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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Oct 1929, p. 2

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F"" §\W , ('31, Brafiii 0110” AUCTION SAL! Terms-produce, poultry, $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months' credit will be given by furnishing approved joint notes bearing 6% interest per annum. MILTON WEISS, Proprietor. 1 I. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer. I _ New Dundee. l Household Egect.--t good Huron! kitchen range; sideboard; extensionI cherry table; meat barrel; M.-H. cream separator nearly new; iron kettle; churn, and cider barrels. Positively no reserve - The Pro- prietor is going to town. The above herd of Holstein Cattle are T. B. tested. "---Set heavy lumbering harness; net. double team harness; good set single harness; odd collars; 2 pair horse blankets. ', "tu-ta-----':" 6 ft. binder only run five seasons; Bearing 5-ft. mower in A-l shape; hay rake; M.- H. l3-hoe seed drill; Coekshutt 3, sec. spring tooth barrows with even- err, 8 and 4 sec. iron barrows; Il.. plate disc; turnip drill with large bowls; Imp. Oxford 2-furrow plow; Massey-Harris walking plow; new Coekshutt single plow; 2 scuMeris; 2000 lb. truck scares; 30 ft. exten- sion ladder (new); 1 heavy lumber- ing wagon; I. low wagon; wagon box; gravel box;' hay rack; 5000 lb. wagon springs; top buggy; open buggy; 1 set sloop sleighs, new; Jumper cutter, nearly new; wooden silo 10x24 ft.; new trailer for car; doubletree; neckyokes, and when usual offerings too numerous for de- tail. _ L I. tonne, Auctioneer, hu‘ waived instruction- tm- ' It. In». "in to all by public auction on him hr- attuated one mire north of New Dundee, known a the Copier hm, CuttH---Reitatered Holstein cow froth Iince July Ind bred Aug. 10; Holstein cow bred May 24; retris- tered Holstein cow bred In, 11; registered Holstein heifer bred May M, two years old; registered Hol- stein heifer one year old; pure bred Holstein bait 5 months old " dandy). Pomttrv-20 mixed pullers; 20 mixed hens; 10 collie pups by good cattle parents. "rartfyteehhq1-tq,Ptw duel-Ill.“ "---Grey Percheron gelding t) you. old; bay Clydeldale gelding 8 year: old; black Percheron we " year: old. Proa---15 tons well cured alf- alfa hay; 250 bus. oats; 100 bus. mixed grain; some turnips. Let MOLLAOINI IllAL Mun. your Win. - ”.4. In ”gland. 000m Dial-limi- G. ll. SNYDER E. B. HALLHAN, Clerk. 42-2 FRIDAY; OCTOBER " am We to Mart at 1 o'clock jun. Farmers Write for quotations--- THE HARRIS ABMT0IR CO. LIMITED St. Lawrence M.rhot Phone Incl“ " r " We Want Poultry TOP PRICES PAID """"'ger'"-"""""" 11:: mu. Btmttlat mum on. urn. Int-Ito.” ts, ' N, 5 - - ----- "ttNess? _ getting the gun -_& JG r'ff'trre", FARMERS TAXI NOTICII t pay In. high“! - hr old hams, but hid... all _ - than. an“. " . Phone at my upon... F Highest thrice: you {or goon, and sad crucial unborn, any (man. Hickman Spring Go. ue, " On.- St. 8.. Kitchener. M. Hamel-old Ekeet.--- Parlor cook and coal heater; good 6-hole cook- ing range; sideboard; extension table; 0 dining room chairs; child's high chair; fumed oak folding davenport, tapestry upholstered; l old-fashioned high writing desk with large drawers; B-piece bedroom suite; 2 wooden bedsteads; bed springs; wash stand; 2 lounges; ithamber set; 2 tapestry rugs; good rcorner cupbodrd; sink; M.-H. crentn separator; kitchen clock; Daisy churn; iron kettle; furnace kettle; small tables; hanging lamp; parlor Ilamp, and numerous other articles. No - - Farm is so”. _ Terms of "le---), grain, poul- [try and all sums of,$20.00 and un- der, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit. on approved Joint; notes, or 5% discount for cash on, credit amounts. Auetioneer's deci-| sion fimal. lmru-to--M.-B. binder 6 " cut; MMI. mower; K.-H. ride de- livery rake; M.