* Ine _ Watertoo Chronicle wmmuuï¬h-mmut It will be a matter of satisfaction . to|\ ment of the country. Cnulinotonouthatthheoumrynowludq They will be heart the world in the production of newsprint, asâ€" the land of opportunity The world demand for Canadian products is convincingly evident in the fact that this country with a population of about ten million people exported in 1926 goods to the value. of $1,269,000,000. This implies a tremendous per capita productivity. Canadian agriculture, minâ€" ing, fishing, manufacture and transportaton have all benefitted by the insistent demand for Canadian products. ‘ The Mississippi has some two hundred and forty tributaries which drain over a million and a half square miles. When these become swolâ€" len by rains the accumulated floods sometimes bursts the dykes and submerges a wide. terriâ€" tory as in the present case. The present floods surpass even the disasâ€" trous floods of 1882 and 1912 which took heavy toll of life and property. are included some forty and fifty cities. Hunâ€" dreds of thousands have been driven from their homes and an unknown number have lost their lives. The extent of the floods is seen in the fact that the inundation has spread over some three million acres of lowlands of the south in which The devastation caused by the Mississippi floods in the United States has been such as to evoke universal sympathy. A terrible toll of life and property has been taken and there are daily fresh reports of new disasters which have overtaken communities in the areas affected. | _ WORLD DEMAND FOR PRODUCTS | OF CANADA _ It is interesting to observe that. sixty years ago on the confederation of the first four provinces to enter the Dominion the present site was chosen as the capital. It was, however, forty years before this that a party of Royal engineers from the British Isles with Colonel John By in command, founded the village of Bytown, on this site which has now developed into the present city of Ottawa, the Dominion‘s capital city, Ottawa is becoming one of the distinctive capital cities of the world due to the plans being carried through for its improvement. At the recent session the Dominion Parliament voted to establish a Federal District Commisâ€" sion which will proceed with plans for the further improvement of the capital city of Canada. The fact that this year the Dominion celebrates the Diamond Jubilee of Confederaâ€" tion has doubtless given impetus to the moveâ€" ment. The city is beautifully situated and durâ€" ing the years has been made increasingly attractive. Worldâ€"wide Â¥nterest was taken in the event particularly in view of the unknown fate which befell the two French aviators, who sought, but a week or two ago, to accomplish the same feat. The modest young hero is deservedly recéiving the acclaim of the world. The victory of Lindbergh was truly a magnifiâ€" cent human triumph. Marvellous accomplishment such as that achieved by this brave young American flyer prove a stimulant to invention and make for progress. They increase the mastery of men over matter, over time and over space, and lead to further achievements which but a little while ago were looked upon as impossible of accomplishment. The daring exploit of flying from New York to Paris alone was accomplished over the week end by an intrepid and youthful American flyer, Captain Charles A. Lindbergh, and he is toâ€"day receiving the homage of the world on the achievement of this wonderful feat. As Captain Amundsen, the first man to fly across the Arctic Ocean and the veteran conquerer of both the North and South Poles, declared, it was not merely the fact that Capâ€" tain Lindbergh had crossed the Atlantic in an aeroplane. This has been done before. It was the cool daring and gallantry with which he set out alone on his great quest which excites the admiration of the world. Sir Arthur Brown, who with Captain Alcock, made the first air crossing of the Atlantic, also expressed sentiâ€" ments of admiration over the feat, "The boy is a wonder. His nerve and pluck are little short of marvelous," he declared. 1 ADVERTI8ING RATESs On application. Advertising copy must reach the office not later than Mondsy noon to insure insertion. BEAUTIFY THE CAPITAL CITY One Year, in United States, per year. FLOODS BRING DISASTER A DARING YOUNG AVIATGR BUBSCRIPTION RATESs As in the years 1912 and 1918, indications are that thousands will move to the Canadian West. They have disposed of their holdings at good prices compared with what they paid for them and are securing land in the West at nominal prices. Having both experience and the necéssary funds, the prospects are that they will attain a full measure of success. They earthnly make a very desirable class of settler and will materially contribute to the developâ€" ment of the country. ' They will be heartily welcomed by Canada, Discouraged farmers in the midâ€"western