- blunt-mar!“ t_-m.- mm AWIISNYDII mam mom-uumhu "f-ik-tov.-.--". ttt â€be" " m 1'" Rant-Menn'no-humot “Won-unwound†3m W m not.“ â€no. A m aa-asset. no. a. City at Kitchens to 'tro mm in!) "I n- ull ore, _ - _ www.mmmw P. A. [CM-thumb. minute-o! Ian 5. Gnu-u Mm ttt Wat- "ttrorstir-teuilr-rtM.- loved by C. t Grok. non-dad by P. A. KIM- that tho anloo " Council â€we" ot mooning Km Barrie cam No. u. tho an contract hum boon consummated by A. no“ at tho “lye of Pets loud by C. t Ont, loco-dot]. tr? P. A. Klein that Brut No. MA to Public School Bond Section No. " tor borrowing the Inn ot 85.000 um mum 10 your Mullins be read I 4trut and second up". _ loved try P. - “in, seconded by C. Y. Grok that Erin! No. 221A to omnnevroadmoumrtMIAI No. " In the Tp. at Wnlorloo to an tho place of tho present ma. damned Road No. " was! ot the Grand River, be now read . ttrat and ascend ttents-Hd. Moved by W. W. Tilt, seconded by P. A. Klein that lay-luv No. MA to in the this for nomianon ot undyi- dnioa for onion: of the Tp. Council tor All 1923 and to appoint Deputy Returning otrieetrt, and Poll Clerks And to dtythtty the Polling Places be read . tlrqt and second titmt.-Car, rlesd, "Siam: by P. A. Klein. seconded by W. W. Tilt that Br-taw No. 222A u now tmed In be read I third time nut “and It; {If 'c'ge,ftttgt,'pc1.gg." IPORTS OF CANADA "'"grduP,'.'h%u'"'"' ‘ i LOSING USEFULNEBS L, oe,Ned%"fd'J5',u. A _ TOILS BOOTLEGGER 1h.-iii"iii'i'ii'i'i'i","'-" LF' l Canada as a source of supply for a W. F,†‘ J _ ', . " a illegal liquor is losing its useiulness ' Illill illlllllllrilllllllllllll ito the American bootlegger. as a re 1llllliilllif 'llllililllilll :sult ot more drastic regulations im- Ililllllllil, 1llllllllllllil .posed by the Dominion Government. _-- - ___-, " r †iaccording to statements by Mrs, 1i""SttPth" Mabel Walker Willebrandt in the . annual report ot the Attorney- "mited _ [General covering the operations of Successors to The Metal Shingle & the Department ot Justice tor the Siding Co., Limited. ttseal rear ended June M) last. aaa- Greta _ Gaiaar. -ae6.o-. “I! METAL 'HgNtAE . “DINO , Nauru“ / \ “hunts-mu.“ l "-"""""s,. f/ 'NRiiiti'i :1mmwmmxzt, Illllllllgllilllllillllllllll I 1lillr, I ' "titil Illllllllillliillllllillll OIND A PHOTOGRAPH Tho am that only you can give. Photographs llve forever. Christi-nu Spqciql 4x0 lull Cablnn Lathe Folders at ......- $3.50 per d 163 King W., Upstairs Phone 2592 - 2750.1 KITCHENER " BENTON STUDIO FOR CHRISTMAS Buy a Man’s Gift At a Man’s Store ThrFGaLUGiiiiaGia _ aTiEiaiVi. r [Hungarian-gunmen“ Th.- f-a-c “Immanuel.“ dun-MNAILIZIL: " and $10.35 W Ind In: In -LCi_m+roec,0.0. Smart Men's Wear for every occasion is always a feature here, but the Christmas salon finds us ready to go one better. Never have we had a more extensive stock from which to choose, and so carefully arranged to make selection any. The prices. too, are most inviting. â€NOELI. He will be sure to appreciate any of these Gifts Roda-y Pym Underwear - Bulb Sweden Bum “at. a! Cu. Glou- Stnl- Surl- - Bee the Butt.“ Noel"! Alert-all 1;“th Bring the Christmas KiepYourStock Well Watered -- l Bhirtn I - _.. tr. Here Goods il, 5;! 'ii' E List elm-m [amorous .....r- $3.50 per dozen H. F. GLASSER Night Robe. t-c.L'T.r, H -e - mu). 80 'huiTuihtttltt2h'. new Why-0.10.. an»: but: PO.. on; Wtb lid-z HMO. A!“ M" i W In. .-.dtIMh Jam PAI. an. “I! nun-0.1. in.“ In: luau man- No. mo. Chm It“: P.e. am hm W It... , hm mu»- m halo. John m; Phe., - Ruin- Pitt, In loll-H'- no... Pom-- Bubdlvbhl No. POLO 'To‘uuwiuifmv’ in F-qha,dt, Pom mu; P.e. . W. m; Pue--43ttam MW- 80-19- -- _ - loath I!