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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Oct 1929, p. 19

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I1llEllrllLslillEltllgl,uliila. [cu-Imm. . .5... I' 1deitretrrextendntrdneeretttanu bed do; W. o. c. (Hui-t) Toronto wholesale dealers nre buying from country shippers at the do.," do., w.o.c. s riniri'rr.T..- Jillian w....... Hill}; eiGiar.rf.r.r. da., bucks w............. Sheep, ehojce ......q..... do., common ..w.....m. Butcher heifers choice do., fair to good.... do., common .......... Butcher com, good to choice .q..r__..... common to medium cannot: and cutters Butcher bulls, good to choice T........... do., medium ......._.. do, bologna .......... Bab: beef o.............,..'. Fee era, good ..eo.....T.. do., fair .r.-q......rr_.. Stockets, good ........._ do., fair q............... Calves, good ............1 do., medium ..........1 - Ao., grasses ........-. Quotations: Heavy beef steers ....$8 M Butcher steers. choice 9 00 do., common ..w.....m. 5 " Butcher heifers choice 9 25 do., fair to good.... 8 00 - do:, common .......... 6 00 The easier feeling with regard to hoe values continued in evidence, and bids were a quarter lower than last week's closing sales at 10%e, Lab. and 11%e, w.o.c. for bacons. with ua " trucks selling at 1 Ihke {at pound, and settlement for the nlk " the opening bid in prospect. Bids for to-day'a loading were an- otlLer quarter lower. Receipts to-day were 6,100 cattle, 920 calves, 1,110 hogs and 6,470 sheep and lambs. In addition there were 1,500 cattle on through billing. Gunners wagging from 230 to 295 pounds so! from 6e to Te per pound generally with a dozen of the, beat " 7%e. Lamb prices were unevenly lower at tte per Bound. A few medium quality lam a sold at 10%e and cullg " 99 per ppund._ _ - faltly active trade which accounted for " but some 800 head by closing time. Fair to good, heavy steers sold at a range of 8% to 9% cents per pound, with the odd top finished lteer at 10c. common butcher: sold downward to 5550 per pound. Butcher cows. plain to food, brought 6e to Ce, and a few ancy cows 7%e per pound, while tuna net: and cutters, with the last named a tiye,,"i'tg made from 3% to 4921:. ery few bulls madm the 7%: per pound top, and the average fair to good butcher kind " 6 to TIAC were not plentiful. Baby beeves crossed the scales at {min 10 to 14tt per pound. --- I 28.