Grain dealers in.Toronto are quotâ€" ing the following prices for grain in carlots: Manitoba Wheatâ€"No. 2 Northern, $1.29; No. 3 Northern, $1.26; No. 4 wheat, $1.20% ; No. 5 wheat, $1.12; cholce, each ......._....110 00 130 00 Lambs, spring, ewt....13 50 14 00 do culls, per ewt. ... 9 00 _ 13 50 Buck lambs ..........._._11 00 J11 50 Sheep, choice ... 6 50 7 50 do medium ... 4 50 5 00 do culls ............. 3 00 3 50 Hogs. select, wo.s. .10 75 11 00 do £.0.04; ssmc 9 To 10 00 do fed and «watered.10 00 _ 10 25 do thick sm‘ths, L.0.b.9 00 8 25 Discount of $3 per hog under basic price for selects on shops, feeders: and extra heavies. | Toronto Live Stock Quotations Heavy beef steers ... «$9 50 to 10 00 do fair .m:sillcons.s.. T Ob 9 00 Butcher steens, choice 9 25 9. 50 do common ... 7 00 7 50 Butcher heifers, choice 8 50 9 85 do fair to good ... 8 00 . § 25 do common ... T 00 ° 7 50 Butcher cows, good T to choice _=c T00 C o To common to medium .. 5 00 6 25 canners and cutters.. 4 00 5 00 Butcher bulls, good to choite ... T 25 8 00 common to medium .. 6 50 7. 00 bolognas :. 6 25 6 T5 Baby beef ..........._..._.1ll1 00 â€" 13 00â€" do medium ........_. 9 00 _ 10 00 Feeders, choice ... 8 75 9 50 do fair to good ... 6 50 7 00 Stockers, . choice ... 8 50 8 75 do fair to good ... 6 50 7 00 Calves, choice .......16 00 â€" 17 00 do medium ........_12 00 15 00 do rough and plain... 7 90 10 lmI Milch and springer cows. 3 choice, each ......110 00 130 00| Lambs, spring, ewt...13 50 14 00 TORONTO GRAIN QuoTATiONS Hogs were unsettled at the comâ€" mencement. In later dealings trade appeared to strengthen, with bids at $10 a ewt. f.o.b. for select hogs. or at a basis of $11 a ecwt. w.o.c. Lambs were steady at from $13.50 to $14 a owt. for the best, with one fancy lot of lambs at $14.50 a cwt. Hogs $10 f.0.b. Bid. Calves were in a small volume or supply, and were 50c a cewt. up in price on choice offerings. * Lamb Market Steady. Butcher bulls were a firm market for the small supply at hand, prices ranging from $7.2% to $8 a cwt. for good kinds, with common stuff at from $6.50 a ewt. upward. Baby beeves sold mostly at from $9 to $11, with demand fair, and choice beeves swung upward to $13 with supply of this class limited. There was practically no market for store cattle. Milkers and springers disâ€" played a little more life than usual, with sales made at from $110 to $130 each for the best. > A load of 24 head good heavy steers, average weight 1,210 pounds, sold for $9.50 a cwt., with the marâ€" ket top for the day obtained by a tot of five head, average weight 1.4140 pounds, at 10c per pound. Springer Trade More Active. ing of roughly 2,300 head of beef grades, there was no material price appreciation over the previous marâ€" ket, and butcher steers and heifers were barely steady at last week‘s dollar a hundredweight decline. Bulls and Calves Firm. Butcher cows and butcher bulls were generally firm on a small offerâ€" ing. â€"Store cattle trade was again at a standstill, and some activity was displayed in the milker and springer group. ‘Calves firmed up, lambs were steady, and hogs turned unsettled. THE WM. SNIDER MILLING CO. WATERLOO, ONT. = = =â€" PHONE 239 ket for cattle under small runs, \flthl Milifeec no radical change in prices were the freights, main market factors when trading ton, $33.2 was resumed for the week at the middlings Union Stock Yards yesterday. In a| Ontario slow movement, with buyers showâ€" b. shippi ing discrimination to the light offerâ€" freights, 3 Cattle Market Dull Price Range Narrow Lowest Feed Cost per Egg Poultry Cod Liver OiL Try Ther Economical Marh®® | reet & Ione Meal, elt. Also our well known brands of FLOUR SevenLilies Ocean Agate (Finest Pastry) (For Bread, (Pure Manite! Flour ansd Feeds Light Offering of Kille: c-h-n':‘um P uiedA ed mm iPnait Giiinosllth dle it d wheat, 97¢c; feed® wheat, 94¢c The Wm. Bnider Milling Co. Limited, Waterics _ Cracked Corn of All Kinds (For Bread, (Pure Maniteba) Coftes Cakes, etc.) 50 50 00 9. 