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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 25 Apr 1929, p. 6

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VERNON MW - 44'rri" St. N., wmrloo FIRESTONI TIRE 6 RUBBER C0. OF CANADA. Any Road _ Any Season LL roads seem equally as good A in any weather when you ride on big, comfortable Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires. The jolts and vibrations disappear while the Scien- tifically Designed Tread gives a sure, safe hold on wet or slippery roaiht. For safety 'and economy equip your can with i-ti-ttIW Firestone tires. 1'...- 'j,tg,ces', f,"/"r't'g: 'arg,',, 2.5m": tires)” your local Firestone 2rcrce,t I: Dobbin Garage , Electtic Co. Kitchener & Waterloo li'tgtttr 1BMKils 1lI.tiB'PGr Luxury attracted Ney,'::','::,.,':,','.'"',,'?.',',',?:,'?,,',','.'?." our attraction. Beauty and per- formance compete for that distinction. But such luxury as Pond-c Big Six provides in so nun-uni in my new the higher priced can that Pontinc is bo. coming the favorite with lady drivers. And "luxury" means more than the inviting interior of Bodies by Fisher. It includes the effortless steering . . the care-dispelling mustery of highway and hill . . the oushiooing comfort of Loveioy Shock Absorbers. _ Experience its Big Six luxury, at the driver's seat . . on the road. ,..,.....¢ not? was an gown " I C..t' CaRS OF CANADA, Ln'iTFD " a.'mm--9CM--t r... "mm-aw hmnl‘ If. M. “I Th- {you b.- ot In. a: In. ii who. u taming in not“ After hot not-lou- In“... Mr. m Jul-on In a ”mot m Mr. no In. o, B. Benoit“. of Wm our u. wont“. In! W - all an“ In. at In. m null Mm Mr. and In Chmoo Tom“ ot Kllchenar were Sunday Vishnu at the home ot Mr. Chm-lea Mathew- md Mr. and Mm. Eon. Matthews. Ml” my MAtttteor. spent the weekend with her {that Mu Thelma Hammond. 0191111101); A number of ndghbou of Mr. Wellington Matthew- united Mm in awn: lib new driving shed on Walla-any mm or last mt. ' Il- mraq ”up: And brother Irvine were tNrtday villlon a an home ot Mr. Clarence “than. “ In William on. m a KiteV, nor vim" Int not. i A number of (Hands and neighbor: of Mr. and Mrs. Gem-go Slocum were emu-mined to an Ohio Tyne Dulce " their homo hero-on Frldny evening. All report a good um, Mr. Jno. Holt: his moved his household enacts 11110 the hem of Daniel 1mm, neu- the creamery. Citizens ot Baden- were shocked to learn ot the sudden death of Ernie Halls, at Woodstock. Deceased cou- ducted a bakery here some years ago. April M, and continuing each Wed- nesday evening until Sept. 24, Rev. Oscar Bufkholder ot Brendan will conduct a series of Bible study on the book ot Job. \He will he “slated by Rev. J. Mum: ot St. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fox-well ot Kit- chener called at the home of Mr. and Mm. Thomas (mum. Mrs. E. C. Boswell in aperitif}; some time with her parents near Kingston. The evangelistic services which were held in the mission under Bishop» C. F. Deramne ulna to a close um Wednecdgy. Starting on Wednesday ever-lug. Mr. Jno. Schultz and daughter Katie intend taking an extended trip through the West. Died at Woodstock. Save“! of the Baden people at- tended the auction sale ot the Daniel Roth estate, and good prices were realized. Another auction sale was held Last Saturday at Jno. Scpultz's. In Toman was the auctioneer on both occasions. IWednesday morning, was held on Friday afternoon trom her residence to the Amish Mennonite Church and thence to the Shunt; cemetery tor burial. The deceased. has been in poor health tor some time and itp to a law days prior to her death, had been in the KE-W. Hospital. The bereaved Lanny has the sympathy ot their many friends in their and Successful Salas. The funeral of the late ‘Mrs. Lorentz was held last Monday from her late residence to the R. C. Church at Kitchoner. and was largely attended by trlends and relatives. hm: mm the weeks-d at Van- and an“. l Mr. And In. - mm. Mr. amt In lawn human and In. C. W. Etch“ mud tho when! at the In. In. "omt at Blooming- dale on Sunday, Bom-yo Mr. and In. Manon Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mm. John Copley were: Mr. and Mrs. Elms Phytord, Mrs. B. B. Ptar ford and Mrs. Mfume“, all of Water loo, Mr. and Mrs. John Phytord. and family of Gal! and Mr. Matthews ot Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Copley orPtattte ville spent Monday with Mr. and (Mrs. John Copley. 1M to In (In. I: but.