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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Jun 1927, p. 4

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Hearty t'omtratulatiotts an- [wing extended to two of Wan-Nun's most popular young ladies. Miss Ruby Rat: and Miss Alive Lockie, who graduated with honors at the Ham- Illon General Hospital last Friday afternoon. Miss Ruby Ruiz carrying on the general mnfic-iom-y Srlmlmu ship. A large party of friends from Waterloo attended the Graduation Exercises. Edward Johnson, fumuns t'anadian tenor, who derlares tltat music should be as important as arithrms tie in the dominion', schguls. Music is a language he says. _ Mrs. Daniel Beenon The funeral .of the lute Mrs. Daniel Reason. who passed away at her home at Kitchener. nu Sunday. took place trom her late residence to Mount Hope t'pmetr'ry. Tin, final obsequies were largely amended by her numerous friends. the members of the [0.0.11 attending in a body which, with the beautiful floral ex- pressions ot sympathy to her be. reaved husband, are a striking tri- bute to her memory, _ Miss Charlotte Valentine of Tor. onto University. who is leaving shortly tor a trip abroad. is spend. lug a few days at her home id Wat, erloo. Mrs. H. A. Mayer. John street. en» tertairted a few of her Twin-City friends at the tea hour on Friday afternoon. when her mother, Mrs. J. Sill Jones of Essex presided at the tea table. and the guests greatly en- joyed the well known hospitaliy of this charming home. Wray’s Book Store The Prince of Wales and Premier Baldwin plan to <ail tor Canada July 23 on the Canadian Pacific steamer Empres of Australia. Premier Bald. Witt will return home on August 17. but the Prince will remain two or three weeks longer. Kitchener Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Witzel. Maplecmh. Kitchener, announce the engagement ot their only daughter. Helen Evelyn. to Willard M. Box. D.D.S.. L.D.S.. of Toronto; the mar- riage to take place at St. Johu's Am Ansllcan church. Kiteheater, the twenty-second of June. “In to no In" a. “on at that you old good Search A would perm mired by 'trrtpim BI; h to remind us tint Condo hid: n place in the greatest B- vlro which the world ttaa ever “in. This notion. occupying halt ot tho North American Continent. in link. od by tie. not sully broken with the motherland and with those of other Nntioui in all qunrton ot the Globe over whom the name (in; files nnd who owe allegiance to the some Sovereign But pride in our nation and in the Empire is vain and toot. lah unless, along with it. there II n henna of obligation to do our full “are in the betterment ot the world. Our condemnation will be all the greater because ot our superior privileges, it these do not cite us to use our advantages in the service ot humanity. hulls Du an. u would - -r.heaehinqaattdtetVMrth- d.roeq-viestoee.aosmnd. W of our mteNnq King, tt Warm Weather Will Soon Be 116 King St. West KITCHENER Picnic Supplies Have Your Eyes Tested PAPER PLATES, CUPS spoons. NAPKINS. "an: COVERS, Ete Here and That Means No Dishwashimtt, Picnic Time Social and Personal Accuruoly. “Manually um! 'atuNeterrtty " King St. W Daniel Beenon ll .of the lute Mrs. I. who passed away at Kitchener. on Sunday. '. STEELE KMoMMr'I Luella. Ottoman-n! " - 22-r'CrTH ._. CTAffil I” m "Uta”- "r"_'emrdca-iii' “Milly. “I.“ mad M. V V V“ :anfi-fi'fiqufi? ln the list of successiul candidates at the recent examinations ot the University ot Toronto the Chronicle ir, phased to notice the names of the following \as having passed with honors their third year examinations in Arts: Honor Course Modorntr--, Mins Frances Benn. Kitchener, 2nd than honors; Minx Mattel Hender~ sun, Waterloo. 