weeks' holiday trip to Bermuda. _ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoogk of Freeport, m., were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. China. 52 North Queen street. Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Zicll of Buf- falo were recent visitors in Water- loo. They were accompanied on their return by In. Roy B, Bean, who wilt be their guest this week. 77â€"7 __ ---ev ---. ___ vâ€"w _.. __..-- . “I. - - . (some Susi" of Toronto. Mrs, Inch n on III Schulle at Waterloo. la, 82, "I'? rf2'gt,t IT', 2'at Mort Orr of misery. Alta, and um Mr. and Mm. Edmund IL lick and m when Mia. Anetta Em Winnlfred Schulze of New Lisireard, daughter Donnie were - o'er 'l'dt'lt'll'fl', of Mr. and Ive. also one sister. Mrs. Alfred Wot" ot the week-end at the home ot not John Feiek," Kitchener was ha Mt Kitchener. one brother. Henry mother. Mrs. O’Donnell. John St., wedded to Mr. Dnvid §eihort Elma Schulze ot Tavistock, and a sister Waterloo. They were tffe'ge'hltf Bon of It. “a In. George Bop! Mine Minnie Schulze predeceased on their return try line land ODon- of lilnrton. a". M. Burn, MY him. The tuneral took place on Wed- nell who will he I anon tor ”no of the church, old-ted. nestle, at one o'clock from the lamlly time. t The lurid. m Attended by Mu. home where service was conducted lire. G. P. Yungblui. Young St., Adeline Keen? and the menu. by Rev. J. P. Ranch. mum-0t the Wa. Waterloo, in visiting her daughter. was Reuben tick. hunger of the tertoo Emmanuel Eranttelicat church. Mrs. Norman Peppler. at Hanover. bride. [medial]. "gating weer: 2,t Sinai“ ,'1',t,r/,'"2, proceeded to in Ma O'Donne . I mil In"?! n . we in; inner new A ow uu as w ere service was held 50:0 22tt the ham? 'h Ie,') 3?: at the home of the bride's parmttm in the U. B. church. Interment was ter, Mrs. E. M. Zick, Butrato. I -_--- glide in the New Dundee Union An 1-month; out! " - alt-noo- I. the you [and not. than urn-ml by In. _ . Inui- mn. (or-MI: Its an I. - of hummuuruvhou. In. street. with“. Mr. and In. B. R. lit-cool!!- venue. N. J., um nun at a. bone ot In. hum least, u Cedar “not. “lam, Thor nau- uni-i. Monthly Budget of Old Newt. Inn Ptter Shane’- Dbl-y In in Water-I A Pretty house wedding took Impanied on place at the home of Mr. and, Mm. tg. 8, 35"” Otto Vogelung, 55 Homewood Ave., , :02:; "or 'Kitchener, at high noon Wednesday, “a,“ at the Nov. 27, when Min Edna Loren: Wm. Chive", ngner. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pree1tt, _'Daniei Wmer, was wedded to LT ‘wu dedicated on Sunday the Mth. Mr. Cm. Bows!- Blunt! tad Ills: Margaret at. Down wore hurt“ on the ma. Roe. John N. latching and um Hand B. mm. were and“ on the ,dled on February 18th 1516. being as yen: old. In: born and died in " lebon, lower Sunny. Thanksgiving Dar In on Thurs- day the 11th. The M. B. C. had their Sunny school convontlon In Tor- onto on that by. A very col-lou- “not at not dent hastened at Toronto on' the IT, when 8 per-mu um killed “a " were Injury]. I SPECIAL CHRISTI” OFFER , Solve your Christina. gift prob- tem by sending your friend or rela- tive I yenr'a tmtmeription to the Chronicle. It in I weekly reminder of your thoughtfulneu and will be appreciated. bread and cake knife free with each subscription. l Good for Tootuche-...