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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 23 Feb 1928, p. 8

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El"aszm of. 1 ll'lAcrte:, "l;_urm «~‘ Stock, Implemen a _ _ fit and Householdâ€" _ .. h i z.‘ . Effects £ ~ . Phere will be. sold by public auction ‘on the farm of the jnfihwnm Spitzig, situated 2 miles north of Brealau, 2 miles west of New Germany,.2 miles east of Bloomingdale, on . AUCTION SALE .. Piease Noteâ€"Sale starts at Q‘o‘clock â€"_ . am. sharp. Lunch at Noeon. ‘Morsesâ€"Bay mare rising 7 years ‘bld weight ahout 1250 Ths.; bay mare rising :9 years old, weight about 1400 lbs.; bay mare rising 12 years. old, :r about,1250 lbs.; bay horse 17 ~ ‘0ld; bay driver 13 years old. . . Cattleâ€"7 Good Dairy Cows â€"Red. éow dilb end of March; : red. cow ‘bred Sept. 10; roan cow bred in September; _roan cow. not. bréd; black cow due end of March; black cow bred Aug. 10; black cow bred Bept. 1; heifer due in March;. two butcher cattle. Good Collie dog. Pigs and Poultryâ€"1 sow supposed to be in pig; 2 sows due middle of March; 29 shoats weighing from 15 to 90 Ws. each; 30 mixed hens Implements â€" Masseyâ€"Harris 7 ft. binder; Masseyâ€"Harris 6 ft. cut *mower; side rake; Elmira hay loader; Masseyâ€"Harris hay tedder; hay rake; Masseyâ€"Harris disc; 13 hoe Noxon seed drill; 10 ft. wooden land ‘ roller; â€" Masseyâ€"Harris stiffâ€" tooth cultivator; Masseyâ€"Harris corn‘ cultivator; _ Massey â€" Harris® corn binder; Gilson manure spreader in good order;" Masseyâ€"Harris 2â€"furrow . plow; circular saw;43 single plows; 3â€"furrow gang plow; scuffler; straw cubter; turnip seeder; potato plow ; ~@section iron harrows; 2 hay racks, (1 flat); flat sleigh rack; 3 wagons; stock rack; pig.â€"crate; set bobâ€" sleighs; 2â€"seated â€"pleasiure sleigh; 1] Portland cutters; steel tire top buggy; open buggy; 2seated carri age; good 3â€"seated carriage; long. sleigh; set= gravel planks; . wagon bex; root pulper; hand rrnz: seeder;, 150 feet hay rope, fork and wm‘ % fanning milis; . otherâ€" ladders;‘ . wheelbarrow; extension ladder; onl drums; . doubletrees; . neckyokes; " chains; . shovels; rakes; hoes; ‘scythe; grain_bags; tools and. many .â€"othér articles not listed. _ +. Power Machinery â€" International Titan 10 â€" 20 horsepower gasoline engine â€"in ‘good order; scientific (Spitsig ~make) grain ‘ separator, size 36 x 48, with selfâ€"feeder, chaffâ€" blower and carriers inâ€"~good ordgr; 114uch plate chopper and speed jack combined; . #â€"inch plate: chopper; turnifigs lath; power hack saw; 2 drilling" machines; power or hand emery grindor; rip and band saws; â€"planer; . forge;â€"anvil; vise;‘ grindâ€" stone;â€"shafting hangers; pulleys and belts and a lot of toals; 100 feet endâ€" lessâ€"6 in. canvas threshing belt; 30 ft. endless canvas belt; B}izzard No. 3 corn blower with inside piping, in good order. TÂ¥ % dAVALUABLE REAL ESTATE Harnessâ€"2 sets ~team . harness; light set team harness; 2 sets single harness; good horse hide robe; im+ tation robe; blankets; auto robe; lap rugs; collars; Scotch tops; bet chimes, etc. * May and Grainâ€"8 tons of good timothy hay; 8 tons timothy, and clover hay mixed; 8 tons lafaifa and sweet clover mixed; 300 bus. Bilver Mine seed cats; 175 bus. good seed cats; 50 bus. black barley for seéd; 150 bus. buckwheat. 