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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Oct 1929, p. 12

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. mmd‘wm - “may... .lt','rgr,',r,tg.Cgerdert A If i ~;7| il "___-_-- T WKMRWQR E. J. FISCHER The Leading Meat Market " King St. N. - Watérloo For the Evening Meal " King at. N. Some of our home-made Sumage is particularly appe- tizing. Only the best in- gredients enter into our pro- ducts. Try them some ev - nip: and you'll be '2'lilGf. If you prefer a nice roast of Beef, Veal or Lamb we have" it. We deliver to any pert of the Twin-Cities. your storage battery without cost to you and we will sell you 1 new one it you need it, making a good allowance for the worn out one. You ought to know this shop. We can improve your "auto com- fort. Tho Shop That Give. Your \Yon M1 Be 'F. STEELE LTD. "-r- a "ietr.A tttamy/eh'!,".", Harry Marks Tire Hospital ltq.t)ncd_ly,_lf Doll-r a Long Ride. WE WILL TEST WATIRLOO tti/ltr/gi',' "_""" _'"' Phone 6N0 HAD 006 .307 Police consume llama of Water, too ou Sammy Inning loaned the polleydoc which bit «an! chu- dren during the week. The wall said to be ttatt survod and “or can in roaming the um!- tor some darts. PRICES AT THE WATERLOO MARKET There was an abundance of pro- duce " the Waterloo market on Saturday with prices steady and selling brisk. The manning mice for strictly fresh eggs Wu 60 cents per .dozen, butter qtie per pound, chickens 30 $015M per pound, po- tatoes $1.75 to $1.90 per bag, and' I nice variety of apples Ind vexe- tables at Inst weekh prices. CELEBRATE 15th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY [ A score of friends gathered " the ‘home of Mr. and Mrs. John Diegel, Waterloo, on Saturday to celebrate with them their silver wedding anni- ‘veml'Y, and presented them with [many useful gifts. Miss Louise Glehe read an address and John Die- ttek made the presentation. During the evening games and music were indulged in, after which a buffet lunch was sierved. CELEBRATED 6h! ‘ ‘WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Members of the fainily of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zinger of Kitchener met at their home on Sunday to honor their parents on the occasion of their 61st wedding anniversary. Mrs. Zinger is 80 years old and Mr. Zinger M years. Mrs. Zinger, nee Pauline Bane. was married 61 years ago to Mr. Zinger, who then lived at New Germany. There are eleven children of a family of thirteen liv- ing, am? also 39 grandchildren. The gathering also extended best wishes L, Mr. and Mrs. Simon P. Kies- wetter, who celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary. l aAzKAn'A‘r THE _ LUTHERAN PARlSH HALL NEAT SUM REALIZED A tidy sum was realized by the ladies of the St. Johns humeral) ehareh as. a result or the annual sau- erkraut supper and bazaar held Wed. nesday and Thursday in the Parish Hall. Hundreds of people attend-u: and enjoyed the excellent repast served by a bevy ot young ladies. The hall was appropriately decora- ted for the occasion. There were pretmy arranged booths in charge of the ladlea where useful articles were sold. Mrs. Guehl and Mrs, Morgan}: were in charge of the room while Mrs. F. Kudoba. convener and other ladies catered to the wants ot those who nartook or the supper. Other booths with their conveners inclu- ded: Cindy. Mrs. G. Hoffman and Mrs. F. Burchanki; tancywork, Mm. Geo. Bolduc and Mrs. Hitler; apron and towel. Mrs. Henry Becker andl Mrs. ‘Ruppel; tea room. Mrs. Otehl and Mrs. Niergarth; tiah pond, Hrs. John Hoffman and Mrs. Truman .Snyder and baking table, Mrs. J. Corad and Mrs. C. Mueller. County store, Mrs: Bast and Mrs. Lucien- bauer; children‘s booth Mrs. Hamm and