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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Jan 1929, p. 3

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_'rr' Suits and dercoats Att Boys’ Suits and O'cqats Reduced Women's Pumps, straps and Ties. qualities that sold to $3 85 $6.00. grouped at ttttr-tret'. . Fine appealing models in pumps and straps Backseat Refreshment . wMotoiist--Have you same of that gasoline that stops knocking? Service Station Many-693, sir.' Motorist-Then give my wife a glass. Women's Pumps and Straps, qual- ity that sold to $5.00. grouped at m.mt...-wmrr-.rr-r.mre'rr. S2.95 m "ow A Wonderful Opportunity in Buy Quality Footwear stantial Savings. Suits ot every suitable fabric. color and patterns. College and conservative styles. Every sun to duced. Nothing reserved 'rg.atr Reduced to-, 'MSO suns AND OVERCOATS Reduced to- SM.85 SUITS AND OVERCOA'I‘S Q SilvéFWbod Qiiirsi,' Boys’ Overcoat. Money Saving Tune For Parents- 2 Bloomer Suits . Wagon on Every Street Every Morning There a Silwwood Wagon a» Bony Street Every Morning Reduced in mu Om: 5.1. There's a January Shoe Sale Great I Entin Lino "Men'. Values Unequaled I Hi - School I With two pairs .widé cut long trousers. 12 to 18 yearn $15 and $16.50 Suits I:t)llllL,,ar"lll"7r_jll. Double Breasted style, ' to 16 years. $12.50 Oven-coals $18.50 to $20 O'coals $18 and $20 Suits $11.65 $14.90 $7.85 If we ere m serving you, phone your order to-nlght. Welll deliver in the I crept upstairs. my shoes in hand, Just as the night took wimp-- An I saw my wife tour' feet above. gang the same darn thing. Meat's Footwear Shoes and Oxford: Mert's Shoes and Oxfords ot can Ieathr/ tan, brown and trtace-1--tasts that combine style and comtort--in [a large variety-two feature groups (at C..., $4.50 and $5.50 Simmons Safe Milli is Clan, Pure, overcast. ot superior weaves and quality. featuring the most outstanding styles of we season. Good warmcoals. Use Migardjs Linimem for the Flu $25 nasit $30 SUITS AND OVERCOA'I'S "tgtgt, d m . an _ Reduced to- $28.50 When people say to me "What a Healthy Baby", I think yhat a great thing is the gift of HEALTH. Every child must be perfectly nourished. Careful attention to this is a mother's most important duty. Think what a direct meaning this statement has when ap- plied to your milk supply. You do not need to take chances. - SUITS AND OVERCOATS l Healthy t‘Baby " Rich Mari”; Silent nght now Juvenile Overcoats Chinchilla and Tweed Coats, flannel lined, 2 to 9 years. 87.90 to $8.50 Coats. DOW $9.75 to $1050 Coats. $12.85 $5.65 $7.95 at Sub- y 2060 ILL,,; I IDENTIFIII wan palm: {Welter “a. e member oe the “hurt-n my In (3me dttrtnq the [mt trite, not in Kitchener, It: recently surprised to meet a Guad- ian "my nun who he immediately recognized. The Canadian, a momher of the air force. was shot down by Bavarian artillery and taken prisoner eleven year: no. DIED AT KITCHENER Rev. John Crawford of North Mornington passed away on Tues- day. Jan. 15. at the home of his hrtsttterAn-law, Alex A. Rose, in Kit- chener. Prior to entertng the mtnis- try he taught school in various C01- legiates. He also supplied tor a time as classics master in the Waterloo Lutheran Seminary. A wire and two (laughing survive. The election or ottieers 'resulted as follow-s: President. A. McNWen. Guelph; viee-prmsident, Fred Hunter; seeretaitreasurer, Orton S. BeohteL Kitchener. There was 3, large uttering ot pro- duce at the Kitchener market on Saturday morning. Butter sold at " to " cents per pound. There was a choice altering ot carrots, cabbage, celery. beets. from: meats. and home made Making. The farmers reported sleighing in the country good. Many of the roads are open to motor trail- tie. T. E. SIMPSON, M.P., ADDRESSES FUNERAL CLUB Pitty-tive members attended the annual dinner and meeting given by the Kitchener District Funeral Club. held at the Walper House on Wed- nesday evening. The speaker of the evening was t E, Simpsun. M.P., of Sault Ste. Marie. Alq. W. J. Stewart