, mama-I _" tawny-dd 7;. -GGi 1.7.3.? . “h..- with only . to! hundred hand out no “It. by 11 o'ehteh. like 2: .3" ....-..__ __ fl, - “can Animator-noun 31.50 to " I hundred. 9-th can tuned hon 85.60 to $1.50. A (ow baby hooves got no to 814 a hundred. Store came trade continued dull, with the odd lot ot mt Moro polling to speculstou at “.50 to 87.50 a hundred. The and! “poly ot ttalrmb no cloned out at ttrat price: Veal are mad from 811 to 815.50. 'Hoe tick." tor Monday and Fa..) hy wen muted at a â€daemon ot " cum a hundred on let tool's close. The rut sold at tt1.N t.o.b. or at $13.25 " our. with truck box. at 812.50. Still lower no. prices as predicted for the near future. [ hub trade was named. with 813 bid tor good are; and women, and 813.60 asked No ales were made up to 11 o’clocg. - " sTtilsG" AGuuii "ttras, 83.50 to 87:50 87.60 a hundred, according to MM. - -r.._ Cattle ales: Bt-ms-as, 940 In, at 88.75; IT, 937, 88.16; 19, TTO, 8790. Heitom-t Mo, 89; 4, Mo, 8850; l, 730. :3. t3owtr-3, 1,220, 87.50: s, 1.120, 31.60; 3, 1,093, W; 2, 1.110, 56: 8, 1.230;. “.85; 3. 1.040, 35; Store Catuer--4l5, 800, 81.40; 5, 180. $8; 18, TOO, $1; lt, 640. 86.50; 45, 500, $6.05. Cali-l, 210. $16.60; 5. 210. $16.50; T, 200. $16.25; 6, 195. no; s, 175, :1550; t, 300. $13; 3, 150. $10; 6, 170 T. Cattle quotations: Heavy beet steers ..-..." " Butcher nears, choice 10 on do fair to good m..-...... 7 60 do common ........,..,.._ 6 " Butcher heifers choice 10 00 do Mr to good ....r..P.. , 00 f do common .t.W....r.W..V_.. 6 50 Butcher cows. good to choke ..rt.t.t...rmt_rrm.... 6 50 do com. to medium.. 5 50 do cannon; and cutters ..t-e.-_t._r.-P... 3 75 Butcher bulls. good to choice ....-.merrrr.etem-mm. 7 50 do. medium ............... T 00 do. bologna; ...-m.r.....e 5 50 Feeders. good ...-. do. fair _-F-rt....-.'.. Smokers. good 'P.-.. do. fair ..._...-e....t_ Calves. good .mm....... do. medium -.r..e.. do. stamens _..... Bgrriuttera ..mm_.._rW.r.. Milken-s .tF_.mtMWrmeWt.tFfP' hubs, choice ._F_.. do. bucks .e.mmrt.Fr_.r do. cal-ls .t._..r.rm..rr Sheep, choice N. do. medium tFtp... Hogs. wlect, w.0.e Creamery. pasteurized. No. l .t.t..r.t.-rttm.t-...tFt' 39%t0391/, do. seconds .t.-..r...W.Vr..P. 37 " Above prim tor goods delivered Toronto. Churnlng Cream-- Approiimate quotations on chum- ing cream, fab. shipping wine are: Special, 40c; No. l, 39c; No. 2. io. Co.b. ..t.err.W..f._ do thick smooth. w.o.c. t..-mFmrrw.w_tr. do. " trucks ..... "i'iGiTiiht “Elfin-J. " 'Ye. P"- The ttttlowing {repel-tie- of the "at: of the late JAME8 HEVEBON Brlck residence. No. 62 Foundry Street, Waterloo. lmmsdlnte possession. Key. n thqt,oft1ee of Sims. Bray, McIntosh A Ochofleld. Barrlnten. Kitchcner, Ont. “or. promises. No. " King Mun North, Waterloo, Ont. Pomulon J-nunry 1, 1030. CHARTERED TRUST AND EXECU'NR COMPANY 34 King St, W., _ -- __ Flour and Feeds WWISNIDERMMINGCO. DAIRV PRODUCTS Quotations to Shipper- NAM ONT. - . . "IO“ 8. Sonn Lilies Ocean We have always on land I large supply of MILL FEEDS . DISTILLERS (RYE) DRIED GRAINS 20% Protein - GYrrONBEED MEAL - on, CAKE MEAL - TANKAGE - SALT . CORN . OATS - SCREENINGS - SCRATCH FEED . POULTRY COD LIVER OIL - BEEF & BONE MEAL. etc. an tPh-t Men (For In“. (For. loan...) We Oahu. atst Also out well known hum!- of FLOUR CRACKED CORN A SPECIALTY mm ‘. 7 50 ‘. 7 00 re 5 50 ..10 00 .. 8 75 .59 mono 99 of All Kinds 8 50 _ T 50 14 00 at 00 . 6 50 .85 00 .75 M) .12 00 .11 00 .10 00 . 6 50 . 