"'. Olin-[M Common to thir ..V_r._. 9 (ll) Butcher heirertr- Good to choice .........10 10 Pair to good F.r.._m..r.-.mm_ 9 to Common _-_-..'....-.-......... 8 " Butcher CoWgr-- Cattle-Receipts, 2,800. Osota, “one: Heavy beet steers -.010 0010511 00 Butcher tyteers-- The buKot hte calf run was at poor tummy. and sold at from " and ttt per cwt.. with a few chotee animals bringing trom 815 to $16 per cm, ode lots ot poor quality lambs brouttht from $9 to $14 per mm. and spring lambs were cleared at from " to $16 each. Good light ewes held steady at from " to " per cwt. An increase of 60e per owl. was the feature of the hog market, and selects were sold at $12.50 per out. f.o.b., or 813.50 per cwt., weighed "dir) Good cows were taken a from " to $8.15 per curt, and kosher eowB. sold up to $9.50 per curt; Demand tor he." hulls mu quiet, but light butcher bulls View higher a " to 88.60 "rect. Batry leave. Advance. Baby beevee were 50c higher. at no 512 to ttlt per cm. An odd pai ot more cattle was cleared It 1mm " to 89.75 per out. Milken and springer: were steady at (mm 810‘) to 8125 each tor the teat otter. in. Forward- springers were the only class that were in demand. _ Calves fttqer, 7 'AI-lmm. . . . I". Envy and Ugh weight butcher do." not: up to 'tt per cut, with the bulk of butcher - washed out at from 810 to 01050 per cit. Show of medium My tuned be "e $9.60 and no per cit. rah no an. Beat quality tsoiti/ra Mona“ ("in 810 to 810.50 t cut. "YBmat..rd.etim.--A.tr-- “mm-abduct“ homdmutblhh - I†My. a! who: 1mm humane-l, and! batch: than. mum. Aahsweexrahortottr-eradao Mmquicklymmm New tho 1% were to]! char “trio'clock. _ Hawking. l 'i',v1tr,ut'ggit=et lit-d-tOrt-tts. can. We: magnum add... 'mttodtrtat-tmttemtottot Ell-ll gunmen at am. an muting Good to choice Phone 190 NEW HAMBURG, ONT. no. Box wi WATERLOO COUNTY llfh1'0IEfU. Sam Lilies 0cm Agata Flour and Feeds of All Kinds We have always on hand a large supply of MILL FEEDS - DISTILLERS (RYE) DRIED GRAINS 20% Protein - GUINNSEED MEAL - on, CAKE MEAL - TANKAGE - SALT . CORN - OATS . SCREENINGS - SCRATCH FEED - POULTRY COD LIVER OIL " BEEF & BONE MEAL, etc. Ahotmrqi_mttmradseterumgt CRACKED O0RN A SPECIALTY .10 00 _ 9 " 9 (ll) (In In... mama.) Come in um! look over our brood-r nova priced from $14.60 to $35.00. W- Dav. what you want. and. ‘wniu Plymouth hadiG, Gl. lantern. Mode III-ml Roda. $18M) pou- hundnd. 10 tit 10 00 3 50 10 75 10 00 9 60 E15 RIDES AND WOOL Toronto [muscle dealers In hides and wool an: quoting. prlces to coun-’ try simmers as tollows: City hides green. 10e per IB.; bulls and brands. Super th. Country hldsa. green, ac per Ib.; cured. S%e to IOC. Calakins. lgreen. 140; hips. green. me; cured. “use to IN, per m. Calfskin. cured. “no to 15e. Horxrtrttides, No. 1 grade " No. 2 grade. $3; No. ' grade, " Home'hair, 471: per lb. Wool. nat rate, free or rejects, 23e per Ib.; m- jecls. IK per lb. Tallow can». Te to Nae per ttr.; solids. in barrels. 