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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Oct 1929, p. 6

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I 1MHlllllLSlill.illli)uiuIgtHP. -8 Int-Imam 7‘“. . Butter-Mo. l, 40 to 4IP/se; No. 2, 38 to Me. Churning Cream - Special; 48e; No. 1, "c; No. 2, 39c. cheese-mo. 1 large, colored, gunned and government graded, c. Et.rsrtrc0neraded, cases returned, fresh extras, 46 to 48c; fresh Brats, 'ee. f2e;y.seeopds, Me. Toronto wholésalg buying from country a following Ericea: do., w.o.e, do.,' do., w.o.c. ,,,, “-7- 'rPe.Fe.-eew V VII " ou do., fair .eo.e.-rm.-.. 7 00 7 75 Stockers, good .......... 7 so 8 00 do.,1air -....-.....r.. 6 00 7 00 Calves, good ..............15 00 16 00 do., medium ..........10 00 M 60 do., grassers _......... 6 OO' 7 00 'ftp2,hts o.-........), 00 125 00 ilkers .-.--.....76 00 110 00 Lambs, choice ............11 00 ........ do., bucks .._......... 8 00 ....eeq. Sheep, choice .m.r..e..... G 00 6 50 do., medium ..-....... 5 00 5 tro HT, bacon, w.o.c.....]2 25 ...re.r. o., selects, $1 per hog premium. do., butcher, 75c per hog discount. do., trucked in, 50c ewe. under do., common .....eer.. Butcher heifers choice do., fair to good -'r. do., common ....-...q. Butcher cows, good to choice "_errre--mm. do., common' to medium .".......m.r.. do., canners and cutters ..-st-.t.... Butcher bulls, good to choice _.......--...... do., medium ."ee.r.-wq do., holognas .....ms. Baby beef ...-..........1 Feeders, good ..re..r.-ee. There were some 200 more hogs for sale than on Monday last, and bids at the opening of the market were a quarter lower than last week's close. Feeling on the sellers" aide was tirm to strong, however, and " to 11rs cents f.o.b., and 12yt to 123} cents w.o.e. was asked, this being steady to a quarter higher than last week's close. I Receipts to-day were 6,100 cattle” 1,100 calves, 1,030 hogs, and 7,200 sheep and lambs. I Butther steers, choice 9 00 9 50 Sheep and _ lamb receipts were some 300 greater than a week ago, but the lamb market was tirm at " cents per pound for good ewes and wethers, with a load selling at In; cents, and the odd top lot at 12,gienta per pound. - 7 l From tt to " cent- por pound took the bulk of the Item Ind haiku in the only also. while 11 few warn weighed up " In law no by, cent, wi most of the P'?: to medium kind held over. Fat to good butcher cow: bro?” I study y, to 7 cents per poun . with a few of the beat at 7% cents Camel-I and cutters were plentiful and sold unchanged " " to 4% cent; Butcher" bulls wld unchanged. at low of the best (taking 7% cents, and some heavies movmg at T centn, with the rest dqwnward to 6 cents per pound. A few bologna balls sold " 5% cents per poun . Top in the baby- beef class was Hy; cents for the odd single and the mt of a light altering. hit to good, brought 1 to 13y. cents per pound. I Trade in store cattle was fairly, active, sums 15 loads being weighed up to 3 o'clock " prices ranging from by. to Trt cents per pound for stockers and from 67, to By. cents peLpound for feeders. I The cult market was ttrm for good to choice veal: at 15 to 16 cents per pound, with the odd tot of fancy caizers at 16%. gents. l V iaG' u" Guia. -M.... air. -- __ my“ run». In. an!» "anuaii-iirTurGCiuiii ',1i.vtites"i,t)fi'tti?,ffifili, mvmmvrucu mnmuamm-bomuuwon. 'aPLte, 'tittwtggntil,t2',1.egt, dill-Total” ltd. uh; mama-lulu“ Ina-I'm. Intuit-u pound and a can: of hull. of tulle-ill. Ith. 'M','tn'.u"f. PPP'f “In M ll: bau m In. - In. M" - Sr, El't2ft2gtt " errarth " 9. ms, Tammy. was My nut/non won “my I In an m Mr. an In. In Mil-u sold a and. No. 2 timothy, we, on common. Tau-s the con noun-n. utensil? Won: the paling, No att o..,.............'" " " 00 and» (or this mononuc- m India In In“: (no. In! “latex-8 333%.qu JPr Potmd, m: ieiiTr.".r..V.7.",'.' '12 00 ll " _'t'r.,'Ptyet', ere! 