“ Pom-z Wuh- No. b-Da.o. John Saab: no. lord-y W m m; Hugo. A - _ _ ' - RTfniii9udiv%Gn No. t-aut.0, Norm- Dtpu: Pf.. ulna-n Incite! 'n-its-er-. W A __ - -iiit u'_uuum""“ mm a. Bum! lulu: 20.. Arthur “D: Plus. " Mtl __ _ - â€muiviiidimw" su, No. 8-o.Wo, lama Shin; 20.. Aho (limbo! Pue-Betsool Hone. gee: Nel, Penn; sandman No. F-aut.o, Anon Bur; P.C.. 3mm m P1100. School Home. 9.8; A. Steiner. one lamb killed try, dogs, 10.00; T. D. Coven, sheep Kitt-, .ed by dogs and damage to ttoek, 40.00; Henry B. Schmidt. scoount re ‘sbeep vniuntor, 7.40; Dr. J. Scott Hogg. ncct. re M1110, 400.00; Dr. Henhoeirer. acct. re Sanitary Inspec- tor and Telephone Expenses, 448.10; E. E. Berger. disinfectants, 9.25; R J. Veitcn. services re Board ot Health, 20.00; Allen Shoemaker. ser- vices re Board of Heath, 42.00; P. A. (sniper, secretary Board ot Health, 70.00; Chns. Fisk. bonus for wire Atnyy, 9.60; Henry Lippert, gravel. 31.45: J. Battier. cutting weeds end [rewiring culvert, 8.30; W. R. Silent: repairing road, 16.95: i. Gimbel, liiiGiiiG end fixing culvert. 32.70; ‘Aiien Banmen. greding end repairing road, 19.17; hte. F. Martin, guiding and repairing road, 10.65; F. iBitschey. grading and repairing cul- lvert. 22.20; Jae. McGervey, grading end repairing railing, 40.25s David 13. Snyder, dragging end draining road; M. Jamieson, cutting weeds 'nnd rewiring road, 20.50; Alien Snyder. grading and graveiilng. ‘01.35; Wm. Bartles, dragging road and building culvert, M.75; Jecob B. Snyder, posts tor railing, 7.30; D. M. Shana. Tp. Road Snpt., 85.90. - Tauk%iiatVLiod No. t-D.R.O, T. D. Com; P.c.. Ankh Ian-non Pueo--aehooi Bout Polling Subdvhlon No. 6---D.R.O., Anon lulu; P.C., Boy Schlodol; Place, “what: Bank Building. Plymnt oi Accounts. Moved by l. C. Human. mndod by C. T. Grok that the following wconnt- be paid: Wnterloo Co. Hulk]: mutton. r. Audrey Doom 845.50; Wm. Wool- ner, bonus for wire fence, 14.00; Albert Lennon. service " School Attendance Minor, 13.46; E C. Shunt. supplies tor Gnthrey family. Moved by W. w. Tilt, seconded by Ir. A. Klein that all: council now Idjourn to meet "trin on Thursday, December tirth, at 9.30 mm. pursuant to statute. P. A. SNIDER, 'sell KITCHEN“ SeeOur Township Clerk Line of Travel -fSr,-st"QbeN-, WEIMY“(II M,TM)I._~.~ at-ttatt-ttH, â€IUD“! te1eeteeeuy..t*r.y th.botNrthNdofttgi. "A. "darttrhadN_trtheat avorkhgdlh'wmmu- m I h III I. - hub l lot-I “no a! to Id 1 m - In tho illi- It. - hand- tH at†vb I and: - III a. and: h -.-P My t.h-ttrtq m. In! El. (1th ha- â€and moths in. Ion! h 'Uphlllln' (3. B. and], Toronto). Uh hr m verb. the Icon. in "UM" In: pe in him. dong ttte "agt and and in tho - put-r. of North Donut. Thy). In. stand out reomh-ttr' and mud than k town I was my. workedi out with numb]: Ihlll. A "tttl Mm but of an Quality, Ind. will IppIIl to thou that IpprociIto beauty in in 'ttatt-t Inn. The qua-tint: of whether the gigantic urnivoronl lizard: that t1ourirhed norm sixty million you! “chum WbyW.DoulnI Burden in hin m-work VDrIpn Hard- of Komodo" (New York: G. P. Putnam Ind Sou). Mr. and In. Burden Ind I party of four others organised an expedition tol the loot world of the Dutch Emit Indies, and not only saw my de- scendInts of these huge lizards, but brought home my line specimens, dead and alive for the American Museum of Natural History Ind New York Zoo. Mr. Burden’a story of their perilous and adventure in- vasion of the Komodo Jungle- is I thrilling one, Ind is further enhanc- ed by my authentie illastratiome. can go through life without love, be thoroughly independent, and under take no responsibilties whatever. Her rich American uncle suddenly informs her that unless she is msr- ried within six months she would he disinherited. She makes a business