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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Oct 1929, p. 14

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The Elmira hunters left on Satur- day on 1 deer hunt tn the northern country. The locul group consisted ot Messrs. Louis Fischer. Albert and Gordon Selling: Harold saunter and Mr. Gilmore. The party will be away tor ct least two weeks. t5tt'yttt trrfttyy Highway Mr. Jack Zilllex was returning to Elmira from Kitetumer, on hls by- ciele Huntley evening. when about a mile from Elmira he was struck by e an and carried a distance ot nearly 'tttr yards on the front of the our. Fortunately he escaped with only e seven 'thakintr up. His hy- cicle was badly damaged and he completed Illa trip into town on foot. Delivered Interesting Lecture. - - Cloud for Improvcmonu. The Elmira Rubber Photon closed on Satan-y for one week. It is the Intention ot the mmemenl to take dock and to uni. necessary repairs uni ling-070mm in the Non. An interesting attd educational! lee ture was delivered in the St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church on Friday evening; by not. H. W. Broge ot Phtherrille. His subject was “Fifty years or the Ontario District of the Missourl Synod.” and was beautifully innin- tnd with huts": slides. A very large audience enjoyed the program 1 Elmira nun» Plan: I CHARLES RENNIE IS NEW CHIEF OF POLICE At a special meeting at tannin Council. Mr. Clarke Rennie of North I!” and formerly ot Gravenhurirt. was appointed Chief constable tor Elmira,. to muted elite! Brantley. who Miami to accept another similar posltlon In CImpbelll'ord. Mr. Rennie will name his duties here on Nov. let. The - IS 31500 per alum. In» nee, uni a tAtt sea. Mr. Rem nle m‘chlol constable for Graven- humt mad the past two years. on the police tom at North Bay. Am Funeral at Waterloo Among the people from Elmira who attended the funeral ot the late Henry Arnold at Waterloo on Thurs- day mornlng were Mrs. J. B. Weber. Mrs. Jog Amllnger. Mm. Albert Sehedewuz. Mrs. Harry Flanker and Ileana. J. B. Weber, E. M. Arnold The Elmira Rubber plant is the home of the "Fleet Foot Shoe”. In. John "cooker _ Neil and Hearty l At Age of Ninety-One Mr. end In. Geone G. Glue end eon Roy event a very plenum Sum day afternoon with In. John Nomi~ or. " Dayton. In. Noecket who is put ninteyone were to hell end hearty end onion excellent health. Holy New - At a veil “(de meeting at the men or St. Theme: R. c. Church. the Holy Nellie Society wee manned end the unicorn elected for the com- ilg year. " we. decided to enter in tho_1iown_ Hockey league. Hunter: I"! tor the North. A. manna. Gould Dillon. Wu. Harlin. P. P. Stu-wt. Robert Otntar m and met law. #m.d..Brmtt,trr.,ott-,t. mm; at no hon. of In col, Mr. he! . Brut. Mrt 'tmet. Mr. Inna-r of Ton-co, out no wool-Old will limit. M In mt Show of Datum with“ at It. has. at It. Old In Aert All-17310 In a can. The "teq.. ot an Holy Nana Bo. ciety an u tonova: President P. P. sum Gary-Tm. Robert Cow- man. hurt-uncut Committee, B. M. ayted. #t. Kym. Fred Web-r. laid-I; tturi-Sai-iii/ir-.. WI! DOW-0n ham- um um _ _ i1'Fit.1ih'd 1t'."/':at,"'et,uey'r,liii . fPtttett1t-l-.Go-/a,urira $N,t,'rh,'hu'gts'a,e., mm”"’°"¢°‘m“ I mmmm'cfihv‘MdWT-Mhm: M. in..." ‘an-Mmts.“ my cum. rwum-m-naukm."¢:=zu 1. admin» 1lLttttteto_eabiidiF Pe-et-N."..-- “a. _» summon. tt It. In ttmr " mm. can: th'Inl-OIOWIMIIM 'tr.