, GALVA! F. tLIIIIA l aumm-uMJ-J hauled by mun Inns] loch†no at on. debut 3.; I.†Tm or Ego. Pin. - 2.80 Trot or Paco. " 880.00 Special Attractions for Sept. 2 Speculum Trials 2.20 Trot or Paco. Purse 8250.00 218 Trot or Pace, " $250.00 Glrlo' Softly-ll Match Elmira vs. Dayton London Juvonllu Duncan In Dincin' Spoclaltlu Old Tim. Flddlen’ Contact London Ladlu' Orcheutra I Grlmu Ridio Quartet“ The Jorland Show: Including Ferris Wheel, Whip, Merry Mix-Up, Mtyrry-0o-Round will be on the Grounds during Exhibition. Amps. Provlslon tor Parking Automobllu Alma» Said-r. Fragment: Nor-c Choc HEM-'4 09M“! INN." Pinon. m. In Ont-Ho . "m Kitchener The All“ Dunk-r Comedy Company Henderson Pipe land Elmln Manic-I Buddy Band Grim†Rule $ttmrtet" Old Time Flddlon’ Contact EVENING PROGRAM At the Grounds Elmira MuIIcal sock†Bum; Wonderful 1fnotttttrmq Act. London Comody Company PROTECT! AMI HST , lIGII‘I'NING a! Fl III Hone-hon Pitching Cantu! (Team of Two Men) Open iiia Hour; In. Y1c&Prec. Sol. Koch. 2nd Vice-Pres. H. w. Zilllax, Sec'y-Treu. Cttat1rfimrey-dbr Mill “I!!!" MW nigngigobnni-hinfl-oodmmhinhmolml Rite nnoonu udmhmm.h "17.11%? 7i,'iiiiiiiiiyii,iiiee aii?,iiiiiii, Gait -- "e "in t 'd,'dl', 1'U,','egut m' 't')uds'l'l it 'lA';i5l'lllt, must ttrift 1'urd'r,,', over, an“ and dim: coo an “an"... only"! roof- or_°'m 'tid fp.e. 'ittpft'lTi'klilll' “an..." "Kikm rail, iiGaGaG.aii 111:6 'iiiiiiiitiiPg -et- "in . occur-i tin-uh â€but Ses ',t'le.'.tfghrEtrfl'JN'ltlld'v' 8l'a'lt “I. .. P'RBSTON Ventilation Pun-b s--. COM ' no W t Pt-tem Vail-ted Bun In! A, "l'J."l,'dll Mix}; M'JdiTdl'llntl'tt'4'l,irE4"i,r. Triiiiroi FiGWGr Blair: and Woolvich EVENING PROGRAM At the around. - Ionic“ lam fut Au. 31 ‘ORDON’S Pe', LASSES fire mull-I’- instruction- tt can num- it It-yd- mush-t "-1, M99532 iiaFGFOUAGif wwwnwwmuT.â€"___ “if, mmmwmmwmmvm d: in manna“ Tho, m than him tt Mont. write-tear-et- Mr. William Tycck and lon- Ron- ald and Stewart and Mr. 1.on sum: of Detroit spent Sunday with In. 'WIn Tynck. -.'e.I-F-.H- "'"""-""-'-'---e-'"-"'--"-"_ mupulumlr.nilu.u Imam-Motâ€... ICIDHMOI. s"'""';;,..,-.-.--"-"'.?-."."'.-,- lithiumbmmmm_uxummwiunqukï¬ï¬tï¬uï¬hud aturan umk ot than... - " WW and u Mr. around will. In.“ tErsthtoqmrtCm-nadaEmBd.Tthodesontutmdn, [inlayhhn-urhm â€out“ a month mgtltStt. with In. E. I. lent,“ yum me had. mother. In. In. fuck. fraud: in London on Wain-day The In». at Ila-mm. m M Church ontertaitod the um In. Henry Walk" and daugh- Lndles Autoemt-tnusraunumhearvanddDoeothvnndMm. on wane-thy dunno- new - B. M. Ty. - Int Tuesday own- a dainty lunch It! and. In: with triads an: halving Mr.uw.trorandDeurt.itqdN ,Er.aasd-Bd.ttehi.datnnd Kitchener on “andâ€. Gi Chance. uni no“ - and Iva-WM- 3hLUuh-luiuudlo- s-re-h-e-mt-r-tiss-d-tie. Imm‘u-Iuhlr'.*hmlt.dh'. ir.mlnhm&.mmuuunégw It. In. a.» m u wmumu-kum In}. mu Eda. new" In Mu but holiday. with her tum. In. Hon-y Brubcchor. Mr. and In. Aaron sauna: and son [and ot Wan-loo and. It. Ind Mm. A. Abram and". may with friend: at Grand Bend, Mr. Amos Brulndher received! tho and new. on Monday of the death ot his father. Mr. Brubnchor of near Bt. Jacob; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Snider and Mrs. George Shoemaker and (lunch- tergean went the weekend with re- latives in Toronto. News Around Town Mina Verna Boll of Toronto spent a few dlys Int week with her sister Mrs. J. P. Snider. Miss Ines and Miss Ghdys Popla- erof Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr. Donald Nevin. Miss Ruth Marriott in visiting with Miss Jean Katrina of Hon. erieit . Kr. and Mn. Byron Letson, Mr: Walter Letson. Mr. and Mrs Graves Sunday with friends at Mount Sugg. Mr, and Mrs Wm. Sugg'npent Forest. _ Mr. P. Lemon. Mr. und Mm. Cecil Mansfield and Mrs. Edgar Letson spent Sunday near Owen Sound. q Mrs. A. E. Richert is on the sick list. We wish her I speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Israel