ot Toronto. Mayor Thompson ot Aurora, and G. R. Qulrmbarh of Brux-kville also spoke. V I SLOT MACHINES ILLEGAL Magistrate Weir assessed owners or 19 slot machines $10 and costs in court recently ing ordered that the machines be taken out of the county. Crown Attorney Bowlby stated that the machines were games of chance. lawman-M lulu-t ummum ”A city in “a a not. subm- an Octal mud "ret-en-ttto-tey minimum-Wm“ ‘cuodmnmdu-Iukhordu Oink. ”not: AT KITCHENER MARKET IIIMOCD 'ttNt can”. _CIU¢LW To mm For Prompt Service PHONE at The ('nunvil mm at the Tu Hall w, W.tlt on Monday. January: Nth. pursuant PI'¢Iviuin toy to tetatute. Inn-ll Hoard Thex following named pnrsnns sul" ry".'. a first scribed to the nevPssar)‘ "eclaration-rrrti. of ottiee:-A1ter, Shoemaker, “pore: Mow-(l by l. C. Hallman. Deputy Reeve; c. T. ll A. Klein Grub. Seeond Deputy Reeve; F. A. nnw filled " Kiein and w. w. Tilt. Councillors. Pomeroy ar Anaemia comes an gradually. be. ginning with lamznur. indisposiéion to manual or bodily exertion, irrita- ‘lrility and a feeling of fatigue. Later comes the palpitation G' the heart. hoarlaches, frequent backaches and often disturbed indiwnnn and an in- ability to obtain rtrst at night. Cases at thls kind. if anlected. become more serious, but it taken in time theie' ht no need to Worry. Dr. Wil- llama’ Pink Pills. which are tree from any harmful or habit-forming _drnx. are just the tonic needed to re- medy this wretched state of health. These pills nctmlly make the rich. red Mood that stimulates and strengthens - organ and nerve In the 'body. Thus strength and actlvlty return. the appetite im. provea um ‘nntful sleep is had. What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can ind wlll do ls nhowq hy the nude ot Mrs. D. B. Fannlng, Seal Harbor. N.S.. who stymA'l was in a badly run-down mndmon. l was pale, my appeals In; very poor. and the least exertlon would leave me com- pletely and out. In fart I was hardly able to do much work about the house. t doomed to try Dr, Wil- nunn' Pink Pills and alter mm a - boxes can truthfully any I had ulna! - m health and strength and van IMO tn so thou! my work with no aln of tho former wak- nm l awfully recommnul them to til qtthqm who my be In . run- down condtlon." You on got tin pm. from your Wot-.7 ttmitatRettttqgt m In. 110 Dr. wan... Idle!“ 0... mung. OI. - Thry Reeve look ‘lhe‘chair and the " tii),; in minutes or the previous session were {‘m'riell read and considered. l Moved The Gent Farglirh Paper-mm ‘ , Tones and "Immune; che whst Yd nervous "stem. main news Bloc! l " LS, ‘ in old Von: Used for Nan-our ' " re ’ " ' Many, Mr)uat ar.d Brain Wst.', 1 "griotegyit, Lou of Fe-apr, Pa.ptu.'ion a] l " tlerre, Liung Manny. rrio: 52;». box} , “or t' mm by altdrvErists. or tna.krf in pm? I [ . kr..ou, rcreipt ol mu Mm morph“! "land I , $f‘m um. " NANA-“ITEM. WATERLOO TP. COUNCIL NEW HEALTH FOR TIRED-OUT WOMEN Found in the Rich, Red Blood Dr. Williams’ Pink Pillu Actually Make. "No, sir.T was the reply or the ombarraused young man. “I Tra; eliminated in the prvliminary try- out." lucid-hounds: It app-rod!» t-oartterh.Ndtttqaattit (or at" you; Amutlo'l'rh‘ City Bury would to an tor the horn an» - was any but thilod to do to. Dr. in”! ordered tho hone taken to Weber’s Sue- Subbo. alumna Welt moored the Hume Society to cue for the horse until its ownenhip is can» l The mysteryot the death at him. _ Mn. Cup-r our Flora Schnabel of Notre Dame de Death removed at aged Kitchens Grace, Aontreai, who visited Kiteh- citizen on Thursday, Jan. 17th, at euer friends last tati: and whose tho home of Mr. and Mrs. WWII body was exhumed some weeks ago iFehel, in “the person of Mrs. Annie tram a pauper'a grave at Cornwall, Peppler. wire or the late cannot, Ont. has advanced tum stages. Obdr in her 83rd year. The late m The medico-leeal expert, Dr. Wil, Ober was born in Blenhahn mn- fred Domerone, who has been pa~‘ship in 1846. Her husband prodo tiemiy working on the body by Lcicd her about tour years. elimination process. nuw reports She is survived by seven daughtgn that he has detected symptoms 'aud three sons. Mrs. . “nether. Mn. which would initiate use of one or E. Waht and Mrs. William Ktril, nil two poisons. of Stratum]; Mrs. William Ferbel and -__--..