-qret-tMtemabas "guppy-I‘M . l, EULER BUSINESS COLLEGE in either our DAY or EVENING CLASSES In this school you receive a training beyond that riieived in any other school when it comes to Business Training - a training that will be ofvattte to you in any walk of life. Business or Shorthand Courses ' ' 44 Queen tit. South, Kitchener ELMIRA Master Gerald Rockky of Gait spent Sunday with his trrandttsttuyr, . Michael Smith. , Mrs. John Class of Preston ls visu- ing at the home of her son. Mr. ‘George Clues. _ Mrs. bee widrmrrer ot Toronto, " aited at the home ot Mr. and, Mm. Wm. Amman for several an. Mr. Edw. Dunn visited mend- at ‘Kltchener on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Branch and son Henry. have returned from a week's visit with friends in Chaser Mr. Henry Brunch who is on the cilia; ml ot the Link Belt Co., has been spending the week In the company'. Chicago omce previous to his removal to the Toronto office. The interment of the hue Thomas Sherrington, Brattttord, took pince In the Elmira Cemetery on Thursday afternoon. The late Mr. Sierrington had been a resident ot Elmira for about twenty five yearn About ten years ago when he was in the hard- ware and electrical business. He mov'pd to Brnnttord about 1920. His death occurred on Tuesday in the Brannon! hospital trom the etrtet ot injuries received when he fell from a ladder. He is survived tty his wi- dow. one son. Gotdnritt, Hamilton and one daughter Helen at home. Successful am Miss Hildexarde Buttenberg ot Kitchener spent the week-end with her mother. Mrs. 'Battenberg. Wil- liam street. , Mrs. Albert Dunke and daughtu. Mn. Robertson and Mrs. Tracy Hal. stead of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. Henry Dunke and other Elmira friends. The Ladles' Aid ot St. James Lu- theran Church held a successful uncle of homemade baking and apron on Saturday afternoon in the Library Hall. Mr. Stewart Reichard of Hamilton. visited at the home or his parents. Mr. and Mrs. o. W. Reichard. FORMER RESIDENT DIES AT BRANTFORD Personals Mr. Rupert -Ruppel of the Toronto University visited at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Rup- pel. Mr. Alfred Brent ot the Western University, London. spent the week- end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brent. HOW TO RELIEVE CHILDREN’S COLDS When . child shown the that nym- ptonu of a cold. much u mousing. redness of the eyes. clogs“ or rtm- ning nose. prom mount“ for ro- not my "on -fttttq malts. Home” should dun in" on hand no simple at. and that" rom- edy tot human.” use. any. Own Tablets Act quickly. man: no opium or narcotics. no mule-I ’AM lumen. Omen- lng then In. Jon. Codie“. Kayaks. u- - wen um um uy, I “v. --. - ‘" --.w.M. """ "I a... to up “I ttte Pllg of If“ not". 11,33] and my m chm- W. I 1"id'gtA'tgt"Lt " oer..' ' , ' _ r. In. Ion. n 'd1t.'ttt.t'L't2t 22:1? - - .. "a... ... Ms' Mr. agtd In. Andrew Alan. t - moi-Ind att a." I mmnnmuelntmco In. his. I'm. 'm. Got- in.» a m at a. an... h a. tt9tte '32. _.-., m“! In... :--N - ma ' It. mind In. This Adam and an . M. had), visited on Sunday " Kr. om, Tuna. for my cunn- and Pam Ola-nick I." tditwood rind than . very gnu-futon - It. In“. [ Inst i. “in! can. Whmsartrttttt.btr-g gnu-0:” with irth'iai,rii, 'a'. I can Mm the nil“! ct Mt and Itch”. I . no .. - m m: m. I -. .3: 5.5.2322; 9.91.2! Avold Serious Run!!