3rd class honors. in tho my: course Miss Gertrude Con. rad. Waterloo. obtained 3rd clue honors. The Chronicle is pleased to congratulnte theme students. as the members ot the First United I'hurt'h. and hosts of other friends in Waterloo whose loving sympathy will be extended to Rev. Mr. Watts and Iamlly in their Bore bereare ment. the culmination ot her trying months was a peaceful death. Mrs. Watts was in the prime of lite. a most affectionate wife and mother. “hose loving companionship and sympathy were much valued by her devoted husband and family, as well The death ot Mrs. Watts, beloved wife of Ree. J. 0. Watts at the KAN. Hospital at 2 a.m. Tuesday morning. marked the passing away ot a highly esteemed citizen and a grlclous lady of estimahle qualities. For some time past Mrs Watts" health was gradually enfeehled by illness and the culmination ot her trying mnnllls was a peaceful death. Mrs. The many friends of Mrs. Fred Ruppel. of Elmira. will be sorry to learn of her breaking her arm last Tuesday. _ " is understood that Professor \\'r0ng's retirement is due partly to his desire lo obtain the necessnry freedom for the writing of a history or Canada in several volumes, on unit-h he has been engaged for some time. His retirement at the height or his powers is, however, greatly n greener]. not only by his colleagues but by the thousands of graduates and undergraduates who have listen- Hi In his vivid and absorbing lec- Iures in the university. With the closing ot the academic year of 192627; Professor George M. Wrong. tor th1rtymve years the head or the Department ot Modern Hts- tory in the University of Toronto, is retiring tram active service In the university. writes "wd9.w." Much sympathy is extended to and William Paprotga. of Kitchener Mrs. (‘. W. Foreman. wife ot the took place on June Ist. T Rev. c. W. Foreman ot St. Savlonr's ---- church, Waterloo, in the passing of Seegmiller . cum her father, the [are Alexander Har. Beatrice C1altre1Gabel,daushter ot ver ot 302 Talbot St, London. Ont., Mr and Mrs. S. Gabe! at Waterloo. at the use of 91 yearn. The funeral and E, Seegmlller or Kitchener took was held trom the family residence place at the Evangelical parsonage. last Sunday afternoon to Mount Kitchener. Rev. B. K. Schrader Pleasant cemetery, omciatirug, Miss Ada Hallman ot New Dundee acted as bridesmaid, With the closing of the academlc while the groom's twin brother Ed. year of 192627; Professor George M. gar. acted as groomsman. They wilt Wrong. tor th1rty-Bre years‘the head reside In Kitchener. l Rev. John Manlr, D.D.. ot Low don, Ont.. a former highly "tdesmed pastor of St. Paul's church, was a. ,vlsimr In Waterloo last Saturday, In attendance at the laying of the Cor- ner Stone ot Knox Presbyterian rhurch, whlch was performed by the Lieutenant-Go-ttor ot Ontario. W. IL Ross of Toronto. The formal cere- mony was in charge or W. L. Clay. Moderator ot the Gsneral Assembly. who uttered the prayed ot dedieatlott, Appropriate addresses were deliver- ed by Ree, Dr. Ephraim Scott. Rev. B, G. Richardson. pastor of the con. gregation; Rev. G. 8. Lloyd, Clerk of the Guelph Presbytery; Wm. Hen- derson: Dr. John McNalr. London, and Col. w. M. O. wetland. ”all C Tron In - it in wound to - 66tr-,ott.trt.aeho8tht.q6ettt- ultuonciu ot an punt-co. and tree to urn-motmolthn ‘memhen who won tint metal to the Home of Common. thou in 1861. The ids: is Mt cog-[in] out. Why shouldn't it In “outed throughout the Dominion.' Tree. are such wonderful thinn. so boul- tltul. too, and they live no long. out- livlnx may generation: ot men and still reaching out their hunches higher and wider. Maple. uhDuld be prelerred beau-o the maple in Cun- ada's national tree. A little cere- mony would bout the planting and naming of the tree. A hundred yours hence people would be asking: Why is it that this tree bears the name of a man? The ready answer would be. "He was a member ot the tlrtst House ot Common: in Canada, elec- ted in 1867." _ a: when and. “no wOIMIuma-nuot mom-“Wuhan”-- wuuuu. 