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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Feb 1929, p. 7

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[or took occasion lo raw guwrul atmosptuwe ot' pros” isting lhruuglmut l‘mmdu al mint time. as vvideneiui. not Illa fine program mmlr by "union Lite, but aiso h) the ly or 1ittaticial nud unluvnd ttutstittued from Pan 8) Dr tt W Wells represenl‘mg lilo Shareholders, all of whom arr elite iblé tur te-election Tre report now presented indicates that the year just closed was one ot gunning progress and is due to the loyal and ettertive vo-operation given to the work of the Company by thou crutnvcteU with the "rgauuatiott. whirl: service hi greénly ctpirrer"tated In gum 1rirectors. "especttuily submitted, THOMAS HILLIARU, l'rrsideuL Dominion Life Break . All Previous Records Manager Outlines Investment Policy itt seruunlmg lm- adoption u: the Directors' “elm” Ar. preseut' d at the [Dominion Lil'v 5 annual mveliug held on Friday. [In Mann-Inn: Direc- ly of “mun-Lil 4nd mil-mum! institlr un, moifiut ", Mr H. M. Slum-r, lions throuxttout [hr couuiry seconded 'ti,'iri')ili/ A, bubble. a “starring to tht. luruu "iruu'as'e in vote uf thanks was extended to the thu t'ompauy's "ar-lc. Ur. Kunlpt tieht force fur their splendid work trcittteul ulll iln- mum-luv" n! “he in- during the "ast 3'eat". This was ack- veslnwnl policy With hs, 'han 50 nowletlKed in brief speeches try MI: urn-em ot' [hr il>>tl\ ill tir,: mun. Gritrtu. manager at Halifax, and Mt Hunt‘s. the Ma‘ur‘ily m (L.- l'unlpany McNabb, ilmuagvr In Petcrltoro. is furaher sirenqr'umtd I!) Mu large Mr. Peltott, supet'itttentietit or aim-um invested in r,,,,T..ruru,.nt and Agenrim. was Uetainett on business municipal bonds of xhr Ingh-q type,lin the tietd and was unable to he Thy mamma- tuttpltucirAul ibis still pres-rut at the annual mvuling. whirh t'urthevpointiuv,out HIM “It: e earn/war, a matter ot drop l'r'gre: [u lug the high inlnrh-‘l mu- tel 6.991; fen-none there. Mr, Pelton has been an all il< inwumhlw .I:\’1'I.\' Hm rum- most stee'sufttt in ui-, “Ink during Darwin-l) quail ullHIilllt of uyerilue t'te 3t'ar. and luv-w is u . splestdid inn-rm! it.s 1-in-1; in the Hwy-art. had funding ul bryalty to him uu the part hw‘n reduced In) .Ill-‘lll Jritt, ,tttr'ey the ot' [hr “grime ot' the t'ompauy lions, throup,ttout [hr coutrlry llvfarring to lllr luruu invr mu ('nmpmu’s u~'~v!~, Mr. "Limml out (hr sotttuittt- ill Veslmvnl policy With lu-0 . urn-em of tht. it.srrtr; m fir, Hunt‘s. tlte M-curviu' of Hm t', is rurlhur strenv,r'umtf In th Thu por:dtion ofrVi_io-uitartt left nut-mull}; the election oi' Hr. Kumpt a l're.~'ulr-nL has bun-n ti'IU by the inn-nu! it.s 1-in- lnmn reduced In) mid of the “an (‘mu'luding Mix n-n Kumpr renrat'gt'u upon H spirit at" co-operation it l'urro and al Head (”film the eiplunation fur th.. _ arc-5.: indicated by thes r C, EO. A. DOBBI E N airlort. lllllII!IlIflDlllIilllllllnllllllllfluillmll|llllllflllfllllfli|IllI!IIIIIatIIl1IIIIIII|I1IllIIHimIIllIlllIIllllllllllllfllmlmfllll:lillllllflllnm Go and see Mrs. Herb. Lantz. and she will tell you that she is entirely better, after suffering for EIGHT LONG YEARS. No more of those heart- breaking gasping spells. that almcst tear you to pieces. and all because she went to the and resides agar Phuipsburg? li‘hy the election oi' Hr. Kumpt ream-ML has bum tiii by the" rum-mi ot' Mr Geo, 1:» AQDnbhiv m {'th has "een a member-0f l "t,l .un 'Life Boar-I sim'a 1919. . other 'vrcis-prissionts on 12m are Mr, (inn-pm» [-3-er at How- auut Mr E F' Soas,rram of Room 6 Health Institute WHO IS SICK WITH, PHONOGRAPH CABINET AND iii-:;---,,'-,:, .CONSOLE MODELS 'ii-! 