" IS Miss Cornelia traced herself. "I have rented this house for four mouths and 1 am going to stay," she said, firmly. Her eyes sought Lizzie's striving to pour some ot her own inflexible courage into the latter's quaklng form. But Lizzie would not look at her. Suddenly she started and gave a low scream. Lizzie had been staring tlxetny at the French windows. At Miss Cor- nelia‘s command she gave a little jump of terror and moved closer to her mistress. "Oh. Miss Nelly-Miss Nelly?" she pleaded. "I don't like it! I want to go back to the city.'" "There's somebody on the ter- race!‘ she breathed in a ghastly whisper, clutching Miss Cornella's arm. _ ' “You're not going to ask me to go out in that hall, alone?" she said in a hurt voice. It was too much. Miss Cornelia found vent tor her feelings in crisp exasperation. "What's the matter with you any how, Lizzie Allen?" she put down the knitting with u unwanted little gesture. Lizzie had just uni-had her telephoning and was hanging up the receiver. Wen, Lizzie t" "Yes'm," said the latter, glaring at the phone, “That’s what he says ---ttusy turned " the lights last night because there was 1 storm threatening. He says it burns out their (use: it they leave 'em on in a storm." Humph!" said Miss Cornelia. "I hope it will be a dry summer." Her hands tightened on each other. Darkness-darkness inside this house ot whispers to match with the darkness outside! She forced her- Belt to speak in a normal voice. "Ask Billy to bring some candles Lizzio--and have them ready." The nervousness of her own tones intCeted lezie's She shiverod, frankly. For a second time Miss Cornelia sat frozen. Then, don't do that!" she said sharply "What nonsense!" "There!" said Mule. “They‘ll be going ok again to-nlght." She took an uncertain step toward the French windows, A louder mi! of thunder punetw med her words. Pouble and Triple Thiclqzess Above is straight View of Bnntlotd Super-rite Slam. at-ing triple thickness in dialed nu. Madeira four fade- less color? uni when hid give Economy in Ito rich drawing (minim Reitzel'; Ltd., Dru-Mord Roofing Co. Lhrited lustful, Out. on Brantford Stock Curried. lhlormetlon Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by by MARY ROBERTS RINEHART and AVERY HOPWOOD TEA The Bat -" Jed. A Novel from the Play ‘. Beauty, strength, hte-resistance -you get all these in Brantford Super-Tite Slates, besides Double Thickness all Over the roof and Trifle Thickness over 48% of the too . Special Lock Butt prevents bulging and curling. I “I was standing right there at ,the top of that there staircase." she be- Kanr gesticulating toward the alcove stairs'. in the manner of one who embarks upon the narration of an 'iepit. "Standing there with your switch in the hand,' Miss Neily--artd then I looked down and," her' voice ldnonped. "I saw a gleaming eye! It looked at me and winked! i tell {you this house is blunted. ', "I was too seared to yell! And I'm not the only one." She started to .lyaf‘k away from the atcoee--her ‘eyes still fixed upon its haunted stairs. "Why do you think the ser‘ _ wants left here so sudden this morn- init?" she went on. "Do 'you ready {believe the housemald had appendy- cltls? Or the cook's sister had t twins ?" _ "What did night ?" she voice. The instant reliet on Lizzie’s face was 1udicmutr-she so obviously pre- ferred discussing any subject at any length to braving the dangers ot the other part or the house unaccom- panieq. Lizzie bowed before the blast ot her mlstress‘s scorn and began to move gingerly toward the alcove- door. But obviously she was not ett. lively convinced. Miss Cornelia turned to her fierce- ly. It Lizzie was going to behave like this, they might as well have it out now between tttem-before Dale came home. "A flirtatious ghost?" queried Miss Cornelia skeptically. She snorted. 