other, Arnoid, with : Hanover are weekâ€"ond visitors at the home of Mr. and Mre. John Bruege Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Shuh have reâ€" turned from a fortnight‘s visit with their daughtor, Mrs. Normhaa ‘W. Berkinshaw, in Montreal. â€" Reformation Sunday Kitchener, Ont. _ The 410th anniversary of the es tablishing of the Lutherasn Church umuummu St. Poter‘s Lutheran ‘Church, on Sunday, October 30th, in common with othér Lutheran . Churches Knauff‘s sermons were rich wilh historical incidence indicating the study he has given the sixteenth century reformation. â€" Large crowds gathered to hear the masterful disâ€" courses, both morning and evening, on the history of the Church, its doctrines and its work. Mr. Cecil Myers, Windsor, is the guest of his mother, Mrs. M. D. Myers, ‘Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. DoCHIO! of Edminton spent a few days in the Twinâ€"City. ‘ Tribute Paid to Late Twinâ€"City Misionary \ ‘The Autumn Thankoffering meetâ€" ing of the Women‘s Missionary Soâ€" ciety of the First United Church was held in the Sunday School room reâ€" cently, the president, Mrs. James Valentine presiding. The special speaker of the afternoon was Miss Preston of Toronto, who for over 30 years has been a missionary in Japan. A fitting tribute was paid to thb late Miss Evelyn Lackner both by the speaker and by others at the meeting. Golf Prize Winners ‘ Following a dinner at the Grand River Country Club on Thursday evening, Ort. 26, the season of 1927 was closed with the distribution of the prizes won in golf during the The prizes won duringâ€"the season are: Lang Cup won by Mrs. T. Seagram; runnerâ€"up won by Mrs. Lipport. Nine hole consolation for Lang Cup won by Mrs. Pickett; runnerâ€"up won by Mrs. E. E. Bowman. Playing for par 18 holes won by Mrs. Seagram; playing for par 9 holes won by Mrs. Bowman. Best gross score 18 holes won by Mrs. ‘Seagram; best net score 18 holes won by Mrs. George Stewart; putts for 18 holes won by Miss K. Hall; hidden holes, 18 holes won by Mrs. A.‘B. Pollock; approaching and putting won by Miss Hall; three best drives won by Miss Ada Lowes; longest drive won by Miss Gladys Becker; best score in 9 holes won by Mrs. E. E. Bowman; second best score, 9 holes won by Mrs. J. F. Carmichael; putts for 9 holes won by Mrs. J. D. Miller; hidden hole, 0 holes won ‘by Mre. Harry Tolton; club championship won by Mrs. Seagram; runnerâ€"up won by Mrs. Oscar Rumpel; championship for 9 holes won by Mrs. H. F. Wilson; runnerâ€"up won by Mrs. Bowman; captain‘s cup won by Miss Madge Gibson; Seagram cup won by Mrs. Rumpel; runnerâ€"up won by Mrs, J. A. Stewart; beaten eight won by Mrs. A. Lang; runnerâ€"up won by Miss Hall; consolation for 9 holes won by Mrs. J. F. Carmichael; runnerâ€"up won by Mrs. W. B. Allef; approachâ€" ing and putting won by Mrs. Howard Hallman; ringers for June and July won by Miss Gladys Becker; ringers for Sept. and Oct. won by Mrs. Rumâ€" pel; ladies‘ committee cup, for three lowest scores for October, won by Miss Gladys Becker; Eureka Vacuum Cleaner, donated by Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Witzel for husbands and wives competition, won by Mr. and Mrs. T. Seagram; prize for the highest bridge score for the season donated by Mrs. A. J. Gabel won by Mrs. E. E. Bowman. ‘The ~Dr. Williama‘ Brockville, Ont. MADE HER BABY PLUMP AND WELL Nothing makes a mother mrol grateful than a benefit conferred upon her child. Mothers everywhere! who have used Baby‘s Own Tablets for their children speak in enthust astic terms of them. For instance, Mrs. Zepherin Lavole, Three Rivers, Que., writes:â€":‘Baby‘s Own Tablets are a wonderful medicine for little ones. ‘They. never fail to regulate the baby‘s stomach and bowels, and make him plump and well. I always keep a box of the Tablets in the house and would advise all mothers to do likewise." Most of the ordinary allments of childhood