*1 "I in “Don’t shove.†she and In tones ot the greatest dignity n she .etnnbled into the Hidden Room. “I’m than glad to so!" The Iron door: shut behind her. “by "toned the Unknown in- tentâ€. on. moment pt relaxed Wee and--- ' ‘00.qu srl,te1,t"2rgrd,tt.rgtt “has.“ note-tryout hum ~Wumlmdyux'nn- jinn-horn. may.†“manual-town“; .MQW. “Mammary“..- "'%Urat a but mm m “in!" WI Int about Ho not a “landmarkâ€. “M!" pleaded mic. Bulb! m. A - III-I my to rum to um with oath I hundred to - Mt only a tool VIILrluh on comm an; uncanny. “Madly. my otr_tuiNd the mono] - In the nlchol tutd replaced an "m In its notâ€: ot under- an: up window. BI! though the Unknown w†un- mml the door with " [on land -dhe rovoher in his right hand was - My " I rock. He seemed to listen tor I moment at the crack of tho door. "Nr--"hot- in n turban "hi-Butter-tretinal.'" - or 9. Unknown VII “out baton-yuan“... “no pm: In â€Ham!" It“ Cor. 'tatt. In.“ nor vole. Mm: "Put that woman in the mute!- moi and Ihnl her up!" ordered the Unknown. the muzzle ot his revolver mph-ism: " words with I any: little movement. "ttU an Bat-ith the an!" rhu- - Lint. eerily, and, tor once. but gloomy prophocloo seemed to be In a In: my of instinctual. tor “I101! on! that candle!" communion! tho Unknown stormy. and “to: , when! of hesitation on all“ Cor- "ttn'. put. the room V“ 13111: plunged In dunes- “can: tor the lid - u at window. But at In! the had encountered someone who had no patience with no: vmrlel. The ttntatted Male tor the even- lng. She spoke trom a dry throat. "Pm going to scream!" she nabbed lung-tally. "I can keep it back!" Bailey took Lizzie under the um and tuned to execute the order. But the â€Insane colleen from Kerry did no! depart without one Perth!“ error. Not I wound. it you value your liven!" be timed again. He shop- honlod them away from the direction ot the window with his revolver. Comb Sage Tea Into Gray Hair Dun-Item mummy and Racon- lu Natural color and Laura At an“. common union use brewed Into n In" tan, with sulphur and nico. Iol added, will turn any, trtrea%td and Mod but beautifully dark and luxuriant. liking the an" Tea and Sulphur nape u homo, though, in mink-one. An cum w†I: to “I m ready-tonne preparation int. m by the addition of other In- mdlanu c In“ bottle, " little can, a drug "ore known " "wr. an an. and Sulphur Compound." It“ voiding . lot or nun. m my. Med ttatr I: not un- til. we All dam to nun: our youth] Announce Ind ttttratttNtF I... By aux-m; your halt with W700“ In. Ind Sulphur Oom- plnl. no on. an toll. bonus. it In. It no mtunlly. so "only. You but. "autett I - or loft hm]: wtttf It and luv on. through your ht, tating on null strum " I "In: by min. all my hntm h'o alumna-ed. Alter “out†"Mitsstitrtt or two m m be - human: duh. than. no“. at ham: and you - you: “In t moment or two," he aid in D GW',',',,, f W“ W Igiltl 7 um um. Alt ‘ f Gia, aa ' ", © if†v â€x " " f l t I 'a [ I G ltd v Eftl , tl """Nm 'dr, A» 'd ) uy use“ LI 1nllll ltttBlBre. A Nod h- arm, by MARY ROBERTS RINEHART d AVBY EDPWW b The , “I've still got you covered!" ho .aald turetrir. The Bat undo no sound. "Hold out your lands. Bat, while Il put on the bracelets,†commanded the Unknown in tone. ot (one trt. :umph. He snapped the Itool on!!! on the wrist: of the mnrdorouo prowlor. "Sometimes even the clowns! Bat comes through I window " night 'and in and“. Double murder-tmr. tr1arr--and arson! not! I good nittht'ts work "on tor you, Bot!" vile switched " mohllcht on the Bath masked loco. As he did co the housollghts came on-the olectrlo light company had " lost rumour bored its duties. All blinked tor on mean: in the sudden ilttmttttgtttott. 