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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Jan 1929, p. 4

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_h'r.e1e"ore".tPtf'P"1aP"t, 'CCC";','.",":,"",'."; Mahes Good Prottreat lrs. JaaArPriea, Main 140qu and Mr. Georg. Fries numb-1 the fun. gal ot Mm. his" brother. Mr. Christ Schism." In Linwood on Mon. Mn. Lincoln Bolling” of St. Ja- cobs united Warhead” wl . her uncle. Mr. John 2192103 8:? has been III for the last two w a. Mr. George Rotport of Kitchener “Hr. Andrew thl of Bt. Jacobs GI on Mend. hereon Sunny. Mr. and Mrs. Seigtried- Mettickott and daughter Dorothy who have been making their home with Mrs.” Schiehotl's minute, Mr. and Ma. Carl Snyder tor the hat tow months Inn tor their. new home‘n South Dakota on Saturday. making the thp by motor. T, _ , Mr. and Mrs. Clnthe of Kltchener vloltod~ with the latter. parents. Mr.'. and Mrs. Trad Braendlo hut Wednee day. T Mrs. Albert Hackbart and family or Mornington township moved into the house dormtrrly owned try Mrs. Margaret Witt. Mr. 1nd Mrs. Gum- Wnnner and son Rune! of Kitchener ttlied on Mm. Earhart Butler on Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Huehn spent a any in the Twin City Last week.‘ Mr. Oliver Sittler has secured em- ploymeut in Kltchener and left tor that place last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Voelzing and daughter ot Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Kmegsr. Min Cora Gingrich spent the week end at her homo in Preston. I'm-Chmmd 'hrt-l.a'-.+H. ulln'.lllv.m. “la-Mulch“ “huh-Oman“ The Ila-Inn ot In elbow: " an“ m oet9t.LAWC. Church. Waterloo. “termed at a emu unused bruise, in tundra! and each" " the M1115 lull on suntan. Large numbers ot we“. attended this Interest“; "out. which In the am of a can“ of the cranium. The ttrat who at bridge In: won by ll“. M. D. Wood. ud the humiliation and vent to m“ muons Eric]. "to prize Immor- at ttrg hundred were In B. How, thrBt prize, and In. J. Schweitzer the eortsoUtiom end the prize winners at enchro were Urn. M. Bauer, ttrat, and Mrs. S. Set-er tho consolation. At the con- clusion ot the games delicious rev Mutants were lerved by the hotteeul.‘ . Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Weber of Edmonton, Ala... spent a few dnys with the farmer's slater, Mm. C. P. Ott and his brother, E. o. Weber re- cently. They have left for Toronto whence they will go on to New York and will sail from there on February 9 for Havana and Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Weber expect to return to Ed- monton in March by way of New Orleans. Mrs. E. H. Zick of Battalo, N.Y., spent I few days with her mother, Mrs. Thou. O'Donnell. John street, Waterloo. M115. Mary Battier is getting her house wired for Hydro Power. _ an: About '" nuts ion In It _ and cloud the noun In e.aetna. Show in and by Mr. and Mrs. Otto Burkhardt and. Miss Jean Bulgln ot Kitchener spout Sunday at the home of Miss Wall]. It. and In L. can. at KIM-u Ion bound on a. was“ ot an: coldn- Ndm aunts-n on any ttight a a. 0.0!. hall by ~Mrs. Norman Engel of Detroit is a guest with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin at Kitchener. Mrs. Beatrice :Bonrne attended the I Mrs. A. .' funeral ot her tstisttsr-ttFiaw, the late Kitchener. Tun-m u Person-h and other items as told by Waterloo Chronicle asorro-dernts , r mamas? The Lat Wank" In. Stem who said his hm "et00t6Att%tlMe DISTRICT NEWS THU”. FRI. MT. HEIDELBEBG " Doing athtglwwmg Mrs. A. Jil. Come spent last Mon. duy with Mm. J. C. Mnclmy. Mr. and Mrs. Richard O'Gmm ot the 13th. Line \Vallesley. "oent Thursday with the latter; parents, _ For anything in the "ttttttinit _ Ilno. m Glady Uphoutertetg Company. Union and Horton Sta, Waterloo. Mr. Russel Lease, who spent last week in Kitchener has returned home. Several of the subscribers ot the Wellealery Municipal Telephone Byte tem from here attended the annual meeting in Crosshill last Monday. Mr. and Mn Henry Nowmn. 