The laying of the Coruerstone of the new Presbyterian Church in 14 Waterloo will be performed by Lieut.â€"Governor Ross of Toronto on Saturday, June ith. At ten o‘clock about five days a week, Jones of Kitâ€" chener says to Long Disâ€" tance, "I want to speak to R. H. White, Peterboro." White looks forward to Jones‘ calls, and is always at his desk ready for them. "Why do you always ask for Mr. White?" a teleâ€" ghone salesman asked Mr. ones. "Because he is the man I want â€" no one else will do." "But Mr. White is always at his desk. If you said to the operator, ‘Please get me anyone at 2624 Peterboro,‘ you would get Mr. White, and the Stationâ€"toâ€"Station _ rate would be about twenty per cent cheaper." Jones now uses 'Station-to-Stc- tion exclusively. He finds it Mrs. Dr. F. G. Hughes was the hostess of a much enjoyed High Tea and Bridge in honor of several visiâ€" tors in town last Thursday evening. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds _ Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuraigia Toothache _ Rheumatism Tuesday, May 24th, was the 108th anniversary of Queen â€" Victoria‘s birth, and her memory remains green throughout the Empire. Mrs. P. Sehl has returned home from Cayuga where she attended the funeral of her cousin, Sheriff McConnell. Mrs. W. M. Reade, George street, entertained to an enjoyable bridge party at her home on Tuesday evenâ€" ing last, in honor of her guests from Toronto. Mrs. Robert Hackney was the hosâ€" tess of a delightful gathering of friends at her home last Monday evening in honor of several visitors in Waterloo. Belis Ringing For Jubiice Will Sound Around World The greatest radio "tieâ€"up" ever attempted and the longest remote broadcasting yet undertaken will be two epochmarking features of the celebration next July of the Diaâ€" mond Jubilee of Canada‘s Confederâ€" ation. mine months‘ tour around the world. "At no time in the history of the world have people been so discourâ€" aged by doubt and swayed by unbe lef, yet my tour has taught me that the morals of the world are not so bad as they are painted," the bishop is quoted as saying. "Christianity has not failed despite the suffering of mankind during the war or the disappointment aud bitterness enâ€" gendered afterward." Arq_ypu overlooking man Pryke, son of Sir Wikiam Pryke, exâ€"Dord Mayor of London, and the late Lady Pryke. answers every requirement and riage in London, England, on April I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART l The Bishop of London arrived this economy? ho LPed® matk (registered in Oansda) of Rayer Manufacture of Monsssetisâ€" BalterHoncid ( Balleyile Acid, "A. 8. A."), While it is well mn mE Pascer nay uol geinbee spuign malering oo ty eE ) s B R m O ASPInN Mr and Personal â€" |} "*‘" Accept only "Bayer" E‘S“'éuz'qgnâ€"h*m proven dhE H. "Bayer" 1 m' f‘.':d"""_' of !9"'57':-13@& Mrs. Edmund Pugsley, 142 Union Boulevard, is spending a fortnight with relatives and friends in Otâ€" tawa and Toronto. Mrs. Norman Berkinshaw, accomâ€" panied by her daughter Dahpne and Jean and nurse, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Shuh of Waterloo, have returned to their home in Montreal. a on e ols Mr. and Mrs. John Lentick and of Mrs. W. M. Reade, George street. ‘on of Preston callesl at the home of Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Langâ€"Ford| 4r. George Richardson on Sunday announce the engagement of their| ‘Yening. daughter, Nora, to Rance E. Brick| What migh have been a serious er. son of Mr. and Mrs. L. p.| ‘ccident happened at the corner Bricker. The marriage will take| "UTDing to St. Clements on Sunday place in the middle of June. ifternoon when a sedan occupied by Mrs. Macdonald, Mrs. Torrance and Miss Ashe have returned to Torâ€" onto after a delightful visit of sevâ€" eral weeks in Waterloo, the guests of Mrs. W. M. Reade, George street. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Derwent Kinâ€" ton and family of Toronto were visiâ€" tors over the holidays with Dr. Clayâ€" ton W. and lirs. Wells. Georgeous Event Held Last Friday Night Honored by the Presence of Their ExcÂ¥ilencies ; All the military celebrities of Toâ€" ronto were present at the largest and one of the most brilliant social functions ever held in Toronto. Lord and Lady Willingdon were there, His Honor W. D. Ross and Mrs. Ross, Hon W. L. Mackenzie King Premier and Mrs. Ferguson, Colonel Ralston, minister of defense hnd General Sir Wililam Otter. When Lord and Lady Willingdon and the Hon. W. L. Macâ€" kenzie King representing the emâ€" pire and Canada, entered the box together and the great audience rose to its feet and remained standâ€" ing as the three central figures while the massed bands played “God‘ Save the King.!