'rEiaiCi"iutririCtiimir mthMMM ttot-Mori-are-tu ,rtnatwtroatartadtAobqt.F. yonmtolllhm" Bet-nr-ttree.). mean; an Dal-'3 Inâ€. “Pot God'- m an I... u“ to“ Ian!†I. - h IOU. who may... “no 11mm to.“ h In": shove Mn lit- . datum-s - " begin to understand." the a“. In .101 ton... â€Phonon vim-truck you down one! not} you In an mo -thq In: who killed but I'm sud nabbed that poor m In tho eittaett-tV nun who bend on In downturn, sud mud tho no!†from that que-tht) nun who “and that are "tttaide-l.---" an... than In. the. '0 All was: than!†I. VIM via new. uncut-ea. “not: you - and! - I an. luau!†And no for n “at by M thou. yum-x - M no. not that. So It“: had it“ the trust- uon tro- joy to My m. “I - to my“... an only It. Oar nonf- all. bull “and “I. to respond. And " lint It did was that very slowly. Miss Cornelh And Dole Inna! back “that the mantel. We] took up I post above the ,rtm1ow--thq Unknown flattening tunnel! In!!!“ the watt beside him. Thu-o m a breuhlou pom, The top ot the 'rartttrtaiogk.tBdderr 'hegun to trouble. A black bulk stood clearly (unlined min! the diminishing red trionr--tho But. masked and sinister. on his In! tony! _ There was no sound u the killer stepped Into the room. m, United. for a second that seemed I rear-ati" no sound, Then he turned eturtlott+ ly toward the place when he had left the tgatchtyi--the been ot hh nashtigttt picked it out. “sub!" urn-nod the Unknown. In- pontively. u I sound tron the di- recuon of the window "qqggqd to reach " an. Ho m - he: to the corldor-door nrrd locked it. “Band back out at an! light.' The udder!" In an instant the Unknown and Bailey were upon him. Then an: n short. ferocious “male in the dark. ttBSB-tk sup & laboring lui-the thud ot iuthtitut bodies clenched In I dmsttrgrappies. "Get his gun'." muttered the thr known hoamly to Bailey. u he tore the Bath lam hands any from MI throat. "Got it?" "Yea," gasped Bauer. [-10 .1:be the muzzle against 1 strutting luck. The Bat ceased to struggle. Bailey stepped a little “way. "Take " that handkerchief!" barked the Unknown. motlonlng It the buck silk hunks-chief that It“! hid the {ace of the Bat from moc- nltlon. Riley Itrlppod it from the hug-rd. desperate future: with a quick mov-nt-and wool syn-Hod. A simultaneous sup wont up from Duo and Illn- Cancun. It w“ Anderson. the deteetive.r And he ,rate-tttty Batt The Unknown glottal our ill cumin. .Nt's Il’r. Antler-on!" 3mm Duo. “but It the discovery. "I'm Andomn." he aald. "I'M: m In: been Impersonating no. You’re 3 good actor, an. tor 3 follow thntU luch I hull new!" he taunted. "How did you got the done on (no one? Did you up tho trim to Headquarters. "I'll can you that when I----" ho began. than. "“0017. Ind. m- but Md for freedom. With one "in. an supine you W1. In. "eeteMtebttx.MaVMrs.GodirNh-' -i-emnetm.trterrmote. ,, ,' W!- enrdie - M has!“ tt,fg,,'rgtfgesr.t,',ttttg'rf. Whack-y Nrgtltt I-r-trt-ttfret" _ w iGrriryevieiiFL",.tttis.i.ttt.te', Misti-ion otMa.M-iGodhs.86 'fluTlll.N'lUllt t 11wa inyv-k tittestirtes-4frms hum.†.eli.irieu.aiia4.ruLr4Fiiid.iFil ,makorpHr,br.tt-trr'Ttli the". 1thtuhh_-hmtho-Ah.i' 'r'tmtt'atermlmodkitteterr-rtt. health, beans it I: mule In. 'lllra'.llT'lk/u',lltrdlll'l= mytteits;yothhtee.tut-i.- at tttuulrii/thliitiif, pink-.1 '8'“ to Cy Wana- thte. “WI._"PF'P".