'tr loun'h a o- lotd this nun-or " m be tttrttr. PAMED WITH Momma . - - fl .1... .. ..... Ian-- M tttrg 5: an. . mm, Q. M ’ g!!! Vein JIS an”... 'hdd van 0...; I Afitirr,yiFui .4 a J?t,tttgyAirrFitTE the First United at other friends loving sympathy " "tdtttgt mi- to "It." the tor- trteqtt um “Mn-n1. 'hr$t.rqrs (to. all: embl- than" "t I mm In of - Ian'hlr tron Any braking on! of the skin. "on In". new" scum. can be quickly overcome by IpplyIng n mm Matrtthtr4httphur, an I noted “In 1tTtoeia1tst. Beau-o ot m germ " 'ttortrtg mum... thin sulphur mutation [malty Minn one from mu trrftathrrt, oooth- osdl ha!- tho «than right up Anal hum tho alf- clnr Ind mooth. Itching Eczema Dried Right Up With Sulphur PARK EMPLOYEE INJURED Oscar Rleck. an employee ot the Kitehener Parks Board, In In the Raw, Hoaplttl suffering from a snare fracture of the left leg which he unstained while engaged In ttth. lux down I tree on Frederick 8t,, directly m from of Sum Heuennur‘s home, nut Pequounu. Ava. Two bones were broken near the Ankle. Henry Muth has received official word ot his appointment as issuer of liquor permits for Elmira and dis- trict under the new Government Control Act. Mr. Mum's territory covers a wide field and he in em- powered to furnish permits for not only Elmira and Woolwich. but to part of Wellesley. Peel and Pllklng- ton Townships and as tar an Elorl. Fergus and Arthur, Mr. Smith states he is ready to issue permits at once, Among those who attended the graduation exercises were Mrs. C. o. Hemphill, Miss Jean Hemphill, Miss Helen Room Mrs. J. B. buckle, Miss Rose hackle. and Masters Kenneth and Wilson Lockie and Lloyd Ran. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rata. Mr. and Mrs. E. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lacey and Miss Ethel House. ELMIRA WANTS LIQUOR STORE The annual graduation exercises '0! the Mount Hamilton and Hamil- ton General Hospitals were held on Friday when tour Twin-(‘iiyJoung ladies graduated from the institu- tions. Miss Ruby G. Rail of Water, loo. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rata, Park Ave., was awarded the scholarship for general protieieney given by Emma F'. Pratt. She also won a special prize awarded by the stall at nurses. The graduation class numbered 63. Miss Alice M. Lockie of Waterloo was also a member of the graduating class. as was also, Miss Pearl Miller and Miss A. Mil. hausen of Kitchener. WATERLOO NURSE AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP Miss Ruby Rata Heads Clan at Graduating Exercise: at Ham"- ton General Hospital. Plproika - Richter The marriage of Wanda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Richter, and William Paprmga. of Kitchener took place on June Ist. 50c ev'étywhere: "Fruititives" goes right beck to nature. Apples, oranges, prunes And tigs give to it their fresh juices which are in- tensitied and blended with Ionics. Come- quently, the union oi "Fruit-a-gives" is naturally corrective and strengthening. It In ' Native remedy for poorly function- lnu stomach, kidneys and bowels. This dag buy a be: a! "Ptuit-rtives" your- " . feel yell. vhoroua, again. Mc and Even the most severe cases ot condor don yield to "Feuit-a-tives", Witness this letter by Mr. E. E. Newman, long Sta- tion, 0mm: "Ever in“ lawn; the umy I ”lend terribly from maximum. After pend- lng I great tf, of many on other mn- edie,ttooe wit-a-um'. I minutely my it [no me pannnenz relief. I often thought testimonials were untme. I will gbdly - anyone writing me that 'Fruititivest are all they In: claimed to be." " MR. E. E. NEWMAN. WEDDINGS ttrc', SAYS? - The 6eqth - on In not If» the I... at - W. ur.. than when Wool-bi Tor-1M) nu lI-iro. of In. an“ an. her. II he: nu your. hunting..