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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Oct 1929, p. 5

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'cr, Tid wwmvrw " 1tl'Pan'a'rlllttt m In. our. _ nun-mm. The question of holding a ham quet was discussed at length by the Waterloo Board of Trade at Mom day's meeting and referred to a committee comprising Pred Hour, Wm. Henderson, Arthur Foster, A. M. Snider and George Gross, which will tix the date. It is likely that John A. Tory, president of the To- Com-lithe Nan-d to Fix but. and Arrange Dotau..--othore Bali-m. WATERLOO BOARD h OF TRADE BANQUET [A - V _ - __ aaN, 2 kt '; , V _:):?,',.)'-,, tiisiiigiii, , (i. EMM /. ”my a Ideal for " it ll tr Itt' I“? 'tiiilit ll * l t'iNill. wan all the bran \l 'gll1ti.li..iii.? of the whole wheat 'd With Shredded Wheat in the home you are read for - emeeTrence* quick breakfast for husband and chiidren with no work or woerr--a delicious lunch-a satisfying trupper-- eat it with milk and berries or diced bananas. EASY TO SERVE-EASY TO DIGEST mum-u ttttattittttattttart an you "with“ flavor} The“ tttttr-tttq diqattttq In "tar.ttttgettt+ttttdt. mu no.“ cum In 'iiis7e"r'lrri,ii,_1_ I Arthur Foster stated that the tBur in Waterloo" campaign was meeting with success " he was un- able to find parking space for his canon Saturday night on King St. between William and Duke streets. New Industry I Chairman A. M. Snider stated the Iindnetrinl committee reported pro- rgress as a large new industry will {locate here, netiotiations having lbeen completed by the Waterloo Punurturturintr Co. for a $2,500,000 plant, particulars of which are given in another column. ronto Board of Trude, will be the qehat hi! happened whom you in. speaker. been "only nuloctln‘ your " PIIHI' Unit“ ( an Jr"'"'""""""""',":',",:",',',',','.",',',.); - t'M-t,"M"r- 'mNasgre-rai.etg.<Bt-i'AMbr-6r-. 'B-sand'""-.""-, ”it" mu-Yummmm “magnum.” aim-“whomhhhmmwmbMd mmcmmmunumumwmummT “quwdmmuuuhabuunuuthn-ol amuumwmmhmmuuam; "mm-mm..." Ir--ennd.NFttbar-tV Nnmlbbynntmm Mun-ll, II - “I atartoera-as,_toeoetuq6i_i-t-iit_thbl "Xorg-rt-trt-ot-Nt-oe/thae-text" ,h‘bythvhlov.flcnur¢lueo“MWIquLl-mmhthl leudis"unurtotef"'te1"r'o1at"."tut_"r, todttaeottrratno-it-ihsottretooitrttttoant_t lturnpdhcktomottlomumumlhrmeomum» unorthodoctot. . tiee,wasaMndoe-tR-. "Mar l at than you've be: all can that her punt and ht In this tine, Nurse Ripley?" he daun- Iloep In order to pm. that lull ch. She stood tor a moment looking down at the corpse but made no at- tempt to touch it nor even to lean over It. Percival and his brother ex- changed a quick look ot understand- ing. Neither of them could detect in the nurse's manner the least hint of any suspicion that old Fytton had died a natural death. And neither ot them felt any inclination just then to push the test still further. "Very well, that will do (or the present," Percival said. "rod had bet- ter Bo to your own room and take ott Four 'bonnet. My brother and I will wait here until you come back. t shall. of course, report the matter of your neglect to the superintendent of the General Hospital." she had not yet discarded her on!- door clothes. end the automatically slipped ott her cloth and gloves and dropped them on a choir lb: the door before ops-mulling the bed. Under- neath she use (ironed in her ordin- ary unllorm. somewhot too short in the skirts for Percival'e taste, more particularly as the shortness re- vealed stockings and Mill-heeled shoes, I Ir "Went" Percival prompted her. “He must have died In " sleep.” she said. Nurse Ripley had paused by the the door, her cloak over her arm. her head hem. and she attempted no pro- test when threatened with that HF port. "I my tell you," Percival contin- ued. "that as yet no one but my brother and I In "rare ot what has happened. so it you shank! meet any one. you will say nothing to them be- more you return." She was leaving the room when Bernard called her back. / um... u. “cu-”w. "Bo man the cis. mm “a!" Bernard commented after aha had gone out, closing the door behind her. "Damn n, I never once thought ot Mr. Jordan In that connectlon. But she noticed nothing. Perclval. I'd whet. hu happened while you have "r, at may mu May bore 'Nh been grossly neglectln‘ your " ehe by: out the body." Pen-in! aid. ties?" .