‘_._ "mind. up. "eeyhodr'." he ordor. ed, munch; the put! with the stolen pistol. "de1 'ur-rm." I. Miss 00th kept her hud- " her duper-to movement. tn who oe MI nucleon. he _ no no! Alder son's revolver down on his wrist. Bailey's revolver tell to the Ntttr with I donor. The an mu towud the door. Again as "blo- were turned! _ She smiled, cited]. and “no towlrd the an " It the pistol “nod It her heart wen u: Innocuou u I toothbrunh. "Don’t move!" he waratsd."'or 111 on you full af lead!" Bo mined out ot the corner ot Ms month nt Ill-I Cornelia. who In prim)? licking up the revolver that the Bat had flung It turr--her own revolver. "You 'MMr-rou NMrTBr know what :1 tom will do," he continued. Min Cornell: smiled. She broke open the mseoirer--Ft loaned shell: fell from it to the noor. The Bat auréd " bar-thou “and in- credulouciy at the bullets. " In: tho (Mutant moment of Min Cornell-fa “to. "Why?" she queried mildly. “I took the bullet; out ot that revolver two hours ago." The Bet narttr the revolver toqrard her with almuso. The reel Antler son instantly Installed up the gun that Bailey had dropped ad covered him. "You see," she said, "I too lave tt little Illustration!†CHAPTER TWENTYONII mm a Collection An hour or I) Inter. In e um;- mom whole ten-on hut downed. was Oomelh, her niece and luck Bailey had tethered before e roaring ttrm The local Dance had came and In one Minna your minim- mlln will om, tho Mr M otrourhaadwtiieldremean breath. truly. No not. harm. sunning. blowing. macho. dry- ness. No mum for Mutt at night, your cold or nun-h will ho mo. V not . Inn-ll new. of WI Oran? Bun from your W low. " ply a mu. "ot an: turn-g. un- septic haunt m In you: no. Mb. n mum mm - a: mo of “I. head. soothe- mo “than“ or "on. mum: mo mm or “on. III-neon mull-u. and "Bled can. Inmat- trprrtthatsoMttr-t' minimum. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP IOSTRILS If. just I... Dol't [by Tell. Mow Ye Cd Quick Relief (to. In!“ w. Will Last Bar u. to Gif, l on - ad 1dt-tottntot, "7"“. [1.00m Wont muon- 'Wiworc - at the "an: ind m- “2““- with.“ I... wm_ all. â€VIII-llama“! mum’vtguuum “thumb-uni! wmucmw. â€may rerpttm, and may.“ tHbaetoettwhB.tM.entqtA. “It I. " - qho an. "Of mum tho Doctor It'd a. thorn“. And tho Bat triad to go: it from him. Then when tho Doctor had mined in: and locked In: In the mum; room. the an. um hall the key and unlockod " own maul: After that " had only to But out ot 3 window and lhut In In hero." And “an: “Ho had would, mind the mat detective all m “y from tomt and stacked him wine Mr. Boredom found IU watch." ~Z~“*‘â€WM "‘mwuum W“""°‘"“ -thttts-tPa0t.Q'tift" mud-MultichI-u TP “dull.“ m..~u-muan . Eira%"'i;"kuG27; os-ttst" - - has ‘Y ----q" â€an. ttgo-ttBr-tme-ring" "CHI? to Ila lab - 'tettt?,1iesttttrp'et L AtMrses It. boob- -eqd ttarm-ttq. "It nun have been I Now to the Doctor and GotarttNtrtt Fleming, when they found me mrtttod in the house. She smiled grimly. "And when their letters lulled to dislodge “Inf two. {III we." oh would “I.†a. would mm -etotAomtttetNUrsd. on “Minnow“ It. t-sott-.eadMrbe1trved ear-att.---'. a cool 'rtAtxr%destta-throeqhth.broh- www.mumuloul» ttrrot_haadoetArtpt.rM “out" - that“ m. (h "In mumm-uu'moluzn an had Ion It, was tho Mthettet mu. era-tn. m - "I. But. -.iednttsb,tttrirrehegttmtr. Mm‘plotedlt. Once. too, Bite huh-ed but to tho Anonymou bum. But it won the Bat who held he! intereet; hie (bring mumption of the detective’l identity. " search- ing ot the house. ostensibly for their lusty but in reality tor the tremro. and that one moment ot irreeointion when he did not enact the Doctor at the top ot the ladder. And- there- ofter lost his chums' non-{mummulm â€MBWN‘Wt III - m’m an vmmWnnmw brandrwuvedtA-t-ttr%9 tteurttNxrM.Fhattudwtth “to-gnaw. It somehow washout! her terriBed “dilution tor him, but the had no- thing but acclaim hr the coupe he had undo from the Hidden Room it- self. "That took