". “We!“ In“; In“ irat',"1f2t',N,'t?uat1'tgt"idtttNTt __ gneu.,_drrtth'rt.e_DrMrtdisrtq_h-A_r' 81000 1ti--haseideetrht-dertMi+mr'NoMB" “helm Josiah Eby Victim, . 130 'liirMl,llt ofMotar Accident 11tlyl,y.l1il,! teal-t on the Blair. mm†on bric- neolnd " the Intends!» Witch» 1-10an at two o'clock on Monday afternoon. Members of the may were at Bhy'n We Jed-h my. of than. “about " M who “and In a 'ttgteoe when he nan-ed any. home Mar. IhlL manner mums! at are car m In animal, Injured. will re. cover. The driver or anther car, Harry lie-rich. of St. hoot». who it In alleged raced. with tho “Naked at. smeared. In police court Mondny and [need a charge ot reckless driv- On Friday afternoon about 3.strl o'clock. a platform truck driven ttrl home Marshall. loaned from c, Dreisinger and coming towards Elm min from St. Jimdbs. must have been traveling at a very fast rate of speed not to be able to make the turn which is considered the least danger-cue curve on the whole length of the highway between Waterloo and Elmira. After leaving the high- war the track traveled with the left two wheels in the ditch. which is about three feet deep and about four feet wide at this point. traveling about titty feet when it struck the heavy telephone post, breaking it in but. Passengers in the ear, Lorne Marshall And Josiah Eby, the lat- ter picked up at St. Jacobs, were thrown out with such a force that they sustained serious injuries. Eby, who is about 70 years old. suffered a badly fractured right leg above the knee. on his left leg the flesh and muscles were torn oft at the back. from his knee-Io the ankle and liga- ments man. He also received bruises about the head. Marshall received severe injuries to his left eye. the arch.bone above the eye was broken at}! caved in and bad eats about the Inc. He was named on $1.000 hall to "wear for trial on Monday next. The curve on the Elmira and Kit- chener Main†two miles south at Elmira. will become known as "Dead Man's Curva." it something is not done to prevent the accidents oc- curring on this turn. (43. The doctor in attendance feared that Marsh" would lose the sight of his eye. but on Tuesday they had hopes of saving the injured optic, Eby was in too weak condition from loss ot blood and condition of his heart for the doctors to learn the extent or his injuries. _ Dr. Le Roy Wagner and Chief Bromley were-on the scene or the aeeideit immediately after it oe curred. . At the time the truck crashed against the telephone post, a hired man. cuhivatlng the land nearby be- luuging to Mr. Mose Martin. almost mMrerod serious injuries when his team of horses became frightened and in their mad dash. wrecked the cultivator. a Shareholders Offered Right to Purchase One Share for Five Held.-0ver Fifty Millions Insurance in Force. Ontario Equitable 'iir,ris,_rv',,1,"-ii, Increases Cafitali'iiili,' Tho Ontario Equitable Lite and) Accident insurance Company of; Waterloo has Announced its plan for} ttttancient' the acquisition ot tttei business ot the Equity Life. A special ‘ general meeting ot shareholders Ott) Manny authorized application for an immune ot capital trom 52,500 to 80.000 shares. "mtthte' Offered. Shareholders of record on July 2 are being altered the right to sub- Preston and Waterloo Cases Spedllully Clted to Hon. G. S. Hump-Promises . Perm-Ion to mm pennant} mad dehuman- wlth the “and por- tion of the _ made by the On- um govern†to counties in the mum aM uni-tonnes at county mul- w and of Hon. (learn tk Henry. minister at Muh- nn. on “fundâ€. by I det-ttttat of I â€new agrd to" Ml: mun Wm, links. Pl, m “a Kew Hub-w. he It†- ft in 1. The accident occurred practically Mandela-muni- "etsaime.0.tHd.r.et- I. Waterloo County 1 Seeks Revision of Road Scheme on the at... not when the in“! than mum occur!“ some ten months ago. when the _ an In!