; induct-lung _ '.UledtNnga. w mm... W .1 av do culls. per cm. .... 8 00 11 00 Buck lambs _....-............." tro ll lit? Sheep, choice ""'r"'r'rtt.r-re 6 so' 8 00 do madium "_...-....... 4 50 s 00 do culls ""'"'m"m"m.--.mr.-., 3 00 3 60 Hogs. select, vac. ..,...ll 25 00 00 do f.o.b. --..--....uo 25 00 00 do fed and watered....lo " 00 00 thick smooths, !.o.b...10 00 00 00 Road hogs _--...-..-.." 00 00 00 Discount ot " per hog under basic price for â€has on shops. feeders and extra names. Toronto lee Stock quotations Heavy beef steers....o...3 9 50to $9 60 do me "'---.-...-.... 7 GO ' 25 Butcher steers. choice .100 9 50 do common .rt.rtt.rrw...r. 8 25 8 " Butcher heifers choice 9 00 9 25 do mil- to good p."....-.. 8 25 8 " do common ""r'_mt_rt.wrt-t 7 00 7 50 Butcher cows, good to choice 'P'..-..'..-..-..-.., 7 00 7 75 common to medium 5 25 s 75I corners and cutters 4 00 5 tht Butcher hulls, good to l choice ""'"""m-rm.rr, 7 25 7 " common to medium.. 6 50 7 oo, bologna: """m.it.rt.m.tr.m. 6 Ju' 6 Tsi. Baby ’beef _--....-.,......" 50 11 DOI do medium .."-'r-.rr.r.r... 9 00 lo 00' Feeders, choice "'-'r"tsm.mr-e 7 so T 75 do fair to good "rFwrwrrm 6 50 7 Gl Stockors, choice .'F"$mt.t.. s so 8 75 y‘ do fair to good .."t..t-t. 6 75 7 60,I Cnlvos. choice W._.....15 00 16 00 I do medium w..-.......-.." 00 13 00 , do rough and plain.., 8 00 10 00, Milan and! springer cows. I I . choice, each Mum!) 00 130 00 Limbo. spring, ttwt......." 00 14 M I - ' . . t Co. Ltd., TORONTO GRAIN QUOTAT'ONS l, Mittard'a .el"i','t'i,1'If, Grain dealers in Toronto are quot. Yarmout ' . . [who were steady with Monday's prices. ranging from 810 to 814.85, “cording to quality. Tith.a prepon-A donneo ot sales made at $14.50 a at. A lot ot 218 head ot Manitoba lambs sold late on Monday afternoon at 814 a cwt. Hog- Steady at $10.25. Hogs steady at Monday’s decline or m, a an, with tickets marked t 51025. I.o.b.. a _cwt.. or at 811.25, w.o.c.. a mm. for select bogs. all“: of Linda 314.50. nut, with some ranging upwud to 815.50 and no a out. About 50 sales were nude at the lush-er tuture. Plain calves sold- downward to We per pound. America: buyers are tab Ing most ot the all? runs again this -ak,ssi,,iii" atâ€. were steady in price, with some honor tummy calves received in the "shrttrolr hwy run. These sold about Monday's top Btture, own); to better tittiett. The bulk of good cum cleared at " a cwt. unnu- 'xytaoM as low as u a {a Butcher bulls nuged trom $6.40 a owl. tor halos-nu to $7.15 a an. tor two good butcher animals. U... punt- Yak. Calves. Scattered! lot: a! heavy users sold " from $1.50 to 8954) a ewt., aeNtord, in: to quality omtrhse with a. full load of good hasâ€. making "as a an. the dar's top price tor this class ot stock. Butcher honors made from " to 89.25 a e6t. Good. butcher cows brunch! hom I' to $7.75 a cvrt. and _ M. 18.--.%htnruq no (and trial “at on loud-y. via- " not!†unloaded at the - at tho mu m vol] eluted. - at the Union mock Yards out)“ but temporarily your“: an! 7 slow mu. . resulted. In the T1ll0llLMllE2llIuMlip. 'Am on. " " . . "ttetItt"at.iCeePouttrrctrd LiverOIl. The Wm. - mum. Co. Llama. mm. M theat Flour and Feeds ("out hum (For _ (Pun '8arttt.tat Mo. was. do.) LIV. pad: I.