50 7 50 9 85 8 25 T 50 Quotations to outside. shippers to the local market rule as follows: 55¢ in bulk, carlots, exâ€"track. Toronto, or 65¢ in 90â€"pound bags. New Brunsâ€" wicks, carlots, exâ€"track Toropto, S5c to 80c per 90â€"pound bak. WHOLESALE POTATO MARKET Toronto wholesale potato dealers report Ontario white stocks offering in good volume of supply, with New Brunswicks coming freely. + do No Dairy ... j DAIRY PRODUCE j Quotations to Shippers _ Creamery. pasteurized. No. 1, 40« to 40ige; do seconds, 336 to 3#‘ Above prices for goods delivered To ronto. Churning Creamâ€" Approximate quotations on churns ix:z cream, £.0.b. shipping points, are: Special, 45¢; No. 1. 44¢; No. 2 41c per lb. fat. Quotations to Retail Trade Butterâ€" Creamery, No. 1 prints, 4 do extras, loose ... 14 MHESHE Lo. olcuanancenss do seconds ... ... PHHCL_EXITES _/ cesc nciese Stopage extras, per dozen ,/t.;n CATHONS onl mive do InoSe ... ...2222222 NO AIFEHI® commmmnmmncins do seconds ... Over 5 to 6 lbs Over 4 to 5 lbs Eggsâ€" Fresh. extras do firsts ... do seconds Fresh cracks, Pullets, extras POULTRY AND EGGSâ€" Dealers . are quoting country ship pers for ungraded eges, delivered. cases returned: middlings, per tou, $38.25. | _ Ontario Wheatâ€"Good milling, {. 0. b. shipping points. according to freights, $1.30 to $1.32 per bushel. HAY AND STRAW Local dealers are quoting the folâ€" lewing prices to farmers for hay and straw commitments on a delivered basis at Toronto: No. 2 timothy hay, $14 to $14.50 per ton; No. 3 timothy. $1250 to $13.50 per ton. Lower grades and stock hay, $10 to $12 per ton. Wheat straw is quotable at $10 per ton, and oat straw at $9.50 per ton, delivered. Quotations for No. 1 timothy hay. loose, per ton, is at from $18 to $19. No. 1 timothy, baled, nominal. WINNIPEG GRAIN Cash prices:" Wheatâ€"No. 1 Northâ€" ern, $1.23%; No. 2 Northern, $1.19%; No. 3 Northern, $115%; No. 4. $1.10%; No. 5. 98%%c; flax, 74%e; track, $1.22%; screenings, $4° per ton. Buckwheatâ€"88c to 90c per bushel f.0.b. shipping points, according to freight. Ryeâ€"No. 2. $1.10 per bushel, f.o4 shiping points, accorsling to freights Barleyâ€"Malting, 67¢ to 69c per ‘bushel, f.0.b. shipping points, accord ing to freights. Ontario Oatsâ€"Good milling, f.o.b. shipping points, according t« ‘reights 50c to 53c per bushel. dried, $ Toronto Millfeed â€" (Delivered Montreal freights, bags included); Bran, per ton, $33.25; shorts, per ton, $33.%; than above. Manitoba Oatsâ€"Extra No. 1 feed, 67¢; No. 1 feed, 62%c; No. 2 teed, 60%c per bushel (ci{. Goderich and bay ports). American Cornâ€"No. 2 yellow, kiln dried, $1.12%; No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, $1.09%; No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, $1.06% ; per bushel, delivered, Poultry: Spring Chickensâ€" We have always on hand a large supply of a specialty. (eA.4 per dozen 14 Stan. M.F l¢ to to to 1e to to and bay to to to to to to to to 10 WE _ Trinity Lutheran Church‘s annual meeting was held on Monday eveâ€" ning with the pastor in the chair and Mr. Rdward Seim as secretary. As members of ths church council were reâ€"elected for the noxt two years Messrs. Val