States are again seeking new homes in the Canadian West where they are purchasing lands with a view to becoming Canadian proâ€" ducers. They have found economic conditions in their own section such as to hinder them achieving the measure of success desired and have come to Canada believing that it offers special opportunities agriculturally. One writer, in commentikg upon the effecâ€" iiveness of the new laws, says: ‘"‘This seems to answer pretty definitely those jurists of the new school who would ‘cure‘ the criminal instead of punishing him. American courts have been experimenting with new ‘humane‘ methods for years. And crime has increased. Now, in six months, a set of severe penalties has definitely and concretely reduced crime figures. It is the unanswerable [act that punishment, and nothing but severe punishment, will prevent crime. In Massaâ€" chusetts, Utah, Connecticut, Kentucky, Louisi-‘ ana and Minnesota similar laws are being preâ€" pared. A wholesome cleanâ€"up of mawky court procedure, pampering criminal laws and judiâ€" cial red tape all over the country would give United States in five years criminal statistics as favorable as those of England. This is of vital interest to Canada because Canada and United States have already become and will beâ€" come to an even greater degree a social and moral unit on the Northâ€"American continent." | _ U. 8. SETTLERS COME TO CANADA Of particular effectiveness has been the aw making the third offence a life sentence crime. A knowledge that after two convictions another offence will end their liberty and shut them off from society for the rest of their lives, is having a wholesome effect in markedly iessening the activity of criminals. Legislation introduced by Senator Baumes of New York, and which has been enacted into ‘aw, increases <penalties for practically all criminal offenses provides life imprisonment cor habitual offenders who had been convicted three times previously and curtails parole privileges. The growing activity of criminals in the United States has led to more determined efforts to cope with them and New York State appears to have now placed on its statute books a law that is effectual in reducing crime. The plans formulated by these organizaâ€" tions which call for a material extension in their facilities, furnish convincing evidence of their belief in the west as a wheat producing country. Each year new areas are being opened up, the discovery of new varieties of wheat materially assisting in the utilization of hither to unused territories whick are proving their fertility by the bountiful yields of grain being harvested from them. Foremost in the construction activities is the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool which will either build or acquire elevators at fiftyâ€"seven addiâ€" tional points, bringing the number owned by this organization up to 644. An extensive pro# gram is also being embarked upon by the United Grain Growers‘ Limited which provides for the erection of new elevators at ten differâ€" ent points. A number of new elevators are tol be erected in Alberta also. The announcement made recently by big grain organizations in the west that they will erect further grain elevators indicates their conviction that the prairies will this year again produce an abundant wheat yield for which they deem it necessary to provide further facilities for handling it to advantage. mobiles and Jumiber; third in gold and silver|| _ * * wmnâ€"ï¬ in steel production and|5zozcy~75" in that of conl. â€" * ~a ‘The rapid. development of the natural reâ€"| ‘The warâ€"tor sources of this country is attracting wideâ€"| has been reâ€"op« spread investment interest and has, as one|!#tor of educe writer points out, resulted in the investment of | MMMASS Sht X® ahontï¬wmdnhllfbflflonddhnfmfmmm. eign sources, Of this amount about three bilâ€"| 1t is stated it lion dollars has come from the United States|years to compi and two billion from Great Britain, . > country will be a «wource of encourag to Canadians throughout the Dominion. INCREASING THEIR FACILITIES CURBING THE CRIMINALS marked and steady progress of the Died at Satem, Ohio. A wellâ€"known resident of. Saiem, Ohio, in the person of Michael Korâ€" man, died suddenly last Wednesday afternoon from heart failure. The friends of this district will regret to learn of his passing. . â€" Fred Martin has accepted a posl-l tion as barber in Winnipeg and left for that place a few days ago. | ElmiraTown Council Met. Considerable routine business was disposed of at the May session of { the Elmira council. John Klinck and ‘ Dévid Fear addressed the Council | and asked that the council take #tops ‘ to have the cometery adjoining the town cared for permanently. No action was taken. The sum of $1700 was voted for public and high school ; iboardl‘ A request for a grant ot' $125, made by the Waterloo Chronâ€" icle towards