“ Unlon H You. - I. ...... MO Aha our well known brands of “DUI! of All Kinds 130 00 14 M 11 00 ll lit? 875, Ttur, 1600 1300, 10 no, '.,",'i PEOPLE'S DANCE gi About 200 young people attended 7rthe dance held Friday night under segue auspices orthe Young People's 00 Club. An excellent orchestra furnish Ir ed the music. gby using the OLD RELIABLE! for that cold and tired feeling. Get Well-lasers Well. KEEP YOUR HEALTH DAIRY PRODUCE Quotation: to Shippers Creamery, pasteurized. No. 1 'Pt'..'"'....-....-..'........,. " to 42 do seconds .r.q._____r....m.m.rr.e.t. 40 fo 41 Above prices tor goods delivered Toronto. mourning Cream-.. Approximate quotations on churn- ing cream. Mb. shipping points, are: Special. 450: No, I. Me; No. 2. 4te per lb. mt. ( Quotation: to Retail Trade Bttttee-- Creamery, No. 1 prints .rrbetmt M to " do No. 2 Dairy ..MF_wr. " LOUIS YOUNG Fresh extras. per down in cartons Pte.."..-.-.'..-. do extras, loose ......t.r do tirsta .'V'....rVV....tr_r...em. do seconds .----.-W- Pallet extras mr.trretmr.rt.t.-.mr E--- F'ree.h. extras m'r.be.m'mmert.'trrrr-srrt 38 to 39 do tlrrsts .'_".'"."t....'m._t'___rrrstte M to M do seconds ".Pb..t_rmr._rrte.erer.t. 25 to 26 Fresh crack. per dozen..,., 25 to " Pallets. extras 'PeWW.P_WePW...WePPWrtr. " to 28 ‘Young chickens Alive Dressed l 5 to 6 lbs. each Vr'.evrr.. 25 30-32 _ 4 to ' bbs, each P_.-.rew9r 23 27-30 Under 4 lbs. each "VNV 21 1t5-27 Above quotations indicate the general market range of values in eggs and poultry' on delivered basis. Quantum; to Retail Trade I Dealers are quoting country ship'- new for ungraded eggs. delivered. cures returned: ' WDNNIPEG GRAIN PMCES l Gash prices: Wtsaat--No. 1 North- ern. tum; No. 2 Northern. $1.24“: No. 3 Northern. 81.19%: No. 4. tris%; No. 5. tr03%; No. 6. 890; med, Me. oats-No. 2 cw., 7315c; Nb. 3 cw.. “he; extra No. l teed, 60%0: No. 1 feed, 537/00: No. 2 feed. “We: "jaded. 48%c, -itCi2' """"' ""‘""' “WW" "’ Fowt---About 150 Rock and la;- lulu. “WWI t, 31.05 W bushel. (at. born hum; , ducks and I duke. slumping points. according to "tpt-ta-w-H. binder 1 ft. troiqtrta. an in â€my: .......‘_.. “-4--. " .. -ruat--8tue to 99c per bushel. r.o.lt. rtturttute points. according to BnrHy-MatUM, he to Tbe per huh“. Lo.tt. mppln; puma. aeeomt- ing to troiatrta. 0mm ttqtr-H3ood attturi.Ls. shiPrine palm-I. 9000th m Injury. "t go is: par bulb-l. Io. NIGHT TRY Minard’s Lininent In.“ 'tqi-OH. I hot. “a; Ha I Ind. I): u: m (cu. thd-tet All In: m), ..-um1~d - than“ m1. 1hretty, - hell“): Dan. I" an. $86.86; shorts. - ton. â€5.88; Will... per tom '60.SE Ontario l_-ottod nun... t, o. l mum pol-u. aoenrdh- m b. Ilium pol-u. “30:11:; G mpg“. a.» to "" w W. - -..' . 7'7_ v,_._,4 . but... " an“; I. . his... -- . ,',t “f '13:th I who] tdt 0, [at t, Ole. u. Wan-Ia nu- mum). rem-mu "'t III“- "ettoa, a“ " "ittattttt,tt.'t, "ne.xr-taea-htgonrs68% 'ritt-et.t.--- .IHIIO;-1~ n... manna. cu u: w (all. “Nu" " ‘W m In: m). mumv. ." Mth, no ....MittNqA - IMO!“ “7.1. At 1 ll Mn. hu- balm-Indh a..- - INN.."'"'" ,"""' " â€luggage. We have than on hand u large supply of KILL FLO POUTRV AND EGGS Ante 44 to " " to " " to 35 " to " to " to 32 to 34 to 38 to M to 25 to 25 to " to " " 33 35 i M----.