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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Oct 1929, p. 15

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After Shave - Mr. and an. 0. a. Behiofoh and - won Bud-y who“ at the hop of w. glgd In. J. R. Jack-on. Mr. In!“ Martin .imtitikGGiG h um. mu Dally Rutherford spent Sunr- hy at the home ot Mn. Wm. mm no line. Borrl and Vanna My of 1Mtrott ealled on Mend; Pun or Detroit called on Molds hm on and”. Mr. Henry has] spent Thursday “moon In Kitchener. Quite n number from this vicinity attended an Annlvorury Supper given u Glenna: United Cl "was Tue-day evening. It” Mary Mathew. WHEN] her grind. Min. Ruth Jackson on Thurs Mr. and Mn. A. W. Ruler were Sand” visitors with Mr. und Mrs. Sun Ruler ot Wows]. It bu been been reported that the Dewar line being constructed to our- ry hydro from Waterloo to Hanover I. going to pus through this locality. Mu Rein Maui's of Emmi In: . weekend vlsitor at her home here. T Mrs. Hubert Welche) and daugh- tor June of Elmira spent Thumday with in. B. b. BettedewttB. We no sorry to report the illness of Mm. Allan Martin who is Confined to.her home with an attack ot Itt “hung . The heavy rains ot the past week we gladly welcomed by the armor: ot this loam: and ploughing In trttutr rushed to completion. -t. Mike and s. Henry, of Preston we_r_e Pen visitors oy _Sunt_lay. ALdedird dFeihi" of Lakai" spent a few tr' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . Green. Ed. Teiildiiamitton was a re- cent visitor in Donn. - Miss M. Kerr spent the week-end at her ItymA itWesptsyt _ 7 Miss A. Mmii, of Kitchener spent the week-end at her home here. - WM“; It taett" speht Vthreiweielé-end in Galt. . Rev. Mr. Robinson of St. Marys occupied the pulpit of the PresbyJ herian Church on Sunday afternoon in the absence of the minister, Rev. Walter Patterson, who conducted as funeral service in Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Himburg spent s-syrdav in Eiyilysner. - --., . Mlégiret Wilfdné 70f Kitchener: gpent the week-end at her home Mr. John Wolfe returned to his home here on Saturday after spend- ing seven months in the Canadian northwest. -iir-. Lili Mrs. C. Reader spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Cove of Woodstock. wm‘mmm - labia, “a lulu by No need to worry about dessert anymore. There need be no anxiety about your guests being pleased with the refreshments you serve at the wind up of the evening party if you serve obtainable in any flavor you desire. ”Smoother Than Vetvet' , _ Ice Cream _ ' _i))sstssrsli's, s The Problem ls Solved I 'vArToN BOON Phone 2060 Mr. and In. “when Kris" and - “In“ _ in Kitchen" on and" Int. . . I)“. Dork “not“. 0|de “I Alma Inn of Pub and on All»! W: on Ind-1m. i _ M,” a. m to _ m M on “I. m of It WREPU In F)" m _ Martin and Albert Wailer ot Wat. erloo spent Sundny under the pub mttat roof. um Con Beech» or-kia",- spent the week-end with her Mount. Valentino Mn. N Mu. He).- W'lebo of lineman. 1te her wont have on and” Mr. and Mrcgoe Rtrnaet and hm- lly spent Sunday with their daughter. Mtt, my“: Rollo: or Elam. Mitts 01m "argon who had her tonsil: remand In! week I. protrus- 'tttr taretreb1r, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Robb-rt and sans Albert and Mark of Water- loo visited H, A. "ergo 'ty On Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mm. Hugh Weiler and can Junior trom Detroit Are spending a oouph, of weeks at the home ot Ig- nat: Weller. Miss 'Mauld- Reinhart at Kitettem " spent Sunday with no: Invent: here. Joe Hnmck u 'oorthttt a bum!