'Mrs. Laurence Ogiam ot the 13th Line, Welrésley. spent last Saturday with her sister, Mrs. N. L Mac- Laughlln. Mr. Henry Wells who has been in Glennllen for some time. spent the week end in this vicinity. Mrs. William Alllngham spent last Thursday afllmoon with Mrs. Henry Newton, Local and Per-tonal. Mr. M. bagel spent last Thursday in Kitchener. Miss Clara Vollmer of Waterloo is spending some time ttt the home at her menus, Mr. and Mrs. John Voll- mer here. _ to Mr. Herman Bechthold some time u; is moving his household effects ‘and implements to the village and is rgoing to hold a sale on Saturday. The many trienda here Gr Miss Maud Diebel who underwent a op- eration at the RSV. Hospit wish her a smedy recovery. i [hm-I’MMy ')ufte-hl-vh-o.- Mr. Charles Steiss and sons Har-' ore and Clarence or Kitchener spent Sunday with friends here. l “WWI-uncanny summit-ulnlniu Mr. and Mrs. Armand Schreiter entertained at a delightful supper party at ttttyir home on North Queen street in Thursday night in honor of Miss Edith Pengilley, Toronto Pianiste, who was the guest-artist at the January concert of the Kit- ctterter-Wirtoo Music Club. Friends of Mrs. Harry McKellar, will be sorry to learn that she is suffering from a broken wrist RUS- mined when she fell on an icy side- walk recently. . Mrs. G. Baiden and daughter Miss Alice Baiden of Toronto were week- end guests with the former's sister, Mrs. A. J. Roos and Mr. Roos, at chl- o! Gilt Ind Klein-er and the has of W and human by the Waterloo Presbytery of the United Church. The "PUaie Bridge" arranged by the member- of the Kitchener Womb Auxiliary of the K. and W. lie-pita] and held " the spacious bone at In. E. o. Weber, King _stree¢hstweekwuoneoftbemt ‘snemslul benefit events of the lemon. About " tables were in play during the afternoon end the - were greatly enjoyed by the Cari. The hostel. I“ tallied in receiviné by the president of the summery, Ire. F. H. Kaibtieiaeh. Pf roses were the flowers used to brighten the attractive rooms for the happy event. The prize-winners included Miss M. Clemens, High scores; Mrs. J. F. Carmichael, Sec- ond award and Mrs. A. W. Voelker, the lucky number prize. Mr. and Mrs. William Hutchison and daughter Miss Jeanne who were guests for some time past with Mrs. Hutchison's parents, Dr. W. L. Hil- liard and Mrs. Hilliard, Albert Street Waterloo, left recently for a short holiday in Toronto before returning to their home in Woodstock. Social and Personal. Mr. Wilfred Schlee spent a short holiday in New York City. mquAc'rs3 nm uour‘ru. wtp. su [war II the Pmsa THURO. FRI. Com tannin] 1 Jack Holt o.u.u-ooormiarmmoorwmaoo7, Wind DORKING IllIlIII|IWIHIMIIICFI " " I ' qt .II I" jxnolmm m by on. 'OB, IL w. my a...» in!" 9 Cream“. cl Dunn. 8010!: [PIM- lolbwlnx u mndvdy short 'cindron Aha otrrtvw'ttt. brother- mnoaa from pneumonia. the do.“ 'uvl an... All Moot-nod Min. The mun-ed on Jul. mu of any Ann fraud! was hold on Monday at , "In”. We of 10mph Bum. In hut. from no homo. I M Voter he: cm. nu, he had lived alt in _ Run-not. to no Ilol Inn- “to In the vicinity of Hos-u III ”cud - tau-It m not. an loud and “not! by at who «Whom. knowinhovunmuu' A well known county resident. Noah Freedman. jagged peacefully away at Kitchener on Fridly after- noon. The late Mr. Cressmnn an born in New Jumbo“ " yen: ago. He WI! we“ known in the county, having conducted a retail basin-u in New Bombing for twenty in" and in Baden for eleven year. He resided in Kitchener (he put twelve year. Inn- and hurt trouble were the - of his death. He k survived insides My vita try two ids-mm. In. Duh! Baum" of Men and Mn. mm. 0. Wand! ot immune: m by on. non. R. W. Crag-Inn. of Ottawa. Seven and. 