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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Aug 1929, p. 5

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l . 'li,ll?l!,iyt,ieah!!!llmih iiil'i'I,"j-.l_"i'ii. """Ukiunrr.rr."""" _ Kl‘rCtlBilEF Last Week of Our . Great 8an of Fine Suit mgmwnwawufl Mal 'g,"fA"Alm'i"lA"ih1; Impala”... 150 SUITS ”SUITS 250311"? calm 11.0880 “but“ Wat-“5 Ina-loo. mwmmw 816.90 'tMo . 8AklRt ‘uhvmulodnd-douuhk . . tape-Io. "etreseatbrsererrrtred Memberthaeuuiqmuiadnybommfutuflugm.mmmmm Mandinmyinltanouweolywtmtofmuuflwmwm terms. hGe"iribi"aiaiiiuikiuiudimfuutttteer. fim had w. to - ”an, Inbonunumnd inc-0mm Separate Trousers Special at 83.95 mm“ " no a! mum“ Yam Men's Trouser; made__of dangle aiLeroytPt8y,ln his m In tho mm mm» the Young Men's Trouser: made or an] fancy weave. and attractive patterns. Others $5 to W. . A lt you need shoes it is decidedly to your advantage to buy them here Saturday. Shoes of known quality famous tor styles and hating oom- Mu. Mary "unhol- The death occurred Friday morn- lng ot Mrs. Mary Hueurer. " Bridgeport Road. widow of the Late David Hnether, in her son: year. The deceased. who was born in Neu- stadt. came to Kitchener two years ago. She is survived by one son. A, D. Huether, 51 West Ahreus St., Kitchener, and one brother, V. sy Glehe. Garner. Mich. She was 'pre. deceased by her husband 14, years. The funeral was held on Sunday. The tuners} cortege proceeded to the Neustadt Reformed Church for services. Interment was made in the adjoining cemetery. George Kamlng '1"!anin friends ot Mrs. w. (1‘ Watchel sincerely sympathize with her in the loss sustained in the passing of her Lather. George Kait- ting. at Gait on Sunday night, in his 65th year. The late Mr. Knitting. son ot the late Captain Knitting ot Oak- vllle. who predeceased him two years. was born in Bronte. near Bur- lington. For the past 45 you: he had lived in Gait and tor many you: Shoe Clearance Washing Machines That Make Wash Day Easy Ball Bearing and Plain Fully Gun-ante“ - Mt Any She Tub 7 Plain Wilmer ...... 00 Ball Berlin .......... 'rl, WRINGERS That Wear m, If be Jilin tor school um um. Medium colon. strict]; wool fabric; We no new“ loco chér'mu my m wonoomu mu Sun 6 to " yum. Boys’ “when: Trouser Suits 'rl,';,',', '"t'.P' """ 5""; --- W $10430qu 514.50 M "n_ti.Ltet.et1'2f.fr, T Smart suits tor the young (allows. All hto NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAIS styles and good sturdy fabrics. A res! oppor- NOW m OPERATION malty to at. line unit tor that boy at a very ---_ special price. All with two pair Intact cut Ion; New trattie an” recent}! tte trousers. 91:90 " to 18 “are. The High Speed Washer are made from good wen-In; {abides and an shown in a wide - of 3mm. - 6 it " years. and " to " years ...-.r-r.--...-.e._... $3.95 These apr' GUrTGort coats are being worn more and more all over the country. They A Gr"TsGrGrGtGt sruirovirrumsntorts In good colors and good make. sue: for be” 4 to " years. GoaGarim, iuatitr so" héso in many new patterns and colors. Sizes 6y, to 10. Boys' Good Wearing Bloomers, $1.45 Boys' Good Sport Bloomers, TSe Boy-f Two Mar Suits 86.45 and $10.80 won tor school this can. loan"; com Boys' My srreat..er'yfrfl? "iGiiGririiiierai In? 86 waiat. home for Burrow. A In women:- Inter he noticed the Inn on fin _etftftttf.' Heraaudtottot-rd-d'- ed in naming oni- hom and I Boy ' Department . moment later the structure was Mov.' Two Boomer Sun: .51.”, . Boys' Fancy 1_1.trif Hee, FY, tort. Mn we repeat the greatest valuejn " you“. _ - Tub has been head ot the George Kait- ting & Sons ”Machinery Supplies Company. Im, has been in failing health tor the past three year: and was taken seriously mono week ago. He is survived by two dnaqte tera, Mrs. w. G. Wehchol. "Ani, street. Waterloo. Miss Mabel {Kait- ting at home and by two eons. Her- bert and Clarence ot cult. The funeral was held with a service at his late residence on Wednesday atteinoon at 2.30 o'clock, Interment was made In Mount View cemetery, Gall. _ It was - waded than qttet.rq 7 7 Great Groups Value. " - “.50 Value. to} $7.50 A host of friends in Waterloo Kit- chener and district learned with sin-' cere regret of the passing of Miss Phoebe Huber, beloved wife of Mr. D. K. Erb, who died on Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. Jlh11"l,"l, at Avanton, following a short illness and a sudden heart) attack. Deceased was born in Blen- heim township in 1862. For the past forty-three yen: she resided in Downie township. She wu an esteemed and valued member of the Evangelical Chuch " Sebring- ‘ville and I member of the Sch-ing- Fine Women’s Shoes In 2 WEI-[BS CLOTHES M WHITE M SNOW Price $19.00 do "may. . than.“ Gun - "u. no 'clock u H” a 'NIM' "l'Sd'L."rau'll'irlCAT, ' I mammal“ ----. iiitiWUCiTiiiiiGicUaGirtt-ePrdtR_ The out and hay crop and tom impt-nb' were than,“ The !ou is placed at shout $1,500. Mr. Dome! be ht the hm of Len to": fer 'i'dillLI Dittti.eAt i,iiii'E "Tie EFT-m; Twin by John any, who resided on the [arm until two years ago. ' salted at the igrtertrqetiotttt of nederick. Water and WMmot streets we” put into operation tut week. Thor signal; we the same a Install- od-at tho Queen tet,_ermmine some months no. DOERSAII NOT GUILTV_ 1 Herman Doemm. ot Sanford} charged with criminal negligence arising out of a car such when hie car was hit by Waiter Bomes' car. was found not. guilty in court. Rar. vey Meyers and Robert bench were injured in the accident. Magistrate Weir held that the evidenco‘eub- mined was not eulicient to convict. MARRIED AT MONTREAL Dr. C. R. HcClrville, well-known Waterloo physician, was wedded to Miss Gertrude Rinxie. popular Kit- chener 1mm. " Montreal, St. Pat- rick's Parish Hall, on Tuesday, Aug. 27th, Rev. Father Sullivan offieiat- ing. The newly wedded couple will reside in the comedians home on King street, Wnterloo, recently purchased from the late George Diebel Estate. ‘ville Women's Institute. There sur- vive I torturing husband, tive daugh- he" and five sons, namely: hec_W_. and}. taint-cur Wadi-w; “OI” _ I J. Gordon. Bt. Paula; Mrs. R. Bal- lantyn, Avonton; Mrs..R. M. Fullnt, Winsor; Mrs. W. B. Howell Avon- bank; Mie Margaret at home; Dr. Isaac Erb, Toronto; Maurice Erb of London; John, Edwin and Byron farming in Downie township,val.so 24 grundchildran. . Atmatrtder Perry The death occurred Baturdar morning ot Alexander Perry. 