- - " you: L ou. In foat (mu-or to nu tor D union); coldly C nu- old. tou- râ€! about “I“: 1 all! I'M-3 I. 2 “an ou; Nut to“ col: rising ' I you old. _ No reserve at farm is sold. l, Terms-Har, grain, Pitts, fowl. roots, wood, lumber. and all sums ot $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months credit will be given on approved Joint notes or 5% " for cash. EMANUEL LACKNER, Proprietor. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. JOE KARLEV, Clerk. N 7-2 Hay and Grain-About " tons of hay; about 30 tons of straw in stack: about 400 has. mixed grain tit tor feed: 100 bus. oats; 500 bas. maa- gels, " Har---, sets ot team harness; l, carriage harness; collars and har- ness parts; I set ot new 'blankets. I 'eutteiraneo-hathaa, incubator; 5 S-gallon milk cans; Debaval cream seyarator: Junior Babcock milk tester; sideboard; kitchen cabinet; writing desk; steel range; coal heater; woqd heater; flour chest: bedroom suite; churn, and other articles. 2 ttat racks; gravel planks; stock ’rack; Waggon box; cutting box; fanning mill; hay fork and rope; scale. 2000 lbs. can; feed truck (new); work bench with vise; oil drum; power clipper; circular saw pnd belting; some white ash lum- ber; 10 cards of hardwood; double- trees; neckyokes; chains, cross cut saw; forks; hoes. and other numer- ous articles. tut, in good running order; 141.10! ale: 6 yet mower 6 n. cut; Deerlng hay (adder; " months old John Deere hayioader; MMI. Mde PlghYoun in“; Johnston corn binder; John due Ist ot At Deere corn wallet; M.-H. fertilizer plus ' weeks drill (new); M.sH, Immune spreader Imolomentt (new); land roller; spring tooth cur- good running tivalor; Cockshult riding plow; kan- mower in. I game S-ttarrow Now; 2 Fleur)! walk-lProsl & War ing plows; acumen Ersection iron‘ valor; Mann barrow; Bain wagon; 1 other wagon; lhiisc drill "r l-horse earrings; 1 buggy; 1 cart; as new: dish bob sleigh; cutter; light bolt sleigh; and bearing 1 l A large solution to choose l'rom. Grades or pure-ttreds. Alt ‘ageo at moderate prices. High clan young herd sire: from real Dorm. " in need of anything in Holstein Cattle It wouId pay you to not in touch with the County Salesman, Pi-Bow with liner ot ulna a side; ' young Gmc, 1 now due about March mu; 5 more pin it not Pro. viously sold. Waterloo County Holstein For Sale Elmira R. R. t Saturday: at Kitchener at Mt King st. East. Penny Wise Advertisement: are Store Windows Do y.- m! having a march-I nun-o him no“... " you in tho for. of I. “Vania-ant in our column-u? Pe It. can," I: not your lap-In to ml to " A. lk BRUBACHER Advertiling in n good investment-Just u piste glass windows, are. Advertising in the plate (In: window the merchant can send into every home. Advertising sells more mode to more venom than shop-window: do. Anything that inereaies favor adds to ulna. that multi- plies customers is very properly regarded as a good investment. on as long; Gr in tiCiiG/iripienTui"iG'te"r' interior lighting. , The mgngy spent: fog plate slug windows is not looked A penny saved is not always a penny earned. Sometimes it is two pennies lost. The merchant who spends nothing on advertising is practising false economy; his losses in sales far exceed the pennies saved. A WORD To THE PUBLIC 6-3 I Houuhold Eftecu---it box stoves; , parlor heater: 2 bedsteads. one with "aim-inns and mattress; bench: iMassey~Harrls'cream separator, 500 Pe can. nearly new; oil drum. " Bai.; milk can 25~gal.: couch; Alsnl'ltmz; rocker; child‘s crib; baby i,Cii'iii,,. No reserve as farm is rented. Terms a! Sale-Har. gram, and all sums of $15 and under. cash: over Ithat amount 12 months credit on ap- uneven! joint ttotes. 