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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Oct 1929, p. 3

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other. in nu baton a. and! min. 1.1mm. realm in MI- 1mm I Municipal dttet an m In“ am. No. " and No. " G. C. Y. Moved by P. A. Klein. would by W. w. Tm that C. D. Bow-an, o. Is 8. ot West Iona-one ho cymbal! to make n cum-sum: or a. an. to b. drained and the mum to be deepened and ”with!“ ten cording to the prayer in a. muo- ot Cham Glaser and othon. nil of " terloo Township and to my". a u--) port, plans unification; and “1H P. A. maul Mia's-1”" Te7ii"ii a and. to a. Waterloo 00. mu.- artd “mm-n Anna-nu A Ttlu'" in! 99th- In“: and a'2thr4tt"t"'"- Juud'vugwE-rfl 5.3.” l _ mm. m w mould-mutton“. m 0.1.“...q‘: to” .u. mumm.cmbw.v.1§tuuu-o M'."atp'g?ttf, . c “by...“ '.gs"t.%atrrog-fiat_i-iiqtii-b. 1-,... Tun-*1 mmmu- 00.. WNW-mint“: muthu-uuh tu- mLCJIm-n. , wmammuc.uaunmuo-unmum "f.","'.e,'et Lek“ m t "ML 'MS,. g 'd “I: 'JUL'."; oe. 1tt'ltWflel .g...“ was“: won [.34 and 2:11.... ' IT.'.) “A“. . " " ' A Ytt,1 ty Php, Ttlt, eeftd, " a B. 00mm 8h2lllSrliill, 5. mums: wm and 1ttrt'tthrliigrr"rr _ Dr. Hell believe: in "vim. nll port. of the riding old nll donor of emu-- "pron-1M in coll-inns. Thu should be called log-(hr u lino. and import." amnion: duo-H In (ml, 4-3:qu nod tho no-lnr would Lav. the vary best of instruction: than to Dunno and ho can“ pron-l their View. before the Home. In an. unnor tho peopln will In" their Ily. Dr. Hott and for thirteon - on the School Board, four your: on tho City Council and two your to Mayor of [itch-or. Ho has always boon o public spirit-d and IICCOII'II oiling. For thirty-053M your: he In. boon in medical motion and Loving studied social and econo-ie qua-(ion. for you". mulled one-shay nod ope-kin. o n-lbor of but.“ he an be of tron-undou- union. to the poop“ of North Wurloo nod tho Province of Ontario. be cinema. This year a cliqoo amongst the oxocutivo and Mr. Woiclul Ito-toil to noon him out of the -tuatioo. He -ted this on tho pooplo'r rights Inuit bo nail-hind. .The pooplo will tiaht this to I "ish. Thin is tho poopk’n election and you should be one of them. Look at tho ambit. in this home. That should convince any In. und won-n that Mr. With! III-Jo the pron-inn. Those aid-vit- voro made by truthful and honor-Ho In. Thi. now becomes . public moral question. I cannot unamto-d how ulyon can ploco "rthor eoo6de.co in I non who bro-h monitor and than M. then on the public plotfun. I colorant-d may promitoo to other. Wm brokon. Souly tho intolliIo-eo of tho doctor. of North Wotorloo in not to beetor' " to nor-it their support of out]: at no for on. of tho “ghost gift. of omee of our country and look upon him on o low mmhor. For the take of our rid-I. generation, for tho nk. of the riding of North Wourloo tho public should all their bollot- again“ him liko " ado-ch. and veto (or n- u-.. .4- _._., _. . -- - Dr. Hell. - -.rBe co-in' here of Pannier Fan-on in eney to nndenlnnd for be we: not ncquinud with the reel nil-elm. He he hoe. uni-lend In the clique in the executive. " will have no eInei - ngnlnu Mr. WW. that of n boom-. Tho ”In will thew their remit-en end in the hill of their own electien, they will wori " the "edor for their own Min. Gone to the IIOOHI.‘ end _ the cm ringing nureuee. expected that the next time even those who Ind mowed him would be with him. This unwanted in the Daily accord on Nov. Mth. The pun-int; mule in” not nononnl. Dr. "ett is a mall of the doctors and it con- cerned the electors. He was true to the party. Three year: ago at the nomination t blocked and many of Dr.'Hetl'u cuppa-to we; mot discovered by Dr. Hott end hi nee'ing. A few dar. Ieler Dr. Hell ndve: of those who were tum-ed Away. There , of men urged Dr. Hen to run In In I: account of the promise-jive: Dr. Hell I electors that and“ the cireuuhnce. In electors that under the ‘cireuuuncco Miro-H170; expected that the next this even those who Ind with him. This unwanted in the Daily accord on Na __ w. --- -- ,--.