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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Oct 1929, p. 17

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', I. J.O.BARRIE Mulmmwrmua and m. um I.) may. 1'etrearetisu-tt- Bonuuaulmcto . “In. r----, grain, ponl roots, chunks, and all sums of $15. and under. cash; over that nmoun 12 months' credit will be given b furnishing approved banhble noted or " discount far cash payments on Ill credit nmounta. ‘ HARVEY HACKBART. Prop. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, Plan. "In, Wmtoe3om I JOE 0%!7. Clerk. “-2 Hay and Gmii---Atrout " tons pure timothy hay; about 10 tons mixed ur, 250 bus. mixed train; 100 has. oats; 60 bus. barley; some turnips. Hon-hold Egteeu---De Laval No. 12 cram separator; Daisy churn; cook mom! I: stoves, iron kettle,‘ milk cans al-tri',,': and numerous} other articles. "I. III Podh’v-3°W bred Oet. er 6 " cut; Deering mover 4% ft. 7th; 8 chunks; 40 Rock: end KLK out; Dain hay loader; hay rake; hay punch; so Rock Ind Leghorn hens; nck; In, fork rope; 10 hoe teed number of geese; extn good Collie drill; spring tooth cultintor; dine: doe. set limo“; No. 21 Fleur, walking 'aru---Deerine binder 6 tt. plough; unmet; potato Miler; wood- eat; Haley-Ennis 6 " cut moverJen roller; yuan; bum; not of nearly new; Haney-Harris by 'rake sleigh; cutter; gravel box; men nearly new; Fun & Wood " hoe box; Pitt rack; wheelbarrow; fan,. med drill; Noxon dire; Nixon culti- mag mill; root pulper; cutting box; “tor; but. iron barrows; Oliver mummy”; zqogging chains; - Wilt plow, No. 21; rubber tire kettle; " gal. milk can; mail box; top buggy; Jumper cutter; land number of cednr poles and piles ot roller; unmet; 2 wagons ll good beech planks; Ford truck, lull "ten, one); Bat hay rack; root pulper; tret capacity; number of Ford muting bob skirt“; Cummings cutting box on pun; bomb; forks; shovels) for hand or power; wheelbarrow; and hoes, end other articles too har fork, rope, pulleys Ind elf; numerous to mention. forks; dumb; ruin bags; double-’ my. cm. “a Polrr--200 bus. trees; neckyokes; chains. and mn7'om; so bus. mixed (min; 200 bu oher useful "titles too numerous to buckwhe.t Ind barley; " tons mention. Impnt ploy»,- nnrl nlm- " Inna-- an 'u----, lets of team humus; good single harness; home blankets, Pig. and Poottrv--Sow bred Oct. 7th; 8 chunks; 40 Rock: and 3.1.3. punch; 60 Rock Ind Leghorn hens; minke: of geese; extra good Collie Hutton-law“ mm‘ . an” . . TWAIN“.in All»... '6--Nrbeooda-18r- “wuhhlod; and dris6-tid,-dirsaBhar- m;hqcoltrldu8yomold; trarPireheeorotreMirteeott. ' Doc; buck m duo in Petr.; black cow due in Not; Holstein cow bred Sept. a; coin! brad Sept. 10; heifer due in Now; 4 head tattle Mn: ' yen-I old; 5 aim [ msr1umeooteahnttirrse-, Durham cow Inch (on: this " 'ar-trt-tpea.-. In I. (amt, “w. “slit-mum gnaw-gunk... '%nAh-t,aatth.re_atttragrd 'tri-ttbe-t of HIM. or WWII-EVIL“ ter-Goods-co-.---' FARMERS}! mum-Rs WANTED Use "Canada Stock Salt” .Ciui'E'iixit.'ltsSA"iiiEFietrii?, - Silt fiafififi'fia THE HARRIS ABATI'OIR co. LIMITED " Luau-a W . . To"... oh tut. iriktii; ct2fWied'Areatttc-a'tu' : aifissz-fizuaw We Want Poultry TOP PRICES PAID Write for tttSerta)--- -READ OUR GUARANTEE- No' Do You Want Your? Conic to be Hoolthy . "llillli I MaltlMliilit mm ll Household F-it-Bell organ I and stoop, double iron bed and L springs; pnrlor stove and pipes; , rook stove and pipes; crepm separ- [aton churn, butter [Idle and print; , 2 hanging ump- and other lumps; [ bureau; stretcher; kitchen sink; & kitchen chairs; 2 small stands; 2 i rugs; crock- and sealers; 1 coal oil heater; screen doors; storm win-{ down, and numerous other articles. No Mo. T---Hag, grain, poultry, and .11 sums of $15.00 and under, cosh; iover that amount 10 months' credit [will be given by furnishing approved . int notes, or 5% discount for cosh p yment on all credit amounts. JAMES uzmr. hawker-r. W. W. FRICKEY, Audio-cor, Phone 592w, Watortos JOE KARLEY, Clark. 