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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 May 1928, p. 3

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_‘ Priced to Prove Our Ability to Give More Value and More Style w for Less Money ze & ... . eemenenemeneeeeee ie i e e e e e e e ei O SL TT P oi . s CELEBRATED G0 Over a score of 1 L M Mre. . J. 8. Snyde m gathered‘ on Sati their golden wed Ayoung‘ lad, James Radke, a caddie at the Grandâ€" River Country Club, was on Sunday accidentally struck by a golf ball His nose was fractured, necessitating an operation at the hospital, which was successâ€" ful It is stated that he will not suffer any disfigurement as a result of the mishap. Rare, rich woolens, chosen for their fitness and smart patterning, tailored by Canada‘s foremost tailors, Distinctive suits that drape nicely uwnd ft like suits you want to wear. Stripes, Checks, Mixtures in Grays, ‘Tans and every new light shade for Spring and Summer; also the new dark colors. Sizes for all men. ¢ y Ap . At this season of the year a Top Coat is necessary for every man‘s wardrobeâ€"a choice line of light colors in the latest novelty weaves, sthart spring models at these special prices Saturday. NOSE SMASHED BY GOLF BALL It‘s most unusual to find such long wearing fabrics at so low a priceâ€"offering the latest styles and patterns in good wool weaves. Men who have bought these suits are enthusiastically telling their friends and the result is a rapidly growing list of satisfied customers. I must write and let you know how our son, who had creep‘ng paralysis, is improving. He had taken your medicine about a week only whein he could walk and in three weeks had gained 13 lbs. He helped his father with seeding and is working every day and is feeling fine. Our daughter is also making an improvement, is gainâ€" ing nicely, but is still taking your medicine. We certainly cannot praise your medicine too highly for what it has done for us all 3 A ENB m I ) oo e n uid c Mr. B. J. Murfin, Dear Sir:â€" _â€"__ We do not think there is any medicine sold on the market #o effective in building up a run down system as Mr. Murfin‘s Natural Herb Medicine and we highly recommend it to our neighbors and friends Rimwood, R. R. No. 2, Ont You Too, Can Be Well Mr. Murfin, the Rroprietor of the Canadian Herb Gardens, Expert in Herbs, will be at the ~â€" â€"Walper House, Kitchener TWO DAYS ONLYâ€"ALL DAY AND EVENING Gall Stones removed without an operation, Goitre removed without an operation, Asthma, Piles, Heart Trouble, High Blood Pressure, Btomach ‘Trouble, <Skin Dissases, Bedâ€"wetting, Worms, Nerve ‘Trouble, Constipation and Appendicitia, Kidney Troubles, Paralysis, Diabetes, Bright‘s Disease, Lun' and Bronchial Troubles, Anaemia, Catarrh, mnm. Over Fatness, Female Troubles, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Neurities and all Diseases. _ . _ _ To all our customers taking Herb Treatments, this book conâ€" tains 250 oldâ€"time Herb formulas, the longâ€"cherished secrets of our forefathers and great Horbalists Hke Nicholas, Culpeppor andâ€" Pasy tor Knelpp, who lived years ago whd used them with groatâ€"success. 46 KING ST. E PARALYZIED Canadian Herb Gardens Two and three button Models in neat stripesâ€" light grays, tans, dark grays and grays, well tailored. Hoping to see you soon, we remain, _ Sincerely yours, Special Sale Saturday TOPCOATS $15.850 f «â€"â€"Retember the Datesâ€" » MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 21st and 22nd Special Styles for Men â€" Others for Young Men FRIDAY and SATURDAY THERE 18 A HERB FOR EVERY DISEASE 5138 Two Trouser Suits COULD NOT WALK, BUT RESTORED WITH NATURAL. HERBS y § Ay+ We Bell the MHerbs the Juica Comea From SPECIAL SUITS SATURDAY HERB DOCTOR BOOK FREE MAY 21ist AND 22nd CONSULTATION FREE > No matter what you want to pay we have what you want in good sturdy two bloomer ‘suits. We have planned these offerings for a long time and have succeeded in getting what â€"we went