7 W. W. FRICKEY, _ANTHONY SPITZIG, Auctioneer. i+ Executor,â€"_ _ â€" â€". â€"~â€" Phone 592, Waterlooâ€" No 1 Breslau ‘The property of the mre Wendel Busohert, in the Village of Breslau, At 1.46 p.m. sharp. ‘The property comsists of a sevenâ€" roomed rough cast houseâ€"with sumâ€" mer Kitchen and woodshed; furnace, eléctric lights, hard and soft water, good frame barn; chicken housé; good garden land with a variety of frait trees and small fruits. Yermaâ€"20 par cent. cash, balance in 30 days whon possession will be Come and buy this home as it will sofd to the highest bidder in order SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1928 Thursday, March 1st * Executor‘s . 'rnm‘ CTION SALE Auction: SalE _ |wasma ingmen. on up the FMCKEY, estate. of O. 8. KOLB, Clerk se Househoid x- B!’V&e‘g , éSteqaion dining Toom table; : g éupboard; leaf table; roll top f desk; lounge; 4 gockers;> 3 *‘ k bedroom .. complete, â€" :I‘b; 3 % oak _ bedroom| x h A Fa 3 puite, u& 2. double ~ wooden [;: ‘mattror; _5 ‘fihe;’fi‘h@‘ . tor suite; 2 oak parlor tibles;â€" oak dréssér and m‘a. "double tron | bed, complete;~ oak wardrobe bevelled mirrors, like new; # dou wooden beds,â€" complete; <bedroomft tables; . clothes ‘chest; ~single fron bed, complete, like new; 3 chamber sets; bedroom oil ~cloth;‘â€" Mortis chair; parlor rug 9 x 9 ft.; Oil cloth 9% ¥°14 ft.;‘2 arm chairs; 2 sinks; I1 kitchen chairs; Masseyâ€"Harris cream separator; Daisy churn; Butâ€" ter worker; 2 iron kettles; 240 Ib. counter scales; 2 kitchen tables; KAcme washing »machine for power or hand; wringer; 4 horsepower tric" motor, like new; wooden tubs; 2 burner oil stove; fire exâ€" tinguisher; bone grinder; wood box; 8â€"day ‘clock;~ alarme clock; lawn mower;" sealers; crocks; ~butcher table; â€" carpet. sweeper; . 6 cider barrels; "curtain stretchers; ‘quilting frames;..2 hanging lamps; other lamps; curtains; kifchen and cookâ€" ing utensils; a lot of smallâ€" rugs; knives; forks and many other use tul articles too humerous to mention. Real Estateâ€" At the‘ same time and place there will also be ol'on!{ for sfle the farm of 117 acres, more or less, with about 15 acres hardâ€" wood bush;â€"balance; all workabi land. Situated thereon is an 11â€" roomed frame house with kitchen and washâ€"<house attached. The house is equipped with hot water furnsce, bath, hot and cold water on‘ tap; cement cellar; bank barn with straw shed, ‘cement flooring~ throughout, "'drlvinl.lhad, implement . shed. and silo, Both the house and barn are equipped . with eTéctric light.â€" Water i< also supplied in housé and barn byâ€" windmill "from a novgv-tdfing drilled well. There is also a stone repair shop 35 x 50 feet, equipped with Beavy electric ‘wiring, which ‘will be offere@ with and ~without the r. Alsaa lot of taps, dies and toolsâ€"used in connection with a reâ€" r. shop. Do :s s .. * The buildings on a- farm are in: good repair and the land is in a high state of cultivation and Well fenced. i There will be no reserve on farm or on any of the chattels as everyâ€" ithln. must be sold in order to wind