the Diamond Jubilee| Confederation Number, was referred to the Chamber of Commerce. Death of Thomas Long Death claimed an aged resident of Eimira in the person of Thomas G. Long in his 74th year. His wife, 2 daughters and 1 son survive, nanoly' Mrs. Alex. Stumph, Kitchener, ln.' Harry Luts, Linwood, Russel, n-l mira. The funeral took place on | Thursday. | News Around Town. While engaged at his work at the Elmira Creamery recently, Edward Amos sufferéd injuries to his back when he fell from a ladder. The new President and Manager of thepGreat West Felt Company, Fred Shurley, has assumed his new duties. â€" An appeal was made by Noah Bearinger against certain immoral conditions which are alleged to preâ€" vail in this town. Mayor Werner stated that the authorities could not act on rumors but must have dafinite evidence that conditions complained of exist. Considerable routine business was dealt with at the May meeting of the Eimira Chamber of Commérce. Reâ€" ference was made to the importance of a liquor store under government control in Elmira, and it was deâ€" cided to petition the local member, W. G. Weichel, and Chairman W. D. Hanna for a liquor store. . Want Liquor Store for Elmira; Object to Increased Post Office . Box Rates. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE . : HAS BUSY SESSION ‘"Three generations, of imbeciles are â€" enough," â€" declared _ Justice Holmes. "The principle that susâ€" â€"ains _ compulsory â€" vaccination â€" is broad enough to cover this." The decision means that Carrie Huck, a 20â€"yearâ€"old white inmate of ‘he Virginia state colony for epilepâ€" ies and feebleâ€"minded, must submit to a surgical operation which will deâ€" prive her of the power of bearing children. She is the daughter of a feebleâ€"minded mother who is an inâ€" mate of the same institution. Carrie had an illegitimate child at 17. Men must die for the state, said Justice ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, who was dangerously wounded in the Civil War, and the lesser sacriâ€" fce for in sterilization may properly be required for protection of the public welfare. If ‘the state requires persons to be vaccinated so that disâ€" ease will not be spread through the community, it may also, he said, deâ€" prive imbeciles of the power to flood society with feebleâ€"minded offâ€"spring. STATE MAY STERILIZE INSANE AND FEEBLEâ€" MINDED PEOPLE (‘ompulaory_ surgical sterilization of insane, feebleâ€"minded and epilepâ€" tics, has been approved by the Suâ€" preme Court of the United States in upholding the Virginia sterilization law of 1924. ° William Finley, the allegod gang leader, was given 15, years in the penitentiary and ten lashes. George Thompson, who stated his correct name was ‘Tracy, was givon ten years and ten‘lashes, and Wiltred Johnson, Charles King and Charles Murphy were sentenced to seven‘ years. FOR WINDSEOR GANG Five men who pleaded guilty reâ€" cently to robbing Joseph Breault and Constable Henty Cachois at Sandâ€" wich â€"East, were given severe senâ€" tences by Magistrate Smith of Windsor. _ > * JAIL AND LASHES AND TEN LasHes| e Pleading guilty to a serious offense SHOOTS RIVAL, w.mmumum' .___ THEN William John McNab, of Holliand| pr. john / F; Township, was sentenced at Owen houseman of the I Sound to three years in Kllnm,m Montreal, 1 penitentiaryâ€" and 10 lashes, fAYVO ON | wounded Sunday entrance and five a month later. id ce ce â€"ance handed the keys of the partially reâ€" corner of York and Front streets, stored building on Mayâ€" 1ith to Carâ€" Toronto, will be taken up before dinal Lucon, archbishop of Rheims. June 1st andâ€" on it will be erected nu.munwmauuumymhmuuuh,hm A years to complete the restoration. !will be a hotel, 26 stories in height, GETS JAL TERM McNeb had been employed at the place where the offense occhirred for 14 years. s The warâ€"torn cathedral of Rheims has been reâ€"opened. M. Herriot, minâ€" Addressing Brooks, Mr. Justice Logie sald:. "Yours was a cowardly offenseâ€"to put the blame on the deâ€" Brooks Implicated On the night of March 2%6, at the conclusion of inquest, Dr. Withrow was iplaced under arrest on the charge of manslaughter in connecâ€" tion with the death of Miss Dembâ€" ner. The inquest, begun in Gravenâ€" hurst, lasted four days in Toronto. The jury added a rider, "That B. J. Brooks was fully aware of her conâ€" dition.and was solely responsible for her condition and was an accesâ€" sory before and.after the dperation.". Following an operation by Dr.‘ Withrow at Strathcona Hospital, lt! Toronto, Miss Dembner went to Gravenhurst, dying shortly after her arrival there. | Evidence givemm at the trial indiâ€" cated that previous to her death Ruth Dembner said that she was married to Brooks. She was regisâ€" lered at the hbospital as "Mrs. Brooks." " . Story of Case Ruth Elizabeth Dembner died in a hospital at Gravenhurst on February 19, following an operation performâ€" ed at Strathcona Hospital, Toronto. Dr. Withrow and Bartlett J. Brooks were arrested on March 28, on charges of performing an illegal operation and manslaughter. At the trial on May 6, the charges of manâ€" slaughter against the two men were dropped by the jury and both were convicted on the illegal operation charge. They have been awaiting sentence since that time. \ DR. WITHR@W AND 8. 