15 Double-sided Records with each machine. Beautiful Brunswick Mahogany Cabinet. Reg. $37500 for - $49.50 Asthma Edison Mahogany Cabinet Reg. $27500for - - $27.50 50 Queen St. S.. Khtchener Kitcheners' Pioneer Radio Service Station Princess Apartment Howard Bros. Ltd. For Treament MADE VICE-PRES. Kitchener Including such ‘Bargains as , College St, 9 M, 19:9 JILL-“H. Mr. thr. "xcelleutb pls ulid por Seas: the )xmjorl- rml xuslitlr we ing it as Tram of r'JSB in Kunupt ‘he in- F.an 50 _ iuort- "act ly , the field pre- Il Ranging from CREDIT GIVEN FIELD FORCE FOR FINE WORK 15 due to the good work of the tieiU force was recognized at the annual meeting and generous credit given to the" agents tor the passing ot the ubjuctig; ot 830,000,000 new Insur- ancet Kor this year an objective of 535.000.000 has been set by Mr. Kumpr. the Managing Director and new President, to signalize his tirst year as President Passed Objective Of 530.000.- 000 Last Year And New Objective For 1929 Set At $35,000,000. That the splendid may“: ot The Uom‘lulun Lite As>urance Cumpany The very tinest vu-operation and good-feeling exisus between the head unite and field force. and this was emphasized in the remarks ot' of- tieials and agems museum at the un- uuul meeting. . WEST ER N DIR F,CTOR RECENTLY A DDEI) Reference was mm]? at the Du- minim: Life's IIH'Diillg on Friday. to the :umpimnu-n: ot Mr. w. IL Malkin of Vaprnuvn-r In the Board of Dirt-1'- tots. .1»: was ret'teti',iyr announced. Mr, “and". who is Mayor of Van. conn-I', In” had " Ittort sm-I-n-ssm] “In" r an- iulliralwl by lli< ivavius, huih up the-lama» Western whnlesulr Imus-- ot" W. .H. Matkin Company, Ltd. He is also_a "tir-tor ot" the Royall Hank nf (lunulil. ot" tlte British l'nlumbizl Pulp and Paper Compatty, cad at the Coal-ulna; Cymertes. as \nli as Irving; [imminent of the. Put-itil. Coast Finx Insurance Com- Fans A, nm- of British Columbia‘s lead- ing rivizr-us. Mr, Malkin is a worth; ptlditit u to the Board. POLICY HOLDERS -BENE FIT FROM INVESTMENT POLICY (M llll One ot' the salient fenlurtw "1“th Ihmiruion Life's repqrt presmltmlrun Friday. was the tact that the nun-nut {mitt mil in profits to wuicyho1uor's durum 1925', was equal to more than tmrtliirils nt' all other naymnnts lo policyholders and their Iretietit"uarirrs, l It is u'itlent that the regtutat'urn fart largo profits to policyholders which Tho Dunliniun Life has anniiretl in tti-- turty years since its establish- mnnt. is being maintained. in rtrrerrittg tn this Nature. Mr. 'Knmp! mentioned the Companys; sound investment policy as living lama-[y rtecportsitrle and at Oe same itinw drew attention to the avoragp ‘interost rate of 6.996; ' twin: " rp- markably "xcellrmt sliuwim: in view ‘of the gent-ml dot-line ot 92mm. and 'the absolute sormrity of the Com. pany‘s investments. . uvm‘ $11.50 M Phone 3740 311$th up W. W. FRICKEV. Aqethqrt- Fab. " (Iona-HAM tatt p.m., at the City Halt, Kitchener, mort. gage sale of 2 properties known as Itt6 Strange St. and l" Albort St. South, Kitchener. _ Feb. " (Tuesday) - At l um, (arm ot 105 acres. tum stock. imple- ments. teed and household elects ber longing to Mrs. John lil. Wagner, shunted an the Kitchener and Pres- tou highway. 