arise in the stomach and bowels, and can be quickly banished by Baby‘s Own Tablets. ‘These Tablets relieve conâ€" stipation and indigestion, break up solds and simple fevers, expel worms, allay teething pains and proâ€" mote healthful sleep. They are guaranteed to be free from injurious drugs and are safe even for the youngest and most delicate child. The Tublets are sold by . medicine dealors or by mail at 250. a box from Charles H. Bechtel J. A. Macintosh‘s dance and was the guest of Mrs. Donald Macintosh. ‘Torounto, ‘Waterloo, under the aus pices of First United Church Ladies‘ Ald, Waterloo. . l Mrs. William H. Noll, nee F. Ethel Liviigston, R.N., will} receive for the first time since her marriage at 154 Victoria street, Waterloo, on Saturâ€" day, November 12th, from 3.30 to 6. Her mother, Mrs. J. Livingston, will receive with her Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kuntz, who are visiting here from the Canadian West, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ziegler, . J. A. Steiss and W. Bricker went on a fishing trip over the weekâ€"end to Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hartung and children of Waterloo spent a day with friends here. Albert Gies of Buffalo spent Sun: day at his home here. . Will Steiss and son Donald of Toronto spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Steiss. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sellers and boy, Clayton, of Waiton, spent the weekâ€"end and holiday with the latâ€" ter‘s mother, Mrs. Tillie Hoerle. Messrs. Albert Meyer, Reuben and Edgar Gies of Kitchener spent Sunâ€" day with their uncle, John Gies. Mr. and Mrs. John Bruegeman, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hahn and son Elmer of Waterloo and Mrs. Urstadt of Hanover spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schweitzer. Mrs. Zelina Hutcheson of London is visiting wth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steoiss. Misses Nelda and Edna Schaefer spent a day in Kitchener. Mrs. ‘Tillie Hoerle spent a day this week in the Twinâ€"City. Miss Mossie Smith of Waterloo her home here. Norman Ratz of Waterloo visited with friends here on Sunday. Miss Maud Diebel of the teaching staff at Wellesley public school spent the weekâ€"end holidaying with Miss Grace Schaefer spent the weekâ€"end in New Hamburg. Diebel. Miss Maude Engelter returned home after spending a week in the Twinâ€"City. Rnmmage Sale Will be held on Friday, Nov. 11th, Mr. and Mrs. Leith of Guelph and Mrs. Thos. Calder of Linwood spent Sunday at Mr. Adam Bingham‘s. Weekâ€"end visitors at the home of Mr. Jno. L. Hammond were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ‘Higgins of Detroit, Mrs. Best and Mr. W. K. Leighton of London, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Petch and son Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Bulâ€" mer and little daughter of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson of Oakville called on friends here on Sunday. L Dr. and Mrs. Manser of Linwood and Mr. @nd Mrs. Rickard Manser of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. M. Shantz on Sunday. Mr. Addison Grasser of Kitchener, Miss Mellie Schnurr and Master Grant Schnurr of Linwood and Miss Kuehnor of Kitchener spent the holiday at Mr. E. G. Ward‘s. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Helim and daughter of Walkerton called at the home of Mr. George Rennie on Sunâ€" day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burnett and daughter of Linwood were Thanksâ€" giving . visitors at Mr. George Richardson‘s. Mr. Thos. Birmingham returned from Waterloo after spending the season at carpenter work there. Miss Freda Steadelbauer was successful in winning the silver cup donated by T. Eaton Co. for the one winning the highest number of points at the school fair. ‘The Mises Sadie and Lydia Bergey visteid with friends in Detroit over the weekâ€"end. â€" Miss