5 per cent. dis? 1mun! for cash payments on all amounts entitled to credit. l Wallace. the fifteen year old so!) of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Clair. ot Waterloo. suffered a broken Inn on Saturday. while engaged cranking a motor truck. . Highest prices paid tor goose, duck and chicken leathers. any quantity. Fisuhman Spring Co. Ltd., " Queen St. 3.. Kitchener. 4941. Hay and Grain--' tons good timo- thy hay. well saved; 3 tons of sweet clover hay: about 100 bushels oats; 30 bushels seed barley; .50 bushels mixed grain. _ Harness v Set team harness with breechings: 2 sets of plow harness; 2 sets single harness; extra odd collars; Rentmw engine in good running order; good pump'jack. tmtrt-tte-MeCormiek binder in L':':':' running order; Frost & Wood mower in. good running order; Frost & Wood spring tooth culli- vator; Mann eultimtor; Coeksttutt lhiisc drill with grass seeder. good as new: disk narrow; McCormick and bearing corn cultivator: new ' section diamond narrow: land roller; 2 walking plows; single acumen gang plow; top buggy; 2 open bug- gies; Portland cutter; Rain high wagon with box; steel truck wagon "rittt extra set of high wheels; set at bot, sleighs; bay rack; stock rack; circular saw; Chatham tanning mill with tagger; chlrew scale. capacity 2000 may: sets of gravel plankszl grain bags; forks; shovels; double- new: neckyokes' and numerous articles not mentioned. I PlghYounx sow supposed to be due list ot April; Yorkshire boar; ' pigs ' weeks old. _ Cattle-Red 'eov "amend to In 'ith"' Kay 15th; mu cow trod by time ot ale; mad cow summed to be due April an; red cow Hippo-ed to be due March Mtth; black cow sapwood to be dua time ot sale; while out suppoud to be due time of ale; 6 yearling heifers: one hull GUSTAVE L. El8ENMENGEtt, "o---Ssr “an ' an " you: old, 'r.t" about I". and 1400 tha.; dark by driving Ink 5 you); old, _weuttts about 12.0 "It; In: drink " yarn old. \(‘nnmlou'JIlI-I-totcnn Ant,616muo.-toeaetttu".n" us 'stu.. loath-cu at u-od. on w.w.m.m.mn mumuwum SUFFERED BROKEN ARM FEATHERS WANTED '. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer. Phone 592w, Waterloo. taumav. PWUAIY Met Proprietor. " lmmedhtoly after the a.†sixth LII! at _ 1â€le â€of tho mid (01mm will b. distributed among the null“ caution “onto. hula; "an! only to china or Itt. term. ol which tho 1e1"tert: shun than have ouch new». oi a: other: will In "chm hon tho all df"rttnrt$tm. by J. n. mm. a In“ a. I “can". on. in m. u ‘on or nbout the ninth day ot December, A. D. 1928, and all other! having calms “Man: or mtthtted to share In, the estate. are homily gtoti. thrd to send by post, myth. or ‘otbarwuo to dtrlfrrrr to the under- _sienett Administrator with the Will ‘Annexed. or his .oiteitor. on or no tore the sixth day ln Ill-d1. 