Zooller, Fred 43 The annual véslry meeting of St. Georges Anglican Church showed that the past year had been a prosâ€" perous one. Rev. Mr. Pogson preâ€" slded and the following were elected Ministers warden A. B. Puddicombe peoples warden A. R. G. Smith vestâ€" ry clerk. O. Hamilton select vestry A. B. ARG. Smith, G. w. Edmunds. B. G. Walker, Mrs. Forster, Mra. Massel, B. G. Walker, C. Cairncross, Dr. Winn, R. C. Puddicombe lay deteâ€" gatea to aynod, O. Hamilton, substlâ€". tuto delegates, B. G. Walker, Audiâ€" tor, R. C. Pnddicombe. Trinity Church Holds _ dhg 14 00 00 00 33 t at her home in Auburn on Saturday last. The funeral took place _ on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Seim â€" had been in attendance at her mother‘s ‘bodsidfl for two weeks. previons to her death. New Hamburg Victory Satisfactory Statement We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. Doerr, mother of Mra. Kd. Sien of this town who passed away at her home in Auburn on Saturday last. ‘The fimeral 4saWF sAusa _ the local Hydro Electric Committee and Mr. George Morley, superintendâ€" ent. are altending the January Conâ€" vention of the Ontario Hydro Elecâ€" tric Association in ‘Toronto this week. Died on Saturday ‘oe halzburg U.F.O. will_hold a wiener roast at the home of Mrf and Mrs. EZra Wettlaufer on Friday evening. January 25. A cordial inâ€" vitation is extended to the ladies of the club to be present. Attend Convention ' sins and The Ratzburg UF.O wiener roast at the | and Mrs. EZra Wettlaud evening. January 25. vitation is extended + Miss Helen Smith returned to Kitâ€" chener on Monday to resume her duties as teacher at Courtland Aveâ€" nue School after being confined to her home here for the pust month through illness. ; Wiener Roast ~0°0e Time ago while car. broke it again in place when he fell off truck, . Recovered from Hiness Mr. Milford Ruby _ who is cemâ€" ployed in Kitchener and who liad the misfortune to break his wrist some time ago while cranking a Mrs. Lorne Ellis, whe 13" il at her home he improving Suffers Broken Wrist Mr. Fred Schaefer attended the annual meeting of the Hopewell Creek Mutual Fire Insurance Comâ€" pany at New Germany on Thursday. Misses Patricia Detenbeck and Lordeen Cookman of Waterloo spent the â€" week cend owith Miss .\lu“'vl Bechtel, Mrs. Chas. E. Richardson of St. Mary‘s spent a few days of last week with her parents, Mr. ugz Mrs. W. H. Boulee. Mr. Lorne Ellis of Platsville spent Sunday at the home of Chris. Ingold. Reeve Fred Debus attended the inâ€" augural meeting of the County Counâ€" cil at Kitchener on Friday and Wedâ€" nesday. Miss Adeline Riehl, who spent the Dast few weeks at Kitchener, reâ€" turned on Friday. Personals L. Gerth, Geo. Hahn, Henry 8. Hoffâ€" man, Emil Luft, Edward Pfaff and Harry Phillips. Auditors: Geo. Emâ€" slie and Milton | Luft. . Ushers:â€" Liloyd Debus, Lewis Hahn, Orville Pfaff, Reginald Pfaff, Hapold Phil |lips and Harry Steinberg. A vote of thanks was extended to the Young Peoples Society for their help durâ€" ing the past year to the Sisterhood nd especially to Mrs. Lewis Hahn for the altar and pulpit vestments to the choir for their efforts in beautifying the service and to the members of the Men‘s Club for their aid in the pmjeclq of the congregaâ€" tion. Messrs morning service be continued. The following were received into voting membership of the congregation:â€" Messrs. 