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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Mar 1928, p. 5

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bo ‘ TOWN j _ won moorsk FropHy The rink @kipped by J. O. Watts won*the mm in the finals at"the Waterloo rigk on Monâ€" day, defeating skip.A. Grieve in a closely contested game. * WATERLOO MARKET . At the Waterloo market on Satur day eggs brought 40 cents a dozen while butter sold at 40 and 42 cents a pound." Chickens sold at 30 and 35 cents a pound and spy apples at $2.50 a bushel.‘~ SEAGRAM HORSES $ SHIPPED TO BALTIMORE Last week a shipment of 25 race horses was made from the Seagram Stables, Waterloo, to the training grounds in Bailtimore. The horses will start rgcing in about a month. "As ‘to the© condition : of, ‘your Miss Susan Devift, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Devitt, was awarded fifst class honors in piano in the reâ€" cent &xamination conducted by the ‘Toronto Canservatory of Music. She is a pupil of ‘Miss Anna R. Bean of Kitchener. ©yes, of ure‘‘not ‘satisfactory, come in || ..Sixty: thousand dollars or 114 } and lot us talk the matter oven. | mt wl be reduired D7 OS Tuke) We give you good gigssbe it you | being Sxed at & hold â€" meed them and good advice if E:‘L‘:'m "‘z:;'mg- Â¥e » i9908 i year T60 to 1 "?‘-"- ' m-’ummswaum pp in n ... â€"} orat hundred dollars for improveâ€" **4 + monts in several roomg. It was de mmco_ cided to engage an additional teacher J““l lm the Alexandra‘ Bchool. WATlRLOO _RECEIVES REBATE ON HYDRO POWER The Waterico Public . Utilities Commissio® has retéived~ a credit bill for the past year amounting to $3,442.69, an increase of $2,211.3% over last year. This will be deductâ€" ed from the power bill for March, considerably redncing it. PRESENT WATERLOO‘S PRIVATE BILL Town Clerk Zick and Solicitor MacKenzie were in 'l'omqto last week in connection with the presenâ€" tation of Waterloo‘s private bill to the Ontario Legislature. The bill was favorably reported by the Private Bills Committee. BUCCESSFUL PIANO STUDENT SLOT MACHINES CANNOT BE USED Acting om ordersâ€" from. Crown Attorney Bowlby, Chiéf McEIlistrum has warned all merchants who have slot machines on their premises to discontinue their use immediately of prosecution ~will follow. If any machines are found they will be conâ€" fiscated. About a dozen of these maâ€" chines have been in use in the town. Large Stock of W Books in Fiction, School Books, A Business Stationery, Writing Paper, etc. RETURN FROM «TRIP TO ENGLANO Mr. and Mrs. James Girling have returned from a six" weeks sojourn in England. They left Canada on Dec. 10 and the return trip was made feaving Feb. 18th. There was almost continued rain while they were in the old â€"country there being only about three days of fine weather. Flowers were in bicoom when they left. ‘They witnessed the opening of Parkiament and the funâ€" gral of the late Harl Haig while in England. % Members of the staff of the Mutual Life Assurance Company and their friends to the number of over two hundred, wore delightfully entertainâ€" e€ at a Leap Year party held in the ball room ofâ€"the company last week. Among the highly intereating fea tumo(thowo?fl’vm.mm comedy skit; "‘MutualMuttorings" by Ezra Smith, a solo dance by Miss Hamacher, a sing song by. eight young ladies and vocal selections by the Harmony Boys. _ Dancing was afterwards enjoyed by those present. ~~ . NEWS AROUND LEAP YEAR PARTY ENJOYED o ocR T.i t lar" 10 Frederick Btreet KITCHENEAR® Wray‘s Bookstore _ 116 KRKING WEST â€" PHONE 2381* Ksetchener‘s New Book Store 6poken. Wray‘s â€" KITCHENER <A general survey of the deatal condition .Af .the children in the Public and Separdte Schgols and the gconsideration of a dental cligie was discussed at length. J. H. Kennedy, a"member of the committee, has arranged for. Dr. (%h: of the Deâ€" partment of Health to come here and )nbult a report on the, matter. Sale Held by L. Spitzig, Near New Germany, a Big Success.