Mrs. Boflnger: nah pond. Mrs. Trueman and Mrs. our”. Mrs. Ptol- fer was in charge ot the etntg.tittee on decoratlo'ns. MISS LOUISE QTURM ENTERTAINED AT . TROUQOEAU TEA A large circle of young people " thered at the home ot Mrs. M. C. 8tarm, West William street. Water. loo, on Thursday when elm enter- Pinml at an enjoyeblé trauma tea In honor of her daughter. Mi" ILoam; Slum). bride-elect of this bat The mm Misses Laiiiii) e Dolores Ziegler were the win-1 eon; door attendants and the sue-la‘ were received by Mrs. 8mm and' Klee Slum. Yellow end pink chri- unthemume decor-nod the rot-m electlvely end in the in room In. Slurm’e mother. In. Jute of Guelph. poured tee " e pron“, er- rand table covered we: eh lam limbo cloth end centred with e ellver been: od pink and yellow name circled with phi .I will”! tulle convicted with all yellow - ll ellver hollere. The m. GTL"ii Incl-dell In. been I. Halon m no II- Ihrh he“. Wm ”our, In Mil ("than lur-ul lbs “I“ MM. but» '-etaemha-ta- Mutual-”lama.- i'iiiiriiFiiaTariariaii G7i"TiGii' 'iriiiiUGiiiTaTaiiiL ." , am-ttat-tis-tiM.---..'.'. / Pt?rteeoere_ '"eae?llf!,tl'a'.tCet w, "e"..""-'"'--'-'--'-"-."'"""',"""""'"-"'"'-'))'- ww- Mum no to; inaugurate”: mantra-comma“ maoWdlu-hn“ ----t-. unuwumgm. I” ......._ nomad-Imam “that. mwmm.‘ mvwmuum mama-luau. mun-swam“ uncut-boon maul. The dam occurred Sunday at yeas. But-ti Matteo. In. " tho Into Michael lunch. at her _ mm,” Went Web» “not, Kitch- zur In her I'm: you. She louu to moan. and daughter, In. Just Wmtarmoyor. six grandchildren. two ttreat xmdchlldm. and on. wet. Mrs Mary Lehman. Guelph. 01:. sh tor, In. Rosin Gunman. Wall-r win. ttrode-ttl her. _ In. Ruin Opportuni- The death occurred at Walkorton, on October 22nd. ot Mn. Rain Op' perm, widow on» In. Mr. Henry Opperman in her Mth you. There survive 11 chlldun momma; Jonevh, cums and Christ all ot Tomato, Anthony of Formosa. Mrs. Mute Manner and Mrs. Mary Home " Kitchener. Mrs. Hmey White of union, Mrs. Ambrose Fedy, Formo- on, Mrs. Carrie [huge at New Germ- ny and Miss Theresa Cowman at home. also two sisters. Mm. Barbam Matien ot Kitchener and Mrs. Mary Lehman of Guelph. The funeral was held on Saturday. Phillip Hilts Numeritus friends attended the tuners! on Friday, of the late Phillip Hilts, who passed away in Bad Axe, Michigan. Tueehy. Ber- vices were held from the 'Bednel and Drelsiuger Funeral Home with Rev. E. teiererurtper,umstor of the Batik any Mennonite Church. in chase. Interment was made in the But End Mennonite Cemetery. Deceased is survived try two hunters, In". H. J. Roberts at Kitchener, and Mrs. Clayton Wilding of Detroit, one son. Mr. Roy Hilts of Whitby, two sis- tera and one brother. He was prede- ceased by his wife eleven years ago. The nail heavens were. Messrs. H. Huber. H. Buchanan, Wm. Foot. A. Evans, H. J. Roberts, J. B. Hilts. An age'd resident at Waterloo county, John Gildner. Petersburg Road, passed away at the K-W Hos- pital Sunday afternoon following a few. days illness In his 8littt year. He was born in Kitchener but has lived practically all " life at " tarm on the Petersburg Road. For a number of years he conducted a milk deliv- ery route. He is survived hrhis wife, two sons. William, also ot the Peters- hurg Road, Ephrlam ot Listowel. two daughters. Mrs. George Glenn!) of Elmira. Miss Edith at home and six grandchildren. The funeral was held on Wednesday from his late home to the East End Mennonite Ceme- tery, tor interment. The late Frank Good Hundreds ot sorrowlng relatives and friend “tended (In funeral of Franklin Guod on Friday attemoon at Waterloo. A short servlce was held at the family residence 106 AF bert St. An impressive public lei-vice was conducted at the [Emmanuel‘ Meagan“! church. Rarrfg. P. Honor” ‘the