‘ . , Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Snyder have returned from a Mediterrean trip which proved a most delightful one. Automobiles moved through Grimsâ€" by at the rate of 1.800 cars per hour. More than 150 bus loads were inâ€" cluded in the rush. Not a single serious accident was reported. Mr. Percy Currie of the Mutual Life Assurance Company is spendâ€" ing his vacation at his home in Cornwall, Ont. $1,500 were collected in Kitchener and Waterloo on Violet Day, Saturâ€" day, May 7, which was conducted by the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the Freeâ€" port Sanatorium. Thesé proceeds will be applied to the comforts of the patients and furnishings of the Sanatorium. ‘At present there are 74 patients in the institution who are seceiving treatment for tuberculosis. A motto which would be well for the people in this community to rememâ€" ber is "By Helping The Sanatorium, You Are Helping Yourselt", for by making it possible for people to re: Téive treatment at the sanatorium who otherwise would be nuhctod.{ the residents make the community and themselves safer from the dread disease. The Kitchoner contribution totalled about $1000 and Waterloo $500. * Splitting Headaches Minard‘s Liniment will bring quick relief. Bathe the foreâ€" headâ€"also inhale. The thistle has been the emblem of Scotland since 809, when the Danes attempted to surprise a Scotâ€" tish camp by night. The advance guard struck a clump of thistles and their gries of pain gave warning that saved the Scottish army. Mrs. W. H. Harvey of Owen Sound babe to the growing child was a visitor in Waterloo last weok.|they are an absolute safeguard to the guest of Mr. and Mre. M. 8â€"|health. Once a mother has used Hluâ€"nudln.lmlwa.‘."..m“ and Mrs. Wogenast. Thounands of mathors abhwavs Â¥hon Vioiet Day Proceeds :kl,‘ Golfâ€"M. Mader is leading his competitors for the single cham plonship of â€" the business men‘s Barnyard Golf Club. The game was not as exciting as they usually are when the locals meet the Hornets. The rivairy was as keen as ever but Blair fialded a weak team thus taking a groat deal of kick out of the game. Softballâ€"Breslau won the opening ame by defeating Blair 4â€"0 in a five ‘nning game. Thé Blair boys were ate due to car trouble and bad to take the field without the nsual warmaip. he weekâ€"end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Break spent Junday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trom at Beaverdale. > Mrs. Carl Zuber and daughter Madeline of Kitchener spent Monâ€" ‘ay with Mrs. George Reinhart, who s on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goetz of Paisâ€" oy Block spent Sunday with Mr. and 4rs. Alvie Reinhart. Miss Sybilla Schwandt of Kitchâ€" mer spent the weekâ€"end at the home ‘f Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Searth. Miss Lily Baer of Kitchener spent Mr. and Mrs, Norman Lambke and amily of Kossuth visited on Sunday vith Mr. and Mrs. George Rieck. Miss M. McCrea spent the weekâ€" nd and holiday with friends in Nindsor. Sunday visitors at the home of Ur. and Mrs. Roy Schiedel wore Urs. Shannon Schiedel and family ‘nd Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mader and ‘amfly, all of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Bechtel and Ar. and Mrs. Clarence Snyder and laughter and Mr. Floyd Bechtel, all ‘f Kitchener, visited at the home of Ir. and Mrs. Aaron Mader on Sunâ€" lay. : young couple completely turned urtle which made it rather difficult ‘or the occupants to get out through he windshied which was broken to »wJeces. They fortunately escaped erious injury other than a shaking p. The car was somewhat damaged. The W. M.S. held their regular nonthly meeting at the home of Urs. Albert Mundell last Wednesâ€" ‘lay. As usual a dainty lunch was erved by the hostess after the proâ€" :ramme. The work on the highway between ‘rosshill and Linwood started last eek and it is expected another :ang of men will be at work be ween here and St. Clements during his week. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Bulmer of Citchener called at the home of Mr. lohnâ€" L. Hammond on Saturday »vening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilford and on Thomas and Mr. John T. Wil ord were business visitors to Elâ€" nira on Saturday. Mr. John Mehm of Guelph called n friends here Sunday evening. Mrs. ‘Wm. Burnett of Linwood ‘pent a day last week with her sisâ€" er, Mrs. George Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Wellesley spent Sunday at Mr. Guy McMillen‘s. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Langford and laughter Wilmer, Mr. and Mrs. Gorâ€" lon Whitney of London, Mr. and \Urs. Alf. Blough and son Sidney and Miss Curtis of Lebanon were visiâ€" ors at the home of Mr. Win. Knight n Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gascho and amily of Kingwood spent Sunday at Ir. Rudy Bast. wood, Ontario. Her experience with the Tabiets should be of great beneâ€" 8t to any mother who has not aiâ€" ready given the Tablets a trial. Mrs. HIl says:â€""I have five fine healthy children, and from the youngest to the oldest they get no other modiâ€" cine but Baby‘s Own Tablets. When our baby girl was eleven months old she won secopd prize at the Norâ€" wood Fair, and when shewas a year alder sho’ won first prize in compeâ€" tition _ with _ twentyâ€"eight _ other babies. l was the Tablets that gave her the health and development to carry off these prizes. I always deâ€" ‘ight in telling other mothers what he Tablets have done for my chilâ€" Baby‘s Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at 25 :ents a box from The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Miss Mabel Ziegler spent Sunday vith her grandmother, Mrs. John lank, near St. Clements. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lather and aby and Mr. John and Miss Florâ€" nce Lather spent Sunday with riends in Kitchener. Thousands of mothers always keep them on hand. Among the mothers who state that Baby‘s Own Tablets are the best medicine for little ones that they know is of Mrs. Russel Hill, of Norâ€" BRESLAU CROSSHILL Miss Gladys and Master Lorne Campbell of Elmira spent several lays with their grandparents, Mr. ind Mrs. Amos Rby. Mr. and Mrs. Aibert Ritter visited vith the latter‘s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gelsel of Eimira. Mr. Israel Lichty and Mr. Isaac Lichty motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ruggle spent Junday in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bowman he Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Weber of Woolwich. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rheinhardt wpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Schmermund. â€" Mrs. August Weber spent the veekâ€"end with Mrs. John Mogk. Mr. and Mre. Hy. Cookman of Glenallen visited with Mr. and Mre. Ezra Maurer, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weber and {amily of Elmira spent Sunday with }were iu 21 Bw,G zoxzuia W ,a VUr. and Mrs. Amos Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Martin, Mr. ind Mrs. Henry Shantz and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Martin were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. David Frey. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Shoemaker moâ€" tored with friends to Niagara on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Detweiler of Elmira visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Weber. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Snyder and laughter Isobel of Waterloo were visitors at the home of Mrs. Aaron Snyder last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Becker, formerly of Hanâ€" wver, preached his initial sermon in he Evangelical church last Sunday ifternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ruggle were isitors to Kitchener on Friday. Mr. George Snyder has accepted a position in Hamilton. The condition of Mrs. Will Tyler, who is at present in the K.â€"W. Hosâ€" vital, had not improved during the past week. Messrs. Chnris. and _ William Strauss and Misses Rose and Loretta Dietrich enjoyed a motor trip to Forâ€" mosa and other points during the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schnarr and family spent Sunday in Waterloo. Mr. Robert Ertel recently erected i new slaughter house. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hinsperger motored to Kitchener on Thursday. The local school children held a pleasant social in the school on Monday. Misses Marie Herman, Martha Koebel, Lavina Helm and Reta Boppre were Sunday visitors with ‘heir respective parents. Mrs. Francis Kuntz of Waterloo ipent some time in the past week with her sister, Miss Mary Dietrich. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lobsinger were Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Lobsinger and son Reuâ€" ben of Ayton, Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Brenner and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Kunts. Celebrated Birthday.