after. They are blue serges, fancy tweeds and meat worsteds in seasonable shades. Sizes for boys 6 to 16 years. Boys‘ one long and one bloomer suits, single and double breasted styles, fancy novelty weave. Sizes 10 to 18 years. j These Suits are made in the new single models, also double breasted models, patterned after college styles clothes in stunning fancy pat« terns. A real showing for boys 12 to 18 years. Boys‘ Quality Apparel Boys‘ Two Bloomer Suits $12.90 Others up to $50. $25 Quality Boys‘ Two Long Trouser Suits $12.65 â€" $15.00 2 Trouser Suits, $9.80 â€" $14 | ~The resignation of the chairman lot the Kitchemer Separate School IIBoard, Father Zinger, who is moving ‘to Chicago, was the occasion of the | passing of a resolution of regret and }apprechtion _of the excellent serâ€" ‘Ivlces he has rendered, on the part ‘of the Board: at its meoting on $6.95, $8.65, $10.80 Thursday â€" last. SERVICES APPRECIATED Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Liefso Elmwood, May 13th, 1927 KITCHENER LONDON, ONT. ‘ GETS SEVERE SENTENCE _ A sentence of three months in the Ontario Reformatory and a fine of $200 and costs was meted out to Roy Cadwell who assaulted Dr. H. H. Huehnergard of Kitchener on April 16th in front of the Station Hotel, when the doctor was taking the numâ€" ber of the car, after he had been crowded to the curb. If the fine is not paid, another month will be addâ€" ed to the sentence. 300 HEAD CATTLE INSPECTED â€" Dr. Harvey, food and milk inspec tor at Kitchener, states that thirty two herds of cattle supplying raw milk and cream to city consumers have been given the tuberculin test and out of that large number there have been less than ten reactors. Thesé are being removed. Over 300 head have been inspected and conâ€" sidering the large number tested the loss has been small. About twenty herds remain to be tested. SPEEDSTER PAID $25.00 Speeding on Wilmot St., Kitchener, cost George Balikow$§ki, of Bulaffo, $20 and costs, or a total of $36 in police court‘on Monday. He was arrested â€" Sunday ~afternoon _ and spent the night in the police cells. The officer stated that he was smell ing of liquor when apprehended. A fineâ€"of $10 and Costs was im posed kiethe case of L. Condo on & charge of reckless driving. . The de femdant had just purchased a new car and undertook to drive it after a few lessons. The magistrate said he wonld have to pass an examinaâ€" tion in driving and secure an oper ator‘s license before again . being allowed to drive his car. ~ The new heads of the Kitchener Division of the Salvation Army, Adjutant and Mrs. Bexton and famâ€" ily, successors to Commandant and Mrs. Condie, have arrived in Kitch ener. They recently returned from China where they have been missionâ€" aries for sometime. CELEBRATED GOLOEN WEDDiNG. _ Over a score of friends of Mr. and Mrs. . J. 8. Snyder of Irw. gathered‘ on Saturday to celebrate their golden wedding with O-.! They were the recipiont d‘u" congratulations and good wishes. Both are in ex¢ellent health. | STEVBING GROCERY DISCONTINUING BUSINESS Stenbing & Son, grocers, of Kitchâ€" ener, who have carried on a grocery businéss in Kitchener for 50 years, have sold the lease of the store to &lh/&hymwm'fl take possession in June, The groâ€" very will discontinue business the endâ€" of the month. NOT A GAMBLING DEVICE _ In Kitchener police court on Monâ€" day, the Jennings slot machine for the vending of mints was declared legal and not a gambling device. It was a test case in which Harold Kuhl was charged with running a gambling resort &s a result of one of the machines being found on his premises. The case was therefore diemissed. NEW HEAD OF FINED FOR RECKLESS DRIVING ORDON‘S Ks LASSES = SATISFY Phone 2777W. 50 Ontarieo 8. Kitchener PHOTOGRAPHS LIVE FOREVER Special Leatherette Folder and 4 x 6 Photo, one dozen for sultable for any kind of rupture. Our Trusses have no under strap. "Prevent yoursel! from torture and get a truss to fit you. 163 King 8t. W., Upstairs .