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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Nov 1929, p. 2

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,'cQ f ' an! _ ' if’t‘w'fl‘.“ ‘1’". V‘w' "P'"'"','-"."--""- 3 it?” ., ..' 2 V . ,; - - . se - 1" .Mwmhflutm‘m mut iidAiWit.itig M vi,s%' _ ' _r., ",4 w, we A' WE" Wig _ . _ 'ray _ RA sw ““5 CQ Mii E‘ _ v” -qdtgmq. C t " "dl'it'ur'l'i'1",ltlStii1 _ 'iiiiirtk T , _ f 4. if *;. Ral _ (ig-g-Eiga 9;? _ _ 1'htlrc'iir;ir7iirrc.:rir.:zi:r, “I eeitt.tartthtVht A T wan-guy ", I FAI, "l.,qli't K 2tF, I " - c, ‘7" i,, , mm um , ‘m- - - Fai3iyl ' ".5. .73" ‘; ~MM~~~‘-, Pt/ttttthte-et-tttttelect,"." b'tt'il81t8l Aii6, iiiEaEiiF) _ -.uiiur-u-.rtumi.t-t-itltttittttteueiautamanthaarrtkitimoe _ . _ ‘ ' t . ' f ...,__.____0 (but. lawman-unusual”!- no in»: has,“ Nth-uh_~bhth~wmh usammmmnwct'l tuttm-tidr.lttiastteirs-tt'btul'G3ii.iFyrsfy. 0mm nan-Ii g... a. . ---.--.----------------"- . KiteheaterrCtmmtiaaiort, WWW and um" "aim" "a M Trf, 'urt'fall'P2ttd'rt, C.'Need Ptesieuntandtu-P"dtryto"r.thattytdriaottietotPereaata can. _ ",.-o-.'ldtfftf.dintlvt.".tdu Skinny . . verrfavomltlerteieeaaemn-dwithttie t'“““"' Imman undo- We! the Ontario qulitablo Ufe,of Wab to m thstarto Manon-1' Museum. 'S.=1u"lutlt=2ut I and one of the tsommtmitr'a mutating t,ritI",T2, ',',"dtl','tieu :12 'lr': a: Twink-Nov. a. n 94 I. “out. “any". than - " emu Wedneodt laattheeh eeo .'"orrem ' , mmamwum thm 'rf:,','..",,," 'ld ridim of, North Waterloo " stantial “mm- s2ll"'gC2d't.t',.'g", ur-str. ftr"at tgtmtity.-Mt. A. c. ak. " At the month . I? meeti 'legg,ft'atirig,', held ',te,ft/,',fde,/,vgt,.entt. the member' fl.oaii -v - ---. new in the f 'e,', if Waterloo commune” as its 1l'l,tl,eLfirl.',,f,hii,t riding and Uiiii7i,iiii,! “mm ' - __ - year. it would if? " it hate daring meant: where he had my: the Ontario Ciiiiiii2'i2,',1'l'll"l', C',',',',',':','; "l u" Watertoo law “9888!? to cont! , " active m wo MS. He h l'i'a"t','l,",ll met at th or 1”." “I. tt it why; diam punt. 11:23:: mm 'tll',")',.';',,,').'"' hag my “may:,ggsgnrmmgggmefi work next em? to Weed , . n The have n "I f With JI,",; ' with the With the incr__ r4$"§°§¢°1§’p$omxu'z°mnm tension f 'ryy".h of the tmm offered by the eaaed facilities f "m read and gt Caamrtmtiedttmt. Mao i,,',',',,",':":',','," ”may; to a? the ex- inaccessible. A .1:th few ',t,l'i'u,,ou','Jt ",e,,',rd,to,"/.' by 1't'S, tion i e the in- try tg "tteen . now lo try C. Y. drain w “a Mom n com; ti Which pointed on “as S4NNNt that m tob public utilities of " on with the affords, hurling t my coun- Coqtttt m t.rdt w the Ntusrss fae . , Hum. “If!” 2tl"l,,T',','vtti'", hm il'e1,',"l,'tt'f,i,tg; the t'll'l','2y,'t inaccessible for 22:51:? aero. J'aTJd,'rrJ,t,'gthr, tttaf.: 2dt an. ldinq for needed _ u fort ttot it w 'lopenent Will an on _and "m 3. mm"; ttgat “my. 311;; . It i. well h "Mee- in good we. I ill w to attain ow whether - an . - " an treooeedeit with i,,' rapt“ “mum m Ne mgioata pt to open hitherto it: 1,gtc't tet', ml":'.",,','."..? mu" m . . , . z: atottttiom which follow “M " " to "dd tkene m -.--..--- t',iiiiii',?i?iiiil'e'i'liy'i?i',?i; no Which mea" to an a {m WWI Id: I ting "atuties Mud mm" “as; "°" 8;: mqd ialigtUd “a”. ”an." insan- "mun... n“ We. at the 'SSt,ft't, Mth the m m ttf the ",'ll'2,h'S"','lul'lf, in the 1928 'i'i1.'iilrei:qA'.'it1,','illii', D. . _ . i m. ",,,l'Ahttt"gg .. d,t.t'g"l'l'e'i,, s I gt? r". “a at the 1tdudttfttg."t m t2i,riit!i',tl' an". Lt no- ht an ' m," ." h‘hmhfi‘hfihg' ?,i,'ii?i1i5,'ihtsi'tiht, 2let'1a'i,,ell,ti'ityi'i'i'i1; "tu., 000. m‘.