-Nimrrd's Liniment. I After the ceremony the guests. including only the immediate rela- tives of the young couple. were en- tertained at a reception at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mm., Fruergaard-Petenen left on a brief wedding trip and on their return will reside at their new home, “Mus- koka Lodge", Port Sydney, Muskolm. , The wedding march was played 'br Miss Ada Eby. The bride en- tered the church on the arm of her father, with her sister, Miss Uauline Hahn, in attendance as bridesmaid. Mr. John Harris Daniel] was the bridegroom's attendant and Mr. Ed- ing Act the register Mn: doriiil, Motherat of Waterloo sang an ap- propriate song. i Fruergurd-Pekne- . Hahn . A pretty church wedding was solemnized at St. Matthew's Luth- eran Church 'on Thursday, Nov.' 28, when Miss Dorothy Katherine Hahn, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hahn, Benton St., Kitchener, was, wedded to Mr. Vilhelm Fruergaard-i Petersen, formerly of Preston, teonl of the late Mr. and Mn. Peter F‘ruergnurd-Petersen of Copenhagen Denmark. Rev. John Sebmieder ofBeiated. The bride was attended by Miss Grace M. Boettger and Stewart C. Kuhn was'the best man. A wedding dinner was served utter which Mr. and Mrs. Grube left on a wedding trip by motor to Hamilton and Buf, aio. On their return they will reside‘ " 68 Highland Road, Kitchener. Benjamin Charles Gmbe, youngest son of Mr. and In. Henry Grube. Rev. A. S. Imrie, the pastor of Ben- ton Street Baptist Church. oMeiated. ‘Rochl. - of It. and In. Adolph lockol, Vault», In Ida-l to Ila-ad Km. no: " It. uni in. bhn'Kmn. Irite% other. If. all In. Goon. Penn-r. Waterloo, “and“ the couple. Rev. C. tk lobed. mama. It. and In. Knorr will reside in Wat- n. m toot up; may Salli-kind; " tho m o! St. John's N30233:: “than M " ' I'M 'ru. 5",... " an Ayn junta}; wail; clam-ch " Hum" with. our. '_* _"'-."-..---..." - Its. my in. but": no. Wan-hmmohmb matt.veeamddu.rtaretr..nt$t' . A gay-g}! up. noun. a Me. VISIT Till LAND or IUNIHINI Some poopIe travel extertFty-- Ocean oral-as to far countries Enrol». etc. Why not spend a few month: this winter In California-tho had of manila. and play. when climatic conditions are “excelled the yur room" A “column; coun- try or men aura. mountain rm- ory ot you mildew. colorful dour“. Inland"! cum um begun- hl lune/hen whor- hthlng In the nul- vaml ultimo. do". Tanni- ull polo are lino wry you!“ will. yachting. {Inning and luau on be "loyal to tho Ml. much; in the worm moonlight It». [or not. who choc-o. i “on "Mthte Cummi- trucl one or both It” VII tho Canal-n noel- lu m "etrqr u Vancouver all Vidal-h. - loan. (he [on our“. all raincoat senor] "etet"o lo nil worthwhile. 'i-.in:~m“' Ira," "at, 'Itl gladly up)!“ " any cup- wife. Fir 135.76.}; . 1Gt vs: cent bid Jerome, ll] of ieriiieiG", uns": Men Ile on Frida , Philip _Htryitaes, 108 Krug St., Kit-cg oner following . year’s iltttetm, in his éGth year. Be Is aurvived W,,'! wife. {gin-John, 099m, (End, In- Georg. Weber The death took place on Sund-y at tRratford of George Weber, aged 38 years, after an illness of six months. He was born in Nenatadt 66 year- ago. He in survived by ‘three sum, Wallace. Toronto. and Herbert and Lorne " home, three dluxhterl, Kn. J. Friar, St. Thom- BB, and In. E. Lat: Ind Mm. l: Goa of Stntlord; also two brothers and three sisters including Mrs. W. Fucum, of Kitchener. . Noah Kunhol The death occurred at