pastor paid tribute to the exem- plary llte of the departed anit and ‘he was widely known and highly to spected by all. when who attgsitrted In the service were Rev. Emil Burn of MllveIIon, a former pester hero. Rev. M. L. Wing if Kitchener, Rev. J. G. Lin and Rev. Mr. Richardson of Waterloo. ' The woe-l the“: were effectively sung by Miss House and Mm. H. E. mm . The “on! tributes sent by trietsdts were both numerous and beautiful. The pail but»: may”. K, Orna- mnn, H. M. Rats, W. W Shaun. J. M. Lung. R. a. Dean and K. W. Zieg- ler. . in. Nolan and». Homer _ The death took plum on PPidar morning ot Mrs. Helen Martha lou- ,tor at her home. NC West King at. Kitchener. after an "In”. of two month- In her can. you. She Win . mm ot St. John’s Luann: Church. Wand”. In. Ilrotitor, the mm of Mr. um! Mn. Cupor‘ HoeBt m born In Norm-Mu, mm In "" In an the “beam. the VII. of hoot» Homo: ln m1. Hat huh-ml. chm manta-I. In. M. magma. Waterloo. In. Wilh- C. Doom all In. loll -me, 'tttnA. 'n"r. can hm Henry Root " NM 000". a! III-u. m at Ham. John at Why. an. _ In nun Bra-elm. 240‘- [In Milan- - hr. ". -'iia.ae--o-e, Womb!“ John alldner A you: Tmdt$trq III new at Bt. Pour; lanthan- _ Kit- clmnr, ”My “tor-non who. I!» Viol: War. was.“ m m ot In. Jol- and» and the The bride entered the church on the em ot her brother, Mr. We)!” Seine!" to the etrnlne ot “can. music' Nayod by the church ornate In. A. Bindermol. She In unen- ded by like Edna PM. The hrldo groom m Attended by Mr. 'Al'bert Altaanan, brother ot the bridegroom. mu Ehlne sweeter, niece of the bride, m a level! flower. girl. Messrs. Edward saunter and cw rence Boll were the when. . Ind Mr. John Senate-- was In“ in holy wedlock to Mr. Prod-rick Alumna. Rev. Dr. H. A. Sperm; PRBENTED WITH HAND BAQ M185 E. Gavan Cornell entemlud a number of friends " her home, King “reel, Waterloo. Thun‘day night. In honor of Miss Ivy Former. who roughed from the‘Goodrleh that! recently.‘ Bridge was enjoyed the that prize trointt to Miss Kahlua Cornell and the consolation award to Miles Former. The guest ot honor was presented with a beautiful hand. served. Waoehtor---At Waterloo. Oct. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Waeehter, 24 Foundry St., a daughter. Beehtet-.At St. Mary's Hospital, Oct. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bechtel, of Kitchener, a son. Eiuh--At Waterloo, Oct. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Zinkan, 102 Peppler St., a son. . HonarttF--At Waterloo, Oct. " to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Holtamr, " East John street. daughter. Ifttuitt-At Waterloo. Oct. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Voisitt, 89 William street, 'dauxhte r. H.im--At Waterloo, Oct. 11, win. and Mrs. Eugene Helm, S67 Mary street. mu. - Franx-rAt Waterloo, Oct. 17. to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Franz. 25 Elm avenue. daughter. 8tthiedet--At Breslau, Oct. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schiedel. daughter. Seheet---At the K-W hospital, Oct.22, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scheel ot Fraser, Michigan. daughter. Etthert--At Kitchener. Oct. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. John Ecken. daugh- tor. lbchio----At Waterloo, Oct, 9 to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schlosser, daughter. Eli Dainty refreshments were Paid on amounts of $1 00 and over _ - (of! for three years. Purchase A Waterloo Trust . Guaranteed Investment Receipt WA TERLOO MRS. C. lyrr HEADS WATERWO AUXILIARY or' IC-W. HOSPITAL Gratifyin; Reports Saba-inn! " - Annual Meeting Hall on Maud-y. The Waterloo Women's Auxiliary of the K.