'Humph! Why didn't you yell?" "t guess it was the wind," said Lizzie, at last. relieved. her grip on Miss Cornelia relaxing. She began to look a trifle ashamed of herself and Miss Cornelia seized the oppor- tunity. "You were born on a brick pave- ment." she said crushingly. "You get nervous out here at hint when- ever a cricket begins to Birur--or scrape his legs-or whatever it is they do!" she aid It, and [Jule saw the look. but she looked over her shoulder as both waited, in pulsing stillness - one Becond-two. "Oh, It’s more than that, Miss Neily," she mumbled, "i----" She turned and gestured at her you really see, last said in a mlnatory Waterloo -l 1 l,, (“WWW dh .- / A I 17 ecr) t , , _ i " "r/i) tri) - Q l g , k J _ i I . r l ' ’ . l -", _ , l - (v" in \J gl _ ', r-r-ef, / " L, a l .‘3' f- / ./ / [ f l, E/J‘VU "- ' , , x l lr) , She placed the lettered board in Miss Cornelia's lap with a sigh of relief. “You can do it yourself.' 'i'll have none of it!" she said firmly. "lt takes two people and you know it. Lizzie Allen!" Miss Cornelia‘s voice was stern-but it was also amused. chose the farthest and took a long over to where her ing. "Be still!" ordered Miss Cornelia. “Nothing will come It you keep chattering!" .Ttte iepartee silenced Lizzie tor the moment-hut only for the mom- ent, As soon as Miss Cornelia had svttled herself comfortably and tried to make her mind a sultnhle receiv- ing-station tor ou0a-rnestrakes, Liz- Ne began to mumhle the sorrows ot her heart. "Very stood try you through thick and thin." abs mourned in a low voice. “I stood by you when you were a Tettetarian--1 stood by you when you were a theosopNst--and i seen you through socialism. (latch- erism and pheurnatitsm--but when it comes to carrying on with ghosts “That‘s\ why I'm chattering!" said Lizzie', driven to the wall‘ "My Shivering. every movement of her body a commons protest, lezie slowly went over to the book-case, lifted " the prayer-book. and took down the Ouija-hoard. Even then, she would not carry it normally, but bore it over to Miss Cornelia M artnllertgth, as if any closer Contact would blast her with lightning, her. face a comic mask of loathing and repulsion. Lizzie groaned. but she knew her mistress. She obeyed. She carefully on the little moving-table that Is used to point to the letters on the hoard itself. Then she placed her own hands on it, too. the tips of the fingers just Iouchipg Lizzie‘s. "You just mm I haven't got any mind," complained the latter. "Well,' said Miss Cornelia mag- nittrrxmtly. "make what you haven't Rot a blank." ' "I've been working tor you for twenty years." she muttered. “I've been your goat for twenty years and I've got a right to speak my mind--" Miss Cornelia cut he? on. “You haten't got a mind. Sit down." she Miss Cor haten't got commanded "Bring it here!" said Miss Cor. nelia. implacahly; then as 'Lizzie still hesitated. "Lizzie.'" _ "Now make your mind a blank.' she commanded her factotum. "Now, Lizzie Alien!" she mid sharply. “you forget all that super- stitious nonsense and stop looking tor ghosts' There's nothing in that sort of thing" She smiled-BV would punish Lizzie tor her obdur- die timomusness. "Where's that ou0a-board?" she questioned. rising with determination In her eye. Lixzie shuddered violently. “It's up there-with a prayer-book on it to keep it huiet!" she growled. jerk- ing her thumb in the direction of the tanker bookcase. Lizyle sad .her hands at her sides. with a sight of tried patience, Miss Cornelia put her unwilling fingers on was nu use going on, doing work that would have to be ripped out agata--and yet elm must do some- thing to occupy her thoughts. She raised her head and discovered Liz- ale returning toward the alcove stairs with the stealthy tread of a panther. The sight exasperated her. “Min Dale won't be home tor In]: an hour," she said reiiectively. "And it I have to spend another thirty minutes listening to Lizzie shiver." she‘ thought. "Dale will find me a nervous wreck when she does come home." She rolled up her knitting and put it back in her newing bu 'ab-ttt_-tora In. u ga6mta. I- A: um In on. In. In "re “a. I†tits.