88 wu- Low street. in his 83rd year, Mr. Perry moved to Tptehener a year ago. He is survived by a daughter, Mus. Emu Parr, one brother and wave sisters. _ Rats-Boom i The home of Rev. H. D. Moyer, Preston. was the scene ot u: Inter esting wedding Wed-need”. Aug. SI, when Velma Evelyn Brow-n. Mitchel. naught" ot Mr. end Mrs. Fred R. Brown. we: minted to Mr. Howard Werner mu. of Kitchenet. son of Mr. and Hrs. George Rats or Met- chell. RM. Mr. Meyer officiated. The bride in attomtqd by her sister. Inn mum Brown. Mitchell, “no, Mr. - " Ronnonborc, Waterloo. m but man. The young couple will raid. in Kimball". ', WEDDINGS ' l A quiet wedding way solar-Inked " the Lutheran Put-ounce at Pro-r ton Monday dumoon, why: Fin Elma 1Ger, younger dumbest of In. lax-[mt Hunter 3an the In: Conrad Emmet of Kiwhonu. lacuna the bride of Mr. Elia J. Mont, duo of Kitchener. The ceremony wu patterned by Rev. 'd.'j Oahu-mm." - At m,ttetr) Au. n, to Mr. an! In. have! Selma-tantra". a dumb". Mailman ' At tho K.-w. atteMtat _aa-,toMr.artdMrs.mrr6m _ m. R. . A Imam. a ---aot.-ut-tai,Ak, mummy-Jaw... Mr. and In. J. D. C. lot-ya. ._ attTqt. a son. (Janos Rom MO). Rats of Hit- imam used was advertising. "Ad. .vertldng is the tool the modern alum It. not”. a leave el 'Pr) Dude-nu e (out! who! “with " the Retake: school. for and year- motor or the cowbell Baum Advertising Agency United at Toronto, love e - new" and interesting talk on the prin- ciple. at “vent-1n; M It: mum to modern business. at the weekly luncheon of the Kitchener-Waterloo Kimh Club hold on My. Mr. Bern: wu introduced by Kit-nun E. o. Weber. I [other uhool - Mr. Berger, 111107le on “Adver- tising and In muons to Bud-cu" said that one's purpose In murm- ing should be to properly interpret his “who, an!” to the country, to In program. and to humanity so that the public will be made to no his name and there will ‘M in.. crcued eotMMenmt. He pointed out that advertising has to do with one or two phases of modern basilica. distribution. -the other phase being productions The distribution ot products today va- a complex question. The particular lush"sas mn has sharpened. It ts'""""' ""“""' -... -.-"""-- becoming a science and -aiiriilt"t", oak writing desk; old- knowledge of psychology." Helmshloned writing “a; old- atreased the fact that business s,fiilta'stor'"sd writing m and booty have learned. that only tumuuime combined; electric table lamp; creating cogtildenee on the part at“ double white enamel beds com- the public in their names can t“Manama; 2 white enamel dressers; oak hope to viewed. The measure ofglimmer; 3 bedroom rugs: coda the success of business was the'cmmm climst; "NV Ideal ”wins Ill-trawl? of eont1doegtNy ot the Gtmeea"i'"'; wooden bedstead; lino in the men associated with it." coaieuma; rutw; kitchen tahio and 5 {Balance depends on personality. tt islc'5i“; Ititehmt "’0"; tsinh; hands Pot only the ludlvldua-l mm wnlunywmr waaher; boiler; “We”: can Ihas n personality. Institutions she'd” tools, 1nd may other Bood |havo personalltes. Everybody "maul-tides ntyt titrted. president to once clerk has an in); This " the "I. 'oh' W" to at- inertial: place in the business inati- tend 'or ttood do" 'uratitum. P."'""' in efforts to give serviceto T.rm. - GaBh. .the public and to create and min- LATE J. EDWARD 3" ESTATE, stain corgtidettee. Every sales policy Proprietors. land every advertlslng policy is w. w. FMGKEY, AWNING, T mused on that principle: 'er'r'et1f'ft""i i When his motorcycle go! beyond control and crashed. into the curb, 'Hsury Schmidt. a 'Kitchener barber. Hm his thumb so badly injured that . it had to be amputated. In concluslon Mr. Bel-soy urged the creating of Confidence and good will among the public. A hearty vote ot thanks was ten- dered the speaker on motion at J. H. Kennedy and the president