‘ Phones 2592 and 27504 KITCHENER Passports and Licenses finished same day. RUPTURE all our Trusses at Reduced For the next Thirty Days A. COHENCIOUS 12 Manasion 8t. Kitchener, DENTON STUDIO A Complete Stock of Trusses Expert Special Examination Frée SALVATION ARMY at Judge Hearn, who has presided Iover the courts of Waterloo County ‘for eleven yearsâ€" and who has been |prominent in legal circles for many | years, was called to the bar in 1884. Prior to being appointed a judge he |practiced at Barrie and Toronto, enâ€" joying the distinction of being a |King‘s Counsel. He began his legal : practice at Tottenham. M. DECKERT,. LINWOOD, | FINED FOR AssAuLT | In Kitchener police court on Monâ€" _ day, Milton Deckert of Linwood was ‘found guilty of assaut and fined $50 and also costs amounting to $20. The maximum sentence for assaulting an !omcer. said the magistrate, is two ‘years. The charge had been changed to one of assault. The fine was the outcome of a raid made by police officers. Auspices K.â€"W. Rotary Club, K.â€"W. Hospital, Saturday, June 9. Anyone knowing of cases needing attention please report same to J. A. Martin, phone 1027 Kitchener, or F. M. Hearn, 15 Queen St. N., Kitchener, Phone 3586. 19â€"44. the right side and another one in front of the olv'nlor The third story will also be extended the full length of the store, giving considerâ€" ably more accommodation for merâ€" chandise. Many congratulations and good wishes â€"were tendered Judge Hearn of Kitchener on his 70th birthday which he attained on Friday. The event was made the occasion of a dinner at the Kress House, which was attended by his immediate famâ€" ily. He was made the recipient of numerous â€" gifts as tokens of the affection and regard of his family and friends. {it from the highway ihto the ditch. | Cook, the driver of the car, who was unhurt, claims that the glare of the aun blisded him. When he applied his brakes the car awung around and awerved actoss the track in the path of the redial car. & CELEBRATED | PASTOR 18 DEAD Former parishioners in Kitchener regretted to learn of the death of Rev. H. W. Crews, of Windsor, last week, he having been a former pasâ€" tor of ‘Trinity United Church. 5 APPROVE BYâ€"LAW In a session lasting only a fow minutes the Ontario Railway and. Municipal Board last week approved of the byâ€"law changing the residenâ€" tial area on the north side of Strange and Wilmot streets at intersection of. the two romds from a residential to a business zone. ‘The Teco Store, Kitchener, oper ated by the T. Eaton Co., and form erly owned by Lang Treacy Co., has decided to enlarge and remodel the main and third floors of the store at a cost of approximately $40,000. A passenger elevator will be inatalled at the rear of the store on the east side, while the stairway and the office in the ceontre of the first floor will be removed and be utilized for display and sales space. The main office and workroom wil} be moved to the third floor. A stairway will be built at the front of the store on County Judge. E. J, Hearn Honored by Friends on Friday Last, Recipient of Numerous FORMER KITCHENER GIVEN HI8 LNBERTY After being confined to jail for three weeks pending trial on charges of fraud, Walter W. Reynolds was given a week in which to settle a board bill at the Royal: Hotel El mira. He denied the charges of fraud, acknowledging the debt, ho having left his guit case and samples there when going to Guelph, He will report. back to the magistrate in a $40,000 to be Expended Addition to Third Story BUS SYSTEM WOULD NOT PaAY At its meeting last Wednesday the Kitchener Public Utilitiss Commis slon ‘decided that the inatguration of a bus service in the city as proâ€" posed, was not warranted from a financial standpoint. An investiga tion made a year or so ago revealed the fact that such lines are a loaing proposition. Toronto is the only city in which they wored paying their way. RADIAL STRIKES AUTO aAt CENTREVILLE CRossing On Saturday afternoon the auto driven by 8. J. Cook of Kitchener was struck at the railway crossing at Centreville by the radial car, the car hitting the rear sad and hurling CRIPPLED CHILDREN‘S CLINIC 70th BIRTHDAY Â¥ Dorecht â€" Eby " C 96 ie e y * kn _ un M > _ _ L0 The marringe took place on Saturâ€" * r t mm ti% A +3 & day of Rose Pearl, daughter of Mr. Coat‘R udiu.la.blbr.mruflofi R ed"Cd bert Dorscht, gon of Mr. and Mrs. i _a_iy-mmymmn 4 ““. Aflâ€"“.