‘ m M teie0M,lt0eae gm III-u. m' ',gtdt nw. M V. “.0- . an m than - m m 'N., w d M _ od how an. . in. to.“ m " tlb. “II "hum-l t%e",2"tgi'lt2ttPt,t 'dl'ilh"i'iri'fl'iitrli"i'.ta'tittlt, "G"k tprqthts - but“... Saltaaghtt. dud 'g.lr,7itdikii'ir0,'i'it'hty' -- an...“ “may. . Utj,7iih',rrlttSitrtvt l " Hg f Pst ad tBat a. “a In ' ' - m- - - . an ttWet the electors in his ability to serve them still further under the Ferguson government of which he is now a. strong supporter. Mr. Horhuth, who has been the member for South Waterloo for ten yearé, has given efficient and energetic representation to the riding. The vote accorded him indicated the confidence of In South Waterloo, Karl K. Homuth, for several terms the representative of that con- stituency who in this election ran underthe Conservative banner, was again returned by the substantial majority of 1,681 tntpr his opponent as compared with a majority in the last election of 3,639, his home town of Preston giving him a majority of 1,500. _ Dr. S. C. ChaHttrn, Liberal candidate, gave the sitting member the closest run he has had, securing a large vote particularly in the rural section. In view of his record in other fields the electors have reason to look to Mr. Tweed with every assurance that he will represent them ably aid well in the Legislature. T Mr. Tweed, North Waterloo’s new repre- sentative in the Ontario Legislature, will bring to the discharge of his duties, marked business and executive ability. Although without pre- vious political experience except in the munici- pal arena. his achievements in the insurance field and the initiative' and enterprise he has shown in connection with various undertakings which he has launched and carried through sue; cessfully, are an assurance that he will serve‘ with both efficiency and zeal. Following his; election he expressed his desire to serve the) constituency of North Waterloo in the following words: N made only omfpromise in the cam- paign and thathas to represent the electors in a manner which would do credit to the riding of North Waterloo. Now that I have been elect- ed I will endeavor to the very utmost to merit the eonthienee placed in me by the electors of this riding." Commenting on the result of the voting, opportunit the member-elect, Mr. Tweed, said that in his of to do a opinion the big issue of the campaign was law levies, a n enforcement and interpreted the large vote other impo polled in the townships in favor of the Liberal King does party as an indication that the farmers of the likely, one riding are opposed to Premier Ferguson's duetions, i: school policy, particularly in regard to town- . ship school boards. He also intimated that he -.-..- was nominated as a straight supporter of the 3 STRI Liberal leader and regretted the effthtrt to make . -r" it a wet and dry issue. a - Aeeove The former representative of the riding, Mr. Weichel, was accorded the highest vote in the towns of Waterloo and Elmira but in the city of Kitchener and in the townships of Wel- lesley, Waterloo and Woolwich the member- Meet, Mi. Tweed, ran much stronger than his chief opponent, the support accorded him in the neighboring city and in the townships, en- suring his election. The fact that there were two running under the Conservative banner, one as the standard bearer of the Liberal-Con- servstive party and the other as an Independ- ent Conservative, naturally split the Conserve-l tive vote and contributed to the election of thei Uberal candidate. ton in s keenly-fought three-cornered contest by the substantial plunlity