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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Feb 1929, p. 5

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The second highest price ot the sale was paid by w. Bully when he purchased for his Newmrket farm the bull‘lmperial Double Chance. The next hull brought 81.500 and went to W. Comster ot Langley E. W. Nerrbitt of Woodsto'ck took three bead for about 85.000. mm an average ot $556.30 tor the 80 head sold and a top ot $8.000 paid by Dr. o. W, Meins of Brooktttstd, .Mass.. for Brampton Bay Xenia, Bull 1 Sons of Brampton held one of the moat successful Jersey sales in hlatop' at the _ial,i'ij,ti' Toronto, f0- cemly. There was good crowd ot buyers. and on _ went to almost ebery Provjnce m Canada and to many States in the Union to the Bouttt. Pnirie. B.C, Top of 88.000 Mr. Hagey tor twenty years taught school in Waterloo County. For the past thirty not: he has been a com-) march] Ira"ttt-a'her were mar- ried in Markham township. York , County, their union being blessed, with a family of three children, Dr.) J. Wesley Hatter. of. Kitchener, Miss Ida Halley. at Philadelphia. amf'srim, Nellie Hager at home. . The large circle of friends in the TwIn-City and County wish Mr. and _ Mrs. Hagoy many more years ot, health ant, happiness. f RECORD PRICES PAID FOR CHOICE JERSEYS B. Haney, had the unique distinction of celebrating their 54th wedding anniversary at their home on Mary Street on Saturday last. The aged couple. who are enjoying fairly good health. were showered with the con- gratulations of their.,triends during the day. A well known and highly esteemed Waterloo couple, Mr. and Mrs. hool- CELEBRATE 54th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Eneemad Waterloo Couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Hager, Married - In Markham in "rs _ The agents of the Ontario Eqait- able made plans tor increasing tho new insurance rorhseg by " per cent. Production of new business for January and February is already running far ahead ot the 1928 bust ness. The outstanding feature on the program was , talk given by S. C. Tweed. M. J. Smith of head otrtee and It. H. Swarm. of Nuigam Falls. an agent 'of great ability. also do livered brilliant addresses. the latter speaking on selling methods. Mhnrd's Unlmout prevent: “It The conference was down to earth throughout and a full :ttendanco was registered at -evtyrrr session. Addresses were given by Messrs. Geddes. Mooney, Irwin. Armstrong and others of the head attic» and by various members of the agency force. Over sixty leading agents and dh. trict managers of the Ontario Equit- able Lite from all parts of Canada hare concluded a two days’ conven- tion at the head ottiee at Waterloo. any “lumen and mama Mart. "on Attend Souk»! " Hand Office: Set High Quota For 1029. EQUITABLE LIFE AGENTS END TWO DAY CONFERENCE _'EEiiiiiiiiEttg,tiig ",000 and “56.30 Average at Butt a 8mm Sale. THURS. _ PEP. . OAT. “Submarine" luau Ina-Mu. an) In. an“. no.“ .. nions control an. - correct than “Wings" OMIAN ”Kl" Val"- Jack Holt "4 IOUND " Wing at xtyfiiiiiirtfiiiiiiGl The death took place at the K-W. Hospity on Friday of Mr. Walter Guenther of Kitchener. foriner1r Miss Evelyn Thaler of Breslau. in her 27th.. Fear. The deceased 'td been Ill only since "Monday and be news of .her death wlll be a shock to a widb clrcle or friends. The late Mrs. Guenther was born in 1902. tn 1925 she was united in marl-use to pr. Guenther. She was a member ot Zion Evangelical Church. There mm"! besides her husband and one Hale daughter. Mm Magnet Guenther and her mothe'r. Mrs. Fun. nle Thuler ot Breslnu. two gluten, Mrs. J. B. Geiger or Breslau and Mrs. Harry Frans of Preston road and try two brothers. Wllllun Thaler ot