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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Aug 1929, p. 1

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ltr ' wuwmovon - "5" . “a. tee'. _ 1‘ _ ----- ”wuh'wb." .'s- '"eeAtt,1'd'INht, munlmdultwmwm '_,' Shim-n tttte-tVS-rsh-'. brr%srtl-ttr.s--r!""tf, “ _ MmAJ.de0mmW-. ”mm-r: iirirt7iiGiiiiikTiaiiitahiFn"eue"- mammunoumc.u. “I! ht ‘13.”.- mm. In unlit their and. - ____._. _..u..- " a. mum and r' 's For Emotion of Ivan Wuurtsdeise Bridge ml mun attaq. A aha-lb! .t-ndrqd w w you“ Mu' on '.ut'rr, lo, union» counc- that rm In an M an 3," "0 mm- at Wnluloo and - low-Inform”! it)" “a.“ m Valli-cu! mulus - arrived luck. but” tor th “our In “no “a." "m unlock!)- tonal. trtttttitttytecet1ttt'2' I qrard:ftrt “Moment-tho Cousteau “Quail-ammunition ”Nita. mu jun was! of Wallonuoll on the about Wuhan u a. con- tttr d or third ”Immanuel huh-AL and - Inc! all- lor the (ac-obno- ot a. h. t I',':,',','.. M “only avcrglod tho may er". 3mm W131 tttttull':".'..',',-, Alhn Bt.; ”can . Old School Built Over. Sixty Years Ago to be Replaced by Modern New Structure. me: to B. i. booby ot mu:- tor 811“? and that at the one) super- uructun tor' 311.000 to the Hanu- ton Bridger Company. “use, .--....... _.- ___.__. - tract to B. i. booby ot Domini tor her. Hill Bros. at Mitchell will 811011 and that at the steel super amiable the ateel work for the atroctuxe [or $11,000 to the Hanu- Hamilton Bridge Coup-a1 When ton Bridge Conpaay. Bnaur completed this would be one The new brine. which will be two ot the most popular and substantial hundred leet ions, and twenty feet river structured in rural Ontario. ride. will approximate the haunt ot Hill Ina. Here. the old bridge now in procee- ot re- . naval. " will rest on a centre con- Hill Bros. ot Mitchell are Mo. crate pier tirmiy foundationed amen tttor ”5““ In ‘l'mmnl the loot below the river-bed. while either old roadway tsri-' our the cone- end will be supported on abutment: stogo River juat west of Walka- ot similar material "lentil!“ elabt|stein and expect to have it trans- ient below channel level, each} abut» l ported to its new aite over the some - bein; built ihrther out from river near Conestoso by the and ot the river than the old abutment: this week. NEW SCHOOL 10 8t1illliCl'fi0 school house Is now In course 01‘ construction In Bt. Jacobs. The lonndmlons hare been laid and it In expected good progress wilt he made with the brick work. The plans tor the bulldlng were prepared by ttrchi- tect Henry Belle of Conestoga. The new slmctnre which wlll be modern in every respect will llkely be randy tor the openlng ot school In the all. According to secretary J. B. Bowler of the school board; the new school will cost close to 020.000. ‘ The old school built about tM9 has served the St. Jacobs district veil hm of late years has been too small G atrcomntodate the inoreosing num- ter ot pupils. and line trustees were forced to provide increased accom- iuxhuon. The new school will pro- vide one extra room and instead of two Inatruetors there will My three. Principal Ellloll Richmond. who taught school for a period of ttsirtt two years. recently resigned and the school board will appoint a new principal to take charge ot the school In September.