up the estate. t As thére are mzny articles to be sold at this sa@le, kindly be_ there promptlyâ€" on time.. Smaill articles, shop, machinery and ftools will be. sold before funch. The final bid on the farm will be takem at 1 o‘clock. Do not. imn1sg ::n sale! C nougys TERMS â€"CASH. ‘Terme onâ€"Farmâ€"10% of the purâ€" chase price on day df saile; balance in 30 days thereafter when possesâ€" sion will be â€"given. â€" 34 acre farm, situated on Breslauâ€" Guelph ~highway, 1% miles from Kitchener. On the farm is a good 6 roomt brick house and bank barn, spring water running through farm. For further particulars apply on premises > or . to Carolina Schondelâ€" mager, 3rd Apt., 902 Leland:Avenue, Chicago, HL * 3â€" 0k ~~* % mile north of Elmira, 67 acres, 1ammmt-n.n§lphw:‘ m,.“umuuldhebv' alfaifa; | bulldings n Aâ€"1 confition; hmlkamr.hrp‘m-hfl with strawshed, cement atables, with Abply to Ar BBrubachér, R R. 1, Kimira. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE ! 1 pay the highest prices for old horkes, beet hides, salf skina, sheep skins, tallow, ate: FARM FOR: SALE FARM FOR SALE * There will beâ€"sold by public sheâ€" m-utn‘hmmw by Charles Meyer, situsted °3 miles west of St. Clemonts andâ€" 14 sailes oo rrnnatt meialy, se o n d MonbaAY, EEBRUAKY . T. % At 1 pm.â€" a ~ Horsesâ€"Black mym- %year old colt; bay mare. " : Cattieâ€"4 cows supposed. to be in galf: 1 helfer; 4 springâ€"calyes.. * Pigs and Poulitryâ€"Young sow; 2 sows, all"supposed to be in pigxT pigs‘ 8 weeks ‘old;~8 pigs 12 webke old; $ pige: weigh about 12% Ibs. each? 35â€" hems./~ . ~*<°> % harrowa; spring tootR=Chltivator; 10â€" ioh ncaltt ‘:wa,mmm%â€"b‘ > team harness; m:‘mâ€". single cream separator; churn; 2 lflfih: doubletrees; _ neckyokes;.. forks; shovels; chains; ~grain bags and many other articles: too ‘Aumerous to mention. > ...Grainâ€"300 bus. oats; ~ 65 bus. whéat; some peas. ~lke . _ NOJRESERVE _ .. .yâ€" _ Termsâ€"Cash or 10 months credit on approved joint notes at 5 per cent Entireâ€" Farm Stock, Prc ... Harness and Dodge I. H. Tomah, auctioneer, has teâ€" celved. instructidns from (â€" < * Mr. Gideon Reist â€" <â€" _ to sell by .public auction without reâ€" serve on his farm>situated 2 miles west of.New Dundee, on the town ine, known @&s the Ben Krupp farm, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 29th, 1928 Sale to.start at 12 o‘cléék noon. 14 Horgésâ€"1 team black Porcherâ€" on geldings 8 and 9 years old, weigh 2800 Tbs., well matched; 1. black Clydesdale brood mare 12 years ald; i bleck Pergheron ~brood" upfl_‘t years old; 1 black Percheron mare 3 j years old; 1 Clydesdalo mare $â€"yrs. old, well broken; 1 Clyde mare. & years old; 1 bay Clyde team 11 and 17â€"years olg; Clyde mare and geldâ€" ing weigh 3000 ibs., well matched; 1 carriage mare 10 years Old; bay driving <â€"mare 15 years old;> light weight colt 7 manths old (a good one, having â€" won _fl:r:l prizes). ‘Owing to the great d d for good tarm horses "we surely lnvg,yl't you want here. Ale ; 40 Cattileâ€"High grade and heavy producing Holsteins‘â€" 1 cow dus March ~8; 1 cow due March 1§; 2 cows due March 17; 1 cow due Mar. 21; cow dus March 26; cow due. April 1; cow due Sept. 17; cow due. Sept. 26; 3 cows due Oct. 22; 1 cow due Oct. 24; cowâ€"due ‘Oct, 26; 2 heifers due Nov. 8; 2 heifers in calf; 1.cow due at time of safe; 1 heifer fresh 1 month; 2 helfers frosh since Sept.; 1 heifer fresh since Dec. 25; % cows due in March: 1 Registered Holsteinâ€".bull, Sir Johann@. Hartog Korndyke No. 89045, n& 14 Pigs and ‘Poultry â€"â€" 2.