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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Nov 1929, p. 6

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.. [ â€"Everybody ComeanaSave * Cook‘s Regualating Compound Death has called away another one of our highly esteemed citizens last Thursday in the person of John Fleischauer. A more extended obituary notice appears in another column. Mr. Philip Miller of Kitchener spent Sunday with friends. Esteemed Citizen Dead. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wagner of Deâ€" troit are visiting friends here for a short time. Mr. Fred Bivour is making imâ€" provements to his shed and when completed will be used as a drug store for A. J. Saunders who will vacate the premises he occupies at present. _ _ Mr. C. Hammer went to Toronto on Saturday to undergo medical treatment. Reiner‘s have disfiosed of their woollen mills to the Dominion Hosiâ€" ery Co. of Guelph, who will take possession at once. After making extensive improvements and repairs the new company will employ fifty additional hands. This will mean more employment and a big boost for Wellesley village. Fow! Supper. _ _ _ â€" the church this (Thursday) evening. Renovating Building. . 8 â€" There will be a fowl supper served by the Ladies‘ Aid of the Lutheran Church, M. S., in the basement of REINER WOOLLEN The Dominion Hosiery Co., Guelph, the New Owners.â€"Will Employ Fifty More Hands. Harry Marks Tire Hospital 91 King 8St. N. Phone 476J LA 2200E invented. The science has been perfected to a point where the tire scrap heap is dwindling and auto owners‘ bank accounts have a chance. Mr. Dollar Bill saves money by dealing with this shop. Davis Anniversary Sale WATERLOO WELLESLEY We‘ll refund your railroad fare, bus fare, or cost of gasoline on your ear, with every purchase of $10.00 or over. Bargains that will amaze you. If you haven‘t been here â€" don‘t fail to come â€" If you have â€" come again. Drastic reductions on Women‘s and Girls‘ Coats and Dresses â€" Furnishings â€"â€" Yard Goods â€"â€" Men‘s and Boys‘ Overcoats and Suits â€" Underwear â€" Sweaters, etc., â€" and Footwear for the entire family. Buy for the whole family and save dollars on new The Biggest Sale in the History of This Store A_ sofe, reliable . rey g medicine. Sold in three ces of strengthâ€"No. -ll.‘& flo‘z.l-!: No. 3, $5 per bes. Bold by ali druggiste, or sené receip Tt Te m‘?-:-.fihl-t. Addreas; ® THE COOK MEDICINE 6 rm.ut.lrande&‘ 227 King St. West KITCHENER MILL IS SOLD Your ! Mr. Amos Martin / Wallen ;stein, Mr. and Mrl."t m1 and Mr. and Mns. Addison Gingrich and famillies from Peel and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bowman and. d:hhn visited on Sunday with Mr. Mre. ‘Levi Gingrich. ag< I Miss Susanah Bowman visited with Miss Lydiann Bcwman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ford from Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Snyder. 7 They _ received many â€" beautifal and useful gifts. The house was b;l;{‘lf_uily";;;:(fl- ated with pink and white streamers and roses. The wedding supper was served to about 35 guests. Among the guests were her class mates who graduated wm: her from the Fergus Hospital. They left on a motor trip to Hamâ€" ilton and other points. On their reâ€" turn they will take up their resiâ€" dences in West Montrose. Stop falling hair with Minard‘s Liniment. _ _A very pretty event took place last Wednesday afternoon at 3 o‘clock at the home of Mrs. Doods of Cedarville, when her daughter Lillian Isabel, R. N. was united in marriage to Mr. Walter A. Letson son of Mr. and Mre. Byron Letson of this vilâ€" lage. The céremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Couch under an arch of evergreens and roses. The Bride looked charming in a gown of white crepe with overlace and wore a veil caught with orange blossoms. She carried a ‘bouquet of roses and é&nâ€" tered the room on the arm of her brother, Mr. William Dodds to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Spanhouse assistant supt. of the Fergus Hospital. The bride was attended by her sister Miss Ethel Dodds who wore a gown of Pink saâ€" tin. Little Miss Russenel