v l 1hroftt !lllt ll,,!,!,,,!,,!,,',!,,!!,,,,,!,!,),,. This" "lt _ Public Sale I K0619! W l A“!!! W PIGS and POULTRY Yorkshire brood sow bred 2 mos; 4 shoats weighing about 150 lbs. each: 5 shoats weighing about 75 lbs. each; 3 geese: 1 gander: 60 pure bred Barred Rock hens. year “lugs; 30 pullets: , pure bred Barred Rock cockerels: 1 pure bred Scotch Collie dog. M.-H. hinder. 7 n. cut, nearly new; i M.-H. mower, 6 ft. cut; MAB. disk!. drill: .\L-Il. spring tooth cullivator" with semler: Elmira hay loader; _ Elmira side rakms; wooden land; roller; M.-H. brow corn ctrltlrator;, setarler: " ft. steel hay rake; " single plows; new Tudhope g-furrow ', plow; two-furrow plow: two Ibsen: On Lot 'tet G. C. T., Woolwlch Tp., about 2 miles north ot West Mont- roaepn 30 CATTLE 6 Good Pure Bred Sherman: Cowl (splendid milkers) : Red cow regis- tered Morriston Blanche No. 139029, fresh; red cow registered Red Beauty No. 171431. will be fresh by time of sale; roan cow registered Rose Bud No. 171973. supposed to be fresh by time of sale; red cow re gistered May Flower am. No. 10093, bred Aug. ts, 1928; 2 roan cows. one bred Oct. 19 and one Dec. IO, eligible tor registration: 2 red pure bred Shorlhorn heifers rising 2 years old; red heifer calf 8 months old; 2 man Into valves " months old; I bull cart 3 months old. These young cattle are all eligible for registrar tion. Pure 'bred Shorlhorn bull. Juts Stamp, No. 138271: 3 heifer calves rising one year old. " FEEDING CATTLE _ Rising 2 years old. These feeding cattle are or first class ituaiitr and would be splendid to put in and tin- ish. They an: in very good shape now. At 1 o'clock sharp, The following: Home. -Bay gelding rising 7 years old, 1500 lbs.; grey Percttoron mare rising 5 years old, 1400 “it; buck Percheron gelding 3 you: old, 1100 lira: sorrel gelding 7 your: old. 1260 lbs.; dark bay gelding rising 2 you“ old (Stand-rd bred); Aged mun. CouloAB Choice Dairy Coqrir-- Durham cow dine April in; brindle (gov: (in:I May 20; Heinlein gov bred Nov. 3; Durham cow due March 15: brown Swiss cow bred Sept. 2nd; blue cow due March 10; tmteow due time of we; blue cow duo Mar. Mth: black cow due Much Mth; " head ot feeding with; 8 you- ngâ€; Hot-afoul ball 1 you old. Terms of Sale Hay. grain. roots. ensilage, poultry and all sums of 320110 and under, cash; over that amount " months credit will be given on approved Joint notes, or 5% per annum discoum will be given for cash on credit amounts. Feeding cattle and shoats-:t months credit. E. J. h'HANTE, Auctioneer. ORVAL SNYDER, Phone 222, Kitchener. Proprietor. Valuable Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Hay. Grain, House- hold Meets, etc. Hay Ind $tri--Attrntt " to!" of atfaita any; some timothy; About no has. mlxod‘gnln; " bn you; to but buckwheat; " hut, 0.A.C. he» lay at tor need; “Mu. of Improved "teyriean not! out commencing at " o’clock in HORSES Heavy dark tray horse. " years old: heavy bay we 10 years old, supposed to be in foal by F'ite Sen- tinel; heavy chestnut mare " years old; bay driving horse " years old; These horses are splendid workers. Driver, g years old: heavy bay colt rising one year old [got by File Sentinel). I Pitt-Bow with litter u Mdo; I sown am “the of we; a m. duo March bttt; 1 so. bred I wasâ€; " chunks from 100 to "tr m, unknown-g Minds! , (I. out; Brannon] mount is; n, at; dam his; Tanya-Anderson nu- - We; had A '00. M not not. nu mtttmter, 00. Farmstock and Implements Hay, Grain and Household Effects E. J. SHANTL. Auctioneer, will sell by public suctio- {or ttre undersigned, on the farm belonging to Nelson Snyder. sitlnted 'h mile west of Wham, about 3 miles north.