- Mrs. L. Oberholtzer ot Kitchener; BRIDGEPORT-CONESTOGO “In. George Hahn ot Elmira. and ROAD CLEARED OF SNOW Mrs. w. Wahl or Coaldnle. Ann, and County Road Supt. Lietsti. with a Messrs. H. P. Ober and R. A. Ober gang of men and teams, has cleared "ti' ouiaie. Alberta and C. A, ‘ober the highway between uridsrevo'rt0 St. Paul's, Oat. Twenty-two Bloomingdale and Conestoga, of grandchildren and two great grand- snow. and regular auto tratric on children also survive. The funsrti this road is now the order. Drills was held on Tuesday, interment he of snow three feet deep were “Fling made in the East End Lutheran countered. Iemetory. - BRIDGEPORT-CONESTOGO ROAD CLEARED OF SNOW County Road Supt. Liam, with a gang of men and teams. has cleared the highway between Bridgeport. Bloomingdale and Conestoga, of snow. and regular auto tratric on this road is now the order. Drins of snow three feet deep were en. countered. MARRIED ON TUESDAY The marriage took Placer at um St. Mary's R. (X Church, Kitcheneln on Tuesday, when Miss G'ertrwi. daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bus/ville“, was united in mar'riaze to Uart Reiht, or Kitchener. _ In the Prelim: "Are you the groom?" asked the bewildered old trerulcman, at " very elaborate wedding. ”maven VICTIM The medico-IV expert. Dr. Wil- fred Domerone, who has been pa- tiently working on the body by an elimination procesx. now reports that he has detected symptoms which would indicate use of one or two poisons. mm ”but“ -. “shed l' otsag-tsmaait-iaemteour, nun-M'h‘ h.“ - but u Dayna-Wham myugem'aenmmchlntulhmuam mgtPuospmpgme. isposed or Pousomnc " INAUGURAI. MEETING I Moved by F'. A. hHein. seconded by " c. Hallman. that leave be given Who mover to introduce a By-hw at the next amnion of the council to mrnvirle Mr the appointment of " ;sessura. Coilectorm, Herd "anew", 1?",yy"Tirxwe.r.5 Pound Keepers. Sheep ‘Valuamrs. To. Solicitor. School At- trndance oiticer and Tp. Print“ tor " n. 1929. i9 {I I Waterloo County Health Anneli- I?'..'.': um. re- A. Doepol. $40.50; thr tarto Good Roads Amroe%tion, mu» yhermit», 5.00: Commercial Printing fo, balance on contract. 110.00; "ei" Chum-Ra's “may at”; 'smmotpal Tel. System, mono; D. 1-). Shaun. freight on picket (Cleo. M155; A. auger. road mintmqu. {12.60; Oiiver mtrd.r, told minim!- nnce. 1710; Francis Hilton. rand 'malnu-nanro, 11.40; Au.- B. mu. Irenurlarinx. 149.30; Acetttttttattt ot {Public Highways. for “on: in“. "rlro; D. E. shun. quorum. MSO, i Moved " w, w. rm. ”can“ by 'C. ' Grain. um ilk council m iiu,'iim' to .008 min " no " run on kind". In. II. MSW at to.“ n: Us survived by his wife. The Inneral Iwas h.-1d' on Monday, interment be- 51““: made in Mount View cemetery. Halt. Mould by C. T. Groh, seconded by ll A, Klein that By-law No. 242A as nnw filled in with the names of J. B. Pomeroy and R. E. Cowan be read " first and second time and passed. Harm] by C T. Groh, seconded by I. I'. Hallman that Bylaw No. 243A an nnw filled in with the names of Rwy-o Shoemaker, Simon Kinsie and Dr. J, Scott Hogg as MJLO. and Dr. provide, for {null Hoard hm! " first A. S. Hrttiltoptnxr as Sanitary Inspec- tor and the Tp. Clerk as Secretary he mod a third time and passed.-- Carried. Mrrvrstl by F. A. Klein. seconded by t'. T. Groh that Ity-law No. 244A to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer tc, borrow certain sums ot money (man the Bank of Toronto to meet Hm mfrnnt expenditure for A.O. 1928 be rvml a first and second titns- Farrim]. Moved by W. W. Tut, seconded hr l. u. Hallman that the Clerk send suhsvt'iptfons to the Municipal World tor the Tp otrlciahc--Carried. Mover! by c. T. Groh, seconded by W. W, Tilt that 'By-Law No. 241A as now mm: in with an amount of $60.00" he read a third time and pasoeti.