- by um. Baby'. Own Tablet- Pteerietr "tuh, Full'pariicilars of the Wellesley Tp. Plowing Hatch wilt he found in another column. Harvest Home was held in St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday, Oct. 27th. Rev. Lungholz of Ayton conducted the morning services and delivered a German sermon, while ltavid'rdi'ttt; Kitchener. spoke in English at e evening aervioe. Al lugs: attendance, at both services. I r. Ind Mrs. Lambert of Barking aunt Sunday with Mr. 3nd Mm. alder. . Miss Mellie Schnurr in 'ate',',','. sor_n_e tinge withfrienttts " lug-go. The Robert Kurt - ot Kitch- ener were whiting nt the home at Mr. and Mn. Wm. B. mum on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Schummer and Miss Anna Mae of St. Clement: gent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. . H. Schummer. [ Mr. and In. Stanley keiinr of New Germany spent Sunday with W. tnd Hrs._Chatles Logel. _ Mr. and Mrs. My Fiddler and dtugllter Marlo of Kmhener were our Sunduy “shot! with here 2m- nbeth t9ettwottaer. Woolw‘lch Town-hip Council’ meets again on Tuna-y next, Nov. 5th. Mr. Ru pel of Elmira. tsr/ent-a few hours tl'Jl'r Mr. Canadian on thm. day. Hallowe’en supper will be held in the Lutheran manage on Oct. ll, under the auspices of the Ladle; my)! " Eur; Luthersn Church. Miss "add-f iteirvia-iiitrdc god spent Sand-y at her home near an. A quiet but [New "on! b all! m the recon! We of one of our pond-r young Indian, - we. Ibo) to Mr. .1 lento-h ot Klmhener. The man; couple lung was their home in Kitchener. berg on Sunday, The condition ot Mrs. Leander Bowman shows little improvement and the Is still eottmted to bed. diwama 5ft,t,'/ii2,tiilirik,; Tl'?, e ouugest' o powing in t e mama while A. hd'l'll'tl of Poole, 3:99 Mr, was ye oldest ptyeer, ., -Mr. Oscar Schumftiéi- lof lift-oh and Miss Camitie Meagher of Dublin :pent Sunday at the ormer’s home ere. Mr. Earl Camoclun of Niagara Falls and Miss Randall and Mrs. Patterson of Bolton spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Camoclnn. Mm. Wm; Dénianin Iridthildren Shirley and Jack o Kitchener spent tht -wettk-end. wiehtr parents here. We are sorry to. refort Mr. Joe Cage! is on the sick int. MA. ma, atlGri/d" 15 13:333.: in Chicago after trending u few mteVwith friends are. “Indium-0'- lanl’ulhhodlMUr '?-tt-io-luri-trst-u- up: 4h.re*boeeaar8tt.dtragt.ers- thet-Fume-tae-h-l-d-ttv-ttm-u-to. after-dt-tta-rattle" m. Albanian”, L, Cduaesar-hmtsthtrdt-et aerrf"u"i'-o"ere0"t-latt-tuu-oattrnoetut haemommvutauha- Unimnmhogllndlymm Hugovumcnnuamym 't.eohtltsofWnue0osm.ago- _asr.oseart-at-oelr-destuiaiiGiriG"'i'ir MICQKHWOIW m. 'genes-aa-retro- ',?tr,c'Pttgtae,,eurt "mttthqotAerdhArattti" Ir.aalln. 1teituerymtMr.i, arm-mm.“ .nPiAtya1teNrned_4.ritter _ "PMnRdtey.Gittyrtof3lreliiku, 'ei-rua-tttoo-Get-liter"." and In. a.” 11m a ty 7“ the no“ of yrs. Ilia-both thither! Danica and ham SetorNtaerr,_ttero over the _ I!“ You M a!" "tus 1 and . If 'e."' Prety"Pe.r If. a; A Joint Reformation service or the district Lumen-m G-nnch Synod] congregations will be new in the lae thenn church. Elmira on Sunday? evening and the members ot St.‘ Matthews Church here are cordially; tarmac! to attend. I Mirand- uys: That this is her bunnies! week ot the year tpr between spouting tor the electing: and the premsratttonts for lullowe'en there will be no time tor anything else. Mr. Arbert Kurt bu'heeni confined to his bag tor the put law days. mm. wnuun llieqkor of lien w- mira has been spending several days at the home at Mr. Albert Knarr. W. Wray of Millbunk was winner of the best plowina team class while J. Freebom, ellesley, had the best team_on the field. ‘m-mnn‘dum‘vi-m‘ don bit-mm ”Hummus.