-H. hay loader; MAI. manure spreader; MAI. hoe need drill; F. l W. spring tooth ettlti- vator with seed box; 1 disk; Sue. tion iron barrow; single Ayr plow; 2-furrow plow; tanning mill; root pulper; turnip seeder; farm wngon and box; top buggy; bob sleigh (like new) ; l cutter; hay rack; hay fork; log lifter stock rack; seuffler; grind- stone; wooden curb for cistern; furnace kettle; hay knife; extension ladder; pruning ladder; step ladder; single harness; some carpenter tools; wire stretcher and tackle; team harness; chains; doubletreea; forks; grain bags; neckyokes; cross cut saws, and numerous other use- ful articles. Hay and Grmi-Abottt 15 tons of good mixed hay, 500 bus. mixed grain quantity of buckwheat. . bun tum-cud by the "saesiemu lit-MM“! "mum to all by public nation onrth planin- dunked on In: M of was: of Kitchener, on TUESDAY, across: M commencing at 1 o'clock pm. The following dumb: Hal-m - 1 good black nun! purpose home 8 year. old; 1 heavy Mack hone 10 year: old. " Cud- - 5 good dairy cows supposed to be in cult; 2 Janey cows due to eaif in December; 1 Jersey cow due to all in Janina; roan cow due to call in Innis; 1 young Jersey cow due to calf in March; 2 Jersey emu heifers rising 2 years old; 4 spring calvel, Janey cross. months old; about 30 chickens; 1 dog. E. J. SHANTZ. Auction-or. Kitehemer, “on. 222. ED. KAUFMAN. Clerk. 42-2 MRS. ELIZABETH SCHAFER, Proprictnu. atom: WHITHAI Him "' P I . m Pitt. and Polrr-4 shouts six Miiridi" SALE murmurs WANTED " getting the In...“ Toronto (I). Out. "ree nth-III- bulimia-3.1. SuWIanMup’. I run $-dsrat.o-ebrNhdetgti. teet_tthtmtht_tt0rtm. mm Outlaw-1th“:- non-l Loan. huh-l! - {on gum- out of an, the Philadelphia Arm-lea has“ mun you do- clnnl ch won-M's aha-plan: In 'tee-fr-r-ttol-ttgt PHILADELPHIA WINS WORLD'S BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP SATURDAY, OCTOBER " I!” Sale to commence u 1.80 o'clock sharp, the following property, viz: Single humus; cutter; circulator coal heater; cooking stove; small box stove; writing desk; corner cup- board; wardrobe; leaf table; , other tables; cupboard; sink; mush stand; 2 wood cheek; e bedsstends; lounge; " clothes cheats; burn“; ftour) ‘chest; 2 "no" toblel: child‘l crib; sewing nmehine; 2 arm chairs; , rockers; " kitchen chin; 2 benehu; horsehide robe; 10 yard- homespun linen cloth; o number of woollen blankets; quilts; eomfortern earpeta; quilt frame; copper kettle; copper boiler; winning wheel ontl reel; jun; urn-ll bru- kettle; mirrors; clocks; alarm clock; watch; some Jam fruit; croclu; churn; lord no; not dither; other dishes; too kettle; iron poll; Bible and other books, and mony smell articles. Belonging to the late George Hoffman estate, one and one-half miles west of St. Jacobs, on At 2 p.m. Phonograph and records, like new; chest of drawers; easy chair; rockers; extension table; kitehen cupboard; cook stove; sink; kitchen chairs, washing machine; 2 beds; 2 wash gtands; bedding; lounge; .tables; clock ; cider barrels; canned fruit; sealers; kitchen and cooking utensils; dishes; garden tools; car- penter tools; top buggy; sseuMer; plow; open buggy; democrat; hand seuffier; harness; cobbler tools; some short cut wood, and many small articles not listed. i 3. our. to on.“ this Sale. ( HERBERT LORENTZ, MRS. J. "MNAID, l There will be sold by public auc- tion the household clients and chair tels on the "premises of the late Joseph A. Lorentz, situated in the village of Bloomingdale. on FRIDAY. OCTOBER um. I!” K-io-au, may " um old; chestnut mu 8 you- old " good driver; 2 aged hone. stein cow duo Dee. 12; mu m duo Dee. 28; Holstein holler due Dee. 23; Janey cow on. Jun. no; Holstein cow (Inc Jan. 19; Holstein Aeifer thing 1 year old; 9 pigs eight ‘weeh old at time of uh. l "s-ur-tq-_-Wood binder in good running order; Ina-ey- Harris mower in good order; John Deere manure spreader in good shape; Climax cultivator; 4-tgeetiogt iron harrow; Ayr single plow; Nox- on need drill in good order; Inter- national 8 h.p. [an engine in good order; new set of bob lleig'hs; Port- land cutter; open buggy; new Ren- Irew 2000 lb. scales; new Renfrew cream separator; flat hly rack; doubletrees; neckyokes; potato sprayer; forks; shovels; hoes, and numerous other articles not listed. Also a good set of hand-made brass-mounted team harness. No Reserve. - Terms-Cash. JOE FRITZ. Proprietor. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer. Phone 5921!, Waterloo. ED. KAUFMAN, Clork. 43-1 - of - ", Valuable Household Ell’ects T---thtatt. "NNO M. WIDIMAN. DANIEL B. HOFFIAN. OSIAH BRUBACMER, In...” W. W. FIICKBY, Aoetu-r, - of - Valuable Household Effects “on. tttmr, Walorloo. o. S. KOLB, Clark. w. W. FRICKEY, Audio-oer. 'h-qirfttusoHbrrrrNte-s Cattk---6 Good Dairy Cows: Bot- AUCTION SALE MCl'l0li SALE By defeating the Chicago Nu- “and... M In... ita At 1.80 p... slam Exec-km. 42-2 in. cut; our an: ulna-M I: month.' and“ Mit In [Inn on up- m him not. or i M cat. dt.eomt {or all on man non-h. bn't [all to nth-d It“ "In“. “In " "MN-I m in anal... in” nod vary do... Mo m a the m. h living up ' hitch": M and Inn, other "tietee too unmet-om to mention. trie heater; electric toaster; rung- ing lump; etrbbe mum; on eratr; quilting frames; nut frame; cumin The fottowmtt:--- 2-sersted single carriage in good shape; Portland (utter nearly new; 24ec. iron her. row; 'sei; root pulper; 6-bell chimes; clippers; I set of heavy single harness; 1 set rubber mounb‘ ed single harness; oil cloth cover and fly net; 2 lawn mowers as good) as new; 20 grain bags; 2404b, beam scales; 50 ft. garden hose; 18 ft. ladder; step ladder; pruning knife; scythe; meat grinder; sausage stuf- fer; butcher knives; tubs; meat bar- rel; iron kettle with stand; lard can; money extractor; 5-piece mahogany ‘parlor unite; parlor rug 9 x " ft.; (Thomas organ; extension table; Mining you; a dinintr chain; Io small tables; , kitchen chain; aide- board; 3 couches; 2 rockera; kitchen cupboard; sink; box stove; 2-bnrner oil stove; wood box; boiler; ten kettles; ironing board; 'our bin high chair; mantel clock; kitchen clock; dreaaer; 2 wash lands; 8 wooden beds with aprlnga; I - "can; 2 trunks; 2 unit-cm; 1900 electric waaber; electric iron; aloe-r Belonging to John Diesel, situated in the villtge of Baden, opposite the oil mill. on SATURDAY, OCT. 20th. "" commencing " l pan. sharp on time Real Estate-At the same time iihd place there will also be offered for sale, the property consisting of a six roomed metal clad frame house and kitchen, good cellar, plenty of water; 1 acre of land with apple trees and small fruits; there- on is also a well-built blacksmith shop. .Please note that the property together with blacksmith tool: will be offered in one block and if not sold they will be ofNred in detail. Do not Iiu thin uh of I lie. Hun-Chou EKocln and Ch-u.-- Cash. Tcrllu on Ital Eat-h will be made known on day of sale. I -. TT- -""""-r -r. -'"'"'"-. punuant to section bi it (timid; dishes. kitchen and cooking uten- 150 of the Reviled Statutes of Ott- sits; lawn mower; erden took: I tario, 1927, that " creditors and man's black fur overcoat (like new) ottlllen havingI claims against or en; dun th ful tiel t titledtos rein eestateo 'l'lU.'le J,' ',,C,ri'i'l' ar w es on. Wenzel Vavrinek. Ute of the Town . . . . . of Waterloo, In the County of Wat- _ Bk‘h'mh TooU--Driti, 2 Inset', erloo, Merchant Tailor, deceased, tire upsetter, ahrinker. forge, bolt who died on or about the twenty- clippers; wagon jack; new old used “If”? J,'g, 19’ Jul?