-‘-n‘n_m k * | Meodicine ‘Co., Mre. Elizabeth Schmidt The death occurred suddenly on Sunday morning at Kitchener of Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt, in her §7th year. She had retired in her usual health and passed away during the night. She had .been a resident of Kitchener for 20 years. Her aged mother and one brother, Joseph, of Bloomingdale, survive. ‘The funeral was held on Wednesday to Woodland cemetery. C Ottilie F. Wagner The death occurred in Toronto on Wednesday . of Ottilieâ€"F. Wagner, daughterâ€" of the late Mr. and Mrs. V: Z. Wagner, in hor 46th year. She is survived by her stepmother, three brothers, J. E. Wagner of Kitchener, William Wagner of Huxley, Alta., and E. A. Wagner of Detroit and two sisters, Mrs. Charles Hollinger of Kitchener and Mrs. Elmer Biehn of Redford, Michigan. ‘The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon at two o‘clock from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hollinger, 17 North Eby street, to St. Paul‘s Lutheran church and to Mount Hope cometery for inâ€" terment. * Mrs. Frank Bialkowski ‘The death occurred suddenly in Kitchener on Friday of Mrs. Frank Blalkowski, in her 7ist year. She was found on the floor of the home, dead, ‘by her hugband. She had been a resident of Kitchener for 58 years. She leaves her husband, two sons, Leo and Albert of ‘Kitchener, and six daughters, Mrs. Chris. Karges, Mrs. R. Dyer and Mrs. A. Solomon of Waterloo and Mrs. John Shooemaker, There must be no guesswork in the treatment of pale, anaemic girls and children. If your daughter is languid, has a pale, sallow comâ€" ‘plexion, is ‘short ‘of bréath after slight exertion or on going up stairs, if she has palpitation of the heart, a poor appetite, or a tendency to faint, she has anaemiaâ€"â€"the medical name for poverty of the blood.> Any delay in treatment may leave her weak.and sickly for the rest of her Jife. When the blood is thin and watery give Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, coupled with nourishing food and gentle outâ€"of door exercise. The new, lifeâ€"giving: blood which comes from a fair use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, increases the appetite, stimuâ€" lates the nerves and brings a glow of health to pale cheeks, Mrs. Robert Jackson, R. R. 5, Shelburns, Ont., praises this medicine for restoring her daughter‘s health. She says:â€" "When my daughter was nine years old she was so weak and thin that we feared we would lose her. She was very neryous, and going to school seemed too much for her. Often she would have to stay at home for days at a time. At times she would have a very high fover, and the doctor‘s treatment did not help her. I tried several remedios, but with no good results. Ona day a friend advised me to give har Dr. Williams‘® Pink Pilla, and I did so. It was not very long after she beâ€" gan taking the pills that I could see a ‘z'ur the better. She kept on the fl: aeveral nateomenes & Ithy girl. 8 then, if a? been needed at any time, it h# :'l been Dr. ‘Williams‘ Pils." 0 <0~> t t NEW STRENGTH FOR _ ALL WEAK GIRLS Samue! Cusin © ‘The death occurred in Windsor on Saturday of Samuel Cusin, brother of Charles ‘Cusin, of Waterloo, and a former resident of that town. He was 34 years of age. The funoral was held from the home of J. K. Shinn on Tuesday to Mount Hope cemetery for interment. Alice Mary Smith Mrs. Alice Mary Smith of Waterâ€" loo passed away in St. Mary‘s Ho# pital on Saturdaw in her 21st year. Her husband and infant son survive; also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hobbs of Waterloo, five