“ of Conestogo, on Wednesday, February 27th. 1929 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21.! AUCTION SALE Small article. and homehold good- IMPLEMENTS _.of.. Id. These feeding class ituantr and to put in and tin- very good shape Lunch will be served at No reserve as farm is sold, o. S. KOLB, Clerk, 2 man! HAY, GRAIN & ROOTS l bull' 15 tons good mixed hay; quantity young of alfalfa hay; some ensilage. "tur. -gistra- nip; and mangels; 450 bus. mixed hull. grain; 150 bus. oats m tor seed IO. heifer A. CI; 150 bus. feeding oats: 50 bus ibarky. I HOUSEHOLD GOODS Melons cream separator; kettle stove. 45 gal. cap.: 2 Chairman] incu- iaturs. 120 egg capacity; 1 Prairie (State incubators. 400 egg capacity; ‘hrooiler stove. 1000 chicks capacity; ’iudoor broader. in chicks capacity; garden seeder and cultivator; Daisy jchurn; rubber bath tub: large copper ‘flre extinguisher; wooden bed with ysprmgs and mattress; coal oil stove; Crtrurrter Quebec heater. coal or maxim; small coal healél'; large ttau- [try cupboard; 2 kitchen cupboards; r' cellar tables; leaf table; clothes icupboard; child's cradle; child's high 1x-hair; Morris chair. leather uphol- 1slered; 4-piece mahogany finish par ilor suite; 2 hanging lamps; 2 Alad- ldin lamps. round burners; parlor ‘lamp; hall hanging lamp; large lard ,V_~_ -w.-. -eMPN_ ...... u...†mm nu film. can; one 40-531. all drum; 21> ttal. oil drum; hay torir with 120 n. new rope and pulleys; forks; shovels; chains; neckquee: double trees: bag truck. and numerous other useful artic1ms. can; some dried apples; , mocks. apple butter; fruit sealers; someI floor oil cloth; sausage grinder and stutter: clothes horse, and numerous other articles. l hlned; MaGorHarri., disc drlll (nearly new); out-throw disc; mller; l-sec. Iron barrow: I double- turrow Crown Naw; J'tettry walking plow; Cockshutt walklng plow; Pre- mier alnxle furrow riding plow; scallion"; Bun wagon; g other was- Gr. wagon box; bob sleigh. [nearly new); 2 Portland cutters; open buggy; nat rack; wood rack; gravel planks: turnlp tpulper; 2 wheel- barrow-s; manure sleigh; hay fork andmpes; scales. 1000 lbs. can: " ft. ladder; forks; hoes; caches; grindstone; [whlppletreeu neck- yokes; blankets; robe. and other numerous articles. Han-nu- --. Heavy set ttf mounted team harness, nearly 2 sets ot breaching lumen; single harness. pans; 2 trM.P. "" milk an: lawn mower; benches; so up will and syncs: t bed- with â€than and III-(treason; 2 dresses; wash sand; box nova; noun; hull ma,. come carpets; nan-re Hume: piano. and other nudes. ‘VEHICLES, HARNESS. an. 2 rari, wagons; wagon box; top buggy; 2 cutters; bob sleigh; wheat barrow; set gravel planks; 2 tlat hay racks; set brass mounted team har- ness: 2 sets plow harness; 2 sets single harness: 4 horse blankets; 2 robes. "r-mir, gain. Nu. hono- hold elect- ad all sum: of â€5.00 and under. can; over that amount " months and" will be given on unmoved Joint not“ or " nor Ill- lmu at tor can. Feeding ttttkr- , month credit. Honolulu ENrttw-DrsLavsu cram separator, No. IS. nearly new; milk iron narrows; 1-H riding plow; bay udder (International): Gihon cutting box with down and up nine: Elmira roller chopper No, 3; Clinton fanning mill; mot pulper; Mali. manure spreader; manure boat; “AH. corn binder; Gilson It-horsepower gas engine on suds; Perkins 5 'ttat. gas engine; truck scale, 2000 lbs. can; scale Mit ADDITIONAL SALES ON PAGE 12 the (on-noon. the following: .VLVIOTII B. QINGIICH‘ no. a. OLA... Anaemia-n - “we“. can. will be sold before dinner. bran new; 7-2 I Auctioneer Frickey will sell the farm stock. implements and teed be- lunxing to Mr. Benjamin Sander. oft the farm situated about 1 mite east of Linwood. _0n the main road. ‘or better known as the old Hosea farm, MONDAY, FEB. 25. 