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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Aug 1927, p. 3

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Thou lulu no nil no quality lam-nu tor which um “or. In Boted- auns (tom our team “och priced to Intent! you quickly. Who- you no that fabrics and pattern- than not. the prices. you'll mun. that the mph-:1: in on "In" in an. [mt Bout-Anna“ "to. Look beyond the summer, pick . tmart Butt tor you Hound we". Thom no punt, In "All uh. You couldn't choose I better time to buy tor only "no. youly are the“ low when obtainable. Men of all Ilse. can be Ittatd. 2-LON6-PANT SUITS $13.“ " '" and 820 Quallty Smart styles. extra tinnllty rubrics and . upoclnl price makes this an ndnntsgooul time to outfit the boy And two pair ot long trousers double the we". Sizes " to 18 years. BOVS’ TWO BLOOMER SUITS Formerly $13.50 and 'tlb.00 Late models, mixtures and striped patterns. strongly tailored for llrenuoui wear. good serviceable suits. sizes 7 to " yells. Now ....._..r...w...ewr.wr-..t"e"'"""" $8.35 LONGIE SUITS 31030 $10.50 Quallty The best Spring and Summer styles with coat, vest and long pants ma bloomers. novelty weaves In all the late dudes. sues ' to " years. nan-dummy ”mason-lay can-imam» Now Now __'tf"'r 7---- --"-" _ an]. Tremor Sun-I 811:1. from! Baits I Two Troupe! sum treat 'tttN" with Iln-rd'l mum; SECURITY SEMI-ANNUAL SALE In the basis upon which we at you to open I Savin- Account. All money left with us must be Invented in Trance securitie- such as 4% Mama, Dominion Ind Provinchl Government Government Supervision. Open an Account My. The Waterloo Trust and Savings Company WmMMMMhh-u manta-u " news a YOUNG “we sons The Season's Luau Styien in Three Reduced Groups Waterloo tiatt., .-, I 3.153%} 3245.? BOYS' SUITS We operate nub: strict Reduced in Price First Aid to Vacationists! The Bookstore for your funds and _ . Hurqmdairfartideaarriedttriueom+nd round out your nation equipment. Here an n tow: WRITING PAPER FOUNTAIN ms KODAK! SUMMER FICTION m SHADES MAGAZINES memo sum PHMB, an Wray’s Book Story; 116 King SE. w. KITCHEN“ Phone 2387 INTEREST Lad in the Pursuit --h of Economy at Gait tCCCCCCCCC2CC== Kitchener All BTRAWB and PANAMA HAT. We mm on certain high un- dardn or workmanship in .11 our iootwe-r resume“ ot ortee. indi< Vida-my in style in In much a part at moderately priced shoes u of those at twice than price. Men who mtrtrt'tsudtrtrt their wudr robe without tsacrttteintt Imrtnou appreciate our nines. Their In- creasing putronue here proves it. Our special (suture line: of men's .um and black oxford: In the latest summer hats an" exceptional shoe value It these two prices. Comb Sage Tea Into Gray Hair Boys' serviceable Oxfords. brown or black. dressy. mnnlsh styles; sizes 11 to 13 m........tq...mr.rr....rmrmtr_._ $2.05 sizes 1 to 5 ...r....rrr.r.rrrmm.err....ermr__m.m $2.96 Barton. Inutl'ully and Razor-I m Natural Color and Laure At Once. Common gerden use brewed into . heevy ten, with sulphur end eleo- no! added, will turn grey. etreeked end teded heir beautifully derk end luxurient. Mixing the Sege Tee end Sulphur recipe " home, though, ie tronbleeome. An euier wey is to get the roadrtomtsts preparation in? proved by the eddition ot other in. gredients e lerge bottle, " little coat, " drug stores. known In “Wy- eth'e Sega end Sulphur Compound," thu- evoiding e lot of mule. While grey, felled heir in not lin- iul. we ell desire to retein our youthful eppeerence end attractive neu. By when!