'tt _ M mm 0- S.ttredar with‘ Edw- to “a My. _ m ream-Mull." MAVd sfti'4!i?Aii.i',l2tastifii'ti,'? “do“ batman-ski "eentBr-lqtranirnm pound and a can; ot load. of {allowing .tqeyapyttmdM_dieentiudont7ae a In“ “to.“ Iw 'sh'bl'ldlnwllC4,'t,'rt,/lt _ --aui= _ r“ _ Tm M, ' 1m Unh- M Tae%, MI% 'kgtt11'.tattSd 315-89.!) u "tture "hit the, W, _. " “4-. PRODUCE QUOTATIONS (BI-yin.) Flour and Feeds of All Kinds - "o-tIhr-mt-outta MEAL cu. We hue 'mr-h-das-mr-or MILL FEEDS - DISTIDLERS (RYE) DRIED GRAINS 20% Protein - WNSEED MEAL . OIL CAKEMEAL - TANKAGE - SET - CORN - OATS - SCREENINGS - SCRATCH FEED - POULTRY COD LIVER on. - BEEF & BONE f.o.b., price $1.25 ewt. under ... 8 50 _.. 6 00 wm. 5 25 ...10 00 wet 8 00 _.. 7 00 ..- 7 so 'rt 6 00 ...15 00 ...10 00 'r. 6 OO' 2 dealers are shippers at the ra 350 500 650 575 750 925 950 800 875 600 750 (Par _ cutaway.) 7 25 Mr. Joseph Gibbons of Toronto, Al. 2 #, bert and Miss Maggie Gibbons and 14 iii Mrs. Geo, Mauser of Linwood and a GO Alex Hastings and son William ot 7 75 Guelph were "sitors at M. Shunt: g 33 last Thursday. 16 00 Mr. and Mrs. Hammond ot Moose“ M 60 field visited at the home ot George 7 00 Rennie on Sunday. I 11fi,' 33 Mr. 'Henry Curtis ot near Mllver~ " I for TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Strat Grain dealers on an Toronto H' BO board of trade m making the fol- h ne; lowing quotations for car lob: -“ Ill Hannah: wheat, No. l northern, nts, an 31.“; No. 2 northern, 8141' No. V't,",,tt s, 31.3w..- No. 4, 31.34; it,. f,; "Ice"; $1.23; No. a, 31.04; feed, “yr tf . 'lil ledd. Godth and Bay pom.) 1’ m f e Manitoba "ata--No. 1 Ned 62)“; ettta for No. 2 feed, 6034c. l',', o n Amerieaii corn - No. {Kellen rot'ehrti.'iiii (all rail, delivered ammo f . t freight). '(ldl"Pr, .?ifllltt11u,dif,iggsei, Blontmd . reig ta, incu - run, r 2l'f'M ton, $35.25; shorts, per ton, 3373;; 'ye! or middling, UT/ii. A cents. Ontario grain - Wheat, $1.38. f Oata, 61 to 63e. Barley, 62 to 64e. grgx’tg‘liye, $1.05. Buckwheat,' Me. 600 50 25 on each occasion they oxteiasd iii,", Blue and aut to the limit to win. The Panthers, considered the Beachers' most formidable oppon- ents in the group, have now bowed twide to the Toronto team, though Unless the decidedly unexpected occurs Balmy Beach will win group 1 in the senlor o. R. F'. U. race and meet Samla in the tirta1 as a result of their 9 to l victory over the Twin City at Kitchener. Saturday. ( Mr. 'Henry Curtis ot near Mllver~ ton spent Sunday at E. G. Wards. _ Mr. Ed, and Miss Marguat Hum mom! ot Kingwood spent last Wed- nesday evening at J. L Hammonds. Miss Annie Jenni ot Kitchener spent Sunday at the home of her grandmother, Mm. Dan. Gerber. l BALMV BEACH WINS FROM K-W RUGBY TEAM I Mr. and Mm. Ted Brett and daugh- 'ter. Betty of Gait and Mr. and Mrs. Almon Rennie of Tilerorthurtr were week-end and sunday visitors at A. W. Rennles. I WINNIPEG CASH PRICES l Wheat-No. l t,'."h1',ii'tti No. il Nor. $1.38!“ No. 2 or. 81.35%; INo. 3 Nor., 81.31%; No. 4, 81.28%; No. 5, 31.1731; No. 6, 96'Ae; feed, 84c; track, 81.3833; screenings, $10 _per ton. ', Mm. Chas Knight and daughter (sriss Alice and son Jack of London spent the week-end at A. W. Rennie and Wm. Knight. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fetch and daugh- ter Olive ot Kitchener spent Sun- day at J. L. Hammond. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bentley. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell and three daugh~ ters and ‘Mrs. Elegy and J. D. Comp hell at Toronto visited at the home of M. Shana on Sunday. _ lin Giirri .. ... .- n " l ton .."