of 426 votes over the former member, William G. Weiehel. Sidney C. Tweed, Resident 3nd Manning mm of the OntaHo Equitable Ute, of WM also. and on. " the ammunity's outstanding citizen. tmd on Wednesday but the choice of t1te+etomofttseridimrotNoethWstteHaoas their maths in the Ontario Wm" for thinning term. winning a striking vie» PROVIDING FOR FUTURE GROWTH K. K. HOMUTH R-ELECI‘ED Mr. Weichel, one of the defeated candi- dates. has had a long parliamentary experience. He was first elected to the Federal House as the member from this riding and afterwards as its representative in the Ontario Legislature where he had served two terms. He has been sn active member and has very creditebly re- i For the first time since the contest of 1919 when the riding returned N. Asmussen as its Tiiirisiiiiaiiir"ia, North Waterloo has elected a Liberal to the Ontario Legislature. The victory of Mr. Tweed did not occasion surprise in some quarters where it was irredieted that the Liberal candidate would be elected owing to the three- cornered contest and the division of the Con- servative vote between the two Conservative, candidates. 1 The interest evidenced in the election in North Waterloo was evidenced in the large vote polled, especially in the town of Waterloo where the two candidates who polled the highest vote, reside. All three candidates and their organiza- tions worked energetically to get out the elec- tors, resulting in a big vote being polled. , The outcome of the campaign in North Waterloo from the outset was generally con- ceded to be uncertain, various forecasts being made as to which of the candidates would be the victor. _ _ Public opinion will support the enactment of drastic measdres to reduce and eliminate, as far as possible, this menace to safe driving on the highways of the province. This is a growing menace which requires drastic measures in order to curb it andairivers have only theinseives to blame if they are severely dealt with. Driving on the main high- ways at best requires the exercise of constant care and vigilance and to do so while under the influence of liquor invites disaster not only to the driver of the car but to others using the highway. T According to an announcement by Premier Ferguson made in his own constituency on the occasion of his nomination, the provincial gov- ernment proposes f0 amend the Liquor Control Act to provide for the absolute forfeiture of licenses of drivers convicted of driving while intoxicated. - "e--------'--..--..- ' -1. I, “ICU-Film m m I renew ewe-nos NEXT 1 “We “m, 1rliliiiiritii2Eiil Ttte . "at. "r,"" mil. P..ttleterhtteu1,tt1- . L m AM," “mile” and “mum." n. In the em a Mot, VIII- A. With the return of the Dominion uhinet 2'i,1,"gttt some - IU',', 'tl (but irh'.2lh'l'tirk -, , 3:31:35 to their offices the departments of the Ont-do Ll'lfd m a thq . 253mm or .111 W'lll'l' e government are beginning to Ipeed up I I . . . muo- - w h M . tef",:,.",','),',', preparation for the work of the fall hog»? In ht: oi,ueLt,'."airfat'trt kn. 12tat m “than art mn r. he hu nude xood It I. n “It." ' a “I... . t . . " has. hired the l Reta. Pt the probability of a federal ttttaid', 'l t,%1tf,2Ntttl and W 1.,tlh','fN"dltft,"2,t election, Prenuer King has reminded inter trom ttto “End Btrttem to “In” ther tgt/th 'th"'alht."el't.'tt',r. v""."."" that his government need not neces- tgreen',',, ",U,tt,teu,e,'ee,g,t! tn a” "mm M a nu It'hhmw ‘eanly go to the people until November. 1930. at dad an enthuhatk: reception In: 'e'll"1Ltued',,u'UTd has.