i'ri,r Auction Sale ' - or .. l, f ‘ Entire Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Produce and Household Effects, Etc. tii,' Flour and Feeds lmpiemettu-Keystone [my loader; P. & w. side rake; Kemp spreader; F. & w. 7 tt. binder on truck in good shape; F. & W. 6 ft. mower; hay rake; Cockshutt 13-hoe drill, nearly new; Climax cultivator: spring tooth lever drag; Planet Brow corn cultivator; Cockshutt IHriate disc; 3-drum steel roller; ' No. 21 Ayr plows; linecuon narrow: b furrow gang; Cockshult bturrow tractor plow llnterchangeable‘; Cockshutt one-furrow riding plow; potato plow; 'Sandusky 10-20 tractor; l turnip seeder; new' blacksmith, forge; 2 single acumen; new buzn‘ pole; 2-row potato sprayer; 10 pair wagon box sldings; Jolletle 11-inch chopper and built in speedjack. like new; Jollette 10inch chopper; Strat- rord 10-inch chopper: farm wagon. nearly new: box and double shelving practically new; wagon; good demo- hrat; open buggy; 2 seats bob sleigh; Terms-rut hogs, produce. poultry. $20 and under, ash; over that amount 10 months credit will be given by furnishing approved joint notee bearing 5% interest (straight). Butcher eattkF-y months credit with 6% per annum interest. Prttdteets-25 (on: mixed hay: 500 bus. heavy oats "3ouq.rorr, at (or seed; 100 bus. 0.A.C. No. 21 seed barley; 100 bus. feed barter; 8112 n. silage; 100 bags potatoes; 2 bus. Itimlohy seed; 35 bus. seed track. wheat. l. H. TOMAN, Grad. Auctioneer, New Dundee. Harne_sots double mm hu- ness; 2 sets single lumen: horse blankets; robe. PIGS AND POULTRY-york sow bred 6 weeks; York sow, bred; 2 shouts 125 lbs. each; 8 fat hon if not previously sold; 8 small pigs; 40 Mack Minerals one year old; 35 Rhode Island Red pallets; no Rocks; 6 Rock cockerols; S geese; 2 sanders; some goose eggs. 5 "ttr-matt Clyde - I you; old; -ral puma. mo. Med; black gourd 'purpou Intro. aged; genera purpou mun 11 no " years old. . as Cattl.--Raut cow trail: by time ot sale: whlte cow, bred; rout cow due May 3rd; red know cow; black cow due Aug. 10; red cow due April 5t.h: Holstein cow, bred; rod cow due April 31; Holstein cow duo June I; Holstein cow bred; Jersey COW' bred in Sept.; pure dtred'Bttorthom cow bred; rout holler bred In Dual pure bred Shannon bull " months! old; 5 butcher cattle rising 2 you: old; 6 yearling calves: white cut 6 months old. I. H. TOMAN, Auction“, has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public dnetiogt for the ante of the late Charles Zinn, 1 mite cut of New Dundee, on 1'd0llL$lilllllli)llltlu,Mla. WAMDO. ONT. . . . _ Alla our well known build. of HOUR Seven Lilia Ocean Ana We have" ahtars on hand a large suwa of MILL FEEDS - DISTILLERS (RYE) DRIED GRAINS 20% Weill . WNSEED MEAD- OIL CAKE MEAL - TANKAGE - SALT - CORN - OATS - SCREENINGS - SCRATCH FEED - POULTRY COD LIVER OIL .' BEEF & BONE MEAL, etc. (HM-l 'Illry) Sale to Mart a 9 u... slurp. Lunehat Noon , - . Lu- Thursday, April 4th, 1929 CRACKED IXYRN A SPECIALTY Lunch at Noon. hogs, produce. poultry. $20 and under. ash; over that of All Kinds (For M tPtrm Halli...) can. can. no.) Extra--,Mtaorett 1921 touring car; Ford touring car in running order; onealxteonth slate ot Snyder‘- syndlcale tltrashtntt otttitt. Remember this largo sale and plan to attend. TM. I: a use of wtndlng up the mate and everything will he sold to the Nahum bidder. No re- serve. This in a Bfarm one. Hun-hold Effects - Delay power churn; 45-53]. mm kettle; washer and stringer; power grinder; lard press; buncber table; 2 tabs; 2 cup- boards; step