â€"Large Crowd and Lively ‘Bidding, â€".~* . . Says Auctioneer Frickey. EXCELLENT umlcx:sx C3 AT AUCTION SALES, Auctioneer Walter W. Prickey, Waterloo â€"County‘s wellâ€"known and genial ~auctionser, reports that exâ€" tellent #prices~ were realized> at auctiqn sales the past few weeks. Mr. Frickey has had ‘an unusually busy season, having conducted a sale every day for the bast two weeks and has salesâ€"lists for practically every day for© the remainder© of March. Cattle, horses, grain and household effects â€"have brought exâ€" cellent prices. ‘The Lawrence Spitzig sale held on Thursday, near Néw Germany, was attended by an unusually large crowd. The bidding was quite brisk. Horses, â€" cattle, . implements _ and household effects were sold at extraâ€" ordinarily. good pricés considering the fact thatterms were cash. Oats sold at $1.25 and barley at $2.2%5 per bushel and potatoes at $2.30 per bag. i'l'ho sale totally nearly $5,000. ‘FThe 117 â€"acre ‘farm was, sold to .Petér \smmz, son of Lawréence Spitzig, for $10,000. wb + ih-ler than they can be cut. Tt is the largest supply the H. E. Ratz lnw mill has had for the past few ‘years. ~> 2 | A number of youngâ€"men spent Sunday evening at the home of Jno. 8. Meyer. & Miss Marianne Koebel, who was hclidaying under the parental roof for the past month, returned to Kitâ€" chener. â€" ‘Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Forwell spent a ftew days in the past woeek with the latter‘s sisters in Toronto. ~â€"% Mr. ‘Nortuan Koebel left\ in ‘the past week for the Twin:City where he has secured employment. > Mr. Barney Boege! had the. migâ€" fortune of braaking two ribsy when he accidently slipped on some ice. ‘The local saw mill is cutting 10,000 ft. of lumber. Logs are coming in Mr.â€" Fred . Hinsperger, who has spent sevefal weeks near Waterloo, returned to his home here. Mr. Leo Brenner and son Paul reâ€" turned to their home in Canboro. __Mr.«Geo. Rosenblatt. was a visitor with ~relatives in Haftiliton . last Thupsday. e Messrs. Art Windsor and Albert ‘Helm spent Aast Thursday and Friâ€" day in Vineland with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Borgman. . ; + A number of friéhds and. relatives assembled at.the.Romé of Mr. David Hergott to celebrate‘ Mrs. Hergott‘s birthday on Feb: 29th. â€" â€"+« Mesirs.. Barney ‘ Meyeér, Anthony Herzog and Oscar Lobsinger spent Saturday in the Twin«City. RETUVRN FROM EXTENSIVE a TRIP: TO. WESTERN CANADA | Mr. and Mrs.Samuel Schwass and daughter Idella~have returned again . to Ontario after a year‘s stay in the Western Provinces: _ They have vieited Elgin and> Winnipeg, Man., Gravéliburg, Sask., @kskatoon, Gatnâ€" sey,. Calgary, ‘ Edmonton, Didebury, Peace ‘River, Rockford, Drumheller; in‘ Mberta, and w.