†to â€to an (an ad both Mr. and In. [Punt a! my Comte nu. - killed. Juneau Rte um Bet. Coulom- ot the Kin-baa" dutrtet. no inventi- uun: the accident. The luck I. I complete wreck. The whole ot the left this hum the from lender which struck the pool was caved In, the that: broken. Tho windshield and cab torn off, even the “norm; wheel broken up into mm. The impact came with such a torus; that utter striking the pout. the truck swung halt around with the nose in the ditch and the rent and upon the hlghway. The wide platform only 'prevented the truck trotu'upesottug. It is coaaiderod a. miracle that both risen were not instantly killed. inquest June 3rd Coroner Dr. Wagner of Elmira has tixed June am a the date for the inquest to inquire into the death ot Josiah Eby of Elmira. who received fatal injuries in the motor accident on the Elmira~SL Jacobs highway on Friday last. In the stable of Alex Barr's carri- age "shop, at Pembroke. Ont.. is a hen which preters"‘settlng" on a litter or kittens than on eggs. The hen was nesting in the manger, which the rahchnse as a Proper plane from which to give her ott- spring a start in life. Fearing that the hen might hurt the kittens. Mr. Barr moved them to the flour in from or the manger. but the following morning, on entering the stable. he, round that blddy had deserted her eggs and‘dopted the kittens. She was "setting plaridly on the kittens, while the mother cat reposed pence ably alongside. The hen. apparently, thinks the kittens belong to her. tor 'she presents a hostile front to in- truders, and even the rat has to use Home to assert her rights when her |prugeny require maternal assistance. It Is reported that the provincial police have obtained a signed state- ment trom Lorne Marshall. driver of the truck in which Shy was a passenger. A charge of recklesa drivinghae been laid against Harry Heinrich of St. Jacobs who is alleged to have raced with the ill-fated truck. TO UNVEIL CENOTAPH ON VICTORIA DAY l AT KITCHENER Lieuanvemor Hon. W. D. Ross will be the principal speaker at the unveiling and dedication ot the 09110- taNa recently erected on the city hall square at Kitchener. Mayor Clement wil lprmide. The ceremony 'wilt take place at " o‘clock in the morning. or one new shares tor every five share held. The price to shareholders will be $40 per share. which, while considerably below the present mar- ket price in the stock. will tteverthe- less provide sufficient funds to cover the purchase orice or the Equity Lite wlthom attectttttt the Ontario Equw able's surplus. _ Company's 'Polltlon. scribe tor 10,500 shares on the basin The Ontario Equitable has on- deavored to provide itself with suf- tuvierst capital and surplus to estab- "sh Itself as a business getter on a big scale. It reports a 100 per cent. gain tor new business this year. and now has over titty milllqns in force. quest tor which the Minuet Mom promised rottqldemtiogg was that the department ot Mahay- vey e per Hon " an an! a! e new truce at Wellenuein in View of the - Mlhy the! Che department would _ the med served by the bridge e pmvinch) highway came time In the (Mare. The bridge we. one ot severe! in mg%tqt. gene of the - lace the! ,ma" meld on in need wavy nun ‘momhlanOIh-m FGtGiUiiaGuUaiaiG. anon-alumnus...“ m dtksttatimt nu Invoke-d to "on. Mr. "my Dy In?! "at.“ M.P.P., for south Wadi». M HEN ADOPTS KITTENS I’d-II (3ng Boqksi- Spontaneous; combnulon in an oval-haunt dowrwll caused the In Ind expulsion but Walnut“ ink-h "not“ the Cleveland Cllnlc building and wok tho lives of 130 panama, nurse! and (locum. may who though! they had camped and who had not come to hospital: tor treatment. might be zlected later. Tho lmchem: and: have " ready taken mu ot a lumbar who be- lleved they had escaped the dread- tut cam“. Financial: tstated that Dr, Juhn Phillipa. native of Wei. land, head ot the medical service of the clinic and silver medallhsl at the University of Toronm in 1902. was one who escaped from the building only to die later. H. was able to walk home after updating in rascue ot others. only to be rushed to the hospital at night when he died. A single leak In a “can pipe was the primary cause for Cleveland's greatest disaster. investlsuors stated. Fire chiefs said the spontaneous combustion was induced by over- heating ot the store room from a leaking steam pipe. Waterloo Girl Emm Miss Hilda Beam. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Beam ot Waterloo. wired her parents that she was safe. Miss Beam. who is a nurse at the clinic hospital, was arrow the street trom the hospital in whim the ex- plosion occurred. umsitlelu herself lucky to have escaped death. She had put on her hat and coat and ‘would have been in the building if the explosion had m-vurred ten min- utes later. Two Brides-to-be Disaster Victims I This contest was arranged by the 'Canadian National W_CT.U, and the "puhlkhers m’ the Northern Messen- ‘ger, Mammal, and was open to all [boys and girls up to and including Among those who lost their lives in the C'levelattd Clinic were two brides-lame. Miss Fannie Dembrow. editorial department employee of the clinic. and Muss Ella Mueller, a patient. ' Both had been engaged hardly 24 hours. Mrs. Hosa Casino of ('loveland. who went to the cliaie to pay $800 tor her husband‘s eye treatments, arrived just in time to die with him PRIZE WINNERS ANNOUNCED, In common W.C.T.U. Awards .Prizes to Successful Boys and Girls Who Headed List in age 17. The study covered a series of twelve lessons. at the end of which ‘the pupils wrote examinations, in two Rradeis--iuniors up to age 13. artd.senlor ages 14 to 17. The work was promoted lzirgely lhruugh the Sunday Sehoois, ovnr â€.000 pupils throughout Canada writing the examinations. Pass certitteates were issued from the National w.ctu. to all making a 5.017., mark Ion this examinations, those making 65% re- |waiving honor certificate. Announcement is being made this week ot' the Water, Cotwty pr) e- winners in a 'r'1t,g,t'rsfii,',riLk1,'2 perance study contest, Waterloo County carried at! three or the Provincial and one Dominion prize. Many prizes were also given by local B. Schnoln and Ttrmperartce Unions. The cash prizes donated by the Waterloo County W.C.T.U. were open to all pupils in the county out- side ot Gait. Preston, Kitchener and‘ Waterloo, where local Unions sup? plied the primes?“ winners of theie county prizes are as follows: Samara lat. Marjorie Hothnati. Bridgeport; tnd, Helen Dickson. Blah; 3rd. Bertha Amarher. Henpvler. Junior-- Ist. Dulcie Venthan. Ayr: 2nd, Hildn Hoffman. Bridgeport; 3rd, Maurice 1lt',2r, West Montana. The 2nd prize In the Junior glrh' you.) on the provincial list, n wrist watch. "I won by Grace Schmidt. ot Kitchener. whose work also took I naitorsat prise, Marjorie Haunt-n of Bridgeport. und Dulcie Ventral: of Ayn-fetch mm a Book on the pro- "irtetttt who list. I um ot up Wnturloo 1.0.01". Watqthtro “4 tttmt m ttmgthy In“. to the number ot seventy 'ii-f': br thar Clty ot 'ritehqgtetr." tumult! divine worship u tho ov- -----.-.---.-.--.= -rttemt an?“ mt thmNy 'mmhtg. - AY THI â€AIN‘T he - Mod to. no (In. “than v. 1 plain! '1'va ot mmmum,ma.m - u no wanna» jun-tot mt th_atr6taeaemthe.tt1ng. Mfumhomllhsmeohlu mmmt.oo.r.mm. Mt lo â€a pot a... new all -ta-m.e--rm.ut_.amt.r-tea-. -raMr6te_.Br-tr.-hr80.t.0Ngee- REV. J. P. HAUCH PREACHES SERMON ht cum) at WI cured Many Deaths Study Contest. TO LODGE MEMBERS hung: a. Math: and man. It“ “a. Nor-Alana. Waeiqt'M- "aroMgt-.-_gnh- iststu-tutr-ionrs dentition-“C“.- out. m not M u be“ On. In: In. than " Mn Reno can. I“ tho an! it Mk Tgr. any.“ Ymcul‘l'buu’nu of um sham. my and with a' severe m tut. Both Cu were: VOTE TO BUY AIRPORT SITE damatr" Deputy Reeve ll Datum who met the Kitchener committee “sled that it Waterloo dunno! feel disposed '0 pay its shire this your Kitchen ' would advance the money to be re- mayable non _ As Waterloo had nude no pmvlsloan its estimates tor buying an airport she It was " cided to accept Kttehetter'motter, Waterloo rom, Come" to Act Jointly With Kitchener In Acquiring Lexington Farm Property. The Waterloo Town Canoe“ u a special meeting held on My evo- nlng voted unanimously in hvor of the town can; jointly with Kitch- ener in the purchase of on airport site sum-led on the than or John. Heinrich. Lethton. All members of the council spoke in ("or ot pur- chasing an airport site. Deputy Reeve Dolmen stated that an option had been taken on he 74- acre farm ot John Heine]: tor $10,300. With another strip of land atUolumg which it Is proposed to ac- quire the com would mun close to “2.000. The Ontario Equitable Life and Accident Insurance Co. has olered to take a five year mortgage on the [and for a major portion of the pur- chase price. It was pointed out my Wuterioo's shartthia year wank} he $700. Town solicitor W. J. McGibbon