2 miles southwest of Preston, 'e mile south of Freeport. Feb, 20 (Wednesdayr At 1 pm, iive stack, implements, hay, main And household etrects tur Aulhony Hull, situated 3 miles out ot Conestoga, I miles north ot Bloom- mgdale and 3 milos weal or New Germany, known as the Fly Hamil. ton (arm, Web. 21 (Thursday! At l p.m.. 'sive stock. implements, hay. grain and liuuselmld eitects belonging to August L Feisenmetttier, slluuted 4% miles east of MiUbank. 2 miles west "r I'russhlll, and 41e miles Mllllll ul Linwood. Farm is gold. PM). " (Sulunlayl At 130 um. aaluabte rear mime consisting ot a i-rnmmml' “hilt' brick house with all r.onvtauiencua.t, and all huusrhuld "tects. lwlulxgmu to the e'state of the ate Frank Slum”. at to Victoria .51.. N. In Kr0 tit, in the town ot' March 30 (Saturday) -"- At s a m., hqusehnld effects at my auction stand ulungslda tho Kitchener market. for Mrs Clara lit-Quicker. Waterloo Fun 25 tylwsstlayt At l nnL. farm rrtesvk. implrmenb. grain and house hold etreets, ht'lunging to Ben Sander. Jim-led 1 mil" was! of Linwood, on the main road, nr both-r known as ‘he old Hmwvy farm Farm is sold March l IFriduyv At I pm. farm stock. impiemenls. hay. vttrttrtt and itouselurld effect. ln-lunging- to Vulvulim- t'scuneidtu'. situated L”: mites suulhmst of Linwood and 5 "iles nurlluuwt‘ur St. l‘lvnwnm. No March 2 (Saturday) At 9 um. "arload ol mum gum! In-nry work “on”, for Hun-III RIvNulu‘ ol' Paul- mry Alia. al " K Wclr.-t- mm Slublrs. KIII'IU um: May) li (Tuesday Al I 11111., iarm stock. implements. troy. grain um Imus-Judd 'eiterus lu-lnnging lo I O. Jamal. silunlwl at Strasshurg, Ity miles emnll ol Kitchetnrt and ln-lIt-r knpwn as the old Israel farm, irirn, is mm. March l.", I\\'wlnn-<tl:lyf A“ lit'f March l.", "veuritrsdityt A! 11:" um. farm stock. ilnplmm-nls tttul musvhuld prim-H brimming: to Ann-H Marnuarut. situated un- "talt' mih. Aoutittsar,t of Kit0enei' wattrnorlis. "t Shoemaker An". Kttclwtut April 27 (Saturdayi At q HAIL vuluublo household 0170115 at my Im-tiun stand a!hnksid" (If Kitchener mark), fur Sum Nolslrut1an. " you want,“ buy " to" farms. ' hive all “no: for sale or exchange. 's-wrve I. H. TOMAN. Graduate Auctioneer Fn-ln, 20 tWtutnestiu.v' Eulire sale " noun-hold "tteetsi. horse vehicles nul harm-cu lwlunging to the esiate If tho late Isaac Wilmer. situated m lln- Hun" llnad. 3 miles nurrahr "ast of AFrrr llnndvv. nuar Itosvhank .lturrh and whim]. on the old Wit- mo-I hcmtvtvari No rum-w. xs'mtliltg up ”In 05mm. Fr'h ef, & 27 {Tuesday & Wednes- day) First day in anemmm selling l-‘vh it: A} 27 tTuesday & Wednes- day) First day in afternoon selling extensive household effects. including many auriques. S.ecund day. farm Mock. implements, produce, and large numerator and equipment, tor the astute n! the late‘Allan Fried, Silu- Jted 2 miles south ist New Dundee and l miles northwest of Ayr. No msm‘vo. the farm ls sold, Lunch at noon on second day, Felt as ~I-‘arin stock. intirtvrnr'1tts. 