ladder; homemade soap; copper boiler; Iron kettle; ti%RtrCo kitchen range; 2-burner electric plate; 3-burner oil stove; oil heater; 2 extension tables; kitch- en chairs; 6 diners; sideboard; glass door cupboard; 4 good rockers; tall led table; 2 writing desks; Karn G-octave organ and stool; Bran. toln victroln and records; quarter cut oak hall stand; 4 centre tables; 4 lronlbeds with springs and mattress; ( bedroom set, complete: walnut dresser; one new Iron bed with aprings and mattress; 5 good tapestry floor rugs; carpet strips; feathers; 2_toilet sets; 2 old style rope beds; .22 rlths; horsehide; berry antes; vacuum sweeper; 3 feather ticks; complete dinner set: all kitchen utensils; many odd dishes; De Laval No. 15 cream separ- ntor. like new. with power drive; butter worker; 121a], stone crock with sauerkraut; empty sealers; all 'canned fruit and jars; 240 lb. scale: new cross cut saw; ironing board; electric iron and toaster; kitchen clock; wood box; many and more other articles that space will not allow. I Planks; stock ruck; , and“ mum, tmttt.mertte--waterloo tsteam 9" 1300 lb. um; 164rt. blower cutting the. " in: Waterloo thrmshipg trom Pnrb like; Wnuon euttiGlmactsine, anus, with Hell feeder. box; " tt. "tr Mb" belt, "9'; , straw and chat! blower, in good run- - M.W. million; 4 tong â€awning order: London straight plate iron: My fork; Mock and nonalchopmr. 10 inch. on jack; roller “1].â€: work bench and vine; hechopper: circular saw on truck: 110 ton truck Mi: tatm nnd dies; 3 tt 7-inch 6-ply canvas belt; M.-H. an drums; carpenter look; weâ€, binder. f ft. cut; M.-H. mower. 5 ft. maul on fume; % horsepower cut; Massey-Harris side rake and electric motor run two ““01“; a†ladder; Frost and Wood hayloader; “um“ ladder, tMMF; mulling tarth; 10 ft, dump rake; Ma“. 13-hoe drill; 0,010!!! under: doubletrees; neck- MAH, cultivator; McCormick steel yaks; forks; shovels; ban; china roller; iron burrows; 3r-H. barrow and nanny other uncle. too mutter- cart; W-H. manure spreader; 2- can for detail. furrow plow; 2 single plows. No. 21; Numb.“ EM - mhy power shah scraper; stone boat; wheel- churn; 46aai. tnmce kettle; washer barrow; wagon. complete; carriage; and wrluer; power grinder; lard buggy; bob Sleigh; 2 hay racks; we“; banana: table; 2 tabs: 2 cup- t"c?sarit"s auvil; 40 Kat steel I cutters; 2 an rub; travel planks; stock ruck; , fuming mills; Lunch at Noon A! Terms-Hay, grain. polatoes. fowl and all sums of $15.00 and under. cash; om that amount 10 months credit will be given on approved Joint HORN or 5% on“ for cash. EMERBON M. MARTIN, Prop. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. HENRY KLINCK. Clerk. 13-t Houuhold Effect- - Cook stove: washing machine: side board; cream separator; milk pail; some potatoes, etc. top buggy; cutter; doublelrees; I New Jackson wagons; , soc. hand Ineckyokes; chains; forks; hoes, and rubber tired top buggies; 1 sec. Mud ,olher numerous articles. (reel. tired open Mini: , lee-hind Harness? 1 set tram harness; 1 steel tired top trutrtriea; ' atre.turm1 Single harness; collars: horse tuJ.,istees tired ODOR tttttttrim; 1 Motl- kets; robes. etc. imatlc tired open buggy: , sec. hand Hay and Grain-About 9 toms hay; tmrhorae earriagetr; 1 sec. hand no 12 bushels barley; 30 bus. Uii,'ildium" cal-ruse; 3 light carriages. All grain m for-seed. [In good repair and painted. Horus~Bruwn mire, 4 years old; ‘lelllgence can make good money, no 2 bay geldings a yre. old; grey geld- experience or capital necessary. just ing 6 