8. Bruer O. Orth and G. Stein. The following officers were elected Board of Eiders: F. Dobus. ’ (Continued from Page 1) and chairs be replaced by benches. (5) That the basement of the church D Fred Debus, George Couâ€" John Hess, members of Hydro Electric Committee rne Ellis, who was serious her home here. is slowly Annual Meeting the is slowly 0 ~ same «lelivery Pu p.m., farm stock, implements, hay, grain and household effects belongâ€" ing to William Kesselring, situated Feb. 5 (Tuesday) â€"At 1 p.m., live stock, implements and grain, for Alâ€" bert Boahm, sitnated 2% â€" miles southwest of St. Clements and 1%4 miles north of Bamberg. on the Heason Road. Feb. 12 (Tuesday) â€" At 1230 Feb. 2 (Saturday) At 1.30 p.m., lvallmbln real estate and all houseâ€" ihnhl effects belonging to the estate of the late Wm. S. Ran, sitnated at ‘79 Mansion St., City of Kitchener. Feb. 4 (Monday â€"At 2.30 p.m., at Boettinger‘s Hotel, Bridgeport, real estate consisting of 9 acres with good buildings, situated at Rosedale W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer Feb. 2 (Saturday) â€"At 8.30 a.m. at my anction stand, Kitchener, horse for the Humane Society. Mr. Harvey | Woods, wellâ€"known farmer of thie district, has purchased the fine 125 acre farm belonging to Mr. Nelson Snyder near the village. Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry' Sherriffs of Kitchener spent Sunday with the forâ€" mer‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sherriff‘s. 3 Bought Farm noon J 1 I am not much of a mathematician, Said the ciwarefte. but J can and do Add to a min‘s nervons troubles. Subtract from his ]nh'.\sirul energy, Multiply his aches and pains, Divide his mental powers, fake Interest from his work. and s Discount his chances of suecess. ners. spent last Sunday . the home of Mr. and Mr Martin. A Cigarette‘s Arithmetic I am not much of a ma Said the ciwirefte. but J Add to a man‘s nervo Miss Lovina Morst is spending a few months at the home of her unâ€" cle and amint. Mr.:unl Mrs. Samuel R. Martin of Conestoga. ' "Mr. and Mrs. Elias W. Weber and family attended the funeral of the former‘s sicter, Mes. Dilman M. Brie bacher in St. Jacobs on â€" Saturday Yorenoun. January twentyâ€"sizth. ~ Mr. John Sauder of Beatty‘s Corâ€" nersspent last Sunday aifternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W Mr. Josiah Steckley of Stanley Huron Co., is visiting his sister. Mrs Mento E. Martin. Recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Danfel M. Weber were uf HeideUer tin and sisters, B FEast Wallenstein Miss Lovina â€"H Messrs i (Continued from Page 1) The pallbearers were Earl and Es ley Maithews, brothers. and Carl Roy, Norman and Wellington Mat thews. cousins. E"\\'lwu we asunder part, ' It gives us inward pain; But we shall still he joined in heart. And hope to meet again." Local Men ‘Elected At the recent anmual m---)xim: of the Waterloo County Trustees‘ and Ratepayers‘ Assocjation held" in the Kitchenerâ€" Waterloo _ Collegiate _ Inâ€" stitute on Saturday. January 19. Messrs. A. Cooper and L. B. Frey of| Wallenstein were .~Im-'tr-<_l as repâ€" resenfatives for Wellesley Township Personals f M treasurers report (Mr. Val Zocller) showed receipts for 1928 of $4915.56 and an expenditure of $4762.02. Of this sum for Mission and benevoâ€" lence $147555. A gratifying feature of 1928 was the subscription . of $1192.00 for the Ministerial Pension Fund of the â€" United _ Lutheran Church. Treasurer of this fund is Mr. F. Peine. The caretaker‘s sa} ary was increased. A hearty vote of thauks was extended to the faithâ€" ful choir leader, Mr. George F‘orler‘ and all the members of the choir to the Sunday School Teachers and all‘ the cheerful workers of the church.