44-2 I pay In high“! who. in on ”an, - who. all it". - atttrrq allow. " "on. at my mom Fm Tm N011“! Hay, Grai- u-l Polrr--200 bus. otrta; tio bus. mixed (min; 200 bus. buckwheat 3nd barley; " tons sweet clover and that; " hens; 40 pallet: and 9 banana. 'u--Bet team harness; set plough harness; single harness. pol-Lain - due Feb. It; RM cow due larch 10; Durban cow due May 19; tt two-year old heifer: due in April; I ”cling calm; l cow with litter " feet. Jaw-ship. on THURSDAY. HOV!!!“ " 1929, at 1 p... than. 'r-so.--"-' PM hm. i'-dtmtmett-g-ttursi. f-d-d-r-e-ee. " you: old; pun! pun-you Inn " you: old; lam! hone 14 you! 13-3 “one: WHITHAI ”on. "' r I - 'm.- "ark-tr-Ma-y-Mar) bind, Cuaeu-.ahuh- m the Dee. " E3 This in an exceptional, grand daring 5nd everything will abu- lutely be told without mom to the ”that bidder " the proprietor bu sold the (an. and we at you kind- trtouthe-tttt-itit's anything you want in the and! line. {Decision of auctioneer "nt In all can. of diet., _ proved Joint new. with Mimic property owner: " “clarity. or a Mount of I!» per cent. will be _ Tune-Household "eets, ”Win. Lunch nt'noon. No 1oes, Ind all Mmm of $20.00 and the ftsrnt is told. under, ctlh; My and grain, six -i'irETiiFr7rai,ira montha’ credit. and the balance. ten No,.t"is'le,'r,fi,t1C','g month.’ tredit on Nrtttshine 59- " hnnL‘hnu -n..-» " 1-. ..... --"' - a unus- unit. In urn- 'tatv, Ut-it. -- Paige milkhte ville. No name as the farm is machine (in good condition). King sold. Plan now to attend this Me CHtagrt hep-nu): No. 18, noun cream “lg, _ cam, two 30-311. milk 'tttttr, mil-p -'--------------. My churn. I I. M. TOMA", Oman-u Auction." um um. - Thug - piece Nov. 14 (Tharmiarr--Entire It.?; parlor suite. music cabinet, Bidet.. of tmetor, trttetor r',',,'.'.'",'?.':',!) bond, “um” table, some mall threshing ouUt, farm nook. Maple- “his, chin, hull, m com- menu, pioduee nnd household model, toliet "a, ten batrs potatoes efhrets, I mite north of Planning and may other useful ankles. Ito! Ry Kennedy. Sula at 9 o'clock 1 "Mk-TWO lets breeehing har- mess; two sets plow lumen; three set- sinxle lumen; bells. t trreb-tv--hEeCormiek-Deerine ; 10-20 tractor; Waterloo threshing I machine (36 x 48) with self feeder, r stnw blower end else! blower (in I tirat class running order); Papec l cutting box with 14-inch mouth, in- , eluding all pipes; G. S. M. chopper‘ with “Much plate; During mower , 5 ft. cut; MeComtiek-Deering IO-ft.) cut power take off binder (new);| i McCormick binder 5% ft. out; John l Deere hay louder; International tedder and side rake combined; , Deering dump rake; Frost & Wood corn binder; MeCormiek-Deerirtg " plate tractor disk; McCormick-Deer- ing two-furrow tractor plow; two- furrow Verity welking plow; Cock- shutt riding plow; walking Now; two 'seutBers; Kasey-Harris 17- tooth tractor or horse cultivator; Cockshutt cultivator " row finish) ', Frost dk Wood spring tooth culti- vator (l3-tooth); Maaser-rurris ll- tooth hoe drill; John Deere manure