“ p, of course, customary for a federal election 2glS." " native - of m... “M M” . “a" Ltlg2t to be held once in four years and 'next year is r. ..-u-. 'tatt 'Mn: tho 'l'e21nrg, ot . . . ' I " the fourth of the present Liberal regime. Potato Gradiq mm" ot a” 1%'l"tg,el',',irg J Whether an election will be held next year or tatAo'2'f,',",t1,,t,uTnT 2ht'2t lol,',',",',",',", qritl may "kn“. to M . _ fl ' not, of course. rests with the government. 519333! iji.'a'l'l'7,'t;j'N'.'.'.ltlpill.lfi, ffl; of “ML: ad'Q'd'l.""'t in ttttr n” When the next budget is brought down down further revisions will in all probability be made, especially with an election pending. The opportunity will doubtless be taken advantage of ttrdo away with some ’of the nuisance tax levies, a revision of the income tax made and other imposts reduced or eliminated. If Premier King does not go to the people in 1930, it is likely, one writer points out, that the 1930 re- ductions, if any, will be negligible. STRINGENT ACTION PROMISED EDITORIAL Norm ! Eleventh union of the Waterloo 'Townahlp Council for 19”. Th. lemme" met at the township In" on ISaturday, October M, puma! ttt ruminant. Tho member- All sent The to". m In the chair. i.'..'.?'..'"?.'.' ot the previous ”Idol was read and approved. Commandant 'won rem! and considered. It I“ moved by J. C. “than and [mid by C. Y. Groin that tht ttrb Iovlng Accounts in nu: Wat.rhto County Hum: Mood-“on. “I; No.- ‘Record snob!“ 38.81; Soul Wnterloo Ame-Nun! loch”. .113: l Mn 1. Inn-wan - to may - $14.10; Anon om eqtttre wood- on Beott urn. $1.80; yiiiiii and", “in and running my; Turn To Barley Frpm reports of agriculmnl "F presemalims during the past two weeks. it amt: that there will be a decided 'ailing ott In tho no. of fail wheat to be tt-eated next year. In all mutability. the land on which It was intended to sow full when will be mulled tor some other min tor which there is a steady demand, that In barley. Th6 irusrrsarltut demand for Pu- Aeeu-u and Transact lot-tin 3-13-00. " Rog-hr 5min. wgorloo fwnnplp €9an cow. Total receipts were 37.759. This sale has become an Institution. with a truly educating influence. Br the ttistritmtion of these tshrtt% ani- mals throughout the province. - able improvement in Ontario-bred live stock will be effected. WATERLoo qmetismp COUNCIL MEETS Ontario Potatoes “Ontario potatoes are staging a come-back." states J. A. Carroll, ot the Crops ahd Markets Brunch. "tht. tario has always grown good pota- toes, but owing to a faulty market, ing ayatem the bulk ot the crop has reached tho market Improperly grad- ed, In strong competition this meant a reduced price which in the distress conditions or last year meant about 50 per cent. below the top. Growers- are improving their cultural methods and are producing tubers which when properly graded cannot be beaten for r)trtaetlitr." ‘ l o. A. C. Live Stock Cale -- The recent annual sale ot purebred live stock at o. A. C. attracted many buyers trom all parts of the provlnco. Many choice specimen of beet, dairy and rat cattle were readily sold and brought good prices. An onmundlng lot of swine. lucludlng Yorkshires, Berkshires and Tatmrorths, In: (lla- tributed. The top price in the cattle sale was $260 paid tor a six-rx-td Valuable mink" I Recent rains hare been ot untold value to the province. Reports from the various counties indlmte that an He too late to materially Improve pa we. the widespread rnlnmll has impr ved fall wheat wonderfully and ha permitted tall plowlng to pro- ceed. Live stock is generally reports ed in poor condition and with grain scarce and feed high. the whole milk supply is short in all parts ot the prov- ince. 