the real- dence, ll Hermie Place, Kitchener, of Noah Kunkel, in his 54th year. Mr. Kunlrel wan born in Strauburg‘ and w” a carpenter 2 trade. He isi survived by his wife, ve sons, Clay- 'ton of Detroit, Alfred, Charles, Har- old and En ene at home, and one daughter, Ei','. Robert Oswald of Brt corn. The funeral was held this t hundny) afternoon. Samuel D. Snyder The death occurred on Friday of Samuel D. Snyder of Rodney, in his 85th year. Mr. Snyder was born near Resume and living in St. Jacoba until 28 years ago when he moved to Rodney. He-wa" proprietor of the "our and feed mill there. He was a brother-in-law ot David Clemens. of Kitchener. There survive, one son and daughter. born or Rodney. The, funeral was held Sunday arternooni at the home thence to the Tr..rt.l Church there. Interment took pineal In the U. B. Cemetery. We. --- mm..- Many Borrowing friends and rela~ tives attended the funeral of the late George B. Moogk, formerly Miss Emma Grosser, who died, at Weston, Ont, on Wednesday, Nov. 27. Service was held on Saturday afternoon at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Grasser, South Water street, Kitcheneh, andl lf. the First English Lutheran! :Church. Rev. J. Mamet. Kitchener, and Rev. Mr. Forbes of Weston ofBeiated. Interment was made in the Woodland Mausoleum. The ht,t bearers were Messrs. Norman lei- ler, Herman Kratz, J. Witzel. H. Wellein, P. Wellcin and G. Liphardt. There Mrs. Susannah Hill Death removed an aged Kitchen- er resident in the person ot hire. Su- annual: Hill. 125 Highland Road. in her 74th rear. There survive, her husband. Joseph Hill. two sons. Ed- win of Gilbert Plain. Mam. David ot Kitchener, live daughters. Mrs. W. R. Waters, Dayton, Ont., Mrs. G. H. Hill. Kitchener, Miss Lillian Hill, roronto, Edith and Vera at home. Jive brothers. Joseph and George Earnlt, Elmira, Henry ot Manon. Ont., Levi, Plunkett. Sash. David ot Kitchener one sister, Mrs. Levi Um bacher. St. Jacobs and two gram“ children. The funeral was held onl, Wednesday. Interment was made in l Woodland Cemetery. Rev. W. D. Spence assisted by Rev. E. Sieven- piper of Bethany Mennonite Church officiated. Ttr. 133i“ tl. r. A., In the U. B. church. Interment was made in the New Dundee Union Cemetery. Many sol-rowing "lends and relatives attended, many trom a distance. Numerous floral trifrutea were sent by friends. The null bear- ‘era were Messrs Samuel Schnab. Henry Kaitrtleisch. Nelson Schatz, George Diet: and Wm. McDougall of Waterloo, Allan Hallmnn at Kitch- aner and Emmerson Bock and Edwin Hanan]: ot New Dundee. Thou survive. I sunning widow, an. hunters and two mm ot the (Int marriaae. namely: Webster um Clinton 31:11qu ot Detroit. Mrs. game Susi" ot Toronto, Mrs. "qtnteMr.t-..aaborsttn Nov Dub. an ion“ In. cub but“ lb 15th W! had I. [and um Doc. 4th. “to: " n- und than tum no you. no. to moved to Waterloo. H. was a unn- rnl number at the immune! Enn- ulieu church. He In. untried ty "" to In Menu]: Wilding, of Danced. my town-hip. who pr> Aocetud M- m 1908. The following you. July M, 1908, he 'll united in martian to Hia- Hum Gabe! of Pun-vino. . . _ ' .,. "T'"r"'TTT'""'"""'-t""er""" I at...“ . . 