6%c go " per l'b. V I Itried (deliveiéd, Toronioh 81.03%, A number or L.C.A. cases were track, Toronto. .. Gispoeed of by Magistrate Weir in 3:33: 31:33:?" s'h"t.o.t, court on Friday. Solicitor D. G. Me shipping points. . . ' . lnloeh for the Station Hotel Co. Rye-mNo. s. $1.06. pleaded guilty tor his client for " 1Barlor-Ne to 78e. _ lowing drunkenness end was thted Buirheat--g8e to 90e. ' $50.00 and costs. Norman Amiinxer HIDES AND WOOL pleaded guilty to giving beer ti) Toronto wholesale dealers in hides} minors and was tiued 850.00 and and wool an: cumin:- Iprimsr to coutb. " He chimed he did not know try shippers as follows: City hides th bov green. 10e per IB.; bulls and brands. e , " were under alrth Henry Super th. Country hides. "gem ac Deter and J. A. Rumlg ot New Ham- per Ib.; 'iTI'a'h, to 100‘.2 “23:23. burg were charged with securing green. 140; pm 8100". c; . liquor not on {permit and their use :32: :3 1153: 'la', 'h 33:33:23: was adjourned. Roy Caldwell ot ghos- l $4; No. 2 grade. $3; No. ' snag. " ton pleaded guilty to keeping ileum-1 Home'hair, 471: per lb. Wool. nat tor sale an was sentenced to till-M1 rate, tree or rejects. 23e per Ib.; "r. months in in . Int-In 'A., - n. mNoL-. n-Im- T., *.s Munch: “unable. 2 northern, 81.21%; No. 3. 81.17%; No. 4 when. 81.14%; No 5, 81.08%; No. i, 871ke; teed. TTIAc; {mm No. s, 81.10%; Mutton on... 49c (an. Gmlqtriett and bay pom). ' American corn-No. 2 yellow. kiln dried. 81.06%; Nb. ' yellow. kiln Tpnouro GRAIN MARKET Toronto, April trt.---; of Trade quotations, mm: l oatr--No. , c.w.. Me; No. 3 c.w.. 510; extra Nd. 1 foul. "c; No. 1 lead. 35m; N513 med, (We; reject“. , Whaat--Nts 1 Norman. $1.1“: mo.- a Northern. 81135:: No. a North. on. 31.11%: 'No. 4, 1.06%; No. S, 97ch 340.}, 81%e; "ood, 68%e; me]: 31.90%} oc'Eeénlnis," a" iris; aood no hub ..._.._...14 00 1etd.iqr -----a, ff in.“ Moo- ._._..,.........1: as u as you: "tteh mum ii i, an -otttttq .d...-..." u u u m w u. “a Me m. um ..---q--.al " It u the M J " "a“. o-...-.....-...." a ’1: a “Mr --dtoemqea, '00. omttatgt-: duh. It u Ionu an a. t'tue',ftttccc.r: I , ' I a had one: at "all; Ayah" n c ...... a... hut. can .-.-._...e..-.r-... 4 no "S0 1-...-. "l ..... .e'ttt WINNIPIO WANG Moe 1450 1800 ....Nd.'i . do seconds thiry ......,......A _ No. 1 ?...rL.C.U.r. 41 to " do second: .--a---i't to 41 Above mica: tor goods delivered Toronto. Chm-ulna Greartt-- 'Nrproktmate quotations on churn- ing cmm. r.o.b. shipping palm. are: Special. 47e; No. 1, Me; No. 2, 43c per lb. tat. . Quotation. to Retail Trade Btrttarru.-' V START! - RIGHT "0t"-Raptnt. , MA TOMS-I‘M? DAIRY PRODUCE Quotations to sulppen Creamer-2. pasteurized. _ ,,,,__ "'e"P"'wr.trm..r.. ln: £0 VD do itrsttr, P'"--..-....... " to. 00 do seconds _"--.-...-.-...- 21 to 00 Young Cletierttert- ’ Alive Dream] Over 5 lbs. each _F.PPTPe 526 3241 4 to 5 lbs. each .'_'F9._ 24 3032 Under 4 lbs. each _..- 22 21-30 Het-.. Over 5 lbs. each .....m.. " " 4 to 5 lbs. each '_..-... ST 28 3% to 4 lbs. each .,.. 24 ss I Under 3% “In. each .. " 20 _ Sign: Jen's classed as old roosters. Above quotations Indicate the gen- eral market range tin values In eggs and poultry on delivered basis. quotations to Retail Trade 'tem.