--With fresh supply pnctictlly even with that of a week :30, and nothing stale added, the cattle often iyrpt tht yards phi: groping met , Trade Fairly Active With Prices Steady Killers and Store Cattle Moving More 1teaditr--Hogs Weak, With Bids Ott 25 Cents at $10.50, F.0.B. do".,' MARKET REPORT T013119) Uniqn Stock Yards,, Op_t. PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Flour and Feeds of All Kinds to mymanyfriends who gave metheit support at the pollrartd to than who worked so diligently in my interest dur'istg the campaign. _ choice ......q..... 6 00 6 50 medium ..q...eq.. 5 00 5 50 bacon, w.o.c.....11 76 ......0. selects, " per hog premium. butcher 7tie per hog discount Grira in, 60e cwt. under f.o.b., price $1.25 cwt. under We have always on hand a large supply of HILL FEEDS . DISTILLERS (RYE) DRIED GRAINS 20% Protein . COTTONSEED MEAL - OIL CAKE MEAL - TANKAGE . SALT - CORN . OATS - SCREENINGS - SCRATCH FEED - POULTRY COD LIVER OIL - BEEF a BONE HEAL, on. ‘ "no. .-, (For In“. . W on... on.) Alto our well known brands of FLOUR CRACKED (”RN A SPECIALTY _.........." 00 ..........10 00 ........-. 6 00 ........110 00 r..........", 00 ..........il 00 t.....m... 8 00 ..........10 00 800 700 750 600 650 600 525 650 500 350 Yours truly, 7 oo 125 00 100 00 " 14 14 $9 so 9 so 7 so 9 50 s 75 7 so, I 7, 25: " W. Miureed--tDe1tered Montreal, 7 25'freights. bags included): Bran, per 6 25 ton, $35,25; shorts. per ton, 837.25; 5 75 middlings. per ton. $44.25. 4 00 Manitoba F'loar--di'irst patents, in 8 50 jute. $8.60, Toronto; seconds. pa- 7 " tents. in jute. $8.00. 8 " Ontario Grain-Wheat, $1.33 to 7 00 $1.35. Oats 610 to 60e. Barley, 62c to 5 50 64c. Rye, $1.05. 4 00t, --.-- 600 450 W. G. WEIOHEL Receipts of sheep. 500: Iambtr, slow; steady to weak; quality plain; good to choics. $13 to $13.50; throw- outs, tlo, (0110.50: tat owes. $6.26 to $6.00. Receipts of cattle, 100; cows stea- dy, cutter grades. $4.25 to $6.75; noth- ing down on steam held from Mon- day‘s low trade. Receipts of calves, 150; Haulers unghanged, 317. down. East Buffalo. Oct. 29--tAPy--Rss ceipts ot hogs. 300: holdovers. 1,200; active to all interests. " to 25cvover Monday's average; batik, 160 to 250 Ib.. $9.85 to $10.; 120 to 150 0., 89.50 ttt 89.75. Grain dealers in Toronto are quot- ing the following prices tor grain in curling: Manitoba Wheat-No. 1 Northern, 81.40%; No. 2 Northern, 31.37%; No. 3 Northern, $1.34; No. 4 Northern. 81.30%; No. 5 Northern, 31.24%; No. 6, Northern, 9134c: teed wheat, 93c per masks! (c. i. f. Godorich and Bay ports). Price on tracks. In high- er than above. American corri-LNo. 2 yellow, kiln- drie1C8L0r, T9ronto freight. Manitoba oatgr--No, 1 teed, 66%: No. 2 teed. 64%e per bushel e. l. r, Goderich and Bay ports. _ WHOLESALE GRAIN AT TORONTO . WINNIPEG CASH PRICES Wheat-No. 1 hard, $t.37%; No. l northern, 81.37%; do., No. 2, $1.34%; do., No. 3, 31.30%: No. 4, 81.27%; No. 5, $1.17: No. 6, 96'Ae; feed, Me; track, $1.37%; sereen- ings, per ton,, $8. \ Cheese-New, large 21c; twins, 21%c; triplets, 22c; stiltons, 27c. Old, large, 29c; twins, 29%e; trip- let: and cuts, 30c; old atiltons, Me. Polrr-- Chickens ....q Broilers ......' HAY AND STRAW PRICES Wholesale dealers in hay and straw are quoting to shippers the following prices for carlots deliver ed on track, Toronto:--- oetsrtwr, peg tor? .... , 50 10_ 00 Cheese-tlo. 1 large, colored” [unlined and government aided, 19% to 20c. Polrr-. Alive Dru-0d Chickens ....................23-26 .... Hens v........................." .... Duckling, over 6 lbs. 21 28 mitierL-No. 1 cuamery, prints, "U. No. 2 gyeatqery, priets, Ile, -ikiLr-WFGiad, we: returned utTae. 62e; huh mm. we; seconds, Me. _Butter--No. 1, tite; No. 2, 33 to No; f tinioihi," iooile:iaiuoieU It $19 to $20 per ton, delivered. fol_l_owin¢_pricu_: V Charming mun - Speeiat, 48c Nose, 42e;_No. 2, "e. _ _ EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK ltapr---l ; fresh , tti . flush-m) ...-.q.....t 3240 _............ 35-40 brand mrmmmMo'thom I V 1lruetu-tuer-efuttt-. . “whims: wmioi: ttiiitttt ia: 'AT, Wu») 3.; p??..... co... m... " 'mttytttr, tf $3”- y. . LINCOLN P. J. Wlbon'sc.) Artur Da- . IL) "t. K. 3.- (PI-c.) Dr. J. 175331.}; J. E, Anderson (L) J. Pi 811325712?" T. y, ma. month.) John fi,t,ii,ii2eifr" Dr. A. Down In t ) -- A LANA“ scum Dr. A. if iiiiiiia' Tey w. M. Killer (L) - _ Laura: NORTH " cit".W.uidd elected by aeehtmation. LAHBTON EAST Howard Fnleigh tc.) F. C. Eastman (L) 'L. w. 0h f.'/fii'd - . MELON WEST P. J. Henry, Cons., dected by majority of 800. KENT WEST 'Rov. A. C. Mr (C.) A. St. C. Gordon IL.) _ Rev. Archibald C. Calder, Cons. elected by mjority of 236. __ - A, KINGSTON 'r.. Am: (a P. J. Hen}? 1‘63“” Angus Gillanden IL.) "eu. Gardiner £Pm.) b G/,ieseJili/itdtias" elected y maJon o . %ENOM M. P. Eur-'0’ tco Earl Huehi1tienyret_r.y HURON WORTH J. w. Whitely IC.) 'C. A. ?tthyiteiey9, __ 1iifiiiiiCsoiN George Elliott (0.) "wx G. "dawn-.0 HASTINGS NORTH 'Hon. J. R. Cook. (C.) , Ron. J. R. Cooke elected by acclamation. HASTINGS WEST 'W. H. Inland (C.) G. H. 13213119., - AAMha'oii WEST 'F. T. Silly: Geo John A; 922152.01- L - HhiiriNiWEAsr ‘J. F. Hill GO .e James F', Hill elected by accla- mation. HAMILTON EAST 'W. Morrison (C.) R. W. Treleaven (L.) Stein Q._Sm_ith (Cng Wm. iGAiGn,' "iGiik, elected by mtyyyiftofAaL7,, NI. Hilllnor (G) T. A. Blakelock (LAME) HAMILTON CENT E 'T. W. Juno: t.co Col. Fta.nhhet2.ttitit an) BeirrVeGt.,'Trieeted by major- ity of 114. AA __-__ “ALTON Rev. T. A. Brndley, IP.) Hon. G. Howard Ferguson rev elected by 'A't'll,t of 2,051. GREY NO TH l Thomas Randle (C). 