7 _ . in. ' ( an ' an bl: In: Ih"tt _ F _ l . _ T m I“ ' Cw ,. _ , Mu at New and“ M gt” ' . j an.” a. his has. on - an: _ _ Wm only Mutiny new... C "..ar-t.rdwtth-rtattaertat ' _ the _ uni nab“ II" 5 than _ “I. at». no More India! aid 014M. A an “All". vs- no not It“ In two ml Ind Ion Detroit aatd “posted to Arrive in Waterloo l' 73119“! “that only Fri“, ovo- In _ . - - - - -- - Philip "only” 'eed_twer or: Frida: Mrs. ctore He" ' Mrs. S. Rennie The death of Mrs. S. Rennie of Zurich occurred at her home on Tuesday morning, Nov. 26th. She is the mother of Mrs. S. R. Knechtl of Irle daughter, Mrs. E. Wilson, of St. Jacobs, who with her husband, Kitchener, and two sisters. Mrs. Rev. Kneehtel, attended the funeral Mary Walser, Elam and Mrs. Peter at Zurich Anthony of Kitchener, and ten . grandchildren. ' All kind. of lovely Dolls, " " 39c to , 0.00 Done Wicker Furniture See- - - cal, Cllmblhg Tractoro. mil bull! " " 1.75 All kind. of Jolly Game. Q 38c to 1.75 Men's Glove. .. 2.50 Sweaters at - 2.95 Menu Tie. 59cm " Time is flying quickly. Before we know it, Christmas will be here! Come in and do your shopping as soon as possible. The _ crowds will be less, and the assortment of . merchandise more complete. Only 16 Shopping Bays Until Christmas! last 2tht ',t."2'tnt", 'u'ttta.'t,ttge, " the ft'tgrutt2tg Td w '3 ,a. m a 'ld"G7llrfrhlfflhllyA0e'u'thttt. _ '2tPtehtfor_itrvea.it-r---,etsssua-. "rtiehtt-UAdtfiirfsrtkaGii.1 ' 1taetb..eiarvyrrmhdtraili-i. this week and he... I from.“ 'surreratWaurhoGmdteieiiiF'tirii-i. ' Other Lino- @ Are mrkod at Cut Prices. Toyland is foylandfor Children at, I rd., DRESS IL?! lilo. at, yard. ..., Dress Goods You'll not hliovo it until an no what we cl" you Suggesting Giftsfor a Woman Christmas Handkerchiefs Flannelettcs In] So. tho tot cl $1.40 to "d 3... ...... $1.00 ALL BLANKETS 25c dk 29e yd I. A. Germann's Store T 1ifitlt Jtttr18)lii; Is Steadily Increasing (Recently Purchased in ihontreai) This only gives you a faint idea of whath going on at ifts Suitable for d Man cum um. “(on as: KrrCHENER Women’. Fine Kid Groves, pr. - - 2.50 Women’s Linen Handkerchiefs, each 25c Electric Irons, priced at - - - 4.95 Women’s Silk Hosiery at . - Mn. Armle Butlan Mrs. Annie Bartian passed away at the home of her son. Alphonse Bas- tian, 352 Wellington fu.. Kltc’hener. on Sunday in her mu Fear, She is survived by three sons. Edmund. Emil and Alphonse, an of Kitchener. Boys' Sweater Coats Worth 3155, for .. 81.00 none, 0: than ri..' WATERLOO All kinds of ladies', Gents' and Children’s HaauBrerehieN were bought at this Montreal Sale and are put on Sale for your tteoetit at practically " it wide. In. “no, (or; " Kimona Cloths Black Coating Christ mas Towels and Linens Extra " , it"c f sl, Rl,; , l y/ / / / / / a; / I q; A' , " is the timo to av- 25 R; Discount Warm Bathrobes 5.50 Shaving Mirrors 1.89 Scarf. at - " The death took place Sunday night of Charles Schultz of ,Listowel. lather ot Mrs. Harry Prey. 133 Peter street. Kitchener and the brother-in-Iaw of Mrs. Catherine Grasses, 32 South Ab bert street. Kitchener. The funenl was held Wednesday at Clifton. I. I Mu, inc!- White, " in. wide. l I... for ........e.....-s.r.-n. 25c " Men's Dept. Hill M u in. w4do. “I: and I“. for. " ......._ Aitho ‘me daughter, Sister Blanche at iutre Dame Convent. Blue Island, HI., and three grandchildren. WORK SHIRTS or WINTER UNDERWEAR Moire Lining " you I.“ " pd! OVERALLS. SHOCK. Come To This Sale Art Sateen Charla Schlitz of I'A

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