- tul new Sedan. At the Peel Mennonite Church of West Wallensteln last Sunday morn- ing, Balms were proclaimed tor Mr. John H. Frey you ot Mr. John Frey of St. Jccdbs and Miss Lucinda Bru- backer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Bruhacher of "The Three Bridges." Miss Malvina Dietenbacher is spending several weeks with friends near Heldelburx. Baum Prod-[med [ Week-end visitors with friends ‘here and at Hawkesville were Mr. and Mrs. Walter “(riding of Little Britlain and Mr. and Mrs. J. MeMinn and the latter's sister. Miss Mary Brown of Listowel. Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Solomon F'. Bowman arrived home trom a pleasant fortnight's sojourn spent at Grand Bend, Indiana and Mansfield. Ohio. Dr. Richardson of Guelph was here on otfieial ‘bnsingess last Saturday. The Misses Ella and, Eileen Suhweltzer are pursuing a. course in Household Science at the McDonald Institute in Guelph. _ Mr. and'Mm. c. E. Tollmon ot Kit- chener spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. Charles Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Esley Matthews were visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. H. Mul- lay ot Bhtyrtield last week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Bowman M. Bowman and daughters Elsie and Erminn of Elmira were Sunday visi- tom at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dierrsnlrachtsr. Mr. Elam LM. Hurst spent Sunday mm his Enoch Horst. Messrs. Daniel Hoffman and Elias A, Brubacher were Elmim visitors last Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel were guests of Mr. and Weber last week-end. Or Your Nearest Dealer BHANTE STATION WALLENSTEIN of. Newton father, Mr. B. Banana l Mr. aa Itrs.'tamte Zlnhn. In. ‘Joh Buck and the _ “I, Lul- huchhnr and Ont- Buck and on It. and In. Simon Brick» nt; 1‘.th on land”. l It. Hoyt that. of Kitchener, li- ldlu Gusto-l and Ir. on». gum..." -oteiqd to Collared on II 3. Eeoyu1rh..ne.ritersto. Mr. ma In. Gilbert Duff and {ygggitvhlhd quilt. Ird Hrs. tturtrdii on End Sunday viuiton " the home of It. at “in. Ephraim [human were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warner: of Kitchener, In. Willinm Skinner of New Hamburg, Mr. and Irrs, En: Becker. the Mines M and Ethel Booker and Mr, In Ea",' dimly??? David Berg. d r " n. y n Kr. tttAP,, qiitret “Bern; And tfr. trrifrirE"vietor Dinger and daughter Joan motored to Elmira ond uqdny. A _ h - _ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Reichard and Mr. Laurent Reichard of Elmira ‘visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A."Hillzorn oft-Sunduy. _ _ mind Mrs, Charles Hoist and son of St. llcobs called on Mrs He.il.er on Aetdar, ---- Mr. and Mm. Earl Einwachter and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ludolph visited with. Mr. and Mrs. Albert gt,','."'""' " Williamsburg on Sun“ ay. Mr. um! Mrs. Eli Rosenberg“ of Matuville and Mr. and Mrs. any Gildner viuited with Mr. and Mrs. Ahlhilh Shunt: It Kitchener on Sagan. _ -- _ day. Sunday inith'Zl't Mr. Philig‘Poth were: I Misryry errtrre and uyysrtkhiiiir'ifiY ijiiiiGi, Mr. Clifford Weber of Kitchener :pent the week-end at his home ere. Sunday visitors at the home pf Mr. Phili Path were: Mr. and In. Allison {lounge and family of Fattrtoo. _and t. tml Mrs. Albert Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Appel were: Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Cooke