spreader (large size); three farm wagons; set of wagon springs; two flat grain racks; stock rack; two gravel boxes; two sets of barrow”! turnip drill; Cockshutt turnip Ity.) per; two cutters; set of sleighs; buggy; riding cert; fanning mim with bugger; set of scales 2000 tu.! capacity; set of power clippers; ton feed trucks; iron kettle; M-gat. leedi cooker; two wood sewing outtita; 1% h.p. gasoline engineLnew gal.” vanised water trough Wx 2 x 6 1 it); fire extinguisher; work hench' and vise; stone boat; wheelbarrow; , three 46-gat. gs: drums; two 25- gal. gas drums; lot of shafting and I pulleys; three emery grinders; crow 1 bars; pulleys; chins; three scnpers 1 ‘and stable brooms; tools; belting; : axes; three bushel baskets; forks; shovels. hoes, s full line of Whipple- t trees; deubletrees; neckyokes end ' many other small articles too num- f erona to mention. I It. B. mu. cm "31.1 Luci-elk... ROY “RUDY. MO". 'ot.'tortot.te.YxmAA, ‘mumaomuv in spring; the. Jersey can nup- 'ter-ttobese/tWA-iss Miler 8 - old. append to MI in November; HM heifer two you; old. supposed to {taken in J-nmry; Janey heifer two year: old, supposed to freshen in at, “I WM!” " tons of good hay; 1500 bushels of mixed grain; 600 bushel: of buckwheat; 100 build: of barley; quantity of turning. “autumnal-gum -d1oateetbeePutt..- l maximum“ Matt-inn. '6--r.- “bug-Him. and " you. old. “than. - Minsk-imam“; Pue_hreo-tt-ar1r,an.et- 'ser0reamotdomrhors.trn" “trekking noon: April; three obtain haiku rising two year: i pure bred Holstein bull " months old (eligible for ne- "tration). Pin a: Polrr--Nnworth now with litter a fdot; York now with litter at foot; " hens. Im_I-.u_-_._u. a“. Tter. madD-berttnroh-her"m,otx couloppoudbbolnedluddu for and} on all mi; “Ox-.chm MWn'Ml-Ihm mmummma. MW. at Mummm “music-unto. 'f."1'h'Ulrg"lu=tg."fg 199'“. “it! Mnmdmmmhro. PAUL WM Boy land}; i Nov. 8 (Wednesday) -Cleurln¢ male of farm stock, implemnh, food Gii tractor thrashing mum and “manure, at [at 6 on the " Lin. 'of Walled”. Western Section, 6), [mile load: of Imbcnk, d mltei; [notation of Wont-k], at 9.80 l... fume}: at noon. This to a and offering, for J. B. Iain. Nov. " (Thu-day) - Claim: eu of (am not-k, Shplmnb. food. {w hon-thou ninth; also that!“ new“ and mm, at Lot 17. the “it “no of Blot-Hill. I mile north of "aiming; uh " T M. R. ROTH, AMI”? l Nov. 2 ttutmdarr-Auetiort sale of household elect. It Lot 17, con. a. N. Bump... tt mile cut of Amulree for In. John Doerr. 1 Nov. 12 tTuead.yy-At 1 mm"! “farm stock, implements, hay, (tlil ilrtrota and household etteeta for ‘Hmey Hukbatt, situated 2 mile; [ southeast of Linwood. or better, "known as the VII. Schneider farm. No reserve. l I Nov. 20 (WednestuvV--At l pan. t inluable lam stock, including pure pe Holstein eattle, implements, I grain and household etreeu belong- Iin: to Aaron Sunder. situated nbont I y. mile southwest of St. Jacobgl Farm is sold. wast of Waterloo, ' miles south of St. Incobn, and 2 milel cut of Erin- ville. No name as the farm is Dee. 11 (Wednesdny) ---At 9.30 mm. sharp. nimble farm stock, in- eluding quite a number of sheep, implements, by. grain And I tot of good furniture belonging to Josinh Bummer, situated about 3 mite Dee. 7 (Saturday) - At 8 LIL, a lat of good furniture and home- hold einsett, " my auction stand. Kitchener markets for Walter Slimmer. _ Nov. 8 (Friday) - At l Pam, valuable household ethtetts belonging to Louis Forwell, srityated in the villlge of St. Clements. No reserve. For good furniture come to this l Nov. 2 tsaturdarr--At 1.30 pan., valuable household were; belonging mo John Ringle, at 137 Louisa St, city of Kitchener. Nov. 2 lteaturdar)---At 1.30 p.m.. household etfeetn foe Norman has. Breithaupt St., Kitchener. Nov. 2 (Saturday) --At tr um, household trtteeta " my puction stand, city of Kitchener, for Harold Mutt. ' lower was. “in; dad. I couch-n, New Hon: now“; who. ‘sgwint.5nbinct, new, ' “a, jail net, 5 baboon "it... audio. wardrobe, ttour bin, linking much, Aitehos no" and: now, m, 8- ‘bunur “all” no", new. lair-rot, link. 2 Wu; lamp, Inn has“: lamp and other up. 8 any clock. picture» cooking and hitch" oun- nils, wanking machine; winger. emu lent-tor, 2 uh of dishes. kitchen cupboud, clan-wore. ' who. wall boiler, 10-331. crock, 20 (a) crock; churn; 260 lb. ocule, lug: table, fruit cupboard; union; canned trait. lard can, ("den took. knitting machine. new step Wider, lawn mower, root pulpet. large Iron kettle; corn cutter; " cords wood, 2 tons har, young chickenn, driving} robe, and many other useful "tides too numerous to mention. This , all nice and clean furniture. . tue, "esrrutra..-4 in}! this. Mimics-HIV“...- tieatu-eumttet.ortt. maul-“m "oeyEteteeiuaid-tt Vanna-.381“ Ter-taah. WIS FOIWELL, Maw. w. W. FRICKEY, Audio-nor, Plum "nr, Waterloo. ED. KAUFMAN, cum' I M-2 W. W. PRICKIY, Autumn's? AUCTION SALE LISTS Fa. ' tli' , Next live luck shipment from Pt. Jacobs and Watertoo to Toronto on Monday, November 11th. M en having live atoek to tip kindly advise I. C. Holman. R. R. No. S, Waterloo, phone 09w. Also Inn on hand lame “when. beef-tinge“; and springs“, M-r, FOR SALE Fun iota 4 and 6, menu’- Road, Wilmot Township, 150 men, 18 new hardwood bush, 6 me- cedar "my, 9 acre! fall wheat, " gen- Bowed in clown the rut Gtt plow“. Running tutor in both bun Ind house; bathroom in home. lost all to do“ - of ht. Nathaniel Remy. Apply on premises to W. D. new, 3. R. 2, Pour-burg, Ont. Competent Swia man, good milk- er, mum situation with Mennonite family, by the month or your. B. Baum. R. R. t, Milverton, Ont. r FOR SALE Nash touring car, thoroughly re- conditioned and in good running order. A real buy. Phone 281 or can " 7 Ontario St., Waterloo. 43-8‘ l . FOR SALE Parm mm or 11: a4trqt% (one clear hnd. than“ an» all» out at Wan-by. Apply John sauna. Bumbag. _ FOR SALE Electric Wht nnd power plant in good condition. Apply to Noah Bru- hacher, R. R. t, St. Jacobo, phone 180 r " Elmira. 48.8 STRAYED l 5 young cattle. Anyone knowing. their whereabouts please write or phone Dilman Snyder, R. R. No. 2, Baden, n his expense. 44-1 WANTED General maid, small funny, Mem. nonite preferred. Apply to 152 At- bert St., Waterloo. 44-1 1 WANTED I Stenoxnpher with good experience desires position. Phone Guelph TAT day, 184” evening. 48-2 l h was u- but. for t.trH-iumtr-au., In! - . Be-Nt-DID-.. batman-emulsion; wimdqvuhllhdlwulmv- btuemstt-ito-sthist-to gammtumuudhm neighbor’s boy. The W. “I. to"arthent"retehi"turH'.tem and techno www.m: “munch! Ltohat In! Hy mud- mother died I not Mo and you don't enteh-ht.,dtrrtrart" trv."-c:otA1ook. Poe. .u U. B. A “an boy we taken by his father to Wuhinzton to vhlt Gon- gnu. no In: much interested in the chaplain. who um: opened the anions with a prayer. Both in the Santa and the Home in had Mr. served this procedure. Finally. he "Papa, why does the minister come tn "or, day and my for Congress?” "You've got it " wrong, non," replied his father. "The minister comes in - day, lookout Con- gress, and then pray: for the coun- from I tiny little pup!" NOTICE TO FARMERS Classified Ads £2“va WANTED ' Sim?