- GIVEN JAIL SENTENCE l Gilbert Shearer. a vagrant ot Arr, was sentenced to ill months in the Ontario 'Retormatorr by Maglstnte Blake recently. The man sometime ago m given .ulspondod sentence the: being found guilty ot danglng but: u marin- dun. A modero new threeroom brick PAftBED AWAY NEAR NEW DUNDEE On Tuesday evening. July 23. Nts.‘ Following the amputation at one d Chrlstlan C. Dletenhcher, tomerly,ol his "ts It the St. Mary's Hoe g In esteemed mldent at this loallty'pltal In. Kitchener last week. Mr. I for a quarter ot a century. - Pt..? B. Benn-u pulsed any pence t peacefully may at her late home'tully lest Beturdu “a we: laid to Meet New Dundee at the u. ot " .""t In the Martin Church ”will! 1 years, death being due td drum ground. out of Wellensteln. on Tuee- ' developed us a result of goltre comm” Emmi". tromet time no Mr. I plmuom. The funeral took plaza on Pye": sustained I lush! Injury to l her blrthdey. July M., Interment be- lle of " I'll. but owing to " Illu- ln. made at the Rouvllle cemetery. {Zena cond1tlou “an.“ eventual, Sinking her are her tu"t-td,t"e,'e'tlo'"d end We DMIJIDH eon. no, on the old home at war 4100‘"!!! that Input-Mo- ot the limb leneteln; Ell, Roy, Owen and mayd,!'ll ream-ted to u the only hope ot all at ueer New Dundee; end at: not-IN! prom-tn; Me life. daughters. Annle (in Bell-lulu: Ttte late Mr. Beunuu m the “hehgrL ot 11.1"; tdn (In. eldest non of Mr. Dune! human, uwln B. Btrr),, ot N.td.'; LUG" nrvlvee hlln. He wee born in In. tanning Met) at New Dundee; Wtttrtrtoo “Will“, “MN" you; end the In... Mna, In». and um. no Ind about I‘m-1M“ 1-!- no It hone. Ole hung-rue! by mymw-Wmeo twenty.“ "mun-n. "Janine. wlth I my tte thirteen In, mom-u not. m It. up clima- no ”new of e um " ' a... m. .... an. “alum-nu: a Moog-nu "terr' Surviving her us her hllhllld. the P'"'?""" 'lotto, M0, on the old home at war 'rt-r Xennteln; Ell, Roy, Owen and Hayd.!'li rem all at no" New Dundee; all cl: will”! daughters. Annle (in. Bull-min} Ttte I Bub-char). ot III-1n; In (In. olden I "will B. no“ ot mm»; LUG" - In. tanning Mn) ot New Dad“; WIN?“ all the mun mm. In“. And um. “0 I“ éormr Ruldom. Din at an Ag. of " You". ill n JACOBS (an. ,rsngt--t"tt"f" d - M and tn' m mum-unmannv a: 'a Get, m7 In a.” CI c. C. Dloionbachor. Baum“ WALLENSTEIN tm EX-CONVICT ARRESTED NEAR CONES'I'OGA Arler a search tor two weeks Provincial Consume Johnson was successful in arresting Philip Rei- linger in a turn near Conestoga. The prisoner. who only a short time .30 completed! a term In Klnuton pen- elemhry. is wanted on that! charge- arising out of them; from the home of Lester Shelley. near Snyder's Flats. He will appear tor trial on August 2nd. SWIMMING I CARNIVAL AT I WATERL00 Thousuuk of People Are Ex- greeted to Attend Big Event at Park Lake on Civic i Holiday Plans are gll completed by thel carnival swimmini committee, which [ hm charge of the water races and stunts at the Waterloo Park on Mon- day next. Walerloo's civic nanny. Scores ot entries trom the county and outside pain; are being receiv- led daily and the event promises to l be the best iver attempted in Water. lloo County. Captain Conan. who has been on- gaged in swimming instructor. In busy instructing tho children and grown-ups the art of swimmingl Cap- tala Conan holds the world’s record lor awlmmlng aeros"rs'roronto by {with bomb-ma no teet tied. 'DAVID mum]! There Apromlses to be thousands ot people present for the event on Mot day. The band wilt tnrnlsh the music Had a La. Amputaud at blown-l in Elton to HIV. HI: LHe.