â€"A number of young people of this vicinity were present at a happy gathering held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lorents on ‘Thursday, it being the occasion of the tmty-llrlsrflrthday of their daughter, Bernedette. Mrs. Hammer and Miss Matilda Linsenman were visitors for some time during the past week with their uncle, Mr. Jos. Linsenman. â€" Mr. and Mrs. John Lorents enjoyâ€" ed a motor trip to Guelph on Sunâ€" Mr. Louis and Miss Adele Rosenâ€" blatt again loft for their American destination on Thursday after spendâ€" Ing some time with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Karley and Mr. John Adam of Linwood visited relatives in our burg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Districh and children Leo and Olive and Mr. Henâ€" ry Districh motored to Dashwood during the weekâ€"end. Local News Notes. Wrigley‘s New DOUBLE MINT â€" Real _ Peppermint Flavorâ€"it‘s so wonderfully Waterloo Chronicle correspondents â€" | I FLORADALE ST. CLEMENTS m Todk "Tep D * Siws T 7 BuZ ll'othorlt.uuu&oldbyl spent Elam This Week‘s Programme â€" of Special Sales LANG TREACY &CO. MANITOBA PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS FOR JUNE 28 The Manitoba provincial elections will be held on June 28, it has been announced. On the samé date, a reâ€" ferendum on the sale of beer by the glass will be held. The farmer government of Preâ€" mier John Bracken came into power. in 1922, suceeding the Liberal adâ€" ministration of Hon. T. C. Norris. Miss Carrie Robinson of Hamilton ipent the weekâ€"end with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Wray, and other friends. Mrs. J. Reinwald has returned bome after nursing at the home of Mr. Wm. Neilson of Fernbank. The summer meeting of the Woâ€" men‘s Institute will be held in Fewings‘ Hall on Thursday, May 26th at 2.30 p.m. The speaker will be Miss Matthews of Simcoe. All he ladies of the community are ordially invited to attend. Miss Bluma Tanner spent Sunday with her friend, Mrs. Wim. Hawksâ€" ee at Fordwich. Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Ross and baby ind Mrs. Wm. McKee of Toronto spent the weekâ€"end with friends. Misses Florence McFaddin, Bluma Tanner and Gladys Kerr of Toronto spent the week end at their several homes. Mr. Geo. E. Love of Lebanon callâ€" od on friends here on Friday of last week. Mr. S. W. Coulter spent several days last week with friends in Toâ€" ‘cato. Mr. Hugh B. Kerr and daughter, Miss Lottie Kerr, visited with friends at Linwood one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wagler were visitors to Kitchener one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hoffmyer and sons Norman and Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis of Fullerton and Miss Eva Hoffmyer of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. August Hoffmyer. , Mr. and Mrs. Lockie Turnbull and family of Burns spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L Reaman with Mrs. Hester and Miss Bluma with friends. â€" . . We are sorry to report Mrs. Henry Kelly is not as well as her many friends would wish. c Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Bulmer of \}hnon“-i-.“m Mrs. Clarke and children of Toronâ€" to are visiting with Mr. and Mre: Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gascho and Mr. This sale will continue of absolutely the best, the newest Coats for next season, fully guaranteed by the maker and backed by the Company and at prices unâ€" matched anywhere. Come and see, you will not be urged to purchase. 9Ocoats Scores of Ladies attended our st;du Fur Coat Sale last week and sailes were beyond all expectations. Fortunately there‘s a chance this weekâ€" THESE COATS INCLUDE SPORT COATS, UTILITY COATS, MOTORING COATS, in TWEEDS, PLAIN CLOTHS, TRICOTINES, CHARMEENS and SILKS, Worth regular from $15.00, $20.00, $25 to $35.00. Going on Sale to Clear at And values which will clear them quicklyâ€"Wonderful Coats for Jlittle money but remember they will sell fast so you must come on the first three days. PMONEK 2000 ALL DEPTA Iame friasa Special Values in LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUM and OIL CLOTH RUGS Housefurnishings Department MILLBANK FUR COAT SALE Thursday and Friday of This Week At Clearing Out Prices $5.00 $10.00 ° $20.00 Will Continue This Week CHILDREN‘s BLACK RIBBED COTTON HOSE, §1008, & 10 U0, BE, .010rc600e, vnerenialt ons croracnatieeittoed $200 BLACK DU ‘ BSS8, 36", a y4. ?‘ s RAYON SILK M F3 rrewfcpremiirgemengigl T5¢ Ladies‘ Black LISLE HOSE, Ex. Q. 8. ... WACO SIIKE, 36", al shades, per yd. ....._.... RAW SILK, 30", extra quality, per y4. ........ FRRNCH YVOILES, 34" PlaceYour Coal and Coke Orders Now for present or future delivery. We protect you on any advance t in price. Received this week one car each of Cement, Lime, Mill Feed Brickerâ€" 98 Erb St. West Phone 103 4 ® Waterloo Successors to Seagramâ€"Fawcett Coal.Co. Orders may also be left with John Bruegeman, the tailor. WATERLOO COAL & FEED CO. TRY US THIS WEEK *"* 50¢ 715¢ Waterloo 45¢ ?owm IRTING, a yd. .... (Men‘s) PROMPT SERYVIOR $1.10 _ 18e c