1929 At l p.m. "or-Black and dark bay team of geldiugs. rising 9 and " yeatspld. (This is a good. snappy team.) Black mare. aged. "vttttements- Massey-Harris 6 ft. binder. nearly new; new Massey. Harris 10 ft. dump rake;, Massey- Harris "whoa seed drill; Massey- Harris disc; Deming spring tooth cultivator with seed box: Frost & Wood 5 n. mower; wooden [and roller: Cockshntl manure "preader. nearly new; Mention iron narrow; McCormick-Deerlnx single plow: root pulper; tanning mill; good wagon with box shelving; and stock "rack; set good hoh “sighs: top bunny; hay rack; gravel planks; ‘qhnnllly of hemlock acanmnxa; P""'ietrees'; neckynkes; forks; chains. and many other "Helm not listed. Cattle-Horst), heifer bred Jam S; Holstein heifer bred Jan. rr; Dur- ham Mailer due Aug. 22; Durham. slur rising--2 years old; 2 Durham heifers l year old; Holstein heiter " months old. These cattle are all in gum! condition. Pigs-dt Pitts 6 weeks old time of sate. I Valuable Farm 'stPek, Imple- Nouuhold Eileen“ Viking cream â€pardon Ilka mm; Daisy churn; mrrrter-Oxttrrd cook "on; large nu. llor cook heater; kitchen cupboard: up pun; " tin up pulls and wiles. and some other "Helen No "an. an "a. “M I. told. Term.-A3rairr, plan. household et. toctn. Ind att ulna ot $16,00 and un- der. "an; over tttat amount " months credit wm be when by ‘furnlshlns approved Joint mm» or I74, am! M eatttt Day-non!- on u†credit "loan; “man": “you. ".me l w. w. PRICKlV. Amman I "an. “In. '.et.rt... ‘ no. 'tAqi, can. " Real Eattte--Tttere will be sold at the same time and place a broomed house with bath. which ls known as " Victoria St, North, Waterloo, The house is situated on a lot approxi- mately 66 x 112 tt. It hash cement cellar divided into three parts. The house is in good state of repair and has all Cotteertieneea.c It is heated by a hot air furnace which is in Pt cel-Ient condition. There is also lo rated on the lot a garage as well as a number of fruit trees and a nice sized garden. . hm will be sold try public aue- lion an an] huts and Household M belong"- to the an“ od the Lats Franklin Mm 1“qu at No. " Victoria St. North or Erlr Bt., In an. Town of “Interim. on ' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23. I!!! At L30 on. Gurneyouord cook stove; exten- lion table; Mat table; old-lashioned (in. door cupboard; kitchen [has door cupboard; old‘lashioned bureau with mirror and stand; cedar that" book case; bday clock; , wooden! beds complote; light oak dresser; al lot ot good and clean bedding;1 netrerat homemge rugs and mts;l hat rack; 2 sum] ptuqor'tahims; set- tee; lounge; small sink; spice cab. inet: electric iron; inter power "vasher and wringor; 2 tubs; 3 Wrenches: domes horse; moi chest; ‘smll tables; tsmall copper kettle; a (a" or dishes; glassware; kitchen and cooking utenslls: lawn maven. lawn hose; step ladder; exteusioul ladder; wheelbarrow; tsuit cases; ' garden tools; tlat irons, and. many! other useful articles not mentioned“ This is an ideal home for a small family. This property may be seen upon application at the above ad. dress. , . _ No Reserve-Winding up the Estate. Terms on Propeny.