-if. forod from anagram. amt-on. no urn-thy of a but Mr. and In. John Bender and con-nu! ttd - and “than Lenora. Roy no Purl Bender or I. - u an I: am I“ Damian!" In. Wm. Butler of hour trt-e-tat. Imo- spent an rectum at my l .__ hon. of In. Ry. 8mm My! ht W Action. in. no In. an: Doom um taat Wohuhy. M an. E. III with". d Hannah. In. My “mailman-t tt-.ters.t.t-aoe'remmto u lunar. ad " uranium“ not...“ In. nary m an. wool-xvii] - a. ma mum-mu. a." m of hp - - an! ”an . m-trt-e-tut""..?'?? Pt may "I“ 'ttee.. G-.-.-- Fiasss AWAY a; Lui Lui, " a... no c.'u. BBee. g. - mix - - Endgam- at a. mum - Hora ward: tint. [ma-“MIRIAM". mu " 'N-BR'. an“ ”ht-b3... "€0.04qu Mk?“ mathIOI‘Im (or would or mm m) In“! on the nun-uh; you. an uni: am. M. a. “slim. Thin ”W." -- i W Ann Bt.; mild. nu. wt-"'"," to “In" “nu-“NW menu. ILWillow Bt.; third, “no: tttin trorgt u! oeneat Windb- x-mm-m iae:r,,r:,tt,'S'g2of2lt""kt I I. ‘ u “3:" iiaiit1r;t'i/'/'e',le)1,','iidtyii'r?, st tir" blush. In View ot Mr. Wrong.” You. a.? third, in J. Hit"'"' “meme" that "reaetieatlr G. Litt " Snider. rot! per cent of the Immune" no l South; ward: that Mrs J Kim- American mm“ “M Nr their . ' . . _ -- made with United State: bouts): Alba Bt.; mold. In. Willi:- Huh". It.Witu"r Bt.; third. “no: Marne, Att" Bt. Wat ward: ttrin, Mr, I tgeamsd4 mayor. " Church Bt.; nomad. “(at 0'0“. " Young at; third, Ree. J. G. Lin. " Snlder. South ward: first. Mrs. J. Km- vetter, " Norman Bt.; second. Mr. A. McIntyre. 110 Wttgt All-n Bt.; third, Mr. M. m. 181 Caroline St. .1110 Juvenlh‘ gnu-den competition In won by Qarvey Hegehertrater, " Park St. The competition was judged under .the (allowing poluts‘Jawm and bou- lean“, (lower: and nower beds. nowqr boxes and (lower decorations. vegetable gluten: and\ general ap- penance. MILLIONS OF ACRES MAY NM BE REAPED Winnipeg despatches trom a lead. ing Chlmo expert said the probable yield of when this season in the Canadian prairie provihcos would be only 215.000.0110 bushels, and perhaps as llnle as 200.000.000 bushels. He said mllllons ot acres would not pay Ito harvest. _ Ibsen an: o CELEBRATE ’BxR'rHDAYs OF MR. & mg a. HEIMPEL Nicely Worried Address and Gifts Prune-Ned to eoupte.--other Baden News. _ On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry Helmpel were pleasantly sur- prised by the children and their families in remembrance ot their re- cent birthdays. Mrs. A. Heimpel read a - worded addregs. while Russell Miller and Willreda Heimpel presented Mr. and Mrs. Heimpei Lwith a ssuitahle gift. The evening was spent in cards. music, singing and dancing. while the ladies served dainty refreshments at midnight. The jolly gathering departed in the wee. small hours ot the moraine, after singing “Till We Meet Again." everybody having spent a very em jonhle time. V ua, Clam Weller, who spent the past tew weeks in Detroit, has re- turned home again. Dr. and: Mrs. Harvey have return- ed home again after a very pleasant motor trip to Montreal and other points. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Herb Miller and emulator Once spent last Wednesr any at Grand Bond. in Fred Hebe] o(_Cleveland is mum: with " parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chr. Hebél. "s Mr. and Mrs. C. Heikt and Marg- aret and Knot]: Droyelmeyer of Kitchener accompanied by Fred He- AMtl ot Cleveland motored to, Niagara mm on Friday. ' . Mr. and Mrs. David S. Stdnman and non Genius ot Vineland curled at the home of Mr. Sun Bender. Mr. and Mrs. t M. New" and than!" hue returned Emma alter sanding two weeks at the Royal Hotel. Brampton. T Cloaly Comm-d Ball Game _ On My night the Baden Fire Boone" played with the Dooa trirhr The um. vu I orettr close one and at the clone of the sum was I tie of “-14. thch nude It necuury to have Anchor guns an Mondlyl nkht vith the Boon girls. Another ml exciting game was payed, finish- ing with I score ot 11a in - 'ot Mn. which (he! the Men rm Boo-tom a chunco to - the Blair (an. - ' Poo-airm- . _ " Doria Kant: in 3mm: two wet: with month in Clown-1m. III. tteta Gardner in spending two ml- in intuit no In all“ . int trip up a. Scull. Uni-uncut- in ’IADEN at the Vault!» ', c-ur-et-ir ar"sottcns-'t-rutp- din an. mm It." ‘0’“. United sum. an. “It. a. u- ,ler. m» M ”I! ”It. The Minister says that dt (Jan- adian people and Canadian - engage in the truth: the Gohrrw ment will be prepared to one! legit Iatlon dealing with the nutter. Ho GrJiiaiirir, however. that the major "tll"'!'"'",),",',',:'.),.'.',".'.',',',.":'.".,','.'.'.:",','.; w I a, - ., Wm". 'l,tt",ttrlt.N2t'fdth,'r." I NN ITG; - --a-- ' _ hi I b ' m M--. Dtgtgtgt I” w 'ttttge, ttuk, :1..." fa.5iiiia2ti' Tf ttth'Q Jai an a in“ “it a “I. a: nil-ai- km " ' . . -mn-oi'h'uuh man. toe; I... .3! m1 “I‘M! ”at“. responsibility is noon the United States. “We are quite willing.” he animus. "to keen Winn: out o! the business or run-lit: minor to the United States, it the United S.ates authorities will info! on clearances for their own boats to .-nahle them to check and control hair on people and the violation " the United States law they will .).Jbabl)' have a very effective rem- edy. Moreover, it that event the V median Government is quite randy u consider any further reasonable measure at co-operation with them." May Not Be Accept-bl. it is doubtful it Camdn'e latest :ugzgestion will be acceptable to the United States, as Washington's of- .icial attitude has been that nothing hurt at Canadian‘ prohibition ot n‘xarancea ot all liquor-laden ships " 1nd tor the United States will prove effective In stopping the ttow " alcoholic bevemes from Canada to the Repuhlm Washington has :uggested in addition that the Do. minion should cut ott supplies " Mir source. namely. the disllllerles. This would be a comparatively. dump]: matter, ulna". there lye in! halt a dozen in Ontario and Quebec. sideh supply the bulk of the 825.- “J0,000 annual (rattle across the ‘Groat Lakes and the Detroit River. BRITAIN WILL I CURTAIL NAVAL PROGRAMME: President Hoover of the United States Orders Work Stopped on Three Cruiser; The House ot Commons had a most momentous sitting since the advent of the new Labor Govern- ment to power. In intentive silence the House ‘hcard Premier Ramsay MacDonald announce the oovernmettt's pro- pmnls for reductions Ln naval ship. building. and in a veritable turmoil it also learned that in effect, the Government had dismissed Lord Lloyd. High Commissioner in Egypt. Dawn Convorutlon ar Premier MncDonald ttmt'totd at his conversations with the United States ambassador. General Charimsl, a. Dawes, who was himself seated in the distinguished vlsliora‘ gallery. Along with other diplomats. The Government's purpose. he said, was to make the Keiou antiwar [and an otfoetive 1nfhtenee in intemtiolr r n retatimiii. For posed - L To suspend all work on the cruisers Surrey and Nortttorttser1nttd, ndw under tNttgsgtrttathttt. 