of the. club. Dr. J. F. Homoerger. - YOUNG MEN ARRESTED John Rowan and James McIntosh were locked up charged with steal- ing $1,000 of clothing 1mg shirt; from the John Brown Co. at 271 West King St., Kitchener. They were remanded for sentence. Word has been received ot the death at Detroit on Monday ot Georgina A Witt, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Witt ot Heidelberg, in her 90th Fear. RAID COMMERCIAL HOTEL I‘mviuchl police raided the Com- mercial hotel at Waterloo on Friday night and got a bottle ot gin. The bartender, Alex. Cbeyne, is charged with keeping Ilqnor tor sale 1nd [mad but! ot $1000. NEW TEACHER ENGAGED Miss Alice M. Forbes ot Winter- bonrne will succeed Miss Gingrich on the buckling ml! at the Mar sure: Avenue Sdhool. Kitehmter, on September trd, the opening any at school. Ennplk-l (Io-fame. .... ........... The conference Religious Eduen- don Assembly. which met on _ dar, Wednesday 3nd Thursdays " Cdvlry Church and the Collegiate“ m etunded by hundreds of people. practically - church in Gen-d. being represented. The maker! were Rev. W. P. Tee], D.D., president of Albright College of Reading, P... end others. The music at 1'an union In: furnish“! by the choir of Em- mum] Church, w-terlooL muck MIAQID In COLLIGION Oa My an the mam cut of Pam“ A truck in"; by War by C. than a! Neqr Humour: In (“and when " by I and driven by Jun.- Whoa of annual. Hurry Tom-- aM Jon in. ot N9. mrartmtreeh. 1 hmnawmmu worm-tumor” -ereeeeaqMrrBt I... M ‘mum no - I _iiiiiiiiiiiiitf.ciyiifdieit munch-rum“. THUMB AMPUTATED DIED AT DETROIT P-e a: 'r m "tgélclomm chest; new Ideal sewing atmetm:uoir"s; wooden bedstead; “no Comqlenma; rugs; kitchen table and 6 tt i'alc1tuirs; kitchen shove; sink; hands maximum washer; boiler; mien: an amide“ tools, and may other good “anal-tides not Hated. " I At no pm. than. I: The (030m: Burma plum and of bench, Ilka new; walnut floor but»: me 3-pieoe mahogany parlor who; pur- monk” ables; good parlor an; out "luau sell and minor; phone table “land stool; hail rug; mats; t rock- “Jars; mum-e (walnut) dining room mltabla; 6 diners; large (walnut) alde- hlbmrd; couch; walnut smoking "lama: oak writing desk; old- :llnhloned writing dersh; on- ”liashloned writing desk and book- Khitmse combined; electric able hump; a“! double white enamel beds oom- _ A ..., ,A,A,AI JA-_‘___. 5-!- iriitaGrGTUFHWld fed.- an 1ttMUd tttMutt. iiiibGi-t-tHiiNrirti- Adllnnb aunt-“M to 'dh 'lTdht'd Mina b have _uy "e" ,. on” cor. Well-slay W. W. 111110le. the movie's to ihble Auctioneer. wilt ull at an Maurie. 81.. " South tw. Kitchener no." Deon Twine. but. on SATURDAV AFTERNOON AUG. " This is the sale you want to at- tend hr good clan furnlturo. Tum - Cash. LATE J. EDWARD EBV ESTATE, Proprietors. w. w. FRIGKEY. Auctioned, Phone 502w, Waterloo. ENJOYABLE REUNION AT WATERLOO Valuabb Hun-hold Elects Descendants of John E. Bru- tacher Meet at Home of [ Edwin B. Snider ', Saturday. There was a representative gathers ing of descendants of the lute John E. Brubacher at the elghtll annual reunion held on Saturday alternoon at the titMy arm of Edwin B. Snider. one of the grandson. at Waterloo. It is interesting to note that the tttth generatlon of the fatally was' represented .Durlng the afternoon 'a most enjoyable time In: spent in baseball and hon-sashes an)“. Others spent a happy few hours In social chat and temlnenclng. The ladies‘ served excellent refresh- ments. " jiijeiii* SALE i221? Minn-G's Linux-Int tor Cousin ad Colds. .'of- ogf)r" We’ll leave It To You-- MAKE up any kind of reasonable offer for one of the High Grade Used Cars on our floor and the ear in yours! What more could you ask? Got 60 Makes In The Group. Late Models In Perfect ltgeetmiknt Conchita. 