F',i'r?i"""" this" '55.“ - a; 5.: b mr. Cut. '. 1huoedirlhrtrlr do culls. per and". 9 00 Buck lambs _...-........,." 00 Sheep. choice "r--r'__'_..mr.. 6 50 do medium --."--.... 4 50 do culls oc..................... , oo Hogs, select. W.0.c. ....v.10 25 do f.o.h. "'"'"'tr-t.trr..rr..r.. 9 25 choice, aacC../mriy 00 Laptts. spring, per cm.“ 00 do medium ."9t.-.rt_m..rtr. 9 00 Feeders. choice ..VeVVPVi.epe. 8 75 do tair to good P."--...- 6 50 Slackers. choice ._..r_r..rV. 8 " do lair to good.-.., 8 50 Calves. choice _..........) 00 do medium -.............1'2 Mt _ do (rough and plain... T 00 Milch and sprlnger cows, at we. kn wool encouraged shipper! to loud knot consignment and mo implovomont in country road conditions also undiluted “mama by truck. with the result that receipt: by road and ml were In in exces- ol market roqatrrrmerotsc Toronto Live Stock quotations Heavy beet steers........$ll) 50to$ll 00 do fair ...-.ttF-mm_w.rFttttt-.t.. T 25 9 50 Butcher steers. choice.. 9 75 10 25 do common '.mttrrwrereet-_ , 50 8 00 Butcher hell'ers. choice 8 50 10 00 do fair to good .r.V.rrPv. 8 00 8 50 do common t'rrt-".-._rmrr_ 7 00 7 50 Butcher cows. good to choice mmrrt_Fqt...etmsmr.r.. 7 25 ft 50 common to medium .7 6 00 7 25 manners and cutters. 4 00 6 00 Butcher 'bulls. good to . choice .tr_-..qr-.mmtt.qrrert 7 50 8 00 common to medium .. Ii 00 6 50 do holotmas '9me-rr.rttrrte. 6 25 6 75 Baby beef o...-...-...." 00 12 50 Baby meet was generally " per cwt. lower a range ot $10 to $13 per cgwt. 115 showed complete in. dithyrenety to heavyweight steer otter-inn nd me were sold, while beat quality handrweitrtsts were pur- chased for 89.50 to no per cwt. tor the best of the supply, with best light steers at $935 to $9.75. Top heifers were " 50 to $9.75 and good quality heifers old thirly well until noon, when prices slumped. The first intimation ot the genera weakness came when packers dropped their bids from 85e to Me on butchers’ grades and ct 2 o'clock only 1,000 hand were weighed out. Steers and heifers moved at prices about We lower than last week and some cows recorded losses ot as much to Tire per cm. Baby In! " Lower. - Butchers! Bows Hanged trom $5 to $7.75 per own. tor mid lots, but the bulk failed to move, while butts wg-e sandy at "25 to $8 for butchers. with a few bringing $850. Bolognas were $650 to " Them was no trad- ing in store cattle, hut milkers and springs“ were steady ‘ut tloo to $120 tor tho best. Sate Price: Strong. Cult valuas were strong at $16 to $17 per owl. tor anything. of good quality and light calves sold down- ward to a low ot $10. The hog market remained un- settled. with packers bidding $9.50 per cwt. for selects. toh,. or $10.50 per curt. weighed " car. Sentiment was ttrm, however. and Indications pointed to settlements atNth'i's and tle." per own. or higher. Lamb Values Weak. Lamb prices dropped 50c per ewt., with the bulk bringing $13.50 to $14; culls ranging from $9 to $12. A law fancy lambs sold up to 814.25, while sheep mare firm at $7 to-tg per cwt. tor good quality light ewes. Gulls sold as low as $3. roams-r0, Jul. ".-eeieeq broke my and" no - 01,50." can. Ola-inn at to Union Live Stock Yuma; mud-y. The muru 'r1i0llLMBli2lltIl,IjNluy. VERMONT. - . . nonu- on}. and In». t mg! â€310m at la Poultry Cod Um on. Flour and Feeds Also our wet) know brands of FLOUR Seven Lilies Ocean Agate ("00‘ M11) tPor Broad, (M W) “In - I...) Liv. M Rood!“ The Wm. Calder limo. c.. Ltmitqd, WM“ Mai-rhin- of All Kinds Uulon Yard- 120 00 " 50 " 50 ll 50 "(a G Died " London. -word was re- 10 25 ceived here on Tuesday night ot the 8 00 death of Mr. Joseph Hasllngs, who "l tl died in London on Tuesday. Jan. 15, 7 50 at the home ot her niece, Mrs. Biaur- son (nee Lulu Hastings) following a ft 50 year's illness Iron) heart trouble. J, , The late Mr. .Hturtintrs was welt . known in this district where he lived s i,iilr, greater part ot ttu, lite on Bel. 6 el moat farm. now owned by Mr. Christ. , :50 Ruth. About ten years ago he moved 10 00 to Most-om. near Guelph. where he , 50 resided with his brother until his 7 t,il,,'i,i,j health railed him when he went to 8 75. London. to reside with his niece. He w7 3.?Zhelunged to one ot the pioneer fam- 14 on "in in this district and was a Ttro- 10 Mfminent tanner and stock ralser and I a highly esteemed citizen. Surviving II' , ( him are one brother. Alex. also tour " 50 nieces and two brothers. The funeral ll 50 was conducted by Rev. M. Ii'. Stewart T 50 ot Linwood, aner1termertt was made 'l tl in ttmetre cemetery. Tho service in 10 75'Londou was in charge of Rev. Roi-, 9 " and Ferris, an old Crosshlil bor. I 6 75 12 50 10 00 9 50 oaug--No. 2 C.W., Tiyie; No. 3 C. W.. 61%e; extra No. 1 lead. 60%e; No. I feed, 5N; No. 2 teed. 50c; to jected, 4Hie; track, 69%e. own 5 to a bbs. ...."'r.. was 29-82 Ova! 4 to 5 lbs. .rtmmtt.Wtet 80d2 26-29 Under 4 lbs. each........ 20 Mes Above quotations indicate the general market use of values in eggs and poultry on dollvered basis. auditions to Retail Trude . E--- F'resh, extras, per down. in cartons .wtePtmFrr.e.m.Ft_rttem. 45 to 47 do extras. loose m-.tFre..rre_m_t " to 45 do ttrlta trrrtr."mmrrrme.r.ttFtrrt_.Fm.m " to as do seconds .Vt..e._._r.r.mr.r._.m.Vt. 31 to " Pullet extras o.."......-....,..... 34 to 35 (Stunning Grqam- Approximates quotation; on churn- lng (re-m. Lo.b. stsitppttae paints. no: special. 4tc; No. l, 43c; No. s, We per m. tht. Quotation. to Ron" THC. Butte--- Creamery, No. l prints " to " Dealers are quoting country ship- pers for ungraded eggs. delivered, cases returned: Cash prices: wheat-No. 1 North- ern, 81.23%; No, 2 Northern', $1.18%; No. 3 Northern, 51.14%; No. I, 51.09%; No. 5, 98%e; No. 6,, 83%c; feed, 75%e; track, $L22%; screen- ing, per ton. " um;mm:w In wmzmum; in I. to no - to.“ to ‘00.“: mummusu ". mmmm.unu " and!†says. Olgaâ€. and Man “or; and; tr Mitch's; â€Inuit-lb you .999}:uoogguonudnu~ “nu. mg to, “I: Bhttet M. 811.35 to " 50'. aood cowl, "SO; canon. I to “.15; will. â€In. " to â€.8. E--- Fresh. exams mrr...rmrrtr..m._r..9.t..' " do ttrats .mr.e.'.'..trrr-".'.t..-."P'erm. " do seconds mm..t_rtmtrr.rermtrt.m.te. " Fresh crdcks. per dozen .... M Pullels, extras .'.rrrr.'rrP.m.t.r'B.Fm. M Poultry: apt-lug Ghkttcn.- do No. ft Dairy 'ttttmt..) Mutton- to Collagen Creamery. "steadied, . No. t m.....................' " to 40% do seconds mr._".merrrtet.. " to 89% Above price. tor goods delivered Beet&BeaeMan1,ete. We have dwsys on hand a large supply of POULTRY AND WINNIPEG GRAIN DAIRY PRODUCE CROSSHILL , Aklve " " 33 506$ Stan. ME 45 to 47 " to 45 38 to 39 31 to " 34 to 35 " to 37 " to 33 " to 00 25 to 00 str to 00 to " to 43 to " min} in?“ and m 1.73.311}. Fc,ir, - "at law an: Mr. and the. no... Mod a: In. mm mm». mad In. I. I. - an" Avh Kennedy um Vincent and My 'Konnedy - Sunday with that: nun-u. Jr. and In. Wm. may. on“)... Mr. m.- can. mm Suntan ml with Mon. at Runner. loo-I1 Noun Inn-Im- Aml he! Hoff.- uum the M and 1m) Mr. and Mrs. L, Franklin Ind son of Cult. In! the week“ with Mr. and My. Jot. Alumna. Mr. and In. A. But’hur; and son Botrtry of Milwaukee. WU., are spending a few days wllb the for- mor'o mother. In. " Batman. Mr. 'Menno M of Woodstock In spending a few days with hls dstugtr let, Mrs. A. W, Honor. MI†Ruth CImpbell spent Batur. day at Kitchener. Ills Tilly Ruth spent a tbw days with friends at Kitchener. Messrs. A. Reed, B. Keller and R. Reinhard of Hamilton. spent the weekend a! the lanai-'3 home. Mr. and Mrs, o. W. Menard. " Miss Mary Weber or Kitchener spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cornell ot De trait are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fen-l; or Kitchener spent Sunday with Mrs. Henry Dunks.