and family of Amulree, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pass and funi- ily, and Mr. Edward Pass of Strat- 'oe, agd..Migrs,yitchelt of.theiph. Mk t.iiaiaGGa,T, Gi;iiil;ii; visitor to quontqon Holiday. - Mr. and irrrgiairiirifir and family of London called on Mr. and yrs. Alvin Luttensch1atrer on Sun- Mr. Roy Path motored to Bay- field on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mason, Miss Lillian Mason and Mrs. John ttt weiler of Toronto and Mr. and rs. Witt Detweiler of Roseville visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Snyder orb Saggrdgy._ -- Mr. Eyre Bingeman of Kitchener relied in gins-village pn _§unday. _ _ W, H.“ - -.. "rm'""'"'".. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin. Rover and the Misses Mary Hoover and Kath.. erine Lodde of Selkirk visited with relatives in the village and com- munnity_ on Supday. _ A Miss Stella Schmidt of Kitchener spent the week-end at the home of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Schmidt. Mr. lvgn Bret: spent . few dnyl of Inst week at Toronto. Mr. and In. John Green of Wel- land and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Daniels of Norwich visited with Rev. tr,', Mrs. C. W. Backus last Wednes- ay. Mrs. Sidney Lautenachlnger of Kitchener spent a few days of tart week with Mr, and Mm. Alvin Lettngryle.r: L ' . . Rev. and Mrs. J. Linn and Miss Lida Linn of Kitchener called on Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Backus on Fri- mg; tGviint/dr" tits. C'eie-vetsye. I!!! "inn iaihrrie "Alben VunSicklc, tiayaahter ttf If.r. ytsd In: let-m“; suite, of Airdrie, Alberta, and grind-daughter of Mr. and In. J. an] of this village, wu united in marriage to Mr. ardie Chrin ot cktedri," Alba-h, G Themiy', Oe- tober l5th, at Knox Church. Cal- -'_"""_. . Suntay visitors It the home of Mrs. Winner were: The Misses Mary Ann Hellman, Ada Brubucher and Lena Hurst, and Messrs. Waiter Brubacher and Emma‘ne} Hoffman of Heidelberg. Miss Olive Shaun: a? kitUGirr spent the week-end awe home of her_fattutt, Mr. Qhristjan Shanty Mrs. Andrew Koehler and Mrs. Jacob Diets of Waterloo called at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. George Llaggb last: Etiday, - 7 ,, Mr. and Mrs. Clement, Senior, and Mr. and Mrs. Clement and daughter,of Preston, the Misses Ada and Lavina Hurst, and Messrs. Bowman, Hurst and Israel Martin of Elmira visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gil_bert Beyarry tecgntly. - Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gruetzner, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gruetaner and daughter, Isabelle. and Rev. Sum. mers of Hespeler visited at the home of Mr. August Lautenschlager on__Satu5da_y. -- _ - A - At b “in. - -, - In. G. w. Bach- and“ 1tttgt We“ in the UM Church.- luau- Mr. John t Col-.- ot Punch 9'" , my“... uthTtttidtt o a I “it: Church at 812mm” on Sun- day evening. ,; To Mg [In]. - A, -_- M The A.Y.P.K. of Hay-will: will M, 1phy amid-d . he Vino“ we! in Knvelman’l “Albumin the tapioca of the New undo: Womepfl Inning... on Frid-y evo- Rev. G. A. Storey 70! Toronto tags}! in, 3.112 yj.ilatre iast Thugsday. Mrs. Henry Henning and Miss Edith Emery of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goldbeck on Stedar. _ -- ___ _- A 7 family mdtdred G" girauord V31: Sup-day. . . -- __ _ __ _ Mr. ind Mré;'bave Litwiller mo- tor.e.d to Tognto 2ft Saturdgy._ Mrs. Alex McDona‘ld spent a few days of last week at Galt, Mr. - and Mrs. Elmer Path and 38!