- Mancunian”... Mr. and Mm. J. l. Stewart, In' June- Stew-rt of Hamilton Ind In: 3nd In. M. D. litany of Elmir- apent the week-end " Mr. Chum! nbbert't. Mr. and InuGeo. Egg: of Lin-f wood mm Saturday vi their son. Mr. Lune Mt i It. Susie “Phonon spent a f" thy: "candy with her Ilium In. Pied Vol], of Own”. I and” visitor- n It. . Cray. man's won Mr. and In. Sandy. lurks and daughter Inhale. Mr. and ttth {nob qt- and non Clay-1 an" of Lebanon. Mr. and In. John 'dttttil', f ttrglllv" Mr. Dem.. o . Mr. 3nd In. Thu. Adam and family visited on Sunday " Kr. Pom Gimmick nut Linwood. It. hunting: In and!” 923-5!!! "0 her gunk n I.” “in: inwnl‘wl}: huaii7, a7 In. a.» n ' an. a”: 'at, n4 b'ti%i'..lrliuir; I It. on law of 't/h'i4"khhil'huli"gtd Mr. and In. Herbert Kuhn and qt Harry were mm; In Home} LINWOOD t u! i Mr. Alois PN,'; who went to the Canadian orth-West this spring, returned to the home of his fritnd, hsre yearn, Jnst wegk. The stark was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John K-eh-' ling. presenting them with a tine baty boy. - -- _A Mr. rind Mrs. Edward Brenner and son Roy from Linwood 'Mt Spyday with Mr. and Mn. "o. feb- rich. weekend with Mating" Kane; unwind Mrs. Oscar uehn and two sons, Donald and Stewart. of Conestoga, were Sunday visitor] with the former's father, Mr. H. N. Huehn. Mr. dGri'iGairyin last Sun- day for his home in Detroit after sptryJintr eye Iteeka here. _ Mime; earoiiG%ntiiarie Diet- rich and Leo Dietrich spent the wek-rnd under_their parental roof. Quite I number of friends and relati'es of the late H . Arnold at- tended hin funeral in Kitchener last Thllyudny. _ 7 . A number of members of the Kn' M. of Columbus from here at- tah' the annual pilgrimage a St. Math- 211 Ihtt.tdyq. A _ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hinsperger Ir,'.": last Suturing with Mi. and ry: Fred Matteo, [ialt. _ vii}? E." 'riipt'irath, local bank manger, spent Sand-y at his home in Dublin. 'fe, ilff'iet,',itli;?ii3; oTt ii?, a m o o o anvil. Rind: and atM2,t't'. ‘liuluthliller and Ilia Eu Schneider of Elam High School agent. the week-end at their home: re. Mr. and In. Wale Killer w- conpenied by In. Inga N. “we: ind Mr. Herbert liner of Elmir- It',"." friends " MooretUid on Butt- I p. " By the Sunday School in the eve- nin commencing " 7.30 o'clock. l Ir/. and Mrs. Jacob Schaefer agent Sunday with friends in Kit- c an". ti number of local citizens tit- te ed the funeral in Waterloo on gridiy of the late Mr. Franklin oo . _. Mr. and In. C. W. Schierholz ot Eimifa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vollmet. Mr. Solder- :du was a former school tencher ere. _ Mrs. Sellers and son Clayton of Walton spent a few days with her mother here. Hr. um! atm. Chas. J. Hilliard of f1oIymugo and line: Etta Ind Van Hilliu'd of Kitchener Mud Mr. um] Mrs. Wilt" Hunter on Sunday afternoon. Next Sunday, Nov. 3rd, service in the Lutheran Church here will be in the afternoon ted by the pastor. Rev. B. J. Lamach. .T.he following Soggy I thymu- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Huehn and son Carl spent Sunday with In. Hughn's walker in St. scabs. The Ilia-es Emily Boats, Ruth Schwindt and lento: Wittich of Elmira wen Sunday visitors with Ilia Ruby Schwindt. 'P"'""'------------ mnmwmummumnmm The lollowing Smiling a thanks- :iving ppm-gluing yin e rendered {428%, Nari? Hues! vent the IT'S A PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY FOR Newspaper you Mr. Tradesman to make personal calls on every- body in town daily. Yet it la an actual fact that you can get your message to one and all...increase your Very 'profits and expand your busineaa..by addressing Reason I: folks through the ADVERTISING COLUMNS of Space Rei Waterloo Cmmtr'e leading weekly journal. phh-_“ 9; The Waterloo Chronicle " CLIHENTI HEIDILIEM Hiii a Imm at " " T. on.