2. To cancel the building ot the submarine depot chip Muduone. 3. To cum} the bundling of two mbmrlncs already contacted tor. q. To glow down doarard work at other naval stations. HALF MILLION hmnilre'a (mt coma hula-try in lulu“! m brought alumni to a scum-till on Honky by a pal attrptt.tr. of work can“ by the - forcoment ot I 18% [per cent. m0 reduction. Hull a mimo- " and women aro directly In“ In 1500 irtitir. Lou at not nun-nun td $5,000.00. In involved. 'ikiL-ttrttrires'._ "iiiiiiiii,tcttd',rgttt vi halal-mm 'F mph-h! "P""'"""' __.- H - nun PRIOII - Imam. woman In a. who otoFt be two wee", m W “I wesen-t the Government pro- EMPLOYEE. ITRIKI I,eyattr,tggftae1"ttl ‘wuu-I- - W . _ Ammu;mum|rw..â€"â€"â€"-â€". ---- mounts“ In: mumea-c Ate-macaw“ |ouum;auy.ngumu:Wumummwmm-mmmm nu“~k:~flm.hmbotaubottuaophlflmmaaaomuvuul'mlo Se; “may”; mamucmmm. Mroadartttt mumhymbnd -eimniiose;mk-e_tttt,ttyP1eeeftta.e.1"e.'a" wool- erloo and ton-Mp at WOW anmwmus; in. Dog: idea-0 and My mun-u tomboy-nu MI. We; “kWh”!!! of 0-0011.” Rosana: “no“ 001qu mum. “a; cumin-.mxu, emu. unruu-nuuuy good crop a. Grand Inm- Sumo-yum mummzamwll. RURAL 5cm. l was IN ms Townsmrs [has for Val-Ions Tatum, Schools West! by Mr. MeLtasqhrr--Exe' Mr. . unload”. provincial agri- cultural representative in Waterloo County, announce: that an unusually good pry-am has been completed for rural school {all “In in Waterloo County. No efforts have been spar- ed to make the lair: held in North and South Waterloo next September the best ever. Prlaellets wlll be its. ‘sued by the department“ an early Lute. The dates toe the hire arranged by townships are .3 (allows: North Dummies. S. B. No. 15, It Greenfield, September 17; tttltr West. B. s. No. 27. at Deon. Semen-i ber MV, Wan-boo Best. B. B. No. IT, at Vance’s School. September 19; Woolwich. S. S. No. l, at Conestoga. September 20; Waterloo North, s: B. Nut. Mk at Erbnllle. September M; Wenesley. separate school: No. t at Linwood, September 26; Wilmot, S. S. No. 5. At St. James' school. Sep- tember 26. 'T" JiGNiaiGiiFa- "Von-k - o8tto80e. The followlng otncem are in', charge: (the number after etch designates the school section) greasi- dent. George Schummer, 4; View we sldem. Cari Schiedel. ll; secretary“ Pear! Snyder. 15; directors. Milton' Seyler. 1; Jack Boyd. 16; Francis Case]. 12: Ross McPherson. " and r. Edna behold. 8; Elwooa Hob chuh. 21; Merv Dewar, 6; Edna Stever. 3; Adilin Ghister. 17; Alma Schmidt. T; Rupert Strain, 9 and 10; Winnlfred Schleuter. 18; Beatrice Gare, 19; Dorothy Reidel. IV, Alberta Hahn. HOSPITAL FREE PATIENTS Encouraging Report Submitted at Meeting of Board; _ I , Increase in Pay _ Patients Reports presented " a recent meeting of the 1ritett-watorIoo Hospital board showed that we num- ber of tree patients we: in the de- crease. which we: quite “com-gins Ito the board members. The County tree venom; for June were 21 as compared with " tor the name per- iod In "28pkiushener modems 65. a. competed with 218. while Waterloo tho showed e decrease In the num- ber ot tree patience. For the month ot June (here were "" void patients registered on coup-wed with 994 tn "as. Weierloo sent Mit ”Home. In; County 144, Radiator Mt tnd ontxlde Win“ ME Lamar Imus-u. an. I The UrtderrrrNt0re. 2ret"tt wrote And pointed on! that the ho.