“ your heir with Wyeth'e Sege end Sulphur‘ Com- pound, no one can tell. beceuee it doee it no neturelly, so evenly. You juet dempen e sponge or wit brueh with it end drew this through your heir. teking one emell etreud et e tune; by morning ell grey heire hue dleeppeered. After nether epplicetion or two your heir be oomee beeutlf‘ully derk; "rar, eoit end luxurient end you eppeer yeere younger. "Well. it that dour! but .11 "I" tr to [coda-II!” II. new. ."Tlnt'u m ”and “no/1M1 mm- In; that mhhlt'l inward!” Ourprhlng Somehow tho oommerci-l traver Ier hid muted to miss his hit train um! In: forced to put up It the local hotel tn t Wei-h villager. When " Ito” In tho morning And peered round MI bedroom door tar his than be m “toll-had to no that now one bitch 1nd one brown shoe were rolling on the mt. Ho mg [or the ehmbormud. When she “you“ he culled her “with: to the error. I m annular-Md scratch“! is head In bewildonnont. ya OFF FORMER PRICES Choke of the Entln LIm $3.50 “aka: The MEN’S OXFORDS Ind: Mud-“mm“ In! tic-bun.“ - “mama-cull- mmumwt h, umamocmrrnurm “amino!“ . vmu~lu this In' Wm manly hvuvmtncul a. db M II! I III". I.” ot St m unbuc- u tho “may In“ on “my. MW‘ which I." can. Dismal. sold a “channhoxorl‘ludue-u in cm. [on and back my” treoitttmer"to86-sttetx. Chm“ will an and " gnu I box. when!“ u " can: I can. no" chorlm at 1‘ cont: not In curt. but“ um not; ehorrlu st 81.35 per .1: curt but“. am hem.- were 88.00 and a.“ per It. man Mel. an. now pot-ton which were mammal brought no to " can“ tor a It: and shun quart hula! mmllvoly. String be." low It so can!- . Ill can. but“. po- At " cent.- 1 pint. poddod. and ablaze " 6 to " com- I head. while other vegetables were tho to be had in abundance n the mull prices. _ _ Butler brought Iron 35 to 40 cents a pound and up 37 And " cont: I colon. Ducks were 40 cant: I pound. New hay sold It 810 and 812.00 . ton, lndlcatlng a plentiful supply. THALER FAMILY HOLD ENJOVABLE REUNION The iirat annnni reunion ot the‘ Thater family was held at the home of Mr. end Mrs. J. t Battier on the Stratford-Kitchener highway on Civic Holiday. Relatives to the num- ber of 150 were present from Toron- to, Preston, Heepeler. St. Jmohe, Kitchener. New Hamburg. Bright. Tnvletock, Breehu. Shakespeare, Stratford, Detroit, Mich., and Wm- Regan. lil. Mm. Carrie Bricker ot Breelau. aged 84 years. was the old- ‘ete attendant, while Shirley Mose of Kitchener, aged six weeks, vine the youngest. The usual program of race. and games was held and en. joyed. a. Following the picnic supper, the otricertg were elected as follows: Pmident. W. R. Butler; Vice President. H. W. Amacher; Beer. W. M. Schmidt: Treasurer, Anon Mader; Hisrtorian, Mrs. H. E. Wet. zel; Program Ind Sparta Committee. Geo. Battier, Elmer Myers. 0. Hall- man nnd Wm. Schmidt; Table Con- venor, Mrs. B. D. Harrison. WELLESLEY 1WNP Fix Rate of 16% Mills, Grant H. E. Rata Lumber Cow. tract and Pass Accounts. Wellesley Township Council met at he Council's Chamber, Crosshill, on Monday. the 131 day of August. 