brothers and two sisters~ The funeral was held on Wednesday from the home of her parents to St. Louis Church, thence to Mount Hope cemetery. Comes From the Rich, Red Blood Made by Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. . Alleen Hauck The 16 months old daughtpr of Mr. and Mrs. Houry Hauck passed away on Saturday at the home .of her parents, Bridgeport road. The tunâ€" eral was hold on Tuesday to the R. C. Church and cometery. Hallman â€" Barrey _ â€" The marriage took place in Kitchâ€" ener on Wednesday Alast of Laurs Barrey to Archie Hallman of Kitch The pilis are sold by al medicine dealers or will be seat by mail at §0 cents a box by The Dr. Williama‘ OBITUARY Solomon of Kitchener. Two brothers, ‘ John and Jacob ‘Wintermeyer of Kitchener, and two sisters, Mrs. : John Weber of Calgary and Mrs.| Joseph Mosburger of St. Agatha ghox survive in addition to 30â€"grandchilâ€" dren. The funeral took place Monday ' morning to St. Mary‘s church. Burial was made in Mount Hope R. C.i cemetery. â€" 96 King St. W, °_ ESTIMATED POPULATION According to a survey made by the Bell Telephone Company, it is estiâ€" mated that Kitthener will have a population in 1945 of 40,000 and Waterloo 12,000. The estimate of the population by 1927 is Kitchemer 34,000 and Waterloo 8,000. LAD FOUND Herbert Dautert, who disappeared from Suddaby School last week, was discovered in Welland and brought home by his father. The lad is 13 vears of age. «OOPOEVOOOEOOATEOODRRONDHOOON Lawn Mower Season Is Here! F. STEELE Wray‘s Bookstore _ 116 KING WEST PHONE 2381 L e Big Variety Of FIRE CRACKERS, SKY ROCKETS, FLAGS, Ete. for the holiday, May 24th, Victoria Day. Get Your Supplies Here. .â€" COUDIES LIMIT ED TWEED AND KASHA COATSâ€"Reg. $49.50 for $29.50â€"Reg. $26.50 for $19.50â€"Reg. $19.50 for $16.95â€"Reg. $17.50 tor $13.95â€"Reg. $13.50 tor $10.00. a o 4 ‘ CHILDREN‘8 _COATE WITH : SUBSTANTIAL 3 REDUCTIONS, TOO! Opportunity For A Good Seving On The Cont Needs.Of A Long Season Ahcadâ€"Spring, Summer and Early Fallt Daisy 3 Blade Mower, 14" x 7" WROO @ ..m.ommmmmmmennd Daisy 3 Blade Mower, 16" x 7" Wheel @ ..........smsmssumm> Star‘ 4 Blade Mower, 16" x 9"* Wheal. @ ....=smsmmmmmonss Woodyatt 4 Blade Mower, 18" x 10%" Wheel @ ............... Woodyatt 4 ‘Blade Mower, 18" x 10%%" Wheel @ ..........â€"â€"... Perfection 5 Blade Mower, Roller Bearing, 18" x 10%" Imperial 5 Blada, Roller Bearing, 18" x 10%" Wheel, @ Imperial 5 Blade, Roller Bearing, 20" x 10%" Whéel @ Hose Reslsâ€"Stéel @ .......... $2.75, Wood Reel @ ....... Grass Catchers, metal bottom, @ ..»................. $140 a Perfection 5 Blade Mower, Roller Bearing, 20" x 10% Kitchener‘s Daylight Store â€" Member of Federated Stores M. WEICHEL & SON, LIMITED Your‘ Lawns Neat and Trim With One of Qur Taylor Forbes Lawn Mowers "The Big Hardware Store"‘ PHONE 215 â€" . 3 WATERLOO KITCHENER KITCHENER The . Grent English h@n Lones and imvigorates w * pinervous systenâ€". makes new (2g in «id Vems . Jeed for Nervou® : Debility, Menial amd m Desrondsney, Loss of b-."v. Paipitation the H/~â€"t, Pailoag Memory. ue $2 per bas, for 5* d bw al! dr=~‘«*s, or maced in phg. oi reccipt of pri‘ J w puuphlet i ds NeE WOUs s No ~r won un Keep Minard‘s in the medicine chest the opening of their branch office in Kitchener. Room No. 2 Upstairs 16 Frederick _ Property rented, sold â€" or â€"exâ€" changedâ€"mortgages arranged~â€" Farm property our specialty. We are at your service for anything in this line, Agents almost everywhere with Coast to Coast advertising." The National FARM ACENCY . LIMITED OF TORONTO m meer 16 FREDERICK ST. ANNQUNCE â€" Room 2 Upstairs PHosnm=s®fNE. : and -nfl‘mt us systen:. makes new m Vems _ Jeed for Nervou® ty, Menial amd M'uv’ b-?;n. FPaipitation ?:'?'-W» fee $2per bas, dr«â€"‘1s, or maded in pl + /J ow pacenhlet $1.40 and $1.80 Different Styles to Choose from. 14", 18", 18", 20" Mowers Run Easy Different Sizesâ€" Our T.F. $ 8.80 10.50 12.00 18.00 «P

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