'clndron aha annivr'i-lk brother- 'and um. All Meet-soil him. The hurl! «no hold on Holley at , in; from no lone. I M _ pt, Runner. to it. In Inn-l Mrs. Minnie Kreger 1 An esteemed resident otkitchener in the person of Mrs. Minnie Kroger [passed Away Friday morning at the Ihome of her daughter. Mrs. John ‘Miller. Deceased was formerly a re- ‘sident ot HanoNer, and was in her {ism year. The late Mrs. Kreger is {survived by one daughler and one l Irvin leullll I The death occurred on Sunday of .lrvln Nikullm, the three month-01nd son at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mini-1n. I The funeral took place on Tuesday from his late residence at Mann. _' heim, to Lttch's Mennonite church ' service. Interment .was made ‘in the Mennonite cemetery. He ileaves to mourn his loss one brother, 'Ephriam, Petersburg and five sisters, ‘Mrs. J. W. Witmer, Petersburg; Mrs, 'Alvah Bowman oCGuernsey, Sash.; (Mrs. Henry Koch, Durham; Mrs. Moses Bechtel and Mrs. Owen Rech, tel, Kitchener. son. Mrs. John Miller of Kitchener 'aml Mr. John Kroger ot Elmwood, Ont. The funeral was held from the Bechtel a Dreisinger Funeral Home on Saturday, " Mrs. Harry White _ Death summoned Mrs. Mary Frances White, wife of Harry White. following a two week-1' Illness. She resided in Kitchener tor the past ten rears. The hate Mrs. White In sur- vived by her husband,‘one daughter, Mrs. Harold Dobbin, of Waterloo. and one sister. Mrs. Charles Hill of Munro, Mich. Three grandchildren also survive. The funeral was held on Sunday from the home ot her daughter, Mrs. Harold o. Dobbin. 37 West Allen St, Waterloo. Interment was made in Mount Hope cemetery at cm- in the about. od It. I P. My... President. who Wadi in m. and Mr. a; C. HAUL Walked-lent. who in unavoidably “my on Court bud-on. John Mulholland The death took place at Christie St. Hospiml. Toronto. on Jan. 22, of John Mulholland. Ionnerly of Wat- erloo. The late Mr. ‘Mulholland was in his 33rd year. He is mmrvlved by his widow. Mrs. Maude Mulholland ot Whterioo and his father, John Mulholland. of England. Ephriam Kneehlel Death summoned arfesteemed resi- dent of the county Friday night in the person of Ephriam Knechtel', aged 47 years. The deceased was born at the Krechter homestead where he passed away. Icon-cumuuumooth of ‘l'he Conway's omuou me tho you 1928 were reviewed In a - submit!“ to tho Shareholder: on be but of the Bond. This shovod . submthl Monument in the' bull- nou over the mending yen. due to more selective ursatrwritisur"%d m- Mrs. L. J. Smith The death occurred at Lansing. Mich., on Jan. 24th. of Mrs. h J. Smith of that city, and a, native of Conestogq. death being due to heart failure She was in her 43rd rear. A, husband, wrenls, Mr. and Mrs. Con- rad Axt; one brother, Irwin. and three skaters. Miss Edna Axt ot Kit- chener. Mrs. Edward Behaeter ot Kit- chener and Miss Mabel An 9! To- mum survive. The death took place at the St. Mary's Hospital of Peter Boyka, a native of palatal, aged 49 years. The deceased is survived by his wife and one daughter. no WI. My We undatA-dm 0 Noah Gunman -- OWLIY mm mud on the Auto Peter Boyh _ On December Isl. she was taken ill with a severe cold which after- wards developed into plélmsy, and later into n coinpllcatlun ot diseases. 'She was later taken to the Watromr hospital after which a marked Im- provement was reached. Following this' she suffered a relapse and poun- ed away Gddenir on January 16th. The tuner-airman held on Sunday alteration. January 20th. A short ser- vice was held at the family residence at 1.30 pm. {allowing which a ser- vice was conducted In the Sharon Mennonite Church by Rev. M. H. Schmm and Rev. I. s. Rosenberg». in the presence of a large tonnes:- ylion. Interment took place in the _tu'ioirtitttr cemetery. T Silo. was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs Reuben Eby. of Elmira. Ont.. and m man-led to Dalton Bid": on Much M, am. She have. . nor- rowing huabond and three ammo. two Ion: ma one daughter. tteaMett her ”rents and I host of nutm- nnd (Honda to mourn tfer loos. for when sympathy is felt In their and buuvoment. The death occurred on W'ednesday. January 16th, at Manilou hospital, Watrous. Bask., or Mamutenh Eby, wire ot Dellon Blehn, aged 35 years. 