........t...... 9 so " tro on lulu. not ton 0 " " " No, l timothy, [once is quoted " $19 to 380 per ton, Mum. T a. Teresa."'"""'""" “mutating-l In.“ - It. at I; mumu'xmuumhuwm m uj ID a “I; mm,su;mqmwmutunuaummmm (u-sited,;,,:, "e. t-+therN.aatMtvb ammulnmlnlauu’ cum-:5 15. up ............... an" Amt “u" an. no... “a W . . . . Mu 'i."....'.-....-...-..... am all! m I?! - - on use: - mnh no.” -- Inn ' Nr-beat- - lhgl ‘L -n-.._‘ _... =a., . -- - ii. 15.11;: an 5 gym... CROSSHILL It In very evident from the regis- tm "on tor the Elmin Night School classes by those who seek advantage of the opponnnluu extended to than by the school bonds of lawn. that the Elmlra Night Ichaol in very popnkr. Among the moat pow!” class: are am. linking. now Can- Mllnns And short land and typewrit- init. The New Canadian ell-o conch ting of wall. who no very “no“ to Ian the nulls]: Inca-go, than. no mostly Gal-nun And Run-hut. recently “mod In Canada. Mr. Wm. Rum - Improving. Mr. Win. Mu who Ion-um no land tha mum“. to all from I " 00 tbehetottt.ahndtuttoarourotr- P, tt ”was Woolka Township lot the 1400 - i an. I. Ir. may: of Zurich mm but that b in not“ tuna-mu. . " torat I.“ w "a. It"'""'" We torat" '"t.a.'eeoatmetat.ssarrout InArmom-n-mmom 'r_..oeemrtear. qmdartt0inmarttr.ttrt.rt- VWH'WM It. In, Wuhr - an - -rB.'mrmrnrmaet.tsete. "drr'th-tnatmt-.. MWQChrlndPulhl- “.Mulommotlonm In. 'trtted I. nun-h Noni-I .mumumm. moon-Unit» Inn-nm‘ounuwh‘ mum-3mm ”among“ mwammmurfiamwmmnn LlP-I'Imcnnl-unm _ _ “Walnut '""""--etatr'i, had”. MM). wlrhx a. new hon. ot Henri new: and “(and I - MIN or his right In. 1. down manning. The tttNeed mere) ii Mr. Edward Baum spent Friday afternoon at Kitchener with bl: Ingmar. Mr. Albert Dunn. emu. Popular _ . - -"'"""eJ"'%"'"eee"""'-l+ ". V9.m-.._ r" but.“ _ - 'er.ari%andMu.tgi- fit At no 1Pe1PAe'tPelett_ew-rusite.e" Mr. Arthur 2"th of Toronto tut, verslty visited at the home ot his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. 2mm over the week-end. Mr. Herman Hera of the Western University, London spent the week- end with his puma, Mr. and In. A. Hera. Mr. George Wllaon ot the Royal Mounted Police stationed at Toronto. vlsl'ted friends in Elmira over the week-end. . gratulauons. Pennant. At the evening services Rev. A, B. Pletsch ot New "lull"!!! had charge. The theme ot Mn sermon was, “Ye are not Your Own." Master Jock l Wakefield again sang. while‘the choir contributed a number ot anthems. The Thanks offering it the morning services amounted to $440.00 in the evening $136.00 a total of $576.00 A Daughter. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Arnold on Saturday. Con- B. Howlett, sang several beautiful anthems. Master Jack Wakotietd or Listowel. second prize medalist " the Toronto Exhibition. sang the "Garden ot Prayer' at the morning aervlcea. _ Special services were held in the Zion Evangelical Church on Sunday morning and evening in commemora- tion ot the reopening ot the church after being redecorated hoth on the inside and outside. At the morning ‘servICes which were in the form of “Thanks Offering", Rev. J. P. Hench of Waterlooo, preached an tet eating and instructive sermon. after which (allowed holy communion. The] choir under the able direction ot Mr. Eugene Amllnger, the three year lo,,', son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Arn- ihnger. was hittett by a dog near ttis' Itome on King Street south on Mon- day afternoon while playing with a number ot other children. The child was bitten on the wrist Andi arm and it remitted several '1?'lrf to close the wound. The dog belongs to Bee. Hahn. i Special Service Blush by Dog. Mr. and In. Ernst and tamtty, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. San. '3eiqttmt my and