-- Pruh extras, per dozen; in P carbons 'P.'.......--......... 34 to 00 do extras, looms '_termt.rr» 32 to 00 do that: '_-...-......... 30 to Mr, do seconds ............_. 27 to tRt' ""'r9.r'_'q- (ut mount!“ ant. rod-m your â€In. out; I“. In â€gland. County Dim-lbw" yin tn oath] ot at hut .150 blue IUILDINO IATIRIAL. tho homer eo-uaou to [in any I'm Bank: Bank of 311le \returm. Provldlng no in we" w murm- at hem Dutrttmtors' and develops Into a good producer when. "eb'trsoato, on IIO' bulld- isltty will - repay thi- outhy. In... “an“ roan. New book while on the other [and is in In I in! mm 0.." over the. than» low pmducer and g short com and Mutton hrs-in. In Goon. win: maker she can we: become I pu- don has. my"; noorttte, ing proposition. F and“. 'atttt.9tardqraro, Iranian. ------.--..--- puma. plum; goods. mm :x-‘ turn. an "nerd builder noun. "P. OWENDEgE FINE" Yang)â€; mum: Column. has been and: tor labor or bout; and conuquoutly “on than “all! no added it may he noted that there had one: at "all; Lynn" hm totimeoett-ttr-.tn mum) 1. mm. In tho eateute' the at an. out a. tub-ml W than} at n at? 100 - the ski- mith " " com If 100 walk. and m. other but you at thew-Linn? iiiim â€and.†Farmers Phone luau a r u. " To FRED YOUR CHICKS G. H. SNYDER ', pasteurlxedu , C haw» " ARE FINED a... “mummies: “in: 'Arqt,Tl'i'lk",1trTh'mt'rf,' . 1'ttrii.iiiGTGriit"rii"iGiurrG"l'e 1†Bo-ts, an an»... mun-mu mu m "0ltufHtqnt9-eoitiriuur. to " with " In!†conning... "I0 load touch“ - Down. to not.“ but". mum} at No. , on n, In a. no" of mam. N no can u. it] or an _ mm.“ Madam-hum my; (t%tttrdary---at 1.80 on" an» , mound whic- bm new. mat. for In: Noun-n. l April " tNutt-r-At 1.30 NIL. ugh-bl. III] can and a the good ‘houuhold catch Mosul»; to the out“. of the lab In. Andrew Roach. mum " " Cedar St, M., In tho city of Khan». _ - W. WVFRICKIV, Auctioneer _ Are% " ttut-art-at ' 04m. yuan. Mold doct- " any moth- ma dons-Id. at [Inna-or Torma if Raul "tate-eos ot the purchase price than be paid on the day of ale; another 30% within 16 darts. The kahuna can rennin on mm as mortgage. Further urtica- lars can be had from the under- of the coy- it desired. algnod. CHARLEI KOEHLEI. E. B. HALLMAN. Enema. Andra, Room..- "tate. I. J. “ANTI. Kitchen". "Wett," all I. "ther, ‘n m barn, and other outbuildings. Nice rorchard with diluent kinds of fruit, good water by well. This u the makings of a Mindy smell arm well situated on the main road. With the farm the purchuer can hive‘: good Government tot) kilns core of a mail route bringing in a good rev-l enno. Don't mks this T l Term: of Chattnt--caats. q months credit will be given on the much-Io Ammtto;lo¢uAMc-n an! Emu - trt not previously sow-mu consists of splendid " acre farm of good bud. 0n the’hm Is an 8 mode brick house. bunk aluminum-col E. J. Shaun. Auctioneer. has been Instructed to Ball by public auction on the premises ot the late Alum Koch!" situated one-hut mile non]: of New Dundee, on the mitt-Ind [culling trom New Dundee to Peter:- burg, on , TUESDAY, APRIL m. 198 Commencing at tao o'clock mm. the lollowing chattels and tech - of - Real Estate, Pam Stock, Im- plements and Household Effects. Box 78, Hamilton. bu an.; nu. " AUCTION SALE LISTS brawn-mm“. AUCTION SALE Auctionur. 