Come Early and ' w , "l/NMI! BuMnlSm I 'rr", I Toma _ Strictly Cub 36" All Wool Serges, 85c Valuesfor.............. 63c M" Dress Flannels, 85c Value for..................... 68e Blue or Black Lustre. $1.00 Valuefor............... 75e Wool Sant y - Carry it . away 1'TrCCC.'..". SE10 36" Dress Rayons, 60e Value 35c 36'.', Press Velvets, $1.75 SI.25 DressRayons ............. PiaidDrestrGoodrs ......... Values m........ M" Grey Suiting, Values......... 36 in. Dimily id eohrrw--Away lheygmyd. .............. ChiHren’s Lisle Hose, 60e Silk Hose-While they ttmt--. Me Point hula-quan- heel .. Children’s “one, knee length withtmtr.............., 21e Labelle Crepes, $1.35 Values Flat Ca t Crepe, $2.50 'hell"."."..."."."."."..'.'?.".". $1.98 Dress Lengths in Maydechine, Fancy Crepes, Trioochine, etc. A $1.35 Valuesfor .......... 98e $1365 Values for .. . . . . . . $1.25 Extra Heavy Cotton Hose, 45cline................. 38e 1 and 1 Rib Cotton Hose, sins 5to9.............‘...... 22e Hosiery “at; 1tt we. f???“ Me Ex‘t'rAantlAeavy Cotton Hose, 38e Silks and Satin At 20% Discount $1.65 Values for . . . . Ete. Dress Goods .-54, .. 98e $1.98 21e . v - - - - w', BP, Mr.. _ _ ' "r"""'""""'-""""'""" WV ‘1‘," - i r = ( sgii.f,f V - _ . _ "N 't a "c"', "r a Ar Fear , _ I I H I I \' ‘ I ' "St . . ', I. u, ca 4:324" l _ t ' _ T _ . . . ' J .1 7c;'e, 2f.“ . . . V T _. T "T . I ‘ ,3 Prt.? _ _ 7 I . 5' 'r’ r" " . I _ t I . _ 'é; d 1Gf .. I t', e r’ia'i“ . - F. _ _ Jett it.'.. ' . Itlt . a? "' . - 51'. . I . ; "1'329/3'.‘ ' , SY.. f .w P, ‘25s Illitla' A. - ' tut $2" 452-912}; ' If 'tt r . . $9.1.- r . _ - - _ . "* - I _ __ - _ 1_f_-iLCLLi_..-.--i-- T hese are but a few of' the Many Bargains we have to qtrer. Come with the Crowd. Carry the Goods Away Tuesday, Thu: till 9 o'ctoch. To ttt all sizes of shoes and you can buy them for less IIDW. A good Shirt bought to sell for $1.75 going at . .'. . $1.38 WoolSocIanrMuI ... 27t "ieI"e""85e'o68e A large assortment for One lot of Negligee Shirts, 509d Imam» sins If PIZ- $3.00 and $2.85 Silk l Shirlsfor........‘ Boys' Shirts, Regular $1.35for.......... Socks Cotto- Soch for tt l Cotton Socks for Men Phone IS Jlll1)t)t_i.,1)I.y....i.i..t Work Shirts fanc: Take -'em any . Me "al/y,..'?""' Fruits, 29e 32i. C . Prints, 3riveil'l1".'..".'r.".". 27e â€if; Cami†21eto23e '32 in. Ginghams, 20c 15e Me value 28e Me value 24c Btg duds f ands 'pd21',U'V. . . . 13e up 9/4 Extra H’vy Sheeting 64c Circular Pillow Cotton Linen Crash Toweling Value ........ Prints. yd. . . Rubbers ... $1.25 2 pr. Me 1.. IN $2.35 r 98e 85c . 38c .. IN “Store Will Be Open ' thrsday and Satyrday Nights _",.. ii"aritarts Friday, Apr. "l . sua,rtedRoqe,GridMBda1 36e Tau/gnu. ............... 'romatoSmm e............'. 10e P&GSonp........ CastileSolp........ owdo1,itmretsize... chtrmoshrgetrize... Tomatoeshrge ...... 2th- Me Groceries Peter Pan materials guaranteed 60cWendy for ...... 48e Hundreds of yard! q " Factory Cotton $2.: 32 in. Peggy CUth .... Me 55c Mellow ......... 45e 9/4 Unbleached Sheeting 39e Cotton Towelling, good . 16e L I . V, 35e "Vine if??? . . . . . 28e Going Out of Business and we has but canâ€: to disfosc of our 314. 000.00 Stock in sown way. , Your chance do get ut-to-the'uinutc Merchandise at Wholesale Prices and u" last: just till "retired a Buyer/or ourstoch. Staples .-.----101"58e 10"“39‘c -8""°24c ........ 22e -2n"23e till 10.36 o’clocli Colored Terry Toweling 10e Oxford Shifting . . . . . . . 19e 36 in.Co|I)red Sateen .. 38t Curtain "tdig 'eg".".'.?.' . . . 98e A good assortment of Curtain Materiak. and prices " cut. Standard Skirting . . . . . 29e Evert Shifting ........ 23e 8a.SailDuck ........ 29c At 8.15 A. M. u'tain Chintz, 36 in. wide, many beautiful put- 25c terns..... Other good Brands selling for 23:35 and $2.40. $1.89 Men's Fur Felt Hats. wide brim, $3.75 Value, $2.75 Men’ Fur F It Mata, 'lilo' Vain: . .. . . . $3.40 Men’s Fit-U Caps, just arrived, $1.95for ......... $1.48 Bols- Fil-U Caps, $1.25 89e Carhartt’s Brand for Men’s and Borf Winter Caps at tsaeritiee prices. Men’s T ies Big Amour-lent, and: .. 43e "td for . ' Ir.'. .'.'f'. 73e Overalls and Smacks Hats and Caps mama a Rival k Having accepted a position in the City of Kitchener, duties to commence as soon as possible, males if necessary for us to dispose ofour business here just as quickly as possible. Be on hand the Opening Day., aktra half to serve the crowds. $2.25 A Clean-out Sale Boots and Shoes Men’s Benjy BIupher . . . . . $2.98 $5.00 Blacker Panco Soles $3.90 $5.00 Urns Calf Blather . . . $3.†$5.00 Men’s Golden Split . . Sft.4fl $3.75 $3.25 Youth’s Urns Blucher .....m.... $2.40 Youth’s Box $4.00 W m n’ Graf Black;- I".".'.?.".".'.'..... $3.10 $4.50 to $5.00 Wome 'tr Dmnt. Bllfchers . . . . f . . . FV8 "st Jt-t,t,', ti.ftt2'2 Slippers all 0 s, thet: for _.............."'". $1.45 1 lot of Shoes for Children, (l Values to $2.50 for . . . . . . One lot of White Shoes, or fords and Slippers, pr. . . . . Wind . and water-proof Mackinaws. $8.00Value ......-..s-.. $4.98 M n' Winter Ova-coals, "llhll mm . . . . . . . . $18-95 Boys" Overcoats, $12.00 Yatues ...........i..... S5.95 Boys' '!-ttttf?,etre" to $9.80 w iGd," Values .. . "WW Boys‘ Blue Irish Serge Suits; $6.90 Newton or Forbes Wheeling YamSkeln ..........'. '"'"'" A few Men’s Suits to clear at.............-.. $12.50 Men’s and Bore Underwear " under priced. Blucher .r........ Gushhetrs........--. Mitts - Gloves Sweaters, Etc. All 6041:: for Loss Clothing Yarn All Goods at SMsrifiee Price. may be paid During this Sale Yaw Kip $2.48 $2.98 $2.50 $1.75 $3.10 $3.78 $1.25 Me Me W23: