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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Oct 1929, p. 4

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. " F - - -_' ...‘._ v ‘vvwvv - T" v __ , .lllmllllBll-ItlMglltlt. 'iii-iii/iii/iii" Expert I maven-III. 'd."t"irt"" - ”may - .- I ”n“. " 11yh'lPfl.8fef?_f"tleimateee-lt-temttttirtrm 'z-zhh'lw -r-ti--tt------------------. e-_-_---------------- time-magnum Cook's Regulating Compound Ci'iii we Leaf-g Duh-cm tc: E 97 King St. West 'is.. iinnmmmmmmnnnnmmmmmgr, A. Bohemians Hui-luaukhid at" Wyn-- ,','rMr,tptt 30-bit"; o Trusses Vote for Homuth and Fearless Representation _ 'GOD SAVE THE KING " “18!. 'ijijriFirii, 'ijiriilri)l iijiIiififTijiiiiiriii"i, l Worth while information on the . . above subject is contained in the “hung Compound pamphlet entitled "Tips for Hunt- Mig'f.yst,trt, grains", which may be obtained from h',','?, :13 1jii,ii.igFi',5iiiiiets: Canadian Paeifie Agent or W. m bl. £1: drain. a. an, Fulton, Assistant General Passenger k. 1e1'iy?'ir1terlAt'tjyrrt.t, Toronto. v. M. WOOD, Tu: coon “comm: F Agent, C.P.R., Kitchener, Ont. Tllrfif'fdlr'Pr5h'l'ivWEX, ao a. SATURDAY, oer. Mth at s O‘clock Old School House. St. Agatha WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23rd at 8 O’clock School House, Phillipsburg FRIDAY, OCT. 25th " 8 O’clock TUESDAY, OCT. 22nd at 8 O’clock MONDAY, OCT. 21st at 8 O’clock SATURDAY, OCT. 19th at 8 O’clock Public Meetings Lautensehiager's Hall, Peteratrurg There is a considerable increase of deer in the French and Manawa river districts. Moose Show a good increase all the way down the west side of Lake Temiskaming and the Ottawa River. The celebrated big game regions along the north shore of Lake Superior, just north of the Canadian Pacific Railway line, are' well supplied with moose and deer,) particularly in the Missanabie and) Matagama districts ( Cxark Ripley, noted writer and 'sportsmsn, returned a short time tugo from a careful survey of the ‘hunting grounds of Northern On- tario. The gist of his report, made to the tourist offices ot the Cana- dian Pacific Railway. is as follows: A hunter's success depends en- tirely on his ability to Elect a berri- tory containing the (beaten. amount of game per square mile of walking. Bunday visitor: at the home ot Mr. And Mrs. AI. Wolfe. were: Mr. Do mid Webster and It. Dorothy Wab ton ot Flint, Mich" um um Mares Mr. A. Nahia and you Arthur spent Sunny with Mr. and In. J. on)" of Dickie Settlement. Mr. R. Jones and non Sta-lay ion Sunday visitors at no home of Mr. and In. J. Jonel. Prawn. rat Web-tar and Mr. Geo. Dennis of out and Mr. und Mn. Sharpe ot Preston. him. A. [arduou- ls spending a weak in Call. N It. “Wane-alluvia- no: but am has. in: m of)“: vat to no Wot the Patina-In mud AM to: . a. and my" and and: uh. not. to" my unint- of Mr. Want- mum: met-m. no, the - It” Watson's (in. cllna diam. Ill. Wm. hot - the lock- ton me Wednesday od ha! week. Grand Theatre, New Hamburg BIC GAME COUNTRY Vote For The Ferguson Candidate Tawnship Hall, Baden Old Church, Breslau and a sane Liquor Law-dn order to ‘retain our present good control law 4 2-2 _ New Service Sutton Out ot one hundred and (my names sent in the name contest mr the new service station on Arthur and Water Streets erected by Mr. C. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock trom her late residence on Church Street, to St. James Lutheran Church, where Rev. Lloyd Kamllelsch. the pastor condne ted the servlces, thence to the El- mira cemetery for burial. Name Selected for She leaves to mourn her six chil- dren: John and Addie at homema- ry. Elmira; Emma. Mrs. Harm): Schmidt, Stratford; Roy Gravenhumt and Charles. manager of the Royal Bank, New Hamburg. One son Clay- ton. died in 1918. l In. Chmune Latin widow ot the late Henry lellax and mother ot [Harry W, lelbx. collector of CUB- Ir,", for Elmira District died on Fri- day mornlng at her home on Church street utter a short illness. The late Mrs. mum we: born near St. Jo cabs. Titty three years ego, the was married to the late Mr. Henry Bminx of Elmira and In: resided here un- tll her (1th. ".8ea.t_drrutteaar_tt" who only that no In. and - in. lulu. on tho highway. It. LII-ll tn m: - driving thalli- “not! at tho tho. Win an a m that. burst out in trout ot hi. and trot-4| hit. " hand tor ntety without an opportunity to tsaol tho tin utiuuidior. The dry nus do“ the highway ciao aunt tir- when that been to burn the annoy ’IDIIId to the rail (one. and only my ‘intorvontion ot the moon who lf (armed t bucket triads tho npidiy‘ spreading {lulu were oxllnlullhod.i l All that reminod ot the his was: the (rune. the motor, radiator, two" front wheels and tires. . _ The mum at an (in so thought to be from a broken as nine and the gas fumes eortsing in contact with the heat from the exhaust pipe. In. Hoary ZIIIlax Dad. matron-W The bus was covered by insurance. lung-A my”... I in the evening the service. were gin curse of Rev. P. P. O‘Kell. B. A, at Mount Forest. ‘Attcnded Future! At Toronto. Miss Ruby Bricker spent Thurs- day afternoon with friends at Water. loo and Kitchener. Miss Hazel Steddick ot Hamilton spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mm. Syl. J. Steddlck. The funeral took p e on Thar- day afternoon ot the 11.1% Glen. 56 years, who died on Timothy morn- ing at the home ot his daughter, Mrs. J. Lloyd. Church street west. The services were conducted by New. W. J. Plddes, pastor of Wesley United Church. The remains were then taken to Durham for burial. The late Mr. Glen has been in poor health for some time and only a few days he- tore his death came to visit his daughter in Elmira. Personals. Mr. Edw. Damn visited his brother, Mr. Albert Baum at Kitchener on Sunday, Mrs. (Dr.) my Wagner allow ded this funeral ot her uncle, the late James T. Jaekson, at Toronto on Thursday afternoon. Tho Cate Peter Olen lurid. nut thank. offering meeting. In; W. mum ot Hespeler, In: the spea- her. - W hr huh-n In it - I“ Ir. . Put:- ol I“ our In - I“. Tron-tor. Inc. [mount-“hum and ti. am all but - tor-orb m wmu- In!“ “I". hm- a. Una-Ar an... use no in Arthur strut. Mr. an. In Ji? may Inho- ovor a. m. Work Ut ro-athq tho an“ ngtor of tht block me-mmlrmu‘ In. Bria. will “In. Us“. _ AW roam-v cum _ may} Jun. Mahood ot the Inn-1 mm Public School all in gm! of} lonelier: att-ttad at. two by." tachou‘ convolution new In Kitchen“ or on Thursday and Friday. At Tho Myarlua Chunk. Spock! ”Meet mare held in 019‘ a.» Presbyterian (lurch on Sun- day morning. The unice- wore un- der the IMDICII of tho Women‘s Missionary Society um being the th- 'tfdMluh'ht'.'"al'ltlT.'gtttgtuatt,t g" - , " mu llhe"ii?er.'ttdh'ht'.'"al'ltl,7,eatt/lii'."i4 any _ - 't 11“.. Manhunt-bur _ . " 7 1af1"."t/dd"'fgttsttttt M'.f.wdwmm~m ; _ a - “mm-ummuqumuu-umm. i “uuw’u 'r'A, Yuck- Iu about. no In hung-Mum hmlWJIu-nbh V‘s-WI. a; autHrt-dttrrt-ttr-ontrss 'ft:ft'Pfr"-H--eas--r, -, T d, '"darrrttAMr.rt.Nt-oewt_-gt- mam-unannoun- “1mm 3:7:- mtg-cuuo. '1'.“de tpete-ti-er'" mm“ Ft “nu-Tm. -ttu'r-tttt1s-ta, m.J.P.muwmn-d WRIT“. T Mr.C..Brtn.ottamat-r Ir.mlu.O.V.m 't.v.thSLgaoehtrtee-.. _ etaaadttto.tattmuee-ootore '1""fr"""rrP'e'-dls-es-tt.--. wanna-am tor-0dr a. Winkl- [Mitt-don, hTomltoMmonl an. mun-ammonium .m from tHLinmtsnrtmtres,trhie- Mr. I." bug: at “that: “may “(ILA-Inland“.