tet. Jacobs and Howard Thaler of Brow Inn. The funeral was held from her late residence on Monday, A service was held It Zion Evangelical Church. Interment was made In Woodhnd cemetery. and Fred Hannah, brother of the groom were the attendants. The bride entered ue drawing room to the strains of Lohertgrin's wedding march played by Miss Vera Becker and was given in marriage by her brother Norman Harbor. I A Itre.tty February wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Airs. Jacob Huber. Watertoo; W'ed- nesday. Feb. 6. when their daughter. Verda, was united m marriage with Prank Bwranaki. of Waterloo. son of Mr. and Mrs. Franz Baranskl. of Germany. Ree C. B. Roberts omel- ated Miss Clara Wahl of St. Agatha. KITCHENER MARKET Prices at the Kitchener market on Saturday were: butter, "e to 48e a pound; eggs, 37e to 40c per down: chickens and geese. 30c to 35¢ per pound: potatoes. $1.00 a bag; apples. $1.75 to 3225 per bushel: vegetables and fresh. meats at last week's Irricets, Nathaniei Beam's curling rink won the Moore trophy on Friday night by defeating skip C. O. Hemphill in a nip and tuek game by one shot. At the end of the twelve end the score 'was a tie and " the extra and Beam's rink tlttished victors by one point. Beam's ring. by defeating skip Ree. F. Matheson. won the right to meet Hemphili in the finals. SEVEN HUNDRED ATTEND l PROGRAM AT BIBLE SCHOOL One or the lute“ numeric” ever assembled ta the Ptrat Mennonlto church “tended the mldderm pro- gram of the Ontario Mennonite bible school at Kitchener. Seven hun- dred people erttormd the otterintm ot the students. The program ras in harmony with the grim of the school and tre-, quently expressions ot “Eduction with the work being done through‘ the classes were voiced. and had to be helped out at tho house by hi: wife. By this time the Interior In: a blazing inferno. Un- uble to an the children. the pn- ant: hae to stand by and watch the house burn down. In Black named to run out of the house, and - rulhad in to an tho chlldnu. In annulus, to rescue them he wt- severely hurled "Ure Overnight” with Rod " Roma. ‘volopod In n-.. In. Black- u'muu attracted the “to-non od her Nahuatl. who my to her lulu- ' m - In Do- on n M to .mmwmmc ' o'clock tag an “by. Mr. Black ”not the and"; Into that“. with‘ In. In. and a. want to unite. and In“. tho _ but; In BtsehtostnetttoIr. Hum-a -d.oa.eo0ontt.ttv.eoat.tr, tho no". Inn-canton than I“ n ”*uluim -tr-ttttoterteg. "haasuinsa.., on MemAw “dachshund“: ”unusual-nu». wuw,mau,m pourrIrNyIIrudMM-um THURQ. . FRI. . Coming - WON MOORE TROPHY BIG ACTS 'SUN" Eh? IrtrttJ, Bararuhl-Herber WEDDINGS Walter tioenther :MIoou. It. Pimp King, W, q6ttr of no In": In Ila-m tho m at If. m a...“ of at ”its. am. now- In the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Shut- Ir entertained {our ttoieer of bridge. The win winners were. an. J. B. June]! and In. Jail. Mr. E M, Arnold and Mr. George RuppeL Innin- mgr-way WI. Heavy tht Wadnesdny. Thumb, and Fri- day tho now In" and high wind blowing “no“ made the Elmira-Wh- tqrtoo Highway him") for no- tor vehicles. Pica when than "m. mm no mow. wm drift- _ two he: pm. Had " not t-stttrth-tmteteoett"rr. In! bu and Into “no”. tho road might nu inc. “on“. o. mm Enhyabio "At Home" The home of Mrs. Fred Shurly was n scene or a pleasant and enjoy- able afternoon and evening when she' entertained tor the first time in her new home on Arthur Street south on Wednesday, Mrs. Janka ot St. Cather- ines, and Mrs. Menno Weber ot El- mira. assisted in receiving. while Miss Catherine Merner, was door attendant. in the dining room the tea- table was brightly decorated with wring (lower: end tall yellow can- dies In crystal holders. here presided Mrtt. George Ruppel and Mrs. J. A. Sphroder. They