“ '%ttet.rYirtirtBht,AghtSq.Vornt. wmwnu-m» be] but. Dom “Mud um thou-Mina“ morn-no tetrear%dotHt-tta1to the can» hit: and non! "It." ot Auden." Howling on April M, twins. . m and daughter. Cortgratitioaa. nu. Marjorie unborn and Mr. Carl [lemm- at Preston called at the home of Mr. and Mm. A. Hilbom on Sunday. A auntie phy, "An OidMion- ed Mother" will be given in Katel- m’s Hall on Tuesday night, April 30th. by that Piniuviile Live Wire B. s. Cine, under the auspices of the U. B. C. E. Society. Untied seine “one between acts. Come and en- joy comedy. drama and music. Mr. new Uurilier hu,noaiu re- oelved the appointment ot presiding oineer at Princeton ior the coming entrmce examinations in June. m.c.w.muuw mammal“; Funeral. Largely Attended. The funeral of Mrs. Andrew Grail. VATTON IADEN In I Owing to the damaged condition of tthe highway bridge Just west ot lWallenstein, it is now necessary tor iystow.t'troimr travellers to detour ’two miles north trom here to Yatton. 'and them Journey westerly along the Thin! Line of Peel via Glenallan. lrriiii,Gi. _ F Born-on Thursday. April 12, to Mr. and Mrs. David B. Baum, I 'sort-Simeon. loud, Above it an is bright 1nd clear-- Thm's silver lining tn the cloud. Let no "in sorrow or regret Life's inner harmonies 'mrsttrotsd; They see 'tot-tho- who pine uni Tye Omar Lining "Although the day I: dark and drear, And mu sud wind are signing Mr. Martin B. Frey h slowly to- galnlng hls health, and his my fmends are wkhlny him a speedy re- cover-y. Mr. John Morioek of St. Jacobs ways: recent week-end guest at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. A, Goodvlng. Mr. Hetrry Lichly spent last Geh. end in Kitchener. Mr. Manasseh M. 'Martin is enjoy- ing a tortnight's sojourn with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan G. Brubacher ot Win- terbourne. Mr. Owen Dietentraeher and funny of New Dundee calléd on friends here list Sumhy. Mr. David B. Bauman has returned ho/ne after an absence ot several weeks in a Kitchener hospital. Mr. w. Weber of Kitchener was a business visitor here last Monday. Mr. C. N. Pine or London was a business visitor in Wallenstoin last Mr. Manna EL, (arm: left for Mil- verton last L'hl','1t will remove his family there in a. few days. Mr. Martin's (raster to Milverton means a promotion (or him from his C.P.R. employers. Detour at Wallenmin. . Our local sawmill has temporarily imaged its spring activities after saw- Ine approximately 150,000 feet ot \iumber from mannined- in neigh- boring woodlands. Milling activities, will be resumed in a few weeks, dur- ing which time a large number of days will be brought to the Walla:- steln yards br motor truck (mm the vicinity of Arthur. Transferred to Milverton. Sherri... at tho" homo Ind mt: ed In. snemn will a - club as a token ot OWM at he! able union a. mu in (In church. A low "saaaert Hours were spent. Lunch was then served and on" one maimed to their home. after luring spout " very enjoyublo evening. On Friday evening t number ot people from (his burg Sommeyod to Eden Mills whore ehey enioyod- the play entitled» "The Old Bionic: School" given by the people ot Win. terboumo. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Walter Volta: is on the sick list. Her many friends wish her a speedy re- covery. ' Sawmill silent. Miss Alice Forbes or near Theme)- berg spent the week-end at her home here. um Evelyn Baum. who In: been in Klehener all winter. has re- turned home. Miss Ethel Duly ot Kitchener spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Daly. . mu an.» “In "my"! to Daltonmoromamlhol Messrs. Nelson Bugs and Walter Pine ot Kitchen" spent the week- end at their llamas here. a gti..autgrsg.g.urnr.ota- momma-ammo. In. Anthony . Bun-n. Mr. Norma Bttumntt [on the other week for Detroit. l minnow-u: l Mimi mun-n tor Cout- at tbr Atty Meather-rtsr “crib? frot~ There's silver lining In tho cloud.‘ but hunky ovum m mm- WALLENOTEtN Mr. [ Sunday visitors a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eran Rob! were Mr. and _ Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martin ot the rd of Peel about Sunny with MP. and Mrs. Wellington Weber. Mr. Goo. Snyder ot Kitchen" spent Sunny under the maul Rev; Frank usually, late Mot ot St. John's Lutheran Church; Bee. haetr's Hill, was inducted into his new charge on Sunday but. The in- sulhuon was conducted by luv. A. Onen of Kitchener and Rev. Bienn- thal of Gowmtown. Mr. John Mos} humming some time at the home of Mr. and Mm. Alf. Mosh at Arr. 