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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Oct 1929, p. 9

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'._" a-ttre. Ictm With overwhelming vhuer.--Witt Enn'mu, ”was" that I... not i; At [and may". Sect; in Next Lexi-bun as Con-'hw In my you 5: ttgf With 'erttr-t?tar In Lust 'u--..-. Iuye. 1.. North mm; the “in. 's." WWW“ -ge---w. B. N. Mr. W wanton from the Plantain-who 'e 'eel-tti-int-ttrs-tlat-thte-ere-nudist/ti-u. ‘ 11‘ inlay-um“ ',I Gilt ....... ammo Endorses liquor _ f Control Policy; Sweeping ' Victory for Ferguson " then won any doubt heretofore no to Ontario'- opinion in mud to the Covenant Control Aet, it was dispelled yesterdsy when the elec- tom vent to the polls end in no IMF. Mable In, registered their - prove! of the Ferguson government and its policy. The AnU summery phoe- Premier Ferguson in a stronger position than ever, " out of the 112 - there were contest- ed in youterday's election, the Con- -ttw. [dined ninety-two, which is s (sin of sixteen seats over that of the previous legislature, while the Liberals. under the leadership of W. E. N. Sinchir, have nine as compared with " in the last house. The balance of the seats are made up of I progressives, 1 Liberal Pro- gressive; 1 Independent Conserva- tive, l doubtfull and l deferred. 1ihttttttrvatihti, Goff Below is given the standing of the parties Thursday morning. . KARI. HOME“! ELECIED " IN nm WATERLOO Conservative Candidate Given Majority of 750 in Galt, 1500 in Preston and 27 in mtqeler.--Dr. Charlton, Liberal, Polls *mrttryst Vote in the Rural Distrkts.--rNeetion Keenly Karl K. Homuth. Conservative candidate in South Waterloo. was elected by a majority of 1,681 over his opponent, Dr. Charlton, Liberal, in one of the moat keenly fought elections in many years. The total vote was 13,681, Homuth polling 7,750 and Dr. Charlton 6,069. The Mority given Homuth if, the 1926 election was 3,346. The' Conserva- tive candidate was accorded a majority of 756 in Galt, I,600 in Preston, 27 in Hespeler, 90 in New Hamburg, 8 in Wilmot Township, while Dr. Charlton received 226 ma- jority in Waterloo Township and 347 in North Dumfriea. The whole issue insofar as ttet) Waterloo vas concerned was 'tl eminent control versus Liberal Under Sinclair’l plebiscite. and other political in”: were put in the background. The Victorian: candidate, an noon an his election was conceded, nd- die-Id lam crowds at Heaton and Gait the" he was given a rousing reception. He took occaaion to thank the olecton for the magni- aopport [inn him. str'));:,),? _ $3 "r');""')':',');')"':':'?)?':":?' fag-f"; a _ . 'tNh' w. q Ag Ac' . "e . .3, t ' V at». if . 'i"'k' In his own constituency, Premier "d'.'.'%"s'e",,geJe",'.'.l "Maw”- CONSERVATIVES .................. LIBERAIS .._..........r...t.r..... PROGRESSIVES w..........'......... INDEPENDENT CONSERVATIVES .. UNITEDFARMERS W............... LIBERAL PROGRESSIVES .......... DEFERRED........................ DOUBTFUL I...................... Matorttr for Homuth INCOMPLETE SUMMARY Churn.- Hon-IL BY MAJORITY (lil 1681',Retmiu" oriC,viiJiiiiiiGiin 8816 766 Ferguson was given the minimum. majority of 2.05? over his oppon- ent, Rev. T. M. Bradley, Prohibition- ith. In South Ontario, W. E. N. Sinclair, Leader of the Liberal par. ty, also received substantial lupport as was to be expected, over his op- ponent. P. L. Mason, who was I new aspirant for provincial honors. out, Kev. T. H. Bradley, Ptotttttttion- It is intareatiew to note the dif-; iat. In South Ontario, W. E. N. terence in the 'ttaiorittus received Sinclair, Leader of the Liberal par. by the leader: of the two - PSY- ty, alao received substantial "l'.y"rfiuus In the “mm Premier Fer- as was to be expected, over his 01’"an increased hiamajority by an, pone-1t. P. L. Mason, who n! I while Liberal leader w. E. N. Sin- new