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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Oct 1929, p. 16

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f» CotKorNwtiowttes t) Waterloo County; . . Former Waterloo Couple 7E;- ape in Night Attire and Lose Everything. loo-m... "'. sr-owl-see-ak/r)".:"':.',,.) hoopla lion. in" eon-om to um their pension- to the county and (kl-I'm in 1 manure offset the twenty per cent the county my on the coat ot all the appiteatsta. ”Mandolin-bu hmmhmmu . ".ere-%r'ttef " In". Wu. mun-muncmu 'bit-tttttm-treset-Mr- ”.11." medulla-unidi- rush-amm‘ hen-994M!“- m m but, n". C. Dol- uncl Wm own-om- 'Bat.etthrext.ta.uht_ha. to Wanton Ion received and rude-lb all you aipttrovod and an: to no munch: bond. Tho not! 1ttMeuttr encountered m h owning wool ot utnnnauon of tho DOM]! 1»in tor a pen-ton. The bond approved only such can. an "out! worthy of ein-tion n as when! out by '3‘." Knight that shout tony 'trsttrrsta of the Old -tA.eet-teiorttartVeoarstr In the opinion. of Reeve Knight lt b intangible to apply the rule re quiring children to lupport their potent: explaining that they had no my to doterlnhe " children had the new: to support them. He further ttthrtod out that it the children were compelled to guy for the support or ' Business Places -. Burned at Durham Loss over. $200, 000 A former Waterloo young couple Mr. and Min A, N. Simmer, nee' Norine Weichei were completely burned out eerly may morning at Dru-hen when tire destroyed their home. They were Swekened by the dense smoke In 1heir apartments above one ot the stores and had bare- ly time to escape in their night cloth- ing to the street as t few moments la. tor their house I” ebb”. Their six months old “by was also rescued W. G. Welchel. Conservative canal. due ot Norm Waterloo, father ot Mrs. Stunner motored to Durham and returned with his daughter and chd. The couple were tmtortattate to [one all their household effects and clothing. The following is a despatch re- ceived from Durham giving an ae- count of the dtBaatrrms tire A the which broke out In the feed and grocery store ot W. B. Vollett. Durban. atroyt " o'clock Thursday night and which quickly spread to adjoining buildings. caused a loss ap- mchlnz $200,000. The blue was the - mantra" which Iur, ever tbltod that community, and but for the nrlnl of the " pamper of the Owen. Sound rm Brtxado the loss would easily have exceeded ’wlco um amount and ight hue de. stroyed the (raster Sit' of the bust- nou locum. .150 M at no Penna Board was The but buslneal structure hm " the McIntyre Block is n We have now completed the introduction of our new plan of rendering telephone Notices .eeompotr the spacial account- now being Mind to local .utmerit-. my cpl-In the chap. and. and (in full detail. a! all MI. Our Balm-I Office 90091. - I). planned to explain - My the lacuna a! Telephone . Accounts '.elsshute=t.t, Mc'.. In: ttit i',tht2ttt2 _ “as.“ ' I , put-Mm - ue may»! There was some further discussion on the question, The council mem- bers explained that the ditrSeuitims met with by the pension board Ina quite apparent and that the council had not intended that remark: made should be when as criticism ot the wort of the board. t..e.In.eaMA.t.-M.aqg. " (I. I. I“"” mum _ NIMMOOQMY“ ‘Whmmuw M_w his “I U“ ”Maxwell-dud)!“ union-Mo! “a.