Nellie Bachert of Kitchener spent ‘Thanksgiving at her home Mrs. Kimberger of Stratford visitâ€" ed with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kurt over Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. A. Woelfie and famâ€" lly Sundayed with Mr. and Mre. J. Woelfle at Kitchener. Mr. Carl Woeber of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end â€"â€"with . Fred Mr. and Mrs. D. Schmidt and fam y visited with Mr and Mra. Ezra Becker on Sunday. Mr. D. K. Devitt spent Thanks @Special matings are being hold at the United Brethren Church. Rev. Kimer Becker of Stevensville is assisting Rev. C. Meadows. Mr. Joe Btamley, who has been in this vicinity for the past year, has HEIDELBERG , Mr. and Mrs. Henry CROSSHILL MANNH El M with Mr. and Mre no doubt progress and a large me® bership will soon follow., s Miss Valeris Todd of Strattord is a Thankegiving guest with her triend,._Mrs. Donovan Merner. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stahi of Ch+ cago attended the funoral of the latâ€" ter‘s uncle, the late Thomas Corrie, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hamel and tamily attended the golden wedding of Mrs. Hamel‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kautman at Wellesley on Sunday. The Late. James Monaghanâ€"The death took place at his home near New Hamburg last Thursday, Octo ber, 27th, of Mr. James Monaghan, at the age of 70 years. He had been tailing in ‘health for about a year but was confined to bed for only a tew days. His death therefore was a shock to his many friends, The passâ€" ing of Mr. Monaghan removes anâ€" sther member of the pioneer stock of the community. His gramdfathor, Patrick Monaghan, and his father, John Monaghan, came from the County of Armagh, Ireland, in the pioneering days of this district and hewed out a domicile in the primeâ€" val forest where three generations have since made their home. In both religious andscivil affairs the late Mr. Monaghan took an active part. &A Roman Catholic in faith he was fstrumental in erecting the present »difice of his church in New Hamâ€" burg and served as a church trustee tor many years. He likewise labored for forty years for the benefit of the Agricultural Society for which he xas a director for the past few years ind in politics a staunch Liberal. Always a kindly disposed friend and neighbor, his memory is revered by all who knew him. He leaves his sorrowing widow, four sons and ‘hree daughters to mourn his deâ€" mise. The children are Dr. Hugh Vonaghan, surgeon â€" in _ Ladyâ€"atâ€" Victory Hospital, Lackawanna, N.Y., Joseph and James of Kitchener; William at home, Mary of St. Joseph‘s Hospital, Guelph, teacher at Petersburg, and Marie, teacher at Parkhill. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Philip Sehl of Waterloo. The funeral was held from his late home to Holy Family Church and the R. C. cometery and was attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and neighbors. Requieim mass was held by the parish priest, Rev. Father Arnold, and Rev. Father Dantzer of St. Columbian. Walter E. Schultz of New Htlll-‘ burg, who is preparing for foreign missions work at the Moody Bible institute of Chicago, has been Apâ€" pointed leader of a group of students who â€" hold â€" evangelistic meetings overy Sunday evening either in the spen air or some mission hall in the city. . Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hahn and Miss Audry Hahn spent Tuesday in Toâ€" ronto. ; An enjoyable birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boehler last Wednesday evening when about twentyâ€"five of their friends surprised them upon the occasion of Mr. Boehler‘s fortieth birthday. The evening was pleasantâ€" ly spent in games and music and a sumptuous lunch was served by the visiting ladies of the party. 