-z Sumerland, Vancouver, Victbria and other places inâ€" British Columbia, @nd various places‘in the States of Washington and.Oregon, and report havinig a fine Minard‘s Liniment for Grippe. °. Â¥ A t 8T. CLEMENTS . Buy Fire Truckâ€"Mesits. Byron A. Letson and J. Kienzle were to Woodâ€" stock “,W and. brought the recéntly purchased ~fire « "home. «It is a ‘much needed m{ to the fire equipment / f ,Tommsm Mre. Edier "Schinbein, who had just re turned: from & honeymoon trip ‘to 1Berlu|¢l. were tendered a reception 03 Monday afternoon of last week at }the hoq:‘ of "the: former‘s. parents, r. and Mrs. Geo. Schinbein. Among those present were Mr, â€"and Mrs Walter Shants and family of Waterâ€" i The many friends of Miss Alice Ebel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, \Henry W. Ebel, are glad that she |was so fortunate to escape seriqus or possible fatal injuries in an, acc+ dent at a railway crossing near Guelph on Monday evening of last week. As it was, Miss Ebel was not injured ~and â€" sufféred only from skock. Hot companion suffered inâ€" ternal injgries, bxkui jaw and sevâ€" _eral braken ribs. The automobile in ! which they were‘driving was sruck by the locomotive and damaged beâ€" yond repair. ‘Mr. Fisher is in the Guelph Hpspital and his condition is reported as somew@Rt improved. 160, Mr. andâ€"Mrs. William Schinbein and family of Cabri, Sask. g the Misses Ida and Mabel.8 this village. ‘The â€"young gouple â€" were married in Detroit on Monday, Feb. 6th, and will make their home in that city. % i jee" * Held Special Meetingâ€"Theâ€"Locah Board of Health held a ; special meeting here on Tuesday of last week. ‘Dr. J. J. Fraser of Guelph, the District Officer of ‘Health, was preâ€" sent at this meeting in his official capacity. A Mr. and "Mrs. Henry B. Martin on Tuesday of last week attended the wedding of their nephew wHich took place onâ€"the 4th line of Peél. â€" Mr. Oscar Huekhn is the latest one to have aâ€"radio installed in his home. This is number 14 for our village. New Pastor Comingâ€"Rev. 8. J. Wittig bf Walkerton was‘in the vik lage last week. He will come to Ccnestogo immediately after Raster and take charge of the Conestogo â€" St. Jacobs parish, ‘Mr. Willard Schwarts left last week for Kitchener where he has seâ€" cured ‘a position. Won Easy Victory â€"Another® inâ€" teresting game of hockey was played on the St. Jacobs rink on F)"thy evening. â€" when the , Winterbourne boys again measured sticksâ€"with our boys and the result was as usual, our boys were the winners by score of 82. Mr. Nelson Shelley and friend of Toronto were over Sunday visitors at the home of the former‘s parents: Mr. Fred Steiss of Toronto spent over Sunday with his\mother~here. Successful Saleâ€"The Well known and popular auctioneer," W. W. Frickey, conducted a very success fulâ€"saleâ€"of farmstock, etc., for, Mr. Surbray on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Wimm.; Schinbein and family and the Misses Ida and Mabel Snider were guests at he home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Musseiman on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Thos. Mose of Milverton spent a day last week at the home, of Mr. James Rutherford, 4 Mr. Robert Crummer and family have moved to Toronto. > Mr. S. J. Armstrong left for Orillia where he will reside in the future. Mr. S. W. Coulter and Mrs. Bert Wriay attended the funeral of‘ the late Mr. Stewart at, Elmira one day last week. Miss ~ Myrtle «Eedy <is visiting friends in Stratford. Mrs. JamesRutherford is spend Ing a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. K. Johnston, Toâ€" Yonto. ~ ‘Mr. Thomas Crummer has purâ€" chased the house, belonging to Mr. R. B, Ham#ton on James street and Intends to mové in shortly. * Miss Jennieo Reid is spending a few days at the home of Mr. Alex Reld, . Toronto. ... SBunday® was a real March day. There were ho services in the Wes ley United Church‘on Sunday afterâ€" noon owing to the ‘storm." â€" _ c Miss Grace Nuhn received honors in her junior harmony pianoforte #xams which she tried ‘last week. Mr. Burn of Hamilton attended the funeral"of the late Mr. Stewart at Elmira last woek. . GOES TO AKRON. OHIO _C Â¥. , in charge of the foot mpm.tmmmfio plant _ At Kitchener, has © been ap pointed "to a similar position at Akron and !s a well sarned promoâ€" MILLBANK Another of Waterloo‘s .well known business © mon~ was_ â€" by mnnmgm N. ‘Huchu, who passed pescpfully away at his home on Tuesgday mornâ€" ing /following a Avye months‘ Hiness. Ho was in his O7th year "The funoral #!ll â€"be held on Â¥riâ€" day /at %.80 o‘clock.