1927. puraulnt to ndjottrtumsett, m 10.30 In Lhe forenoon. All the members were In wond- mce. W. H. Knight, the Reeve pre- sided. , The minutes ot the July meeting were read, found correct,' and passed. ' Communications. bills and ne- countn were handed to the Reeve and read Br Mn}. - _ - M. E. mu. lumbemnn. of St. Clements. came to uoliclt the con- tract to supply the plank to cover rho floor ot the Marlinson bridge. I short distance northwest of Hawks;- rule. lbout 11520 feet being requir- ed. The council [ranted the contract to him. A qoata-iqatltut wan received trom the Snidiers' ttettUrnernt Bond. Toronto, Ont., dealing with the py- mont of (1er on pt. ot lot No. T, Con. Mr, out action. this Township. Thi- property In being held in the nuns of Hi. Mainly the King u represented by the Soldiers' Souls- in“! Board of Cumin. For thin rea- son the property itself is not subject io taxed. However. the occupant my be eases-ed In the usual way. end the tugs collected trotn ttint., A has! "m revolved from the nonunion! of Agrlculturo. Toronco. uklnx the .Clork to an In the nuns: of the swollen- a llama; (In I form hunched) In uccordanco yum an act rupoctlng the control of N no" Woods. The Clerk wu Im uzuuod to col never-l conic. of the Act hum the Donrlmont to so". u u mild: to tho Immun- “apolit- Br-L-'.--- loved by L Enema. we'd by W. m. an an" “that... for no nwolnunout of Coleen." tor the an": and vegan nation- of tho Ton-hip ot Wounds, toe the elm-t you 1m. In new road . ttrgt and pound ttarto.zrirrUd. _ - Proposal by P. A. Wu”: Ind W. W that Dr!" lambda... to not. the man] taboo! section In no 113ml") ut Wallaby for no an.“ "" I”! In read a In: nad' - tA-meet-td. _ _ Ion! iv). A. Wm". “1:1 by L. W as By-IA' “nun... In a. m ot -tag a. font!” of Vulcan: for Tonal. - - ”PM M tho you w b in no! I but an no.“ m county urn- tor "no nu “n In new In! I Int M Bqesqntd Over can ......_... o..-.......,-." am ttr-Ar-kd. loud by In". Wand agtd mum Pro-nu an m- and! "tore" - a P. _ 1PN,t new ”$33 v"t,'ht'2it,N'relt RM. 'Lt'Agturutu'tpPg= 'Rat' id'aeti.f. “mung“. Firitia,,teut"o'""'"" - ot -'.-- m- "m t,ttre',t.'gt'h".iic It. MAI-\tim- I. E"iiiidaak fof Hutu-"mo tlih't Ala munch. up!" Mot W. m. N No. “rennin mum" WLWX cm COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS tttttteaters, gnwdhulmhhl-I “sonata-cm - 'tst-tvt-r--.- um.mhummm W he...“ m mm In. W to latch-u- lit --o"thoroadaatderm"r6 t.aaoveratmotae-tIth. pvt mt. "mu " WM. 7 L “Km“. GREEN“. 't"'"..fet.:fe.?..Uf.Ie..'t w u M gh.arostt--ttestNPeee* o-c--------------------. of - by Prune-LB. W. N. l may Gm at the Wm Col!!! Clu- _-a-.--..-.--.---..'...- L dbl Gill MY. bill suitably uck- - M nowmuh&mwm' nmmudnmolm. dull "true. TI. ettab I!” Bqgtt Am: Ind, \ndnv “I. M " Broetin6. to PM mm It 1m, .1. bu non: In W. own-I'm: but with.- tor u up” no mum "a ma on m comic! " Calif! birthday “I! ___ In. on _ mom my um Two you: melt. Chm-lee Ottnnd end Nelson Clemens. were mien into mtody early Thur-any morn ing, their notions at 8.30 in the morn- ing hem minimal. The former we: "ed $10 tor taking n car hom tb page without permiuion. The two men were deuined until they an explain their qeOttettt ot the put week utishctorily to the police. COUNTY PURCHAQES Last Week the members ot the county Road nud Bridge committee. with County Cloth CIIIGI, visited Hamilton nnd concluded urnnge~ menu tor the purchise of 1 Cater. pliinr Intern-non.“ minwunnoo under which will he added to the road equipment of the county. The ‘helwy motor truck w“ traded in by ‘the county in connection with the IG for the new under which in lvniuod at '3,4Tli. KITCHENER MAN FELLED IN FISTIC BATTLE Two ateiedorel of the lake lreltghter Simon Lassen. In dock " Toronto on Wednesday night, on- gaged in a that tight on the dock and lasted for tortratve Inmates. A Kitchener man. John Cook, took the count, " companion, Gordon Hilllard of Midland gottlng the beat ot the argument. Cook (all to the noor and was removed to the hog. pltal where a deep only wound m glvan medical attention. Cook‘s friend "tgststed on hugging and k139- lng a few moments later. The pair left the hospltal arm In arm alter shaklng hands. Both men had been indulging In liquor. M, 10.38; Alain Lienhnrdt. Road No. 22, 6.33; The Municipal World, time books, 4.88; Jscob F. Erb. Road No. T, 418.31; Emil Hohl, gavel a/e, 72.50: Cranatott'Ritttrr, gravel a/c, 8.25; Sun Hieronimus. gravel a/c, 53.75; D. W. Chalmers, Road No. 8, 125.50; Walter McDowell, gravel on Mornington boundsry. % pay. 15.00; George Lichti, turning gravel, 28.00; James McKee. gravel and turning on botutdarrc% pay, $3.42: N. B, Lichty. part payment bridge, Morn- ington boundary. 650.00; H. Doherty, salary. 77.65; John Miller, Road No. 3, us; Ed. Quebl. Rand No. 4. 34.12; Peter Home“. Road No. IS, 16.00; Hy. Hieronimus. Road No. ll, 174.26: Jscob Reichert. Road No. lt, 230.12: ‘E. J. Dietrich. Road No. 14, 138.01; John Gillihnd. Road No. 28, 20.25; Ed. M. Brenner. Road No. 21, 22.50; John A. Dmsr. Road No. is. 10.50: The Waterloo Chronicle. tor se- count, 2.40; Wentvorth Quarries. a/c for screenlngs. 86.74; Gerber Bros., power to crusher. 45.67; Noah Schultz. gnvel 1/0. 95 Fly. 23.37; Duals] m. vai s/c Bonn No. 9. 68.25: John White. rent tor stone pile, 10.00; Philip Krouuwiesen Road No. 20. 50.25. Total, "6M.51.--- Carried. . Third 't-glmt oi BrLaww.-. Proposed by Welder sud Wigner that Council form into I committee of the whole on arm's Numbers on. 018 and '" snd‘ that W. H. Knight be chsirmn.~CIrried.A By-Lew 912 w'epvolnl weed con- trol -etorsr--Lmtsr Weber wee unpainted tor the out section end George Cowl. tor the we“ rdiiir, u e alert or " cent-oer hour. Bylaw '" to use" the echool "rctforc--T'tto emonlm of the sev- en! echool mnldtlom were written ht mid By-Lew. " Ann [8110 Fan VAanNCV lay-[4' .14 to - tho Town- ship of Wallaby for Tannin ud County mtrtro.mc--A total of 10% mm- 01109 dollar In to ho hum! dlvldod u lollo'n: (has mm: on the doll" tor Tonlhlp road Illn- te-tsq, 4% null tor Township pur- mm. 4 mill: Int County warm and I all: Mr can” man. Cumming. In om council: "and by P. A. Want. ne'd by L. Buchlor am an... on. '" In! '" u Ind In Do med n ttttrd nu. ad - -4.--f3arr%d. - to "potnt Collector: m In“ one Mr nah-d and!“ null the "wet,', looting. mu". Monthly "ml W ' ' Out-Mu woo-It- M In huh ............ pm P. mum NEW GRADER 3’01.” . "u' Inuit-isfh “Whmnml "iiiGiaiuiVi'iiaiiliii9'i'iii1 -o-eattm.ert60i'rq0.,i' '0"me "are-tod-tegg-at - If. w W ll- mmuuwm-Au. m. an. - m. be” "and with ah chum. A“ the "can m Mr. Dal-’- mun-10d ”1de And In. Henry (1le ot an“ Rapids, Itch” nod " yum. Tho an...» an: a View my] Lats. thwyar-old War ot It.