proposition to Richard Bromley, and they agree to get married on a strictly business basis. The story Lovers of light Betion well written will itnd I particuhtly intending story in "The Inevitable End" by Denise Robins (Mills and Boon, London, Enghnd). Billy Cadet is 1 modern young girl who think: she that follows is humorous and thor- oughly enjoyable. The Boys Own Annual and Girls Own Annual make ideal gifts for children. At all booksellers. . Make the boy happy all year by giving him The Boys' Own Annual. At all book stores. - The young girl will apprecim a copy of The Girla' Own Annual. At all book stores. CONFIDENCE MEN His sympathy worked upon by two eontidenee men, n shoemaker named Joseph Cunnuro, an Elm street, Toronto, was victlmlled by on old ruse on Saturdny and robbed or $3,000. The perpetrators made good their escape and hue so m- eluded the police. \ “MWJMY'I The prospective victim we: Brat visited by one oi the confide- men on Saturday morning. when I pair of shoee was left et the shop tor rennin. Early in the “bemoan the nine mu returned with 1 corn. union. end the shoemaker observed that both were weeping bitterly. They explained that they ind been notified ot the murder ot their brother, who lived in the Weet. end said that they themeolvee were in leer of momentary Muck. For thin reuon they asked Cahnuro to keep for them $8,000 which they had with them. end aimed to my him tor that eel-vice. Before turning ovoi- tho money, however. they ind-ted tint Cattut- uro draw trom the bunk " own savings of $3,000 tor lurety, and not it with the inner Inn: on n nigh of good mm. The moonston- oom- pliod, whereupon tho two roll. oe not“ won nine“ in n in; end tran- terred to pocket of one of tho two ctr-nun. Upon Ontnnnro object- ing. . beg wee given him which he took to be the one containing the money; no two Vinita" depend. After they had (one Cnunnro owned the bag to taunt. Mason. nnd found only A hull. ot ï¬nal. paper. The police were gtotttMd mud n derqertptiort ot the then. “and. but no trace at then: could M found. PETITION to PUT CANADIAN DIPARTMINT OTOIIO. LIMITâ€. . "no uuxaumv 11m allot-It â€(Mons m ftiqd at 0-100“ Hull an Nov. "th to m Guam Donn-u! atom u.- ltod, mm tummy. The petition won Ind by lim- wlm clu- to to “In“ In nu In. I]. um] all-nua- that no Mn Donn-alt m 1daettod, no In“. D m - new“ "a no! “on: an... 0“th mull! Inna. mm. m boom“ In! 2tr"ie"t1tgf,,etTe't can. of am: new. mmnmmmmu ttstar-H.'-" SECURED $3.000 u DEPT. STORE the GreatestValues' HERE I Be Thrifty! Benito-lie! That means shopping where you get reliable merchandise for the lowest prices! This store does a tre- mendous business which is steadily growing because folks who work hard for their money and know the value of a dollar find that day after day they save by purchasing all their needs at the DAVIS ECONOMIC-the store that guarantees to undersell on dependhble mere-dis-Your money refunded if dissatisfied. . A Store full of Christmas Bargains Saturday You get lowest prices here without traeritieing quality or workmanship. We buy in large quantities for cash ml sell in very close mare-thath why we can guarantee to undersell. Be sure to see our Immense stock of Christina gift merchandise and note the savings! . - Warmly lined, atrongly new} amt well made. A pair ..ot Alum ..$2.2l' gloves will plane him for Christmas. Nest dark shades. 'domo runners, loathehtnd‘ Davis Economic ", Silk-Ind-wool. in I smart nnlo ot pot- lonu. Maul for haiku! mu. Why guy no»? " “no. Inna. contort-No. In um " to u. A pruned gm. too, IMGII any m will - cu“. - Ian's a.†lull-h WI. Mur- Brown or any mln‘ " ............ v-w' - coll-n to mm. My chock m It!