~ & private, serâ€" vice will be held at the house after which ‘s puplic service will be conâ€" ducted at the St. John‘s Luthoran ChureB.: =.. < moyed to Waterio# where he conâ€" ducted a successful coopersge bustâ€" ness. lwfiuh-._"-_.uldhh‘ tim# in the service of his home town,. being ‘a miember of‘the town counâ€". sion for a number of years. He was: cll and Water and Light Commis ). vajued member® of St. John‘s Lutheran Church, being a meitmiber of the church board. _ & There survive ‘a sorrowing wife, two soms ahd ‘four Maughters Eo ward of Kitchener and Arthur of Hanover, Mrs. Fred Burschatiki, Sybills, Hattie and Esther, of Watâ€" erloo; ‘also two brothers: and .two U Ausnine s n § wiim m ot H , Mro. A. B. Miller of Kitchenor and Mre. John P. Schmidt ot ~Waterlo6, : and ~seven grand children. 7 * Mr .and Mrs. David Thalér of Kit* chenerâ€" visited Mrs. Simon ‘Thaler on Wednesday. » lau Mr. and Mrs. Amsay Fry ofAcadia Valloy, Sask., visited friends in Bresâ€" Miss Louisa Schults of Waterloo . paid a visit to our village on Saturâ€"‘ »Mr. Stmon â€"Baer moved toâ€" Kitch ener on Wednesday, Feb. 29, where he has taken over Fischer‘s Dalry. Mr. N. ‘Fischer of Kitchener moved onto Simon Baer‘s farm on Feb. 29. ‘The many friends of. Missâ€"Edith Baer will be pleased to learn that she is gradually gatming in strongth. ‘The Buschert .property : in our village was sold by auction on Satâ€" urday to Mr Menno Mader. \ ‘Rev. Oscar Burkholder left on Frlâ€" ‘ day for Indiana whére he will ¢nâ€" zage in evangelistic work. I Rev. N. Bergey occupied the Dllls| pit of .the Cressman ‘Mennonite, Church on Sunday. * | Rev. â€" Mr. Yates, 'l'oanm,_h the speaker this wéek in the ige tic meetings at the I.B.c.m Misses Lema and Barbara Coffman of Vineland spent the weekâ€"end with friends in~Breslau. " The Junior Farmers of ouf district enjoye® a skating party ‘at Riverside Park, Preston, and also anâ€"oyster supper at the home of Mr. James Hockeyâ€"The local juveniles. jourâ€" neyed to,. Bridgeportâ€"‘to play ~their return ‘game and were defeated5â€"4 in an overtime contest. The Senlors defaulted their re maining games in the S. W. R. H. Art Baer Breslau‘s star outflelder and allâ€"round athlete, moyed to Kitâ€" chener. 9 in * Used Cars Reduced No. 1â€"BABY GRAND TO CLEAR THIS WEEK No. 9â€"FORD ROADSTER repainted, starter ss5 No. 24â€"1924 Ford Touring No. 65â€"1922 Ford Sedan, No. 43â€"CHEV. TOURING No. No. No, 57â€"â€"CHEV. TOURING \ $165 No. 91â€"Overland Roadster >. 2â€"FORD TOURING, rebuilt motor ... 3165 Dobbin‘s 90â€"FORD TOURING 'im License ........ CAF® 46â€"Maxwell Touring 53â€"CHEV, SEDAN $195 _ 58â€"Overiand Coach $95 |â€" â€" . King & Water Sts. BRESLAU seasadiive 5195 0 ADNBAHUHN Mrs. Finfyson is spending a fow days â€"with her parents near Seaâ€" forth. Mrs.. Albert;Reiner is at the time of writing seriously ill & Death of Mré. Robinson â€" The many friends of Mrs. A. B. RWoinson will regret to learn of herâ€"sudden déath.