â€"good..Yorkâ€" shire brood ~sows, bred;. 67 shoats ranging from "40 to 140‘ Ybs.; 400 heary fowl, Rocks and Reds. ©~ Marnessâ€"5 sets double team harâ€" ness, 1 practically new; 1 set #ingle harness; 1 pr. horse blankets;. wook len blankets; chimes. p*w.m.dpt.hn 3000 Auis, mixed grain, 200 bus. Vieâ€" If youâ€" mise it, who‘s fault is it? Note.â€"This is a solld sal6 frem start to finish, therefore be on time in.order ng‘h-klnm Termaâ€" cattle, produce, pouk iry, $15.and under, cash; over that wmount 12 months credit will ‘be ’muyw discount sh. . or . 5% for cash. Shoatsâ€"8 months creit or/6% per f * ts M. TOMAN, Grad. Auctioncer, ~ Extraâ€"Dodge Touring Car, model 1920, in good running onder. «_ â€"â€"~ _ Kitchener, . . _ . W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, __ Phone §592w, Waterioo. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk.. This sale is worthy of attendance.\ 2 Percheran dark greoy mares BACHKHER, Proprietor; B. HALLMAN, Ctork. FOR BALE of # years old; #â€"1t ‘wmu-i-_p"'c"m_‘u; -num-yma aeit at 1% p‘clock sharp, the . L noves Cmus "mam at Clote ons gs rising 4 and 5 years ammm;uuq,um cherons, â€"mare mzu.ruul and 11 years old, t â€" 2650 . 1be.; wm*mmim Cattisâ€"Red : cow ‘fresh; brindle cow tresh"6 weeks; red cow frosh 2 micuths; 2 roan cows fresh 3 mionths; red cow due in Bept., milking well; #oan cow due in Mays roan cow due Th_'.!no;.’fyurll%zdf:‘r small "calves; white Sho Qull 2 years ~â€" Pigsâ€"Sow dué March 3rd; 440ws supposed :to boinfi;biuu& 190. ibe. each;.38 small pige 10 weeks old; 60 ° Plymonth® Rock hefff; 4 Imptementsâ€"Champion separator; M.â€"H. binder, 6 ft. cut; M.â€"H. mower, 5 ft out; 4i dise drill; M spring tooth cultivator ‘with seeder; side.rake in good running order; Oliver riding plow; ‘¥furrow Frost & Wood plow; 2 No. 21 Verity walking plows; Â¥section diamond ~harrow; scuffler; 2 wagons; 2 wagon boxes;‘ bob sleigh; .2 cutters; 2 open bugâ€" stock ~rack; wood â€" rack;. gravel planks;â€" 12 horse power;â€" roller chopper; â€"No. 3 fanning mill; hand lever straw cutter; rootâ€".putper; grindstone; wheelbarrow;~ 2 hay forks; 160 feét rope; 82 ft. extension. ladder; step laddor; ‘16 ft. ladder; grain ‘bagh; logging chains; whipple trees; neckyokes; â€" forks;â€" hoes; shovels and numerous other articles. Harnessâ€"%2 sets of breeching harâ€" ness (1 new);~2 sets of plow harâ€" ness; 3 sets single harness; robes; ‘belis; blankets; etc." _ Hay and Grainâ€"A quantity of hay; 3475 bus. Banner oats.fit for seed; 125 bus@nrixed grain; ‘a quantity .of turnips and potatoes. . * table; leaf table; squareâ€"table; 14 chairs; 2 arm> chairs; rocking chairs; _3 benches; cooking stove; coal ~heatér; Box stove; coal oil heater; flour chest; baking trough; bread imixer; brocks; jars; canned Household Effectsâ€"Kitchen oupâ€" boards; 2 sinks; wash stand; 3 bed fruit; meatâ€"vats; wash tubs; vine gar