'tay. grain. household eftecrs. Mr . of Emanurst Lackner on Lnl 7. Fun. ll. Wellesley Township. KaMertt Smuj Hun. about P.u, miles wet or Hawkess-ille and 2le miltss east. 0L Linwood. , March 4 (Monday) Emin- sale oti farm stock. implements. prmluro and l household eitects for Mr. Herman) Roma. situated 2% miles soulhmell ot "aysvilte and 5 miles northwest) of New Dundee. 1 mile south and l [ mile west at Pine Hill u'hnnl Nor rower“), tho tarm is sold. _ Marclt 4 Valrtahle ma! e,setate con.} sisrting of a brick atm'r- with full glass front and 'lwollinw in "prior “my. located at weirirtgton St., Drayton. for Paul Bowman. March 5 (Tuesdayu Entire sale at tarm stock. implements. produce and household enacts for Mr. Milton Litwlller, shunted If; mile west ot M. Agatha. and notice the “at coming later lnrluding ll tine horses for your spring work. Also the Holsleln cows, all wringing, No renews. the firm In Myld, March 6 (Wednesday) --Hottehold sale tor Mr, Henry Schneider. uku- atad I mile south and V. mile out of Wilmot Centre uchool. No mung In Mr, Schnelder I. moving to Kltch- “or. Anyone wishing to consign. to this sale may do so by Hath; your article with the uncuoneer not later than Friday. Fohruuy 16th. Tole phone or write In your olerlnNd I will gladly sell " tor you. i March 1 ('rhurmur)-ahrtirer a). of fun noel. implemenu. mane. AUCTION BALE LISTS , THE WATEI and ttousottold elect. for Ir. can” Elliott, 4 mile: can! ot No- Dumbo on the win lino mm; troll N" Dundee to sum No "who. blood- etor 1| taming from the lam. Murrh N {Thursday} Entire sale ot tarm stock, implements, produce and bum-whom etrects, on tart 14. Coo, to, Blenheim, (‘nlnly ot (mum. fur Brunt ihdeman (No reserve). March " 1Tuesdoy) --Regutered Hoisteius and entire farm tttoch, in- plemeuts. produce and poultry tor the estate of tho late Arthur Becker, situated 2 miles north of New Dundee and 4 miles wuth ot. Petersburat Aha [arm at " acres. March 13 (Wednesday! {trainer ed and grade Jerseys, Yorkshire plus and produce. for Frank Howell, 14 mile noun] ot Moon. kuuwu as the John Casset farm. No renerve. Murclt V, IPI‘idd)l Pinning sale of fat muh: gram rattle. produce, implements, etc. for Mrnry Sal-lich- ter. I mile south at New llundrv, on tite Titus Hingulmn farm. March 27 1Wedtrecwdayt -Eattire sale of [arm Mock, implements. pro- duce and hottsrshotd etterts for John Burk. , miles east at New Dundee, on the town line. known as the Rubi. Veitrh farm Nu “nerve. proprielnr hursvs, cattle and qua-.4 lit), the 10th Lim- " 7.1 ,umtltwto,t ot' T viitmk Feb. 20 tWeuitesdayt -â€" Auction salo of tarm stock, implements and fem! at Lot 3, concession 4, N. E. Hope, 451.. miles northwest of New Hamburg, tor Mose Flerling. Pith, "du' tTue-soy) At 12 oilock shut-1L chairing sale of farm Mock. implmnn-ms and (PHI. inrlud‘mg thumbing llnu-him-, :nu'lnr and 21 choicr, dairy FTws. at Lots 11 and 12. "ouctv,tchsn '-'..weuvsbo'. 1 mile vast of \Vo-lln-xh-y. fur Dunn-l behold. P'th ers Crhursdayo ”raring sale ot loo-cure Linn, stock, itstpletnettts and n ml al Lot ‘J. (Ruin-54”" 3. ' Hum “burg and n ml al Lot ‘J. (Ruin-54”" 3. ' [wk-y. p, 1"th nurtlmr‘q US Welles, Ivy. Inl' Herman Pommer. Mann 4 tMonday) Hearing sale of farm stock. hunk-mum: anal ttred "t [All 17, l'nnmwsinn It. Wilmot, 5 "silec "ist " Nut Dun-im- and 6 mile; south mi [huh-n. my llm‘mzm ”PUNK of hurl) r Hh'nhrinl. 