'Mrtr. John sum-1m qt] Mr. And Mm, Vat. Betrdux ot Wgterloo. Mr. and Mm. Ed. Snyder and daughter Mynye. and Mr. George Snyder Halted tenths at Kitch- ener on Sunday. l Mr. and Mrs. Herman Boehner and family ot Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Wynn; and daughter Alma or Wanton, Mr. and Mrs. Rater suds:- ‘bauer and children of Balsam Grove “were Sunday visitors att the home of Mr. Philip Scanner. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Israel of Kitchener visited with Mrs. E. (Hebe on Sunday. Raw. and Mrs. Omen of Kitchener visited at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. John Soehnuer on Sunday. Mrs. Aaron Snyder and daughter Ida and Mr. Willard Snyder attend- ed the funeral of the lam Mm. Amos Horst at gloominsdale on Sunday. Mrs. Jake Spies and daughters Edith and Irene, and Mr. Emerson Spies attended the Evangelical Con- ference at Tavistock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Golger ot Le lumen spent Sunday at the home of Dan Geiger. _ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mattusch and daughter Gladys visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dahmer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tum; at Kitchener. Mr. Harvey Class and Miss Pearl Perrish or Glencoe were Sunday guests with Mr. and here Geo. Class. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Ruby and family visited with Mrs. Geo. Heist on Sunday. Friu or New Jam-loin - a. 'reobqetd with their mother be". Mr. And In. Banach. M Mr. and In. John Senator and “may ot Waterloo visited on 91mm with ir. um Mrs. Jacob Semis. Mr. Angus Weber was a business visitor to our burg one day last week. Mrs. Abram Bowman was a busi- ness visitor to Kitchener on Friday. Mr. Ernest Knochen-hauer or Alma was a visitor at the home of Mr. John Scanner on My. In. W Bruno“. "and lion. allot Mun: a root with hot unu- ur In Kitchen M u and" when. It an In” “Juno. the God M hard. 11. um - “can“ It!) cut Mon and M. 30m ot tho firm” "out! have In" nun-d "can. Mr. and In. Goo. Smith and daughter. "in Home, and Miaa Him Ketchu- “tended the tuner.“ In Want-loo ot the late Mn. Ed. Duench. Mus. Elli-bed: Huehnergud of Mt- win I. visiting with friend; here for a few weeks. Sunmy visitors with Mr. and In. A. Kramer were Mr. and Mm. Witt Balm ot Bridgeport. Mr. and Mrs. C. With]: and family and Mrs. [nuts- Sanler ind vim: and Mrs. Lincoln Weaver and family 6t Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Good and Danny ot St. Jacob; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erma] and daughters. Reta and Myrtle, Mr. Clarence Ermei and Miss Minnie Wells were Sunday visitors at the home ot Miss Barbara Wahl. Miss Matilda Foemter is spending a few weeks with frlettdts In Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schaab or‘Lex- ington spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Battier. moo-m: Midi-III. 'hoes-mt-toA. FLO RADALI FEW}? Mrs. mtttrhts--"Oh, he's quite all right. He's getting married next week!" Mrs. lugging had just paid the last instalment on I perauntmtator, Shop Aistsitrtant--"Thara you. mad- am. How ity the baby getting on A CANADA PAINT PRODUCT U W5E‘§.£f\§:: . V FrreE-yircz' ‘ 'i,iiie't,ljy?Fi'fcii-' (ux, if r'5acc:u q laiie)Si?,iftax R:n““:~//EQ\’ I: aczcea, 2:rruT>:r, "ci"'":: "'cAi-ecziiiccas: "sac 'iii'it,-,C"'"'7 ',c.t'caiasauc' . a"aa. ..--, MADE IV THE MAKERS or THE FAMOUS ‘ILEPHANT BRAND' WHITE LEAD M. Weichel & Son, Limited 22 KING ST. ' - - - - WATERDOO ti,tly,teied,, @5553: - _st.ttetrretl = Si-eet Steel - Ceilings Superior in “every way to Shingle Stains. for sale by - - 7 ci’v -_t--_-- ~v-v- -""'"e." Handsome in appearance. Inexpensive. Breproot, lasting. Free cotton-tee on material alone or put on complete. . HERE is nature's own preserver and beautifier; pure color and linseed oil carried into the fibres and pores of the wood by netun.‘s preset vative--Creosote. The best bettutifier and protection for Shingle Roofs, Sidihgs and Bungalows, fences, garages, mineralized Composition Roroduttr and all Rough Lumber. wmw'tol’lay . MASONGRISCH MhfiohLtrNMTil Had We. . no Yong. 0L. Toroeeto, thtt. KITCHENER BRANCH 117 King St. W. 'cttlaufer’s Dog“. Store 'Waterloo, at. iosrtoe5euout. See us when you want has" sGi0F'hri.iTiiirfritiira'rt'; .7535. mismatch! M an} {tiff-milk? Mild iFira iiiaF7riG7friiG “Ema; '; 'iii'i'll'rCi'.3k4'ord'.,1 Fm‘szm Mei. '0 -. "6tNtpHors;thit. The Gnu En!!!” Frpae, 1.41. - tunes and lawman“ an amp“ _ who“ ”new make. new mood ' in old Vans, Used far Mrmttrq . Iyi'itr.Aeera' an! Bai- Wc-vyl ”any. Mental and Rain We pa q Eur. lawman-Vb by Pf-r. rice 82w box. l. , £137" E I?! in

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