aspirant for provincial LisGilii'Ci, majority Ivan decreased by From early evening it waa ttl":',: parent that the Ferguson troveht- Now Government Control will meat would be returned " ntmotst'Uve at lent four years more an] every manage bringing in the tinatiidurin. which time, there is no titrures from the vtriomr Ctrt.eieettl there will be changes in the steadily recOrded Conservative vie-lAet for its improvement. toriea and was a tittintt climax to a ----t-r-----------r---- strenuous campaign in which both . parties brought their weightintl Election Results f, campaignem to the front to ad- - advance their argument: before the! electors. I w_.__|-_ M.-.--.... 4 Due to I split vote, North Water- loo ia now represented by a Liberal in both the Federal 41nd Provincial Charlto- "on.“ Preston .w.....9....m..... 568 2068 Majority for Homuth 1500 Hespeler ..rt._a....m.... 580 607 Majority for Homuth 27 Ayr M....................... 292 143 Majority for Charlton 149 New Hamburg J""" 242 332 Majority for Homuth 90 Waterloo Toittship Strasburg m......... 132 27 Blair .F.mwrmFr.W._..... 104 116 S. S. No. 4 ...-.... 91 87 S. S. No. 19 w..mm. 156 137 Kassuth ....r.t...m. 94 " ( Breslau _9.mWW.9.r.... 82 40 ( Freeport Mm.......... l4 41 673 Majority for Charlton Wilmot Township Hnysville P........... ttt New Dundee ...... 189 Peteysburg w....... " 494' 497 Majority for Homnth s, North Dumfries .... 660 813 Injority for Chlrlton MT Total vote i..............6,069, 7760 Total majority for 110an 1,681. St. Agatha Philipsburg m3.” 7 "mutant-up at .3 Ban. on 132 104 91 156 94 82 14 l It 189 67 80 22 35 112 89 10 27 143 149 332 90 27 116 M 137 " 40 41 474 199 " 61 " 117 103 91 iw.luloo Township 1 New Germany ....... was won from the Prone-inn who were ram-cum in the lust logis- Jgtm " Ida”. but will now be ‘npnunud try F. Y. Laughton, Con- uni-tin. Bloomingdale ...-..................2........ 12 " Bridgeport ..e....q.rr.............r..............q 104 187 Rummethardt -..-.r-..-...h..w. 7 " Centreville ....r..q.......qq....ra.....-........... ...... ...... Petersburg L..................................... 34 65 lbjority tor Tweed with 2 polls to hear trom, 150. Wallaby Ton-hip St. Clements .q.....0......_qF....00T.....q........ 28 Hawkemrilte W.....-....-.-....-..-.. 3' Linwood .....t........q...............m..........e.. 14 Wellesley ...W...tW...etttt...eeqq.............-...... 9 Kingwood ......0.....e0m.....qt......tt......t....t 1 Majority for Tweed, 127. . Wool-id: Tmuhip T Wint‘rbdume ..........e..qm...qq......q...q..... 5 Conestoga i.................:..................... 6 St. Jacobs ._.."q.'_.....tt........._..q...........q. 18 Upper Woolwich -h...-...........-.... 8 Mondale W..............-.........-...-........... 3 Heidelberg .q._....0..W.....W.t.q..re..tm....q..... 2 Meat Montrose "m........"...........-........... w..... Majority for Tweed with 1 poll to hear Kilelnncr w.....-....-....-..............,.........-...... 8979 l In the 1926 election there was a fairly heavy vote, 11871 voters exer- ‘ciaing a franchise as compared with 116,764 votes cut in the last Do-l minion election in 1926 when Hon.| W. D. Euler polled 10,400 votes as ago-m 6,384 polled for David! Gross. I The electorate of North Waterloo Waterloo Township will be interested in the vote cast at New Germany .... the election on Dee. I, 1926, when! Bloomingdale _..... W. G. Weichel, present member furl Bridgeport ......._.. North Waterloo, was returned by a Rummelhardt ...... majority of 5.359 over J.. H. Scho- Centreville .......... field, barrister, of Kitchener. Petersburg .......... Majority for lien, 924. Et-ir-Majority for Weichel. MM. The ftgures given below gave W. G. Weichel a majority of 3,260 in Kitchener" 1.533 in Waterloo, 246 in Elmira, 64 in Waterloo Township, and 876 in Wellesley Township, while in Woolwich Township Seho- field had a majority of six. Sauna” of "" Vol. mama Wotehot Kitchener o'....'