‘ Mr. Reg. Kldner of Kllchehe-r upon! the week-end with friends in town, . Mina Hazel Steddlck of Hamilton spam the week-ond with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. srl, J. Stedcllck. Miss Emma Class or Listowel spent a tew dayspt the home or her sister, Mrs. Rom. Slimmon. Mr. Albert Bchaat of kitehener. spent tho week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Wilfrid Hammer. Miss Hildegard Bauenburg of Kit- chener spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Otto Schmehl and sun Jack spent a dar at Kitchener. Mr. Geo. Wilson of Toronto. ot the Royal Mounted Police. visited over the-weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. Sipple. Mr. Jos. Musselman of near Sas- katoun. Sash., WHO has been absent from here tor 'the last eight years, is visiting friends and relatives here for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Widmeyer of Hamilton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Apmam m the: lava! too tut. m my", rm cloned to: - a ire" in {that time some lam trucks not muons!) and later nulls:- vehlclel ‘pullod through. but the rut; were sink, and deep. On many the his Ends the tirgt through trip end on l'"' same day the large snow plow from the suntan-d district cleared .nvey the drifts even to electing “my the deep ruts. The surface ot,the highway at present ts very dangerous became of ice and great care should be exerclsed by drivers of lulu vehicles. The worst part of the highway is between St. Jacobs and Elmlfn. At the inaugural meeting ot the council, Town Clerk J. H. Runppel was instructed to secure permisu'un tram the property owners at tthty southern limits on Arthur street, so that the town may erect snow fences to [instant a repetition of last block- ade. About 300 at 400 test ot fence will he required and Reeve A. w. Hotter will procure this through the county authorities. The county au- thorities must not overlook the EL mira-Waterloo highway when they start erecting the snow fences along the County roads. Miss Kathleen Dillon of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dillon. Mr. Harry Wolfhard, manager of the Elmira Fleet Foot Rubber Facs tory, who has been recently trans- terred to the same position at the Merchants Rubber Factory, Kitgh- ener. was surprlsed on Saturday eve- ning by the orrfee staff and fore. man of the plant. The evening was spent In playing euchre. Mr. Wolf- hard [gas presented with a well worded address and a club bag. Mr. Gerald Scott. chiet ot office start, read the address and Superintend- ent, Mllton Limb presented the club bag. a very enjoyable time was spent by all. Miss Lucy Stump! or Kitchener spent the. weekend with her patents Mr. and Mrs. Casper Stumpf. Mr. Harry Wolfhard . 'Presented With Ctub. Bag '" .IlllIv-wmhll but!†" In'h M at not 6ttta u Very my on macro- tor nun which. WINS HIGHWAY To Erect Snow Fence: - he "iiiineiiGiiiiiiiiri. . Personal; With Min mm. .Winn spent the week- [and with mud: in Kitchener, l Mr. H. Thur ot Renfrew, i, um- _ " friend- ud mum. in Maura. Mr. Henry brunch spent the week end with fridds in Kitchener. am. 1. C. All-nun: united her daughter, Iii. My I!!! at Waterloo and In. My " Pro-ton. an. In. cab-on or Dunn and Ir. not In. Thou. omn- ot M the. Met., Mod Mr numb. It. M!" [lunar Cohan of Kitchen“ want no wool-dud with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Coats ot Toronto, was A guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wer. net. Mr. Edw. tbum trtre'qtt several days glth ht: father, Mr. Adam Dawn at Tavlstock. Mrs. Gooto Glennie spent a few days with Mend, at Kitchener. Mr. Chas. zmux or New mm- Tmrg spent the weekend with hls mother. Mrs. Henry Eiliia:t. ' Mr. and Mrs. F'aiward Rental ot hank" are spondlng a few months villa relatives in town. nllr. Elmer Renter of Kitetterrei, spent the weekend with hiwrenls. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Reuter. a Mr. Fred Forwell and Mr. Irvin Vorman or Kitchener were humus mum; in Elmira on Monday. Mr. Absalom Martin of Guernsey. Sash. is wishing his father, Mr. taron Martin. Perunall Mrs. L. “use is tor some time vis- iting her brother. Mm. Amos ESCh, Conestoga. Mr. Henry “which spent a day with friendsi. at Kitchener. Were Surprise The Young People of, Zion Evan- gelical Church surprised Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wittick on Monday evening, newly weds. at their home about mm mile north of Elmira. Enjoyed Shatihg Party "rhe Walther League at St. James Lutheran Church, held a skating par- ty at the local rink on Mummy eve- ning. Rcrrrssshments were served in the basomsut of the rhul'rh. In a one-sided game the Circle Six easily detailed the Black Hawks by the score' ot ll! to 1 at the Meal rink in a Town Hockey League same. The Circle Six were by Car too strong huh]: offensively and in the daleme. Each man on the team scored one or more goals with th6 exception of the goalie. M. Mountain scored the only"- goal for the Hawks. This is the only goal â€med on o. Schulz this tseason. [ Wm, Hum. star deafenw man for the locals, who was hurt in the game at Elon. was out of the game. Fergus s, Elmira It Fergus had an easy win over ET mira on Monday evening when they trereated them 5 to o. In the last Mme. Elmira defeated Fergus 2 to l. About 30 hockey fans accompan- Ied the team to Fergus, ing the hydro lines and any other work required tor the "plrerep of the service t1eEtstiary in town during tho winter months. , In a fast and exciting.game be. tween Guelph (LAC. and Elmira O.H.A,. Elmira deteated the visitors by the score of 5 to 2. The game at Ilmm was rough, but tuo'rereree. Basso“ ot Stratford, held the game well in hand. The rirtst period was Cast and snappy with R. Rominger scoring two of the three goals tor Elmira and N. Hillls the third. The playing was mostly in the Guelph territory. The third Teriud was some< what rough. Guelph scureftheir only two goals in this period and Elmira one. The home team suffered the most pumlties and at one time on- ly two players were on the ice be» sides the goalie. . Hydro Men Doing Work m Town A gang or nygro"workmen are in low" tor. a few days assisting strperintemlerrt A. M. Bowman in fix- ing the hydro lines and any other The Elam [Alumna dole“- od the Forum tun on ma" oven- ln; by the more ot FI, in u very keenly contested tame. Fergus scored their tirtst and ,only can! in the middle ot the mud Period and about: one minute later It'. Jarvis, stellar detencs min for Elmira ev- ened the count by a long the! from the cenlre of the rink. H, Hodwhor snared the winning goal when only a, few minutes to play. N. Hum and H Hoolscher played coaisttshmt-ttocs key tur the locals, white Blakley and Farrell were the best for the visitors. PM Much , ieiiriGaiu Game Mitt Hockey Circle Six to." BIack Hawks 1 Elmira 5, Guelph 2 Elmira A For.“ I F The Adult Bible Class of Calvary lrhuruh held their postponed reorkan- nation meeting of the class last Sun- day morning. and oleclul as presi- dent Howard flies, vie-president, Jack Morloch, tsecretary, Holden Am pel, treaéurer G. .B. Ohortto1trer, chorister Anthony Glen, teacher El- liott Richmond. A meeting ot the ratepayers is called for next Friday evening at 7.30 in the Public School for the purpnse of discussing the problems relating to a new school'. A wedding or local interest took place at the home ot Mr. Wnt, Door- hm-kvr in Kitchettsrr last Thursday. when his daughtPr Luella became the bride at Mr. Wilfred Buyer of Kiuhener. The popular bride spent her early girlhood in this cummuni- Iy and her many friends here ex- lend their best congratulations. Miss 1httyrhvarktrr spent a year recently in Now Zealaml as mu- ot the Empire} luau-nae teachers. Mr. and Mm. Boyer are taking a trip to the Ber. mudas before being aLhome to their friends at 61 Agnes St. Kltshener. Messrs. J. B. Sander. Eva new, man. J, G. llu-rnlfAhner Good and E. Richmond, attended the annual went-l ing of the Trustees and Rum-payed»I Assn. in the K.W.C.t. on last Salur-' day afternoon. 