'Most ot the apple and root crops have been harvested. I Potato Grading As laden] law renum- that all po- ‘utoes In commerce be (ruled: lar- mers no instruct“ in atarrdqdq and methods ot grading. Thu will be a feature of an exhibit M. the Royal 'ttow. being arranged by the Crops and Markets Branch cooperating with the Onurio AgritnMtttral Cob lege. _ Ontario Ram. For Wont The first consignment of Ontario purebred rams. numbetlng 275. or tour unloads. have reached the reu- ches at Western Canada. They oom- prised Southdowns. Cheviot-3. Hamp- shiree. Leicester; Cotswold: and blaming. tt is the largest tingle ship ment ever sent. but the Canadian Co- operative Woot Growers expect that next year's shipment will even be greater. 3 Dub: the put us: will: 9.000 girls and you took - no ot the Inn-Me tnat-thm [tn-t1 tun-9mm ll untol- lovln ohm mar-“2“.“ Vau- ud Cooks-y.“ “Home m and [1m Aid,'1"teuq'1and “mum.- "". 7!! ,‘VP'V- wwv‘ _ v7 ""7, 'ttttttttttrate/tttet - at1'!lltihiiit, Rt 'ltih'iilEtMtii'lb11ayi'r,1g.qt It. I 7 ll "+e_trctNteii.set" .1. =hlt'a't.", 'iit'it.Srtittte', iiiiiliiiiiiiiih'i?t and the lncmaed mopentlon of farmers generally have played a pro- minent role In the clean-up. Prat. Caesar ls n0w concentrating on a machine that will cut the corn stills close to the ground and make “plow- ing under" an eu'y mrocees. Next year he hopes that this whine will tind general use in the comm-owing area. Farmers who desire to learn more about the proper methods of clashing up their tHide and of we;- Ing enectlve war against the borer should abuln from their agricultu- Fii represent-tire one or other ot the Jnatruetion pamphlets who): have 'een issued by Prof. Caesar. Proporly Plucked. Fre-"Yoa were no spring chicken when I married you." trhe--"No I m a'llttlo ttoi."--- . Fianna. the Corn Boner. According to Prof. Cesar. who has directed the war against the European corn borer in Ontario. a considerable improvement he: been shown in the 'borerrtttrotsted counties ‘durihg the past year, and although lone or two counties in Western On- (tario still hare a serious mutation and the formers unremitting Titri- lance will admit no mien-don. the alarming aspects hue been - mitigated. The work ot the county inspectors during the past two years The Root. end Vegetables Act a amended thin year. it the action dealing with lurking. distinctly pro- video that "every pereon who by him- eeII or through the agency ot another person offers tor sale. sells. or he. in hie possession intended tor .10 en! vegetables for which graded are provided by thou mgnhtione necked in huheu. he”. cloud hermit. cloned crates or in Ihulk. shall mark the little ot his Christian names ‘and his full surname and address or in the use or a firm or corpontlon. the firm or corporate name and ad- dreae and the grade of the vege- tables. also the weight. in a plain and indelible mutter. On baskets by tag or on the handle. in bags by as. or printed on hes; in barrels by " inch letters. Executions to this rule are vegeuhlee with the top leevee et- uched or green vegetables and p0 wines offered in closed barrels." . m"'mi""’_“_ worm. AIIITI In lac-u or ”00,000,000 BANK OF MONTREAL I [I Mamas-9.6... "ieFhttttrh.rsk What-nymph.“ the _ the m V”.- Mc J. R. EATON. Man... This Twain}, his d‘au'ghter mom; Tram-er Proruee. . g, an fi'",,'?'