1H cw Truman-v. l Alt tunnel-s damn; to market their llva stock should do tt through ‘thdr own roprelellhtivel. Next ably men! to Stock You“. West Toronto, Monday, Apr" 29, 1029 at Bad.- and Mar-burg. Notify If. B. t%ttmos, New Dundee, Phone 16. s. or Simon Dimer. Wuurloo. Phone 41-3. wa) Cooperative Live Stock mum's for Farmers Term of P-tr-tos of IMtr- chuo price on day ot Bale, balance in thirty days. Hon-chow E8test-Caatt. THE WATERLOO TRUST AND â€VIRGO COMPANY, Executor; Real Estate There will be Aloe sold at the me time and place a seven~roomed Ewe with bath. which is known as " Cedar Street North. Kitchener. The home is enlisted on a lot approxi- mately 40' x 141'. The house has been completely renovated wllhln the past year at considerable cost. It tma hardwood floors demand“. Petudirur tr'roetett doors. A new hot. ‘water furnace was also recemly tn- malled. The bolus In fully equlpped with all modern seoitrstrietreetr, in ox/ cellenl. working order. A new large well built garage ls also located pn the tot, is well as a umber of fruit trees and a Diced-Ind garden. This is the "I: you wait to attend at the fur-Mun in clan and In good condi‘lon. . Enthu- chir: 1900 electric washer; tubs: tour (minim kegs; mien: crocnf hm: hose: sin-ll cider press; lawn sect; mirrors; pictures and tunes; chart cut wqod; garden tools; and may other useful 3:11:21" toly numemus to mention. hue; "no Simmons doublghpds Commem; dresser and stand; oak crooner; ash SATURDAY: Arritu 27. 10a , Bale, "am n t pan. Five piece mahogany wlor suite. like now; out llhnry‘n‘blo; seven! (at prior able. and melon; oak chin: cabinet; oak nrrittrtE deck and bookcase combined; oak '1tnistgr room able; oak bullet: Ink sunburn; ‘mk hall rack with km oval mirror; good couch; six out diners with leather seats; tape-try parlor rug, 9 It 10% (eel; Inge dining room rug: upholstered arm chair; Berna kitchen cabinet; Champlain lee box; I tmar-burner gas slave; kitchen chin; Ohio vacuum clatter; eight-l an kitchen clock; mantel clock; Phone 240 I W. W. Friday, Auctioneer, win to!) by nubile “aha. the alum. ran: out.“ and houahold also" bo- Ittasghttr to the estate ot the Into In. Andrew Hutch. situated at " Mr ttt. N., in the city of Kitch- All ma of no“ pl†DUN-No 0r all than at work. _ . gnu. "Ma. and. - In“. than! Inn. an! _ rum my. - ttreq 6.. We II. Day I" than.†â€at. n w. Frtumdv, Amman-or. Phone 502w. Waterloo. 1 JOSEPH li. SEAGRAM ilk SGNS HMâ€: . . . . Rye Distillers Dried Grains Valuable Cattle 'Feed an u a. adkoiUi Ct new“ to u? a . â€I Ottod "atm.'