4 mi fur Jam-w Knox lira-h " is.tritvrlityr, Attetion sate ol' hulk: llzxinl "tTccts n. the vitlaute of shukr-cpeavt. for John Frau-r Fy,'ate, March 12 fTueculayt Auction sale d Belgian and I'ervlteron horses. F-u-m scror-k. inn-Irv-us‘rm. Mn. 1 mile H'senlt, -onsistincr ut" p, arrvs ' hu'lling hum, Mu. 1M sctat" of thr tare J Woolwich townchip. u IIH'III "t' Ellnil'.:l y April .",ol-F'arm cIssrl may. "until Jtou.seltold a irmus. Srhlnrlvr. "how 'rrt Elmira. s guiug Mul't'h ee IF'ridayt harm sales y, thr, yards. Tavistock. huh-ow fur caV nu-Iiunm-r by Match 63h GEO. G. CLAsCAuctiorteet ' PM». It! ~lerm sto/k. implements, hay. gram lsonsehoid ettects, up, of 'ohntF"ranklin. am Lot 8. Con. 2, Peel I'u'wnship, 1: mile wt 0f (Henallan. FM). 21 _-Harm stock. lmplemonts, lay. grain. lmusohnhl effects, etc. of 'cylvester Gingrirh. 2 miles north of West Montruso and ahuut 6 miles iortheast ot Elmira: PM» 25th Valuable real "state f Belgian and l'm-rhc-l'on horses urn: scrorli. impl-v-ur‘rt..'.. ohm. 1 mile ast of wvn,'vsrr. for David K. Roth iup, mwnls. and humwlluhl "trits, hu-lnng- ing In Una] Snydmz ml the tarm of Nulson 5"):le siiriatvrt ly. mile Wvst of Wittu'rlututute. m-ul' Ihr, Grand Wrvrw, attrutrtiv" alum bargains lnr Friday and A'taturrlay "My Shnn wu'ly and pet you‘ 'matt I’m-h Mart Mrs. George III-twilvr. formerly of this tustrit, mwl shim of Mr M s, "Human. "t \\.<'?‘rlml The ‘lar-A Mr, lktmh-r was a [Inukhlr-r ot Mr itlrtt Mrs Samuel Hallman, and Wat mm in Wilmot tnwnship in IMI Sh" was in her 73:11 yoar. In 1872 5“.” married the late Joseph Iiinaoman. “ho died In AM? In 1909 she married Rev Geo. ’lN-twihr, ot "arrintstrrtt. Ptr. who nnreives (ler members m thp tam. ily whn allrviw no Mrs. Hit-hard (with. Mame Jaw; max \Mhm mun-man. Rocher: Mrs Waqttqt Mrlnnnan. Tomma; Mn. Milton R, Shun". (me0; Milton Bingomw Winnipeg: Ming um: Blncomun‘ l-‘o-h llnhh :Irlvr NOTICE TO FARMERS REAL SHOE Y All 7 Es III :‘l T (Thursday. Auction all? ixlm'w! dual purpose Short- nllh- m l.nl 2t, soure.c.sirn H, . R. ROTH. Auction." Ir, tF'ridayr Aurtion sale at cattle and mtttyt, hug»; at Lot 1|th Line " me. 4 I'nilecs .4 “f 'ir/til/f. fur Henry LIHII Nu “Kenna proprietor to Kitchener. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer 27 cwmlm “I'Dfi ('nmnwnr l" " m. farm ciili. implr and hourorho!tl t4t'tu ts lie-lulu: mil, OBITUARY Valuable real "state "t'rP.s' of land. brick Mu. hs-lumging to the Info John Wagner. chip. about c, miles Show Store has m)! -Auntial spring Ir' Arlinulun Hotel i, Farm-s having lirct them wirl, the nurl‘u of “right. HHS ORIGINAL DOCUMEN'I‘JlS IN VERY POUR (’UNUIIIUN k. implements. n-ITN'IS. Mr . of I 2 miles west Iva) Ini~simmry in Andi" Janna» Mrs. Morris T Ono ctutrer Vive. Mrs rlwnm'. Mr, M s. Mammal). “marl loo. and MI. Josiah Mailman. or" Huvun. Alta. A lam-- numlwr "f relatives and‘ I'I'ivnds iLl‘GIleI tiw funeral wltichl, I-mk prarw on Tuesday. Feb. le, front thr, horm- nl' Mrs. N. B. Helwiler of Kiluht-nvr. A simple and impressive Kerrin- was lit-Ill in the 31.111“, Hun-v]: nu Lancaster si. conducted by va. K. sievenpiper. and assisted by lim- Mr. Cober. a furmv-r pastor of tltr' dun-ensc-(L Inn-11mm! was nmde m t'0. East End renmu-r)‘. Thr. pall- iu-uwrs were Sit-52am. Mal-shall Binge mun. Gordon Bingeman. Russel Det- wiler, Irvin \Veher. Edwin Hallmau and Eldon Hallman. 'uma-ni-sun-tie' 1teey.e1t..tti"r!.Ptet-",!lgg.Peg Anymy: those from a distance who nttvaP-l the funeral were Mrs " (‘nntzs nl' Moose Jaw. Miss Melissa Ilium-nun. of llm-hwlvr. Mr»: M. Mr- Iputtran, Toronto,. Mrs, Miliou, K. Shuttle, Chicago. and Milton Hing?