dated that after the purchase of we had been appmred by both municipatiftes it would In necessary to pass by-laws. Buy Now and Save Reeve Utretman tamred exercising the option at once it for no other reason than to secure the land now as to purchase [and In years the cost might be excessive. First Deputy Reeve W. w. Frickey pointed out that other important centres wore getting ainport sites amrit Kitchener and Waterloo acted promptly now they would have the Inside track. He stated that one citizen. a personal friend. advised him that he would purchase an aeroplane as soon as an airport was established. Aldermen Schmdelmayer and Weiter both spoke in turor ot pm" chasing site at once. Alderman Dan Bohiender was dune optimistic as to the future of air travel. believing " will soon be- come quite popular. He said he was heartily in favor of purchasing site at once provided the taxpayer was not saddled with more taxes (his year. The cos: ot $700, Waterloo's shark. was only the considerution. Dr. C. W. Wells. rpprewnling (ha "and of Trade. heartily congratu- lated the members of the count?“ for unanimously voting in favor ot the Irrolert. He stated that aviation was hound to advance as rapidly‘as did the automobile Industry. Motion Pat-ad On mollnn of Deputy Reeve C. Touert and Alderman John R. Knut- man the .recommeadation as given {below was unanimously maxed. Aldermen MeKorsie, Rat: and Kaufman all agreed that the pm posed ttite was an Meal one and should be purchased. That the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo in conjnction with the Corporation of the Crty of Kitchuner exercise the option held by the Kit- chener Airport Committee to nur- l-hase the John Heqtrich farm on the Lexington vRoad leading from North King street. Waterloo. and an addi- tional pores] ot land. not exceeding " acres required tor the hum. of Ion airport; and that the interest uni [the sold lander and the ttroportiott of (the purer-ago montis payable by the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo rho" be in the same ratio as the mvnlntton of Waterloo in to Ruth» otter; and (hot the council of the Corporation of the Town at Waterloo enter into auch atonement with Gii mac!) of the a“! 01' Km las may be noon-nary for the landing [e, the porch.†of well lands. pro ridlng the committee or body prom in; such airport shall would of (my pemm aorninatod by tho Tm of mum m the. 'MMM" mur- nted by the City of Kitchoaor.†. Shannan “In victory In the King's Plu- nndpr the color- ot no phone»:- mm. the dorm of and“: hvored Swan'- Grail“: the victorious debut of Jockey Geo. loan". (amount mm "" ruer. minor and auto_raeor, were a. high- “this at the Toronto Woodbin- on the opening of the Ontario Joeley Chin'- wring with: sauna“. Stunt-Chub! Wt. “Walla-1G†ge-ge-rows- Driving up from behind (In moo 5mm! Iron the nine-J. the my toric “untold future when run in Canada as the Kentucky derby does in the United But“ nnd the Epsom derby In England. The “out brown son of on Man--Bcmth Show was a length and one hatt In from ot J. C Fletcher’s Ichlurd. with NI runnlng mate third. Young Kltty, winner of the King's Plate last season and undefeated in eight consecutive races, stopped the Seagull: StaNe's losing streak when she was "booted In to victory" by Jockey Malben in tho Connaught Cup race at Woodbine Park on Mon day. Viscose. paired with Clear Shy In the J. E. Smallman entry. made a courageous attempt to head " the talented daughter at Old Koenig and Gallant Kitty, but prasn't equal to the occasion, losing by a neck. In the Hampton Plate claiming dash, Jewel Kit made it two wins for the Seam-am Stable when she won in a field of twelve. Cirealet, the Seam-am entry and 1 to 4 favorite was bumped at an start of the race and kllled the racers chance ot winning. mun-am Scorn With Young Kitty WATERLOO BAND ENJOYS 600D YEAR President Geo. M. Hoffman Re. views Work of the Year. Treasurer Reports $700 Balance. Highly satisfactory reports were presented at the annual meeting ot the Waterloo Musical Society held on Friday evening at which George M. Hotrman was reelected president tor a second term. In reviewing the work of the past year President Hott. man congratulated the director