'O. J. TtrAttiryetA, Nelson piGiU If}; --- 'F-m'ug tel-gar. $95-00 Altair-lull, cup-unwow, \u ESSEX SOUTH S'tt'aAc B. Smith: (C) " In Fletch-r Go PORT WILLIAM "Frank Sroateo, ao J. 1iis1lrytf.ttryi,_00, GLENcAmY l 'Angnl McGilIis, GO J. A. "Thy, (L) REWILLE 21t,G., Ma Fteoe GO R. N. new??? "R..., F. will. a.) Geo. R. chillies. Com. elected by majority of 814. DURHAM M. J. Elliott, (C) 'W. J. Bragg. (1.) M. J. Elliott, Cons., elected by majority of 53. ELGIN EAST Dr. H. J. Davies, (C) "E. Blair. Miller. GD Dr. H. J. Davis, Cons., elected by majority of 288. ELGIN WEST C. E. Raven, (C) J. D. Galbraith. (L) ESSEX NORTH 'Paul Poiuun. GO Attthort.?1eyttiteitray rRoN'rEifdeifENNox C. W. Hambly. (C 'Dr. Ee.ews, fro A. Hall AM (C) . W. E. glam”. (Prohlb). COCHRANE NORTH ‘A. V. WOIOI'I (C) Dr. F. D. Poster, in J. M. Tnmblly. t nd.Ah) Edward fkittfht"k gh) -- 99911 - NEAO TH 'A. J. Ka, an] - idV -- Dr. J. A, Ilelnnis. (L) DUWEILIN l H, CPyRtrel), (Ch. Tia." "itrsiGi7Nrmer-rrohi- bitionist, 91,5932. if; " Mority. G. H. ChanieiTéi' Wesley B. Hamilton, (L) Nor. Etch. ghoul») Nd. A. diaaJuifi W. T. his" L D J B (532130211! W. rm. ao Mr. Hawkinnoy did (by helm election. New election date to be announced later. "fiSPifiiiPtiil Ittt s',tt1'i,1ii29't'a.'". high-akin“ T yior (If ko 5.3m GTA, was: 'lg'" h1iki'tfjl,, ttKN'ririiy HALDIEKRB led.“ try pUNQAS (OT) Me., (in!) (0.) ICD TORONTO manna; "h.. w. K. at. (ca 1.1. Mrtl'g (1.) Duncan dam and.) V. IL PH“ Gm... do“: mm a mi.' TORONTO HIDE PARK 'W. K. I.“ tC.t _ Dr. Imam Reid (Ind.-Prohlb.) '0. J. Sunk tpo Thy. Rel-kt (L) "tuorthuiitt,"tjons, elected by Marie! of 6,250. -gtidtriGi, 76661-3. ejeeted by ma- jority of 4.943. TORONTO DOVERCOURT :3._'r._wri_.ln get) iii ii itiAFiLf" TORONTO GREENWOOD 19- 1-3-9! Ith? A. R. Nesbitt, KC., Cons, elected lg majority of was. TOR NTO BROCKTON 'F. G. "clan tc.) "nt Gilchljnt (1..) _ _ TORONTO EGLINTON A. 9. Ieuntt, cc.) M. t Wright i5f R. D. Bunk, l ) TORONTO BRACONDALE ‘A. R. Nubia (c.) J. J. Noad (L.) T. JJ. 831191093») -- _ -. TEMISKAMING "A. J. Kennedy tCD C. M. :l'i?8, IL.) _ TO ONTO BEACHES 'T. A. I',tt ICD W. H. Ford ( y Murphy, Cons., elected by ma- jority of 5 346. ii5i6fifd BELL‘woons T. M. Bell IC.) Geo. Wnuon (Labor) TtnAPIathpterL-l ---.-- ._ _ - -itiG." Cliiriég 'Mc‘Cr'ea 'elected by acclamation. ' J. E. Jamieson (C.) 'J._HsMiyhe_n oo by majoritav‘ of 1,900. S ORMONT 'D. A. McNIuIIIoI CCD A. C. _F_tt_terjt_Ottti, q.), -- A. A. 'Aubin IC.) 'Theodor/gels!', LL) - - 7 7 V "s0fitiutty" _ 'Hon. Clark. MeCrot tco Charles Mnnjotk (90m.)