4. BROOKS SENTENCED . TO PENITENTIARY Found guilty of performing an illegal operation on the late Ruth Dempmer, Doctor O. C. J. Withrow, was‘sentenced to seven years and MartJéitt J. Brooks, fancee of the late Miss Dembner, to five years in Portsmouth Penitentiary by Mr. Jusâ€" tice Logie in the assizes at Toronto on May 18th, houseman of the Royal Victoria Hosâ€" pital, Montreal, who was shot and wounded Sunday evening in his room by Dr. Frank Brown, a former interne, informed‘the detective that it was he who had been attacked by Dr. Brown, and it was Dr. Brown who had fired the. shots. Following the attempted murder of Dr. Puddiâ€" combe, Brown turned the pistol on himself and committed sujcide. get behind the wheel of this stylish Brougham. tn.cdodt{hl‘.a. closestâ€"priced six in Canada. Y ou will soon know why when you CAK. TO ERECT 2#sT0RY HOTEL IN TOR President Beatty of the C.PA. anâ€" mummuq C.P.R. on property at the northeast cormer of York and Front streets, In this new creation of Hupmoâ€" bile, the Six Brougham, is closeâ€" coupled beauty â€" the verve and dash of a fourâ€"passenger coupe â€"with ample provision for five adult passengers. Special interiorfeaturesinclude remote control door handles; upholstery of genuine mohair; attractively patternedhardware and a new instrument panel, with all dials grouped under glass and indirectly lighted. Not alone in beauty and equipâ€" ment, but in sound construcâ€" tion, Hupmobile Six creates a new conception of value at a list price of $1910. Providing all that the sixâ€"cylinâ€" der principle offers at a price several hundred dollars less than you would expect to pay, Hupmobile Six is called the Today‘s greatest value THEN KILLS HIMSELFE C L 0O § E§ T â€" P R4 C BE D O$ 1 & O IN C A N A D A Hupmobile Six ~ the trial indiâ€" to her death that she was «it BUDDELL‘S GARAGE _ Turning to Dr. Withrow, the judge ‘continued: "You have« debased an old and honorable profession to criminal ends. Abortion is all too |common a crime and the law looks ‘on it as very, serious." Strangely enough, May 18th was Ruth Dembner‘s birthday. Had she lived, she would have been 23 years old. "I accept her mother‘s evidence that she was a dainty girl with pride in her own personality. She was well brought up by good parents. 1 beâ€" lieve you seduced her under promise of marriage on the first of Septemâ€" ber. "I believe that she was a good and modest girl and you ruined her." ceased girl. There is not a little of evidence to show that you were unâ€" der her influence at all. J. Rahn & Co. Waterloo Sedan, fiveâ€"passenger, fourâ€"door, $1910. (ilustrated) ï¬vm. twoâ€"door $1910. twoâ€" ge.r. th_r cn:t. $1910. loodmr‘ s i nunï¬e seat, $1910. Touring, fiveâ€"passenger, $1825. prices f. 0. b. Windsor. Wheel . Both Manifold and Thermostatic Heat Control Dash Gasoline Gauge â€" Gasoline Filter «. Force Feed Luâ€" grlcadon « OilFilter â€" Special Vibration Damper â€" 4 Wheel CHaecâ€" m 11 0 maeo " & uis Brakes « Balloon Tires â€" Snubbers in the six field â€" â€" "BANK#"*TORONTO Every Worth While Feature the Modern Car Should Have became a Dominion. Pantts . t B Become associated with the Bank of Toronto in your financial transactions as Canada‘s Greatest Half Century d.awnl Consult any of our managers or Cawns. Consult any of our managers or thckuaï¬amdfe!ameddntallm actuated primarily with whom they deal. reservedly to the doctrine of sound optimism in the destiny of the country, affirming that today there are more impressive signs of the coming tide of prosperity than at ‘The Bank of Toronto seeks to serve the people of Canada with the same spirit that actuated those pkx\eer_hankenw'ho'fmmdgdth_i pomes ie in a‘;‘ "'-:""'- L. i_nd\epo-.ï¬ou,d(hudaadp increasing abundant prosperity for her .. Today, as never before, m subs’cri.l:eo un Phone 580 even before Canada This sulphur preparation, because of its germ destroying properties, seldom fails to quickly subdue itchâ€" ing, even of fiery eczema.~ The first application makes the skin cool and comfortable. Rash and blotches are healed right up. Rowles Menthoâ€" Sulphur is perfectly harmless. You can obtain a small jar from any good druggist. If you are suffering from ecsema or some other torturing, embarassâ€" ing skin trouble you may quickly be rid of it by using Menthoâ€"Sulphur, declares a noted skin specialist, Sulphur Soothes An Itching Skin The First Application Makes Skin Cool and Comfortable. ~alwagy hkeeps its «shape» shoeâ€" found in Wa terlog Best Goop Snos