“ [crud-hand F911! Gubehow of Wntumabttrg was then called on to necepl the Etrr on trophy donated tor competition in the Twin City secllon ot the men's league by Willhm Elliott ex-M. P. The next Itretterttatiors was that ot A. M. Edwards trophy which was won by the Blair Home!“ boys (can. Lorne thanne: receiving same on behalf of the Blah team. On Friday evening the South Wat. erloo Rani Soft-bell louvre held their second annual trophy precaution and dance In the Memorinl Hall. Gait. The event was very successful rover 500 guests being present. The dance program was very enioyshie Pr."'"', dances ‘helng interspersed with quartiles. hinders. echottiechee ete., J. M. McKellar of Gait was Imaster ot ceremonies and the music ‘wne supplied " Baird's arches“! of Ault. The tenure ot the dance pro- ‘gram came shortly alter intermis- sion. Paper hats being distributed to loll present and when theyhslloons and serpentine came tumbling dorm from the ceiling in the novelty num- her the noor presented a carnival aspect. Presentation of Trophies T The first presentation was the silver basket given tor competition by Mm. Elliott and presented by William Elliott on M, P. was won by the Blair Girls. Miss Helen Schmuck received the basket on helm" of the club. Thtrmair Supremes won this basket two years in sucosuion. They completed their schedule thin ya! without o loss but in the t.inals with Willlnmsburs tour some: were played before a winner could he do cured. Miss Grace Bartholomew spoke briefly in a few well chosen words. months all who attended and for the interest they Bad shown dur- ing the Softball season. Little’s Corner'. were the winnere otthhe mid-Immunol- league, this tre phy being given by the league was presented by Charles Thom ex~pro sident or the boye' section. Dancing use then enjoyed until the early hours Ill renaming having spent a moat enjoyable evening. Following the Karl K. Homuth Cup to the Rural hockey league was presented by Mr. Homuth to Jack Cooper pmident or the omnlntlon. Nbrmim McLeod pmioént of the Softball Lanna acted as chairman. for the evening. Occasion of Annual Traqh, Pro-on- hliol " Kurd 50,35.“ 500 PEOPLE ATTEND 'N DANCE AT GALT F3 m nun-ct n at to I. -iiiiiriiid North Queen Gar Market 2s0-stoN.,ratetteaser - orrotrttemitrrueoirtur. . Mod Reasonable Finance Charges BLAIR ’9. A Profitable Platfbrm From Which _ To Address The Buying Public "I'll! llnlllIv'II [mu-Immnllmvl"lawman.“ II IIIIInuuquulI DIII I "In. mm mm: I "in Inlulnlulu IIuII ill -wmm"e The Western Ontario Cricket League brought their Jet mete an (rind-l and onto ble close at Nicholson's Inn on Friday evening when to member- ot the cricket clnhe of can. Braattord. Wnterloo and Preston were min. The prov gram consisted ot banquet speech- es and cup presentations. Ladle. Auxiliary um Ott Monday evening the Indies Au- held their result! month- Ir, meeting at the home of Miss Grace Beer, a good attendance being we sent. After the bumeu session the hostess served dainty refreshments. Pee, t'.' 'ytms thrtrltty Evert; - Mr." and trrdniih FooTiirfir,, to spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mm. W. Tilt. Rev. Vorkoper of the Gut Luther- A]! Church had charge at the Bible Clue at the Sunny School but Sun- der. Alter the regular session Rev. Vorkoper who was representing The Bible Society spoke on the werk which is carried on. Mu. M. Beer and Klee Lean: Gingrich were ap- pointed es collectors. Funeral Largely Attended. a The funeral of the late Henry G. Mueller whose death occurred in Preston on Thursday evening was held on Sunday from the residence of his daughter and eon-MIMI, Mr. tt.ldr,t James Gill. 199 Fountain