barrel; cidér barrel; 125 gal. oil tank;â€".churn; . washing machine and gtindor; wash boilers; large milk can; clock; . alsrm cloek;fi::-: lanterns; > carpet®; â€"MH. separator, and all kitchen utensils. & Termsâ€"Hay, grain, pigs, poultry, roots, potatoes and all sums of $15.00 and: undor, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit willâ€"be given on approved jointâ€"notes or §% off "for ":qquu E. GINGRICH,. M /B. MARTIN, Executors. GEO..G. CLABS, Auctioneer. â€" HENRY KLINCK, Clerk. 7 AUCTION SALE 1. 13 Inc Cuttor 2. 1225 I Tracto 3. No.. 1 ~Separa 4. .No. 1 Separe 5. No. 1 *Separs 6. No. 1 s 3 "e ts , j Real Bargains in Used Farm Equipment 1. 13 Inch ‘Gilson Ensilage #. 122 H.P. WATERLOO BOY Practor ; 3. No. 10 ‘DELAYVAL Cream ‘Separator (350 Ibs.â€"Capacity) 4. .No. 18~ DELAVAL . Cream Separator &.L.Am Capacity) 5. No. 16 VAL â€" ‘Cream **Separator (750 Ths. Capacity) 6. No. 17 ~DELAVAL Cream Separator â€" with Universal +. Power _ Drive . (1000 _ Tbs. Capacity). ~â€" * » # Pionger | > Equipthient Company 14 Benton 8t. â€" Kitchener, Ont. "REAL ESTATE $4100 :: n‘ mm rln-: and 7-".“.:»'1 one block from King af"nur Oow Rasy terms. . $4500 :ns an zis Jnt had it im PA ‘convent ences, well located. Rasy terms. fir trim, all @onveniences. venient to tire factories." TVESDAY, â€" FEB. ‘ 28th A. C.; Money Phone 3047 of Buys new aix room buff brick homé thk t for a, tornmnee sn ie o O 16y, 4 o("fihv"* morth â€"of ‘Baden, 5 miles south ‘of Moreesâ€"Black mare rising .10 yrs. uld; black horse rising 19 years old; _4&1“!!! 6 years ‘old; Sorrei Hackney mare riatng:4 years ; bay: Hackney mare ristng 3 years rek. % 4 r&h aâ€" ”}o’ov, fresh ~and cow in flow of milk and bred;" Hotâ€" stein ~cow‘ fresh by time of salé; loistein ‘cow : due RMarch 2%; Hol stein cow due Aprilâ€"18; $olstein Cow due in April; Holstein cow due April 22;:Holstein cow: bred Oct:\13; Hoistein‘ cow bred Dec. 1; Holstein cow bred Jan. 13; 2 Holstéin heifers tresh;. Jorsey. helfer breg Oct. 4; Hoqlstein heifér .bred Oct. 29; 8 helfers rising 1 .year qld; Jersoy heifer riging>? months old} Holstein hoifer call. . & _ TRURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1028 commencing. at 1230 p.m., the fol lowing valuable property: â€" Thore .will be sold by public agétion Hogs and Poultry â€"â€" 1 sow bred Dec..§; 1 sow bred Dec. 12; 4 young sows bréd in Dec.; some poultry. ; Implements â€" Waterioo. Champion threshing machine 33â€"42; McCormick T ft. binder; F. &‘ W. mower; Maxâ€" well hay loader; Maxwell side deâ€" liyery‘ rake; Maxwell hay tedder; F. & W. spring tqoth cultivator; F.! & W. dis¢; 3â€"drum land roller; John Deere manure spreader;. 10â€"tube hoe drill; 5 sec.fron harrow; 3 sec. fron harrow; 1 Wagon with box and springs; 1 wagon_with iron wheels; â€"seated cartlage; 2 ‘top buggies; 1 tutter; 2 sets bob sleighs; corn cultiâ€" vator; Oliverâ€"riding plow; 2furrow Oxford plow; 1 single plow; dump ‘nke; stone boat; turnip seeder; 2000 1b. cap. scale; 1 scufflier; 2 hay racks; 2 pig racks; cutting box; dog tread power; fanning mill; . gravel planks; lock chains; horse‘clipper; tank heater; , grain cradle; 2 sets double harness; 1 set carriage harâ€" ness; â€" odd. collars; neckyokes; deubletrees; forks; shovels