W: W te. [yum-{W 'e W A. B. LEARN DRUG STORE Waterloo - - - Ont: "mmmmmtmtmm.tmt.roimnw.rr., *i.tMrt0ttNmtmrtqrtqtrettm Era-nu. mm skin. _ at“!!! III. twill)!“ quickly riekt to D,D.D. Thu M mung llqulul pen-virule- the Illa. mm and balm. the inn-tad Hm. “CHINE “BPS IIS'I‘AXTLY. [10.0. I. that In] “link-u. A Me In"): pm- Itl an“ I mr drum-t (In: may up] but. 0.0.0. own this MIRA. (Una-Inn)». 8.)» P"' IIIIIlIIh In IIIIHII .II Mt I In " 't'.r'orr.tr.tt.ttBt [III I o""""""'""""'""""-----, , Tire 'Hospital 01 Klng BLV_N:_V - Phone OF COURSE you shoe: to get back safely on all tours but one ot your tires my set crlptrhrd---tuteh is liner luck of the highway awaiting every man. Take an extra tire along - we’d say take two, you can't be certain when you'll need 'em. The shop Thu$ivu Your Dollar 3 Long 'ttde. AReal Aatua.ticGetrRo_ top Itching Skin Troublesl Call us any time you want beautiful fldral designs or cut flowers for all occasions. H any, Marks PHONE! 563 . 578 Floral Designs wu, MAKE k NEW " COAT OUT OF YOUR OLD ONE It your Fur Coat is out of style, or it it - reirirtg or new lining. bring it here not And vie wlll up" and mod-I it an that you can‘t tell n tron a now can, and the prim will M reason-ml; , Pick out tho In: 70: VIII. the “all“. the Mull“. and n w“! one ya- I my can to tterr mama-n "In. " tt nus you any in when you at. (to out. No donut W. “Gav-0.0.0000! tom-MIMI.- gamut-III!!!- run enocxsu m Hugo macaw-A 1rteto,tesioetya,v-tm,-,,- $U=.%"ftt'.ttt,..P'"'-uiiuitruuici hr "I‘D".m. m In; Wot â€IAN â€I. Gut Flowers wdtet hr .00 I out AUGUST FUR BALI It. N. 'Phom 47M WATIRLOO Fur Coat- Mado to Your MoaauAr-No Deposit. b . FELDMAN F (IRS A. Bond, Florist "on. "t and n will all chm». In the Twin cm. Ontario once. . autumn-ulna... W“ ill 'tttretry. ." "ee'"emt'tt8etr Trrrrztrr""-'--n' ""'es,i' t..',. '.u"-yr; C mmwdumwmm ".s"-i' Atttgt'"ftithel mammnbw.m-mm.¢m .5“- w, "ra" ' ‘umwmm-.Wodmuquumflww\ul _ "ltr-rr-ware-vp-dos""'".."'"'.)--..-.'-- , 'rtt't-.e'-s.mstl?Pf", “a. _,' t' 'NMeMore-hrueetdtrtrtrtaet- 'Mr.nnd In emu-m It. lanthanum-nu ' --t-ttau-t-ete"e-ttert-u'tH--ett-t- . "-esrttoa-P-est"t"ur'o'B"r,'"cc.uPe"'o.nieo-rao-rata- mmequ-‘"‘“' " nomadvunmlrJu :mmw-mcbur‘n'm- "t.BA"orAri"o"atNrltgm.re.-ee-e_ $.th In. Inna.- on"... - "animus; In - nut. In. Ina-Alumni...“ or mus-LET manner. To i, STANDARD PAVING co. 1 The Bond of Works of the Town, Council hive approved the tratekrt- ting or the paving contracts by the; Brennan Putin; Co. to the tstandard) Paving Co. Owing. to considerable‘ delay to putting down connection since the contract was awarded. the Brennan company I: not In a reunion to proceed with the work at once ai, all or their sun In engaged on con- tracts in other vices. The Standard company has agreed to construct the pavement on Norm and Victoria streets and tenure-co Foundry street. Work on these streeta wlll "art at Members or the Young People'l Bo.'. 1:1er ot St. Louis R. C. Church mo-' tored to the Kraft farm no" moon». lngdale on Sunday afternoon are a naps! delightful and - i!i'ii: Following an Interesting pr of sports Including with“! and meet! supper was served. ENJOYED OUTING not In“. lint for in _ and. " hum - ill than by It. mm. Dani-lo- b... Bgh.qirm Idl my ot the DIM Church W.I.8. flo- mt In. Kaela-or an tlit ON mm FARM WATERLOO um mi Mr. no In. J. M. Wool. o! .Wuwloo. Mr. and In. J. KUatiq an} "teqVtar can and Mr. ad In ' Salon-h of CW - Sum: with Mr, and In. B. 0. . Mr. Fred Schnelder was the Sun- day visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt. A welcome visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. loo A) Schwartzentru- her over the weekend was Mr. Peter Betorartmntrttber of Utica, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. David Boshart and family spent Sunday In Baden tha guests of Mr. Joe Bosbart. Sunday visltone or Misses Ruth and Helen Betrwartzentrtatrer 1nd Messrs. Earl and Paul Schwartzew Huber were Muses Rally and Mice Boshart and Mr. Floyd Bastian. " I ACCEP‘I‘S CALL TO WATERLOO The announcement ml made Pee cently that Rev. Mr. Athmlon of St. James' Church at Full Ind seemed a all to the pastorate ot the St, Saviour'n Church at Waterloo to aue. Ree. C. W. Fol-emu. who ae. copted a can to St. blur: Church Mr. Jaw]: Schneider ot this neigh- borhood ands a successful trip to Bufield, accompanied by Heather brothers. A splendid time was re- ported. ' Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. haul were Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Janlzi and Mr. and Mrs. John Jam- zl of Wellealey and Mr. and Mrs. John B. Jantzl of Wilmot Centre and Mr. and an. Menu) Eahna ot Mihenon. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mm. Gldeon Hamacher were Mm. Quin Hamacher and Mrs. Morris}: and son Bill, Mrs. shoemaker, Mr. Earl Kill- skl, Mlu Hume]: and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Shame and son Glen. Mr. Albert Chapman and son Bert- run and hummer Mlldred and Miss- es Ruby And Myrtle “trucker mo- tored to I plcnlc at 7 Beltontaino on Saturday. The people ot this district wel- comed the rainfall of the past week. Service: next Sunday will be Sun- day School at " mm. and Church aervlcps a 7.30 pm. MAY BUILD NEW AtMNTum rohorat BANK The announcement In mode re cently by manager A. C. Hoffman of the Royal Bank, Waterloo, that ex- temlve tutertbtions will be mode to the thank mulling at the corner or King and Drb stratus. Mr. Hoffman would eottrirm the report that the bank Intended erecting a' large oddl‘ “on. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Israel and chucks]; spent Sunday with relatives les Kitchener. Mrs. W. Bowman and children ot Kitchener are vtsltlng with the farmer's mother, Mrs, J. Snider. I In. sun»: of linens-ct spent Saturday with In. J. Iceman. Mr. and In. Ronnie Hamilton of Hanover ami Rev. Mr. “gunman of Guelph want Sunduy with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ravioli. Injured In Fail Mr. Wm. Whitehead In; the min- nortune to fait from cttalmarr'tt Bridge mulls tithing, receiving unto bruises and cuts. His friends with him . speedy recovery. Mrs. line latent: its Improving ttttttr a serious “he“. . ttt Wllhrvme. You enjoy every moment of at Munich holiday. be it union!) or month. Such nu enticing any ot plasmas that bring the by ot living to ntt,--tro1t on nix fine cannon. ion- Ill everywhere, lawn-bowling. hike. through avenues of [mum pilot. - or “not trim “to“ an TM?! THE JOY OF Miss Muriel Snlder h visiting wlth Miss Eileen Mom" ot Elmira. alum blad- ot this Inland â€my. ailing. mummy and balling. than dancing tn the cool of It. "only. under Med condluona. 1_-iesthuserrysmmrrirtaAriermeu-Ueti-tL summmmm \I’IOIM-tmdm. Nth-“MM“MWMWMM LPttryt"ttteer-ltrotu-ta-tu.. “no.“ 'f uu-mmnmmm 'et_d"retort- Ir.culln..mud mammmmmmmmuwmwumMn-n treAete., _ ll,“ s!,ttttto..y,tqtm Inimuulan .54.. K 'c" M-...:4c‘f.