“in motored to Stratford on Sun- ay. 'r. and Mrs. Elmer Path and " ,%'lil'll'l Th It" ere is w . V V m iiiii'il, deer in J,, cgidgl’lbh mm... aid “mph/er districts. lo” and Ye,',,': " KAT: increase all the 0" ttttttw . we“ side of Lake Tdad',',',',',,',' the I'm, .nd Ottawa River. The In!“ .nd m Its: arg,'. game regions do J:t',Qr', H. a n. of we tt " north abort an uperior, but north of the k bqrtt Canadian Paeifte Rain! t Ilia. In. well "rtotied With “00;, int, m Jtutt'ete.t1et in In. Tar.,:",,', "er, my”... “IN-tannin mu . u“. l Worth whit. Information on the when, white! It contained in the i”Alumna that!“ “I!” for In» on". vial my be em from any and!“ he“. Amt or W. "ttera, M cm W Curk Ripley, noted writer and sportsman. returned . than time ago from n careful survey of the hunting grounds of Northern 0n- tario. The gin: of M. report, made to the tourist» oMceo of the Cana- dian new: Railway. tn a toilet” BIG GAME COUNTRY A hunter’s success depends en- tirely on his ability to select . terri- tory containing the grate-c umount of game per squire mile of walking. Mm Ch”. McBride and little daughter Jean M Toronto are upend- daughter Jean of Toronto no visit- Vieteh. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hemmerlch And Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forrest “pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Mltrht Colxhln at Attwood. Mr. Michael 'Hemmerlch and Mr. and Mm. Herb Doerr and son Robert ot Kitchener spent Sunday with the former'. nephews. Mr. and Mm. Wm. Hem- mark-h and Mr. John Hemmerlch. l Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kurt: and tam. " and Mrs. Laurance Belt: Sn. spent Sunday with Mrs. Ethel and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Benz near Bray Ian. Mr. Hush Langdon of Kitchener spent Sumtarafternoon at his home here. Rev. Mr. McLean ot Moose Creek occupied the pulpit in the Presby- terian Church here on Sunday eve- ning. an. and Mrs. John Wallis of West Mommas and Mr. Dick Shepherd ot San Francisco spent Sunday at the homes of Mr. and Mm. Jas. Come land'and Mr. and Mrs. he. langdon. 'Mrs. Hy. Hess of New Hamburg spent a. few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Valentine Horstetter. Mrs. John Sherritts and Mrs. Wm. Sherritrs spent a couple of days Last week with the farmer's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. \Raeburn Hamilton at Branttord. On Thursday evening. Oct. 24th, the LitwiiUr containers were eu- fazed to give the programme at a owl supper given by St. Peter's Luthernn Church, Zurich, and for the benettt of Chronicle readers the following {nets are given to show‘ what others are doing, Sugper VIII served from ttee to nine oclock ml the church shed, which when built) we: designed for such occuions. The admission churned was 75c and Me, and “veg: hundred suppers left, served: or this purpose one hundred and twenty geese. twenty ducks Ind thirteen c iehena were supplied. All this fowl wu bought and not donated, and after nit ex- penses Were paid the net proceeds amounted to approximately $700.00. A splendid 'ih"d','rl,tir spirit we vails in the vill e o Zurich com sidering it has = a pogulation of four hundred. Among t ole in " tendnnce were people from Detroit, Windsor, London, Kitchener,, Wat. erloo and other outside points. The auction sale held by John Beisel on Saturday afternoon was well attended. 