3 months and 7 days. _ The home will keenly miss the loss of . hind, devoted, Chi-lath]: mother, and wife. the church Amith- ml sister In Christ, the community the loan of a friendly neighbor. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon trom the family residence, 49 Manna St., to St. John's Lutheran Church for service. thence to Mount Hope cemetery for burial. The late Mrs. Shinn was born in St. Louis, Mo, in 1864, and came to Canada when ttve years ot age with her uncle, the late Robert E. Eager ot New Hamburg. There survive a husband, three sons. Fred and Cart of Kitchener and Max ot Ohicago. and one daughter, Emma. at home. Also one brother, Charles Beger. of St. Louis, Mo., and tiviy grand- children. Two daughters and one son predeceased her. ceased had been a patient at the St. Mary's Hospital tor three 1weeks and was able to be removed to her home. She. however. Suiter-d a relapse whlch resulted in her death. She was a valued member of the Ladies' Aid of St. John's Lutheran Church. the Ladies of the Maccabees. and a. charter member at Crystal Rebekah Lodge, Waterloo. She was also for 26 years a member of Brilliant Re, bekah Lodge. Kitchener. V ""t-iii.i?r,iLCiiiiiciifjrLc,ytiiit . 'ta-m.-'.".... --' '.. (iirii.riiriiiiiiiiiiraGiiiiri wwwmuunl‘nm mun-NIH...» --l ”chunks-“Id! dank-mun“, .dkmm.h_-m n- oun-m new" mummmm.m W: . P. my]... tx0mM.l-aV-mlr.mo 'waht, la. J. A. Ham. T. IL)". Io noun In I... m- Notch]. _ {that m. at Dotti-s, HM Tho Inns-mm. oiltheo Ba! and -t-tmitMqq u a. louvr- a. Hold Ntc. can more] a who at s6tat, mm. ad - at bone: and. in appreciation at a. "by alto I ohm. In. his hut, ot and tort “consonant! throughout Dorms. w W. a... “All” the your. iot “aha. Mrs. David Etty The death took place at 22 MIKE: St., Kitchener. on Jun. " of In. David M. my. the cause of death being pneumonia. Deceased was a member ot the tttterraatiottat Bible Students' Association. She was in her 65th year. and was born at New Dundee. She is survived. besides her husband, hr, two daughters. Mrs. Eph. Woolner and Mrs. Norah Stevens. both of Kitchener. and by three sons. Messrs. Archie and Her- mit of Roseviile and Nathaniel at Detroit; by three sisters, Mrs. Wm. Buck and Mrs. Georfie Bechtel ot Kitchener and Mrs.. W. Er], ot New Dundee, and by two brothers, Levi Bock of Chatham and Aaron Bock ot New Dundee. The funeral (pm/ate) was held from the family residence on Saturday afternoon. A service was held at the home with service at the East End Mennonite church and interment in the adjoining cemet ten: . A quiet wedding was sole-mailed Mrs. J. K. Shirt" Saturday at the parsonage at St. A wide circle of friends learned Matthew's Lutheran alum-3h. Kiteh- with deep regret of Lhe passing of an ener, when MISS Lillian Mario Low esteemed Waterloo citizen in the ise Helm, only daughter of Mn. Ade- person of Mrs. J. K. Shinn, nee line Helm. ot Neustadt, became the Augusta Beger. who died suddenly bride of John Henry Sander, of while being removed to the St. Neustadt. Rev. John Schmjeder, Marya Hospital. Kiteheyner, on Fri- the mm, or the chum olllclated. day. She was in her 66th year. 1lt!'rtte young people wars attended by The now Band ot Director- col- vom Immedidately an" the Show holders’ Meeting uni the following Oeieom were elected tor the your 1989'. _ Prertsidtrtrt--E. F. Swan. vtmrPrtrsidmtt---d. C. “light. KC. Genoa] Manager and Beeretarrr R. E. Patterson. Magdalena Elay w. o. W. John at nietlton Hahn. brother ot the bride and by Miss Lydia Bantam of Kit- chener. After a short wedding trip Mr. and NHL-Sander will waldo in Neustadt. A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wagslalt. 