and a host of other articles too numerons to mention. . Household Effectsâ€"One dresser; 1 wash stand; 1.couch; 130 @&g Wisâ€" consin â€"incubstor; 1â€"kitchen stove; 40 gal.;steel .coal‘ oil:tank; 1 fron ‘teitlx:xl copper kettle; 2 milk cans and er articles. _/ s ... Do Not Miss This ‘Great . Sale. Terfms ~â€"Grain, seed, poultry and all sums of $15.00 and undef, cash. Over that amount 12 months credit on &pproved joint notes with properâ€" ty owners as secutity, or a discount Hay and Grainâ€"30 bus. seed buckâ€" wWheat; 30 bus. barley; 200 bus. mixâ€" ed â€"grain; 200 â€"bus. cats; timothy; red ‘cloverâ€"and white blossom eweet of 5%, for cash. _ â€" $ ! 308. L. ROTH, mwna'r. M. R, ROTH, Auctioneer. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. " AUCTION SALE There will be sold ‘by public aucâ€" tion on ‘the propert? of â€" * Jacob Wtreicher on the ‘Wellésleyâ€"Wilmot boundary; onéhalf mile southâ€"west of Wellesâ€" ley, on e <Sut _ . FRIDAY, MARCH»9, 1928 . . commencing at 2â€"p.m./ the following valuable property: Gattlieâ€"Red cow due to calf. at time of saile; Holstein grade cow fresh since lask October;~ Holstein gradeâ€"cow due to calf in March or time ~of sale; Holstein gnd‘bsv due tb calf.the latter part of March; Holetain grade cow due to calf the htic;!;nt of March; Holstsin cow due to ‘calf at about the fime of sales Holstain cow duse to calf in April; Molstein heifer rising 2 years old (¢at); : Molstein heifer 1 year old; ;-Holqtoh helfer chives rising 1 f old. . â€" Morees â€" Whité Percheron mare Hising 12 years old; brown ‘horse rising 14 years old. " Alt cattle T.B. tested and vaceinâ€" Bheepâ€"Soven sheep supposed to be in tamb. es ® be in pig All~ parties wanting good dairy cows should not fail to attend this Sale @s‘these cowsare all in good Swineâ€"Four pigs weighing about 185 lbe. each; one sow supposed to + ~ De not miss this great sale. Termaeâ€"Pigs and all sums of $15. and milder, gish. Dver that amount 10 months ‘credit on approged joint uw propéerty © ownoete: ar se or a Wiscount of 5 per cent. &A s of # s Cattle, Horses, Sheep and Swine. AUCTION SALE of Propristor u';u‘a-':‘:\{tfiw situated 1» ‘east ~of and‘"$ miles â€" west ux,m the Highway, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARYâ€" 26th, 1928 . Pleasg ,Noteâ€"Sale starts at 1230 p.m. sharg. N 3 14 years old, weigh iflz; Clyde mare rising 8â€"yoars 614; Porcheron mare 8 years old, weigh»‘ 1500 Whe. <= . es umâ€"dâ€"«znmm cow due March 4, 4 cow ‘due Ap 5; 4.cow due Margh 17; 1 tow fresh 5 weeks time of sdle; 1 cow due Aprilâ€"21, 1 cow frosh 9 ‘weeks thke of sale; i1 cow fresh svnnm] ‘ot ‘sale¢. 1 heifor fresh at time ‘of sale; fat cow; 2 fat heifers, wouf about 900 lbs. eachâ€" (if notâ€"previously sold);‘5 head..of yearlings; â€" good. «Coltie® dog. .