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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Aug 1929, p. 8

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_,'." "gHni.slttlEIttgIattitt W _ Feeds". good do. “if _.-..... Stocks". good do. mir .....eF.r C-lven. good .._ do. medium do. unseen Springer-s 'P...... Millers ........... hubs. choice 1 . A1.tttmritmmtteattoofifuNm Quotations: Hwy beet steers "will 00 Butcher users. choice " 50 do. fair to good ........10 00 do. common .P.PN-....P. 7 " Butcher heifers. moles)! 00 ...:do. fair to good .....fP. 10 00 do. common .m_rrtp.mtF. 9 00 Butcher cows, good to choice T 50 t do. Bedlam T.._._P...9P.. 6 50 do. bolognas .r..P.m.mr.t.. s 50 -gstr80.--uAAAiuerato hhuhdnuhumlhh- u Yul- .h tool. that "to -t-testu.etbttHmtho mall-onus. mr-tini-hai-ro" mun-amount: mnvu v.1 mung-um: Id! In not supply todBr. an. [or Indium lid eon- uhtmu Ion lovaud My lbw up to 11 o’clock. The only -ttt-urtte1mrtrahrtrou, which sold Im- " to " cum 1 cults. M trade in down and the "gtitngttt will likely account (or than: In]: an otter. Good stacker: I." worth from 8 to ' cents. and Mr 1. Bid- on common steers were no. 1% to " can“. Bids on annual use" were from 1% to " only. Good hutch" can said do", from 7% to " (kha- voro a light supply, but than VII no demand and a tow - also were at " cents. But it In like]! that good calves will re- main about 14 to " cents or a halt . can lower than yesterday. Cour non [fa-non were steady at ' to 9 coats. ‘ Tho lamb trade was unsettled. buyer. Marlin; M cents tor good em and the salesmen were asking 25 cents a hundred higher. Buck runs were worth three cents teas than even. Very few settlements on hogs up tlit " o’clock. Packer's bids on has: were one cent lower than yes- terday u 13% cents ROB. and 10/: cents w.o.c. Cattle receipts: 747: ea1vetg, 488; do; culls .......Ft..-.t.-.t Sheep. choice -t.-.-..te-. do. medium -.rrp.r.mtmm Hogs. select. w.o.c. .. do. ted ..-...t...rt-re.r-. do. 1.0m. .....er.-r-rqt.r.. do. think smooths. do. on tracks _.-.-... American Corn No. 2 yellow, kiln fried. track Tor. onto. $1.17. Mill teed, delivered, Montreal (night. My Included: Bran, per TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Manitoba Wheat No. , northern. 31.78%. No. 3 northern, 51.68%. No. 4 wheat. 81.63 w No. 5 when. $t.50Y. No. ' wheat, 81.34%. Food wheat, $112“. Mnnltoba on; No. t teed. “a. No. 2 lead. 62%e. (cit. Goderiett and bay ports) . u is; F mi Flour and Feeds We lave than on hand a large - of MILL FEEDS - DISTILLERS (mm) mum GRAXNS 20% Protein a" oon‘ousnnn MEAL - on. out. MEAL - TANKAGE - SALT - 001m - OATS - scnmmcs . scum nan . POULTRY con LIVER on. . as“ a BONB mm. m. ' CRACKED CORN A SPECIALTY cattle 700; hogs, sheep and lambs. of All Kinds 85 00 " 00 16 25 " (ro 5 50 14 50 13 " 13 " 13 " " 75 7 00 H 00 ll 60 750 650 650 1400 975 “and” $12 26 ll 25 10 60 8 00 ‘11 50 10 75 10 00 120 m) 110 00 7 00 7 00 IS 00 10 00 9 60 9 " 7 00 15 00 " 50 14 00 600 m.‘.* mucosa-d 'o-ar-uit..'" mun-Imam t-'r-."mt_"lstrrr.itnst-tam.t-... i-.-"".."""'""" mm '. u“. _ mun-mum-.. - _ ----. tuae..'...--.-.. “mammal.“ mum. ‘muum.mow ”mg-"‘1" -e'.-t.err. “mat-homo.“ “tum-3W. c.M,MIuLIU hut-n. "o.Fr-Alian..tt-ro,r.mt.-i- am; so. '.eit to86%. Mhmm lover-"dim a: M; can: tuotsoreeaarttrer-"u-tt--usliia.taueusatto;.-.i-uu" No. 1..." Old. large " 'Scuse me," he gasped, “thought you were m'trtte." Dealers are quoting country our pets tor unxnded em, delivered. cues returned: Fresh, extras mmm-.rr..t.rm....r_._P. I " do. tirtrtts tws..t...msq.tmem...r...... " as do. seconds p-rr-e-..