.......... 1139 4399 Majority for Weichel 8860 Waterloo ....0..........-. 605 2138 Majority for Weichel 1588 Elmira ...................... 302 608 Majority for Weichel Nt W.G.Weiehet.... 170‘230‘ an 305 293 a J. R. tkhofUid .. 18 ya " s: " 1 . “dorky for Weichel 1533 Election Results for North Waterloo Bumbag ....._ Election Results Given By Chronicle pod“. til Weichel toi Majority for Sehofteld Dotasiud Veto of Town of Wat-do. In North Waterloo In 4399 3260 2138 1688 lei. end citizen. of Waterloo gen- enlly might receive the In“: re- txmtaaattterenrrmowrthewirea. During the evening three telephone. were kept in constant use by elixi- ous enquire“ end this supplemented by the and.) M wire from the Canadian National Tehmph: made it possible to secure an almost con- plete list of return: iron. all over the province before going to men, Line nine being in the lunch of our mwmamubw .eenonrud-fthit-emttt- kWumhmM teurho-uth.ChroaieuotBeein 'tgderthatth.mad_tuChmn- subscribers at the ”no time of the great metropolitan dunks. During the evening over a thousand cull were registered over the telephone. _. 480 Majority for Weichel Wellesley Township Bamberg ...._..m..b.qm 4 St. Clements ........ l9 374 Majority for Weichel Woolwich Township Wintertrourne .e.... 72 Conestogo q........... 69 St. Jacobs ........t... 46 Upper Woolwich .. " Mondale m........... M Heidelberg w......... 18 West Montana .... 25 Hawkesville Crosshill ...t Linwood ...- Wellesley . Kingwood . 293 MI " 151 "on 12 28 00me wk my gun- from, , 356. 3055 " 105 146 " 103 30 " " " " 166 Mn " " 19 79 166 26 154 " l 9 166 " 64 56 25 72 69 46 " 87 18 26 8 Total 76 21 " 47 605 2421 trt 148 " 35 IIT- " 41 69 " 42 " 46 60 43 " 29 atur 376 an 89 so 165 48 178 127 298 97 " " 27 61 36 66 " 37 liberals Redeem Riding of North Waterloo, 3. G. Tweed . the Victor with 424 Majority undid“. tor North Bruce. and [Air on] Whip in the in Win”. died at ' o'clock m am .1 his home on th. Seventh Con- nection ot Bales Township. His uuinl wu most unexpected, itthoaet he had been in tor to: day. , an. lawman” otaeud out on his nuptial in North am over thus you: In in excellent ”Mn. and ‘spent the ttrat week in the peninsula. going right up to Tobormory. and tt In on his return to Whrton that *suurdu night that he comment jot reeling tit. Hin physician adored him to his home to Me . rest. JEFFERSON FARMER . CRITICALLY INJURED “and Babb ot Jellenon PM“; was critically injury! near Tham- hm, Friday night when the wagon he was driving was struck by an auto. mobile drlven by alcbud Mar-h ot Oakrldges. Marsh and s companion. Mitng Mags phy of Canines, unruly qsaeaped action; injurlu when the car was ‘nlmou demolished by Ike crash. STREET CARS BLOWN UP IN NEW ORLEANS Two street cuts were dynmited at New Orleans on Tuesday night in a resumption of the desultory ‘bombings that have marked the du- ration of the local trolley strike. ‘The can, blasted in (Elk-tent. sec- tions of the city I few minutes apart. carried few passengers, none t; whom were hurt. PETERSBURG MAN Magistrate Weir yeamrdly die missed the charge against I. W. Wh- mer or Petertrtturtr. whose ctr knocked down-Gerbru’dent Miller of Kitchener last Thai-my. H? agreed to pay court cost and all damages amounting to $48.00 HALLOWE'EN "ACOUERADE. An enjoyable evening was spent by a number of young people Mon- day night at a Hallowe'en party giv- en at the heme ot Mr. and Mrs. Ir- vin Hue. Bridgeport in honor ot their daughter. um Leona Hue. Progressive bunco was indulged In. Refreshments were'served at the close. MISS RUTH QNVDER OF BT. JACOBU. VICTIM OF THIEVEB Mu. Ruth Snyder ot at. “can was among the girl students ot Vie. tom College, Toronto, who” room were ranncked by a thief durum the dinner hour on Tuna” evtnins at "Wymwood." the women‘- reli- dence ot the