3 50 .14 .11 " "GT, you? a band saw 25 " 26 FOR SALE 7 00 125 on 100 00 13 no II so 12 on: 7 tel 5 00 10 25 ' 00 T 00 6 00 14 00 16 50 12 00 950 800 " 60 goo T 50 600 800 850 876 aunt-n. iiiioraTGrctoroiaut- .touh.atma,rerdo-r.tr' Broilers. our 2y, u do ly. to IV. R... .. . do ly, to ty. n- .... Duekiintrs- _ 'White, over 5 [In each .. " .... _ I ' to 5 lbs ..-..etrtmM....PP.. 18 .... Colored. 4 to Q lbs...2c per lb. lea 01d Ouch ova: 6 lbs. 1; each -...--.-""" 20 .... Old roostem. over 6 ms. 16 .rrr ‘sugxy chickens classed as old 1 Tomato whobuue dealer: in hides‘ and wool are quoting prim to chip pars as follows: City hides. green. Ile per M.; bulk and brands, Te per m. Country hides. green. 10c per I; cured. 10y,c to 11c. Toronto calves, green, 15c; country can skins, cured, 14yee to 16e; Toronto city kip, grew. IV; country kip, s'reen, 13c; kip. cured, 13y,c to Me; NEW FoTA'r0E» Canadian, pet has .,--'"""""" $2.00 IBESERBE RSI 134;"Nofi. $3; Np. J, " Horsehair, 40c_pou.ndi -, IkairdGtrGsd éf- rejects. 20c: rejects, 13e_t?_t4e, _ _ .., . a gikra ".Cr.Cr..T22.TFio i lira ‘i: Fih iiii-H. - '"fiiro'wU-rsai, in barrels, No. 1, 7e to Tric pound; cakes, Te. Manuela wheat-- No. l northern, 31.58%. No 2 northern. 81.65%. Nora northern. 31.5253. No. 4 A.qrmrt, 81.44%. No. 5 wheat, 81.28%. No. 6 wheat. 81.07%. M mun-annual»- o.-,.:'.).',,,,-.,;',"',,'.'."':',:;..",".".':,',.'..":" Nora northern. 31.5253. No. 4 Aqhmtt, 81.44%. No. 5 intent, 81.28%. No. 6 wheat. 81.07%. Peed wheat, 95930. - Manitoba Oats-- _ No. 1 feed, “he. No. 2 feed, 62yte. Manitoba Flour-ttrack, 'rortmto)-- Fiwt patents. $8.70. Second patents. $8.10. American Corn-ttrack, Toronto)--- No. 2 yellow. $1.17. No. 3 yellow. $1.16. Miuteed-Hdeiivemsd, Montreal. heights. bags iachuiqsdl- Bran. per ton, $34.25. l Shorts, per tom 836.25. ' Middling‘s, per ton, 344.25. Ontario Grains - (lob. shipping ; points)- i; Wheat, 81.35. r Oats. We to Biie. l, Barley, 70c to 75c. I Rye, $1.10 to $1.16. "Ontario F'iour--un jute bags, Mon- do. our... Moaq .......- do wound: ..._ Over Ir lbq. eaett .rr., 4 to 5 lbs. out; w.....) 3y, to A “to. etch .., Under sy, “u. each treaH-45.80. _ Winter Flour-ttmek, Toronto) " PAINFUL ACCIDENT Justus sznped white working at Snyders Limited recently. was unfor- tunate to have both thumbs badly cut when they came In contact with Over 5 “an. etch roosters. TORONTO GRAIN DEALER& QUOTATIONS u 'rirrordo, Ont. HIDES AND WOOL POULTRY 11mm " “In“ Mr.aaAagrs.N.tAnat_rxreeo " " Mr. aa6 In; Boy W and gtaMty r' " at Vat-rho. Mr. an In. M - and - a! (in-Intuit. It “to†and Mrn.-r-h-otPr- F... " ton and It. at In. Irvh Viol-u 'f.'.'. a at! - at will Wt. Mr. and In. Gm. Baum 35-" . 'o-.-.".""!'?"""', I mutants-ant... " --.r_et'e an.“ a man-tumult“ g --r-t-sttis 18 spent Sunny with It. And Milton! not] ot New Dundee. Mr. and In. Aha Weber and family visited with Mr. um In. D. Bouncer of 00m hulk. liu Mabel Grok at lie-Met Tiatt- ed with an. Glenn†Sumo:- on Ban. Mr. and Matt. Alvin Schiedel and tarnily motored to Niagara Falls on Sand-y. was Rona Htrnhootttrr of Kitchen- er and In. Manon of Barth visited with Mary Violet Met in Satur- Mel-rs. Freem Gintprriets and w, Bantam: ot St. boobs spent Sunday with friends In our burg. Rev. Jon-e Snider ot Waterloo oc- cupied the pulpit at the Weber Men- nonite Church on Sunday. A number ot our bun; are spend- ing a law darn at 00811811. Indium, to attend the Mennonite General Conference. Messrs. Milton Feick and Nelson Eby and Misse- Anna Hall. Hilda Shut; of Kitchener spent Sunday in this place. Miss Iona Meyers visited with her friend. {then Crmmn, over but week-end. Miss Susie Wanner Sundayed with .her sister. Mrs. Milford Pholl ot New Dundee. Messrs» Alvin and Eldon Snider and Misses Mary and Ida Snider ot New Dundee spent Sunday in this (icinity. Miss Margaret E. Derby of Strat- ford has returned home after spending a few days with her friend Miss Bertie Forler. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sippel and daughter Jean have left on their :wo-weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Roth and Mr. and Mn. Enos Gingerich and fam- ily have returned home after spend- ing the week-end in Buffalo and New York. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Schumm at- tended the wedding of the latter's niece in Hespeler on Saturday. Mr. Alex. Lederman. local paint, er, is wearing a broad smile these days as he was presented with a bouncing baby boy. contrratula- dons! Captain M. Forbes returned to Ottawa after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Forbes. Mr. and Mrs. James Yorden visit, ed Mrs. Yorden's panama, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Forbes, a few days ago. Mrs. S. Merriot and non Kenneth of Hamilton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Forbes. Adjutant and Mrs. John H. Bond of Toronto Ire visiting Mrs. Bond's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Forbes. They were accompanied by their two daughters, Eleanor and Betty. Miss Gladys Forbes of Owen Sound is visiting with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Forbes. Mrs. Alex. Forbes and her two daughters, Mrs. S. Harriet and Mm. Bond, motored to Station! Mon- day. Mr. Alex. Forbes in trrenuy im- proved and has returned to him work after two weeks illness. browns BADEN " up». In m' GrGriGnuuiairii out - m - ll! “1. IMP-9, - o. ut. " tee 'too m! --.atttMr It no“ PM nudists to e"', Iron CALI In. col-lulu ot 118 um. not clear and. mum mm In“ one ot Walla-by. Apply Joli Smooth. Bumbag. "as NIL? WANTED Earn '30 to "ll) weekly at homo mare-am; cards. 'tlo cumming. Everything (unkind. Sure or (all time. Ptsrticuiargs tor sump. Box M, Waterloo Chronicle 0mm. '" _ FOR OALE Corn binder. Blizzard cutting box. tum wagon, 21 pious. Thou win he sold well worth the money. Apply 27 Er]: St. W., Waterloo. '" son BALE Good work horse, 1300 1113.. 810; roan Durham hull. " me. old, $80. Apply Weber's Bales Stables. Kitch- 8119f. I pay the high“! prlcn tor old hams. but hid... a" china. than. .klno, (allow. an. Pinon. " my upon-o. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE t E. J. Shane, Auctioneer. has been l instructed to sell for the under-1 signed her household ettectg on the , promises, " Gildner Street, one block north ot the Dominion The factory, on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, AUG. 31 I commencing at 1.30 o'clock. 2 good Monographs tone a Vic- tor); square oak dining table; oak butrtrt, Ii oak dining chains with ‘leather seats; 3 electric floor lamps; 2 electric table lamps; 3 jardinieres; l7 rockers: 2 arm chairs; 4 small tables; 3 iron beds with" springs and lmattrtustr, 4 good dressers; 2 Con- (see rugs 9 x 12; 1 linoleum rug. is x 12; 1 linoleum rug ' x 12; l ,Axminster rug, 9 x 12; Drophead [sewing machine; 1 new porcelain re- 'rrrigerator, (this is an extra good lone); , three burner coal stoves; ielectrie heater; electric toasterg‘ ielectrlc tan; kitchen range tor eooV slug and 1 kitchen table; 12 kitchen