1 All: and Mrs. w. W. Snider and Mrs. Alfred thtyder and son Clive left on Wednesday for New York for a cruise ot the Medittyrtuanian Sea. spending some lime in Egypt and Palestine. Don voyage. A or course here on this little orb, "where we imagine all the humans live. we are busy in our little car ner shuvelling snow or boa], trying tu keep our tsaiance, listening in. burning the midnight candle that comps trom Niagara. laboring ot new. essity, eating, drinking. trying To be merry, sleeping on the wrung side of the stroke of twelve. plotting and planning alone and together trying to dodge the inevitable. and running up attaimst the ut1e.vtroeted and we call this life. Modernism ‘ Away back when Adam was young and Spry. Eve wandering in the Kar- den gay and bright. she came upon a luscious spy. and-said to her hub- by: "Try a bite." From that day on we do supiiose. the happy pair be-, gay to see lhoy'd look better with same clothes, that would reach be. low the knee. So it has come ahout' in fashion recent. that girls conceali so little from our ken. it would, seem in the name of all that's de-, (em.- we should pass the apples' round again. 3 He who laughs last laughs best. and that is why a Scotly is the beat lauglmr among the while races, and why he has been so long asking Cor Home rule. Who's Who and What's What q {in winning hack "ainr'opreciabir will)!!!" of his oldllma benign ultra- violet ray influent-o. and ruddy little mercury is seen low down in the west after sunset. and Venus. though ‘60 million miles away sparkles in he; brilliant white beauty as the most conspicuous aided. in space null Betelguew the first star to be actually measured with an Inter- miing diameter ot 250 million miles. is one of the tour stars in the dia, mund ot Orion. You can often learn much from a book on child-training, and one is that often the writer has no_chi1d- ren. Across In. alloy. the an“ oak “do look my and dreary, but by an ttqtrrttrmtoaer, all" tro bright and cheery. We hare had our loc- um January that and the old Cot estoga had ovoty "utiqtbtion. ot Bo- intt on a mid-tint†IBM but Jack Pros! clapped an his prohtbmun (ct- ters, and In the meantime, the da. tem are shaking and 1001mm) have held that. ' Alter several drab. dreary days of slush und albumen», the hate has rolled away and m tind that Sol. "nude hula IIIh-olndu&I-_uw ‘mummuuum Hawk's-I‘M“! M97 Farmers Illa MasettJy1illling Co. Ltd. UT. Buy Wooten: Food Wheat for your atock. 'mel'S Positively. no wnte - Clean and sweet The best Value on the Market (0-day 1i Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Slums ware an business to Kitchener on Satur- Miss Antonia Samar of Kitchener spent the week-end at her home here. Quite a numbor ot people trom our "Mrs. Abe Herner and non Noah visited with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Her- Her. Jr.. last Sunday. Mr. Edward Druar of St Agatha spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Eugsne Jhet.ridt. . . .Missos Ollie sweater and Helen Planery and . Mr. Harry Stoeser visual Last Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrnl John Wagner and family. Rev. Fame: Freiburger and Mr. Jos. Frerburttor of Kitchener and Mr. t'haries Fmihurger or China. Sash. visited one day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoeser last week. Mrs. Lorentz Plane} ot Petersburg is spending a few weeks with her daughter. Mrs. Peter Dietrich. Personals. I Mrs. E. H. Tye, Miss I. Ferguson land "Mrs. P, Bpttschen visited friends in 1'lattsvilte on Saturday alternoon. Miss Anna Hina of New Hamburg spent a few days this week with Mrs. J. B. Garland. Miss Aggie Garland of New Ham- burg spent Tuesdtr with her brothers. Gordon and J. B. Garland. The A.Y.P.A. will hold a religious meeting in the 113151va Hall next Monday evening. Jam 28th. at 8 u'clock. Rev. E. L. Vivian of Wood- stock. our former rector. wilt address the meeting on "The Church in 'our Modern Life." Roll call, Bible quo- tations containing the word "Son." A cordial. invitation k extended to all. Mrs. J. J. Graham is spending a couple ot days this week with her son. R. w. Graham. at Btrattord. Mrs. F. Sehramm spent the - end with relatives in Kitchener! Mr. and Mrs. Maurice “(sicker and family of New Hamburg spent Sunday with the farmer's brother, Percy Weider and family. _ Intereutlng '"etintt.