‘ The Sunday School â€" reported â€" as President of 1929, Mr. Fred Peine, The Ladies Aid, Mrs. J. Goetz, the Luther League, Mr. C. Morley, the Women‘s Missiohnary Society, Miss L« Twietmeyer, The pastor entered with the first of January into the 13th year of his ministrations in ‘Frinit Lutheran Church. Three young mes of the congregation are studying for ministry:, Alvin Panli, Ernst Schroeâ€" der and Lloyd Herman. According to records the church has beem orâ€" ganized since about 1834 and will celebrate in a few years its 100th anniversary. AUCTION S AJ LISTS lmaq; Jacabe, orgaD |2% miles southwest of Waterloo and ist, Clarence Buchlow, delegate 1012 miles west of Kitchener. Farm is Canada Gynod Val Zoeller, alternate | sold. George Steiner, delegates to the Dis | Fob. 13 (Wednesday)â€"At 1 p.m., triet Confbérence, Fred Schaeter, a>|valumble 55 acre farm with good ternate H. Sipple, auditors for 1929 |buildings, farm â€"stock, implements E. G. Hammer and E.. Rau. The|and feed, for Benjamin Roth, situâ€" treasurers report (Mr. Val Zooller) |ated 2 miles east of Josephsburg and showed receipts for 1928 of $491556|1% miles southwest of Erbsville. WINTERBOURNE WALLENSTEIN ‘s at the home of Mr. 1 M. _ Woeber were and David Hoffman nd Mr. Onias ]l.- Marâ€" Sargah and Annic of March 27 (Wednesday) â€" Entire sale of farm stock, implements, proâ€" duce and household effects for John Hock, 4 miles east of New Dundes, on the town Hne leading from New Dundee to Blair. No reserve, propriâ€" etor is retiring from the farm. March 12 (Tuesday)â€"Entire sale of farm stock, implements, produce and household effects, on Lot 11, Con. 10, Blenheim, County of Oxford, for Rrnst Coleman. (No resérve). March 6 (Wednesday) ~Household sale for Mr. Henry Schnelder, sitnâ€" ated 1 mi@#e south and ! mile east of Wilmot Centre school. No reserva as Mr, Schneider is moving to Kitchâ€" ener. Anyone wishitg to consign to this sale mn;' do so by listing your l:ll‘â€(‘lM with the auctioneer not later than Friday. February 15th. Tele phone or write in your offering .and I will gladly sell it for you. March 7 (Thursday) Entire sale of farm stock, implements, prndum‘ and honsehold effects for Mr. George Elliott, 4 miles east of New l)nndeo! Feb. 26 & 27 (Tuesday & Wednes day)â€" First day in afternoon selling extonsive housebold effects, including many antiques. Second day, farm alock, implements, produce and large evaporator and equipment, for the estate of the late Allan Fried, situâ€" ated 2 miles south of New Dundec and 4 miles northwest of Ayt. No reserve, the farm is sold. Lunch at noon on second day. ‘ March 4 (Monday)â€"â€"Entire sale nf farm stock, implements, produce and houechold effects for Mr. Hvrmnu; Reiha, situated 2% miles southeast of Haysville and 5 miles northwest of New ‘Dundee, 1 mile south and 1 mile west of Pind Hill school. No reserve, the farm is sold. â€" March 5 (Tuesday) â€"â€"Entire sale ‘uf farm stock, implements, produce and household effects for Mr. Milton Litwiller, situated 14 mile west of St, Agatha, and notice the list coming later including 8 fine horses for your spring work. Also the Iln'p:min cows, all springing. No reserve, the fatm is sold. 11 on the Huron Road, 3 miles north east of New Dundec, near Rosebank church and school, on the old Witâ€" Mer homestead. No reserve, winding up the estate. Feb. 20 ) (Wednesday)â€"â€"Entivre sale of househiold effects. horse vehicles and harness belonging to the estale of the late Isaae Witmer, situated buught a fuly equipped farni. Feb. 150 (Friday) 30 aure farm | stock. implements. prc vIc., for 3. F. Kenyon, on Lot 9 12. Bleuheim, Oxford County health compels proprietor | to ferming: ; New Dunde withont rese honsht a ful ments, produce and household effects for Mr. Adolph Seefeld, 1 mile west of Hair. _ Fobruary 13 |\\'eilnvsd;1_\â€")â€" Entine household effects, vehicles and har ness, belonging to Mr. Gordon Har timg. on the | Manasseh | Mallniim horm. sitwated 20 miles soutlh ol Petersburg. and 40 miles hmlh wf \â€" Feb. 20 (Saturday) ~Enfire house hold effects and Ford touring car for Samuel Bender, in .the . villaze of Baden. No reserve, â€" proprielor is quitting housekeeping. Pebruary 5 (Tresday)â€"Entivre sale uf houschold effects, like new, also poultry, for C. K. Piphor in the il lage. of New Dundee, No reserve, proprietor is going to | Manitoulin Island, Fob. 6 (Wedneslay)â€"Entire sale of 17 acreéfarm. farm stock, imple If you want to buy or sell farms I have all kinds for sale orexchange March 30 (Saturday) â€"At 8 a: household effects at my auction stand alongside the Kitchener market, for Mrs. Clara McQuicken. April 27 (Saturday) At 8 a.m. valuable household effects at my auction stand alongside of Kitchener market, for Sam Nobleman. Feb. 21 (Thursday) â€"â€"At 1 p.m., live stock, implements, hay, grain and household effects belonging to August L. Eisenmenger, situated 4: miles east of ‘Millbank, 2 miles west of Crasshill, and 4‘; miles south of Linwood. Farm is sold. Feb. 20 (Wednesday)â€"At 1 p.m., live stock, implements, hay, grain ind household effects for Anthony idolt, situated _3 miles east of Conestogo, 4 miles north of Bloomâ€" ingdale and 3 miles ~west of New Germany, known as the Hy. Hamilâ€" ton farm. & Feb. 18 (Monday)â€"At 230 p.m., at the City Hall, Kitchener, mortâ€" gage sale of 2 properties known as 106 Strange St. and 141 Albert St. So‘h. Kitchener. Feb. 19 (Tuesday) â€" At 1 p.m., farm of 105 acres, farm stock, impleâ€" ments, feed and household effects beâ€" longing to Mrs. John E. Wagnet, situated ou the Kitchener and Presâ€" ton highway, 2 miles southwest of Preston, & mile south of Freeport. _ Feb. 14 (Thursday)â€"At 1230 p.m., valuable farm stock, implements, hay, grain and household effects for Orphen H. Wismer; situated on Lot 11, Erbs Boad, Wilmot Township, 14 miles west of St. Agatha, 3% miles northeast of Baden and 2%; miles east of Philipsburg. Farm is sold. â€" TOMAN, Graduate Auctieneer. Everything must #ao â€" as proprietor has produc farm Conâ€" l quit A t t t t t e t t t t t t t t es nite Snvder per of. Townskip, 4y mile east of Glenallan. Feb. 21â€" Farm stock, implements, Nay, grain, household effects, etc., of Sylvester Gingrich, 2 miles north of West! Montrose and about 6 miles hortheast of, Elmira. jot 16, con. &, Peel townehip, 6 miles northwest of Floradale, 6 miles east of Drayton. Feb, 19 Farm stock, implements, hay, grain, household effects, etc., of John Frankiin, on Lot 8, Con. 2, Peel Township, 1y mile east of Glenallan. Fch. $1â€"â€"Farm stock imnlemants h Wikc h uh Hlenh sharp, cleari im plements threshins on Feb. 20 (Wednesday) â€"â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements and feed at Lot 3, concession 4, N. E. Hope, 41% miles northwest of New Hambur«, for Mose Fierling. Feb. 26 (Puesdax) <Af 12 o‘viock sharp, clenring sale of farm stock. impleinerts | uol‘ feed, including threshing mackines tractor and 21 chaicc dairy cows. at Lots 11 and 12. concession 3, WeBesiey, 1 mile west ef Wellesley, for Daniel Lebold. 111 Feb. 12 (Tnesday)â€"Auction sale of farm «tock. implements and feed. at 3 concession 7 Downie, 4 miles‘ south of city of Stratford, for Alvin Luxton. ’ Fob. 14 (Thursday)â€"Clearing sale. of farm stock, implements and feed( at Lot 10, Concession 1. Wellesley: Tp. 1 mile west of Crosshill, for‘ Joscph Y. Zehr. [ Feb. 15 (Friday) ~Auction sale of horses, caltle arnd store hogs. at Lot 20. the uh Line Kast Zora, 4 miles j southwest of ‘Tavistock, for Henry Tercherons, for C. Dill Feb. 8 (Friday)â€"Auction sale of farm stock. implements and feed at Lot 42, concession 5, 8. E. Hope, 2 miles south of city of Stratford, for Dan Flangan. Fob. 5 (Tuesday) â€"At 12 o‘clock sharp, 35 head of registered Holâ€" steins, fully credited herd, farm stock, implements and feed, 3 miles south of Tavistock and 3 miles north of Hicksonâ€"a grand offering â€"for Wilfred Corp. "Feb. T (Thureday)â€"â€"Auction sale Wes Feb. 1 (Friday)â€"Auction sale of farm stock of cattle, brood sows and store hogs, etc., 13th Line East Zorra, for G. L. Ratz. ~ Fob. 5 (Tuesday) â€"At 12 o‘clock on the town line, known as the Robt. Veitch farm. No reserve, proprietor is going to Kitchener. it M alÂ¥ery B Peedids up wnmunm. 4) perck netations. Als lir rviceable i reedrd Herd fully Dicd D 21 trb St m For Real V ; R . 7. (Thursday)â€"â€"Auction sale Cunadian bred horses at Coler y Barn, Stratford, and some matched teams of Ciyde ‘and erons. for €. Dill W M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer t Ki huac‘t FOR SALE Al Ma WiaberIoo frdayd use Shorthorn Bulls in from Dams with p to 11.000 [hs. milk c cent. hntterfat, for Iso several younger necredited. Noah S. in Overshoes and Lumberman‘s ch . Bohlender‘s ‘ David K Asnual Ariington threm ecticession 14 rthoof Brighi ut us aind 1. Wiln 5+ Xim t1 with the Th Hermai on Aiit h 1 mil Hot loth pring 444 w n t n t n il t 49c for Spec. Butter Fat 48c for 1st grade Butter Fat The Patron Geis the Profits. Phone 55 â€"~ New Dundee Give Us a Trial Oun For the last half of January The New Dundee Farmers Coâ€"operative Creamery €o. Ltd. $4,0007 . FOR SALE 65 anres of lind with good buildâ€" inss erected thereon. good water, 1 mile from Waterloo highway and from churches, school and other nsm s places. Price reduced to PROFIT SHARING Highest prices paid for goose, duck and chicken feathers, any quantity. Fischman Spring Co. Ltd., 33 Queen St. S., Kitchener. 49â€"4f. P FOR SALE 50 gvwi Sl:mopshire ewes, some registered and all bred to registered ram. Apply Henry Schmidt. Bridgeâ€" WANTED To buy, from 10 to 15 pigs weighâ€" ing about 70 lbs. Apply P. K. Weber Sales Stables, Phone 146, Kitchener. High grade Holstein cows, fully accrodited. Apply Wendell R. Shantsz, Phine 135 r 5, Kitchener. 5â€"1 000 Ths H FOR SALE Moletein cows due to freshen in bruary â€" and March, from a fully redived Aerd, second calfl. Also * Ciyde team rising 6 years old, i Ths. Apply N. M. Cressman, w Hamburg, Phone 57 r 13. 4â€"2 Classified Ads FEATHERS WANTED Cream Prices M FARM FOR SAXALE FARM FOR SALE W Htre 1t Hard PAID W Â¥inteSmmrne, 24 miles tnzog Hasâ€"large bank ever~filling spring. at nued brick house with rd _ water â€" in house. v all in good repair. id state of em{ivation. 1 wieat. 20 acres seedâ€" aud timathy, 8 acres «. Fall ploughing all for quick saie Apply < Forbes, HH. No. 2. e. Ont. 5.9 FOR SALE FOR SALE Box 280, Chronicle 1. known as the Will 3 miles iwest of Kitâ€" Kitchener and Stratâ€" hishway. Farm comâ€" ul splendid farming & o1 hardwood bush. )v. very comfortable »ul repair, . close . to i market. close to u hemo. K. W. Will L. Kitchene?, Phone ; 3â€"3 d t t P t dn i1 fiy acre farm, m. Suitable for pasture; . good good buildings. Good well and t $5500. . Phone toy M. Baxter, W sierloo sitnated 1 5â€"2