Fears old; driving mare 13 satiMAetory references. Apply at years old; I roadster lilly. once. The WK Silk Hosiery Co., Cattle-mist-" Holstein cow Limited (Formerly of Murray-RAY due May Wh; registered Holstein Co.) RyrasBuiidintr, Toronto, IM cow bred Feb. leur, cow due April --------------- Sth; cow bred Feb. 23rd: cow fresh ‘ FOR SALE 2 mottths: 3 registered hrifer calves; 300 acres ot good tarm load. con- yearling heifer; 2 small calves. slatlng ot Lot 8 and sun": ttalt of Pigswr pisas about tec, lbs. each; Lot 9. situated on the 3rd line of 5 pigs 2 months old; I sow with 4 Wellesley. 3 lane‘s west of Wellaley, pigs; sow due April 13th. (being known as the Freeborn estate. Fowl-About w hens, ,Good buildings. well lenced and} Implements-Deering hinllPr. Doer- 'lever-tailing spring wells. good‘ lug mower; bearing dump rake; orchard. about 45 acres of hardwood Deering cultivatur; W-H. 12-hoty bash. Farms can be sold separately. drill: (NSC llarrow; iron harrow; IE'or [urlher palflculars write Johrt horsepower Gilson us enttittrs; 1yirffe'r'.t R. R. 2, Wellesley. 11-3 wagon complete; t truck wagon: --------------- seuiner; plow. No. 13; rubber lire! FOR SALE top buggy; cutter; “Wigwam, New Jackson wagons; , soc. hand neckyokes; chains; forks; hoes, and rubber tired top buggies; 1 sec. had other numerous articles. frutoel tired open bull]: , lac-hum - Mt I H F. l W. Cultivator.- '--Pst.r Hamilton 'krttivtttqr and In! In I? In Bt., Watch.†A t-tttt-trtrrtat ' HP. Ingm- Manny-Harri- No. , Human “and" HA1. No. I)?!" H â€.41. 1.40001 cahlvl‘on. FHA-I. 1740th Cultlvmr, VALUABLE PRESTON PROPERTY FOR SALE Building Lot " It 330 l on King tet.. tn central part of the town, Suitable for business block or apartmrm building. Property adjoins Prmton Park, For full particulars apply to Mn. B, A. Woolncr Preston . _ om. 10-4 Aht Lot It, Con. 3. Peel township. about 5',, miles west ot" Elmira and 3 mites east ot Glmmllpn.-on TUESDAY. APRIL 2nd, 1929 At 1 pm.. the following: - of - Farm Stock, Implements. Hay, Grain, Household Effects, Etc. Terms-Poultry and all sums of $15.00 and under cash: over that amount 10 months credit will be given on approved joint notes or 5% on for cash. .CHARLES F. SCHLUETER. Prop. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. HENRY KLiNCK, Clerk. IT-T Household Etteets-uedroum suite writing douk; dining mum chairs; coal tteater. my, I 1‘er tank; douuletrees: chains; turks hoes, and other numerous articles. "arrte-set or team harness; 1 plow harness; r sinzlr- harness; col- lars and harness puns. In. M Poultry-l sow bred Jan. 19th; 2 young son's; about " Lee horn punch; $Uttlr--Hoiatetn cow {nth are when; black cow, bred Feb. 19; heater in "alt; are yea-run: calves; small can. "or-re, hone T your: old; bar home 8 years Oki. Ytt-wtitbesohd Manhunt no. on tho tum stunted ' an“ I“! of Elmira, on waouuoav. APRIL t, "" u 1 pm, the Inllovlng: BARGAINS IN USED FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION SALE Enoch. OM. 11H be t FOR SALE 5% ' Good heavy Silver Mine seed mu. Also Early Sweet Sensation seed cop, outs at $1.00 per bushel. Also 1921 model Titan Tractor. Apply Aaron 11-1 Zulu, R. R. 2 Wellosley. phone 18r6. === x W2 TM Wm. "Her mun-gunman I will an! $18.00 for clean. well- seeded. mowed It: at the Conestoga Flax Mill. Parties ordering unount ot not! they require. will at it "ttretrod. I hart, I quantity ot rua 800d Meal for solo. Farmeru who _ grow flu will Bet best results his sowing on tad u this will kill wire worms and main land clean tor other grain crops following. Weber Bros. Phone “w . - "TP» _"".. wu-u.’ 