'Auctioneer R. Gard- iner wielded the hammer in tine style. Mr. John L. FprIer met with a gainful accident in the saw mill last riday morning. White sawing with the circular saw his hand slipped, severing a thumb and finger and 2egiN,i,"if, another. Dr. Harvey dressed e injured hand. His many friends are sorry to hear-of Mr. Forler's misfortune. Miss ML, ' Page, of Kitchener spelt Sqnday at het home here. _ Mr. 7 gaeiji, "era/Ti.'. Eiiiiener spent Sunday at the home of his patients: MI. 59d 9.er.s. John Gro_dy. ' Mr. A. H. Kiki/tUVa- CriG days last week with friends in Rod- nelr: -- k not! on Sunday. Mr. aad In. flrtr,', Cuul. Hil- DorothguCuul In Mr. Elm! Cw a] tsf thyme all“! " tho homo Mr. and In. Dave Litwitlerr and daughter June visited with In. Jacob Kevin“ " St. Andi. ono Smithy;- - _ A 7 7 Mrs. ,Agte"'i2i,,'t,ii.ijji'ij,ijs,t, chil- dren of New amburg spent last Supgay Ivith friends in town. Mr. Harry Schaeter of Petersburg was a visitor in Baden last Sunday. Jar. and Mn. Peter sehwartaert- truber and family of Petersburg were recent Sunday visitors at the hone or.Mr.. Mango Tragler. v, _ -- Miss; Cora griiiiawGsGGrsitor in Kitchener last Thursday. I Sate, Well Attended. ur. an: nu. Ami mm In dawn" Volt-n siitod with It. andAm. Join; “Mei-ch " Tui- no}! ar Fira i of Ir; Gif RG. 13.13:; 6GGGG Say-y. --- _ --- 'litzii2iiiiiiiiiiiiigtt' mulch-on “WWW” . ted,?"'"""""""""" can . gi;apd__ln lam yaw In! WINTERBOURNE BAOEN 'r; "Mmriermoe-eaeesdtrrNomerretH" " Kr. Wm. A. Putter, General Superintendent pf the Shntymnn's Christian Association, will iive In address illultnted with antem slides in the M.B.C. Church on November 7th. A reliable Anttseptie--Minard'. Dniment. . The masks Vania and Helen and Mr. Oun 01mm) visited their grand» motion Wu J. B. Creasunn on Sun- day. Mr. and Mm. Omar Creumun And Mr. and Mrs. Sim Crag-man of New Hamburg visited friend. in the dis- trict on Sunday. Mr. Noah Hunsberger, wast-loo preached at the C. M, Church Sun- day morning. Mr. amt Mrs. Nash Hunberger and children were the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Ban- my? on Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrd. Jacob Slum: called on Mm Moses Cranium, Fisher'- Mill. Sunday. ( Miss Debris smut: motored with (trsenL to Fishervme where she visi- ted her aunt, Mrs. J. Wingu. '0ru--Autr 22m! to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scheldet. a daughter. Congratula- “out Goa to Baton. Rev. Mr. Young returned trom Boston last Thursday were her no cepted a charge sometime ago. Rev. Young and family are leaving Bras Ian tor Boston on Wednesday Oct. " Two political meetings were held In the Breshu Hall last week on Monday evening Mr. Carl Homnth and Mr) A. M. Edwards spoke in the Interest; ot the Conservative candl~ date. Ott Friday evening at the Liber- al rally the speakers were Dr. Charl- ton and Messrs. Fraser and Elliott. t'tiig; visitéd it the"ho:ifé'b't iii." tnd rs. Matthew Karley on San- day. MiG Pale, ieiaar-idt" ii.Yi. NEE; was a visitor at the home of Mr. ander-s. Walker on Sunday. Mr. Norman Lichty, jrajf,i,rie by Mr. Henry Martin near lmirn, is home with a sore foot, the result of steRping_§nto a 'tfit, _ - - _ Mrs. Ian §nyder and children of Waterloo paid a visit to Mrs. Lichty last Thursday, prior to her tee, to Montreal to Join her hushan who acc_epted__q poaitign they. - Tile Misids" thirrmloms and Leah Lichty were visitors in Kitch- engr last Saturday. ener lust ft8,,'."lr.. Mr. and Mrs. . Kerchner attend- ed the wedding in Waterloo of Mr. Erie Merkle and Miss Rosie Thomas last Saturday. Pom. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Weber and family of 2.t,'g?tht were dinner guests of Mr. an Alf. Gilles on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cbrnisrh and family and Mr. Tyson of Williams- burg enjoyed supper with Mr. and Ary, Mytnir Gilga- _ - -- Mr. Non'mn Martin of Conestoga Bus 1 business visitor here on Mon- ny. . hr. ant! Mrs. Silas Bauman and child of Louistown, Ohio, visited amJyyr Critndy heye for l (gagging. M's. 'Sillieoh Stigaier of Waterloo visited'her sister, rs. Levi Liehty, last Thursday. . rt 'r?1',T,'N My.. an.d.. 33:39an Karin: 99d . '4 Trea-i-r-ao-r-Gt-tist-r-d-. “‘33 "'turtu*t-att-ae-,r-e-G-g-eiotnttir' -ttoerrg-nM."rha. _ ', r. and Mrs. Melvin Hunsberget Klleinschmiidt't, Limited "to" 1885 Kim 863-281 King th. Eu! GOOD USED CARS l WHITE LARGE TAPIOCA s tb.. foe Me 'tutEt0TCNCL3tANSl" Ida-hulk use! may: on: ml nun-"mud an ' Iain. Gr 173 LANTERN GLOBE, ntJTdieki"rrEn 11. hot. n la: n.- BRESLAU Chrysler 50 Sedan Chrysler 52 Sedan Bin,“ 909011 Fo Tull - Sunk , for II: ST. JACOBS Unusual Values THESE PRICES GOOD FOR ONE WEEK [or a I " CALL AND SEE THESE CARS Mr. Carson Newhinney went; Saturday afternoon in Elmira. ! Mr. Ind Mrs. Jos. MacTuviah and! Mr. A. Newton and non William Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Marks of Littowel agent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. mum“. James Betsey, In, is eonftned to his bed through illness and is under the doctor's cure. His many friends, with. him , naggdy .reyyerr. _ Mr. and Mm. Norman Schweitzer and Betty and Wall-cc Schweitler called at the home of Mr. and Mm. E. , Devtt on Sugdax. -- - The splendid rainfall last week was welcomed by the farmers as ft put the land into condition for fall plowing. Mr. and -iir,1." 1,j',ji),iti"2,i,'i, and daughter Audrey spent Sun " at Breslau. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Weber were Mr. and Mrs. W. Swan: and family and Mr: A. Swat}: of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs; iii-a -ieeeker, Max, Mae and Ethel Becker were visitors at Aew Dundee on Sunday. _ Mr; kiiGart Kaufman Sundayed with, frigndg at Heidelberg. Metra. Harold Schiedel and Lorne Schmidt, and Misses Edna Schiedel and Edna Schmidt motored to Mark hay? over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Halfman, Mr. Gordon Hallman and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Raster on__8un§ay. _ -- - -- _ [ Devin, sizént ik/Graf 31y." 5-?TJEH to _tast week. Mr. Edward Spaeth, after a leng- thy illness, died at nine o'clock on Monday morning, in his 77th year. He came here with his wife thirteen {ears ago from Kossuth where he ad lived on a farm tor thirty years. He was a faithful member of" the Old Mennonite Church and highly respected by all who knew him. He leaves to mourn his aged widow, one daughter, Susannah (Mrs. Harvey Rieek) and six grandchildren, one brother, William, of Kitchener, two sisters, Mrs. Israel Bauman and Mrs. Joshua Rudy, and many friends. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon to Martin's Meeting House and cemetery. Mr, Geo. G. Class, the popular Woolwich auctioneer, conducted a successful sale for Mrs. Simeon Good last Tuesday. The day was rainy and disagreeable yet the crowd was good and the prices realized were satisfactory. Death ef.Ed. girth.» _ - I moved to Wilmot on I farm on Wed- Kitchener. _ nesday. , Mr. and Mn. A. Wolfe and R. M. Laid " Rut. Allingh-m of Kitchener Islet". "it. The funeral of the late Mrs. day with Kr. and In. J. . Allin;- Jessie Shana. sister of Mr. Daniel ham. . k E. Martinhsouth of the village, took Messrs. Hunter M. Roote sud place on Tuesday afternoon at Mar. John A. Inf! ntteded the pure bred tin's muting house. show at e 0.A.C.,» Guelph, hit Paschal... .