“ “MMWVWMUD KIM” mm.” - “whamm‘m B-di-tT-na-et.. mum,m.m.1ww mmcdomm mmmapau-ocumaum - a. man - ot auction - INC! the mm“ wobbly “an. mm“ m. undo-Momuvoh-cu Tho mum than ot the old as. itt halt. or W' "'5‘ ”can de mm m mun-mud Mm“ cunt), and that the mm "el1t" county any " came tron the to" of Waterloo. The board prowl-ed full adoration u to cost amt norm oe etch atttptfentimt In the new yen. Reeve Grim: of Arr “I in the remake made by second deputy new Dotson a suggestion that the pension members or weather: ot per- uement might he some; a tee. He assured members ot the council that this we: not the can end poin- ted out that the only person getting a (so were the lulticee ot the peace for vonahhlg for truth ot applicant: deetaratiotttt and to this fee they were etttitted. Tho poo-Ibis lb!” ot the old an Mn not a. nae-bed by noon! - new Datum of Wamloo ll. an it I. known that an Inn "was applications tor which may are charging. He and that out o! I total ot no atrptietttiorts in the heaplof smouldering ruins, while the Durham branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce and the Bell Tele phone Company office were do strayed. Civic officials and citizens 'generally are feeling the loss keenly. ‘Durham Ins been visited within the last few years by a number ot serioua tires, but this was the worst Ist all. “mar-Hun. While the cause of the tire is unde- termined. it is the opinion of some that it may have been caused by a short circuit in electric wiring. The Bell Telephone (wince. situated next to the Vollett store was out of trom- mhsion. and word had to be sent by telegram to Toronto and trom there a message went to Owen Sound and the pamper was sent. After a wild tive-mile race over a country road, which culminated in the pursued car going into the ditch at a sharp curve, turning over and badly damaging it, Sen-gt. R. Carson early Saturday morning arrested Russel E. Warner, 20, of Learning- ton; James Scott, 17, Tilsonbnrg. and Mandy Short, 16, Toronto. The other pursued the trio after becoming suspicious of their actions in passing through can. Later he discovered the car they were driv- ing was stolen from London on Fri- day night. The trio also admitted bréaking open a gamline pump at New Hon, burr. Warner and Scott were 'slight- ly cut in the accident. They were taken to London. Edward Barium, who was con- victed on a chum of manslaughter for the killing of County Motorcycle OMeer Jack E. Waddell in London four year: Mo, was sentenced by Mr. Justice Wright " the-Full " Iizu'to 20 yen: in Kingston Peni- Mutiny. "Alfred Hall. Ill automobile uln- man of London, I'll sentenced to our" four "In in Kingston. ttve lng he": convicted on I chute of manslaughter. Halt drove . cur which he turned out of the tram way. last April, colliding with 3n? tther machine. eluding the death of two per-om. Judge Wright scored the pruoner for drinking, prior to HARL'ION GETS TWENTY YEARS . IN PENmm'TTARY on the Lunbeth-St. Thom" High- the accidan Rind [ecu-nor. 21-year-old tumor of drum! Bond. was un- trrteedtonterrrtofttrmmttufor hully In)!!!“ . you. warm», Am. Dim- Iplon, on Grinch-I privy Int In. nu. nu noun " our” rr.h may, a 65. i5. ii: "In" Fair- -mI-lw um 'gtti'itttlt.'td2igtr,tN,flet «wuwwwmumhhuwmmw~ iif Wuuamhuuwfllhflmfiuflu‘ muwhmwhufiuuuub.u~m“w‘ WtttMTttgrAtlt1tl2tUeate,tt'et “Him in“ h 60 no. tetylety- .eruya"".-.d'rtie1tyet_yrr-oe-i.i, ammvaummm.ubw.mhmumw autumn-smut!“ 2errrptttr1"t.ee.eh'tr-a_rreaetirt, m,mmmmummnltmumm'au.uulquuln WWI-oi tM""0e0ludo-id.th-tm-trs',osu..tsr..esxentr_atrs gamma-Mobmm-muwmmmulm.mww.m mummymuamu- u. mug._ no 'ee Mihtmlbuw The Goodrich ”on"! and might amount Wisconsin worn to Its doom in lake Mlchiun My seven miles ott Kenn“. NIIO men, including Captain " Dongs] Monk- on. Chime, vetenn Ore-t Like- sklpper, are known to be dead. or " rescued, " are in Mutton. while " received uncoor at the police au- tion here. II ttuotod van- oL dl neuritic- trom tho huh Inn]. ot no you at end: "6,000,000,000, only on. out uty has (lowland a”: broken;- houm mm tar. Men. mad and lined with leer. weakened by “mute. and will: wet clothes clinging to them, were brought to shore by heroic Coast Guardsmen, who {unwed the tnrhu-. lent may: fragile