'rwrr dr. "l-ir-sh." w rim-h. - mic-tom m “A. ‘ FEMALE HELP WANTED ( We want a Tetined woman to in- troduce and take ordem tor our fimous Silk Stockings and Lingerie. in Waterloo, one with ordinary in- teiiigence can make good money, no experience or capital necessary. just satistAetory references. Apply at once. The M-K Silk Hosiery Co., Limited (Formerly of Murray-Kan Co.) Ryrie- Building, Toronto, Ita) é FEATHERS WANTED _ Highest prim paid tor soon. duck and chicken leathers. any quantity. ‘Flschmnn Spring Co. Md., " Queen St. s., Kitchener. “4t. Brest-u Kitchener Bell Phone 736 r ttt, Dunlaps. $6.00 per 1000. Pokomokes. $7.00 per 1000, In quantity lots de- iivered free in Waterloo County. H. W. STEVANUS WANTED le0 female Inn-truth, Will my fancy prices. Deliver or phone 1331 or " r i. Waterloo. 0. S. and Clay ton Schbtele. "a FOR SALE Rsnfrew kitchen range. [a dandy). cost over 8100; and only 2 months. A real am. No reasonable otter re» lused. Term! " dashed. Apply A, C. Bowman, Petersburg, Ont. 11-3 CLEARVIQW FARM OFFERS Selected seed train. 0.A_C. No. lt4 cats. O.A.C. No. SI barley. clean and true to name. H. R. Glen. Mt. Jacobs. 18-tt . Pol BALE , Janey on“. tm", morn-on TI. tasted. will! K Weber's (an R. R No. 4. tab-nor. 184:. FOR SALE Yorkshire now due to pig ghoul April Ili. Price $30.00. Apply J. Hol- man, " Plus Bt., Kltchenor. tb. FOR SALE Pure bud ad (ride eon. TB. tented. Good renou- tor all}... Phone 787-1. Kitchener. 13-1 POI “LI tBrrut. I). " UL. W Apply w. fly-tool", II. II chalet. Dion 131 r I. NOTICE TO phitiiiiiii STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE In“. Good-“hm. M “new“. Mm Hettry w. Eb“. “no-tom» ie...rg1itps.iiirli- “Avalon nit mat khaki-‘73; no" nun at Mud.- mom I: "no! N. On... page»: " a. " “My, 'ltA'l"'gAeeti'N 03"â€. Shop _ - ‘New Dundee y 11-3 April 1 tT'ttF--C1mrrtrut mn- tlon do of “no 100 not. hum. lumen. " m. and man-nude Salton mule. Ions. than and ‘bou. aetd kill “an ot farm ttrttmy - I“ food. on not I, trd “no ot Won‘t!†Tn; I In“ northwest of “Daley. t miles out of Mitt. MII. M II. In. Wm. R. Wm In“. This I. . 1.... mm. ti "err8Mtte. his comma-m at I I†I" I Avril 4 (Thursday) - At 9 an. than, entire ale ot fa stat: Pt: Moments. pro-moo n e naive houuhold "eets tor the estate ot the ht. Charles Zinn, 1 mile east of Now Dundee No reserve. hunch at noon. [ . I Apr" 6 Waturdayr--At 1.30 pm. than) on time. valuable 9 roamed [sour] red pressed brick home. Ger- hard Huntsman piano, and all the 'prood household elects. bedding. dishe- and glassware, belonging to the etrtate'ot the late Henry Schaefer situated at M John St. E. in the town of Waterloo. This Is a large :and exit: good altering. winding up ,tho estate. Much 30 (Saturday) -_ Auction sale ot old school grounds inch other mllcellaneous articles such Italr new. benches. ete, In the vi of New Dundee. No h serv "you want to buy or all farms, I an†all kl“. for’nlo or "chm... April 27 t8aturtury--At 8 am. "table Mmhold elects at my luctlon out"! thanâ€; of Kitchener market. for Sam Nobloman. m i (mucuhaam. " ‘; April 6 (Saturday mornirur)-At 8 aan., good household enacts at my auction mud, alongside of Kitch- ener market. for Ernst Messerli. I Aprl12 t'nusatitsr)-At 1 p.m.. un- reserved auction sale ot sorrel marty. cows, young cattle and pigs belong- Lug to Harvey w. Schmitt, situated ‘85 miles aottttteaat of Kitchener, at German Mitts, on the Kitchener and l