1928 Church! Conch 1927 Chevrolet Coach 1928 Pontiac Couch 1927 Pontiac Sedan 1927 Chum Sedan 1927 Pontiac my. More than twertty-f1ve touring an to choose from o.wtiorxsaaonatouotrerwiilttemfttaed. 85-1 Dobbin’s buxom lit 17.1w GALLONS PUMP“) m JULY Reports tor July submitted by Manager Schiedo} ot the Public Utilities Commission showed An in- crease of 3.000.000 unions water pumped over that of the same period in 1928. Reports wanted tor the I“ and electric deputment were approved The Communion decided! ti/otrer to paint an um! on tho IT’SACASE “dud-ludM' b-eqrtltMe-'NNte t *rtati-tamith-t-drrd Mabel-Hubvllm ' “not“? . "Lf. mmagttrragrBBtntmresrts-'nmatid and tthewimtrthi-rteilr) right -ro9rrittairorttidsth- few’l-of-b that ham no tet, in andeolorrangea---mmnnrt foot that have pal-ed the, t aahionahudemnmt---faahimti In, height of papal}: demnnA.rtr.itt not, hug etht2, {but season's stock- c. [and ave beenmohaqtooshrw -theaeam our white elephants, tSiu for you: I picking this week! .. THE FORTUNATE PART of all this is that Elephants to ya my not at ill be White Ell to you - but thing- that you can use an and save by, when you get than " tiny ll "Ar, FOR - 0000. UP TO .0 - Solid-color ' Prints. Printed Voila. Silk Kalb. (ml-no... sun - . i an”, Oddmonu). "?::3lil' use FOR woou DRE" Goons up TO "S.-5atatmm , ix T Crepes. San Toys, autumnal. Poplin. m r ' , t (Broken lines). , -r'-'j"r"f,i,-S "-74: $1.39 FOR $2.50 YO “.50 JERSEY - Ati wool and AIRW. Beautltul. you ttuatitimr. Red, green. powder blue. and. - a. , some): warm. (sunny mama). "i, 3; P'; woman-s cons AT no - Regularly up to 839.60 - var-iii')" Broadcloth, 'rrlcoune - Sues M, 14%. M, Mk M, " a». V I 40. (They’ll be white elephants to an after this nua- b , over - You hue next won't saving to think of.) _ , CHILDREN'S GOAT. AT as.» - Regularly up to um ~17" Sizes 2 to B. - . CURTAINS AT HALF PRICE - (0nd. and "70's ot thug-3" Punch and pairs. Frllled Cunning. Silk Panels. emf“ ' Panels. 3". cannEws TUB Fnocxs. $1.95 - Regularly $336 - as.» J; 2 to " years - Colored Plumes. Peter PAP Prlnm. You; i ALL THE SUMMER HATS AT “c - Women's and Climb/“f (Didn't Like our losses soon swath). LONG SILK GLOVES AT 39: - (Another also of 1 tin; too long to take a has). _ RAINOOAT‘S AT 32.” - Regularly m5 - - M, 16, l SN-- (Only red shade loft). . 3135 FOR "" DRmES - Valle. Printed Burma. Sol hr Canteen. Sizes " to 20 years. (White Elephant: here we curry them over until next Summer). \ SCORES AND SCORES MORE ot just such omportmsttS" to pick of eoonomlu. while we are taking our lone-.3 _----.--"- manner. Daylight sum lumber at Fedora-ml - ‘ I (rfr, GOUDIES LIMITED . SEE]? grand," Giir/w.hiu.atagi . FOR EXAMPLE: wuorworkl building to dine! an; v-": plane pilots to the Twin-City M cp' OPENING OF AVR HIGHWAY Ir) The click! opentng qg,tw-tx---f, mile Btreteh ot Ayr many will ii: ', herd on Monday and the to“ VIII» L' be emcwly declared. open by ,arcr) calehntlon. will be held W It!!!) , crowd is expected. _ L, too 16, , SN-- Bot lot an hora \

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