St., " Rmsevme Cemetery. The tie ceased was well known tn this com- munity having lived in Dickie Set- tlement the greater part ot his life. iMrs. Norman Sines spent several daririu Detroit. Among the Bundny vlaltora at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Snider were: Mr. and Mrs. Hemor- and son of Soeeplnburg, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lichly and children and Mr. end Mrs. Elmer Meyer of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fauna and dauxlh tens Helen and Mabel spent Sand-y in t5trauord. Mr. and Mm, Lorne Sage and fam- ily of Dickle Settlement spent Bum day at the home or John sawdust. August Becker of Huron Road called It the home of Mr. ind Mrs. George L. Jot-Anne; on Sunny. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reeves and chil- dren Betty and Joan spent the week- em} with yr. and Mrs. Amos Reeves. Mr. and ,a."niGGr' has): of ' mira were recent visitor. at the home of 113-.an yrs. q. hush. Anton Hagey spent saaFTriiii relatives in Kitchener. At Nicholson): h- “. Pun-lu- Iio-l Wm In]. “I Ad- CRICKET CLUB ' MEMBERS BANQUETTED it... Given. Very Reason Me Space Reteq Phone" " l I Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Miller spent gSunday with their daughter. In. inane” Brunk at New Dundee. I Mr. and Mrs. A. Mela-a1 and sons ot Baden spent Sunday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mm. P. Schumann. - The Village Lawyer. the four act comedy drama which was so MMNN%ttV fully presented in Haysville and Ba- den by the Hayevme A. Y. P. A. Dra- mtic Emgtr will be presented in the Grand Theatre, New Hamburg. this Friday, Nor. Ist at 8.15 p. m. also in the hall at Bright on Nov. 6th and in Kevelman's Ran. New Dundee Ittt Friday? Nov. 8th. _ The regular monthly meetlng of the Women's Institute will he held next Wedneoday. Nov. 6th at the home ot Mrs. J. B. Garland. The mo. garm is in charge of the Agriculture Commlttee. Miss'Carrie Brown. Coir vener, Mrs. E. l. McLaughry of out will address the meetings. The roll call: Practical ways of wintering Garden Products. Current events by Mrs. w. o. Collum; Music by Mm. E, Schiedel. Partner-Not on your life. Let him walk, the same as I did. Mr. Allen Nahrgang of Kitchens; spent the week-end with his brunet. Ulnar Kansans and (sully. Mr. and Mm. J. B. Garland and Mr. Thee. Weasel visited trum" In Stratford on Sunday. Proflhblo New». v, A Spurn» Simplicity Book Agent (to farrtter)-Yoe ought to buy an encyclopedia, now that your boy is going to schooL _ Mr. and Mm. Wm. Plant ot St. Thomas. Minn Evelyn Anite and Mr. Kennel White ot Sanford called on Mr. and Mrs. 006.110!" and family suntan, evening. Mr. magnum. Robert Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dialog and danghtot Maxine ot Chaim spent the we end with the farmer's niece. In. J. J. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cook and family ot New lumbar: spent Sim- day with the former: parents hm. Mm. Amy Wilson returned to Clut- lnm on Sunny after spending the past three months with her daughter. Mrs. J. J. Graham. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Snider and 'urttth- tera Beatrice and Gracs spent Sull- day evenlng with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Graham. Tur. J. B. and In. Poo-on. In. Dulton‘ 001m, mu has. Cook “(I Mr. Bruce Graham “and“ the A. Y. P. A. Dominion Contemeo at St. Catherine: Int week. Mn. Abe Vincent. and son Bomb left on Saturday tar Pro-ton when she and her husband will We in the Man. A "hive" NOW 3375M NAVWILLI At

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