." - way. Mr F. Mun... Arptr I D. m- m-tere cum a mom-Icy “toâ€; um. All] a. nod. up. Barney Joseph $1163 For Sale “For Sale UNITED 17-1 Dunlap, "e per IOM. Potomokes, $7.00 Def 81000. In quantity lots de liven-ed tree in Waterloo County. H. W. STEVANUO 3mm! Kitchen" a." Phortq 73; r 21; Isa I mamME-SM Cktrr"a'ii'cue, {and chicks: matherr, my “andâ€. “scum-n swing Go. but. " Quota l ' my â€.0365“ Ian-3357.: old home. bu! Mu... an an... a... skim. allow. do. Era-yuan; Mu tor was Inâ€)! and some diam} In coun- try and suburb“ homes. Coat nur- mu'incly low. any panama. {mum and (all p-rucuhn {no to home cm and builders. Hunky immmy. Box " Mum, 1b4 n Woolwlch a. . aabiuiUr 8M0- 6-Tudh--Antt.rsor, Mum" Unread" _ T-Amman Stltt Tooth Cum- "an .-" Tooth Intonation-I Spring Tooth Cultivator .-mo. q Frost C Wood llndur, ' ft Cut lo-Ma--'- Walklng 2- Fumw Gang Plow "--Tudherpe-Amhaon and»: Bulky New ta-rea. " Do Lav-I Cram Q09- uruor. It!) In. 01mm Ib-No. " Do Latrat Cream 8.9- anion no Ilia. Cap-city "--No. t London Condiment Comma In". PIONEER EQUINE"? co. Bt. B.. Kimono}. - - v" _._..v....“. Hatches weekly In an world ghou- Buckcyo Mammoth 1rtrttatuttrsro We also hatch chicks to your order. cm for prices. Guamy Hatchery I In: lint-rub. Our union ‘1]! -7. you mu]. No chug-lion. than†Company. an: 18. mm. so Chap“ ttt. book M Home: and mi». Jisiiii. t--uttrtrrt- . H.P. Engine 2-Ma--Harra No. , Human unadu- b-u..". Hoe Drlll ' 6-e "Af. 18-000"- tmttltratora. Hall. 174th CuMtmtor, " power um. 6.-4 F. a w. Gulch-torn. P-Pour Hnmllton Cultivator and Sud Box 27 Erb M., Waterloo G--" Ho. Champion Drill lt--" Ho. Champion Drill 8-t6 all: Cochin-u Drlll f-o-Ant, Manuro 8"“er 'b--"eearrs. Manure Phone at STRAWEILRBY PLAN-rs "W" n my dun... OIORGI WMTHAI â€on. "' r O . Khulna-r BARGAINS m ' USED FARM EQUIPMENT BARGAINS IN USED FARM EQUIPMENT FEATHERS WANTED Iettt we. mm to: mu, d fmsnx?tCiCA'Féiririii, Winn "has: IMHINII {NAIR FOR ghiii Mon: and Kitchener FOR "" Waterloo 13-2, 1 " urmmmaau mum-um... terms like ratramidiitT, Lil "salon. No need of â€mung when I home "to this can he bout!“ on nut-.11 any term; RAMA. POI OALI See my ttie. lb! ot hrms for ‘19, Your choice of a [use or In! farm. ideally located and priced right E. J. SHANTZ rooms and bath with convenb once: on second floor, nice nixed attic, Rood dry cell“ in , parts, 'stationary laundry tubs. Priced for quick ale .rp_t'mtr. Gnnnn KchHlNll 'teat um. - Aunlm mummyuu... Here In . bargain In a home situated you the Dominion The Photon-y. 8 roamed brici.'good sued receptlon room. double parlor, dining room and kitchen, hardwood floors. French doors on Brtrt thtor. 4 nice sized bed- . . '"""""'""'"'m"--tm--m, I AKCRESSMAN Farm of 77 acres, situ- ated on si. Agatha Road, 3% miles wept of Water- Ill. A. Book and Son 311mm“ SCONI'B? Get our driver who “"98 your neighbor to leave you a loaf. A Real Bargain We make lots of other good bakery products. Cook’s bread is noted for its high nutritive value and its better flavor. Have You Tried We pride ourselves on making the tineat scones produced today. Be sure and order some this weekend and you will want them all the time. You will thtd they in really Why'd. For Sale Rent or Exchange 18 King St. N. WATE‘nLoo Waterloo Phone 6 1 a art M