†It. all. tmi-tr.' -..". "tht, III- New, they M1.“ "Men-der-teh.-... “onto-noun“! Mia...“ and. no to! NW and “any. "rraettr-aur =trd2ut'dftlt. an. mum in out â€rm lulu-In In. an, vu- noddtnghar_--entriC-.eert'ttod. noun-nu...“ (in who had pro-d tho "it to no mush-u! I)†w a“ com. ‘ - ,huduhu and n won-out Min "hddUtetieha.'" new It. Cor-db h the unit. Building " the blood "rttatr--mor. mm by no noun] ll ,th. o.. I!!!" - to â€nova! mm aha would har. admitted. an. health Ind mum. In tor this used te think ot "nether topic of WWI)“ mom can can can! comer-ulna. Dr. Wlllhlu' M Pills. Prom In! ' "What time 1- it?" no and. Ida-0 to In! the! enrich and purity um. “and nt the mum- the Mood. In in any†promote clock. "Halt-part ten, Mu. Nelly." honor urn-uh. honor rent at night. um Corns“: rooted, . little dll- and moved Itrouth. muy. an (all u tt the [m two Mr.. Mary It Uhlmn. wan-m- hours Ind not been hours but you". tomt. Na.,' Writmr.--"t In" re- “Miss Dale won't be home tor halt calved_w much benefit trom Dr. Wil, Bn hour," she Mild renectirelr “And Hunt Pink Pull. that I would feel it I have to spend another thirty myself ungrateful it I did not let minutes "menial to Little “my." you know. “acumen!†'ttrd In. 00ml“ oriAip--moro mm by a. â€can! than uh. would har . admitted. BI. trkrd te think ot another topic of conversation. / ' "What "an In itt" she “had. Link the“ nt the mantel- cloch. "Hull-put an. Ills Nelly." “mnmmmWA an». invoice†. and Tums! wu- N mu one?“ n' Mtt'sy chair in the room time bringing it mistress sat wait- "Hush!" said Miss Cornelia Indig- namly. Lizzle always exaggerated. of 'rrotlrse--ret now her own fingers felt priehlr--uneannr. There was a little pause while both sat tense. staring at the board. teeth are, too." she added. "I can hardly keep my upper set in." and a desolate clicking ot artiiielal mol, ars attested the truth ot the remaik. Then. to Miss Cornella's relief. she was s’ilent for nearly two minutes, only to start so violently at the end ot the time that she nearly upset the ouiJa-board on her mistress's toes. "It's Russian!" gasped Lizzie. brettthlegBir, and. _Miss Cornelia nearly disgraced herself in the eyes of any spirit: that mlght be present by innpproprine laughter. The Ouija continued to ttttthy-mort, let- ttsrtr--what 1n: R spelling? - it couldn't tre-rad h-ents--- NF-A-T-Bat!" said Miss Cttr. nell: with n “ny‘cutch In het voice. The pointed Vntopped moving, She took her hunch from the board. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt ot price. 50 cents a box. Thy them to-day. "lie got a queer feeling in my tintters-tt1t the way up my arms." she whispered in awed accents. wriggling the arms she spoke so violently. "Now, Ouija." said Miss Cornelia detiantir. "is Lizzie Allen right about this house-or is it all slut! and nonsense?" "My Gewdr It's, moving!" said Lizzie in tones of pure horror, as the little pointer began to wander among the letters. “You shoved it!" "i did not-cross my heart, Miss Nelly-l---" Lizzle's eyes were round, her fingers glued rigidly and awkwardly to the Ouija. As the movements of the pointer grew more rapid her mouth dropped open -wider and wider-prepared for an Paroiereirttr scream. t no in a very poor alalé of health. and reached the stage when I had to remln In bed. A doctor vol called In nod he told me I had no orgnnlc trouble. but was simply run down trom over- work. I had been left wlth a family to support. which I did by dress- making. The doctor said my blood hsd almost turned to water. and ad. vised a rest cure. I did not see how it was poanlble for me to take a very long rest. so I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Boon I found my strength relurnlng and bolore very long I was able to go about my duties as usual again, This