-...--... n .... Quotations to recall "we: Fresh. extra. per dos. in anal" HEAVY FIRE L083 With names raging in every prov- ince from Atlantic to Pacltlc coast: Canada is faced this year with possi- bility ot the heaviest forest the loan in the history of the dominion. In almost every timber ("strict armies at men have been pressed Into ac- tion. but in many cases they can do no more nan keep the ttttmea trom C,',,',':'],',',,")',': mpldly throughout the limberlamls. Heavy rains can save the situation. Making doubtlul progress In the woman's direction. he threw his arms about her and, to " horror. disc covered ahe was a (on! stranger. Broiiers, oyer " lb. ........ do. 1% to 2% tb. trT..tFt..P' do. 1% to Mk lb. F..-....."' Hens, over 5 lb; each .... .. do. 4 to sin. etch _.......... do, 2% to 1 lb. each .rtmt.Pw do. under 3% lb. out: .. Roosters, over 5 In. each" Ducklinge, over 5,111. each. Old ducks. over sm....-......, Toronto wholesale dealer- ln hides and wool are quoting prices to coun- try shippers as follo'ws: City hides, green. tle perch; bulls and brands, Tc. per ttc; country hides. green. 100 skins. green. napkins. green. 130; per lb.f'cured, 10550: to no. qu- cured grade, $3; N0. 3 grime. " grade, tt; No. 2, $3. Calfsllns, cur- Horsehair, 40c. Horsehldea. No. 1 ed; Inge per th. Wool. ttat rate. tree ot rejects. 22c per ttr., when. 14c per m. Tallow cakes. has) T%e per ttr.; solids, in barrels, 6% to Tc CANADA FACING He was walking rather unaludlly down the street, the result of a visit to his club, when he thought he any Ms wire. "There. y'aee!" he ejaculated. “N'wonder l was misuken. You talk Jus' like her, too'." do. under 3% lb. out: .. " 20 Roosters, over 5 In. each... " " Ducklinge, over 5,111. each.. 23 .... Old ducks. over sm....-....... 20 .... Stagsy chickens classed In old roosters. "You're a fine husband tor' any woman to have. aren't you?" the lady "twierd In disgust. nun-mum. 7 do. twin: do. Stilton do, do, do, was to M" Tr“. extras. loose .....‘ "rats mrrrt..t._...rr.. seconds ..m.-r..t-... HIDES AND WOOL '. No. l ....... POULTRY q All": Owned " .. " ,. " " ll " \It..0lnsItMu-d rm): moth-mum In.“ 're-o-om.-,. 2iiii"ii,"iir."l'a,i'iElsi?rgt' ‘mylnbmnolh 1't1et.Pet1ePt--t. PhD-Hum. 8 -, of Dunc“ ”at Murat with Mr. at In. in mm. ‘ In” no In. inner- and In. Dunstan-halal In on. will“. Mr. And In. A. [inborn we Mr. and In. J. C. Hum. vmied with trio-d- at Toronto And Phlnvmo‘ our tho week-end. no Ibu- Iaou and an: En- "' and "out. comm: amt the W at mm and Rm sun. and him vealed lilo. Pol-unis The Post omm, law:- of Low doll and. " cum! mm to the local you clue. on Monday. Mn. Henry thinning of Kitchener. Mia Leon. Emory of Toronto and um mm. Emory of Kttctteat'er spent [at week will: Mr. um. In. Roy Oomock. _ “been Ada qutemn and Bland“: Hilton: spent Sunday at the home of In. J. Clemons. In. hold at a. no. or m bruit- nn-u. All "have. and new Mr, Lorne mam, tool a bushes: trip to Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mm. Earl Einwechter we!” Bucky q Kitchener. - rou- I.