spent Sunday in Kitchener. Master Rag- mond Israel returned home with them offer spending a couple of weeks with grandparents Mr. and Mrs. G. Israel. Mr. Russel and mu Beatrice Winfield spent 1narweek with their sister Mr. and In. Wm. Cullum of 's-rhtrrr-A-dmee W EST MONTROCI "a“ Fungi!!! in Kimball-r on Sunday. In. E. B. “In,†- the took-end in Toronto and attended the Exhibition. [in Beta, Vnrdon of Toronto in spending n {ow week» with Hill Carrie Brown. _ lino Dolphin. Kahuna; returned home on Sunday nftnr spending the past few weeks with In. Hnrrinon Mr. and In. Loni: Wine of New Dundee and loll Harvey " Niagara Falls, N.Y., spent Sunday with It. and Mrs. G. A. Miller and family. In!» Sarah Owen and daughter Lilian returned to their home in De- troit on Monday after spending the past few weeks " Nith Grove. Mr. and Mrs. B. Llwyd and daughter Mary Jean returned home last week from their motor trip down through the States. Miss Anna Anderson accompanied them home to spend a few months with her parents, Mn and lira. Anderson. Miss Flay Butler of Plattsville opent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. (R. Nahrtrantt. Mrs. c.. Wilson and dnuzhter of Woodstock spent the week-end with Mrs. J. H. Pug-on. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bur spent Sun- day with Mr. and In. Nonh Shim; at Arr. _ Mrs. B. Llwyd and her brother Ed. Anderson spent Honda] in Tor- onto. Mrs. Rae Glaser of Detroit is at prosent visiting her otter, Mrs. W. A. Cook. Mr. 1nd Mrs. Nick Gucho and family of Pigeon, Mich, spent. a few days this week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brennemnn. Quite a number from here are at- tending the Canadian National Ex- hibition this week. Mr. Chance Graham of Shah ford spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mm. Char. Bullock visit- ed friends nenr Plathwillo on Sun- day. Miss M. Callnnan in visiting friends in Woodstock at present. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Graham and daughter of Smtford spent Sun- day evening with the former', par- enta here. _ Mr. and Mn. Noah Bender and family of East Zorn, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lichty and trmmrdautrhter Dor- othy. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brenneman and dtrughter Helen of Baden. Mr. Dlniel Brennemn and Mr. and Mrs. John Brenneman and children ‘of Camrei,irs. John Schwnrtzen- truber, Mrs. Mary Brtsnneman and Miss leinn Steinman of New Ham- burg, Mr. And Mrs. Ben Ginadrieh and family of Ble-m's Road were Sunday viliton at Joseph Brenne- man'l. Mr. All-n Nuhrgnng of Kitchener spent Sunday with hi- brother, Oliver Nahum. Mr. Francis Cube] Brown tt New York. Mr. and‘ Mm. Bevertr) Brown of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Westeott Ind little son of Kitchener, It. und In. Ed. 8na- demon and daughter Betty of Strut- ford, In. Erb of Detroit, lilo Era Stndenon of Monteinir, NJ., Ind the line- Amelia and Minnie ‘Brown of Shaka-pure have num- bled at the Forest Farm to have I couple of week: holidnyn. Mr. and In. Imph Brennan-an and chub“: Violet, Mr. and In. Nick (3th and {sully visited friend- in Wilmot Centre and Bl- den on Iona-y. lid. 00! A - on I“, cannon cit-M the tom of I. M. Pub: and ud- an In - menu, at“ Inn-mung. Suvdlq'o UK but to quick new an the part of Join My.†Blind-y dun- n... [only ION d MI nu “Mummy-â€vim: "has“ a. I. a: In. P...- "ale,iirrtritv_ttr_tetiet,t " PIIITON 'g-a-ee-r. lumen-mum's: li- In! Still-nor is My rec-pk inch in Detroit. It. hank Vibe: and In Ger- Hip-t1 Pooplo Cub-t " I!" In. Katy and In. 