?, diilerflnt Wa,",: --'--t"-----'-- " emto eun'ywcre- suits in many 1iiiiaieriii'GUG 3"" h Amarraey. Ind headaches. There is brilliant Old 1mdr--"M, poor mu. I luv- delineation of chunk: in "Ciouded pole you hare had many trials in 2le"idh', writer Wager to yourllle?" sow chase-awe u egood " ' Iaide of her characters. Neither tty Pet-ie, mam. tmt only one she ignore the In" reditiu of conviction. --Arostort Transcript. The scenes “e hid in Pittsburg 'in ret." the nineties, Just'at time whe'n steal, , 'N Iron autofiiotilmr, ote., were curb "Didt inf to make history. This makes a up endid setting for this powerful for lt novel, which concern the fortunes "D of the 2tt family. Daniel Giddy , tyithay ia a rugged risshman, who in (nau- "A: gr Armin te Mullet thy-Mer- m. - Readers who tire of the strictly I modern novel. and do not care for Ithe 'entirely old fiction, will find a! happy combination in "clouded' Hills’ 1,7, Elizabeth 'Moorehead (Bobb- errill Co., FtiFiirrii7".1 The scenes Ire hid in Pitt-bun m "The Behooiborf Annual" (Up- per Canada Tmet Society, Toronto) is an Ill-story Annual that is noted for the fine quality of its tales of school life, sport and adventure. Good ranging of this nature will keep the oys’ minds in the proper ‘channels and provide many eve- nings of delightful and beneficial enjoyment. “Tho_Elnpiro Annual for Boys" and “The Empire Annual for Girls" (Upper Canada Tract Society. Tor.. onto) on two ot the best in the soup of Ill-story Annuals that ve become no popular. They con- tain an abundance of bright, snappy atoriea. of whool life, mystery and adventure. exploring. sport: and have a profusion of choice illustra- tions in color and black and white. The "Empire" Series should not be overlooked in the Christmas list. At d1 booksellers. LITERARY NOTES " . m 1',h',.'ga't,', 'll 'drg"Jd bt" cmnpoun4intermtathose ,ehobuilduptheirsaving, Ta, Bank of Montreal of- . . . to cave do: . USE THE DIRECTORY andnsro.ld'hrrmtgnumber"" r/d,fa'g'."tar'ttr,'g ara.. -- FriGTiaai aariGhird iiitTiaiiTGUiar- distal-wrong ber-ctr. and!» 'ghl1U'lU'll'1h'll'lt'lt'ca - We“ ',tttatt?,"tat'ttrd,S'."t who. do. owl] 1r',Tiur41',v1','tl1'lXl,' and 3&2 I”. on.“ an - A'l.tdl'lTa1'dl,"la'tr'dhl."fdi',T")Tl tr'M'"ht ','dtPihthth'l8tgttt IW.. 'lrta'i'ihtgt'r'i14iy"l'irit. - You“ numb-dis 1tt.iar-dqefeh-theder-bah'ry can .hQ-o‘w 'ttiue"t. IrtMstggttg2r,rtillt=l'g'N';lt ft+.e_thekeuugpteq--tto. w.deW!.-m-£epm was!" uaaaT if: "iitUGrtirid ansaiirtCaiiic' , eaB.. tr the dim - wk do!!! and Mull 7-sz E.".'" auTfe."'1"d1'll,'felfll', Kar" B t am; (j'i)'j'iiii1liifjl't] . Compile-tad Cohen orders a all“ at crumble cake in a lunch “and. but and: it fuck. cancels the order, and orders ‘a place ot apple pie instead. He out: It, (Hi up and is about lode-v0 the house when the waiter accou- him: "And vy would " Did I eat Kr'-- Vunconver Provincc. "Vot?" replies Cohen, indignant. "Didn't I git you the chawclato ate for it T' _ "But you didn't either." "re, M. , .-ionn Schmitt. Delmar Roth. Primer-oliver Axt, Hilda Say- der, Erma magnum}! him And- mtRoth, Cora jury}, Earl Shanta. Sr. m.---Winitred Schmin 57, El; met Roth 5t, Abner Slant: M. Jr. m.---Dorn Wagner 34. - tL_-Hytrtsert Wagner M, Wad The following is the region: of S. S. No. Mr, Wilmot, for t e month of October. The names are in order of merit with the pereentatre given titer etch name. v.--Dorothy Wilhelm 69, Selena Roth 61. Sr. nr.--Newton Schmitt tur. Jr. IV. - Frieda Watrner 64, ESEheEBotthz 'lrytyltttt ff. -.. life. A most satisfactory novel that will eertairitr find utr with tie. tion of permanent v ue. "Say, you Muen't paid for that Mo 'umbe'r on roll."21.' ___ WW“ Winifred A. L. Iaake,,testeher. 593mg RF_PORY tor

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