3 Mr. Henry Daters, who recently resigned his position as local agent for the Masseyâ€"Harris Co., has enâ€" tered upon a new contract with the company and in future will act as their selling agent for this territory. Mr. W. N. Pines, who took over the agency upon Mr. Daters‘ resignation, will continue handling the parts and repairs at the old stand. Mrs. A. H. Coombs of Bluevale spent last Wednesday with Mrs. Alex. F. Hahn. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Smith and family of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith of Plattsyille were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Merner, acâ€" companied by Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Niebergall of North Easthope are gone on a few days‘ trip to Campden, Niagara Falls and Fort Erie. Traffic on the provincial highway through New Hamburg is again open dining or smoking from the and aids appetite and It removes the odots of uomics, to be conducted by the De partment of Agriculture this winter. the three months® course in Women: peal to the young ladies and is being organized by ~Mr. H. M. Baron, B.S.A., of the Department of Agricul ture, in the various school sections in Wilmot and those bordering Perth and Oxford counties. ~ Miss Marie Baechler of Powassan spent a few days last week with Miss Mabel Berger; after spending a week with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frod Baechigr and sonâ€" Fred, Jr.. of Powassan, spent a weekâ€" with Mr. ahd Mrs.J. J.â€"Bergor. Last Thursday : night the Young People‘s Society : of the St. Peter‘s Latheran Church gave a Hallowe‘en m-mmolthoflnch. A large number afttended, the outâ€"ofâ€" town <guests being the Young People‘s Society of the Etratford Lutheran church. : ‘The guests woere greeted by several "ghosts." After by means of lively.games and conâ€" tests, a dainty Hallowe‘en lunch was VUmttheadoloertv-tr fifth wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hamel were pleasantly surprised at their home by a numâ€" ber of their friends last Monday evening. After extending wedding congratulations, a presentation, acâ€" companied by an address, was made to Mr. and Mrs. Hamel. About forty guests were present and a very enâ€" joyable social time was spent by all. Mr. and Mrs. George Geiger and Mr. Charles Gelger and Mrs. John Gabel and son Gordon dIâ€"Wallace spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Wolfe. interesting Meeting â€" The Pathâ€" finder group ‘of the CG.LT. proved to be a strong attraction at the monthly meeting ‘of the Women‘s Institute on Tuesday night when an unusual attendance enjoyed a very pleasing playlet. The usual business discussions preceded the play after which the president, Miss C. M. Graff, with a few wellâ€"chosen words presented theâ€"two fiveâ€"dollar gold pieces to the two honored enâ€" ltmoo pupils of our town, namely ‘Helen . Hostetler . and. Perlus . Binge chosen a do(eoiu, for. the W. 1. Convention which, convenes in Toâ€" ronto on Nov. 15, 16 and 17. Mrs. Lewis Hahn, District President, will also attend. A poppy day campaign was arranged for Saturday, Nov. 5, and plans discussed for a communâ€" ity concert to be given in the near ‘(uulre. Dainty . r_otreshmentl were served by the hostesses of the evenâ€" 'ins and the meeting closed with the National Anthem. Mr. Herb Patient, who was chief assistant for the summerâ€"months at the U. S. Cheese and Butter Co., left for Stratford to accept a pos!iâ€" tion for the winter. Mr. Christ Leis filled the vacancy. The October Miss Lyn Goetsz :of Sebringville re cheese sold to wholesalers brought 18%c per lb, 4 Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bowman and Herman Wagner of Waterloo ‘were Thanksgiving guests with their parâ€" ‘olu Mr. and Mrs. Danie!l Wagner and other friends. Mr. Victor Gardner, Mr. Wray of Toronto, Mr. Joseph and Mr, and Mrs. John Schwartsentruber apent Day with Mr., and Mro. C. E. Schwartsentruber, _ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Heimpel and family of Kitchener