-'rtto regular mouttf1y meeting ot the wornon"is Ite stitute was held last Wednesday afternoon at the home ot Mrs. D. (‘oxson Several items of business were" discussed and transacted. in- cluding plans to hold a sewing course here tor two weeks In March providing a class of tifteen members is arranged. Mrs. W. G. Collum gave a Upland“! paper on "The Elflclent Home Maker". and Mrs. D. Conan gave a reading. At the close dainty refreshments were served by the hustess and her assistants. cMese rlame's Snider. Nahrgaug and Weicker. Penonalu. Mrs. Joseph Brennemau spent a "ouole of days last week with her mother Mrs. C. Steinman, menu's Itoisd. Messrs. Joe and Abe Vincent ot Dashwood spent the 'weekend with Mrs. P. 'Bettschen and family. Miss Dorothy Walker is visiting friends in Kitchener and Gait this week. N II (I. St. BUTTER MILK SCORE BREAD? J Your wall-0nd - will to delight“ who»! they an. on? P5... _ Cream Pun Com. Cakes and Dunn. which of mum you will lneludo u, your mum. " King St. N. JOSEPHSBURG PM" your are" only W. A. COOK &,SON HAYSVILLE 'HreymrWSdNrG-hte 9c a Loaf WATERLOO " NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN. pm- t want to Chapter 150 ot the Revised . Statutes of Ontario, 1927, that all creditors and others having claims against or entitled to share in the rg estate of Catherine Glee. late ot the er Township of Westtesler, in the Court. ty of Waterloo, Widow. Deceased, who died on or about the thirteenth t. day of December. 1928, are required r. to deliver, by post prepaid or other- L., wise, on or before the ninth day ot February. 1929. to Jacob Lorentz or ' Louis Forweil, St, Clemente. Ontario. the Executors of the Will of the said In deceased. their names in full, with B. their addresses and descriptions, full [articulate ot their claims or inter- . oats. and statements ot the security. 18 it any. held try them; and that after yr the said ninth day of February. 1929, ut the said Executor: will proceed to Gh/itil, the “sets of tho said de. ceased among the parties enmied 1| thereto, hgvlng regard only to chime r- or interests or which they shall then have received notice, and will not be liable for the said use“ to any 'e pen-on at whose claim or interest r- they shallrnot than have received notice. srl DATED 9th January, 1929. Jame. C. Haight. ll Waterloo. Ontario. r 2-3 Solicitor tor the Execute“. In the Estate of CATHERINE GIES. : Deceased. EXECU'NRS' NOTICE IO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned datR.the said Execute†will pioneer! to distribute the assets ot the sald deesstitaed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the clalms ot which they Wall then have notice. and that the sald Execnlora will not be liable tor the said Assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution DATED at Waterloo. Ontario, this 3rd day ot January, 1929. SOLOMON EAST, Executor, l, one of the Executortrot tho Last Iv11 and testament of the said tle. ceased, their Christian names and surnames. addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars, in writing. of their claims, a statement ot their accounts and the nature ot the security, it any, held by them. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pur- suant to Section 56 at the Trustees Act, R50. 1914, Chapter 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate ot the said Christian L. Leis, who died on or about the 213'. day ot December. 1928. in the Township ot Wilmot. are required on or my tore the 15th day or February. 1929. to send by post. prepaid, or deliver to Solomon Bast. Wellesley R. R, No. E. J. BHANTL Auction." Pen " Oveheadar)-di'arm stock and implements belonging to Orvnl Snyder, an the farm of Nelson Snyder, situated 1.i mile west of Winterbourne. vicinity attended the “lotion ale held by Mr. Enoch Motor. non Bum- berg. In the matter of the Estate of CHRISTIAN L. Lma, late of the Township of Wilmot, in the County of Waterme. Farmer, decelud, R. R. No. 1. Walla-lay. MRS. FANNIE LEIS, Executrix. Wellesley, Ont. Executorl of Christian L. "P. Estate. _ 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Our adv" will dollar. AUCTION SALE LISTS "85 " 2-3