clocks; 2 mantel clocks; 4 leather pillows: empty sealers; garden hose 3and tools; water power wash mach- ‘iine: lot ot kitchen utensils and; _ dishes; pictures and numerous other useful articles; some silver knives , ‘and epochs . I moron ACCIDENT! I A ca_r driven by Wm. Wellheuwr ‘struck a car In charge of Gordon WIldI’ong on Baturdar. night.' Both machines were damaged. A; a re- ault Wellheuger faces a charge of telling to stop at: through thoro. l tare. Plan to attend this sale as the otterlngs are all In good shhpe and clean. MRS. JANE HEFNER. Prop. E. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer, PLAYED TIE GAME The Holy Name Society and the Oddfellows softball team played a tie game, 6 an, in the second game of the championship playoff games at the Waterloo Park on Monday. - of - Valuable Household Effects AUCTION SALE GEORGE WHITHAE Phone 734 r . . KMch ELWmCOmut. Phone 222, Kitchener. “Itch-nap Aug. 31 (awn-my) __ At 8 an, household olfact- a my suction sum]. Kitchener, tor Aaron B. Mars trm Aug. " (Saturn, - At , Pan., valuable household men. lncludlng an Everwn Dunc. like new, situated at 20 Maurlce tat., " South Bt. non Boon Twines. Kltchenor. tor the estate ot J. Edward my. Sept. 4 (Wednesday) - At , pm. store stock and butcher equipment tor Albert J. Mar, clty of Gilt. Sept. , tMomiary--At 2931., mort- gage sale ot property known In " Rudy St., Waterloo. McBride and McGlbbon, Solicitors. Waterloo. Sept. 14 Ist.rurdary--At 3 Pan., valuable real estate of , was with good buildings and chattels belong. ing to Charles W. Fink in the village of Wellesley. Sept. IT (Tuesday) -- At 1 pan., valuable tarm stock and mostly all new implements, My. grain and household elects belonging to Full] Kienappel. situated 1 mile out at, Josephshurg. 4 mile: north ot St. Agatha _lnd'2 miles west of Erin» vllle. No reserve. mm 3 cold. Sept. 19 CPtturxsdayF-At 1 p. m. sharp. vatunble hammock. unple- menis, hay. grain and household of- lects belonging to Michael Strum. situated 1% miles west at Hamburg and 3 miles northeast ot Wallaby. No react-Va. I Sept. " (Saturday morning) - At 8 a.m.. household effects at my auc- tion stand at Kitchener market. tor Jae. Alway. Oct. 16 iwednesdarr-At 1 9.111.. valuable farm. stock. implements, hay, gram and roots belonging to John use], situated I',", miles north. west of SI. (Elements and 4% miles southeast of Linwood. No reserve. E. J. BHANTZ, Auctioneer August 31 (Saturday) - At 1.30 p.m.. exeopuonaBr good household effects belonging to Mrs. miner, " Gllr'mr SC, Kitchener. near Do. ininioa The. S m. 18 (Wednesday) - Farm Sta = implements. hay and gram bo. longing 'ro M. C. Burbray. on the premises two mlle-s north ot Bloom- lngdale and eight miles north ot Kitchener. Sept. 20 (Friday) -At 8.30 p.m.. sale ot real astute ot B roamed house at 76 Brubachor Bt., Kitchener. Sept. 21 (Saturday)--At 11 aan. It the City Hall, Kitchener, an broom. ed house at 91 Louisa Bt., Kitchener. -eiiTfiriE7rrfth- The Waterloo fire brigade VIII called shortly before noon on Tue-- dny to extinguish u chimney fire " 3 home at the corner of Queen and Duke streets. AUCTION SALE LISTS w. w. FRICKEV. Auctioneer a ,a, You won’t yum-:0"- mung-u id. at Int" WATEBIDO '-At 1 p.m., - tiii,ii:,iiiii;liiu" 1Proete" COOK’S IDEAL BREAD - IT’S DELICIOUS PIECE OF GIRL'S LEG Don't Slump A helpless cripple nlnce she was three years old, Miss Virginia Con- rad, 17, at Atlantic City. NJ, has 1 good chance ot recovering the use ot her