-W. Hospifal on Monday elected Mrs. Chit-lea Ott president for the ensuing year. Gratifying re- ports were presented. The past presidents with Mrs. A. K. Cress- man were appointed a committee to revise the constitution of the auxiliary. A vote of thanks was tendered the retiring officers, Mrs. M. C. Sturm, Mrs. Jas. Lockie and Mrs. A. G. Heller. The otficerg elected follow: Presi- dent, Mrs. C. Ott; lst vice-president, Mrs. A. McBrine; 2nd vice-presi- dent, Mrs. o. Zimmerman; 3rd vice- president, Mrs. C. o. Hemphill; 4th vice-president, Mrs. E. Neudoerfter; secretary, Mm. Lorne Horman; amft-seeretarv, Mrs. A. G. Heller; Two members of the executive who have held the same omce for over ten years, Mrs. Jas. Lockie, treasurer, and. Mrs. A. G. Heller, secretary, retired. [1:12] 10 King St. s." WATERLOO Phone 894 THE WA T, ERLOO TRUST AND SA WINGS COMPANY 'riuiive icing-5'. Invincible CRANBEIRIES SNOW APPLES NEW DATES Finn Cape Cod, I Rosy and Sam! I Fined Hilari- wzwg#l_k___giug if -__ee 2 a: 1lEtiiiiirEii!I z “a." " '.tii: C1RilliiailtRrtttit"i,rie [dc-huh CHEESE TT ttro-tTit RAISINS Ruth “an. per l Shea! Band Pm. l Fault! Sudan. W 7 "4385 the: 95: an: “an: TABLE FIGS IBKTH CUBESI AMMONIA seeseseseLtse Oui- Hum SWALMON ONIONS brits. path.- I he Me AYES!!! .00? “an: M8335 3iB" Paid on amounts of $1 00' and over arft for one and two years. void " V - A Trustee Investment The Pitfalls of Risky Speculation'. tre, 52: lie. 19: LEI -LlEritr, 33-15? titr Ik. lit “in. “in”: MINCEM EAT §HIBINES My“ ans: ttua- treasurer. In. J. M. hing; us’t- treasurer, Mn. N. A. me, corre- sponding secretary. Mrs:’ A. K. Cresamon; ass't corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. B. Snyder; auditors, Mrs. " Sehondelmayer and Mrs. A. L. Wetiman; sewing committee, Mrs. Steinbach and Mrs. A. Duering; telephone committee, Mina N. Con- rad, Wra.,C. D. Cummings, Mrs. A. G. Heller, Mrs. Bringloe and Mrs. J. Lockie. The following past-presidents were made honorary members of the auxiliary: Miss Jessie Bruce, Mrs. A. K. Cressman, Mrs. J. Conrad, Mrs. Arthur Foster and Mrs. M. C. Sturm. INTERESTING MEETING OF EASTERN STAR CHAPTER A regular meeting ot Patricia Chapter Order of tho Eastern Star v'vas held Friday night. Fotrowing the business meeting an Interesting Itro- gram was carried out which included vocal solos by Mr. Jones and recita- tions by- Miss Jose Koenig. A draw. ing contest was enjoyed in which Mrs. A. Snyder was the winner and a guessing colleen In which the win- ners were Mrs. Zimmerman, Mrs. Harold and Min. Trebikock. 29h a": 1.10 2 tine ty we...“ uthta.s,, “in Mum SYRUPS BKCOTJ ”.0. Braid Avg tle GALT WATERLOO LIKELY _ TO GET BACK SUM or $16,000 Conference Bani... Highway or. Seial. “I, Run}! in Wit-do} GottUg Bi. Refund. _ As a result of a conference held recently at Kitchener between R. C.' Muir, chief engineer and W. H. Kieth, district engineer at the department of public highways. Waterloo is prec- tlcelly certain to get inc]: 816,000 paid Into the county for iood reeds. .V’Vaterloo took exception to the present system whereby the town paid the dounty each year about $32,000 or “A mills on the could! assessment for road purposes end received in turn 2% mills or $16,000 from the county. The department of highways advised the county council Pat the money paid beck had to re- present the expenditure on roads in the towns on its roads as required. 'it was therefore placed in a mean po- sition with regard to contribute to county roads which is also the cue (ot several other municipalities. Me Me Kllk that corn with Millard". Unl- IN" " I as 931'“. u - "9P" ZEBRA . , Stove Dressing . ' 2 bottles 29c Foe Btu W:- U. BUDWEISER 6".po n- Barley Writ-d- J,',',',',, $1.19 Lou-H I, MILK‘ t'dttse My?

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