made a charmingâ€" flower girl dressed in pale blue flat crepe and carried a beautiâ€" fully decorated ‘basket of flowers. It was the occasion of a double wedding. The marriage of Miss Maâ€" bel Anderson supt. of the Fergus Hospital to Mr. Jay Calder of Fergus was solemnized at the same time. _ The Messrs. Byron and Fred Letâ€" son spent Saturday in Guelph. We wish Mre. K. McTageart who is ill at the Kitchener hospital a speedy recovery. Pretty October Wedding â€" â€" Mr. and Mre. George Mattusch and daughter were business visitors to Kitchener on Saturday. A. Kunkel from Waterico was a business visiter here on Monday. Mr. D. M. Bowman and daughters Leah and Sarah visited relatives in St. Jacobs on Sunday. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Byron Letson, Mrs. Wm. Sugg and Mr. Archie Letson atâ€" tended the Doddsâ€"Letson wedding last Wednesday. Mr. Carl Wollis spent Sunday at is home here. Mrs. Sylvester Bowman and chiF dren Verna and Oscar from near Drayton apent a day recently with Mr. Ezra Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Bowman and Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Zeigler attended the goiden wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mre. Ben Shoeâ€" maker at Elmira on Sunday. Quite a number of local persons attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Dan Martin below St. Jacobs on Sunâ€" Misa Mitchell epent Sunday with her cousins, Misses Minta and Edna Uhrig. Mr. John Mogk is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Aif Mogk, Ayr. . Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton and daughter Marie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Millard. Miss Minerva Martin spent Sunâ€" day with Miss lene Martin. â€" Personals. wEst monTross At On Sunday afternoon, Nov. 3 a joint meeting of the United and Presâ€" byterian churches of Doon was held in the Presbyterian church on beâ€" half of the Canadian branch of the The engagement is announced of ; Fiorence Marie youngest daughter | of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Theurer, 1184 Queen street, Preston, to Mr. Edward | J. Kinsey, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Kinsey of Doon the marriage to take place early in Deâ€" cember. Mrs. R. Jones and son Stanley and Mrs. W. Jones were Kitchener visiâ€" tors on Saturday. â€" 4 Mr. and ‘Mrs. W. Near were Sun day visitors with Mr. and Mrs Creader. _ Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brox, Spruce Grove, Alberta, visited the latter‘s sister, Mrs. J. M. Schiedel on Monday night. out again. __ > 0_ 0 __ _ 1i _The funeral of th Mrs. fw..dunammmw%hm‘:“a-b vi-ign.u at 'am-loondflflmnl-ht:i d:nn-.ch on w. m ‘- accommoâ€" NC 1E C‘ Welket and son Arthur NdBiG aih the tenves to mputh het Mr. and Mre. Orval Mader and Mrs. J. M. Schiedel called on Mrs. Shannon Schiedel, Kitchener, on Bunday afternoon. Mrs. S. Schiedel and children left on Monday evening for Syracuse, N. Y. where they will make their future home. _ Miss Adah Snyder and Miss Fun ‘Bauman visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gingrich Waterloo on Sunday. (Mrs. J. chiedel! called on her mother, . 4. Shantz, Kitchener _ Mr. and Mre. Lioyd Mader enterâ€" tained about forty young people of the district at a delightful Halâ€" lowe‘en party on Thursday eveniig. The evening was pleasantly spent in playing Hallowe‘en games. A dainty lunch was served at the close. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ross and chilâ€" dren of London spent the weekâ€"end with Mre. E. Perine. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson moved their household effects on Saturday to Kitchener where they intend making their home for the winter. . Sid. Lardner of London is visiting with his father, Mr. A. Lardner. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Geiger visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lehman Kitchâ€" ener on Sunday. 8 motherfl on Sunday. re at Ayton on Sunday visting|sorrowing husband, three children, mu-fl?