brutal." she said. "Gold. hm] mm To duh out ot that room and dorm the Itllfl. pull " his mask And pick up Lamina, and than to come calmly hack to the trunk-loom - no wen-o the Doctor-that took mat ability. But I dmd to think what would luvs hnppened when he Baked us .11 to so out lnd have him Ilono with the real Anderson!" I WI. “do an. " last to can: Ind scold [for into bed, she w" lining happily ntytho able. Int- rounded by divers small article which nho was hunting with In " mout child-lite nut. A cumin? that the Bat from the "can; nmpnpor; I piece ot - on which m n ,ret1>tigtqd t1mtrtr- print; n revolver Ind n heap ot ave them; 3 In“)! very dead bat; the snonynonl minus. Including tho "on. ht whlch the In! ono had been unwed; 1 new nu! broken lunch. somehow [on behind; A dried nnd broken dinner roll. at! the box at â€and" powders hronsht try Doctor Wolls. “silo came over to the tahh And "rv-d her many. It In the: two o'clock when she - out the young maple " to got none needed sleep, but the her all wu mu bright-eyed tad wide "his. “You us. Link. In quitar I col- lection. I'm [out to at. them 3nd But Halo but out the at»). And picked up the box of powdm. "No, min." the an. vim ox- “. milky. “You no not. You .rosotgmtotaVth-drrto And In: Olin-loll: did, I. Bins. teacher. ttr. m.-m- DIME. undue Roche]. Bel-till. Brenna. Mien! Hues. Genevieve Rachel. Ruth Baum, ‘Oenen Brenner. Jr. “trunnion“. loco]. Rune} Gobi/John Brunet, Marr Koobol, Run-cl Mares. Ptrat--Mttritr Koobol. Mildred 'rd- bol. Humid Kind. (when Diebold. Oliver Rachel. ttarsons-aosaots Brenner and Ann Schummer (equal). Joseph Koebol. Eutn Diebold. luck Friedm, Geraldine Ruby. Prtmtm--heh Flnucnn. Wesley Cornell, Bony Cornell, Chin Bron- nor. Bully Manon. aural-at Daugherty. Gerald Koobel, “ominous Koobol. Lloyd Brenner. Oscar Die bold. _ W. #.--Atieq Ila-pr, Hoh- Ko- ‘l'uld. no“ Iran-t. Curl Von. can We, 803M. Gaunt-stâ€. Winn W. ar. IV. - Allâ€: any... Alex. W. Halal Knobs]. Goon. â€an“. TREASURER ORDERED To PAV ACCOUNT DEFICIT V H. Brandish Bllllnss, former clerk- lrouuror of the tonnhlp ot Glou- cester, no ordered by Mr. Justice Inlay In the supreme court ot 0n- tario, " Oman, to my to the town- the sum of $56,883, the nmount chim- ed br the towmhip following alleged almanac!“ in the books of the former clerk-trmumr which were revealed by an andlt.. Kind. (.0th Bruner'. In, smut! , gunman-smug.» “wank-ulna. NOVIIIII IIPOIT " t _ . A ““4."th no 119le b no upon all. I. I. (W. (or the not“ at New. at. v.---.. Inâ€. "It Brant. Mary 0011].. 00mm]. Toothache] was to the ttttttet that accounts were radically different in the books ot mien; township and county omen}; from those in Bill- lngs' hooks. Most ot the latter re cords were douroyod In a fire at defendant's premlaea a year or so ago. but the townahlp secured testi- money and evidence from the re- cords of county ottieiait, and school mum: auditora ot the township. and bank records. Break a Chest Cold With Heat Ina your light. mm chest. stop the pain. Bro-k up the congestion. he] I bad cold loo-on up In Just . Ibo", the. "Rad Popper Rab" in the cold randy that Minn quicken renal. It cannot hurt you a! it comin- ly nom- to out! tho when 3nd dun than noun-um and bonus" right. out. o Nothing In. no): concaan noun-Inna hat " rod pom", And when he“ mount“ right down Into cont, concoction, new and. an no". In! joint; relic! can. at noon. _ The mount you "le M "e "rruttryrmNetthettttgttnahmt. In “In. lunch- the em-tad not In and through and ‘thmch. When you an sulfa-Ins from n cold, Imam. backache, It!!! not or non muscles. 