19». their unmet and Adamâ€- and full particular. ot their claims. duly verb ned. and the nature at the Bqettrf. "a. It any, hold by then. The creditors ot Anna Muri- Holzwarth, Into of the Town ot Wulerloo. in the County ot Water loo, Splmter. demoed. who died NOTICE is further shot: that the list of lands for sale. for arm†ot taxes as aforesaid has been prrottred, and copies meteor may be had In my cities at the City Hall In the Cl!) ttt Kitchener. The list in published In the Ontario Gazette tor the issue. bearing (1th Petr. 2nd, 9th. Nth unit 23rd, 1929. 4-14 or so much thereof as mar 116 suf- ttcient to discharge such arm“ or taxes and costs. and charge. there on. The said lands are all patented. - "V "__ ..-~...v. "In, I Mull. on Wadnesday. the 8th day of May. 1929, at two o'clock in the afternoon. at the City Hall In the said Cityot Kitchener. proceed to sell by Public Auction, the said Linda l By virtue of a warrant from the Mayor ot the City of Kitchener. tem tier his hand. with the Seal ot the Corporation of the City of Kitchener affixed thereto. bearing date the Tttt Day of January. 1929. and to me directed, for the collection of an": of taxes due on cemin lands, unfit-n In c-C-, _. - W. a- _VB%q."a anus, notice is hereby glvan that, un- less the and taxes. together with casts and charges he sooner mm 'P"ehtt"""u "f Treaaurer's Sale of Land Arrears for Taxes, Recision or Auctioneer ttnal In , cases ot dispute. MOSES FIERLING. Proprietor, M. R. ROTH. At"ruorteers ' Phone 30w. T-vlatock. Ont. J. D. FISHER, Clerk. 1 'i, TermsAVFat cattle and all sums of $15.00 and under, cash: over that 'amount twelve months' credit will be given on furnlshlng approved joint notes with was property owners as security or a diséount of five per cent. will tre allowed for cash on all credit amounts. l Everything will be sold without serve as proprietor has rented ' farm. the Emu of ANNA MARIA HOLZWARTH, Decca-ed. Hamel: - Double stat or brass mounted harness; two sets double harness; set thlrebttorm, harness: set single harness. Household Gotstt-Kitchen albino“ coal hoater: Dela“! cream separ- ator. bow: light carriage; not ot bob sleighs; top buggy; stock rack; two flat grain racks; two gravel boxes; Wilkinson walking Now; Arr walk- ing plow; cutting box: fanning mm; ‘39! of scales (2000 lbs. capacity); 1outtstrees; neckyokes; torkts; shovels; hoes. and may other articles too numerous to mention. Nm'ICE TO CREDITORS l tmM-tta-Deering mower 5 tt. out; Frost & Wood aide delivery rake; dump inks; Maaaer-Harru hoe drill; Frost & Wood sprint tooth cultivator; Frost a Wood still tooth cumvalor; Bearing manure spreader (nearly new). Frost & Wood truck disc [M plate); tour soctlonc of narrows; two hrm wagon (0110 with Hay and R?ou--Poursoet tons of hay; 000 budholl ot mnxolds; qua- my ot turnitra. Vuugutmm. ietgmti.sa-taets.wa- "ooltrr-I" White Rock puma amt some yearllnu. Itwo you: old. _ 'tattt--dhrutqt. on- an an. or sale; Durh- mv do» In m; m Kenton cow duo in Areu; Dayton - duo in lay; an“ HoF Halal; satirtsar,, co! up“ to to II: can; Radon cow mu in the It"; Ive had of (and "t cattle 1% you: old; an» _ 'i--Yorhtsttiro ao- duo in larch; Yorkshire