- mm could can": a - hut-m rate " x-ray mm tre “and In I "an: minding. no hard had “any nun (his proclaim: and "ritl mum by no Iowa-ed humane _/iii.", The nut-non - -qtl u to whom" the old Ambulance can! be and for Ira-norm!- - u ambulance I. -a.ear5" I. It mar! and m: an“. no - sterrhsq at the our. Tl. - way Fi' In an - " tum h P. Dtotrteh of Wuorloo all! my WHAT m A YEAR " CENTS HIGHER mmmuluhhml mrt-t--ta-o" Landau Oahu-u!“ manual-gin ”In!!!” (Ili DECREASE g P"'"' Including cherrlol. alum. mud “who, also look would“ and a bone} than "on“ crop In aotteittatod. _ ' “utudoauahém an-oust-anemia-hy JidGiUi t which!” won. ni- took am." no cum an mt, so” at which In. Mullet) tggto tho urn Famous In Waterloo County hue been AM. in most uses to set all the hm help malted. The large majority of amen hue km hands engaged tor hie entire season and from reports received have the work on the hm well in hand. HERB MOSER l wr GUILTY 'i,, 0F ASSAULT Magistrate Weir After Hearing Evidence Dismisses Case. Two Women Pre- _ ferred Charge. In Kitchener police court on Fri- day. the charge ot indecent assault pm against Herbert Moser. Peters- burg rotrdt by Mrs. Annie Heironjmus (ml a charge of common assault hld‘ by Mrs. Keneth Mum, were dis- missed by Magistrate Weir, who we terred to give the accused the bene- lnt or the bum. The 'NairstHtss al- leged that Maser Md assaulted them while they were Nelda berries In the bush on Master's tam. Witnesses tor the plaintiffs mended George Shearer and two children. aged 10 and 11 years old. l Lawyer George Bray ballet] as wit- nesses tor the defence. Charles 2t,) Ber, lather of the accused. Walter Scott, hired man, and Sebastian, Maser, a brother. :11 of whom swore that as Henhe-rt Maser was “gating in the haying It was Impossible tor tom to haw gone to the berry natal. la long dismn'ce away. Lawyer" Bray [contended " was a case ot mistaken Ildentity and: asked that the case he Idlimhsaed. LEFT MILLION DOLLAR ESTATE Mrs. Hugh Osler. Winnipeg. shares equally with her brother. William Harty.Jr.. Kingston. in over $1,000.000 willed to them by their lather. the lime Hon. William Harty ot Kingston. A former member of the Dominion Parliament and ot the Outwo Legis- luure. a former Minister ot Public Works In the Mowat Cabinet in Ont- mrte, and former President ot the “Cumulus Locomotive Works Com- pIny. _ FARM HAND RECEIVES I PAINFUL INJURIES Alimony Holt Butters Broken Thumh. and lnjurtu During Haylng ' t Operation. on Milton stur- 1 MP: Farm. ', What might have proved a more I serious accident happened to Mr.'i Alimony Holt ot Kitchener last Wed- 1 laud-y. while “skiing in haying onl an [Arm ot Mr. Milton Bhorrith. l A policy on tile har fork coming oft struck Mr. Holt, who “a landing Lila“ mow, bro-king no.0! his thumb. And injuring " head and! ’shonlder. Ho Wu removed u once to the K-W Flo-pin! when he ts, [citing Along a well u an be up! meted. - . , Condumd - I Bu. A. M. 'Hamilton of Guelph. mu Mar hm. ocean-d the pulpit in in. Presbyterian Church hon on Sunday morning in the - - at M. Dr. Mummy. no is any on " hem-n. in“ In Fol. _ Mr. In '1th Ion Ind the .10- met-tomit-doe-m' 1 ring In in will. an!“ 11: cum In In H Ir. loll - I can't. F _ mcmnu‘mium Inmluiulnni It. wtNTERBOURNE 'tme-tip union ennui-lb, tt m Grand at": Sam ‘m an! Bridgeport by some and 1-00 mm was bu. according to In. Dr. lbrhol “It”. Ill-WI d hum. m can with nan-hem. “Choc-denial m not bola. and.” be rated. "to auto the tunnel. and it I: honod that was: a m time conditions will have been - lutely eorrected and that that In} be no further - tor complaint.” The Grand Rivu Potttttion "t been under investigation by has") department engineers and om of the game and fisheries - ment ever since the beginning bt July, when _ruh, carb, suckers and shiners, began'to die by tho tr- dreds and rot along the Mb and -the waters began to give ott add!- ‘iionally a chemical odour, which raised a storm ot protest from resi- >denis of the district in which the stream coursed. The pollution was blamed on car- min industrial firms In the are: and it was understood thai the govorlk meat omclals had asked these con- cerns to co-operate In removing the alleged nuisance by sending their waste to the municipal sewage du- posals instead of dumping it, raw in- to the river. The dumping ot can. waste. it is stated,-killod the oxygen in: the water and that: could not the. It is understood that the depart- ment's present chemical treatment of the water ls only the first step In a co-operatlve arrangement. whereby the industries involved will first turn their waste matter into the municipal sewers and qlswsal hula before allowing it to get into the lrlver. ‘FEDERAL ELECTION , ‘- RESULTS THIS WEEK Lanark Seat Won by Dr. Murphy ot Smith Fai-Others Who Won Were Bertrand and L. A. Wilson. , Three mémbers were elected to the House of Commons In as many br-elections on Monday last. Dr. William B. Murphy of Smith‘s Falls won the Lanark seat; Elie o. Ber- trand, the mayor of L'Orurtqat, Ont- ario. carried PAmseott, and L. A. Wil. son. who resigned his dent tor Vul- (',ttl,t't1a'"""'" last session. wa- revelected. Incidentally, the olticlnl an!!! candidate ln Lanartr,waty ot parties lar interest on account of the clan!- age In party convention which nom- inated Thomas A. Thompson ot Ree say township at Carleton Place. While return-3 late last nlgln do" incomplete. It was apparent that Ill winning candldétes secured ample majorities. Dr. Murphy was conced- ed over 1,300 at a surplus; Elle Ber. trand, 1.485 and L. A. Wilson. ASM, 1as against 771 and ma tor his op- “uncut; ' Mr. Henry Hamilton and Mr. mm. McBracnn of Guelph spent Sunday with triemN here. Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Hamilton attd hmlly of Hanover spent a law dun I «at week with relatives hor_e. Mrs. Thus. Alison and tko sou. Mr. and Mr". Harry Adam! and Mr. Hugh Adieu. all or lat-moan. spent Sunday with her brother, ttr. as. l ingdun. Mr. and Mrs, Herb. Bell: and daughter Mars-rel. Mrs. End and Mr. Ed. ErIel. all of Brenna. amt Sunday with but. Jr. ism. MucKay of Elmira is mm“ hee daughter. Mrs. Henry Blame“. tor . couple bf weeks. Mr. Henry Adsen and daughter. mu Ollve Anise“. oLMunsenv All... spent In! week visttims minim here. "In LU] "aaMttort of Windsor]- vlsltlng her father, Mr. Wm. ttore "tott. Mr. “I! In. Percy Smith and [In]!!! no Mr. and Bp. lull Carter uld -, oil of on!» up“: thas. hy with Mr. And In. Hirb. Ino- Juttr. - hum sun-mu. an} agrd In. W and» and I!“ lam"! thw d lotion "out - with Ir. a. In. WILWIII- In 90.1mm m moo-iii ,-totwett-et-. II. It an]. VIII. mm - Mr. and Mn. Laurence bt?

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