1m nt‘ . m of nouns: w Poppa Bub,‘ and. mm rod ppm It my drag more. You will In" the quick": lull“ known. Alwnn any "Howl's". Jr. W. - - Ooh]. W0 H. V. manor], teach“ of Red Pepper “If eJout, other. and "not." L. W. CHUN ......-...... PM W. I. WIICHIL ... VW J. Howard “In†- new â€0th Road!“ m “IO? M Chub! P. I. M ARTHUR ROUTER l' . . . . . Mr B. I. IIOHTIL "M W. R. IRVOKIR ........ IMO. G. _ IOINM INOURANGI AGING!“ LIMIT†DIM“ Am OATS CHAMPIONSHIP . CAPTURED BY CANADA AT CHICAGO wow For the am: time In mm nus. a Canadian slimmer domonatnted In the out: section of the by And grain show ot the Intonation“ Live Stock Exposition, Chlago. tut%i6tET6Rr"riiii" “in“ ___Atmq_"iNr6hri-e. mum no ' - “a m Atom ovn 01M r,.-...-.,-'.'-'!,.',..']:-......-., tMnf"t""tty noun was on. , a. man. must. m DIREIIIIOIII Herman Trails. tho “wondor m or agriculture," who In was won the when and mm swoop-tutu, min captured the out: championh-Ip and a few days 130 w†tornrded the reserve sweepstakes In what. He is trom Wembley, Alberta, and his victorious ample "ot Victory can weighed 49.0 pounds to' the ttmil-tar Ina-vie: than my nmple over exhibited in this -ttton. Optimistic ot future success. Trolls is looking [ennui to a 1988 victory in the on: Beetion, which will give him pormtnoni nonunion ot the silver cup, donating his title ot "Outs King of Auction." MAID Anaemia TO IRECT NEW BUILDING Announcement he been mile ot the pnrchnu by e Indie-to of the northeeet corner ot Kin: end York streets. Toronto. end it in understood um it in on behnli ot the Hall end Invite. which will proceed in- mediuely with the building ot a new hemp-per pleat. _ indie". Soto Throat - lunar. â€uncut. “amalgam S'.eh"tt..r-trttts. Pries- mmlln. E 000th and M All {MOM i mimmuwi m . yum-am been I Bibles. Hymn an We“: - u menu]. l Add not. boob to your home 3 library by mu. your ammo g maxing bound mu boil. mum-g cm has. an. i can, do. i â€hind-r no King Oh W. man I“ Kitchener, on. Waterloo . i Mutual Fire "d Ipsurance irc “Kl-.I-IL . M G. A. MINI INIUMNGI AIINOIIt. LIHITII our“: Aunts. Phonon no and 101 Waurlggtpmrh. Gift Suggestions -.--__. “" nu. J. . an. m", In. Company I Ird Mtdtutrt', l" M r JrG7ii; Inc-ha can. muwmwm In. t It. mdiant7s7ii.TaTa-i. Ink of lubed 3m. wandâ€. n... m. - n. & 06m. DI. O. I. mun. Dunn, on“ In Waller- llock. " Km St. In“. Wm. no» in. on. I. M. EATiEiiirihirt. noun, one. " KIM it w., Kitchen". mt. W. I. scam. Dentist. " King Bt. M., nut to Ptrat Omco. Inch-Int, Ont. DL A. G. BROWN, mun, Incen- - to Dr. U. . link. Grunt. at “new Holland, Now York. luau mano- mld to unno- "yiriiiriiF.'7iiiEiFiiiE Winn-m. any a I'm! MORTGAGE on on! and hf- ll'oltrty. lone-silo laur- ut. [In humus. loom-Ia! and, North Waterloo W Hutu}. " m hm m In no any. G. P. Lamar, Am... 11. Gun It. N.. not. um. no. your m h a. no: WATMLOO WOMAN!!!“ "II. on liq .. III. . u Q.“ m ht VMHIQ “In 'tere M lbs I. 1. WAGS. MOI: one. 8041. I... an. “I. Minna-3.3; I. 1. w. an", piaGi: Room 110 Wok: Chg-hon. In; it W. Elicia-or. Plan 11“. Pre - a.†A“. bm~.w,m ~IMW*MI - III-um out! to...“ “In.“ “manage-i 011.. It In; It. W.. Khulna. my mam" ""1; m - uh no. “Minna-n on. M Wlllhn St, Wlurloo. lLlCTIOTHIRAPIUTIOT ' Kqtm Autumn“. Young St. Phonon: on†I“. H-uuw. J. I. JOHNION Vocal-luau “moon lieu-tor to a. I“. Dr. W. I. Stalin cm: " In at. I. Wan-loo. "on: also In; Night '01 CUT FLOWII. AND PLANT. MM“ Flor-l W I -ttt A. IO N D. rm Phttqmr 'tttee-tN [In In.“ "his. - m m m â€offhand-3..“ Man-Womb. "I an In WATIBIDO‘ MUSIC oo. " Kim. I. . It“. all - um In! A». a. loan an. Inl- L. It“. F34}... IONIY IO LOAN M "rue, CHIROPRACHC 0H IIOPIAGTOR A. HOLD! cumoruc'ron mICINAL Music