was a few years ago. and my health remained good until about a year atrovrhers t broke out with humor of the blood. Again I consulted the doctor. who said my blood had be come so thin that " had really poi. soned ltselt I told him I had bought several boxe a of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and he told me to go on taking them as he thought they were just who! I needed. I took eight boxes and axaln was In good health. I can therefore recommend these pills to all in a' weak or run-down condi- tion." . "Keep quiet!" said Miss Cornelia. tensely. There was a pause of a few seconds, while the pointer darted from one letter to another. widly. murmured Miss Cornelia, trying to follow me spelled letters. For one second-two-the Ouija remained anchored to its.resting- place in the center ot the board. Then---- A well-known local annual says he sells lots of Jud Salt- to folks wh'o believe in trying to correct hid. per trouble while It In only trouble. Most folks forget that the kidneys. like the bowels, Sometimes get slug- gish and clogged and need a flush- ing occasionally, else we have back- ache and dull mlsery in the kidney region. severe headaches. rtieumatic twinges, lorpid liver, acid stomach. sleeplessness and all sorts ot blad- der disorders. Salts Fine For Aching Kidneys it also helps neutralize the Icidn in the urine so they no longer irritate, thus helping to relieve bladder dim orders. All she said was, "Bats indeed! That shows it's spiru--therers been a bat flying around this house all evening." She got 111) from her chair tenta- tively. obviously hoping that the se- ance was over. You simply must keep your Ind- neys active and clean and the mom- ent you feel an ache or paln In the kidney region begin drinking lots of water. Also gel tour ounces of Jad Salts trom any good drug store here, take a tablespoon in a glass of water before breakfast tor a few days and your kidneys will then act tine. This famous salts ls made trom the acid ot grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla. and ls intended to flush clogged kidneys and help stimulale them to actlvlty. Jad Salts is inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithla valor drink which everybody should take now um then to help keep their trid. neys clean. "That's queer," she said with a forced laugh. She glanced at Lizzie to see how Lizzie was taking it. But the latter seemed too relieved to have her hands ot the Ouija-board to make the mental connection that her mistress had feared. Which will be about all. for the man was making up the story trom the advertising cards on display in a street ca}: taking them imorder, and he had used them all up. When Back Hurts Flush Your Kidneys as You Clean Your Bowels. “So he stopped and got them and again went on. By and by he’begun to grow hungry, so he ate some lump sugar and sausages which he had in his pocket. and then he bought a lovely new shirt with a semisol't col- lar. "Wan you tell me where the shav- ing-soap department {affine asked. "'Certainiy,' replied the shirt salesman politely. ‘Just keep on along this aisle, passing the bread, tea. mustanl, talcum powder and piano departments. until you come to it.'" "Oh,' said the man, ‘I invest for- trot. Ineed some collars, some oyster crackers and some more chewing gum.' “Once upon a time there was I his man who had a lovely put ot new red gloves. As he was walking along he bought some chewing gum. some tace-cream and some candy full of chopped nuts. Juvenile Flqtlott _ There, there! Be I good boy and papa'll tell you a nice long story. said the somewhat distracted Ptbrt ent. The compromise elected. the somewhat distracted puent told as follows: Anbhn mum " “Whit. uni“! Don't not. I. huh. "an“. H.tor and you on! Bot I was!" She: “Go-h, honey. PM (at to! You know how strict they no on the beaches. Dam-hum Ar-tTr-Amt-sts Amm-nbnhuvmu. hon-0mm WW - Ink. mmwwm Pr'"" 