college. APPttECrATE “meme 1 NEW INDUO'I'RV Hill: A resolution moved by comma.) donors. Glee and Sehledel and una- nimonsly 'enllonod voicing the up prechuon of tho Commission for the ‘bnslnou forethought In bringing to Waterloo . his combine “Ire-Mu: ill- dustry will be forwarded to the tt chl- of the Waterloo with hr- lng co., Chairman Handel-Ion pre- dicted with the coming of thin nowh- dntry Waterloo in “to to nu a wonderful development. Personals Sum [II-It- at the hue of 090. Weber on Sunday were Mr. and In. Melvin Shaun ot Kimball". Min“ Leon. And on" Ore-nun of KR- mu um] wetrkot mum am: Bee" “do: Rte, 'rtrut ret., Mr. and Mrs. Diet Dan" at Pru- ton on! and” with Mr. aqd In. R. Said". Mr. B. gene, m on n huh- Mp to [Illa loudly. Mn. R. K. um um! In. M. I my»; A of out mm mm IAN “if N IINWTOIY l M from or on“: Flo-(m grttttr I - eqqrt khti Mg.tt,'Pg 1 "ttdt, _m Per a; 'ithG7iTA' - CANDIDATE m HUGE, DIES ON ELICI'ION “I Moo! luau-Rm AS CAR HITS WAGON GERMAN if; "G N" -.-‘ 3...: g g g V FOUND NOT GUILTY HILL. In on. " the most keenly fought. election: in the history of North Waterloo, Sydney C. Tweed in clubs! ths representative for the riding in a tiara-amend it!" by a unwed majority of 421 Over: his opponenh, W. G. Weichel. Con- nemtive. “a Dr. J. E. Hen, nude-l pendent Conservative. The ontcomel of the election was in doubt untill the hat. each candidate being con-i iiidertt of election. There was a SUI-l prising” heavy vote polled of 110,882 I: compared to 11,871 in thel lust provincial election and was.” in the 1926 Dominion election. As soon In the election of Mr. Tweed‘ we: conceded n parade was formed) by his supporters in front of the Liberal committee rooms at Water.. loo where Mr. Tweed addressed the lute crowd and expressed his sin- cere thanks to the electors of North Waterloo for electing him their re- presentative by such 1 handsome majority. He was given three rousing cheers and then the parade proeeeded to Kitchener where he [addressed the electors trriettr. hgth-afthitrueettrParrrghtBkeFtstrtthn- atetheTtMirt--W.G.WaieHO-thsWh.i. mfenudrrtnlrhreeAhmemdN1tt,W_it-t. - sfN9trttAeNmofWatae1stsNat6tet1_ S. C. TWEED Elected by . "su-tul majority of 421. making a cupid-d, um; run against his opponents, W. G. Weidnl and Dr. Hon. Hett .....r Tweed . Weichel Hen. ..... Tweed '. We'ichel Weichel . Rett Hen .... Weichel m...............-..'-.'"'.'." K. F. Boohmor'. Slop Hen Weichel §¥z‘ 7 V» I. 3‘ 131%: F)? gjififiw 'is_ii,'i,,"ri'ri'ri.ii'_'(:_;',.", V‘Kigj‘; l i, if??? N 's [?,ii,'i's'i,i'i'r'si' , E C s “'11,; 'ry, ', _c,,'t,i, ,t':: E J' l, 1 ' r I s , ' . , _ " , on. J. I. am ' 'CTD, 0. "In. ' ' [adamant Calm and“ l Ii?EEEEiiiiiiEilfiWiiiii5EiiiiiEii5iiiSiE nut Ca==aztN==ac=== 1.9. fun-A LTa5.2r.'CP, " Town . of Waterloo Mel’hil'u Stow Knot-r" Shop Royal Bank Labor Hall 26 68 181 36 97 191 63 124 308 28 88 l " 60 2t l MI The vote cut in a he", I... over 16,862 voter- exucidl. “I franchise. Tweed'u tout vol: was 6,025, Weichcl 5,611 Ind Meet 4,726. In Kitchener. hood - 3,055 votes, Hett 3.!” an! WW 2,421. In Waterloo WW - accorded a majority of 199 u 00- pu'ed to 1.533 in the 1920 a1.etkas. The return: from an MCI-2' you: in the rural diltrictl. llw Incomplete. Ire given in no“ column. s. C. Tweedisthitub-" North WnteHoo the. K. A... VII elected in 1919. w. G. Weichel, who put up n splendid fight against - odds. as soon as the result m hm. congratulated his opponent. Ir. Tweed, on his victory. In nad-. ing his tmpportem Mr. WW thanked them for the support 'te.. corded him. Hett .......e. Tweed ..... Weichel ... Hett ...........' Tweed _....... Weichel .....r Hen ......... Tweed ..e.. Weichel .. Hett .erwr...qr Tweed ..... Weichel ... Majority for Weichel, 799 Waterloo Bolling Co. Coup-null". Vick: Town Hall 88t 915 1774 " 153 Md " 151 180 Its "

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