and; band members on the progress made and said the town was fortunate in having a ramble musician at the head of the band. Prof. Thieie praised the band members tor their 'm-operation dur- ing the year. He said the band was particularly fortunate in choosing capable men to head the band from Fear to year. Owing to the increased number or outside engagements the band members received a substantial increase in remuneration. Many letters of congratulation were re- ceived from outside points by radio enthusiasts who heard the various ‘hand concerts broadcasted during the past few months. He had made [all plans tor Imxt winter's broadcast- ing. If the government assumes cot" ,tmi ot lrroadeastinR stations, as is rnow rumored. Waterloo might not be able to hmadmst its concerts. l (Continued on Page 5) WANT " Waterloo Board of Trade Ae. That chairman Wm. Henderson and members of the Industrial COMF mittee of the Waterloo Board ot Trade are active is shown by etttrrts made to trmntmsvyeortttwhi1ar industries tor the town the put two weeks. one'Porottto industry had practical- ly decided to locate hare after Mr. Henderson had mm; to Toronto but at the last minute the mnuer of 'the company tlmrred the comm lmight lose ruined business connec- moved to Waterloo and decided will“ linking A dune. " was ll'lIw to [use or sell the cocoa- nnt melon on John St. W. to this ttttt melon on John St. W. to this rompâ€. Am “humid Industry could have been secured but tot "In an that the we chat“ by the up. that!†of mo commy could not in ma. “my.†mum met- In. a furniture factory In to". ttmr-ttee, tive. - Furniture Factory Could Not Secure De- sired Site and Ne- Mr. Mann low and may Bllnit BY gutiations Failed. INDUSTRIES ‘neu mum which - W toaet-tth.vtetorgduV at tho 1ch on My - W1. the mu! mind b M "oetoftt_erttmstttstttt_tr expand that with can. out a. has: cub-mm!“- pm an campaign will go over the my won the out! ot the wool $112, 000 subscrim , 'jst'sc"ii?i, In Wgterloo College cub-autumn.“ unwa- “01811th Adan-u- of mtrteratthtimt were given by the gallon! chairman, W. G. Watchel. M.P.. Dr. N. William. M dent. of the board ot governor: ot Waterloo College. Dr. H. A. Spelling 'and Drunken Mom and out» ot New York City. who conducted the tannin. Thanh Worker- The general chairman. W. G. Weichel, aid be believed tint with the special aubscriptlons promised by some ot the larger donors the otrlem live of $150,000 would he ruched in a few days. The total ot 3112.000 collected represents subscriptions hom people who have made you-ri- ttee to give. He thanked all the workers for their splendid alerts the past two weeks. More money was raised. he declared. in this cam- paign that most people believed possible. Your prime object was to bring about conditions which would ensure the continuance of Waterloo College and you have accomplished BELIEVE WATERLOO COLLEGE AN ASSET TO TOWN The members of the Board of? Trade at a recent meeting placed themselves on record as stroneg in‘ favor of the people ot Waterloo and district giving their heart support to the Waterloo college endowment (and campaign. President Henderson' and Dr. C. w. Wells deeiared they had given considerable ot their time ‘in assisting in the campaign because ‘they believed the College. which is aitiliated with Western University at honour: would be a great asset to the lawn ot Waterloo. WELLESLEV TP, COUNCIL WILL MEET JUNE 4 Wdttesiey Township Council meet- ing will be held on Tuesday, June the 4th, 1929, 10 o'clock am. instead ofwMonday. June am. as has been published. Court of Revision, on the assessment rolls. will be held on the '.oame day at 2 u'clock. in the after- Room I Hok. wr. D. Euler Gets His Own Information About Rum Boats As a guest aboard a vessel owned by a liquor exporter. Hon. W. I). Euler, minister ot national revenue, Rained â€mt-hand ittrormatimt on how, the Dominioa's export liquor busi- ness is conducted. he [canny told the House of Commons at Ottawa on _ Tuesday. 