'tho'"Ftoq0totstottVertattttatlk inâ€! - A 0H0!!!" Ha: “I don’t think you should We" that bathing um, my den." "t Jun sound up And then on. (To be continued) Smiles “Maw L..W.aHUH $"F"tw_rrt President) w. G. WEICHEL ,.. viceavesident) J. Hownrd Simpson Oscar Rumpel Richard Roschman Edgar Bauer‘ JOB. shutter P. E. shantzl ARTHUR FOSTER ._. . _ .. Manager ', B. E. BECHTEL and _ W. R. BRICKER I . . . . . I. Inspectors, C. A. BOEHM INSURANCE I AGENCIES LIMITED ‘ W. no â€work. in Vulvanhlng Tires. Irma your work to us. THE WATERLOO VULCANIztNG WORKS ASSETS OVER $1,400,000 GOV;RNMENT DEPOSIT 3100.000 Day or night Phone 163 'Ong w. Uttstairs, Kitchener BENTON PHOTO ' 91 King up, North - Waterloo H. M. WILHELM 't8 King St. N. . Wate WALTER D. mm & 00. Bechtel & Dreisingcr Commercial Press Portrait W a {Prion [Mutual Fire hmnmmw -. Gimpmn G. A. BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCIES, LIMITED Diurlct Agents. Phone: 700 and 701 Waterloo. Ontario. Passport photos same day 2308 F UN E RA L DIRECTORS, Evenings by appointment Promptly Ind an"! ttttnr, Incl-faction Gunnntud. " In“. . Wntnrloo officer. and Directors .007. AND Flu-III. KNIVII IHARPINID I D W l N " O U I I Harness and Shoes Tel. 2592 or 2760,t j, MEREANTIEE‘ 'gl FIRE" alnsunAuc ' \or / saonmxma Gov. Regulation Established 1863 District Agents REPAIRING REPAIRING 38 QyernSt. S . Kitchom-r Waterloo /| IDR. J. W. HAGEY, Dentist, noon 3 110 Weber Chambers, King St. W. f Kitchener, Phone 1756. DR. H. M. KATZENMEIER. Dentist. Otrit-e 93 King St. W.. Kitchener. Phone SOSW'. DR, L. DOERING, Dentist, successor to Irt'. J. Schmidt. 69 King St. w, over Dominion Bank, two doors from 1'ostoiriee, Kitchener. Phone: Office 454; residence, 2092W. T DR DR FIRST MORTGAGES on city and farm property. Reasonable Inter- rtsi. Fire Insurance, Economical and North Waterloo Farmers' DR. F, QHUQHES, Dentin, Hnett. nel's Block, King M. B., Waterloo. Phones: 1yiricey 394.], Res. 2603. DR. S. H. ECKEL, Dentiatpottieo In Bank at Montreal Bldg, Waterloo. Phone 174. on. J. E. HETT, SPECIALTY. In; eases of the Ear, Throat and Non. King St. East., Kitchener. D. S. BOWLBY, 3A., LLB.. m ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. Con- veyancer and Crown Actor-.1. Ottiee-Cotuttr Buildings, QM St. N. Phone TM, Kitchener, on. A. L. mum. 8.4.. summon to Conrad Bitter. W. loud- tor, Notary Public. on. “my to 'loan. German not». on“, " Queen St. South. Phono m. Ktt. cheuor. Ont. Jul" C. mm, m Solicitor. lam â€but. - ueor, eta. - to In... (It... But of luau-l “13.. - CLEMENT. 0mm. mm C BNIDIR. I" 0.10“, Witch.“ Trust. and Bum;- Building, III- ner King and outdo “not. Phona 3310. Knoll-nor. Ont. R. A. C. BROWN, Dentist, Succes- sor to Dr. U. B. Shantz. Graduate of Beltevue Hospital. New York. Smmiu] attention paid to extrac- tion and children's diseuea. Office 35 King St. W., Kitchener. Phone 444. Mutual, at the lowest premium- in the city. Cr. F. Lackuor, Ash. 170 Queen St. N., Phone 1167W, Kitchener. tt. in ()ddfelluws Block, " King m, South, Waterloo, Phone Mth K it cl' Tenohors of Plano. Slnglng. and Theory. Private Ind can tn. Itmcflon. Studio: " Ror1tt,. CHIROPRACTOR and ELECTROTHERAPEUTIST 5 Helm Apartments. Young St. Phones: Office 1323J. H-1323W. Office 44 William St. Waterloo. Phone 64M. CUT FLOWERS AND PLANT' Adam: Floral Union. I Specialty I A . B o N D, Florist Flower Stnr9~122 King Street Gr,inh'ousa, - 578 King North Veterinary Surgeon Successor to the late A Dr. W. J. Sterling Office: 34 Erb St. E., Waterloo. Phones: Oirlce 223; Night 601 Waterloo Phonewrr Waterloo 563 Ind 578 WATERLOO MUSIC co. " Khan 8t, s Min MINI A, Inn Min Emma L. Bun. F.T.C.M. Mum: Ind Mole Irtstrumortts G. E. HARPER. Dentist. OHIO. W, J. SCHMIDT, Dentist, " :2; SI. Fr, next to Post Office. drum): Ont. Phone tttt M, Imam". MONEY TO LOAN CHIROPRACTIC CH l ROPRACTOR J. E. JOHNSON MEDICINAL E. G. FRY A. HOLM FLORIST Music DENTAL , I,