“ “by-truth. Mr. and In. PhWp Mom at Kitchener were the [m ot in. and In Simon Wm on Sunday. Mr. .140 In. Ntar lumbnrxer and mu WAR" of St. Lorne and Mr. no! In. Joe Himrtttmrtrasr at Waterloo veto than" with Mr. and Wa. Henry smoul- on “unity. The‘hride, who was given. In mar- riage try her brother. Mr. Ira Toman, entered the drawing room to the aiming at the wedding music played by Mlss Margaret Mltchell and was sound In white satin. trimmed with orange blossoms an'd Brussels lace and the customary bridal veil, with a corona! of orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of pale pink roses In]: llly of the "may and terns. Min Helene “gunnery ot m, Columbus returned bone after mu- lng Manda here. She was included by Miss Bar- bara Guthrie as bridesmaid. who was attlred In lemon geomette with han- 'dean of ”mums and carried orange roses and mauve swéet peas. Mr. amt, Mrs. Mitchell have the boat wlshes ot the community hr a' long and happy wedded llfe. Pol-Iona]. The home ot Mrs. Aaron Toman was the acne at a very pretty wed- an; on Wednosday. July 24th, at high noon. when Wayne. daughter of Mrs. Aaron Tom. was married to Mr. David B. Mitchell. Rev. F. Porsythe ot Salton! outdated. Over one hundred guests were served val: I. sumptuous wedding dinner on the smclous awn. For travelling the brlde wore navy georgeno and navy coat with blonde hat Ind shoes and hole to match. After t weddimr.tritr to Huston they will ruide on the groom's farm " Perry's Corners. Mr. Henry smear In a bushes: visitor at Baden on Monday. Mrs. Jack Mort: of Kitchener rev turnetl home that spending a few by: with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. carer and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dietrich calied on Mr. Ind Mrs. John K. Wagner on Sunday. __ Two children ot Mr. and Mrs. An- no Sterner. who underwent minor operations on Saturday, are recover- ing nlcely. Mlsa latte Better of New Hamburg sang during the signing of the reg!» tar. Mrs. Caroline Brick ot Punt, ma... is visiting a law day: with her sister. INTERESTING David B. Mitch-ll Unlted in Marriage to m.- WIyne Tttman.-.-- _ New Dundee News. The groom wanUttended by Mr. Norman Gum: of Toronto. _ “one no In... Cullnon NEW DUNDEE JUNE WEDDING a.» f M h... all-um.‘ lad m‘ in. 2.ed: 'ffdulh'Udt w““""‘~" In.“ land - m,“ 'ftgul"glfhtt2rftT. P.fr. .. Pl wig 1etetefelt an: 1““ “I! ‘m-mmum Mrs. W. Each In a recent “8le at Kitchen“. ’ Mr. Johnson ot out was . Gunny visitor with Mr. mm Mem M. “on. Ernie Wright ot Bunlford - A couple of days In the ”has. Mn. W. Jones undenvent All open tion on Monday and b mm“ nicely. . Mrs. J. C. Ross and two children have returned to .thoir home In Oshawa "ter spending the past week wuh her mother, Mrs. Pot-Inc. 'rritt" dock. mu m: I - too- and knel- ehqtrw.8 an at lunch lath-ad chin; ‘m who; um.»- ullu; 10m "h'oatorod an"; Ian-on“ no; bou-dr. “who. ail-u: 5 than this n can but): I Ibn. - down tables; I 009k noun; ' bu- on; 4 box “has; , bedroom “no. complele; ' Iron bod-I with twin.- and mam-ones; 4 wooden bod: com- plate; a lot ot sheets. trends. pu- lows and other bedding: Immune; a tot ot carpets; , lane mirrors: 6 and! mirrors; , wait clocks: kitchen clock. electric watts; I hand-power washers; 2 commode chain: , new- Visitor: Coming and Going. Mr. A. Block and Mrs. A. Nahls were recent visitors at Hamilton. Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Smith of Bali. spent a tew days in the village. a Mr. and Mrs. B. Quelch of Preston were visitors with Mrs N. Quelch. Mr. and Mia. B, Gill and family Mrs R. Panablker and hmily pf Preston spent a an? In the VIII-go. my machlnu; , dinner an; Iota ot odd dishes ad “an; silver! have: and lath; three tHat. cider: lunch; 4-10 gallon tank; ' barrel shot gun; It" toritut; , canary singers and men; a lot of canned fruit and empty laden: stone cracks: garden tools: kitchen Ind cooking utensils; about 123 pictures and’many - Yes. manother useful articles too suu'herom, to "non. Thin In no doubt the - and but “arm-lent of furniture over offered