-. .uu gnu - "uni. - Mr. Weiclul‘u last ehclion. All tho Coven-on! moi-then” In" made without u meeting and coagulation of the executive. It bonan- . an. Inn'- I'm}. Three ya." ago " tho close of the nomination Dotti-I in tho Tow. Hall. Wuorloo. Mr. Weidcl pron-ind to "e ”id. at! .Ilow Dr. Mott " have the nomination thin time. Ho publicly dcniod this on the public phl- form, Oct. Sth, at the mania-(ion meeting It tho court house on Oct. 19th he amid it is . person-l matter. II it not a personal Inner bat it it It PUBLIC MATTER. Dr. Hell in the odEeiat Independent Connorvntiv. Candid-ta of tho people who are in favor of the Ferguso- Govornmnl It the large“ Ionian- tion meeting held in Ontario. ore aecounk of Dr. Hal's sympathy with the people nther lhun I null-Betta clan ho w» not III-tad hy tom of the Co-tive ulccutivo of North thorloo. IR HETI' ENTERS CAMPAIGN AS INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE 1915-?Tlletfcm candidate That executive - met in throo yearn. Not one mingle mocking due. w-:_L_I‘_ .‘_A ,IA,.- ,, All _. - -"--""- _._ m - -m-u-U I! who n-nd- on the ’Ialfor- of with, justice “I service MUNICIPAL RECORD . nomination heating on Nov. Sth tho loot. we” lott'u support." could not and (hair hallo“. This '. Holt and Li. Iain support." until after the Dr. Hell ndvorti-d in tho dilly - for nine: Ava}. There were more: who vorhud. III-Ind.- D run II In Independent Conservative than. o. nut. has: mo. a”; All-- m-n. hon- on who but. an; I-” m Ion- “ who be; “.40; Ma 80ml. India; and - "iii.it'ffii. was. Hooch. 'eeMtrq, 01.8. ' - Nut. - all when“. 80.30;. Hoary Bum. and? In; and dusting. 08.”; Clan. BOI- pol. 1-2 nu can on Will-at " “In. ”an; D. " ma. - and M low-ace. $180.50; J. H. Moll & Son. urn-mu and» " u... "" - J. H. Mon 1 Ban. mul- ling at Only-Ho. 8:10.“: Anub- Klnue. mu! " ma aspect“. "egtitdietPlillftriiiiii,ft "I'll-M”; .1” out huh and a". a :1. t"e*1uamattrtmei-uafd4 mammotm'hb M.a-.Ummam "'ll.'drl'.",'lt unto“ . a." 2fiidfilii, a”; long it W. . It may: " -tmqh... . c. T. an. a “I“. on .te'ife'ate'tw'ldlA'2'Mt ._~_929_w.- 3;; by Mr. Weiehol he explained to (It; I not be a candid.“ bot he Ind o-ed him wo-Id be Meetings will be addressed by S, P. “Em W. $ahiirllit L glllllllt, DR. “FIT THE CANDIDATE, AND WEEKS “Just a mu. who. iq all It at». John.” your!“ In UK. In. the "or out. and In“. to in: not!!! "rar-ai-eo-tgt.:. mmmwmmm 0mm NowitrareqH---rtda.t- old-ti. Yetinht.anaortoamatsotems vtrooA.6rhmatr-t.r.et 'uhnd-a--- ' All Meetings Start at 8 pan. Thursday, October 24 " Wellesley and Linwood Friday, October 25 . M Dr. J. E. Hen l Takes off his hat to the Electors of North Waterloo a In an“. Gnu-rod Notice of Meetings Ladies Specially Invited col-My “will“ the lacuna. Bunk-Jon palm very “ugly award: I m (onto: and a noon at '.'Pt but I'm bull do; hue“; nun: I-..- -n..-. ca, --__ - __ tttot. “I. - Club b “M- . . “magnum; Ooh thrsttra_do-i6vtj "tdtr_otruu-mtotai. auction. ct-mt an MA. iGGiaat,Tii-iGusTiiariTtTs" 'efttete1rttrtt_ri9ii 'yhu.A_se-athitreuutiri" gen whys-p: pol-on In no "Nels, I". N_Mssl-_Iugc~nuu Mfuciin? In! that u... Wmuvvllbm which 'E Tari'iiaiuc. iTh'htl'l"lL'llrflTNNu'l.' ,".rt,ftMttfA".uylMltgt J -- mun-4a.? 'WtNtlt ttat “in 'n-e. to (Us and“! M Ind .wmm~mmdelhu-mucum - ununuuldonuyhvmub ml!hoM-uhmthnmm‘n‘m‘mm ‘hmumm'rou.flonuvfllmmwnuehfl- 'itteig"ttePt.eLtt.rriiiiiiil'lltt'lll',%t. _ tt 1%. tt "drPMgetat M a. mum» talk: than e Emmnluum.Hmhlllmummfum+w‘ "'tt"tu'tttitorvkiiiifu'irtre, “a: lull One." by so I hat -ttittg, 'n-e. tot" 'tree-a-dice- ”strum-now“... bwummm.no sePtoetattlkv-iiilei'i _t_he new but “was null-m an In and] m7 V iaFui"G a mull]. with to 'tUtlld',',". - FW-w III-nu me ---.'-- FE [who would In. CL'.'