“ LE 11'rit 43-2 _ POLICE COURT CASE Ptttrdirttr guilty to reckless driving" and having thuor in nu [new place, Wan. Slant: of Hilton Ins ttned $10 and can an etch charge. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN} pursuant to Section 51 of Chapter 150 of the Revised Statutes of On- tario. 1927, that all creditors and others having claims against or en- titled to share in the estate of Wenzel Vavrinek late of the Town of Waterloo, m the County of Wat- erloo, Meiehant Tailor, deceased, who died on or about the twenty- fourth day of July, 1924,Ure re- quired to deliver, by posttgrepeid or otherwise, on or before e twelfth] day of November, 1929. to Melvin I. Kuhn,~9 Princess Street East, Waterloo) Ontario, one of the Exe- mton of the Will of the said de- erased, their nemea in full. with their address and descriptions, full particulate of their claims or inter- acts, and statements of the security. it any, held by them; and that, after the said twelfth day of November, 1929, the aid Executor: will pro- ceed to diltribute the meta of the [said deceased among the pnrtiee en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims or interests of which they shalt then have received notice, and will not be liable for the aid assets to Any C',',"',') of whose claim or im. terelt ey shall not then have re- ceived notice. DATED 12th October, 1929. JAMES c. HAIGHT. Wee-rho, Ontario. l 42-3 Solicits: for the Emulate. r rLihiii'ii1 In the Hunt! of WOIIDI Van-inch, BxrilCU'MNtfy NOTICE To CREDI'IORS AND OTHERS notice, and the will, not be Blue for the aid emu, or nny part thereof, to my penon or Demons of whose claim: notice shall not have been received by her " the time of such distribution. A. L. 'ttTEM, " Que- St. South. “that, 0th} Solicitor for the aid Administrztggw l thereto havi ward on! to thh aqua. 3! v.33 shg__shnll a!“ have NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN ll tan t M'? If...” “gamma?! a o, ' e - ' It» ' that All creditor: Ind other! how clum’ . ttheE-tlteofthe . Martha gunner. who died on or shoot the 10th day of 2g,',"IL"tll; m "QM on or ttefoie 6thl day of November, 1929, to and by poet merit! or deliver to the under- lined olicltor tor Florence Stehle, the Administntrix with the Will an- nuod of the state of the said de- “d {in pan-d 1'l'X 'l'h1g'th1t,r. on c o a: and the mture of the securltfel, if any, held b them. AND wlrmnn TAKE NOTICE that other such last mentioned date the aid Administretrix will proceed to distribute tho asset! of the de- ceued omen: the parties entitled threw, Patio: and 1rnty to thh I ROOM BRICK HOUSE. all (numb-cu. Bi. do" ue. Fruit In“ and good girdon soil, no" Post 05:03 wry u-mL My mail. do: valid-ind to wind up - RY. A. GERMANN, Executor. Call It Ericka-German More for information. hbhhdMIh-w. y"y."he.vFot'tyrFV, NOTICE TO 033011088 'd'll,t'iNtsg,f,ttf Desirable Property for Sale unwind (25 Duke Street East) in Waterloo 34-10 "In. Sandor I. Produlck It. along old. " an In“: lullduvg. to persons having mon- ey to loan. - Gilt edged security. "aflllilil8hlt Money to Loan K " tt " I N I I Real but. and Moth” Int-tram and “my to L... on Kitchener and Waterloo property. Several Good lst lllBlmihilllis Lat new”! DIAL I.“ E. J. SHANTZ Farmers a... was Iii-'5' Wanted MM-r‘ 61l2 % half-yearly Will pay LIliiil 3-41 LEI Mli

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