- ilheu at two you. Ion ttt, unite-ville. an had lived way my " her we in Wotan-o county. Her kahuna produce-ed be! my ”on. Dunning no in an: son. Amos, Hoary. Prod ad Hilton ot “who". canon at Waterloo. Chuk- ot New, Goorgo ot Loop miuzton nd Jock ot Miami. But. i',' and toar demure. In. Wu. C, V Wright, ot Con-no.0. In. Henry‘ Leaner of our mum. In. Otto‘ Stand. at Kitchen» end In. H. _ Slum of Waterloo. There eleo eur- rf'i'.irr, vive one brother, Autttut, and one '. Mater, In. sienna Snider. both of h Wooiwich. The (more! was held on 3? Friday from the residence ot her daughter, Mrs. Henry Luther, to the Linwood Lutherln Church tor service. thence to the Luttusmur tt cemetery gt Linwood tor interment. Mn. Int-r- Colombo The death occurred In m Marr's l-loopinl on may of In Bil-hr. (Mouth. of Radon. following I ”or. "no", I. Mr ml your. an .0to Jun Melllmrum Many "lends will sympathise with (Thief ot Palm McEllerum and Mm leinlmrum In the death of their " montha' old daughter, Bony Juan. who passed away on Friday after a ten dayl' Illness. Her par- ents. three Hater! and [our brothers, survive. The when! wan held on Monday to Mount Hope came'ery for Intermmtt. Mrs. Auguu Hell-u The death took place on Friday ot Mn. August Hollall, nee Irene Hoffman, of Kitchener. in her Mth year following a tun weeka' Illness, She wan horn In North Eunhope, ho In: the daughter of Mr, nnd Mn. Genre“ Holman. Surviving her he her husband. one dunner. her pur- nnu. two nlslerl and one brother. The funeral was held on Monday to St. Peter's Lutheran Church. thence to the Eu! End Lutheran corridor-y. Surviving her are her son. Ed. ward. two brothers. two sisters and one granddaughter. The funeral was held on Saturday trom her late real- dence, William Bt.. where a private service we: held, thence to the mausoleum, Knt'hener," for inter. meni. Mrs. Ernest Hudke The death Occurred on Wednes» day, May 25th, of Mrs. Ernest Haedke in her 64th year after an illness ot a year and a hair. She had been a highly regarded resident of Waterloo for 42 years and a thith- ful member ot St. John's Lutheran Chttrch. Allan Theodore The death of Allan Theodore, a former resident of Waterloo, oe-' curred on Thursday at the Toronto Hospital tot. humrahles, where he had been taking treatment tor the pest tour years‘ He was In hls Elst year. He is survived by tour sis- ters. Mrs. Alva Grace of Waterloo. Mrs. Slumkolski of Kitchener. Mm George Hints ot Bridgeport, Mrs. George Bartholomew of Strasbnrg and Ephraim Theodore of Stratford. Interment was made in the Straw hurl: cemetery on Friday, Surviving him are his wife, one brother. Jacob Filsinger. of St. Jacobs. two sons, Andrew ot Ayton and Edwin of Kitchener. and tour daughters. Mrs. George Dreier ot Ayton. Mrs. G. H. Bender, Listowei, Mrs. (Rein) W. Y. Dreier oi Zurich and Mrs. C. R. (lies of Waterloo. Twenty-one grandchildren also sur- vive. I The late Mr. Fllsinger was born in iBaden. Germany. 