W. w. FRICKEV. Auctioneer l March 30 (Saturday! ---At S a m., household elects at my auction stand ‘at the Knchener market. March " 1Saturdar)--At 1.30 Fm. household enacts alongside Kitch market building, for Harry Gladwell i NOTLCE is further given that the list ot lands for sale. tor arrears of Ira; at; aforesaid has been prepared, and copies thereof may 'bo had in my "tNcty at the City Hall in the City of Kitchener. The list is nublished in the Ontario Gazette tor the issues hearing date Feb. 2nd, 9tlt, 16ttt and 23rd, 1929. ' 1-14 WV,“ .- “a“, bum. mm, un- less the said taxes, together with costs and charges be sooner paid, t dull. on Wednesday. the 8th day of May. 1929. at two o'clock in the altemoon. at the City Hall in the said City of Kitchener. proceed tu.sell by Public Auction, the said Lands or so much thereof as may be suf- itcient to dtachartys such arrears of taxes and costs. and charges there on. The said Lands are all patented. By vlrtue ot a warrant trom the Mayor of the City ot Kitchener. un- der his hand. with the Seal of the Corporation ot tho City or Kitchener “fixed thereto. bearing date the 7th Dar of January. 1929, and to me directed, for the collection of arrears ot taxes due on certain lands. notice is hereby given that, un- "rms-tos of purchase price to IN, mid on day of saloLand the bal. ance within 30 days. when the sale shall be completed and possession given. For further particulars apply to the underslnod. EDWARD CARROLL, JOHN MAURER. Exacntors. GEO. a. CLASS. Auctioneer. 13-1: ltr the property is a good sized red brick "nuance wllh kllchen and woodmod attached, hank barn with Ian. and other out buildings, all In good state of repair, The proper- ty In hirly well fenced and the land in good state ot cultivation. and an orchard with eminent varieties? ot fruit. l â€YURMV. â€In. 18th. I- At I p... C _ he “an ion. about 4% miles north cl III-1n. In tho torn-Up of Wootwtet. Tho under-I‘m Executor: ot the in." or Nun-n zu‘lor, domed. Il.olor tor sale by public nucuon upon tho Dru-hos. tho hm prover- tr' of the doe-nod. which h. more Mlcuhrly described so being cour noted of pan of lot " G.C.T.. in the aid township ot Woolwlch, and an! to comprise approximately " f. TOMAN, Gram“: Auctioneer I. I. ROTH. Auction":- AUCTION SALE LISTS Arrears for Taxes. FARM PROPERTY WARRANT If? W. W. FOOT, City Treasurer. wot . I pay the highest prices for old horses. beef hides, calf nklm. - "ins, (allow. etc. Phone at my expenu. GEORGE WHtTHAM Hutehes mmkly in the world famous Buckeye Mammoth "tcubators' Make your reservations early and avoid disappointment. Call for prices. T Quality Hatchery 5,6 Chapel St. - Phone 3954 no... no mm mm, ONT. no. Box mi I“ 'tTUC","',',,,',":'.,,','."' " W w. WATERLOO COUNTY ghll'0lEltlf uf Elmira. Arcit 9th Valuable 100 acre farm and {mu my: k. implements, house. ln-l-l will-vii. 010.. belonging to shi, mun» of thr latte Emerson Stickney. 14.. mil-- “‘04: of Creekhank. April 17ml >13 acre farm with good IllIJHiILKN. sun. em. belonging to the "rtis',t. ol" n..- late Wm. Ziegler. about In: mile-: nun-1h of Elmira. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE! Phone 55 - New Dundee Give Us a Trial Anal: :ml - Farm stoek. imple- menu. in): 2mm. household elects. an. un Luz II. Out, 3 Peel town. , Hip. for Emerson M, Martin, about 'sle nnlw “(WI ot' Elmira and Smiles uh! uz’ 1llenctliu. April CM-Farm stock. implements. hay, 2mm, household effects, etc. of Chas, Srhlueter, about a mileg west The New Dundee Farmers GEO. G. CLASS. Auctlonur April I Valuable 19 acre farm and farm tr'ock,. vehicles. hay. am. ot Euunumxnl fir-u. bi, mile east ot th‘adule. 