In this district. s', We ask you to he on time, and we mean It. as there are thousands of articles to be ttold. Mr. and Mrs. B, Gill and family were visitors at Apr. - Mr. and Mm. P. Llfchis and Mrs. E. Hall ot Toronto were recent 'guests at Mr. and Mrs. R. Jonas. Mr. amt Mrs. J..McMiuart and son Joseph ot Peevemllam were vlsitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson. Mr. and Mrs J. Glllow and family of Dickie Suwanee. were recent visitom with Mrs. A. Nahls. Melvin Holt celebrated hf: birth- day recently. Guests present at " home for the anniversry were Mm Anderson end family or Washington” Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Jammy of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. C. Super of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Robins and family of Bridgeport. Mr. Holt was presented with a rocking chnlr. Mr. Han read the address end Mr. Robins made the oremmtatlom Mr. and Mrs. J. It Jones and two children of Preston tern boon Hakors recently. Mr. Wlllhm Watson at Whterioo visited his brother, Homer Watson. tor a few darB. 'a-er-a---" 'oh No reserve at Mr. Stein I: mum». the Hotel and Second Hand Store awn-m Term---; term.--. HARRY STElss. Proprietor. . Heidelberg. Miss A. Nahls and J. Lawrence of Kitchener spent a few days with the tormer's mother. Mrs. A. Nahls. Also one to: bound; " hens: 40 spring chicks; single wagon; tinting wagon; , wheelbarrows, and other articles. Mr. and Mrs. c. Reader visited Mendy at The Plains. “Mag-Pair- W. w: FRIOKEY. - The People'l Reliable Auctioneer. Pinon. 592w. Waurloo. J. ALBERT STEISS, Clerk. 30-2 nun-I- - III In - III ”I- la. It. Home: To PM Imum»... ."s‘n'egwrm-t‘mn loud-y. Ann-t no. hm hv- mm. W. Mann's-lul- ln tte. stack tool!» than “"0. Watch.“ on II a - an! '.'C.Ma$t-tit.No,t,waterttto, WHIiOWum-n hum-ocu- pin-om. Alwhnonmdm'andonuumhtmwt-l ”Wandering-«munch. In» 1',ld'eg'r,Wt'l.r,'.'2trl'ig."2'.r. E'hey.ye.eee!ytyeeeArteyia-sa .wguu-om ' IMTMW! magma-n. " ,mmmumm rum WARM i such- and vim to Tom on Iona”. Mn“ an. hm lu- [III tho steel to on. - “VII. I. .c, Hull-nun. I. No, I, Will-rho. Ila-o“. Abound-hallo... - W at -e-. It-ttea-tteel'?, 'tti-et-rt""-.-!? phat-madam” ummtnumt _ePe"rt'P.eertteft _aetu-t-taritesahrr't'" Au. T "Nd-y-At ' an}... mun. nu "tate, chuck tttlu Ion-mu - me on can of ce, won-n m, in a. mm. a LLli' A U C T I o N tr A L B L I S T 8 Aug. ' (Saturday) --ut 1 In. sharp, ulna-Mo hotel furniture, " mm. and a lot of tttmttttre in NI momma store adjoining no hotel. known u tho Bold-m How. I. the vin- of "authors. “I“. I'll ”WHICH-l“ - WW II II tueu.lef.eeter,t2tttee2eer,lt _ -orka-t.t"..ttraaetreetB? small-- 8 - " which '60.00, 1mm: an to diatr%tM" new uuuuaumm.mu¢uu=uguumlnvu vs-aaa-tarte-trt/erect??, ”0'5” tii-tite-ttth-tgem uumu. m'w mu." mmuwuuloo.0nm.ub in who I.” tn Ivo you; "rent-th any at lily. mo. 8. A .ottuon to the all Could! National Trust “my. Liam, um um um to mu: m eon- “I”! St. Bye, _ _ _ 1 Household Eileen - Penlnauin fringe; bedroom suite; wooden bed, dresser and stand: slam; "nail whore"; book case: cedar chest: [glass cupboard; lounge; extension ‘tahle; kitchen table; rockers; arm ‘chalr: 3 dining room chairs; kitchen Lclmir's; Singer sewing machine: gnu-phone sand; wardrobe; wood» Finest: pillows; some bedding; fruit ‘cunboard: canned (rut; sellers; ‘some honey; bee totmdatton; a lot ot good bee hives end rocks: honey Extractor; 26 gal. milk on; cream [nonunion iron kettle; counter seller n lot of kitchen Ind cooking Jiiciia,' and my other gleeful ‘articlee not listed. N I No roam - Winding up Estate. Tom on tteat "ute--N% out: on it, ot ale; balance in 30 "m. Chem“ and t'o-hertd "--- unload-unusual" - W_m‘-'.