'tqitN--ANttqr Noun " Intonat- A number of people from thin] district motored to Waterloo Park on Satundny, Aug. IT, to hold I re- union picnic in honor of In. Geo. Kubey (nee Ada Greenwood) and no Bobbie Ind W. A. Roll: of Vancouver, who are holidnying in Ontario. The day we. on ideal one and all enjoyed the renewing of old nequnintances and playing (amen. Friends were present from British Columbia, Pittaburg, Kingston, Port ‘Huron. Miiverton. Welleiley, Cross- hill, Lintowel, Moorefieid, Drnyton, Glennllnn, Barking, Wni1enstein, Linwood, Hillbnnk, Kitchener end lW-terloo. A bounteoun topper we: ldone justice to by 90 relatives nnd friends ranging in use: from three months to 88 years. The evening we: spent at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Schmidt, tapping the tight fantastic in which old and young joined heartily. Mr. Rolls and son are travelling by motor and they, as well " Mrs. Kubey, bid their friends adieu the latter part of this week. cowl. " voci- yith Mr. and In HOLD ENJOYAM Waterloo County's claim to being the banner county of the province seems to be Justified, " least so far CROPS IN DISTRICT A GOOD AVERAGE Farmerl On the Whole Ar. W." SatiBfhrd With Crop Outlook. as the fertility of the soil is con- earned, judging from the appear- ance of the crops through out the entire confines of the county.‘ While tales of hardship and poor) crops are emminating daily from the Western Provinces and even some parts of Ontario for that mat- ter the crop yield in Waterloo County as for as can be learned is well up to the average though in some districts admittedly smoller ‘than last year. ‘Atkuled Wrigley Swim Quite an interest was taken in the swim " Toronto Exhibition on Friday last, when Wrigley gave out $15,000 in prizes. Many listened in to reports over the radio and others from town were down to see it. Mr. and Mrs. Christiln Lam; and son Elton spent Sunday with friends near Wellesley. Mr. Frank Schummer and family spent. Sunday in St. Clements. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Friedman and family of Detroit spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Friedman. Mr. Norman Ament of New Ham- burg spent Sunday with relatives in town. Mr. and Mm. Rickert and Mr. B. Lana spent Sunday at Grand Bend. " t-om-rmooourqooormtaoonrt-""""lm' qttqrqtqtr0tMMrt0't Wedding belts no ringing in -piijii iié -irWhTgaaoo IT'S A PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY FOR Very . you Mr. Tradesman to make personal calls on every- body in town daily. Yet it is an actual fact that you ste,',':',':,",',':,'?,,' can get your message to, one and all...increase your pace a " profits and expand your business...by addressing Phone 281 folks through the ADVERTISING COLUMNS of Now Waterloo County’s leading weekly journal. _ . A “IL-" C The Waterloo Chronicle " LT.C. i./, 'atPiiithegtahft'dt2" â€cub-Duh“: "t'fgt.gt',t'gtteet l humid-v“. . III-Wil-u‘luh, mama-um m. “'WWa‘l-b :mwumum ' [Lamina-01m Manninxlquanlnu (tiii",',-.':,',?',?]",','??.-,'.""'"'"', his Danni-um. al! It. and In. Gui W otGt-tr+i_e_n of Phiud6hin -ttere.d to m Cayug- on Sunday and - thq dunno†with In. and In. Nav- tuughteru, It. Ind In. Batty 5nd family and In. Strong of Toronto spent last tack-end with Mr. uni Mrs. Femrdo Snyder.’ ed home the: [pow-c . rock with her parent, It. and In. - at Ripley. Mr. Geo- Waco-at. and little um Billy of Port Arthur called on the Khan Benin last Walled-y. Mr. 3nd In. Inland 84:ch and son, In. Elm! - and two Miss Helen Huber, of South Cayuga is spending 1 week I: the guest of Mil: Bennie Snyder. Miss label Newbery of South Cayuga in the guest of II- In“ Snyder. Hamilton called on the line. Mary and Abbie Bemis last Sundny. Mr. and Mrs. John But-[en and family of Cenmville went Bursdar " Pleasant View. Masters Bobby Weber uld Flank Shanta Ind Miss Ann. Slant: of Kitchener m spending their holl- days with Mr. taut Ifâ€. Hanks] Bingemn. Mrs. Abe Buehler of M. Jumbo spent last week with tho Hoyerl at Pleasant View. Miss Aleda Snyder of the Kit- chener and Waterloo Hospital staff called at her home here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Br!) and