“In tying up the tor, for instance, "Ht-d'." one echoed teebly. the my detect the smell of the Percival pointed to the bed. cyanide," "You don't menu . . . t" she trent-' 'N'tt any. too," new“! aid. cued. g Percival hesitated More he can- “Assure your-ell!" Percival com- tinned: “And it nhe given my sin mended her. indicating the body. of surprise. any hint of guessing she had not yet discarded her out- what he: hymen! . . . t" "Were you with any one in the park tor those two hours and a halt. or were you quite alone t" he asked. "I was with Mr. Jordan," no no turned. looking up with a sudde'n flash ot delhnce. _ "You see?" Percival inquired stern- She nodded without moving. 3.1.15.“ IBM although the two brothers stayed until alt that ins necessary had been done, Percival more than once aiding the nurse in her tanks. she gave no sign ot suspecting that Gregory htton had not died a na- tural death. 'Her manner was air stracted. with a strong hint ot quiet resentment underneath it--a resent- ment. however. that was not dis- played by any act ot gesture. Ber, nard. watching her closely, and with more anxiety than he cared to ad- mit even to himself. decided that she was sullen. It came to him, also, that her prettinese had not been exagger- ated. end he wondered It she might be going to marry Jordan. Good. looking fellow, and perhaps he had come in fora tidy bit under the old man's will. With her ruined renn- tation. she might do worse. Suppose I'd better see him after ten. he thought. and just confirm that state ment of hers. "We mutt admit It at once." Bdr- and and. “We can say quite plann- Ibly then that we had not done so before to (at our own layman." "I suppose Is an." his brother re turnod. “And . . ." His further contingent. whatever It might have been. was cut ott by the return or Nurse Ripley. But before that. the family had to be told. not yet all they knew them- selves. Bernard and Perclval agreed as they went down-stairs. bat, " least, the supreme not or the old man's death. "Tea is being uken in the large drawing-room tedar. air." he an. nounced. addressing Bernard. "Very welcome change in the weather, sir." "Yes," Bernard replied. adding quickly "I've some very and new: tor you, Peters. Mr but" 1: dead." The old mm lured at him for a moment In sheer bewilderment and then turned his use to Percival, " It seeking eonriratatiott ,0! Aus aute- ment hom a higher authority. "We presume that he must have died in his sleep," Percival aid. "Dear, dear. And we all thought he was going on to well.” Peters mur- mured. “Dear, dent!" The shock of the announcement Ind evidently sinker: him; he was visibly trem- Ming. "We thlnk he must hue died about _ Bernard nodded. "Of can!“ not." he commented. It was the o’clock. and the Inn had not yo! quits set: but the itMUhted hall to dandy lauded by the nut "tow' ot the coming dunk. 1’ " was, he ro81eeted, e task tint would test his Pytton sense of tact and propriety; although he talked liG It might hare been Mill harder ‘to carry off the announcement with I" full effect of decent regret it " had not been complicated by this Mange btswildtrrlng secret which know (orcihly Imposed a distress he might otherwise have had to assume. Even as thlnss were, he could not deny the sense of relic! that had been mending his consciousness for the past hour and a halt. What- ever happened now. he would not have to deny Manette the luxury she was accustomed to. "rt Wo, sir. I don’t ”member [IMF in: anything alum-'1," the old m mulled. "But I should kayo been In my nutty. doll}; "as _ at three o'etoek-a could - hue baud anything from there." "Not in the drawing-room." Ber» and and. "No one but yourself and the nurse has been told " yet. We no going to tell the family now." ion. out to! a rut," Bernard our tiruted. "1 any” you hard noun“ Peters!” three o'clock, and more wu no on" vying him at the “no: the 1mm in” "Had I better draw the blinds ut once. an!" Peters awed. They found the whole party at tea in the large draor1stroorrr,.a very silent. spiritleas party it seede little cheered by the brightness of that day at February warmth. And at the sight ot them there, it came to Bernard with a new shock ot rea/ nation that one of these eightl people might be responsible for the ghastly crime that had heen commit. ted two hours earlier. Hie 'iiii) moved trom lace to face no he cross- ed the room. bat the brief look ot; inquiry he directed at each ot them in turn expressed the P,l'1"t'1'1 wonder of a man among his lf mates rather than the scrutiny ot a lawyer seeking evidence. it was of) surely an incredible supposition that} any one of these people could have; done such a thing! Among them all there was but one stranger. young "rxrrtord. Well, he had a motive in‘ his desire to marry Mary; and ab wthough Bernard could not see young '/rwreord as a murderer. it might be _, well to watch his reactions when the critical