- 1934- Irqdfe‘ . . quire o e lver, y pos repel or home I'..".',:.;. new tyel and buggy otherwise. on or before 'dl, twelfth "m8: paints; planes; heater, and all day of November, 1929, to Melvin the necessary tools found in a well- 's “gm, 9 Princess Street East, equipped blacksmith shop. Also 3 ate 00. Ontario, one of the Exe- ,-v cutors of the Will of the said de-, realtrood pleasure sloidh. . lfil'l'll'l, their names in full, with Real Estate-At the Same time their address and descriptions, full iihd place there will also be offered 'gg,f"i',1'rg of that; a??? or inter- . . esta.nn statemen o enecun y f'"si",'tott,',eT,',",'Je, '"2'tl"gu', if any,' held by them rand that, stunt! . the said twelfth day of November, house and kitchen, good cellar, 1929, the said Executor: will Te plenty of water; 1 acre of land with ggf an) distsibute tutter,',',', the‘ . ' _ an eceane among epules en- "tole fa," and ',rtlflit; 'l,',',',,.:, titled thereto, hnving regard onlyi on " a o tt we - Ut t Mam". to claims or interests of which iiif) shop. .Plelse note that the property shall then have received notice, and together with blacksmith tool: will will not be liable for the said assets be offered in one block and if not to ttny ti,','"',',':', ',t,"l'"t'ciyr, " m- sold they will be ofNred in detail. 53:; td,'gd a not t en "e re- Do not Iiu thin uh of I nice DATED 12th October. 1929. home .“ Ike elon- furniture end JAMES c. HAIGHT.. took . .wetttoo. Ontario, cr, .. . - _ _ ... . 42-3 Solicitor tot tho Execute". "hnhhrhrorg'tgihtd- uni-Wm Shun-(AIM amp... '" AtNN nun. PM. Y---A11 mum of MB Ind un- Valuable Household Etfeett: “on 5921', Waterloo. o. S. KOLB, Clark. HY. N. HUFF, Proirriotor, Bloomingdale Blacksmith. W. W. FRICKEY. Audio-our, AUCTION SALE and Vehicles. -of-- f. I . STRAYED 3 young cuttle. Anyone knowing 42-2 their whereabouts please write or ='phone Dilman Snyder, R. R. tG. 2, LI !Baden, at his expense. 42-2 “I In order to will In no nuke a. my 1. tttter" In uh " a wry w. who. M W game-bu - to “(I-“amnion“. “all“! an. of culunuon. Thor. in a largo Mil In". his Ill-Iv shod. any": $04,100.! an we: aw.“- - to“ "may mt“. Th landing. on "nipped will hydro ad I». run-In van- and An All "mu. m proporty M the " med. lit-nod on the I’d-vino m. about we and ohm" lulu (ma Waterloo. Tho “madam! Admlnutr-wr ot tho out“. at an at. has Hun.- - is offering (or ah ther VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE ( Farm Iota 4 and ti, Blenmu Road, Nov. 2 1saturdapV--Auetion sale! mum: Township, 160 um, " of household etreeta at Lot 17, com; acres hurdwood bush, 6 acn- cedar 6, N. Eanthope, 56 mile east of swamp. 9 acres full wheat, " acre! Amulree for Mrs. John Boon l sowed in clover. the rest fan plowed. Nov. 6 (Wednesday) - Clearing Running water in both barn and sale of farm "och, implements, feed; house; bathroom in house. Hun well Ind tractor threshing machine and' to close estate of In. Hannah! furniture, at Lot 6 on the 5th Line. Remy. Apply on premises to W. D. 'of Wellesley. Western Section, trl Remy, R. R. 2, Petersburg, Ont. Imam mm. of Millb-nk. a miles,' . ttr-O northwest of Wellealey. at 9.30 and ae.=frrr=y.rrtrt==rrrrlriinijl " noon. This is a grand? VAT .IIARI l? T?AIaBrotterine, for J. B. Leia. I FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE OK CITY PROPERTY ' 185 acre farm, 2y, miles west of Blair. Apply to Box No. 76, Wag. erloo Chronicle. 42-2 FOR SALE Farm sand-ting ot 118 new. good clan had. diluted mm miles out of Wallaby. Apply John Buckie. numbers. 88At _ FOR SALE Electric light and power plant in good condition. Apply to Noah Bru- bacher, R. R. 1, St. Jacobs, phone 180 r " Elmira. 43-3 WANTED Stenographer with good experience desires position. Phone Guelph 747 day, 1848.! evening. 43-2 bumam~ , a VI... VIE. ‘ghu'fa... f%t.tt bitch," -__H "tr," an '“iliwu'iT‘i “an iieiiiitai5iiiihiii ilewqtgie,tlgtu'htt, _ Harm . It. did on or notice, and Ike will? net Giibk (It: tt aid each, or my pet: t readout: per-loner [some whom, chim- ynotice “not have been received by her nt the time of Inch dirtritsutiois. no km in II otteeitmatt, good Classified Ads RM 00.60» FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT WANTED Competent Swiss mm. good milk- er, "no: situation with Mennonite funny, by the month or your. th Baumnn, R. R. l, Hilverton. Ont. Nov. " (ThurId-y) - Clearing sale of farm stock. implements. feed, few household effects; also thretshitttt machine and tractor, at Lot 17, the In); line of Blenheim. 