68 Park Avenue. Watttyrw loo Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, A quiet wedding was solemm'ud at St. Andreir's Presbyterian ~lnnle on Thursday. Jana-w 24 when Miss Gertrude Van Andemde, Waterloo, became the bride of David Parker of A quiet wedding took place at St. Peter's Wings at 8 o'clock Friday night when Him Anna Erb of Kit- chener became the bride of Karl Theodore Kischel, formerly of Hesp- eler. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rittinger were the attendlnts. London Miller-Kn."- .. Theymarrhxe took Mice on Sat- urday allernoon at , o'clock at M. John's Lutheran panorama, when Mary Knarr, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. William Knarr. ot Waterloo, be- came the bride ot Arnold William Miller, son of Mr. and Mm. J. Mlller. ist Fischer street. Waterloo. Rev. C. B. querts ortteiated." The attend- ants were Florence Miller. sister of the groom and Wntred Knarr, bro thee ot the bride. Mr. and Mrs, Mll- Ier will reside in Waterloo. Suit, ......r _ .How often have custolners er- claimed on being introduced for the L,,, time to the Renown Suit, (m,,,, can such high quality be offered at so low a price?" The answer is quantity production in the Eaton factories, and buying yand selling for cash. The large selection offers wide scope to 'eitercise individuality of weave and color. They are well styled single {and double breasted models for linen and young men in a splendid assortment of materfahs. With extra Trousers. TECO STORE The Mark of Value 19.50 With Extra Trousers 24.50 Men 's Suits Shane-Wedgwood extra Trousers, M 50 o MENS FURNISHINGS MAIN FLOOR WEDDINGS l, Sander-Hahn "i-iiiikiiiirsrt2i.fuiibri cu". Kltchoner The bride. who was given in mar- riage by her father, looked charm- ing in a gown ot baby ruse georgette 1will) scallop newline trimmed with rose point lace and buds: and carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses and valley lilies. She was unattended. Amer the wedding a reception was held at the home of the bride's par- ents at which a largé number of friends and acquaintances were pres; ent. The young couple were the re: cipients of many handsome and use» tut gins. lmnwdialely after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Sims left on a wedding trip. 'They will reside near Stmssburg. . when My Louise Wedgwood, tse- . came the hrlde of Owen Shane, both! I of England. Rev. Finlay Matheson,’§ pustor of First United Church om, l, elated. Miss Charlotte Wedgood or: brldesmald, while Byron Weber at? Waterloo was gruomsman. The bride ( was given away by her brother, Fred 1‘1" ot Miirertom Miss Edna Buchmer' played the wedding march and sang} "Because" during tho signing of the register. Following a wedding 'f,'dlt'i" Last. Mr. and Mrs. Shane left toe at short honeymoon trip. They wilt re- side in Toronto. = Friends in this district will be in- terested in the wedding which took place at the home ot' Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Larch. Regina. on Jam Wh, when their daughter, Miss Frieda Ellen. was united in marriage to Arnold John Sims u!" Slrasslmrg. Bask.. only sun ot Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Peter Sims. Jpioaar-ainsjrni co. no. New Spring Dry Goods -trtBt'hnndStrUed Cottonadoo Wommmdy 40c 45e 50e & Ge Sims - Larch can was trrd. Tweed At St. Mary's Hogan-l. Jan. 23rd..w cur. and Mn. 0mm Tweed, at Waterloo. . non. MeTavi.h---At Kuohmr. Jun. no. to Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Mehrigh, a SOIL Hubbard-At K.-W. Hospital. Jun. 23. including Patent Structure Advice on all Scalp Ailments and the use of hem Rapid. Phone Hotel tor Appolntmont The W. T. Pembel Stores Will display a complete line ot ladies' and sent-' Hotel Walper House, Kitchener on Monday and Tuesday. V Feb. 4th and 5th. to Mr. and Mrs. C. Huhbll'd, 1 daughter. T HAIR GOODS rug-"'JM all Bull-h Print. h lungs-gymnasts In“. fate-Inn. Limited 129 YONGE ttr., TORONTO ONTARIO J. B. KNIGHT

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