‘ and In. Win. but: of mutual took tmee on Wound”, August 3rd. The (Mu _ m In" on Thundly. Mu. Jon. Mimi Jr. The dam took place on hooky. August 2. ot In. Joseph Din-brook In. " her'homo following I year’- lllnen. Then survive I husband and two dgughton. tr Gladys K||horn - A bright "to in cloud In tho death of and" Evangeline} throe- "ar-old daughter of Mr. and Mn. hues Kilhorn. Kltchonor, who mused “my It the K.-W. Hospital on Tuesday. August 2nd. , Harlin-n _ Asmuuon - At Kitchener, l August 3, Howard Hothmut to Edna. May Aumuseen. both ot Kit-' chener. [ 'lmpsort-Breutlttart - At Nemudt. August t, Willi-m H. Simpler! ot Kitchener to Edna Breads“ ot Neuetndt. Connor-Wendllng - At Kitchener. August 2, Jo-evh Censer to Mur- garet Wendiing. Charmer-Dunk - August 2, Jonas Martin Ciemmer to Edn- [moi]: Durst. Rev. B. J. Wittig ot walker. ton officiated. . BherHFOqr.t---At Kitchener. August 2, Robert Irvine Sher“! to Mabel ‘ Marie Durst; _d',ileil'l"-"tit Kitchener, August 1, amine-Hume!“ ‘. mean-ruminant Clayton Harvey Baulk to Ma Louise Hold. T MAN LOSE! ‘13. William Ran. foreman ot the Mer- chants Rubber Co., is minus hits purse cont-lulu; $186 whlch wu stolen trom his pocket by n sneak thief. Other them live the been reported tram several betel-lea. DODGE INTRODUCES FASTEST FOUR " IN AMERICA A. M. Miller. Adv-runny Minnow, and G. H. Munro, Field Super- visor. VII" Waterloo. A. M. Miller, Advertising Hunger ot Dodge Brothers (Canada), and G H. Munro. Field Supervisor you» ed through Wntorioo lut week on a tour through Western Ontario ‘with the new Dodge F'our-'"rtte Puts-t Four in America." They will con- tinue their tour through baton Om tario, Quebec and tho Barium. Province. to the Atlantic Coat. Another "trtuttAJtutadi' car in on it: “y to the Pteiiltt Gout in; chime ot D. F. Proudfoot, Field >Suporviaor. and Brynn Wnrnun ot Geo. Horrinon Phelps Inc: Detroit. The company is bringing out what It claims In the tutu! “no ot [our cylinder can In Amulet, enuuly new tn every w". Price. runs. " low the levels It which Dode. Brothers an hive “VIII sold. Ind tho success of the low It“ loom Insured from tho can. Dodge Brothorl In" been _ I mator tumor In the luau-try “MI their In! ctr “I built In "It The cu bra-mo no porn” am within an unthhhbly “on “It Fiery, Itchy Skin Quickly soothed With Sulphur Igenttho-tNtphtsr, I mount - will ”one In] [not] In: an In trrttatod or but“ at with m; tttntt.e-dqrtthugtrmaAsr pimples. or . run or an. Noah! "Mu- Icry an mm. " quickly, In that“ um um The no“: this all)!" in” ‘mummmmu Minornmnmbo "s-ttau-end..'.'.." Incubus-1mm: human-numb. -tt-et.b-.ttee ”mi-mucrb mic-MW” maul-101.3 Amwum'nno hmmhlolM-vpd Violet lay Lulu MARRIAGES Mr' an eons-ny- ’ulu m to third In tho Industry. [on bl I]! vats no Dads. Broth-n with out than romrnhly ID. "no of ulna and mum: a with And it at hunted ( ,. a Moth! lush can! to gm of my lam con- mm which have be“ null: In“ tor you; But lodgi- lh would] the moat rem-thug “humane-t Dodge Brother: on: gnnao--tV mum four- In Aatterie-re" to loll In {madam volumo. Louis P. Dietrich In the - for Wntorloo and district. Acton .................r.rrr.m.r.i...w Sept. 20-21 Agnlooun (Seuboro) .... Sept. 13-84 Alla Cal; .......tr.....mW........ Sept. "" “Elton ....rr..m..rr.r.rrr_......._r.....m... Oct. " Anon o............]