3; miles northwest of El- mun, For the last two weeks in March ul farm, farm stock. implements and 13ml itt Ian! 30. concession Mr, ml 21mm, 1 milv‘s southwest of Tank stock. fur Wilfred Winhoid. PROFIT SHARING Mc for Spec. Butter Fat 48c for "t grade Butter Fat The Patron Gets the Proms. . . _ o . Pe,itivity no reserve, everything will be sold to highest bidder. Terms -it?. months credit will be given by lurnbhlnx unmoved honk- able mum. on 6'; discount tor ash. Butcher mule. veal can: and rhouts -('..--‘.ll CATTLE , Good Dairy Cow.---- cow [rash t, weeks; Mouton: cu: due May 5; Ayrshire cow due time ot sale: red Durham cow due All" 20; man Human: cow due April 21; Hob main and Jersey cow. (rash; black Holstein and Jersey cow due July Mt. The e cows an grit young and m swam}; condition. The tol1owii- Surrel driving Inn. 5 you. out goes single and double. Sh. l. I damtr--Don't mists her. Adctiarm 'tiii/iff-iii""; . V V V 777â€" a q There will be sold Peae Auction a the M of b u 'g/ undersigned. situated' 2:; mile. mm " k'tl,'l'.ttPg , German Mills. an the Kitchen†Ind Donn and. on ' , "ic, Phone 734 r 6 Co-operative Creamery Co. Ltd. PAID . CUSTOM' HATCHING Borreit Mal-9.0:!!! Cream Prices HARVEY W. SCHMrrr, . W. W. MICKEY; Proprietor. Auctioneer, 0. S. KOLB, Clerk. Phone 592w, Waterloo. TUESDAY, APRIL and, , one Kitchener . d .- _ 'trl ",V Tâ€: WQD'WCW'bY , Cdttlonndl’lgn T"" , " K Itch on†Price. lor Apr“: Tom Damn lull-h sing" ‘Comb White Lumen“. o.A.c. Inn-ad Ptrmouth Rocks. £10.00 per rum- deed. thrttlte Ftymouth locks. In" ot ln'lons. Mod. Inland In“. "I.†per hunch-0d. . They no bred from the but our. land "why. the country. We Inn (“on the IF out of ttte Hatching Chick; Allan...†listen People SERVICE BRAND alas AND " EUR! or QUALITY 12-2 tYost-ice. Suitable tor teaming or market gardening. Buildings in ttrat class condition with modern con- teniencm. Apply " Shoemaker Ave., Kitchener. 1b2 u Prelim-Coll St., â€on. all. " the “MM landing. Anyone purchasing the farm ran ham the appointment of a good position bringing in aro'und $600 per year, payable mommy. Only 0119 halt day daily to do the work, this is in the forenoon. A real' proposition tor mumeone. Don't miss it-see as smut it For quick sale. price S2600 $1500 rash. hainnce on norms. A gnu] chmce tit have a steady itteome b-lsldvs that you can make on the land. FARM FOR BALE Small (arm beautifully situated on highway. twenty minutes walk from Sltuated near New Dundee on the main highway. not] Is ot a rich loat- under a good state of tetrltivatich. On the tarm Is a brick house or 8 rooms. bank barn and implement shed. nice sized orchardt. with various kinds of fruits. Also one International hydo'n " " an engine, In rum order. ' had at,“ butch" “In: md, Durham hull than; I you on; "I! all; , an“ 5 wool: OIL Attend this uh [or good um.- PIG. Young 50' due April T; you; now due Apr" 16: you: not an Audi 20; sow due April 21; cow in In! 15; pure bred Yorhhln has! on. you old; " that: taught“ 'to- 50 to 85 lbs. out. K IT c H E N I I mar emu nud‘Aucllonm Immune. and Manny u L..- ‘Le: HOLLANNE MEAL runes your feeding costs. Made In England. Qounty Distributor FOR SALE 14 Acre Farm E. J. SHAHTZ 13-3 Farmers One acre ot land, more or less. with good brick house and ham. Price anon-hm PROPERTY FOR SALE' Buy Doon - ott.t. Phone Bred-u 22 r " G. H. SNYDER MP our Mar JOEL, ROY, Petersirurz. Ita