Weber, Ellen Huggin- and m mace We: all trom Kitchener. Mr. and In. Esra his!» and In. Barrie, Kitchener. Mr. and Mm. Arthur Klinck. Elmlra, and Mr. and Mr. no In. George Bowman trom Middle brook vlslted Manda hem on Sunday. . local Ichool no. In three silver cups up! three shield- vou in Stock Judging. tn their perm-neat m that. We extend thtatgrattttatioam to the Coach and teen , Potion-1e. Mr. A. (Intuit. Waterloo. VII a business visitor here recently. nut to: yam. The each. It. Lloyd and" van ELM I RA i,! mun}: Mrtr.t%ortroo.cua- Betty Yamaha. and Mr. and In. . mt. ‘SIhlimon Halted trtmMi. at 'A+ - tow61 on Slinky. ,1! , 'SM" Emily Schnim of Burlington, tr visited friends in Elma our the" n _ week-end. l I It. and Mn. Inna! Bro: on children amt Saturday at Racine. ' Me. mm mm at Hamilton MIN at no in. at In: m ’Mr. and Wm. o. W. Mm”. MN. I. P. meme of Zurich YUM " an at. “in. We for a to" we. [Joy Holler spent Sammy with friend- at Hamilton. Mr. And Mm. George Ina-t m " Iqu then hunter, In. Glamo- ;atromo at Detroit. l In. (Icons 0. Olga and m" "the, and Roy spent ant-Inky _ Toronto. . l Mrs. John Graham and son. In!- ot Mottrid and Joann of Shop beam "ttod Mrs. John stoma: on Sammy attainment. I Mr. Nona aEuatstttrstan and Mr. Itch Hoffman "tttted friends " “novel over the week-end. Mm. George A. 8111ng ot Toron- to visited at the home of Mr. And Mrs. A. punt tor a “I days. Mr. ind Mar. John Keller. Mr. Clinton Keller ot Kitchener visited at the home ot hlu parents. l Mr. Fred Martin of Kitchener. spent Sunday at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Medan! Mars tin. Mr. George Leslle ot Toronto shunt Sundoy with Elmlra friends. ( Mr. and Mm. Emerson Holtzworth ot Toronto are 'spertdittg their vac.- tlon at the home of the farmer's mother, Mrs. George Holuworth. I Mr. Ted Shnrly ot Inukville. Kr, visited at the home at his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shurly. “Mrs. Norman Amllnger and chil- dren spent fkrturdar at Kitchener. iMr. and Mrs. L. Franklin and child of Gait, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zing- er and child of Kitchener visited at the home ot Mr. and arm. Joe. Arm ‘linger over the week-end. Miss Ell. Martinson of the Hamil, ton Normal visited her panama. Mr. (and Mrs. W. W. Martimn ovu- the Week-end. . l Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Orton ot Goldwater visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Leonand. Messrs. George Helm and P. P. Stump! accompanied by Mrs. Hem: and Mrs. Stump! visited on Sunday their properties near Fort Erie. Like a number ot other Elmira men. owners ot property in that dis- trict since the Peace Bridge has been erected their properties are becom- ing more valuable. Farah-In. _ I l The services in the Gale Presby- terian Church on Sunday evening were in charge ot Ree. Dr. J. A. Micheal: ot Moose Creek, Glengary County. Ree. Dr. Baseball is father of Miss Mummy on the teaching staff at the Elmira Hitrts School. Watt“! Pabst“ at Fort Erie. Mn. Louis Kappa! In one ot their regular weekly gatherings. At the Pnnhyurlan Church. I Mr. and In. J. B. Snyder and In IChmnm Soehner attended the tan. ‘ynl ot use late Mn. John Weber. mum. on Monday. Mr. ad In. Norman King and child"! from Elmira amt slun- (by with Mr. Ind In. J. n Haydn. Mr. M In. Paul Bt"rr- and won 0mm - Sunday with Mi. 