-_ Mum-ct. tdurNaWlntrlltA8ttl. tutetete,tvtttgS'eAtggrrtgG1't"'rtN?lte "muwu'hm seelegglteU'ldrttJ."rdltiT. -tet"0uttr...MMt"ll."d".'.T2u"d 1|”me 191.11.. Comm“. 150an "Gra"7"ias%k G "iiriiil' 'mrte-tB81.g8%. mun-III -- ”at?! I. A ”in”: to the“ 00nd! '"g"aVgNtt'"'"""""" will not avail to mac an eon- I”. . “to stmctbn itt a. mid worn in: By hamstkw M" . mutton mum. an ion or IPI 'iiGiiri", dunno. mm: in which it In: boon undet- ”-3 “macho: larch. =======================- Mon. my be we walnut to tHe. uA No. 8 ot ther Loni lmpmvmnont}> "MICE To (380m let'. ta thq Ontario “In"! and ‘In an In.“ wnuun snow. at. 'md.ertu-- M WP. Mobile ata- tionary gas or coal oil engine, In running order; l-hors‘e carriage and pole; set motion iron narrows: scarier: 1 Man bone grinder; Inn- nlng mm; 1200 lbs. beam mics; rip saw name; set of cistern frames; cedar posts; quantity of 18 ft. x " It 6 and , x 4 cedlr and grace lum- ber; lurks: shovels. a‘nd numerous other articles. i k. A an." tor neat-mu ,ti'.t,"t ma. my. J"; Sec. '"c2lh' a...“ all credlton an onion ' Emil": '02:. rm h: a“: t {claim lain-t the estate- of the and 1 , . mme I . - " - .Wmhn snow. who died on or Lt yr held on the m dar ot Arm- lebom the 3rd My ot mm. 1910. net. 193. or at a regular or ”may; 3:371“. Ills said gangs“... . on or about 3 t by “ten" thereof to be held there- ‘01 February. 1929. are required on or tt Br. GG2' the 20m day of August. 1929. 'Dated at Waterloo the 4th CI! ot to lend by we: prepaid or dellver to July. 1929. lune 'trd'",',',',,'.',',',',',',; sun-nor (or the . perm "nonnative. ot the said 1.eL...._.'e!.ee..l.2:..e5fee.... estates. their we and “dresses l and in" particulars ot their chins. ( {And the nature of the aatmgritiea, " any, held by them. ' AND mnrnum Tuna: NOTICE At , gun. Real Eatatt--Cmttatnhm a new ot land, more or less; thereon in I . roomed rough can house with their en and woodshed attached; hot " heated; hard and not! water In house; also a bee house, good hunk stable and hen house; all that of mm This s; In ideal poultry or garden farm. The property will be olereq‘wect to a reserved Md. alumni Bond. by . may of the one" "mounting at - out half ot the one.“ value at an lot- which no to be amid]: may ed mentor. There wit be mild by Public ate tlom the real estate. chattel: and household otrects helonglnx to tho estate ot the late Wm. Fink, in the vmage ot Linwood, on WEDNESDAY. AUGUST T, "" Valuable Rial Estate, Inle- ments and Household Elects. GEO. FIN, HY. NEUIRT. JOHN SCHMATZIR. llama. w. w. FRICKEV. Avalon". Phone 502w. Window Joe KAILSY, Clerk. T 81 -of- to?“ state, tTi"diaiuuu-oea-at.t6. a. 23mm 33:: can I: ”that“: I'm lettlCtt wormtmywse “MI“! 'dll ' won an tho Bold-Ml Nice but ham. " I n It, with " nuanurg. [mu and as 1 It n., alt and " "M ' P..., pile umber, It good “at. of "pair. l, clutch IMINo mm.» no“ tor numb. Witt um- . OM nhl- " - - -- .. . . - 31-1 And take notice that utter one]: last mentioned date the said execu- tors will proceed to dietrlbute the “not: ot the aid deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto. having rut“! only to the claims of which they shall then he" notlce And that the an executors will not be liable tor the and - or any part there- of to any [lemon or persons) notice 'of who" claim mil not hue been t received brthem at the time of such 'dhtributlon. Chartered Trust a Executor Com. Pl'm . " King Street. West, Toronto. Ont. Eleanor. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE [that after one): he! mentioned date the said personal representative: at Etna aid eetntoe will proceed to dip» tribute the “not: ot the damaged among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the chins ot which they shall then have notice. end they will not be liable tor the said Insets or my out thereto. to any person or persons of whose chime notice an.“ not have been received by them at the time of each distribution. Dated this 30th day ot July, 1929. A. L. ”TIER. . . " one.» St. m. not. mu. "manor. "a _ FOR CALI 1 ”ruling mrtttt, mm Parr tme. tor and (loom-on threshing Inching only and two moons. Priced right for quick nun. Apply to Charle- his: Sabin, Kitchen". ttuNNg'.2't'tN.?lte an my. ot.dg.drmeraAeqtth. ‘Wmauu. ”1.". imwwthOM mun-acacia". [unusual-101m”. ' FOR BALI Ono garland of good you“ broke In", hams jun. arrived. Prorrtotor R. mum. It P. R. Wuhan-1 tro-ara-ibn-- 1929. at the Town of Waterloo, In] ‘the County ot Waterloo. are remnant: ion or hetero the 22nd day ot August] 1929, to send by poet. would. or de- liver to the undersigned. the execu- tor: of the but will and ”lament ot the an! deceased James neuron. dink christian names and surnames! We“ and descriptions. full per- tlculnrn. in inning, of their china. th sutement .ot their eccounu. end use nature ht (he security, it any, ‘held by them. By lug, lay. Melatonin-ml .- Wilda, Solicitors tor humor. Band at Tau-0930. Ont-Ho. this 20th any ot July. In tho Matter " the Ethic of JAMES HEVEION. In. oi tho Town of Waterloo. la the County ot Waterloo. Print-r. amused. Notice is hereby (hen. pursuant to Section " ot the Trustee Act, R. B. 0. 1927. Chap. 150, that all creditors and other: ttgwtrttr claims or demand: against tho Estate ot the said James Havel-on. who died on or abgut the twenty~secoud Qty ot Mar, of an Tofu-mp o! yum-m. to en. County M Want-I00. and " Am wow. his am. both - and. NohCB S HEREBY GIVEN pur- unm to the mm salutes ot ow tario, t08T, my. IM), thte. " that WANT“ A m -I ttt Inch - Toronto. Ontario. Mr. By Jul“ c, an.» Wanton. Ontario, " uncommon ”you: 'unit',,?.,,.?..!.-"'"""?", -'.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS I 31mm. Classified / Ad. For fume! urticuhn apply B. Kitchener, 95am airbus... In. . Out Email-1‘! ”kw-av; 3ta _ E. J. SHANTZ LII HOLLAUII um. to... AKCRESSMAN on Kitchener nod Wnterlpo gun“: lst MORTGAGES I have had placed into my hands to sell. a spiendld garage business. situated in a good live town. a splendid equipment and well situated. doing In good busi- nesa, The purchaser can have the direct agency tor the Chev- rolet car. having a good sized territory to work ort,' 65 cars sold in 1928, Anyone wanting . business of this nature will do well by looking into this. Owner has good wagon for sell- lng. Would consider an exchange on Kitchener or Waterloo pro- pony. II Indorlck IL, up». Old. of m III-kn lulldln'. FARMS FOR BALE Bee my nice list ot choice mrma for sale. Priced to as". tt If c " E N E I _ Rn! Emu Ind Alienation, Immune. and Monty to Low Farmers violent-ewe!“ in“; Wer-ttr mum-al- antral-Wendy -tnrtdnreutterrm. ”with“ overactive We also speeinliu In a sphndial nrbty of [Its- try. A choice selection always on hand. "tereerbeathmadnnd Phone 613 Waterloo and our bread salesman will tttereteeuWnurh., tr. A.Gook and Son Several Good Wanted Garage Business Bredd Cook's bread is Inked For Sale A Good thrr.trttYBMt . Wuhrloo 18kit.N., WATERLOO Phone 613 - 61,2 l/o half-yearly a}: "

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