- mun of Winnipeg. - S teet is replnclng wood in freight unbound seventy- fivo hundred of the new {night can now on order for the Canadian Pacific will not A new unwind in grain and getter-l freight service. These ctr: m not in replncemnt but in addition to the wood can already in up. and wilt furnish n neuter margin of safety, more speed nnd longer service while .limiru “in; leak-go. _ A“ _ u. n A m - " -5... I“. RIIII'Y. {My will have a cap-city of 2,000 bushel. of when and win considenbly speed up the movement of grain. Rivettin; of all Joints Ind connections will reduce to . miryrmam possibility 9f. let tt,,et? "all“: u: I F8#F8rb-rTB_F" ,nm-.-...., 4. - _, and tho cu itself will be not. solid nnd will pos- sou Mr rigid"y. The roof of the cur will In [tool as will don the whoh qtrttetttre, but the aide. '"Uag a“? Petr, he with! tr on I ttr y I now m of truck having . an steel In Then with (a... 'Mch up“ I In shot Cub ry in West Africa: Mrs Janov-. Victoria. INC, and wris Til-mum. Arkola, Sask. -r and two brothers also sur- -.~"l)1in- Iielzner. nun Kit- Mr, M s. Haurdu. Water- I Ilr. Josiah Mailman. of Then be sure to insert your announcement, but” srgth N of the sale. In the County’s most widely circulated weakly "I. I YN . Everyone interested in Auction Sales or Farms for Salt in (ID M naturally turns to the Chronicle because Use The Waterloo Chrop and Get Sure Results: The Chronicle is indisputably the Leading Auction Sale . this territory as'the hundreds of announcements it carries (to: year convincingly demonstrate. - ‘A.’ _ Tt Carries Practically Every S Held in the District The Waterloo Chronic Equitable Life Block Steel Cars Now for Freigh Mrs. Martin Dunham Another link with the early days in Kilrhmmr and Waterloo county was broke" in the death at the tc-w. Magnum Tuesday morning of Mrs. Magdalena Elly Dunhmu. relict of ltte lute Martin Dunlmm in her 78th year. Mrs. Dunham enjoyed good /acalth until abuut two months a ‘wlnn shv wen removed to tt ‘hnspilal. A dauplttet' of the late John Mrs Dunhum wax born on ttp Kby Iwruvsrtuad, Frederick sire farm m one time comprisin hnuw M 11-May property a Inn-hm: to 'ltr. I-‘in- Points uulwr built tht' Fury hom hruughl Itel"wca Hrirker there hrilh- in 181:? Mrs Dunham 16' burn in Iyrrl and at five years " ago- Wltri a pupil in me first ctags at Cuss optmintr, of the old Central ~(’th) in 1S5ti. Both grandparents lonvlink Hillier hrnugllt brim) iI horn in mind lo “Quorum county from Penn- sylvania i'n the first Ilerade ot the last rmuurpn Sanmel Eby settling nmr the flrad of Quevn Mum? hn the toad to Itridpeport apt] Samuel um law. '“im tcrdt a dramatic part in M uh, Sale a Real San M ltc I You H ' Dimensions of an car Tdl length, 8 feet 7 inches high} wide. Tho, will in" I foot " of 1_20,000 pounds. _ ' dim Ptetfte alumna-M. an Elimination of put! in the notgworthy futup._ Tho. new curs remnant n h runway {night tampon-Hon ow they have been d-td.ret more with the development d the new bu Inmlsed. Cor like melsun. Imp RM up delivury more mint in compnnicn. belimy of mm for the ,tsr_tte a mam. Waterloo, Ontari the trek ttit, " at Cttiette In. of a I sister, Av""' J -..- ..

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