............. Btot. 30-Oct. 1 Blenheim ........rrr.rr.....-..-.... Oct. 11-18 Chub: ..r...t.r...mr-m.tt0rm......' Elmulo --'"--'"y Exclai- e............................- Farm ...............em_rt.......... Georgetown ....r.ee.r._......... Hanover ....r........q.t.........F. ”novel .t...-.......e..m....... Londo- (Woltarn hit) ‘Lucknow ..-....t.-........H... Hilda-y w.............:.....'....... Ethanol: ....-......r.t.re..... Mitchell ......t..m................pr Neunudt ........W....t..W.._.P.PV. New Hamburg ..mT....t._..rr. Hudmy w.......................-. Sept. M1 Milverton ..r.-......r.t.re....... Sept. ”-80 Mitchell ........rm....r.........e.r.r. Sept. 27-28 Newt-at ..e..t......tr....._.r.rm.m.tt.... Sept. " New Hamburg ..mT....t._..rr..... Sept. 1.12 om" ........We..Mt.mW.._.F...P._F'. Sept. 15-17 Ottawa (Catt-l Canada) Aug. 22-27 Owen Sound ....e..r..rt.t.......r...t.. Oct. " Pulley -t----- Sept. 27-28 Palmerston ..r..-t....e..m.m._rm.....m.. Oct. " Perth ...w...e.m..........._...mP. Aug. .11ka , Pinkerton .r.t.........r.-m.........r.r. Sept. " Rockmn ...t.-.m..e.._..m.....rrm.r.m. Oct. 11-11 St. May's .r.......t...rr..rrr.rr......... Oct, " Sularth ..............t.r._.m._..._. Sept. "at Slmcoe ....rr.r.rrrerrme........rm'.'.'.. Aug. 1618 Btrattord ..t.r-...m......_rrrm"""'... Sept. 19-11 IStnthI-oy I................'....'..... Sept. 26-27 ”In: o.......................................'. Oct. " Tavletock ...m...rmrm.r._rm.rmm__m..8. Sept. 86-27 Toronto (C.N.E.) ..V. Aug. 27-Sept. " Welle-ley r-'""""""""'" Sept. 13-14 Weston ....rrrr...e..rr.t..m.rrm_m_._.. Sept. 23-24 Wiarton mr..................'......... Sept. 20-21 Wiughrrt ...........mrrr.r.t.rmrrrm_....... Oct. 6-7 Woodstock t..r......r...mmr..m_..... Sept. 11-24 ”Ill“ - “Am/m - “I. - W“ “(RV - ”I.“ - ”A" - MT. - “I“ “mummy-MM 'sa.eerattto-ttq.t.tMsrrA. chm-ur- Oi.‘ Wad an... For I. - 01.. Oil-.- For “A. I.” no... For 01‘ - - m For ‘1. DATE: or FALL 'FAIIu Our SPECIAL PLY OIL will not blister or burn. Shel-tel] karmic-n to cum». Put up in tmer-ttnoon can FLY on. Protect Your Cattle Fro'" The Flies. IoltalliLCi0li.l,ltMltl) HOBBIES UNITED For an M0 - mm In... MM loam nu. no It ...uc. Be “a '1." ul- limb Com. "and WI"! Fly on wm Produce Mon Mllk cam-bu "an. up“ ct-ati-tst-o-- ' . tsito-ea-are'-'.',"."'-'-- Alli-Wm» . Wéz’chel's SPECIAL FLY OIL Spray With FLY 01L attidtttireit8tHBAret%te.rt" mmunumuulaoolluu Bring your on an PI'M 11-1101: cun- KW Buy.“ Nov. Sept. Sept. 9an WM! - PUMI 20-21 22-23 23-24 33-24 , 1-23 10-17 Tho erection of I m hon. n a. nut Ink. Ill - I! mambo!- ot tho Wat-rho purl bond nuns-at mung. menu ot 13:09on building would to “out "too. The caution/will [gm dimmed. III-mum" wut In and. My to "a. ”villa. m ruldolloo and the boat-ham, - - “THING tMtUMt Tho erecting of t W ha- Doctor's vouch for lit-N's Ull- It’s the delay: -- . orderedfwthernbrLmr Distance,urtheyeanget pmmptde1ivery. iserviceusnehrsoquire lnterurbanServioeto t towns within say 25 milesareverrimr-. so low that nomehasm excuse fornotte1ephtming insteadofwritingortraw upold custmnenrteLontr Distanceistheiinest kind ofwaytoepsureaamtinw anceoftheirpatrmmge. Automohiliata and tohavenewparts IA?“ -. .1.” Oil $1.“ Get or burn. " I.

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