_ tn... Wilii-i- Fm”... tco J. q. Ham's “12L“ ----_--- -- -grETiGi'aok," Cons., elected by maj "if! .05 .1 Pe.. John Fir is (0.) . Dr. J. kgmasgu le).. ‘Aurolion Beltane: (L) ST. CATHARINES 'E. C. Gun. ICD Jacob Smith “mt-Con.) SAULT STE. MARIE "J. s] Lyon: (C). E. L. Decourcy (L) SIMCOE CENTRE 'e" - RENF‘REW NORTH 'E. A. Dun-lop (C.) Hon. E. A. Dunlap elected by acclamation. T. P. Murray p, A. §egu_in_(C.) -_ MINCE EDWARD 'H. S. Colliver Gh? J. H. PtrttMe1'ttt.r1'rohib.) '7 fl - RAW}! RIVER M. A. Mathiou IC.) W. H, 1irlli9i0yti,-fleL -""-" pietERkoito CITY g, P._Strisklttrth tp.)., _ L. P. Beaudoin (C.) A. St. Denis (Ind.~C.) P. A. Berthiaqmp 1L.) RENFREW SOUTH ITP, _Cootello. fleo , PORT ARTHUR -_.-- ‘Brim-Gen. D. M. Hogarth Icy. TORONTO ST. ANDREWS Rev. A. E. SmitlstCom.) E. F. Singer (0.) Brim-Gen. D. M. Hogarth elect- J. i. Oust Ile) fl _ St. Denis, Ind. ba., elected by msLigti!y_2f_9_1£; _ -- OXFORD NORTH J. W. Sales (C.) 'D, .. Ree 91-) A Col. T. L. ‘Kénnedy, Cons., elected 1ry_regytiActt.fM9. ”Dailiii Adnis,' eons.iUteeted by "ttsister-of-law'., 0--. T. F. intimate! (C); - C W. A. _Atderee _W9, WBVrigJ-Genr. D. if Hogirth elect- ed by acclamation. - by majority of 90. OXFORD SOUTH J. M. Pnllin (C.) R. A. Baxter (L.) PARRY SOUND "tr. G. V. Harcourt (C.) Roy Dixon (L.) PEEL 'T. L. Ken-Ody ICD T. _R, Grgharp (le) _ elected by Bfrof//, of 949. PERT NORTH ‘Hon. J. D. Moltoilh tco G. J. 095.05) -- w-__--.-- PERTH SOUTH David Bonis (C.) 'A. A. Colqulloun tL.) W._A. AMFenrie3Proir.). br. Aichibald Mo‘ir "tL.) PETERBORO COUNTY 'A. E. "0-.wa (C.) W. J. Gilhoole (L) OTTAWyA SOUTH Arthur Elii_st3C.1 _ _ Arthur Eitiis élected by tech- mation. at}. Ae." giua, Cons., elected by maiyrEsz_9‘l-_--__ NORFOLK ‘I'hu. J. S. luau (c) Walle- luau (L) NORTHUIBERLAND P. J. MeArthur (0.) ‘W. G. lab-nu- (L) ONTARIO NORTH Jam Blanch"! IC.) 9fotr., Jhyyht3le) -- _ H. W. WW Mt ONTARIO BOUT P. L Moon IC.) 'W. E. N. and.» (L) W. E. N. Sinclair ge-eitteted by malotLt.v.., tt..t,2.8A. -.- Louis cm; (a) - 'l: A._Pin_ud (If) Louis GEE, V tina., elected by msooriot 3.459: -- ---- "is: W. new... "cam by loch-nun. p.u'ltiitii,it'" . G l Pr hm‘ih 1 -suiridii s'éiiTH-WEST Fetterly (Ind. C.) STURGEON FALLS ity of 2,459. _ OTTAWA NORTH Slider: Ehsy why of 1.288. OTTAWA EAST PRESCOTT Tgdliila, I murmur“. “huh" -t-qet'u- “was“ ”Won. "rttne, :3! win " m hu- tlmf” at.“ In fold. ml Doctor. on My" um, mule mm m ho. h m Rtrtttetfmrttt-ttttt)rtrr- m. Harold Sandi" Shy _ YORK N RTE Clitroed Cup Rl.. ‘P. W. Pm fel June, Conn, e ted by War it! at 207. a... "deli'.', “a?" G. W. P. EllT ft) YORK WEST ‘ WI... Dr. Fab. “It” tCD W. A. Edvard: (L). ‘lndicnm lumbar of but 30.0. l 'Hol. G. S. "O Rudd Snpggn ity' of 2324. i i -KGrf'ierrti. ee , ('A"lalh'l WEST '1. F. R“ ICO wou- A, 9er (L) _ Thou-his J. Billion'ey,~ elected by 5,300 majority. WINDSOR EAST 'F. W. Wilson tco It. B. Eclien'iLU-l Rev. Beecher Putin-m IP.) WENTWORTH NORTH 'A. I. Shave. (0.) J. W. Lam-Ion ' R. AhatbmLlub0, . "flail L swarm. elected by majority of 1,200. 