were assisted by Mrs. A. Moses, Mrs. David Rats, Mrs. ‘Oscnr Vast. Mina Edna Erb. Mrs. I B. Jamil. Mrs. E. M. Arnold. Mm. Arthur Uilyot and Mrs. Harry Wolf. hard. Besides Mm. “Jenn. the out of town guests inciuded Mrs. Eph- raim Erb and her daughter. and Mrs. Armand Bctrrryiter of Kitchener, Mrs. Bennett. ot Gait, nnd Mn. Hugh Milhr of Stamford. _ Patient at K. ' W. Hospital Mr. Henry Ruppel. who has beef a patient at the Kitchener-\Vaterloo Hospital for some time from but reports ls progressing nicely. Mr. Ruppel Is suffering trom an ulcerat- ed stomach. Elmira Monthly Fair 7 The Elmira regular‘month‘y fair was held on Monday and as usual at this season a [airly large crowd was In attendance. Small pigs were plen- tlLul tor which their owners were asking trom $2.50 to $8.50 according to age and size. Many changed own- ership. The crowd began to disperse early and by noon very few farmers would be seen in town. Buffered Broken Rib: Mr. Joseph Schatter, while assist- ing to load a car at the C.P:R. sid- ing on Saturday toppled out of a door on which he was leaning and suffered several broken ritrt and) bruises. I ofru9aa Appointed . H. J. Gibson was appointed asses- sor and collector at a salary of 8400 par annum: John o. Dreisinger, pavement cleaner at a salary of $60 per month trom May lst; Israel Grott. tree inspector. at a salary of 320; Jacob King, roadmaster and uremker of cemetery and parks at 32e per hour; Robert t McCollum was named a member of the Board 1: Health at a salary or $10. and Dr. w. D. S. Cross at a salary of $150; L H. Ruppel. clerk and treasurer. was reappointed at a salary of £1100 per annum. Chief of Police Bromley was granted an inc-teak of 5100 and will now receive $1600 per! annum. ' Remumrraetton tor Member. On motion of A. W. Hotter 2M j Small, the council voted Mayor Werner the “and honorarium ot $150. The reeve and each member or the council were voted 850 each for 1329. subject to reduction of $3.00 or nonatttemiamee at regular meet- 'ugs. " was also recommended that tite members of the Utilities Com. mission be each paid $50 tor 1929.: Several by-laws and accountu Wert: 1130 passed. I The usual munitions from the public school and library boards for $1200 and 3100 respectively were " proved. uric Good Road- Auochuon and Union ot Canadian Munichtatttiea. A request from (he Salvation Army tor , grant of $100. was toed. lmnorum business was transected la. the February tendon ot the El- mira to" council. he" on may night. The memben beyond I re- solution received trom the Station! Bond ot Trade “voting the Baden Hill for a cite for the prom-ed memorial to Sir Alum Beck. The clerk “t instructed to write the Jam) member, W. 0. Weichel. MP?" and enclose e copy ot the resolution. Membership In renewed in the On- lie-lieu of Council Voted 850 Each for Meetings. Ind Chief Elmira Town Council Names Odficial,s for the New Year of Police #1600 per mun. ELMIRA 'NEWS , J.J.Nehtastuer-tuomlAet 95-256ng Home M. L. Schnurr. the attended the thin Enjoyed Sleighing Party The members or the Young Peo- ple's League- of Wesley United Church. énjoyed a gleighing party on Monday evening. Upon their mum to the church nay-Inn A-f-x, to the_rhurch Parlors. dainty fwshmems were served. Attended Annual Meeting Mes. Htev.y Hades. Mrs, W Martinsnn. Mrs. Er. TVal'k an! , . cleared the Highway One or the large government - n'ows cleared the Elmira-Waterloo llghway of the snow on Sund morning. 