&'n lla- at '.m’ud Enoch and ‘The choir of St. James Lutheran|Lucinds at home, and five sisters Miss Sylinda Binder is staying with her sister, Mre. Ira Buschert Kitchener for some time. Miss Louida Bowman, Toronto, called on Miss E. Cressman Monday. Church joined the united choire of|namely, Mrs. Dan Bowman, Mrs. the nei MuLMnehmh.lu.Ghrkh.!u!huonlnâ€" in the Reformation services held in|tin, Mrs. Abs. Martin, Mrs. David St. James church on Sunday eveâ€" Martin, and two brothers, J-o.‘u M. Kerchner were Mr. and ln.|hlnily of Balsam Grove and Mr. and Amos Martin and Mr. Andrew Sitlee Mrs. Geo. Israel and family visited of Yatton and Mr. and Mrs. Josish at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sitler and son William of Hawkesâ€"| Ritter on Sunday. ville. Mr. and Mrs. John Filsinger, son Mrs. Levi Lichty and dal?hur Roy, and Miss Delight Eadie, Toronâ€" Leah attended the funeral Mr.\ to, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Filsinger and Henry Horst at Elmira, Saturday.‘ Miss Lizzie Hause of Rochester Henry Horst at Elmira, Saturday.‘ Miss Lizzie Hause of Rochester Miss Maud En&olzer and Misg were visitors with Mr. and Mrs Annie Wahl of, Heidelberg visited Holden Appel on Sund:r. Mrs. Wahl on Tuesday. 1 _ Mrs. Appel was a visitor at New Mr. and Mrs. John Hahn and Hamburg on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Welker were Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Welker, Waterâ€" looi:ndl:n. Kn«éhul of g:nom. . and Mrs. l:‘ton terson and lnmilluidud"l Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilles on Sunday. ul 4 vester Brubacher returned to their home in Brutus, Mich., on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wahi visitâ€" ed at Heidelberg on Sunday. _ __ _ Sundn{‘ visitors with Mr. and Mro. M. Kerchner were Mr. and Mrs. Amos Martin and Mr. Andrew Sitler of Yatton and Mr. and Mrs. Josish Sitler and son William of Hawkesâ€" mry Gilles on Sunday. ‘ Messrs. Allen Brubacher and Sylâ€" Dept. Store BRESLAU @,British and foreign Bible Society. The Hydro construction gang has been in these parts during the past week putting up the line that is to comnect with the part recently conâ€" structed from West Montrose south and which will serve as the extenâ€" «ion of the Hydro line from here to beyond the village of West Montrose. Enjoy Social Evening. _ _ _ The local branch of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Freeport Sanitorium had a bean supper in the Schweltzer Hotel hall on Tuesday evning of last week. Following the supper a short To Widen Road ut pleasant social eveni at he home of Mr. and Nre. N L Rev. C. G. Anderson of Galt occuâ€" pied the pulpit. N. Jones of Preston spent the weekâ€"end at her home here. Miss ‘M. Kerr spent the weekâ€"end at her home in Hespeler. _ _ _ Miss M. Wilfong of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end at her home here. County Road Superintendent Levi Lichty with Messrs. A. Shoemaker and Fred. Debus of the Road and Bridge Committee were through here on Monday of last week buying the land for the County to be used in the widening out of the Conestogoâ€" Bloomingdale road. Extending Hydro Line. . _ Weber last Thursday evening. _ Mr. R. Gies was a business visitor to Crediton last Friday. pon Mrs. E. D. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Feil and family and Miss Helen Feil, of Elmira, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gies on throughout the Emâ€" pire. Sold in Waterloo and vicinity by TEN/TEST is made in Canada and used Waterloo, Ont. coNESTOGO Ti s program of addresses, songe, readâ€" ings and recitations was rendered. In connection with the event was a prize drawing for a handsome chair, and Miss Mary Arnoid was the 1lucky winner. ‘Mise Arnold however immediately made a donation of her prize chair to the Sanitorium. The event proved a success as quite a number of outside points were in atâ€" tendance besides local parties. Mr. Edson "Shantz of Rochester, N. Y. was spending the weekâ€"end and over Sunday with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leander Bowman. Mr. Oliver Snider of Burford was noticed in the village on Sunday. her home here early last week after, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Shoemaker spending two weeks at the home of and family of Elmira were spending her son Edier and Mrs. Schinbein in Sunday at the home of Mrs. Shoeâ€" Detroit. maker‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leâ€" Mre. Howard Groff and son of Watâ€" ander Bowman. erloo wore apending the past week ‘Miss Ethel Good is spending a at the Bend Farm, the home of Mrs.