sow due In April; two shouts. l was at 0.. _ I "--T-ep-b- an. nu- ou (in! Ms brown Pomon- m it "an WWY. VIMUMV . i. WARRANT w. w. FOOT, maximum. thsai In all the FOR SALE 62 acre tarm for sale, lk mile trom Wmterpourne. close to school and church: land in good state of cum- ution. Good buildings with water In house and barn. Fall ploughing all done. Apply tor qaiek sale to Mr. John Jonas. R. R. 2, West Montrose. ‘Lu MOLLAOIN! MEAL Mao. your “In. m. Mal. In “In“. Con-My madma- FOR BALE l A valuable building lot 66x 330 n. ll? King St., Preston, in the most central! part of the town. Suitable for business block or apartment bulld- lng. Property fronts on two streets and adjoins Preston Park. For full particulars apply Mrs. S A. Woolner, Preston. Ont. N 7-3 FOR BALE _ Two Dual Purposo Shorthorn Bulls of serviceable age from Dams with oihetal records up to 11,000 lbs. milk per annum. 4 per cent. truttertat, for 3 generations, Also several younger ones. Herd fully accredited. Noah S. Snyder. R. R. 3, Waterloo. 4A4 FOR SALE 65 acres of land wlth good build- ings erected thereon. good water, 1 mile trom Waterloo highway and from churches. school and other huslnesi; places. Price reduced to $4,000. Write Box 286, Chronicle. 5-4 FOR SALE One light sleigh with two seats and a one-horse carriage, both in good shape. Christian M. Bruhaehor, Conestoga, Ottt. " WANTED Experienced cook general. Refer- ences required. White Mrs. Walker, 248 Wright Are, Toronto. F3 seen OATS FOR BALE Good heavy White Wave seed oats. Herman Weber. R. R. 1, Blair. phone Kitchener 754 r 32. F4 Farmers MM.P- Classified Ads G. M. SNYDER 2t [It " The Canada of To-morrow depends on the Child of To-day l Our bread is made only from the ‘very best in- gredients that go to build up a strong healthy body. Mothers who have growing children must have the best. Sive them a slice of our'bread and hear them shout for more. T W. A,, Cook a Son HE EATS LIKE A KING WHO EATS In". an. 1 to 5. run " I! C':"""-'""-'---- u.- lol'c. duo C to I, ow '"'""""r'm--r'-m-.--...w.r--_r.....ee.-e...-... a loft lull» MI. " In} " h. "m'..'-".......-.....-...................- I.†MMMmpuwyo-rruumm ' 'OWIU my. and mu wphlgkmmtbummha I I. 1iit1.1.;L.ZZ..LZ..:Z..::..ZI._...._;:: i Own-1'. “will!“ “Ob“ 18 King St. N. Cook’s Bread I“. “V. MD VOUTNI’ LUICIIIA“ " Bohlender's WATERLOO ml». lll|l ‘l t I w A an». " lulululIVlhim’: ";,fll!,t!ihli I pay the highest pricn for old horses, beef hides. calf Ikins, - glans. allow, etc. Phone at my expenu. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE! CV, hen house 13:20. Sim-ta 21,", miles from fr duo K I T c " E N I I Ru! Eatate and Auction"! "nuance and Many to Loan s. Phone m " Frederick St., “onâ€. I!“ " the Mark" Inlldln’. Money to Loan on first, class security. See my list of small or large farms for sale. Prices and terms to suit. 49: for Spec. Bitter Fat 48:: far Ist grade Butter Fat The Patron' Gets the Profha. Phone 55 - New Dundee Give Us a Trial For the first half of February The New Dundee Farmers Ctroperative Creamery Co. Ltd. PROFIT SHARING GEORGE WHITHAM Phone 734 r tr - Kitchen..- " ACRES FARM FOR SALE E. J. SHANTZ 83800 Cream Prices 30"“qu PAID' Phone 613 Waterloo 32: