I M.ndd_bflto-sntold by Watertao Olhronicle correspondents Local News Notes â€" Miss Ethel Hunsberger of Toronâ€" to spent the week ond at her home spent Sunday at her home hore. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Griffin and of the latter‘s sister, Spehnler. Mr. and Mrs. Tony and daughter Georgina, have re turned to their home in Detroit after and relatives here. Miss Reta Garduer of Kitchener spent the weekend under the parenâ€" tal roof. We are pleased to report that the condition of Mr. Daniel Gingrich is improved considerably. Mr. Jake Gingrich from | United States visited his brother Dan Gingâ€" erich last week. Mr. Abe Schmidt who underwent an operation for appendicitis is doing as nicely as may be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Destelmeyer and family of Kitchener spent Sunâ€" day at the home of the latter‘s parâ€" ents, (Mr. and Mrs. Chr. Habel. Miss Lydia Schmidt of Kitchener spent last Thursday at her home Mrs. Henry Rueffer is still conâ€" fined to the house. Her® many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. MacBriarty have re turned home after spending a week with the latter‘s sister at Welland. Mrs. C. Enbuch spent Monday in Kitchener. » Mrs. Tom Griffin gave a birthday supper on Thursday night in honor of her birthday. Mr. and (Mrs. Tom Promersberger and daughter of Detroit, Miss Em ma Spehnler and Mrs. Struth and family were present for the occasion. Minard‘s Liniment for Coughs and Colds. ‘ (219) Boys at Red Deer, Alberta, carnâ€" ed Christmas pocket money by trapping. â€" They brought in nearly 400 weasel skins in less than a fortâ€" night and also coyotes, rabbit, squirrel and cat skins. | H Upward« of four millions of dolâ€" lars will be expended this season in effecting alterations, improveâ€" men‘s. and extensions to the Pallisâ€" . tor Hotel at Calgary, Alberta, and the Empres» Hote! at Viotoria, Britâ€" ish Columbia, E. W. Beatty, chairâ€" man and president of the Canadian Pacific Railway has just anmouncâ€" ed. Four additional floors will be added to the former and an entirely new wing will be extended from the latter, bringing these two famous hosteleries even more up to Further experiments with superâ€" phosphate _ from the smelter at Trail. BC.. will be conducted in 1929 by the Alberta Department of Agriculture in coniunction with the Dominion Experimental Farms and C. P R. experimental farms. _ An abiundant anantity of this fertilizer will be available to mee. demands. office of a Southern â€"newspaper: and said: "Misto Edito‘, they is fortyâ€"three of my congregation which subscribe fo‘ yo‘ paper. Do that entitle me to have a chu‘ch motice in yo‘ Salday issue ?" "Sit down and write." said the editor. "I thank you." _ And this is the motice the minister wrote: "Mount Memorial Baptist Church, the Rev. John Walker, pastor. . Preaching morning and evening. _ In the proâ€" mulgation of the gospel, t!l:u bo?P are necessary: The Bible, the hymn book, and the pocketbook. Come toâ€"morrow and bring all ‘Twenty head of hoistein cattle from Alberta pure bred herds have arrived at Vancouver over Canaâ€" dian Pacific Railway lines for shipâ€" ment to Japan. These cattle were colâ€" lected for a Japanese buyer by depâ€" uty minister of agriculture Craig. Quite a few such shipments have passed through this port recently. ‘The purchase of the stock for Japan was made through the Alberta govâ€" ernment and the cattle were selectâ€" ed from various herds in the provâ€" ince. Several of the animals or their immediate ancestors have recâ€" ords of 20,000 pounds of milk per year and all of them are trom high over 400 pounds that staiked upâ€" right through the woods seeking what or whom it might devour and A Negro preacher walked into the which had no forepaws, has just known guide and outfitter. . The beast used to rifle all the garbage dumps and refuse heaps in the neighbourhood of Plaster Rock, on the line of the C. P. R., and was eaught by means of a trap hidden birth or by an accident, and thal Nature. â€" A it must have walked about on its ‘Throbbing backaches, dizzy u|l-o“-_ thouâ€" hind feet, . Only CI‘C:.‘“.. rear matic pains and mllag":'ivtlvlr ilh tound, considerâ€" are eaused dneys. paws had baen found, and considerâ€" are usually caused by Inflamed Ti ncis AmUFrWWeme CAP OE L q11210 Jock Ogitvy caught the bear, whese skin measured over seven feet in A monster black bear weighing ere ancl There with 11 orbdmbbneasmenistadie.. o utueneuaseupomensnecepeueneuemtuauent 008000004 @ _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"_â€"zzzzz zie % â€" I MaAcToN | @ _2z _ ® Mr. Chas. Kraemer of Kitchener o _ spent the weekâ€"end at his home here. Mr. James Stewart is spending a > tew days with friends at Linwood. ** Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zinsema® of near Tralee, and Mr. and Mre. Wm. â€" Kennedy and daughters Mary and â€" l marines. visiteg con Sunday al NY | e Clarissa visited on Sunday at Mr. Chas. A. Starr‘s. Mr. Jerome Kraemer spent last "l‘huudny with friends in Kitchener. Messrs. Geo. Beggs and John Hackett of Linwood visited their nephew, Mr. J. E. Beggs, on Monday afternoon. Quite a number from here attendâ€" ed the annual meeting of the Welâ€" lesley Municipal Telephone System \hold in Crosshill on Monday afterâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Roy Calder al&{l’am ily spent Sunday wat Mr. obt Mewhinney‘s. Mr. Donald Thorpe was a business visitor in our eighborhood one day last week. Mr. Geo. Beggs of Linwood is spending a few days with his son, Mr. Leslie Beges, who, we are sorry ’lto report, is confined to his house with an attack of mumps. Mr. James Richardson and sister, Miss Kathaleen Richardson, visited at Mr. S. J. Kraemer‘s on Saturday evening. Quite a number from here attendâ€" ed the surprise party at Mr. Albert Gibbons on Monday night. All reâ€" port a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cressman spent Tuesday at Mr. Thos. Adams. Farewel! Party.â€" A few pleasant hours were spent at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Starr‘s on Tuesday evening when his friends and neighbors gathered at his home to bid them farewell before leaving for their new home near Glenallan. The evening was spent in dancing and card playâ€" ‘ng. The good wishes of this comâ€" munity are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Starr in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cressman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lasch of Elmira on Sunday. ‘ Mr. Earl= Tabbert visited | Mr. James E. Richardson on Sunday Mr. _E James E afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cressman spent Saturday at Mr. Alex. Cooper‘s. Items of Interest. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Heimpel and son Irvin moved their dousehold effects to Waterloo last Monday where they intend making their future home. A number of neighbors and friends attended the funeral on Thursday at ’Wallenstein of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Frey. Mr. and Mrs. John Brubacher spent Sunday â€" with relatives in Poole. Miss Beatrice Schlueter is affendâ€" ing some time in Waterloo with friends. Mr. Ross Creighton of Stratford spent a day with Mr. Earl Track. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brubacher and family of Heidelberg moved to their â€" new home on â€" Thursday, formerly owned by Mr. Levi Bruâ€" Miss Lavina Becker is spending the winter months with Mrs. Maria Fenton. iMr. and Mre. Elias Martin are the proud parents of a baby girl. A number of farmers from here attended the sale held by Mr. Menno Hahn, on Tuesday. Messrs. Clayton and Irvin Heimâ€" pel and Gordon McTatish of Waterâ€" loo visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex McTavish. Miss Mary Sittler of Kitchener is spending some time with her uncle, AMr. Josiah Sittler. . Officers Elected. ‘The annual meeting of the United Ladies‘ Aid was held in the church on Tuesday. The following officers were elected for the .coming year: President, Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart; viceâ€" president, Mrs. Wm. Tyack; gec‘yâ€" treasurer, Miss Eva Ballard. The meeting closed with singing and prayer after ~which supper was Mr. Calvin Tyack is spending a week with friends at Schomburg. A Safe old Herbal Remedy for Sick Kidneys _ Rich in those healing herbs Indians used A. G. Hachnel, Waterloo HAWKESVILLE daughters Mary d on Sunday at Herbal Household Remedica famous Let Nothing Keep You From This Sale. Prices Have Been Cut to the Very Depth of Cost. $30,000 STOCK SMASHED DOWN The Items Listed Prove Our Claims. Drastic Selling! Frantic Buying! It had toCome!| COME! COME! Victor FLOUR SIFTERS, 10 Quart TIN PAILS Reg. 306 ... i..ccsncscmmcmnen Deep Enamel PIE PLATES Stainless PARING KNIVES To the Tune of Actual WHOLESALE PRICES FUGI SILKS All the new shades. Reguâ€" lar 69c to 89c yard. PLAIN BROADCLOTH GINGHAMS Mercerized, width 36", a real snap. Per yard, 25c. A wonderful fine range of patterns, width 32 inches. Snap, per yard, 17¢. “ Men‘s Highâ€"Class Overcoats FANCY KRINKLE CREPES Plain and fancy figured designs. Regular 29c and 35c per Including Chinchillas, Tweeds, Meltons, etc. j to $35.00. These Overcoats are remarkable value. fancy tweeds and navys. The type of coat to make i I Puw" L Cohms .. _ ma a0 44 a “n;;n. 'f‘e‘(;l_;v;ii-t;lv;'iiéd out. Sizes 34 to 44. Bargain, $23.85. mEN‘s SUITS mMEN‘S NAVY Va..om Man‘e and Men‘s $9'85l o esd Young Men‘s and Men‘s UV °U Svits. About 15 Suits in the lot, dark and light tweeds. Regular $15.00 to $20.00. Mostly all sizes. While they last, Py jamas, etc. 1 While it lasts .. ALL WOOL BLANKETS In “.';".u. ;vltâ€"h blue or pink borders, 7 to 8 Ibe. Size 72 x 88 in. Regular $12.00 per pair. $8095 UNBLEACHED SHEETING 9/4 width in a good quality, faip weight. Reg. 596 yard, wOMEN‘s BLOOMERS Cream _ color, _ winter weight. All sizes. 490 Reg. $1. Now ........ ‘ COME AND SAVE A LLU MINU M W A RE Double Boilers, Water Pails, Potato Pots, Frying Pans, 3 pces. Sauce Pans, Percolators, _ Preserving _ Kettles, 35 inch. White Flannelette ‘The Value of Your Dollar Rises as You Enter the Doors of This Store. At This Sale We Have Dealt Prices Such a Blow as They Have Not Had Since They Started Upwards Years Ago! Good weight. FRIDAY â€" THE DAY and quality. Makes up nice for Nightgowns, more than 10 Yards to a customer. 17 € 25¢ 25c 19¢ " 17¢ 49e 25¢ STRIPED Width 27 inches, Pink and Blue . striped, /A per yard «oo 12 c 39¢ MEN‘S DRESS SHIRTS Values to $2.50. Sale ... Slightly . soiled . or . Imâ€" perfect.. All sizes. MEN‘S CASHMERE SOCKS _ Black or fawn. All sizes. MEN‘S Blue and Khaki Chambray WORK SHIRTS All sizes. MEN‘S WORK SOCKS Cotton and Wool 3 NEDEUPE .....c.cccccccccccccckls pr. MEN‘S SWEATER COATS Without collars. Dark $ colors. Snap! ... MEN‘S COTTONADE OVERA With bib. All sizes. $ Reg. $2.50. Sale ...« MEN‘S PYJAMAS $ Of Striped Flannelette, all sizes. Coat fastens with silk frogs. MEN‘S FLEECE LINED @4 COMBINATIONS 1 Tiger make, fawn color. Sizes 34 to 44. A Snap! 1 ONLY â€" MEN‘S MACKINAW COAT Size 44. Navy Check. Reg. OonLy â€" HEAVY $ SHEEP LINED COAT 4 ‘Bedford Cord, Beaver collar. Size 46. Reg. $16.50. FLANNELETTES 75¢ 18 oz. All Wool Worsted, extra fine quality, 3 piece, all sizes. Regular $35.00. February Sale g‘)q RR MEN‘S NAVY BLUE SUITS Price IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANK ETS '-1â€"1;/4 's;xi. in white with pink and tlue borders. Sale price pair “' $2-39 PILLOW COTTONS Regular 39c a yard. Now 29c 17 Quart Enamel DISH PAN SAUCE PAN 3 Pcos. SET DOUBLE BOILERS TEA & COFFEE POTS Regular 59c a yard CRUMS PRINTS Get that? We said Crums PrMEB HL ... in coavictrggnciniteinins HABITUI SILKS In all the wanted colors. $1.75 Regular, to be sold quickly, PETER PAN FABRICS Every yard guaranteed fast. Width 29 to 31 inches. Reg. 49¢, EP Y@PU .........ccccememeeeemeces 35(: NEW COTTAGE & DRESS PRINTS Fancy designs, leaf, floral and Old English effects. Buy now for 21 Children‘s wear, etc., yard ... c , etc. Regularly up value. Dark cblors, Wettlaufer‘s Dept. Store KING STREET "* $1.98 wWOMEN‘s SWEATER COATS Brushed Wool, $5 Vdlues 3 .. 81 $29.85 $1.69 $1.89 $1.49 : $6 19% $23.85 98c 50¢ 89¢ " 69¢ 69¢ ~â€"â€" 69¢ 25¢ DELAY SPELLS DISASTER! CASH IS KING! \Sale Commences Friday, Feb. !st Sale Ends Saturday _ M _ Feb. 9th ‘ (| 31â€" WE NEED BUY NoW! THE SEASON IS JUST OPEN! CASH! YoU NEED GOODS! Forget To Come Early. Crowds Will Be Here. Sensational price. Reg. CRETONNES OR CHINTZ BEAUTIFUL CURTAIN NET 36 inch width, used for a score of purposes, per yard CURTAIN MATERIAL With a frill, checked patâ€" tern. A real snap, yard ... COME! HIGHEST PRICES.®PAID FOR PRODUCE wWOMEN‘S “.‘,.,.w $1.19 BREAD BOX, 3 Canisters, PPIGB ...0....c .cc fversccecnre 42 WATER TUMBLERS, Dozen WHITE PLATES, large size CLOVER LEAF PLATES FREE FREEâ€" FREE 45" Flat Curtain. Rods to any purchaser of Panels or frilled curtains at $1.00 a pair or over. Nails and brackets inâ€" cluded. HOUSE DRESSES Made of fancy prints, WOOL JERSEYS, Zipper style, Biege or Black. Regular $5.00 and $5.50. Pair ... $2o98 _ _Women‘s High Cut GOLOSHES, black only, 6 pr. in lot. 1 Sizes 5 to 7. Clear ... $1049 MISSES‘ HIGH SHOES, Dongola or Calf leathers,. blucher or bal. cut. Sizes 11 to 2. Values up to $8.50. CIBAF .smmmuumces $1098 MEN‘S TROUSERS _ Tweeds or Worsteds, Sizes 32 to 44. Regular $2098 $3.50 to $4.00 per pair. Now $2.98. _ Sizes 28 to 35, dark tweeds, convertible collar. Clearing. BOYS‘ TWEED OVERCOATS Like these anyw?\ere in any city, men! This is your one Grand Chance to get in $14‘85 on a Real Bargain, Regular values up to #25.00. Forced c‘;;t“a_t"tieiw:evr} low price of $14.85. "+ 3he Women‘s Goloshes FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SALE Low Styles [ W ke ‘â€" 20c TRY AND GET BEAUTIFUL Overcoats $1.69 en 50c * 10c 15¢ LADIES‘ HOSE Silk and, Wool or all wool Cashmeres, imperâ€" fects. All colors. $1 Values for ........ 69c Best Make, Blues _ " & and Tweeds. $20.00 to $25.00. they last. . MEN‘S TROUSERS $ $4.50 to $5.50. Wonderâ€" ;« ful Values at $3.98. to $35.00 Values, _ WORSTED sSUITS T*A40°*"* Stripes and checks. All sizes. $29.50 $8.95 FLAT SILK CREPE â€"S;itagle_ for dresses, and is used largely for undergarments. 36 inches wide. All colors. . Re wide. All colors Res $1 GQ -7367mcl; width. An extra heavy quality. Soft rich finish. Reg. $1.69 yard ... $1019 PAILETTE SILKS All colors. Width 34 to 36 inches. In a soft, rich finish. Makes up nice for. dresses, $1049 etc. BLACK VELVETEENS 8 o_ BLACK DUCHESS SATIN â€" Width 36 inches, in a rich black color with a twill back. Anapial. wanA o2 ... $1.m Special, yard .. _ COTTON JERSEYS, 2 Domes, Black <or Mixture of > Brown. Reg. $3.50 ... $1098 GRQWING GIRLS‘, Black only, sizes 11 to 2. 3â€"Buckle, CleAPIMG ........c.cccacsonie $1069 wOmEN‘s â€" FELT SHOES with leather sole. Different sizes. Reg. $3.50 ... 31095 MEN‘S LUMBERMAN RUBE High lace style, color Sl dark red. Sizes 6 to 10. 4 Regular $4.50. Now $2.98. BOYS‘ 2 & 3 PIECE SUITS 6 â€"BS;.’ Suits with 2 pr. bloomers or 1 pair longs. Navy blue and tweeds. Sizes 28 to 35. Regular $10 to $15.00 .................... $7'95 COPPER BOILERS, Snap GALVANIZED BOILERS GALVANIZED WASHâ€"TUBS Special Table of . Remnants. All lengths, 1 to 5 yards. Prints, Ginghams, Cottons, Flannelettes, _ Dress Good$, etc. RE MN ANTS wOMEN‘Ss GOWNS "lad; of white flannelâ€" ette, good weight. f COATES THREAD 200 yard Spool _ 8c GARBAGE CAN Black or White $9.98 RUBBERS $2.98 $2.98 $1.00 * 98c $1.00