'and In. Levi Bowman at Bt. Jacobs. Jr. and In. Andrew _ from Kitchener, an. IF. - and Mr. C. Schmidt from Waterloo and Mr. and Mm. W. Senna Ind Ion. wir son ot Imam uncut Sunny wth Mr.; and In. John Roger. ' l Mr. and In. u. Hus-oh“. Iuk-ond with her “do no “It. Mr. and an. Pimp 'tomir-r at ltr In - tro- MN and - all-Int. I ("I an no Iv. an In. I. - P. r. t IM’. Idrsitrseat-Ttre King ot iii (if; - 5E Miss Mary Weber of Kitchener spent the mNtbertd with her net-ante. Mr. end Mn. J. B. Water. Mr. Philip King of Gen accompa- nied hr two fire insurance tame-j tom of Toronto, visited on mayj afternoon the ruins of the lugs has recently destroyed by fire on 'll) Elmira butter. IMr. ant Mrs. W. W. Cleghorn. Miss Victoria Oleghorn and Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler united at Hamilton on Sun- day. Rev. Ahraham Gingrich, 81:. who ha been vuturut Mo none during the past few months at Guernsey. Sist..‘ returned to his home here on Sunr- day. Mr. Harold Schroeder who has been visiting the venom provinces during the past eight months. in spending his holiday wittr his nor am; Mr. end Mr; J. A. Schroeder. Mr. and arm. Albert Steinke open: Saturday at Kitchener. chener spent Sunday Mrs. Louis Dimer. The local Ladies Auxiliary of the Fmport Sanitarium an arranging tor a Halloween supper next week, with a Prints drawing in old of the Ban. building fund. Contractor James Hill, has made good ploy-es: on the Seheitelo bridge. He expects to have the steel superstructure up by the end ot this Mr. and Mrs. James Sutherland ot Kitchener, were visiting with the Iatter'a brother, Mr. Walter Stark and ‘Mrs. Stark on Sunday. 1 Miss Pony Snyder ot Biiomuue lute was vh1ting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leander Bowman on thm- day. An English Service will be held In the Lutheran Church on Sunday evening. The Provlnchl Pollce made a busi- ness visit to one ot the homes, in the west-end on Saturday evening. The first political meeting In the ’pmant campaign was held Last Bat, urday evening in the trettsiuer-reo- tel Hall. in the interest of the Con- 'Peet'" candldale. Mr. W. G. Wet. chel. Dr. Kasey and Mr. Momma and the candldue were the speakers of the evening. mn during the nut week. Mr. Ruben Johnston. o. L. 8. ot Kitet-r with " assistants were engaged during the put. week on a proposed new road line for the Con. mrtoeBioomimrdaie road. from the Grand River bridge to the Waterloo-, Woolwich Township line. i The Hydro construction can: has been waged during the put week on the putting up ot part ot the line extending the Hydro System fa) here through Winterbourne to West Montroee. l Political Medina. t on. and an J. Shelley of ttitets. snot were visitors at the home of ‘lr. and In. William ‘Knarr on Sum any. Mr. and In. Wiiitort Struck won Sunny vino" at the home at the lormn parents. Mr. and turn. Chan, Struck. In. John Hoehchor uni bully ofl um Elmira. were whim at the hon or the lormer’. brother. Mr. ar but Kurt. last Sunday. In. John B.rtmatr, Gown-town, on Sunday. l It. P. P. “an". Idle-lay “can; can. at St. cum-u. "uaeu'tttot.omet.t-ttvto thdWoolmuwum Minimum": Mr. W sum 1m Mr. and um mm" u a. lone at Mr. La "etho.e%rettmr%srtet,-tt. yfP"ttrttret-ryi Mathis-hum V $N._'-totaatttraat Albanian-Intuiti- ‘mnm Sensational Bargains _ All This Week In. Annie Waro was v1aitintr at North Queen Gar Market 25 com mom OPPOSITE THE news BLDG. Mr. and In. Moon yum Mr. and LIQUID STOVE 'Rijiugiii LEiiri3EEi3 y can. PHONE 913 ivory tin. a urn-[er Lu. . bit of COOK'S» BREAD it vim another booster. That in why our Latinas. his "ear-od up 73,581,. " you have not ended it, best try it - We'll bo "tisfied with your verdict. .1'r-ds't ' iiRi A "Friend -Winner” IECKITTS (OVOI'IGI) LIMITED i. COOK AND SON BRILLIANT, shining black A and spotless stove is a sign of home pride . . . also a sign of Zebra Liquid Stove Polish . . . and a sign of good judgment too, be. cause Eebrttis the quickest, easiest and cleanest beauty treatment you can give to a stove . . . to make it look bright and new. WATERDOO Pg

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