legs. surgeons announced (allow. in; an Initiate operation. A igix- inch section ot bone from one of her .033 was placed in the lower spine. CANCER CURE FOR ANIMALS ', Discovery of a compound that (“I- solves and apparently cure-s cancer} in animals In a tow days was an- nounced at the thirteenth inter. national physiological congress at Harvard Medical school recently. i It Is injected hrpodermieatir Into the cancer and its effect is said liter- ally to can-so the malignant cells to breathe themselves to death. We Your “a: to! the - . In: "A6lalr.qqta" - From The Wm. Snldor mm». 00. Ltd, Wotan-loo - 1tettaHet Hawaiian: and fully Eutiio. Peed them _ Blatchhrd’s Bar-Nun Growl" mill a Manure Spreader t--mteo Utility Motor 1tr--ly, RP. Gillan "3ottrtnr<nt-tt+ ‘90!" “(In tr-W, KP. 011m Hopper (100M Ilium "--tr" Water)†Boy motor IF-Nth " Je, mil 0mm Sour ator, on t . HOMER IOWWIMSMANV " Wuhan - . can». Ont Now is the time to decide whet you: egg proiits will be. Now is the time to build you! pull“! for their job. Complete their all- round development so they and: “I laying pens with. “you: 'yrpre,1t 2t it!) St I--" tt, Ma-riinrru- Binder t--" x " Bins“ Pole Disc Harrow '--No. " Mwey-Htrrll Walling Plow 4--coebthtgtt "Raver" Snlky Plow '--bPttrrow John Doors Ruin: " sore-dot F--0ugon Mum†Spreader Fun-cyan?!“ (Ipw-down) (In: Flow b-,No. a Cock-hut! M u n u r o Keep up their vitality by [amps feeding. Hens put in good condition now feather out loin quickly. It takes 3 lot of vitality for I hen to produce 10,000 (amen. PM)": for the moutt now by feedirse- mi, Your Shoes Mere and my the Boob with the Money you Save Bargains in Used Farm Equippgnt Bora' Shoal, In. 1 to 5 from .--r.-...-m...r.e..."'-' Youth's Shoes. use. It to " from ...-..-t.r....p. Misses' Shoes and Slippers. shes 11 to 2, tron Girl's Shoes and suppers. sites 8 to my. ...-‘ St. Jacobo cider 'e,2r',f, and operates. " u: on Wain-day. mun, one day only for t week. M m . 18 Chit}: Cook a Son 18 King St. N. . . ONTARIO t B. Sander SCHOOL OPENS NEXT WEEK Cider Mill I8 PLACED IN SPINE your . Bohlender's i; Wanted 109 gore farm situated about 8 miles trom Kitchener on a main highway. good strong so“ in high state of cultivetion showing an extra good crop this year. Brick house. good hank barn with good startling, imple- ment shed. pig stable. and other out-ttuit-ir, plenty or water. spring creek flowing through part ot farm. Hydro power can he obtained if desired Owner says Dell. has other interest; to look alter. For quick sale price greatly reduced .._..... 87500 . '3"! " w " mmmnculnlnu'nl Opens, August A9th for Pressing only. On September 5th we will do cooking as well, and every Tuesday, Wed.. nesday and Thursday thereafter throughout the season. l OD Acre Farm 81600 cash. balance can remain on farm as mortgage if desired. It you want 1 load farm well situated don't miss this one. (No trade on other property considered). Crop can be bong!“ iiGUuuriidd.' gee In atsottt-it, we have no other such bargain on our large list. a Fnacrlck on. along Ila. of the Market lulldlng. on Kitchener and Waterloo property. lst MORTGAGES h.LGliSiliihli - â€It: rug-Iberi- tetott'tr_tP"n. Let â€OLLAOINI HIM. Moo. your “In. - - In â€on“. County MW G. ll. SNYDER K " 0 " E N I R Real [mu Ind Auctlonur Imur-noo and Money to Loan E. J. SHANTZ Several Good Farmers A Real Bargain Kitchener Cider Mill E. A. Stahl mum-tn. . 6112 ‘70 half-yearly Waterloo .226 to “so "tttt to ‘2." $2.†to .175 81.75 to was Waiefloo 34-10