two sons, Mr. and Mn. Buchlar and little daughter of Michigan spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer. Mr. Erie Croft of Toronto spent the week-end at her home here. (Too late for but week»... Mr. and Mgqk Lloyd Snyder ot North Woolwlch visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mun Mandi: on Sunday. . Miss June (King of Creokhnnk is spending her hdlidays nrith he: cou- sin. Miss Ruth Jackson. Mr. Iurold Jackson, who has been attending the Hammer courses given at the University ot Western Ort. mrlo. London. has returned to his home here. . . Mr. and Mn. S. " sander“; and Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Weiehol ot Elmira ware recent visitor! with triends in Madam. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph "ehaon, wn spent. In mun: amounting. son Roof, Mr. our!†Mathews anal Mr. and Mn. Peter Schuman- family were Sunnis! visitor- with umber and son Gordon of Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mnlloy at tmettioM. Inf. and w.. R. have: of Pres- Miss Marion Rutherford' willth with Mrs. Wm. Gulso tor 8 few darts last week. Mr and Hrs. Geo. Shannon have moved their household effects to the 13th ot Wellesâ€. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stevens of Sanford visited with Mr. and Mn. A. W. Ruler on Sand-y. Mr. In Housinxer of New ld- keard has been spending some am. will friend: In this vicinity. Kr. and In. Walter Wilton of Y ATTO N A Profitable" '1 ‘1 Platform From Which] " To Address The . Buying Public I " “ Mr. and Mm. T. Hannuach, Mr. and Mn. Peter Lehnun and you of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mn. Martin Kieswetter Int Wednesday }evening. 1 Mr. W. G. Helwig of Kitchener was a business View): here Inst ‘Tnesdey. ‘ "iiCgohr, B. Doerr of Kitchener was s business visitor hot: but Wednudny. _ WV ESQ; Mn. Peter Schummer of St. Clement: called 9:: Mr. and Mrs. A. Starr. recently.’ _ W - Mr. Chas. Weichel of Elmira we: a business visitor here recently. . Mr. end Mn. Emil Schneider and daughter were visitor: with the lrormer's parents Mr. end Mrs. Carl ‘Schneider. Heidelberg [at Sunday. Mr. end Mrs. Norman Voegtle and family of Waterloo moved into the local hotel [at Fridey. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hour and son Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huber visited Waterloo friends on _Sundly. Quite I number of friends of Miss Marcell- Kunt: surprised her on Friday evening. the occasion of her sixteenth birthday. The evening wan spout. In music sud. dancing. IT'S BETTER BECAUSE IT’S CANADI Dobbin Garage {Electric G. FONT! C? (lii4 fitt -N.-08_-.->"e. T g"...,MurtrietiarAthaW_qe-+'it _ G-M-ll Cylinder Hood. Pull -tBr. -. Poittiyo pump fuel food. It exp-India; (unwind Ian-aka. '".; - mm!†[Argo my i-ioru. Wide "Ilium Him Arivse'-t. Les, H I; amrBanaMC= mm - {a} Styli-I: bodies by Fight. 8W Duo all-ya- ings. Widrthtringteoturu. Distinctive F=p radiator design. Fisher VV ooo.ri- ___ , chick. WIVWTMW “in Gly EEuich-nus Gd beauty. waum mun- Long mine life. Sturdy Fish" body m tion. combination hardwooa and - at: steel. Rugged Sbpound short-strain , duh, counter weighted and perfectly Hanoi. Extra sturdy frame with {out are.“ - memben. Real Big Six nine, equip“! d appointment: - Ask you Dada about the GUM: Damn! Pay-cu Pl- DAM BERG T. Olinski, ' Breslau, Ont. "otoou-ootmorrmmttetmu*m"""" Ceicrsr= ton aeeompnaied by Mr. all“ Harry Bach went Sunday If? Springlnnk Park London. .9“- st, Mr. Louis Kant: who q.aebt. weekend " hits home Inf; m mir. Monday with hue Hell†fee Ptetr Perry where they will and u H Burma: Exttiiii Suitable for any kind of rupture. Prevent your- self from torture ad gt 12 mm St. ErrCHENBR - C a truss to tit you. We have the kmwledge all experience to tit you right. . J A. Bohemians Trusses rl‘ A Complete Stock at Examination FE kII-I.II. p