cutters to effect i rescue. A week ago the Wisconsin von 3 battle against a Lake Michi- zan gale but Friday night’s storm waved too much tor her. Shortly Her midnight she mdloed that slit and sprung a leak, the pumps were let working properly. the hold was filling with water, and that she was in need of assiatanee. She requested that lugs and steamers come oat and “and by". NINE KNOWN DEAD AND FOUR MISSING m LAKE DISASTER There seems to he no end to the remarkable stunts being tried with cows. " wasn't more than two months ago that we heard ot the 1.200-Inlle hike to the National Dairy Exposition whien two Ayrshire cows were taking. Now the Guernsey breed ireaks into the headlines with an experiment whereby three Guernsey cows were milked by radio, COWS MlLKED BY RADIO AND ANIMALS CALLED Educ-ted Ghent-y. Shula World With Spectacular Stu-t in Hold. tion some "It science continues to Advance, by 1950 (tumu- an quit agricul- ture And so into the electrical but- ton business on a [use male." Greet Developments In all notion-hen, the above incl. dent open- our mlnds to wonder at the great developments In science In applied to farm practlces whlch my take place in the next few dead”. We have only to. consider the ed uncement In electrical “use. III air tramoorPtiom In the radio. end various other fields. to roam that we my I!" to age In actual farm practice what may seem impractical ml even almost mime-two now. you?" LIT GO manned with driving his motor Mr gem-h Kin: a. recently it (my mm a nil-tan your old ha " - - Quantum Welt. The new Act allow“ Murat. Wolf to ”spend unto-coma!" glvlu tho with a lot-tun no was let go. "We! Relief from luau-J. " in Hospital Af Sinking of Wu-.---'. 1ratft/ his?“ an... Eczema! minimum-Wad who... Mahatma“ no Inn-on“ (or path Jury m- MutthAuiu-Infm FAIILV MARIOWLV lttM'l. WM!“ OW! OIITROVI no“ Mr. and in. C. H. Haney and Walter Johnston had a narrow or capo In): death when their hole. lo cated on the nth line or Moore ton-hip, can. ot Burn'e church. In totally deatroyotl by me early Ttta- Pay morning. The outbreak in: tint noticed by the Rev. B: Gob. who live. nearby. The Rev. Mr. Gale (in: noticed [lame- ehowiu out. of the hem shortly alter two o'clock from his bedroom window and Ihortly af- ter he [on the alarm the root or the home Ina oblate. The heavy out wlnd had "up: the tire from the barn to the dwelling and the building one own a roaring man " (lance. Fifty Lives Lost When , - Milwaukee Ship Sinks in Storm A ferry foundered with the loss of at least 50 lives, tive ships aground, heavy damage to shore property and shipping along a 1,000 mile troni on Thursday last. Such was the final reckoning as he great lakes area surveyed the scenes of death and destruction le'ft -t-ee, Onlnrio's Puth'l'g OKAR "."."."ad'll."e' lb. Ih, s, w-r-ata-ee-tre-ret"-'" oemttart.'Bt-tre8athroreh_ BU'I‘T ROAST =2: Int-25- MlINClBlMli1lilAtllt 2 'srrMe SHOULDER ROAS‘I‘S lh- " SHORT RIB ROAS'I‘S an Me BLADE ROAB'I'S In. " PRIME RIB BOAS‘I‘S II» " Corned Beef Boiled Ham mm “D- er. BACON Sliced lb. 31. Pork Tongue 2:53. " SALMON " an no. In. no (ggygt,eg.e r...............'... an. t.rtttte-uturubABrekh ',ekerrz.eece"u" “.1343. n. om: on mow PEBL...... i",flP,f,i'ltrid','ecsi,rirr: .1qu cnmnu......,............ ',:1uort'toAr"--Malr........V l'.eePlPrrc.,':.r:rc:y .‘I‘n an“ Arnt,amrigtatlPaatnir In ca. t mum mom 1015:]. i9,"r,/. ROASTS ctscoEs--GOLDEN SMOKED. . . .LB. 20c COD-FRESH, BOILING CUTS. .13. Me HADDIE FrLLETs-aMoraD. . . .LB. MK FINNAN HADDm--SMoKEm . . . .13. 