." an: ttttlite/ttelectrified tgage 1mm-mw~ MW! -"arrtmr tf,'a.",'I'.",'tit 4t'tt,'t.'at W,'.'", ... mm - - ., Mtfettttcaetsuerraua'iT t',tStP'd,.tfr,f. hum-u Lee - qicuiiiiibra “I -iiTi Jh't Sleeper-ef, 'titililiiiriirTiVi"Gii'i " aTI,'s','h"ttSenteee .uLi"i2T-e'""'""'l'"'er-NeF- u. I”, a a _ UGGifureTiireara Ta 'ATi “a“.hnhmw . 7 1l'lklNdlttlrhtil', unguamummmmmwp. “manhummuux'mhpmughuMhm 43‘ mumzaowmmauzmd rfd"ertGidiLGiiiiGi'uTi7diii"C, “mama's?“ pyd»M" . Mu mummy-bug. 'iui. "b"; “hmu ll,' AND I nuke the ale-n ttou-ut, ee-uieeliouely believing it to be "no. and knowing that It ie of the an. force end elect u if nude under cut end by VII-tee of the Connie Evidence Act. Declared before I. " the City of Kitchener. in the Con-01 of Weleelee. I“. 1th dey e. Ocular. (Sig-ed) A n I... t. I. the your "" I no pronoun " the Convention held in the Tow. "" in tho Tm of Wat-flee of tho Liberal Consorvnlivo Party of the “in. of "or“ Wat-rho whom Mr. W. G. Woichol In. chocul an the -'. undid-h [quIo ouetloo hold in that your. t occupied a can doc. to tho ’lallor- and I well rm" that Mr. Woichol, while on tho platen. (It-0d to Dr. J. E. Hott and aid to him, "Thin is tho I." time I In“ the uni-.80.. not! ' you can have it." Dominion of and. Province of Ontario To wit: DO SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT, Do SOLEMNLY DECLARE, that " the your 1926, shortly after the Catwalk. Convention in the To" Hull, Waterloo, gt which Mr. W. G. WW ya loll-in!“ I. the party'. candidnh for tho election of that your, Mr. Woiciol. i. I telephone col-rotation, referred to the probability of Dr. J. E. Mott running I: ul- Independent Co-ive, and ulna In to pun-ado Dr. Hot! new to run. and to ten him that “if he (Dr. Han) would drop on this kiln. I'll m that he [on the nomination next ttme." AND I uh Iii: bola-I- Declaration eo-im"iq""t, {Deli-ring it to be Inc. “J knowing that it u of the - foree and oKect an it made all" oath and by virtue of the Canada Evil-nee Act. . Dad-rod lulu. I. at tho City of Kitchen-r, in tho Coulty of Wand”, this 7th day of October. t, ERNST KEML, Deni-io- of Canada _" Provillco of Ont-gin m THE MATTER OF The Pending Election for the To wit: Lo.uut- of the Province of Ontario. AND I nah chi. volun- Duel-"lion conscientiously bolicvi-I it to be W, and having Chg it is of the ulna fore. and of.“ a i'"r" undo: on“ “I " vtrtato of the Cull-Ill Evidence Act. A Doc“ him no at the Citr of “Cellular. in the Cally of Wanda», Chi- rth a" of October, (Signed) All, 1.8.. A. H. HELLER (Sig-9d) W. P. Clo-one. A Cold-sinner, etc. I. HARTIN MIKEL. of tho City of Kitchener. in I. That I nun-lo] a Convo-Iion of the Lilac-ml Co-tire Party of tho Riding of North Waterloo hd‘ in the Towa Hull in tho Town of Wutorloo in the your 1926, for the "uetu. of a “dilute at the clockin- hold in that your at which Mr. W. G. Wciclul was mructed an the _ undid-h. At tho clone of tho main; I met Mr. Woiclnl nnd when I can- .ru-I-Mi- on his édu u undid.“ h said to no, "You but Dr. Hott and l Lav. an undo-mulling that It tho non election I would an, “id. foe l:_ " I. ALTON K. HELLER, of the City , Profum of “we, DO SOLEINLY DECLARE THAT, Dani-io- of Canal. [mi-e. of Oak!“ To wit: Gonna-an. frat-humano- WEEâ€"firilmgfi: tiEAiFFiyiiGi'i iFe" "e" I: Iii - it] “all.“ _ w. P. Cit-ant. (Sig-nod) W. P. Clan-out. of the City of Kink-nor. in the County of Waterloo, m THE MATTER OF Tho Pending Election la'illutun of the Province of Ontario. m THE MATTER 0F Tho POA".. Eben” for “fill-“II. of the Province of Ontario. of the City of Kitchener, in tho Province of Ontario. A Cod-donut, qrte. of October. (Signed) l Dunno»: um (ii, In. but! Hancock at VII-’10. (s) I. may mind at In In“ ??, by Mad. n» mm I. m 1% W m. it to!“ no om o! id icmmmmm'uiéh'; “M", w. an in It“ “mmbrthommyw the County of Wulcrloo. nun-manna ERNST KEN]. M. MIKEL for

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