|week with her sisters and brother in Groff‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kitchener. â€" Wright. | Woolwich Township ntomye‘s Mr. Edson "Shantz of Rochester, are being favored these days with N. Y. was spending the weekâ€"end the presentation of their annual Tax and over Sunday with his uncle and accounts, ‘which everyone usually is aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leander Bowman. anxious to receive, and the Township Mr. Edgar Bowman of Detroit, was authorities expect they will receive visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. the public‘s kind attention. Mr. Edgar Bowman of Detroit, was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leander Bowman over Sunday, the latter ‘being critically ill for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon ‘Cober and Mr. and Mre. Harvey Stauffer of Kitâ€" chener called on relatives here on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Schwartz were visiting with their daughter, Mre. Evelyn Hoim, in Kitchener on Sunâ€" day afternoon. Mrs. Geo. Schinbein returned to her home here early last week after spending two weeks at the home of her son Edier and Mrs. Schinbein in Detroit. o pet pereet brice« and personal set CLARK‘S PORKâ€"And BEANS No. 2 size | 2 tins for 21¢ _ MUFFETS for Breakfast 2 pkgs. for 25¢ At over Five Hubdr CORN FLAKES 3 Boxes for 25¢ TOILET SOAP 3 Cakes for 19c "NMome Stores RAISINS . for 25¢ THESE PRICES GOOD FOR QNE WEEK ‘ ‘There paesed away in the e.rly; hours of Monday morning after| jweeks of intense suffering one of our most highly respected residents in the person of Rebecca Snider. the ‘beloved wife of Mr. Leander Bowman after having attained the age of 74 Mr. and Mrs. Dick Reed of Orange, Cal., and ‘Mr. W. Brown of Toronte, were weekâ€"end guests at the home of Mr. A. C. Wegener and daughter, Miss Marie. Miss Annie Hill has returned to Kitchener where she has resumed her duties on the staff of Sims, Bray, Moclntosh and Schofteld, after being at home for two weeks on @ccount of being injured in an automobile acâ€" cident in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Huehn and son Harry were Sunday visitors with Elmira relatives. Esteemed Resident Dead. Mr. Geo. Schinbein spent Sunday with Elmira friends. Feed it to your stock â€" will keep them healthy. Bag of 110 ths. for $3.00 The finest grown ~ 50c ib. FRESH FIG BARS MACARONT In shell or ready cut. 10e lb. of housewives this s T EPSOM SALTS pwulh It n ie a appranier of Jhe hish OVERALLS & SMOCKS One of the best lines made. MEN‘S HEAVY WOOL SOX 12/4 large size â€"â€" White or MEN‘S WORSTED SUITS late Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Snider was born in the Township of Waterloo and lived several miles north of Bloomingdale. After her marriage to ‘.her now ‘bereaved husband she made her home on the Bowman homestead one and a half miles east of here. Retiring from the farm some ten years ago, the family moved to this village where she won the esteem of a large number of friends who had \u:e privilege of her acquaintance. There survive to mourn her passing a husband, three daughters, Mrs. Maâ€" bel Shants, at home, Maud, nunse lately of Brooklyn, N. Y. and Rdna, Mrs. Addison Shoemaker of Elmira and one son Edgar of Detroit. Also several brothers and sisters. Waterloo years. The Chronicle joins the many friends in extending their sympathy to the bereaved family. famous antiseptic. 4& $5¢ bottle proves its back. Pb e actat aast po ies _ A. B. LEARN DRUG STORE all forms of skin trouble quickly yield to this _ _ §$2.25 per Pair. 36â€"inch FLANNELETTE Light and Dark Shade Wash Away > Special, 20c per yd. With a Penetrating Antiseptic This week at $2.19 25.00 â€"â€" A clear cut at $17.50 the skin and sooth the = Ontario I-"N §

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