1 mile north of Pl-ttsville; male st 9 mm. Anrp; lunch It noun; for Roy Kennedy. Nov. 2 1SaturdapV--Auetion sale of household eireeta at Lot 17, can. 6, N. Eanthope, 96 mile east of Amulree for Mrs. John Doerr. Oct. 26 INturday)---Auetion sale of 100 acre farm, stock and furni- ture at Lot 27, the tlth line West Zorn, 1 mile south of Maplewood, for John Forbes. Nov. 14 iThumdayr-Eettire sale of tmetor, tractor machinery, threshing outfit, farm Itock, imple- ments, produce and household effects, 1 mile north of Platmille, for Roy Kennedy. Sale at. 9 o'etoek mm. Lunch at noon. No reserve, the farm is sold. l Oct. 25 Wridayr-9 good breedy attackers rising two years old, for Mr. Albert Bruder, wilt be sold one mile north of New Dundee, at the Milton Weiss sale. _ I Oct. 25 fFriday)---Entire sale of farm stock, implements, produce and household effects belonging to Milton Weiss, 1 mile north of New Dundee. No reserve E. J. SHANTI. Auctioneer October 29 iTuesday)--At l p.m. farm SUSIE implements and house- hold effects belonging to Mrs. Elizabeth Schacfer, 1 mile south of Heidelberg. R. C. GARDNER, Auetioneer October 26 Waturday)---At l p. m., household effects and vehicles for John Beisel, in the village of Baden. Dec. 7 (Saturday) - At 8 a.tn., a lot of good furniture and house, hold elects at my auction stand. Kitchener market, for Walter Slimmer. w. w. PMCKIV, mm“: Oct. " (Fridu) - At 8 p.m., Vlllllbl. homeland enact: for the “tote of the he: Joneph A. Lorentz in tu village of Bloomingdale. Nov. " iTuetsdtsv)-At l p.m.. farm stock, implements, hay, grain, roots and household effects for Harvey Hackbart, situated 2 miles southeast of Linwood, or better known as the Val. Schneider farm. No reserve. Nov. 20 (Wedrtesday)--At 1 jun. valuable farm stock, including pure bred Holstein cattle, implements, grain and household elfects belong- ing to Aaron Sander, situated about 5'; mile southwest of St. "Jaeobs. Farm is sold. . Oct. 26 1Nturdar)--At 1.30 Fm. Vlluable household elects and chat- tel: for the tttstate of the late Geo. Holman. limted 1y; miles west of St. Jacobs. Oct. 30 (Wednesday) --At 1.80 Pan., valuable real estate including blacksmith shop and tools, and all household 'streets belonging to Henry N. Hun, situated in the vil- lage of Bloomingdale. Nov. 2 tssturdavy--At 1.30 p.m., household elects for Norman Long, Breithaupt Bt., Kitchener. I. H. TOMA”, Gradual. Auctioneer I m .RICK Koo", all caulk-eq. " do” '0'. In“ a... all good In“ an. nor Po" 0.00: wry eortteU. Any out...“ clot "and.“ to wind " - will drGisiiEiiti, Jun; maih-g, Wad- ttht',', and and” AUCTION SAL! LISTS M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer MY. A; GERIANN. Em. on a Ericka-m Sun for Informant. Desirable Property for Sale EA.Stahl (25 Duke Street East) in Waterloo 84-10 43-2 "_S"rm"""."-"ousror1.u" to persons having mon- ey to loam-Gilt edged security. , PM" at I Frodorloll St., “on. all. " the Maria mud”... h. IL v:IRESSMAN Money to Loan on Kitchener and Waterloo property. K I y c " I N I l Incl In”. and Auction.» Immune. and - to Lona We are -eeathtq our - - My, Wodaeaday, Thursday and Friday. lst MORTGAGES - partieuidrGnaGGiGud -- The M- Knitting Hacking Co. 89 Coleman Ave., Toronto Parties to Knit for u: at home by Maqhipe or by Hand. For 616% LES-aden- E. J. SHAITZ Sold by all dealt" W"wrorProtuPouttrvBour-rvoo PRATT F000 (30.. of (kn-uh. Ltd " Chili" Av... Toronto 3. Oat. A. J. Shantz "use! If?!“ My You will get your share of the $80,000,00o.0o poultry money earned yearly in Canada, if you give your hens a daily dose of Several Good Wanted rum-um R. R, t, HESPHEK PM... " r " 'it' WANTED 6 W2 (/9 half~yearly Win pay 0t 89-5

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