84 years ago. He came to Canada as a boy. locating in Woolwlch township. but soon moved to the United States where he melded in Illinois and Iowa. He subsequently returned to Canada”. settling In Elmira. Later he moved to Normaley. For the past 22 years he had been a resident ot Ayton. He was a man of sterling character and highly regarded by his friends. The funeral orthe late Conrad Pit. singer, who passed away in Ayton last week following a ten 6ays' ill- ness took place on Saturday, burial being made in the Evnngellcal ceme- tery at Aylon following a memorial servlce in the church. Mn. Albert c. Muollor Conrad Fillinger In. - “It“ 'orsietr a; .0 two 1m'umtmmtttttmmmttutmmtutne "t"""m"tuut""u""mumuntttttttmuntttttttmttmutntntmtmtmtett-, Rev. and Mrs. o. Wlsmer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schmidt. Mrs. I. Snyder and Mrs. K. Axt.utll of Baden. were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Mader. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rudy of near Winterbourne spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Rudy. The death of John Ware of Wim terbourne took place on May 3131 in his Mth year. He formerly resided in Mannheim. The tttree-year-old child or Mr. and) Mrs. Herberl Westfall, their only , child, passed away on June 2nd. The) funeral was held Saturday with In-' terment in Mount Hope cemetery. . Mrs. Harvey Heiman Death removed a respected resi. dent of Kitchener an Monday in the person of Mrs. Harvey Heiman. inl- towing a six months' ”mesa De- ceased, whose maiden name was Emma Elbert. of Bridgeport, was in her 46th year. A husband. three sons and four sisters survive. Alexander Harvey Alexander Harvey, father of Mrs. C. w. Foreman of Waterloo, passed away in London on Friday in his 91at year. He is survived by ttist wife, tour daughters and two sunk He had been a resident or London for many years. Moritz “bun-n The death of Mom: Sebastian. tor " yearsul resident of Kitchener, occurred at MI home In that city on Frlday after a nine mouths' tll. ness. He was a mason by trade but tor the past " years hull been an employee of the Walker Bin Furni- ture Company. The funeral was held on Monday. Hitt wife, three sums and one daughter survive. . Lam Vo'c A bright In. in cloud in an (inn: ot hound You. unit-old non of Mr. and In. John "t" ot Forums. which occurrod u K-W. mung] on Monday asiqht. Thor. aurvlvo " narrowing prom. the. “no", In A, Web», Wslkorlon. Mrs. Albert Hahn. Level-In. Sui" Mrs. Loui- GroyorMehl ot Bt. Agatha and four brothers, Michal. Alton-a. William and Lauder. Interment wag made ll Formula on Thursday. mduhum - humane-cum“ not Mammal-n IMdhrulohlcob-Mu tu"eeodrutbrtpasreot.-u. than to a. It. mm and." for [main-t. . mmawmmmh Mr. and Mrs.,Norrnan Clemens FRESH FROM THE BEST MAN Ladies' and Minor Pull Silk Drama-n Flesh, very ntlrlrllve Nylon In "In Mac. a sic-even. smartly trimmed. Roe, 83.75 tor Silk Palm- and Figured SID: PHD"! to. ALL 007.. 1pze 7aaira Ivory and White Silk tor Sport Dress” are (Inhionable tor Skirts. Middle. or Long Blown. Japuham. heavy double thread Broadcloth, Flat Crepes, Rajah Silk. also Viyella Fartnets-tr, plain Ivory. alto Ivory and Black 'tripe-att are very good. Prices running A L - - A Short Wear Fabrics In Wonderful Choice Ladies' and Niluxes' Spur! and Utility Coats. In novelty “weds. Jnrqnards and sports cloth. in tailored and nwaxxer trtyles, light and darker shades. Rog. "5.00 to 835.00. at Ladies' l 10 pm. Colored llaynn silk, M in. wide. with Burdor Emhrmdered m bottom in beautiful colors Helm, Jade, Grey and Blackfkusr. Ited, Yellow and Blue . ran make an "p-to-date Itress mu of $2 00 2 yds, Spovlal H (rr .. "rv (r» H _ . Bordered Raynns $2 Shirley E. Wettfall John Ware BRESLAU 'or Motoring, For $10.00 ttt $27.50 New Summer Dresses $15.00, $21.00, $27.50 to $35.00 $1.35, $1.50, $1.75; "$2.25" iriii.75 LADIEG' and MISSES' BATIN and SILK COATS At The Store With the Stock ng, For Travelling, For Sport and Utility Wear FIND HERE THE BEST (‘HOH‘E AND VALUE , Rog, "ttt tor Hundreds of Beautiful P, BEST MAKERS AT REMARKABLY SPECIAL PRICES l, Santa". -- The Tigers journeyed (n, Preston to play the Oddfellows in " leturn game. in spite of the weak- }enea Pam which was minus several t' the regulars. one of the substi- tutes. a public school boy, made a very creditable showing tor himself and the team. The game was played under the Ontario Softball rules , which are all new to the locals. but (that didn't hinder them from win. lning by a 3-2 score. The game really should have been a shoutout had In”! one of the local outttelderg idmpped a fly ball. i Mr. Reg. Sievenplper ot Branttord |spout the week-end at his home here. 'natn. Fur Trimmed, Crew llnod Miss Helena Frannery sient the week-end at her home at St. Colum- litlll. Miss leen MbEm-hern of Strat- rum spent the week-end under the parental roof. F"ive Big Bands, Thrilling Vaude- ville and most goregous fireworks you ever saw. Waterloo Tattoo, Friday. June IO. "s, Local and Personal. Mr, and Mrs. C R. Stuckey of El. mira and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smokey of Detroit vlsned with Mrs. A. H. Mayer on Sunday. Rev. E. B. King of Fort Wayne. lud.. is holding evangellstlc meet- ings in the Cresaman Mennonite Church. Mr. and Mrs. George Rleck attend. ed the funeral of the late Mrs. ar hrrl \Pwllvr at Waterloo on Sunday. und‘sliss Floris and Stanley of Kate suxh visited with Mrs. F. Thaler on Sunday. MINI. ONT. Jrmtiree In pretty shad!!! of Mono angel, square um V CHILDREN! BLACK RIBIID COTTON Ho", sizes, 5to IO, pr. "r"'""'"""'-""'-'--........,..'..,.-..,.... Sue uur WINDOW PANELB, OIL CLOTH 36 in. x 2% ro. 'P__.PF. 79e ' t , i t t. W PRI§CH VOILE]. M" per rd. "P"""'"'.'""""'" ".00 BLACK 'dfflt4 £83. M", I yd. mr8ee. RAYON SILK “AVON SILK 75c Ladies' Black' LISLE HOSE. Ex. o. a. PePMPrP» 29e WAOO SHAKE. It". all linden. not yd, F..........' RAW SILK. a", “in _fyeltr, par rd. .r......rr.. Bricker-Berin‘ann Co. I _ “Intel-loo LINWOOD TRY us THIS WEEK Ladlos' and Misses' Coats. In poireU, suedenes. charmeans. eta. dressy trtrtgttrttt line styles. fur trim, crepe and Rayon lla. Ings. colors of sand. rosewood, covert, than navy and black. sizes " to " Reg, 82600 In $47.60 at T to $20.00 $33.50 SATIN. on sale on sale Pt . $2.75 SILK, on $3,50 Remarkable Silk Values t2.25 5". 75e $1.40 Edna. Week sale. per yd. _rqr.rr_t..t.. BLACK DUPHESS BLACK DUCHESS SILK. 69e 59t BLACK DUCHESS MG. Mauve. Sky, Apricot shaped necks. long " all going at chlde reduction: The play by the young people or New Hamburg entitled "An Old- Pashloned Mower" It Schnnrr'l Halt on Tuesday evening was en- joyed by all. Mr. Theo. Zimmerman bu pur- chased a new motor car. Quite I number attended the dance held at Blmbers on Wednes- dar, June In. Don't forget the garden party to be held on the ground: of the Luth. eran Church on the 18th of Juno. Misses Mellie and Mule Lat: ot Elmira loom Saturday with their brother. Harry. 56c ROCKFAST BHIRTINO. I yd, 50c 8114K BOX, (Mun) .m...r..tq.r_.. They are made to order to your individual requirements. they cost a little more than the Ready-to-Wear, but you wear them on your face and you want the best. C 33" TAlT's BECAUSE "" Glasses " ft.) wide runnini mrd. DION" IIIVIOI M King Went. Kitchener Have CHARACTER And QUALITY , UNBURPAssED COTTONADIB. OBEY COTTON. rd. ....rHr._ yd. 1'1e1t Made By 75' 95e $1.25 $2.00 $5.95 All and $1.10 18e

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