* Anterment was~ made ‘in Wampstead cémotery on Sunday. Bill ‘liklteln of Kitchener paid us a short visit here on Tuesday, | This district was> visited by a severe western blizzard last Sunday. Mrs. Marie Schmidt, who â€"was ill with rheumiatic fever for someâ€"time, was up and around mmint’ unforâ€" tunately suffgred a relapse®;" Mrs. J. Yost and her:two children of Caledonia is spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Nrs. Reter A. Wagner. ‘~ / > At _<_ . DuÂ¥ing that pesiod the firm has been fgvored * with.an increaging and generous measure ‘of the phtronage of; theâ€"public Th Waterloo, ‘Kitchener," and surrounding district for which they wish to ‘ make grateful agknowledgmient., 4 . In assuming full charge of the business "I wish to assure the.public that not only will the same high class service be continued but that the blishiges will be further enlarged, to still more efficiently and" ?omâ€" pletely: meet the requirements of our numeroys, customers Througlout the County and elsewhere whose continued patronage is respectfally solicited. A Waterloo Store â€" 10 King St. S.=. Phone 894 Aspraracus :s 19¢ Raisins OQatmEAL Staon Stove Cr. .:‘ # Japan s A dandy change from Potato« WELLESLEY § OAP FLAKES ?*%. 18¢ Special Weekâ€"End Prices "?';‘ ;i y# F 4P tr * Exd : "gh * S * -%:‘-:"CE_ > g;? LARK‘S BEANS:#: 18« OMBARD "PLUMS Howa that for a thedp dessert? Regular 12e tin AVOLINE 3@ %°". 10¢ A joyoul' repast for a healthy family:; Regular 21c iA LA MLZLLELALLIRCAILLL â€" Picnic T Just the food your system needs! Regular 236 tin How ‘bout an oldâ€"time Raisin Pic? A dandy change from Potatoes. Reg. 9¢ Ib. Make your Porridge while the Coffee steops! Try Lavoline in your dishâ€"water Make washâ€"day safe for soft handa! ®IMrs...Wm. Rogers and Mr. Barl Rogers of Galt spent the weekâ€"end with Miss Mary Weber. # Mr. Joe Bowman and the Misses Lillian, Shantz and Violet Metzger of Elmira spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Enos Detweiler. ~_ Mr. ‘B. C. Woods‘ @uction sale proved a fine silccess l8st Friday deâ€" spite the stormy weather. " _ Mrs. H. Letson spent a week with relatvies in Galt. The Women‘s Auxiliary held their meeting At the home of ~Mrs. J. Wollis last Thursday afternoon. A quilt was quilted .and lunch was served. ‘ A quiét event took place last Siturday when Miss Nellie Chalmers: was united in marriage to Mr. Arnold Hamnah of Richardson, Sask. The nuptial knot was tied byâ€" the Rev. Mr. Hamilton of Guelph. ~The bride was attired in ‘a> rose blege cement to \ "Public â€" * _1 desire to announce to the public that I have pm}m-niym.-r.m O‘Donnell, in the firm of O‘Donnell & Henderson which has carried on & bakery buzsiness in The town of Waterloo. for uro'n-n havigg withdrawn owing to ill wEsT MONTROSE ie s Highâ€"Grade t ... Siittihee N aigs soc ies me. Redie . Henderson. 2 . 21¢ 3 ... 19¢ satin and geopgette crepe dress with .. +blond slippers and hat to match, ‘They will reside on the groom‘s farm at Richardson. Their friends wish them happiness and prosperity. Miss I. Buttrum spent Saturday at elph. > > 1‘ Miss I Buttrum spentâ€" the weekâ€"" end with Telatives hore. â€" _ C "Mr. and Mrs. Bort Letson and Ifamily of: Gueliph are moving into Ithe village where he has secured: a. * position with Mr, Byron Letson." 8 No, 2 Tin The King of Painâ€"Minard‘s Link sATIGFY Phone 2777W. 50 Ontario 6. [ggDON’S n +* Ob ¢ LASSES "=â€" Heinz Ovenâ€"Baked MACARONI or Shogemm Fancy Séckeyse MINCEMEAT 2 tins 25c 23¢ 42¢ Patrico Fancy SARDINES Choicest Bulk 8 "*** 25¢ 2""*21¢ medium tins SALMON _ BoaP 5 *" 25¢ Very Special Carroll‘s Own SURPRISE BEANS "Hinckior" Extra Crisp SDDA FLAKES The 23¢® 16¢ * 15¢ tin tin Rich

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