'IPX, Appointed on Church Council b Meksrs. Gerald Dillon. E. M. Ar- nold and Jos. Amlinmsr. Were am pointed on the Church Council in the St. Theresa R. C Church. on Sunday morning. They will assist the pastor Father Jim. Arnold in the govern- ment of the church affairs. Large Snow Plow iwhrn the huh-u: mm the Fez, breaking: it ' later destroyed. The red in the barn. when ed out from. the stall (ion; kick. Old Tom. a was tailed. was thm of Me. '; Black Hawks: Gal. C Bristow; “FL. A. Clemmens anl o. [Hm-k; cen- tre. F'. Brent; wings. ll Mountain and CS, Fuhrman. ' .Reroree Cart Dtrtweiter. Lost Valuable Horse Mr. Cos. Winn. [and horse drawn bus owner. lost a valuable horse. whrn the burs“: mate kicked it on the Fee, breaking: it The animal was later destroyed. The accident occur- "... =. wi, . Circle Six: Goat, 0. Schulz; dot., fr. 12:er and Wm. Hillis: realm. R. f‘ousineau; Whigs. L. Seidewand and A. Schulz; sub, G. Chambers. Black Hawks: Gal. C Bristow; l."- E Norman: Mugs. H. Jarvis and ‘Lup O'Nu'lli Referee Carl Dutweiler. Circle Six 8, Black Hawks 1 The Circle Six uasiiy defeated the Blur]: Ha'wkx in a one-sided Rame, whrn they won 3 to I. With o. Srhuiz in ynal and the wonderful p':ayirur of Wm. Mum and Leo Solde- A'unii. the Blacks had no chance of winning. Polar Kings, mm]: H. Rua; det., R. Lung and S. Brent; centre. N. Hill s; wings. H. [luau-her and C. Ruppel: sub, Kumm. Royal Sweets: -gual. It. Ronninger; def E. Kuhn and I. Ernst: mum: The Grimes Radio Quarieuo of w. }mirz assisted in the program at St. Jolttt'a Parish Halt. Waterloo, inst iThursdny evening, l Polar King. B, Royal Sweet. t in a tine exhibition of hockey the Polar Kings defeated the Royal Sweets by the score of 4 to l. Nam]- ils and C [tunnel played a very strong game for Kings with/H. Ran in goal, For the Royals, Leo, O'Neill and E. Rehrt were the untutanding Players. ‘piow, to cigar the ltftrtorar, The plow weat as hr at the Waterloo [on limits and made the higtiway yaw able tor two cars to pus each other nearly the entire distance. Mad Tonsil. Diamond Miss Marion Bechtel underwent an operation at Kitchener tor the re naval at her tonsils. Grimes Radio Quartet“ at Watartoo Dobbin Garage _& Electric 50 Ihr-tou ilttiltg' Sale 50'Up-to-Da‘te, Cars 15t ‘. Starts mum mama Feb. 15 barn. when the “INN. Mrs. w. w. s. Er. Tyack anl Mrs. the latter or Linwood, third annual meeting Cleared the ? stall and made a vi- Tom. as the old hoc, .s about thirty years L It. Runninger; . Ernst: centre. A. H. Jarvis and Cor. King and Water mate back. The medals were for fits1d sports held last fall. and were bronze and silver bearing the school crest they were presented for champlnahlp in the sports. . In the Junior class, Miss Gladys Hedrich; intermediate class. was Alice McCormick; senior class. Mk- Act Ir-Fatty Tarhnchet loses four dollars; Veeda Vamp gets a position; And Sally is in the soup. _ '--Prmseatatern by Mr. George itineir of prizes and diplomas. 8-Tumbling Examines by the boys. by a School Yell. Act r-A Chinese Lauxidry. Chally Chaplin runs things: Little Mary goes to a picnic; Ah Sin is arrested The Elmira High School Students gave a very pleasing and interestlng (convert at the Regent Theatre on (Thursday and Friday evenings. The rrsetre was ‘med to capacity at both performances. The proceeds [going for the purchase of a piano for Mile High School auditorium. The tprogramme was varied, conslstlng of tune following members: 1-4rttsetiort by the orchestra; 2-Bomt by the ‘ulee Chub. under Mr. A, K. Warm} "Land of Hope and Grorr," 3--Tho Chairman's address, Mr. T. D. Mel Kean;- 4-Ruttertiy Dante, by Jun- ior Girls; SAGlea Club (1) "rttr, Echo Song.” it) "The Hunter 80:13.". 6-F'aree--"Fun in a Chinese Lana-l dry." of the Women's Misssiortarr'Societ, of Waterloo Presbytery. held in Kit. chener on Wednesday. High School Students Gin Concert Best Velma In; Maud u. "u. Clo-u...“ - . dime an. it til king (in in”: an". cutter,.::'.'