--4'arried, ' Muvml by P. A, Klein, seconded by W. W. Tilt that a grant of 825.00 he made to the Sick Cttildreit'r, Hoe- pilal at Tornnto.-tarried. Moved by I. C. Hallman, wounded by C. T. Grnh that the following ac- cvgmts be paid:-- Moritz - Schenk , Thu marriage took place quietly on Jan, IMh at Kitchener when Miss i'erua Barbara Schenk was wedded to Karl Moritz of Kitdnener. urn-ted he" on n chm o! M ly enter“. Canada In" bill It ported HI. employer won " - tor 8500 and lumen.“ was nil.- ed 99!"!an M. trial. no. humour. vent to Detroit and [am will therefore lone 8600 (low-ll VIM Avin be euro-ma try court. c. A. McIntoth t', A. .\lcln!osh. tor many years a rad-lulu! of can. passed away at 65:: West King St., Kitdhener Bat- tiday in his 67th year, (allowing a week's illness ot pneumonia. He blue prints thtm " a. w I Co., myth: _ “an. I. 'a h mum-ammun- Tested Mums. is my hath warm?" “mum, _ the wahmest Ah was human“ WEDDINGS the appointment ot a of Health for 1929 be and second time.--Car- With the present craze for specu- laden, it is not unlikely an! we shall be hiring domestic conversa- tions slum-r to the one reported In The Saturday Evening Post by Bill Sykes: HI- Thrifty-I didn't buy any butter because ‘1 think it will drop a cent or-two within a tow days, I got some quotation. on eggs. The commén Stock Mum f9pts.euior--WAatro'tr the dinner, and»? 'r.lWlte00sirirrtrrt mutant]: mm IIIIII * lluInUI mm lilIllIVllt IllllhlII'nInII III!!! m lIllIIlIl Illlltnl mTNt1qtqtrqMtt.it.tmt No. " Mon Chopper, Rag. Pilot 86.50 In") Bole Prteo M Red Bundled MEAT CHOPPERS "We all the Herbs the Juice some. from." Box 513. LONDON Owen sound and Winnipeg, Man. Head otmte--Londort, Ont. GIVE these Herbal Remedies a trial. They may save your life. Information and price list Free. Write With Natural Herbs Wttltq Emmi In“. u m a new. F Pillow “no. at "6---a WI. qtratltr lot tho plot a to u that... . Ma. a 2% Var. In “Wt! usually sold " lie to 60e ya“. " Inch“ who. Bleach“! and truth“. hour, can. at my; Yard-Ah" of the in honor vulva. " Inches wide. ”and com-.- For War-bk. - about For my" Com- . toner: - TM or VIII. Of huh New and: " In! Wray’s Bookstore 116 KING WEST PHONE 2387 _Ali iii-ii. in)" ins-o" - a mm.uuuuhm "rmrhnrehRrWamAthg.hr-gaMrmr. “TurnouubuolnnM! a.voet.tesvaeemott-tseu.atur,sae-toa. Pit5.wNtt-at--o-oet-rt-q.ntttMn. Make This Store Your Shoppjng Place when in need of Bug'inelcs Stationery, Leather Goods Fountain Pens, Pencils, Cards Reading 'Books, School Supplies, Etc. Ill. WEICHEI. ' " LIMITED "rhotrAr.re-Smemr" Can he had tor any of the following complaints: Gall Stones (removed without an operation), Asthma, Piles. Heart Troubles. High Blood a'rmssuro, Stomach Troubles, Skin Diseases, Bed Wetting, Worms. Nerve Troubles, Constipation and appendicitls, Kidney Troubles, Paralysis, Bright's Disease. Bladder Troubles, Anaemia, Canny. Dropay, Gravel, Overfutness, Female Troubles, Arthritis, Rheumatism. Neuritis. 320 King Street West; Phone 3956, KITCHENER January Bargains Khan-of: Dull“ More - lumber Of rodent-d than (“WINES llMlTED Vanity Preferred lung-Y. I“ ANEWYARD‘ Simple Home Treatment CANADIAN HERB GARDENS in Sausage Staffers and Grinders Price. Ire Lower 9 I Paralysis Remedied "it"ru0+t'0tiBrb' "ooort.tmmmt.bt.rmimrt0ot rln 'ormtteMtqtmmtt KI T CHENER Special variety I wouldnit tabs at any 91100. while the preferred one: In alto. gether too gun. t did have a pleas ot meat, bat Mrs. Jones any it bid begged me to sail. I couldn’t mint taking I prom. His wife-Bee-r I had a chant» to get a new nut, par value can dol- lars, tor nlne ninety-eight, and no broker’s commission. . Stock Market Bpoeuiator---WNi, why didn't you reinvest It In ash or poultry? Jan‘y Sale Price $10.75 il Qt. Size, Reg. $14.76. 4 Qt, Size, Reg. $12.00. January Sale Price "a. 8 Qt. Size, Reg. $13.60. Jan‘y Sale Prlce tttmt Complete with Lard Pres. ENTERPRISE SAUSAGE STUFFERS / are the best.

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