announcement was made " was tor Bernard. himself. as head of the family, to undertake that task. and as he paused on the hearth- rng he decided to attempt a drama- tic term ttat might by its sudden- ness provoke a possibly suspicions response, it it were indeed conceiv- able that the guilty person were present. The effect he had hoped for how- ever, was spoiled by the Jtttesrpol lion of Marr, who. before he had time to speak, said quickly: "Winn the manor. daddy? an anything unnamed!” _ "Why do you “I that, int-y?" Ben and replied with u gunman In his voice that he ntoly domed In upen- Antr to her. "Mr dour Bernard," Mud Fyuon 873323 with: Nonnummuton- “a ply. "both you And Parclul 4tBtrttt in A. a. with such a new“ aft of who Wuurloo ttehth-r.arautu--te 1'ttrM'ggtttt2t'yiiiiEc: 1,11e1tpMrithbr_'ttruty- s'ft2t'"he'tt2'S'iiiiir.E, (HI... “I... mound... Mkmhsmh‘m abhor-bulb“, & 1e"t.or-ty.ire.mtre$teGGkiE “nuns; until lam-ad to tea. ‘Wm" arugula Mtsetth'tte:s bliriir.fi0iir,0i.hart.'."'"" - vans; Encouraging reports were presen- ted by omeerB at the annual meet- ing ot the Maple Grove Farmers' club, held Thursday night at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Rosebrngh near Speedsvllle. During the year per able speakers addressed the club and interesting magi-am pre- pared tor the "dons meetings the members pining much helpful infor- mation. TM Beekeraredeiir orchestra of Breslau inmlshed the muslc durlng the evening. In“: ..to-lnB-iBaqsaut.-. unto-m . . - manna-mango. mama-u “can“... mums. . . In”... Olav-Gum “Us. 6btMtaMKt$rettttAgt4ttt “Imam“; Orvillo Grok is Prodiull. “on“... During Your Pun. Profitable. In; trrutortant news. Foe haven't come to all n: that Mr. mum'- " um has (“on “other turn, I hope?" "It has, mud. : most unexpected turn." Bernard returned very gravely. MAPLE GROVE FARMERS’ CLUB ELECTED OFFICERS “You don't mun . . ." Mane“: put in, Inning forward with An extort ot great intensity. “You don't new. Bemrd. that . . ." “Yea! I do," he replied. Hiss min. tion ot using his announcement an a teat had been destroyed. but he sun Ind somethlng in ruerve. (To be continued) The election of officers resulted as follows: honorary president. Oli- ver Snider; president, Orville Grok; vice president. Oscar Dressler; Bee retary treasurer, Emu 'Hutusbertter; purchasing ’secreiary. C. Sander: musical director, Jacob Zeller; pia- nist. Oliver Zeller; auditors, Daniel ‘Benver and Edward Snider; direc~ ‘tors. Mr. and ‘Mrs. J. R. Wood. Mr. ‘snd Hrs. W. Bmhacher and Mr. and “Mn Harold Glmhie. The junior ilsdies' institute elected Janet Wood as president and Helen Beaver see- reury treasurer. while the junior hrmers' ciu-h named Howard Snider as president and ‘Herbert Markie lee- re'ury treasurer. The Alexandra and m. Louis School but their former record re- cently. It regnlred only 54% second to clear the Alexandra School at 630 pupils and the St. Louis yahoo! alga coconut mrkollotthe 403th marching trom the building in 45 se- conds. - PUBLIC SCHOOLS MAKE NEAT RECORDS IN FIRE TEST Addresses in fire prevention were given by Rev. at. J. Seton Adam and new. W. B. 'Mayer. Fire clue! Geo. marge: said he was planed with ttte splendid tire detr1. "fiiTiifiggiagiiiii 6.0.6. tt ham." -'V iii in...“ car it]; am hi CM “an... iiiFa,tt.tltititiie,i' P.'t.trd,tt mm" .h l lo I - Ieiet, 11r4h1'4G2'ld) tty I!!! s |Pimples, Blotches _ Quickly Vanish l - Til-7PM, __ WV’ te 2:.ch- 333-5 9-23 ,r.trev9sr, in?“ "0tr.uTi'rxat.-rt .Trrifii rc- A. B. LEARN DRUG BYortN O- a. IOINI "MUnAMt. AndtMdtNt% “II?” Olav-aim mu UIITID alga-ammonia. hummin‘m Ila-gut on. a. 1 mm iiGard' '. cannon Block. is a lag. yum M. w mun IORTGAGIB on my - “t- n" mm“, “In.“ Old North Waterloo hm hm " 13. Iowa: -- In no dug a. P. hut-u. A... no Qua In N. no“ 1101'. ( “Maul. . um »¢~¢Oollt.nmini'l:l “Rum. I. w. J. 303mm. nun». a an: at. 1.1m: to m om m mu: sm-su/ian-GT, M. no” "" Bring m your human and In" " "palm and olted may for spring a... - [and on Your (hr Pt: but In " monthly psy- monu while driving. - gum reduced. print. and 'htngtetM. All dump oogrtMat- Us]. 0pm ovum Motor Luna t mace-mu Ltd. 12! Kln. it. W. KMmr. Mon. 4120 o. T. In” . _ In. I. G. In! “monarch one. u mun- 05‘me aaas"a £666.;er - by um you - Inn-m My)": Pe, “humanism-u. 't.btnde" hon lulu. mu "tCrm"" rm or “no. Ills!"- III " m I. N. Phone can KMmr two.“ one. napalm at " in: St. w., Waterloo BeehtelltBteisiMer Darorttight. no. - 1730le III-Anal.“- "tot-UB-F.'.). We specialize In SHOE REPAIRING HONEY IO LOAN M “I'll. m. CHIROPRAGHC SEOEMAKING B. HOUSE Music "than

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