. Illa tuee9lyeeeLtGa7GUiii My win to Cam's) Not only do In hum but! . cum- in... bu! any item incantucliuptiud with.” thaw“ p'vil. “new the“ value. Save The king. [allowed that Itverrmmp"-""" C Wilma “thirty! _ . . A caBBaiE Wm. SPECfAL--mm.u Mrti SPECtAL--Uhbru 0-151, CW Corned fees Ita' ”W35" Cotiint'AttD 11° war "*1“ I‘d-M“ 11-4de a.-.- R73 I To Decide On Call At'the meeting of the congregation ot St. Paul's Lutheran Church after the eleven o'clock services on Sun- day morning. re the can, Rev. A. Gallmeier. the pastor. received Trom [Perm ind.. the Church Board and con- gregation desired to have one week FF further consideration. Rev. Gall- meter gave two reasons for his ac- (ilirinif, of the Peru can. The prin- ‘oipai reason was because ot his, ‘throat trouble, Peru ls about 450 miles south ot Elmira. and the warmer climate there would greatly benefit his throat atmetion. His second reason was that he would be nearer his home. The Board will get in touch with the Ontario District It was also announced that the High School paper. the "Oracle" was printed for the first time, hy the students. they having their own printing outrit at the school. 1 t'trrre One Week More Principal Spinks performed the du- ties ot Chairman' at the second per- formance. Mr. Noah Beariutrer, now- Iy appointed chairman of the Elmira High School. gave a very Interesting talk at thetriday evening pertorm- all-ca Helen Mundell. Junior boys. Robert Ziegler; intermediates. David Rata, senior. Fred Brent. received a gold watch with tho school crest engraved on the back. donated by Principal Spinks. The dlplomas were presented to the following students (of their school work; Miss Ethel Stacker, Miss Ella Martinson. Miss Eleanora Hahn. Kenneth Williams and Her- man Herz. Staci-17014 saw; 41.....er Kitchener A_--Sartta Clara, choice. lb. . .29: 1'rNo-Catitoruia, choice, lb. . . . .19: “Best grade Japan ....t .0. Me T---Jarra, fast-cooking , In. tte 'taut-bet Monte Seedless , in Me fh---Austraiiad, recieaned, lb. 16e 1ratmato--Ciean, sweet, halves, lb.. Ate FU-sheet Pastry, 244b, bag . . ."c M Powar--cirrotps Pure, con- tains no alum, l-lb. tin . . . . . . . .13: Chr-o-ttues: June “(It . .. . It 1arl-Choicest Port LIB. pail ...”: S9-t--Easitirsi, 3-te pail . . .53: ".t..--ctuiee Golden ......8 In. th 'der-re" t8ngrna, large . .g g... ”a msxgrégxz'azgi i: ii: Beero--Cirroars “lapped. teat . MW"? Cm-acm It Mr. Johnny Schnefer of Kitchener spent \Velnesday night with his pur- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schnefer. William Street. l Mrs. Thos. Dillon spent a row day- with friends at Coderlch. Miss Katie Weber of Kitchener. In visiting at the home ot Mr. and Mn. Clarénce Weber. I Mr. A. L. Rat: and Mr. Edw. Taum spent Sunday with the latter'. :father. Mr. Adam Baum at Tavis-tock. l Mrs. P. Allgeier and meter Bruce Rupuel visited at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Miller at Toronto. Miss Hem: Mundell or Linwood spent the week-end with frienls in Mr. Prank Bristow was a business visitor to Kitchener on Saturday. l Pei-”nan Miss may. Eby. nurse in training at the Stratford General Hospital spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A‘M. Epr. _ Mr. Jack Ward in} a business vil- itor to Kitchener on Saturday. Elmira. For when m, . K aravan Slouch” DA TES Synod. Rev. Mr. Molinski. anal-191$ 'zhax he might procuremle man here to succeed Rev. _h.rrA5Uhrurier. Senior Walther League I Enjoyed Sleighing Plrty _ The members of the Senior Wal- (ther League of St. Paul's Lutheran (hurch enjoyed a very pleasant sleighing party to the tarm of Mr, Henry Geisel. about lqur miles north at Elmira on Monday night enjoyed a progizim ot games. songs and so- cial Main The members of the party provided a delicious lunch served by hostese. Cunt: M) In Cad-J ‘Continued on Page IO

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