~10¢7, or pur- chase price on day or sale; balance in 30 days. Household Etrects--Ca.yh. _ The Waterloo' Trust and Savings than“ --- Good set of breathing team humans; set plow harness. Grahe--300 In". of good nuts: 50 bus. mixed nun; 60 bus. barley; 25 bun. pus. Company. Executors. W. W. FRICKEV. Auctioneer. tPhtttte Mew,. Waterloo. AUCTION SALE ments, Grain and House: hold Effects. Mug-hum '-of- -of- 7-2 Catttc-S Good Dairy Cows - 2 cows Cesh 2 months time or sale; I cow fresh , weeks time ot sale; I cow due April I: l cow due April 25; I row due May 17: l cow due June 17: (arrow cow; 4 head wring calves; 3 small calves, i 30 mixed poultry. Good dog. Implement: A - M,-H. 6 n. binder With trupk. good as new; M.-H. 6 ft. mower; veering hay rake; MAL IF iihoi, .qeed drill: Massey-Harris disc: Oliver waieinHstow: 2-farrow gang ‘plow; sbsection iron barrow: tueutr. 1ler; wagon and box; talented carriage; top bunny: Mock rack: , "lat hay racks .1 with sliding rack: set boll slolghs; gravel planks; tan- "ting mill; 2 root pulpers: small culling box; hay fork and rope; larrindstone; 2000 lb. Rthrew scales (new): nteélharrow; stone boat: 'Pitt hangers; logging chains: [on â€limits: 2 cross out saws: tools; idoubletrees: neck yak as; forks: nhnveln; chains: grain bags and many other articles not listed. at 1 Fm. sharp. Horsca- Grey Percheron horse ris- ing 9 fears old, weighs 1600.1bs.; bay horse rising IO years old, weighs 1450 Iles. This is a good team. There, will be sold try public auc- liml on the tarm ot tho undersigned situated p, miles west at New Ger- many. t‘. miles east of Conestoga and 1 miles north or,Bluomirtxdale, on the Township Line a! Woobrich and Waterloo. known as the Hy. Hamli- ton farm. on May, Grain and mMtu--16 ions ot good timothy hay: 225 has. harloy; 200 bus. wheat. barley and mu mixed: tro bus. barley and when! mixed: 60 bus. buck-rhea: 125 bus. erean outs: 400 bus, mangeis; 200 but turnips. Bet team harness; oiow harness. Houuhold EfNetg--WorW.q Favor- ite kitchon stir. hox atove: 30 ttal, kettle slave; iron kettle: stove pipes; Daisy churn; Renfrew ere-m apporalnr. good as new; g-ttal milk ran; milk pails; dining room table: kitchen cabinet; Conrh: ' “when dull-A: “912mm; “at: bM.e. bed. room mite; hanging lamp; (a lamp; tbeat. on drum: lamps; binder twine, And numerous other articles. No "an. it Mr. No“ I. retiring. Term -Har, xnln. room. poultry and all sum: of 815.00 um! who“. cum; over that amount " month- rredit will be given try furnishing own-put! Joint not". or " discount (or mm mymnta on all‘cmdit amounts. ANTHONY MOL', Dunbar. w. w. 'RchlV. Auction". Kitchen range; cool honor with lover. box stove; oil banter: thinner goo stove; bedroom suite complete; 3 beds with springs and matron“; 2 rope beds; hospital bed, like new; large quantity of woollen and other bedding; walnut book use and Far; desk. combined; walnut inureau: extension table; leat table; :2 stands; 6 dining chairs; 4 rockets; 'upholstered cifair; couch; lounge: ‘Singer sewing machine in good shape; all plain, taney and odd dishes; all kitchen utensils: home- made carpets; carpet strips; mats; leather ticks; feather pillows; single barrel shotgun; , clocks; watch; curtains: old4ashioned book case and writing desk; corner cupboard; clothes drier; 2 wardrobes; 1 good chest; sink; m coat: robe; vacu- um washer; churn; empty sealers; 2 tubs; meat barrel: vinegar barrel; kegs; cellar table: innit cupboard; cutlery; crooksâ€. large copper kettle; books. and many other articles not mentioned. 1 bay driving mare, aged; steel tire top 'buggy; Portland cutter: good single harness; horse blanket; hand saws; planes, spades. etc. This is the sale to attend-a can of winding up the estate. No reserve. Term-eva, Valuable Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Hay, Grain and j Roots. l. H. Toma. Melinda". [as he" “voted with human)“ from It. uncle-man“! execute}: to all try pub- he auction, on the msroii" me, no“ Ila-shank School. tor the est-t9 ot the Into [an Wilma. on tho J. W. Wilmer lam. on Hume. Vow Innu- ad "on“ BeNets A. HILBORN. G. BERGEV, Executor; â€on. In.» Wan"... o. I. KOLI. can. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20th, 1929 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20th. 103 AUCTION SALE Sale to start " 1 pm" slurp. l. H. TOMAN. Auctioneer. fr? -0f- Terms-produce, poultry. 815 and under, cash: over that amount " months credit will be given by tur- nbhing approved security. or 5% di+ count for cash. B. F. KENVON. Proprietor. L H. TOMAN, Auctioneer. E. B. HALLMAN, Clerk. " w, W. Frickey. Auctioneer, has re- volved instructions trom , Mrs. John E. Wagner to sell her farm, farm stock, 1mm menu and feed, on the farm slanted on the Kitchener - Preston hlshvuy. 2 miles northwest ot Preston and % mile south or'Freeport. on Real Estate-so acres good mlxed loam. well fenced and all needed down but " acres: ttne white brick house. good as new; good bank barn with stables cemented; large imple ,ment shed. good orchard ind plenty of splendid water. Proprietor to sell- ing on account ot III health. Thls is a mral chance for any one wanting a 50 arts farm nicely situated. FARM OF 105 ACRES, Farm Stock, Implements, Hay Grain and House- . hold Elects. "or-ore, horse 10 yen-l old; EVIL FRIED. heavy dark bay mus 12 years old; - bay mare n yam old. l RALPH FRIED. Emu .-<attte- 10 Holltoln and Jersey l. H. 'TOMAN, Gradual cows-Hot-rin cow duo April M; Holstein cow duo In Aprll; “0131an - E. B. HALL? row bred Nov. Ir, Holuteln ct='="==="-='="-"=="="-======== new, bred Jan. 16; Holstein cow'englne; 14 ton taller: emery wheel bred Oct. 27; Holstein cow fresh stand with circular saw; btaekBrnith Sept 20, bred in Novomber; Jemey'loru; chop boxes; grain bass; our from time of sale; Jersey cow 'cradle; Cyclone nus seeder; double bred latter part of August; Bottom trees; neckyokes; forks; lhurels; halter due In April; Hollteln - chum; ttttd many other useful due ll: July; run our fresh , weeks "(felon am lutqd. by time or sale; 1 nprlnx ulna; OE Human and (Ir-lanai team har. pl;- 100 lbs. each. man; enrrUtte harneu‘ good an new; '"mrteoteatt.-M.m. 6 ft. binder; Icahn; that»: /M.-H. ' ft. mover; My rake; dllc and potatoes. weed drill; Doeriatt dine; wring tooth, Noam" In. \culuntor with seed hos; . singly-mater.“ good _ plows; Imperial an: ttttnr; ‘Pollnuh menu , nu plow; 14mm Iron In- No. In!" our from; 2-drm- land MM: not I long Mocha; ‘eorn culuntor; mum; root from bod, ate. â€in"; m “an; mung box; an»; In! "t.t.--A, ‘aln m"; I wann- " too. no): the. not. will ‘mon box; stock not; I In! uh ("not “We lacks; not bob siMettw, mm at 106m. not Lam-p; In to I " stationary In: what; a - Also 5 acres good cedar numb In the Roseville swamp. right on the mad, 1 mile east ot Roaertue. "rtptemenu--,Maxwetl hay loader; Cot-kshutt " disc drill, nearly new: P, & w. 6 ft. binder on truck: M.-H. 5 R. mower; high speed Deon-ins mower: SLR. hay rake; spring tooth cultivator; 12-piaie Bissei disc, new; Hamilton single riding plow; walk- ing plow; Tudhope-Anderson single Now. new; bsee, harrowir, Chatham tanning mill; turnip Bower; wagon with box; rubber tire top buggy: road cart; get heavy bob sleigh}. newiy soled; jumper cutter; buggy pole; is ft. nat main: stock rack: gravel planks; limiters; 50 cedar posts: anchor posts: new lrnck box tor Ford roadster: doubieirees: neck yokes; forks; shovels: chains. and many other articles too numerous lot detail. . Pigs and 'huMtry--rork sow due at time of sale; 50 white Leghorn and R. 1. Red hens: l pair pure bred bronze turkeys. Cattie--gersey