1 Minister of National Revenue Intimates That US. OEiciaJs Not . Sincere in Efforts to Stop Liquor Traffic. Answering criticism heeled by J. S. Woodsworth. Labor, Winnipeg. against the government's tatthro to prohihli clearances ot liquor ships to the United sum the minister told of his voyage on the vessel wind was in sight ot the US. port tor which she was bound tor almost we entire Manon of the it“). Hey then desist-1M a. permnal interview he bad had with Detroit bootlegtters. He asked them how u was we" nnppliea came In an unin'terrupted stream across the river day and night. He asked when the us. cult-era was Hun they did not pre- vent the mm- He sinned. and said: "It "at hair pens that they are not there when we so new.†Mr, Euler mid mo of the argues run from Canada were landed with"! 100 yards ot the 0.8. customs otrtee. Tho runners were icuusitr uni-ted hy membom ot the UM. "dry and" on commits. He quoted a latter from a (ha-dun collector of national avenue In On- urlo: "It the shoe were on they other toot Can-Ah could m up the liquor anvil-c "can which plied am the rivet ht In: than a wool.†The “mum of (but u not "ro." at mt to - to tho must of the United am» mu clear-m It is!“ to - on» - “but to H mm. Mr. ‘hlor 1M. TI. door, louver. 'hiiauaiua Peter F. Swhummer. Towtisttitrmerh. held, thumb.“ tMet-e-r- mama-Alum '.ao'tear-ttot.emttms- “melts.“ This...“ o8odoeatuaetethoTmttrdut-. - meanest-“-0 (In! gunk-n. magma-u “Wotan-00.17%†althotmumuytunchb with the aâ€. they hand] to non wen-um the luau of tho The IMO! In“ "It.“ to to â€will way In which tho “I†I“ m-bra. Imam“ Gutu ot New York City. a. “I! ot the board ot :0va In M lr thanked W. G. Wi6eHI. “I C. an! churn“. Dr. K. A. m of the mulcuy Cont-moo. at all those who were In Any In! M ed with the annulus. Rev. Dr. Spawn; stated I tho start of the camp-kn no Coll.“ was little known In Kitchen? Old District but the tannin: has m it on the no and that's when tty going to guy. The publicity tho the College has received is worth a lot more than the $150,000 I!†College Better Known . _ Dr, W. L. Hull-I'd of Wm. on. of the untlrlng workers In the a. paigm stated that u a noun a! ithe campaign the College was much better known, and the attend-net It ‘the Institution should be doubled as Q result. In speaking further in and :there are still enough abut-11mm lin sight to put us over the objectlvo. AFTERNOON ' _ MARKET FOR ‘KITCHENER Starting June 29th an All Day Market Will be Held _ Saturday. market commencing Saturday. June 29th. This was the decision mauled by the committee at a amount bold recently! Chairman Schneider sated that farmers will be notiited at the market in order that they mks pro- vision for securing stalls. Vendors will be requested to have mark"! placed on their stalls giving their name and address. The committee chose June Ur the opening of III afternoon market because it is the busiest season at the market and a good time to ascertain it an utter- nuon market can be successfully it may receive on this, hum! matter. Public Opinion Anllyud Mr. Euler expressed the opinion that white a large body or public feeling tutored the discontinuance of clearances. "just as aim not! possibly a stunner body of public opinion is opposed to the summit: that we should help to guinea the laws of the United States.†The minister examined the arguments that had been ‘made on both side. of the question and held to the vi" that the prohibition ot emport would not be justitted. Two of the outstanding argumolul advanced by Mr. Euler against the refusal of clumncec were: The evidence that they United- Slales was not making much qttogt to amp the liquor shipment: from Canada. and the fact that if clash amen were reIused'tho upon tulle would be thrown into underground channels to the corruption of Can- diam and in a way that would cost the country large sums tor ultimo“! TiUiiiiii; services. The would of 'clearnnces would not stop the any". I Mr. Euler refund to mm an argument that (Inn-d. was undu- a mom obllguuon to do a the Thtitad istsites sum. Mr. and" deemed that no no more Sucre-I‘M ht moat!“ smuggling into CHI-d. (an In. - !orclng the otti<rrttugg1itte low- of the United sum. Hon. H. H. Stevens. who brunt about the custom inquiry at "" and who“ cum-nun recount-Id refusal ot clam-uncut. mm to house M o6rhrg "I. W that me. the 1mm! sma- "jot gum" in." or an M My by wild an.“ I" . - um on - "t- Kitchener is to have an attemoon MMHQMIIO