+ ‘ Pigeâ€"5 Yorkshire sows â€"1_York sow due time of: sale; 1 Yolfin' due March 12;> 1 York sow» due March 17; 1 York sow due March 20; 1 York sow due April 23; 27 pigs weigh about 100 lbs. each. Hay and Grainâ€"10 tons of timothy and clover hay mixed; 300 bus. extra heavy Emperor seed oats; 30 bus. good seed barley; 50 Bus. of:O.AC. No. 48 seed batley; 250 bus, of sale; fat cow; & Tat ACLOTS, WOC"|~ \mplements â€", Binder, 6 #t. cut; about 900 lbs. each (if notâ€"preÂ¥iously | ssower; .manureé apreader:; . wooden sold);‘5 head;.of yearlings; â€" £004.] uq pollor; goed drill; 2 Cultiators; Ooftic "dow. > * . broadcast"sceder ; 3 sete Barrows;â€" Pigeâ€"5 Yorkshire £0#8â€"1.YOTK |\nay loader; 24urrow 10 QE{‘ sow due time of:sale; 4 YOrR 8S0W|pioys like new? 2 heavy f due March 12;" 1 York sow» €4°1.pâ€"mg democrat wagon; light SPrIME March 17; 1 York sow due March 20; wagon; 'I‘olh("fllm“‘ 1 York sow due April 23; 27 PIES gpring seat; rubber tire top DUEEY;: weigh about 100 lbs. each. steel Tire top busgy; hay m:‘ Hay and Grainâ€"10 tons Of tiMOIRY Curser; neary sleigh; scuifler; corit and clover hay mixed; 300 bus. @XtTA ourray;*root pulper; 2 sets gravel heavy Emperor seed bats; 30 DUSâ€" pianks; 2 hay racks; hay fork; S6t good seed barley; 50 Bus. Of/O.AC potsters; ‘cream separator; fanUing No. 48 seed batley; 250 bus, Of . rogd‘ cart; disc; cattle rack;. mangels; 15 bage of Rarly Forthne, 19 j2; €;; drum; horse clippér; Seed Potatoes; 10 bags o!..nnrfl‘:“cm.; torks: shovels; doubletreés? New Yorker seed )Mm Here is a chance to get clean seed grain. Harnessâ€"New set of brass mountâ€" ‘ec team harness, {this harnegs: has never been used); good lfloxflfl team harness; _ plow _ harness; single harnéss in good shape; collars andâ€"other harness parts. lmplomonfi â€" New, Hamburs threshing machine, size 36 by 48, with solfâ€"feeder, straw and cliaff Dlowers, (this machine is ,!l first clasg runfiing order,‘do not miss it); new grain elevator; Masseyâ€"Harris 6 ft." binder in go#d order;â€" Masseyâ€" Harris 5 ft.â€"mower; Maxwelf hay logader, good as new;. good : Intet national side rake;â€"12 ft. steel Way rake; : Masseyâ€"Harris 13â€"disc drill nearly â€"pew; â€"Masseyâ€"Harris â€"disk, nearly new; wooden land roller; Masseyâ€"Harris spring tooth cultiâ€" vator; 3â€"section heavy iron harrow; good 2furrow Crown plow; 2 good ‘No 21 Preston single plows; 2 scuffâ€" ‘lers (1 new)); Zhorse aspenwell; 4row potato sprayer, good as new; #inch Jolliette chopper in ~good order; 2 good wagons, 1 like new; Jow truck wagon; a strong 3â€"seated .carriage; lâ€"horse carriage; 2â€"seated catringe; top bugey; 2 sets of bob ‘Sleighs, 1 new with flat rack;;#1â€" horse market sleigh; ‘cutter; 2;good: Tx16 ft. flat hay raoks ‘with front anlâ€"tear supports; wood rack; 2‘sets o+ gravel planksi 3 dos: grain bags; Kautman fanning mill; 1000 tb. beam scales; .root «pulpér; Wheelbartow; There will be sold by public zh0 nearly new; .good wagon box with double: shelving; good circular saw frameâ€"with new plate; extension ladâ€" der; 3 new ladders, 24,, 26 and 31 it.;" potato marker; 6 doubletrées ; neckyokés; 50 tedar posts; 9 line 48 inâ€" wire fencinng; barb wite; pewer horse clipper; 4 h. p. Grey gasoline engine;‘ chains; . forks; shovels; hoes â€" and thany wther articles too numerous to mention. > Householdâ€"Effectsâ€"Renfrew creant: separator in good order; iceâ€"creaim: freezer; 2 hanging lathps; 2 parlor lamps; 3 plece y parior suite; . child‘s ‘bed, :t iplete > like mnew; parlor heater; wooden bed and Sp ; iamps; white ash ‘bedroom ite complete;â€" solid. oak dfhing. reom suite; mew