- afternoon ot the late Mrs. John s, years. Chief G. C. Bmmley of the Elmira Police Department has tendered hla resignatlon and accepted a similar position at Campbelllerd. Ontario. He will succeed Nell Gmsick. Ap. plication tor vacancy will he consld~ ered by the town council. The Late Mrs. John B. Weber The Elmira Hockey Club will hold its annual meeting on Monday. night in the Fire Hull tor the maroon ot electing omcen for the coming yen and to discuss the advisability or en- tering the Junior and Intermedhto team In the o. H. A. Elmira has soon material tor both the Junior and Intermediate teams. Will Go to CarrtNtrltford. Mr. and Mrs. Philly King ot 0.11. called on Elmira friend. on Sunday. To Hold Hock-y looting. The Mines Mnrjorle Sunny! and Mabel Edsel open! Saturday with friends at Kitchener. Mr. and Mm. Hilton Hour ot Tors onto, visited over an week-end with Mr. and In. Wm. IMmMrr. The lines Elk Indium: “a Ethel stuck" at the Hamilton Nor. ml spent the week-end with the" parents in town. Mr. and In. Charl- hirch - weds. total-nod no. their Ion:- moon trip to Detroit and Grand Ra- yids. umtmm-au-nnumu. m Mr. and In. lol- thI. (or at Cttq In. “and. closur- 1W " you - I for dars with (that st Nov Ill.- m not]! Mr. and In. I... Will-om ot Toronto upon the .0084“ with Mr. and In. WI. Anna. Mr. Nobo- Auy of WW vu- tod his pan-CI, Mr. and In. can: Amy over an. took-end. on“ Ellen Weber of Kitchen! spent the week-end with " pm". Mr. and In. John P. Weber. War Bun-lad The funeral took place on Monday He believes in a continuance of the present GOVERNMENT CONTROL LAW in Preference to the hale-alien, bootiegghttt and doetorh pre- scripting which obtained under ttie ar. A. and which will be taught Incl: If the Liberals, Pro- m” and 'Prohlhltlonhts get Into power. For ten years Karl Homuth has represeMed South Waterloo. foolishly advocating those policies which are in the interests, of mole Represents South Waterloo Mrs. J. Steddlck and Miss Betty fauchus spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mm. Amos Each. Con- estogo. The runeul took place on 'rams. day ttt 1.30 p. m o'clock trom the late resldenoe to the Elmln Menno- ulte Church tor aervim and inter. ment In the cemetery adjoining. Personals. . Mr. Henna Each ot Woodstock In vialtlns his daughter. Mrs. A. W. Hotter. Ho survived by " baloved vile, one daughter, Rachel. Mrs. A Stun“, Addison M. Ind Oliver D. ot Elmira and Irvin A. ot Gael-soy. Sank. V Solomon Snider, aged " years \diod on Sunday at tho homo ot his ”on. Mr Olin! D. Snider, near Tilt, win. The late Mr. Snider '33 born In Woolwlch Town-hip. He followed tarming until some twenty-two you-n ago. when he retired and moved to Elmira. Mimi! two years no. he and In. Snider "unwed to the km ot their not Mr. Oliver D. Snider. 1 The Clerk In mutated to pro. m a by-hw to be submitted to the rate-my". at the canning municipal olectton tor the construction ot cement walks on several street: in Onion-on Stud” Dad. 0'"an In Bunk [or 8103“.” a, no“... No! the III-Mn. n-own m M. a. Cum-by at. can: on Nov- o‘or lat. and am In «occur to The than“: mud g intu- ced “than! ot mint: and an human-u for Ill. with: nah; (or at Got-cunt W. W. I‘m-nu m - ordain“. to.attaru Kinshi'l Linimoru--Uqed tor 50 coll-mu ot “Tl." PM. m. D can». & 183 Klng St. W.. Una-In Phonon 2802 and 2750.] KITCHENER Mum-u and Ltoenaett Inhaled who (by. Ind-.1 mum-m Folder no as Photo. one dose: for "C King St. W. - M 23.1 KITCHENS. BENTON STUDIO PROPOGRAPHS LIVE FOREVER 3mm Stationery WRAY’S ‘ORDON'S ‘ooo " 5‘3?

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