spent Thanksâ€" giving with Edward Hammer, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Perkin visâ€" ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mohr in Tavistock. Mr. Franklin Kleinknecht spent the holidays amongst his relatives around: Shakespeare. + Mr. Herb." Bauman and Miss Clothston of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Petor Bauman. Messts. Sim. Schwartzentruber and Gordon Rgerdie made a business trip to Brantford on Monday. * A great number of local people attended the services at the dedicaâ€" tion of the new St. Paul‘s Lutheran church of the Canada Synod in Welâ€" Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and â€" Mrs. Albort Schmidt were Misses LilNte, Poarl, Rose and Addie Moisel and Miss Sarah Sisbort. Rev. C. A. Kramer of the Wolles ley Missouri Lutheran church made an official round to his members here last Thursday. Mrs. Noah Roth from N.Y., state who was married here a month ago, pald a return visit to Mr. . Noah Erb. w‘“ _Mr. and Mrs. Bogasat spent Friâ€" day â€" avening with Mr. and Mra; Henry Brickman. . Mr. and Mrs. Amron Yantsl and ftamily spent Bunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Schwartzontrubor. BB me «of * BERLET‘S CORNER to wholesalers brought WILL Nov. 13 (Baturday)â€"At 2 pm. all new houschold effects for Mrs, Jane Woebster, at 85 Highland Road,â€" Kit chener. Do not miss this sale. Prease Noteâ€"The sale of house ‘hold effects for the C.. 8. Webet estate is postponed until further .“ i sig '.;flq;:’- £ ' C : Nov. 15. (Tuesday) â€" At 1 pm. valuable farm of 78 acros with good buildings, 12 mcres hardwood <bush, tarm stock, implements and feed beâ€" longing to the estate of the late George Hints, situated on the east side adjoining the village of Heide} berg on the highway. Come and buy thisâ€"ftarm. No reserve. Nov, 22 (Tuesday)â€"At 9 o‘clock a.m. sharp, valuable pure bred and high grade Holstein cattle, 13 horses including 3 thoroughbred Percheron stailions, pige, poultry, implements, ‘hay, grain and~household effects beâ€" longing to Enos Hunsberger, situâ€" ated 2 miles west and 1 mile north otf Waterioo, on the Erbsville Road }No reserve, farm is sold Plan to attend this large sale. Nov. 26 (Saturday)â€"At 1.30 p.m., real estate and all household effects belonging to lirs. Wm. Hahn, situâ€" ated in the village of Heidelberg. Nov. 29 (Tuesday) â€"At 1 pm, farm stock, implements and feed for Poter Straus, situated pn the 3th concession, lot 3, Wellesley townâ€" ship, 1% miles northwest of St. Clements. No â€"resorve. Dec. 3 (Saturday) â€" At 8:a.m., household effects on the Kitcthener market for George Wackelman. Dec. 6 (Tuesday) â€" At 1 p.m. farm stock, implements, hay, grain and household effects for© John 8. Meyer, situated 1% miles west of St. Clements, 2% miles north of Bamâ€" berg and 3 miles east of Crosshill Farm is sold. Dec. 16 (Friday)â€"At 1 p.m., valuâ€" able farm of 150 acres, with extra good buildings (if ‘ not previously sold); also 45 pureâ€"bred government tested Holstein cattle for Anthony Gles, situated about 1%4 miles west of St. Jacobs. . I have several good farms for sale. 1 have rented the lot at the rear of Pequegnat Clock Works, alongâ€" side the market grounds, and 1 am conducting sales as usual every Saturday morning at 8 a.m. 1. H. TOMAN, Grad. Auctioneer New Dundee, Phone 28â€"12 Nov. 16 (Wednesday)â€"Farm stock, implements, produce, etc., belonging to Mr. Bonjamin Herner, situated 4% miles northeast of Baden, 2 miles southeast of Berlet‘s Corner, and 4 miles northwest of St. Agatha, known :as thé Abraham Herner Farm. No reserve. Nov. 19 (Saturday)â€"Real estate, wagon maker‘s tools and household 4 P n o k P t i 2 W. W. FRICKEY, Auctionser hi Reliable Fur Coats Electric Seal Coats Hudson Seal Coats PMONE 2600 ALL DEPTS lancejarmcy Céx FUR CHOKERSâ€"Very Special, Opossum, Fox and Hudson Sable, $10.00, $15.00, $35.00, $75.00 to $125.00 ENHHRHHH Ranging fro» $100.00 *« $225.00 Muskrat Coats, all sizes, rangine fro® $125,00 * $300.00 Persian Lamb Coats, special prices $400. 