heifer due Feb. M; Jersey cow fresh and bred Jul. 12; Jersey cow in full flow, bred in oe tober; Jersey cow treat: and bred; Shonhorn cow fresh since January; Ayrshire cow bred Oct. 24; Jersey heifer 1 year old; 2 Shannon) heiiers 1 year old; Jersey bull rising 1 year old; 3 good an calves. "ar-set heavy team harness; I, show set double driving lumen: 1 set single buggy harness; side saddle; 2 open bridles; 21 and 22 in. Scotch collars. like new; these are ' cane show collais; odd collars. Produee-i0iy bus, oats. possibly some hay; 5 bags early Eureka pota- toes; 5 bags Dooly potatoes. Sale to and " 12.30 mm. slurp. "qri--1 Sarto! d. P. can 5 your: old. good In an lumen; My carriage horse, good double or single, " year: old; My mural- lural mare 5 years old. l. H. Tonal, Luella-wt. In to- coived harm-non (mm It. I. F. Kenyon to tell by publmunctlon on In hm. being put 0! V" 0. Con. “.19â€- helm. t miles northwest ot Mr, 4 miles southeast ot Phtuvllh, on AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16th. "" Mall?! $hll Atictima Sale C, TUESDAY, FEB. 19th. "" At I am. shun [nylon-gum and -of- or, [um i In! "tate--At In. ulna um. and . no): the. not. Nrtit Ill! be olend for I My Ink lk lo! â€M DOM) tho burn may“ m m. Inn at Ins-:10 ser" 'englne; V, ton mum; emary wheelhrraess; 1,5 acres bush and mature gland with clrcnlnr MW; blacksmith land with running water; balance in Jorge; chop boxes; grain hogs: incur! state of cultivation; “one ,cradle; Cyclonexrm leader; dmrbltr Wilma wash house attached, - troea; neckyokes; forks; murals; house. gum! bank barn: cement lilo; chains; um! many other usefulgtlrivlng shod; orchard with varutr arthtus trot “and. ,0! hull (rpm; well fenced and l, Hm and arahi--set team har. plenty of good water. Rum; curb" human. good an new; 1 Sn this farm "for: you buy. Icon-rs; bhnkeu; some oats. rye) Tom on firm will it Ind. And pontoon. †Humwn on any of ale. ted roan cow due by time ot sale; roan cow due in March; Pulled Am ‘gns cow due in May; Pulled Angus cow ttssh; registered white cow due in April: red cow duein April; Poll- ed Angus cnw due to semnd calf in May; 6 lat heiters: ':t tat steers; w, Rood breedy grass mule: 2 small (EIYES. EVAP0RATOR--%rimm's Evapor- tttor 5 n. wide and 20 ft, long. in good shape. can. from 5 to 7 gals, syrup per hour, 20 and l0 bbh supply tanks; 2 ‘Hmnel gathering tanks: 1500 sap pails and spouts. Also blvatrorator Building 20 x " fl. with nvershot. This building is very suit: able tor driving shed or poultry house, Honolulu [loch _- M,.H. ore-m saunter. in good order; Iron kettle; Peninsula kitchen range. like now; No. I In!†churn: extemlén able; , Ion; Mach“; hath-nu; child‘s iron bod. qte. 2 Yorkshire sows due by time of sale; 17 shnats about 100 lbs. each; " mixed poultry; 2 Trois geese. 1 Bay Clydesdale team 8 and 9 years Eula: 2 registered Clyde mares 15 and " rears old; 2 bay Clyde mares ll ‘and " years old; bay driver (aged); race horse "Peter Todd'", record 229%. by Jim Todd: Clydesdale cult rising . years old. Holstein cow. fresh; brindle cow; Shorthorn cow bred Dec. 5; register. This sale is a case of winding up the estate. Therefore every- thing mast be sold. No Reserve. Terms of Sale -F'at cattle. prmlm-e. Furl. car, small valves poultry and $15.00 and under. cash: over that nmnum 12 Tttotstlts" rn'tlil will be given bu Furnishing approved security, or Vi " for mall 9302"st months credit or 6% per annum off for cash. . Kitchen stove; 2 old stoves; b burner oil stove with oven: on heater; furnace kettle ; 2 iron kettles; glass door kitchen. cup- |hoard; large walnut aideboard; writ- lng desk and book case combined; [double parlor heater; commode; IMF', holster“ chair; Weave Kara organ 1 with plum case and stool; oval ’ceptre table; upholstered mahogany,' settee and arm chair (like “an; large number of books; table orna-l meats; leatherette rocker; wicker! rocker; 8 other rockers; " kitchen; chairs; Splece upholstered parlorl suite; hoof-case and secretary com-l billed; 8 Manda; 2 extension tables: ( arm chair, sideboard; hall rack: _ lounge, 5 wash stands; 4 odd dress-f ers: auto-harp: Edison phonographi tam) records; 2 eosels: cradle; 2 light I oak hedsteads with springs and mat-l 'tresses; walnut bureau: 4 home-spun I wool coverlette's; bedsteads with 'springs and mattress; kitchen table; I Also 1/16 share 6f the Snyder Syndicate Threshing Outfit. EXTRA.--Ford Coach Model 1924 with set! starter and good “rest Febmry 26 ' 27, Tuegday dk Wednesday I 929 FIRST w DAY-- SALE L H. TOMAN, G.A., has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction for the estate " the hte ALLAN FRIED, situated 2 miles south of New Dundee and 4 miles north-west o! Ayr, on I Entire Faun Stock, Implemenu, l Produce, Household Effects, - . and Extend": Evaporator with Building and Full Epuipmenu MRS. ALLAN FRIED. EPH. FRIED. _ RALPH FRIED, Executors. _ I. H. TOMAN. Graduate Auctioneer. New Dundee. _-- E. B. HALLMAN. Clerk. PIGS and POULTRY 35 CATTLE 35 Sale to start at 9.30 a.m., sharp on time. Lunch at Noam 9 HORSES 9 tale to mm at 1.00 p.m.. sharp on SECOND --- DAY--- SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS It - I" o. t. KOLI, cm Sale YerrttHin, was. potato†and all mum ot "£00 and “an. mush: over that amount I no“): credit will " given by (brunt-r npprovrtl 10an not", rt 's not Il- num " tor can. Massey-Harris (- ft. hinder on lrurk; Massey _ Harris manure; spreadâ€; Masseydlarris 6 ft. mow- vr: hay rake; Fmsl & Wood hoe drill; 3-:lrum steel roller; 4-horse Climax cu1tivator; springvtnolh drag "arrows Inslml an? season): 2 2- fnrruw riding punts; Oxford 2-furruw plow; 2 sugar beet salmon: disc; 2 ‘singlp wanting plows; 5 and 'section iron harrors; singlv srrrrtrter; turnip (Trill; 2 wagons; wagon box with shelving; wagon box; stuck rack: 2 sets wagon springs q000 and 5000 mi; demncrm; rubber tire top buggy: steel tire inn buggy; ,2 road tarts: star slanp sleighs. practically new; 2 sets heavy huh aleighs: 2 Portland x-uners; jumper cutter; 2 flat mrks: gravel nlanks; fanning mill: 2000 "L truck scales; stone- ln-at: wheelbarrow (new): root pulper; Watson milling box; Wat.. snn hand power culling box: grain bags: hag truvk; sklddlng hook; 4- horse PFener; 2 Il-horse eveners; " gal. Rms harrel; .5 chicken coops. . 'troies; ironing board; silverware: 'nower stand; bed springs; odd mat- tress: good raccoon coat: Primrose cream separator; Daisy churn No. 3; milk pulls: a tot ot picture frames; framed wreulhes; large number of odd dishes; carpet strips; dining- Tom rug; mats; some linens; cur- lain poles; curtains; empty sealers; s large "tune ctoeks;, S barrels: nutter tun; lawn mower; Washing machine; carpenter tools; butcher hem-l1; butcher scaffold; pig haute 92's: 3 bmiches; lamps; lanterns: gamer} fools. and a has! of Immen- liuned artirlns that space wilt not allow. 2 "was " heavy team harness (one set new). 2 sets or plow harness: 2 tit'ts of single harness; odd collars; show bridle: white open bridle; white cuttit for halter showing; horse blankets; 2 Palms: rhimm. etc. 20 mm; ul’ good hay; 250 bushels nt' mus: 450 ttttrsh).; of barley; 35 butts or potatoes. press W. W. FIOOKIV. am. "on. â€N. Wand“. Ill. JOHN E. WAONII, HAY and GRAIN HII’LEM ENTS HARNESS time, " 7-2