- _ . -. . Thyiat. .-- _ _ A ' A h A Mr. and Mrs. Leander Gale of Brussels visited the tomer's mother Mrs. Gale, over the week-end. Sugculful 3.1.. Mr. Gut Mrs. John Schwutzen- truber visited Mn and Mrs. D. G. Metin on _Sly_lday.- _ -. _ A In friends at P1tilt'e,7i Mina E. Devin 9nd iss Ruth HEAVY GREY VLANNEI. u inalu Vida. worth ".15. W. "u. it at Me " HEAVY (SVERCOAT for Vii-tn. We have than at was? DRILL In link it WI. Stu-bu. " IE ii ".U.r.U.U.U.C.C."ti.i'g AI.- i- I... I“ [or I... in... g LcticCUT...U.UU..i'., FLANNILB’I'I‘ES 95m SODA ' MANNHEIM DORKING A an In FACTORY CO¥TON " Engin- widn. lag-In: In”. ftt wield “I. Incl Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rats! and any ily from Willhmburg “sited with Mr. and Mrs. Bdward Russia " Sun- day. Mesa“. S. C."l'weod, M. S. 'UB. man and Dr. Easel were business vittirors hem during the week. Mr. Milton'Heer. wmmoo visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred "taactt on Sunr- day. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Shaun. Sylvan and Miss Elma sum; spent Smithy with Mr. and Mm. Orville Sham: near Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bergman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mir let P" gunday. {pent Sunday with In. Wm. my. Mr. Wm. Soehner and Clayton Scbmeh) from Waterloo visited at thin: bottles hemroer Sunday. Miss Erma wauGGGiiGlt the weekend In Elmira. Mr. Ezra Martin spent Averat days with Mr. and Mrs. John Martin near Wallenstetn but week. My. and Mrs. Amos Shdéiaker and daughter Grace trom Kitchener Tiggi. tetiprith TtWives, here on Sunday. Sold by - HAEIINEL’S DRUG STORE Waterloo, Ont. Mr. Edward Dtsitrleh from Town. to visited his parents, Mr. and Hrs. Nic. Deltrich tor a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel lam] and children trom Kitchener, visited with Mrs. Glebe on Sunday. Mr. Carl Lehman from Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Snyder on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Grow and Miss “not: Orozs from Elmira spent Sand-y with Mr. and Mn. Aunts Gm Mr. and Mm. Menu in, TUitBd with 'Mr. and Mrs. 0mm Slant: near Kitchener on Sunday. Mr. Norman McDonam and Min Nellie Walker trom Huntsville vid- ted with Mr. and Mm. Paul Bowman over Sunday. f v.-. -........,. f, Mr. and Mrs. Suns Bowman and son Howard Iron: Ohio visited with Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Bowman tor A tew dars, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hilton- and sons William and Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Frey rumored to Niagara Falls on Sunduy. Mix. in MaeTavish ind little non Russel spent last week with friends in Waterloo. Ittttatk'l'lWlM'lfdart"Neht! In: v Me mum-m which has with =Gtttllt.l'phT d the not: aubur- Pat,rd'dtttf2htt, the 2',TIthr,'tt 10.62" 1T,ttt',ft In, 'tur"" NATURE'S . nu: ma)? ' The recent ruins have improved the ploughing cruditions in dd. ac- tion considenb y. ".113; M. Brena! spent Snturdny in T.yseerftMemtn.q walla-aw!!! WHITE mam: l 06.- .061. m. at Only ". - l CUPS uiiii 556cm: - At ”a D..- i%G%UTt" ii"iiGa." Cup: ard sia... End FILES at once! A, non-w an: $575 FLORADALI W2

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