‘ . , A . e ' T .. By mi: Guam Nnuonu has "N.rtmr9rottrtthoermtttte m: m)- at plenum - only - or WU. mm " alt tet-tsore-sa-i 'soovaLotanttuigttst- hr -t., Mr. at! In. Hal-II PINE HILL " LIFE IN MUOKOKA Mr. and Mrs; James Killer went me, week-em) with Mantis In Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Rudy and MI. Edith Shunt: of Kitchener called on friends In the“ village on Sunny afternoon. Born-ion Saturday. July M, to Mr. amt Mrs. John [My Brubacher. ot Redbiln section. a son. _ _ The Mal "Behind each great desire. There has the dream that dates to be. we Idealizlng nil - or Life's unchanging myuery.†Mrs, Geo. Shana! and children pent a weak with Mr. and Mrs. James Killer. Master Wilhrd Brahman. who had the misfortune to (all and break his his arm, had the Fracture set I; the K iteherteravatenoo Hospital. Mr. Gd Mm. Maurice Kinda and was visited at Mr. Nod: (Brennan's home on Sunday. son, KN., ot Buhlo. N.Y., Ml- Jhdya Stone or Mondale and Mn. Garnet Darren, KN., of Tucson. Ariana. Mr. and Hrs. M. :Heckendom visit- ed Mrs Andrew Binder" Sunday, Miss Joyce Clears than! at Mr. Oscar Burkholder's our the week- Alter snowing the put week with air. Charles Matthews and family. Mrs. Bruce, and tmuaddatttthter, Miss Donny Montgomery. motored back ta their home ln/Ormgovillo last Monday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Titus Shunt: or Kit- rhener visited magnum. mother, Mrs. N. Dalmatia. The Misses Vera: and Helen and Mr. Oren Glmhel worn “out: ot their grandmother, Mm. Jon. B. CM". Mrs: Mm Mackenzie (formerly Mu. Lily Gelgor of an Inn‘s). now of Revelstoke, B.C.. and sons-John} and Junior, rinsed Hrs. Mackenue'a Mint. Mm. Monno Moder, recently. Mr. J. tt. smaller of . M. B., Harrtsotttrura, Va., '88 A recent trttqhst of Mr. Occu- Burkholder. Rouant‘ visitors with Mm. W. C. Jan-tinsel: were Mn. Witttrow Fen- .an and iMMt Ralph of Dayton. Mr. Wannee Fenton ot Emil-a. Mr. Whit. ney Fenton at Farsiâ€. In 141. Fan- Mr. Oscar Burkholdor In. loll foe Westover, Md., when" he am We in evangelism: work. The (hub ottiee and School Murmur. ca. oi Pro-m Martina Near Wild. of â€who“: the con- incl tor I â€0.000 Wilma to than item Milling. tt will in (our not." in high And nan-an " by " to... _ _ '01»th loam-cry, of WA It: “In: W! I: on a lonuh‘h'l unnu- m Mr. and In. I. B. .1 d m_ l Mr. annual Ollvoi at Khan-t1 um n huh.- mm: in an vicinity at “any. Mr. and In. John lorlock Ind. hnzhtorl him and Juno " ii) Jacobs won and†Villain at the ham ot Mr. and In. Lou]. GootH Alla: [incl Futon In- Mutual from l hunch] spent with Mond- In Mr. Solomon A. Brunet m humor: Magdalena and Loving dined at the hm ot Mr. and In. a. A. Diomnhnchor Int Smithy, Mr. Funk Jacobi ot Toronto was .anewinx old~tllne acquaint-noes Jere last week. Mr. and Mrs Kim: spent Hunky with Mont}. M. Guelph. ml“ curb-ll, 1.. and hut when It - I“ TI. Mr. Pt." "on run. In Met not uo very - and no uan for Harvard Ulinnity. M an. 0- moo! a. no!“ tho mil Mg... “at â€will. a tow "on w“ knocked m bet not too and umho-oofhbmmln.nd trettto-artrmorrg. In. 1. Icon no". ' . cm. Honky on - Mdmm ANIWhIInMIh-d†noun m an Maui. . ltvorA.'mMIMy.m. mymnmamn “mumm- new“ a m hen rum-o- ld in the am Ho.- mul curb-sly I). mun-gimm- mun-autumn an a not-ad veattxrtt' Mr. all lull-Ind.“ laminmlmm so!