00 * $500.00 Cufts. Very Special @ $995, $275, $325 * $450.00 Plain and trimmed Kolinsky Sabfe, Fitch and Grey Squirrel Collars and Hudson and Electric Seal, Persian and Muskrat Coats, Manufacturers® Samples, Gorgeous Styles, perfectly matchâ€" ed Skins, all richly silk lined, styles to suit every wish and fancy. All on sale at This is an opportunity to secure a good coat under regular price. ©Every coat is guaranteed by ourselves as well as by the maker and convenient terms can be arranged if desired. Come and bring a friend. effects beionging to in the village of New Dundes. If you want a real good farm, have it for you. Prices Unmatched For Value. M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer Nov. 11 (Friday)â€"Auction sale of one and two years old, at the Arlingâ€" ton Hotel yards at ‘Tavistock, for 70 head of cattle, steers and heifors, N. C. Coutts. Nov. 16 (Wednesday) â€" Auction sale of high grade Shorthorn cattle, at lot 26, concession 7, South Kastâ€" hope, 1 mile west of Tavistock, for Fred Scopt. + Guaranteed qualities for Women. Good choice of styles and at lowest possible prices. Nov. 22 (Tuesday)â€"Clearing sale of farm stock, implements and feed at Lot 11, concession 6, North Eastâ€" hope, 2% miles east of Amulree, for John Dahmer. .Nov. 24th (Thursday) â€" Clearing sale of farm stock, implements and feed at Lot 25, 14th line Hast Zorra, 4% miles south of Tavistock, 2 miles west of Cassel, sale at 9.30 sharp, for C. Rol. Nov. 29 (Tuesdayâ€"Clearing sale of farm stock, implements and feed at Lot 17, concession 4, S. Easthope, 1% miles northeast of Tavistock, for J. L. Erb. Nov. 30 (Wednesday) â€" Auction sale of 125 acre farm, farm stock, implements, feed and registered Holâ€" stein cattle belonging to Howard Cressman Estate, 5 miles south of New Hamburg. Dec. 2 (Friday)â€"Auction sale of choice dairy cows, ‘horses and hogs, 3 miles northeast of Hickson, for Dec. 6‘ (Tuesday)â€"Clearing sale of farm stock, implements and feed, After By A â€â€™d'-flï¬*hww Ladies should uomwww,ms ME ; HBOED ... in .»»,osimsescismrmnipninernrmmnccneren mm C 4 Children‘s Vests and Drawers are shown ‘at from 48e “‘1-“ d M s l MEN AND BOYS ~iz MM.MAWM-:T&-,M ® ~ Men‘s Admiral Nat. Wool @ $2.25 sach. Hc.'-fl:.vy_ 50 KITCHENER, ONT. See the Sample Underwear They Are Cheap . ° Men‘s Fieeced @ $+:00, Boys‘ Fieeced at 75¢ a garment. Men‘s Admiral Nat. Wool @ $2.25 sach.. Men‘s Heavy Wool Ribbed. @ $1.00 and $1.90 a garment. Boys‘ National Wool @ $1.80 sach. w2 â€" GERMANN CO. LTD. Most Beautiful Fur Coats Waterloo %% miles southwest of New Hamâ€" burg on the Huron road,‘ for the late Monly Zimmerman estate. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctionecer. Nov. 24th â€"â€"Farm stock, impleâ€" ments, hay, grain, etc., of Harold F. Smith, Lot 3, Con. 4, Peel Tp.. 2% miles north of Glenallen, about 6 miles west of Floradale. ; _.~*~~ \Nov. 29thâ€"Valuable 63 acre farm and farm stock, implements, hay, grain, hqusehold effects, etc., belong» ing to the estate of the late Albert H. Lehman, 1 mile east of _West Monâ€" trose, 2 miles west of Weissenburg. Dec. 1stâ€"Farm stock, implements, hay, grain, household effects, etc., st Con. 3, Peel Tp. for Isaiah F. Martin, 3 miles west of Yatton, 2 miles east of Glenalien. â€" T. M. MOORE, Auctioneer. Dec. 13 (Tuesday)â€"Compléte disâ€" persal sale of 38 head of accredited R. O. P. tested Holstein cattle beâ€" longing to A. B. Brubacher, %% mile porth of Elmira. No reserve. I have a large list of farms for SEND A PHOTOGRAPH The Gift that only you can give. Photographs live forever. 4x6 â€"full Cabinet Leatherette Folders at ...‘ $3.50° per dozen 163 King W., Upstairs Phone 2592 â€" 2750J KITCHENER Christmas Special DENTON STUDIO FOR CHRISTMAS nnemmmmmnmemmnmmmmicitt PROMPT SERVICE * ut A