darenport; solid oak leather ~rocker; cand rooker; ‘mahogany rocker; kitchen gocker; mahogany.table; smiall squars table; simaH round tablée; good baby carrk age; some : sealery,‘ and | nummerous other articles. < This is the sale you want to atteftd as the stock is in good .condition and the implements ‘are all in first Aes shapeâ€"in fact, the imost of them are as good as new. 4 No Reserve. Termsâ€"Hay, grain, pigs, fat cattle, roots,‘ potatoes, cedar posts, and all sums : of $16.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit on approved joint notes or 5% ~disâ€" count Tor all cash payments on aJl nté entitled to credit. _ _ _ See Page 10 for Additional Sailes CcoRDWOOD WANTED t Wanted any quantity of cordwood, | sinbs 6r bundled edgings. Trent‘ v.n.u-bwa.m.-qflu, Rast, Toronto. Phone Eigin or > Rlgin 7972. oi Ags ~< Tok 4 THEO. LAUTENSCHLAGER, 4 Proprietor. W. W. l\‘flchlV. Auctioncer, Phone 592w, Waterioo. > E. 8. HALLMAN, Clerk. of thy # ~ There will be sold by ¢ tion on the farm situated 8 thiles norié of Bloomingdale, 1% mil#g>south "of Winterbourne miles east of Conestogo,an ./. * > RRIDAY,LMARCH 2, 1088 . * _ Sale will start at. 1 p.m. sharp»»> 8 Go#d4 Work Horeesâ€"1 grey mare § years old,‘ in foal; A bay mare 9 lmwou: in foal; : dark bay: tekm weigh 2800 Jbs.; 2 good drivers. ~â€" ~Cattle â€" 6 Durham anud Holstein Cowsâ€"1 caw fresh 2 months; 3 cows in flow If milk and bred; 1 cow in flow of milk, not bred; 2year old :?'. bred; 1 yearlingâ€" heifer; A calf.. i ‘ Piga and Poultry ~â€" 12â€" shoats; 1 brood sow; 40 Barred Rock pullets; 50â€" mixed heng;. 2 .Barred Rock cockerels; 10 geake. _ â€" °. >~>â€" / neckyokes, .and numéerous _ othor articles. s ids ~â€" Farmâ€"At the samse time andplace: there will also be offered for sate the farmr of 109 ‘acres, more or less; }wpo bush, balance‘_all workable lind. Thereon is a #â€"roomed brick: |||ouo with summer‘ kitchen; ~bank. .. Marnessâ€"2 sets heavy team harâ€" ness; single harness; horse blayâ€" Kkets; wobe. _ _ >>. § Hay and Grain â€"40 jons timothy hay; 600 bus. mixed grain; ~some corn ensilage. a. m barn with straw shed, piggery, drive barn with straw shed, piggery, drive water: in house and barn, supplied by ram. ‘The buildings are in good repair and the land in good state of cultivation. K9 . Do Not Miss This Farm. _ Terms on farm make known on days of sale or can be had from the undersigned proprietor> f Terms of saleâ€"Cash or 10 months credit on approved‘.joint notes at 6% interest. % N..C. SURBRAY, Proprietor. W. W..FRICKEY, Auctioneer, â€" â€" Phone 892w, Watertoo. > O. 8. KOLB, Cterk. *"".<< Telt. |‘Vin n n ce ioh 00 kn s n e n t on m Market Square es mmplemecs, Hag FARMSâ€"FOR SALE See my big list of farms for shle, lasge orsmall._Prices to Here is Your chance to get a well biilt Tâ€"roomed prick home, very close in: About 2 minutes walk ffomthe Market Square. House ~has â€"all conveniences. ing u Peee coou s â€" 40600 Real Estate afd ‘Auctionser _ 80 Frederick 8t., along side of : s m?flmifitfln. a K1TCHE NE R 3 Phone 222 . Insuranceâ€"and Money to Loan . Acres A. K.CRESSMAN A Home Near â€" â€"â€"<â€" fthe °. E J; SHANTZ of valuable 60

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