'r. g." "an“, Sc.) - W.__M. McClgmog_ _(L.) MEI-shill Vaughn; Cons" elect- ed by majority of 4,011. WELLINGTON NORTH-EAST Rev. Wallace Down“ (0.) "De. GuA. WW1” - .. elected 7be mnjority' de 2,860. WELLINGTON SOUTH 'Hou. Lincol- Goldie (a) Rev. Beecher Putnam 1P.) ’Mu-k v.3..- (C) Beyjuqin__ swim (L)_ Staples, (Eons. elected by ma- jorizvof 798. ATERLOO NORTH 'w. a which: tco B. C. Tweed (L) Dr. JsALAit_tt 9!“:9:L__ _ Dr. J. E. Flatt. (Ind.-C.) WATERLOO SOUTH 'K. K. Hound: ffio E. 8. Charlton t ' WELLAND "Dr. G. A. W55.) IL.) _ Dr. _G_eo. A, hrelturtttrty, Jo., 'Willi-I New... giil VICTORIA S U ll W. W. Staplel IC.) 'F.uG. - (Frog) - _ ToRoNtoi6oitiiNE *Goorgo Shield. (C.) J. A Kiettly. (L) . _ - ViCTOR'IA NORTH Q.__§§_¢;angie IC.) A - Geo. shuiiurtionss., elected by maJorftnf.?f, @192; A -_-- 'khoutetd, Com, elected by Ttta- jorits ' 1,040. TORONTO ST. DAVIDS Wilfred Heighinmn SC.) / J. W. Garrick-(L) W. Heighinglon, Cop., elected by 'tttghr, o 4,736. TORON o ST. PATRICKS E. J. M00115 IC.) Miss Helen urrie (Ind.-C.) I John E. Belfry tc) R. E.A9yyyYAAr, 1999:). I E. Fred Singer, Con, elected by major??? of 1,371. TORO o ST. GEORGES ‘H. c. adds.“ Ic., , Mty.Gent Ngedhng (re). . I 6! £171.65“ (L. 't Fred Reid 2dd WENTWORTB SOUTH YORK EAST YA, 3._l'|ul_7 fco Permit me to express m y thanks and sincere ‘apéreciation for the mag- 'tiftceest "sAlbort you gave me at the falls yesterday. I shall endeavor to garry out your wishes to the best of my ability at all times and trust I may prove worthy of your trust and cortyt- dence you placed in me. Electors of " North Waterloo tdsttioiier," Con... HIE Yours Sincerely, 2t bt " PHONE 918 W. .2. ...il selling Northern Rubin". " you have vol: thos, you how that “my tn the but. " you hm’t. Id you . non pair In Northern. You can't get better "In. in bub-r (camou- than 'raarreao. Marlin. That'- why to all them. If you don't buy your Ribbon. Lumber-Inna. Rubber Beau Our Prices W1118ave73iiwii3ié§ --_e- on Rubber Footwear A: in the put. I dull can“... to "pr-nut all the ml. of tho riding without tog-rd to party. tin -atrtn and than who rucod can at my “and G election dny. I Jain to sinunly thunk my friend- in South Vin-tho for the upland“ we. give- P"' in Wain-day's chain, for which I an deeply mkoful. You'll be kept busy dicing, also the youngsters know you hive WK BREAD hunch-u. 'rher'orrsthrreii"---e- ,rts-r,-treoveeurrttttiu. male-1. Cook's Bread l duo with to thank than who war“ to haul I‘d-l WM. COOK AND SON " Bohlender's S. C. T WEED. I“ Over-lam Lon, you'll pay m. She Knows It's of KARL K. HOMUTII WAmm Watuho S

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