†nuns. hm ad may. In. " to " tsw. 'h.t no} m, " all! Mte WIDI BELTS Int mound be m m be! 1200 Math Funcy Ne Dress Sax Your Dollars Buy 't â€I“. Lamar Suede Gloves DAVIS WRONG DEPARTIENT STORE â€A"... M It". - â€I. 31.39 $1.49 390 Men'u $1.25 Aberdeen Krtlt All-Wad Dress Gloves, 69e 49e no Ian’s Mercury commons $L67 no - .1.†Inglhh mom SHIRTS 95c allu- attaehid or - oollun a match, in who, “It. All and Inn». Illa " to u. A big choice ot newâ€! (lo-mus. regular "e kind. They no 31'â€: I tunable gift for In“ or boy. trt Bore "" All-Wool V-Neck Pullover Sweaters Nowoot‘ muons. fun- our Mann-ch mute. Buea 28 to (1 mt " £7211 1200 SIIk-Ind-Wool Crepe Ties 39e "rr" $1.75 $1.39 tek Ion, hero's $20 vuluo st a real mm: p?utrletrrtaatf!d .tyrtr irGairuiuLs bolt. V. quilted lining. Spock]! Double-breutod or 3-bulton standard models. richly taitomrd In every way and one ot the my“ values ever clued! OVERCOATS _ $13.95 _ "w, Notice the mural-l manna and Pinpoint: In any! "re, am with [onerou- fur slaw] collar: And all. Not! min- man uproulu tho - mhlon "taux All allâ€. In All now colon! Splendid out: at I mic. that will plea. To-hr my more! Sumo aeolian mmc. “(I album: a In men's! Lou an t 810 in†m of not. now nun-ban not to - Inn nyl- In my. Ital. a» mm. eh?rlee or you“. man " to " All colon. OVE RCOATS Ann-MW. alum at gum†batman - $17.lio, D_rgssés CWuNtBN't1 vnm an: " 96e 60 Moon and Young '"t" Guaranteed English $25 BLUE BOTANY Serge Suits Jun mound so Men's Blue and Grey CHINCBlLLA 60 Boyl' $14.75 Blue $17.95 CHINCHILLA COATS $16.95 Lulla’ 829.50 $9.95 39.75 10W y,4ifijif,irit] " MKINGST.WEST Td7 ,..,. tpt . gb"' "tli, /'! q J' - 'ifgigir, nub ' iif, 'ikrgi'i'ir' . rf, a! On- In" . Ind- 00 "Iv :4 m Mm a“ â€an“ Mule ot - quality cider- down In many and“. nicely trimmed with qontruung "adm, ot um. 3100 In! cords. 81163 as to " Worth $6.60.A moo col! [In (other. Wool inside and an: outside for Wll'mth and good looks. All good sin-dos. A lovely at: at I moderate price. 82.50 ulna in pretty shades. dainty, one: " to a, LADIES’ BATHROBES Pure wool or ,ttibarsoroo1, phln and - mm. Mme mule und trimmed in pink. blue and white. Mtqttt up to a yarn. Worth up to 82.50. Lovely (ml for baby'. Worth $1.50. ttne Putty colon, comfy â€In, 9013901: or “up. - 81.00. rtGUmsm, new. bone! u»: been... or pure wool. with the awe-rues ot homo tilt. Pun white or white with pink or blue Ifllllllll‘. MISSES' KID BOUDOIR SLIPPERS. LADIES’ PAT. BOUDOIR SWERS Me Buck. comfy no]... pompom. that ' to t. Worth $t.96, IIN'I FILT OLIPPIII Scotch plaid, lath». covered who. CELANESE PRINCESS SLIPS, $1.79 Ladies’ Fine $1 I Silk-and-Wool HOSE 69e CREPE DE CHINE SCARFS, _ RAYON SILK UNDERWEAR um Bbomorl â€a $1.25 Von. no 227 KING WEST BABY JACKETS 98e to $1.45 RBABY SETS On Sale. $2.15 $4.59 curls Chamoisouo with pink or fancy culls. silk with fancy turn-down culls. and Kid gloves with colored stitching on but: all culls. or self-trimmed. Also winter Kids with lining and Im- Nico ttttts quality, 'tutter he. or embroidered comet-I. 3100 round with scalloped edge. White Ind colon, ' in a box. quality, pretty Tratatattt burden. LADIES' GLOVES 39c to $2.45 HANDKERCHIEFS I t" ma. Didi-I - $25 Vnhu ""' "an in. M Iliad, atm.'.' ',1N'a17 m .M hr at†he'll m “not! All-Wool Vulcan will "If all." all "In. neatly trimmed, ml colors. Ill. " to M. Boys’ Heavy Wu; $12.50 Outcast." Good Colon. may - an): Tweed (a mt With two Noon-on [or double wear - In!!! â€can... double M Me to 75e WHY PAY It)“, Fancy Boxed W um FUR-m " Enough Two-d BOYS’ SUITS $10.95 IOVU Kitt "tr.t"t. 20:?! "d,'l'tt Mnd, v to O. ".41.: ....N.. 88e $17.95 owl M For chr---Ne our In Noel. KI'PCHENER $5.95 $1.39