12c oMyrERtr--FANCY BLUEP1NN'rB.hr MK "'-'---"a"'itrd'0"fr"'"ifr" -6NThilt'iiirifirlttmitCllltA" APPLES "3% $NMttirlI8tqt ' In. " MeltMNtMiit an; 415(15. PICNIC ROAS'I‘ING HAY slams NEW SEASON ,meeev-ym.latoe “MFA“ SILVIIBIGI'I' m m BRISKET ROLL . . - PUDDING, Black lnd White -, mas-r gum nun mm Mm -e a: . . . And More Low Prices [or CEOICES'I‘ CUTE A 8 I "EaCho m "Ill " so " ll. AVERAGE-“ll 0. m l9 KING ST. N. Ji)trrtnatitiialt ma WEEK 1lgr. l itltttt 'OFLOWER PRICES I.” 13 “other 8mm mm " Add”: Lower Price - xh-,aoeaaa.-rt-a-a.roarahehessr-eseaetrtheyartttrseeoAt""?.l. Abrm “Airmemuonnllimnmagnitudpeflecuonmofluedluyurselecuou.nn¢ eomu--usttr,to-gsrerftet-mbumuo-aar'sr-r'ees. . .rr+esttsatrrtrer 3mm “what. Humor won an "In Me tho but comic dun. “other! has“ won tttq ’but men's melanoma. and war fm District the but come can... nuluroi “ an” In Hurray Snyder ot Waterloo in unwed an Scum can toe load- in; tho - in Inning. " the annual Magnet hold At the Blair hill Friday night. The Bhutto"! to“: were the champion: tor 19:, um win the Grafton cum. Ducal-alanimmobn- ”Mammmm lumen of a. You. PW It ettorogtuhratei.We+ on M1t.dsrni6t.Tutirstrefpoitr the who hncy Gnu mean. was The half-hundred who perished made up the crew of the Grand Trunk ferry Milwaukee, which an]: in Lake Michigan some time Tues- day night white en mute from Mil- waukee to Grand Haven during the height of the storm. in the wake of the uncut severe storm in " yearn. “noun" 9m: ”5‘... “.23. In. 18‘ “125$ lb. 35c lb. 12e Munich-my“ mutton-Idem. ‘wu-mnnliuuuu» real. ”to! but. ttf2et"h,trtf"ttAt','Mt I" ulna-I- h a» chm-mutatinguqhunu mummumnmulmmumwm ituucisttti..-tt,-ibet_ryeandn.uh--- 'eirha'iriti"i7a,iri'.iaj.Y,t."i,rity"i 's-trg. hmm:u-.P.D~Iu. mmlormmm wm.mmumvuuo. 1nndintutmatorei..t-Mt I“. ot mum m ”was... with " it. - NEWLIIMMM link-k. Mr. Mob-hut“ P. Word. Unwind. aerator! o! m an . ll. Ill-u: Cup. Whom. m New", W. Wear ot lulu-at was it." and but “out wu tho to. by ottHt-tNttwtrtetaasrte%V Dow. _fJ.rtmhoeaofmBsaterhat8tAit AHhd of Guelph m mu In tuna: an "on clan number three, uh“. J. Jon-o Wlmed mum. mum. I. ot Walla-lay placed second. mm the ”and. boy plowing h a. are" and but not): Also In: to match while _ M; of Pooh A.OIId. an a. In the olden Mo-. The Heidelberg Hotel on Monday night was raided by provincial con- stable: Cons-us and Kennedy and 128 bottles of liquor seized. The hotel proprietor, Esra Stein, was arrested and later given bail of 32,000. Me had already a Iimilur curse against him and both cases will be heard at the next court hear- mg. haunt-om“; tu-si-tate-h', 128 BOTTLES OP BUTTER 2 gab. m" " Freshen-emery ttr-rorrtAattMomtAe1tee. limit-batman“... ummthmmllhl. - ""rrue-olRAlMllll “a... " MANYFLOWERS Toilet Soar. q .3 Bars 19c tiiRmllLllN3Blrllt? ?41h'tte> mm soap tom- 49. "an” zwzse mg. mamas- CREAMOEWHEAT...........PI:¢.24¢ mmmaow ORANGE WA'? M190 , PRtMROSEP-rtmar .....74b.Bag 33t POTATOES , M " SPINACH m , 1htt. " ONIONS JWdlld, ”MI-5' LYON: 15H:- w, M yr». n... we om: on man rm..-.....u. Me cnnonnu. T.".".-.,".-.-..........-.'..?" autumn y."..'.'..............,.."."' .5"f3. WIVbOmiilo-oslu bbs" cmsco ...................a.TG24e JELLY pownms as": PURE GOLD 5 nos. " KRAFT CHEESE, Canadian Loafu .lb. 36c RASPBERRIES SNOWPEAKS AUNT MIRA PM Flam. . .Pkg. 17c SNIPS Orange Mandala. 'lt'? Me Giuax--Maus Want Rain Soft.Phg. tth: GUM DROPS . . . Place In Stous Uh“! SILVERIIIIOOK MAMA]!!! LIQUOR SEIZED TOMATOES WATERLOO soups Anna 2 m Mte ..o..q....o..... , NM. AT 1‘“.va Home“ or the B-tttnt church choir at Waterloo to tho Ill.- ber ot Italy tour provided tho Ull- sic at a sacred concert Monday "ht held in commotion with the almi- vemry unites at the hitherto. Evangelical church. The that! was under the direction of John Bruege- Cl WATERLOO CHOIR CAR STOLEN A sedan motor at with market: number 200-626, owned by Mitchell & Tweed, wag stolen at Kitchener on Monday night. P“: "ii, af nu: "e T I i F.", ..No.2Tin29¢ . ..... . Ib.. 23c if:

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