†twink-him Jul Ina-IKEMMW lys WWII-uh†b - " "TON "KW. In: IREOLAU 'its?) Walled Martyrs ShrMe Fourteen members ot the St. Ther- an R. C. Church wok advantage ot the excursion on Sunday to the “Mertyr's Shrine" at" Port St. Mute. Those who visited: the shrine" were Misses Health and Christina. Ruth, Flora Brohman, Edith an! Gladys Helm, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ran and daughter Alberta, Mm. Hr. Brunch, nine. Paul Hammer, Mr. and Mrs. Aloylus Doha-w, Mrs. A. Goat: and Mr. Wm. Wagner, Mn. Caspar Helmhecker Burl-d .An impressive funeral service was held on Suturday afternoon when the late Mrs. Casper Helmbecker us bid to rest In the Elmira Cemetery. Ree. P. Mtllnsky. pastor ot the St. Ntst's utheran Church. emhdttcted the service. The late Mu. Helmhecker panned may on Wednouhy after two you'd operation over . your ago and four Hines: 9119 underwent a serious months in obliged to undergo sn- other operation and ww, confined to her bed dues that time. ' Mrs. Heinbecker came to Canada with her parents when she we: " years ot age from Rothelm. Hexagon†Germany; and located In Elmira. In 1877 she was married to Mr. (issuer Helmhecker. who survives with one son Henry of Elwin. One skater, Mrs. Michael: and one brother. ~Henry. 11.0 white. She we: I staunch member of tht. Paul's Luth. eran .Church and the heater Aid Society. Mr. Casper Helmbecker he: been a member ot the HelmIvecker- Jung furniture mArttrfaetttrertt at El- ma, which tlrrrt, I few your: an). Bro-a. at Waterloo. end Mr. Henry disposed ot the plant to the Snyder Helmbecker oontlnned In the canoe!- ly ot manager at the plant. underwent Operation Mn, Harry J. Gibson in n patent It the St. Michael’s Hospital. Yor agrto, when-est†he: undergone a perms opentlon. Mr. H. I. Gibson And Dr. e I Gib-on "the!!! her 'lover the week-end. WMI! lulu. Ctrt _ T'hq (Arno!- of Woolwlch Tm- shlp an vol) under it, at“); their who“. his ton-Np I. new tor. Cacao-ml land Collar! The Ilium Mule.) Soc-My but! gave their regular - open a: xtneert on the Gor- Park tuna on Thursday "all“. A. at the pro "tnt. concern. the (math were mud-d with upset-ton who 'S'uth' ram hr “I. no" to enjoy the Inu- wparod mgr-um. ' 10 King St. S. WATERLOO ,.' "' V J CARDINEI 'e, LOBSTER 2..." K a “.45: in"). I. a. k rirooya. I†'iiiFL. ELMIRA 's 1lhlllllAtirtt "id.'tte' iLiiiii'lt Sb-u-The In, "rraromi f1.t.Lllr2Pf1!ll'rTNM , pm at W5 Pun W31 li' Mixes Bertha and Catherine, and Mr. and Mrs: Milton "our have re- turned from at seven] weeks' he“ day at Bah. Huston , Messrs. Norma Jayson uni A. u Rat: spent Smithy In Owen Sound Ind Southampton. Mr. and Hrs. Aaron Miller and child at Town!» are spending two weelu' “canon with rotst'tves and friends in limit; and vicinity. 1 Mr. Fred Brent in spending a week's holidays with triads in Tor- onto. Mr. Harold Bailey and Mr. Fred Miller are spending two weeks vam- tion at [old Mon. Mr. Molvln meter of Kitche . spent Sumy with his mother. rs Peter Angolan . Rev. and Mrs. north of New uh are vfimng at the home ot Mr. und lira. Oscar Rum]. Mr. 1nd Mm. Lorna Funklln and! son Bands! of Gait visited at ttl home ot the Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Am- }lnger over the week-end. I Mrs. Seebach Ind two daughters ot Port Rowan an vitsttintr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sch-afar. The Misses May and Munro! "client! and Messrs. Ignatius and Fred Martin ot Kitchener spent Sun. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mean! Martin. Sir. Harvey Sills of Kitchener called on Elmln Mend- or Sum» (by evening. . The Minuet . Bertie Levis. Rosie Miler and Ether Glennie spent Sat- .Irday with (fiends at Kitchener. l Mr and Mrs. o. M. Lee And Mr. And In. H_. W. Linear and but"! at Toronto are mm“ the u... Linear. Mr. Pre, hurhy of hulsvl‘no, Kentucky. In holidaying with his parent; Mr. and Hrs. N Shirley. tor . few weeks. Mr. Jcck Harvey ot Kitchen†In spending a few days " the homo of Mr. and Mn. H. E. Il1t4trh. f Mr. and In. Milton Holman mn- od his“: in Liam's) out the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. PMle Hammer & Detroit Tiaited' over tho week-end with the l’ormor's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pun rumor. Maura. H. Wdur and H. Dick":- you at lion mat ennui†with "load; In Blunt Mr. and In Wm. Poor-hr and mum ot Mo mum Mend. In limit. on trumHr. I". In“ Tm f Kitchener VIII!“ at the homo of not â€rent. Minnelli, ItMoInrm "and. Mr. and In. - Gourd. and Mr. And In. Het- m an m ollt. but: - an rook-old at Khan an. otd Cmul M. Mr, and In J. J. Yuan. and childâ€- uo Mr. as In. a. J. - let at didn- "ttod " lull-lo 'eteht-o.eert.e-t- “mutual-nah 'ormsotmst-aasru."rC, Gu" J" Mia's tAsr'i.-Aaau,itogis., is "m*ui'sc'mxri'6-a-kbaut-uu KEEN; nus-tn“. MN. a. - rumors MUiMA.N-Saad an... 2 I... 5-. "CKrrrs BATH dihssis-uuai; * Hm“ Am“? Mm IPP" Guha1b-Aaur's a.“ â€3...“; P, W "i/ia-Ga-i-"'-"'"""'"",";'; ',h1'h'x'ra%2htrat I anâ€. 2'f2,ev..'EPePr:esre-. 8: SOAP. I Miss Kathleen Diurnal: had the pnisforlune last Thursday while phy- lng on the sidewalk to tan and dle ‘locate her right arm at the wrist. The Nines Viola Human ot St. John's Hospital, Cleveland. and Beu- lah and Ruby Emma ot Toronto were visiting with their pawn“. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hartman. during the past week. . Mr. Murray Brain) ot Chlcago In: been visiting wlth ’relauves and A',",')'."', here during the past week. r. Clifford Hartman ot Blenhelm has been a recent visitor at the home ot his parents. Mrs. Chas. Hitler and daughter Florence of Kitchener spent part of last week visiting friends in the village. Miss Gladys Thomas of Cincinnati. o.. has been visiting with her sister. Mrs. Richter of the Schweitzer Hotel last week-end. a Rev. 8:}. Wittig conducted the service in the Lutheran Church at Hanover on Sunday. Rev. C. Zarnke of Pembroke, a longer pastor of St. Matthew's Church here, conducted 1.he Silvie. J th6 Luthefan Church hero on Sun- doy forenoon. The Sunday Selina) of tho Latte onn Church wlll hold their Menus on Mona-y no“. Woolwich Township Council will meet on Tuesday next, Aug, s., at the usual hour. Rev. Mr. Stoney ot Toronto own- tud the pulpit in the United Church QNrtdnr anemoon. . Mr. and Mrs. P. FAmtehryt1t1" I members of the family last veer attended the funeral of Mrs. limel- xmn's sister In Michigan. Mr. Wm. Schinbeln left on Sunr- day for his hams In can. Sun, after vhrititur. here for the put month. Mr. and Mrs. Dent-egg. Kintol at 'tunity ot Toronto are spending the summer months at their coitus! There will be no service In the United Church next Sunday chor- noon ,1; Rare. Mr. “do†is away on his Ito-Hon. The following and" afternoon Rev. Mr. Lltt of Waterloo wlll occupy the pulpit. Mrs. R. Showers from net-nu the >border In vlnlting‘ with her minor. On Monde evening Rev. Mr. Smiley “we “Mom and“ in tho Uitted Church on mission work In South America. Lot Wuhan m a... “laugh†The service in the Latinâ€: Church next Sunday will be hold In tho ennlnt and will be In the English language. Kola last week. Mr. no In Inch V†m mm M I. oMtgalttgt'. It MI. Calla Steamer "can“ to Wan-yo after eventual her not Mr. mm In. Joe. In. atâ€. Mr. Pu balmy our!!! to “a: . If. no In In... ttettiiiAk iiiiiljjir...g'rili T Ja.i',tLgt3t? Phone 894 CONEQTOGO "[330“ “6.14:.“ Kay Ind child!†Mr. u! In. 1.. " "